Assessment task
This document provides information for teachers and lecturers about the coursework
component of this course in terms of the skills, knowledge and understanding that are
assessed. It must be read in conjunction with the course specification.
The information in this publication may be reproduced in support of SQA qualifications only
on a non-commercial basis. If it is reproduced, SQA must be clearly acknowledged as the
source. If it is to be reproduced for any other purpose, written permission must be
obtained from permissions@sqa.org.uk.
Marking instructions 8
This project is worth 30 marks (scaled to 40). This contributes 25% to the overall marks for
the course assessment.
This is one of two course assessment components. The other component is a question
Version 1.0 1
Instructions for teachers and lecturers
General information
This information applies to the project for Advanced Higher Biology.
The project assesses the application of skills of scientific inquiry and related biology
knowledge and understanding.
The project gives candidates an opportunity to demonstrate the following skills, knowledge
and understanding:
The project offers challenge by requiring candidates to apply skills, knowledge and
understanding in a context that is one or more of the following:
familiar but investigated in greater depth
integrating a number of familiar contexts
Candidates research and report on a topic that allows them to apply skills and knowledge
in biology at a level appropriate to Advanced Higher.
The topic must be chosen with guidance from teachers and/or lecturers.
Version 1.0 2
The project has two stages:
In the research stage candidates must plan and carry out their experimental work, and
collect and analyse their experimental data. Candidates must also gather information from
books, journals and/or the internet to support their understanding of the biology
underlying their project.
Candidates should keep a lab book, recording their work, which forms the basis of their
Conditions of assessment
Setting, conducting and marking the project
The project is set:
The project is conducted:
The project report is submitted to SQA for external marking.
Version 1.0 3
Assessment conditions
Controlled assessment is designed to:
prevent third parties from providing inappropriate levels of guidance and input
mitigate concerns about plagiarism and improve the reliability and validity of SQA
allow centres a reasonable degree of freedom and control
allow candidates to produce an original piece of work
Both stages of the project are conducted under some supervision and control.
The term ‘reasonable assistance’ is used to try to balance the need for support with the
need to avoid giving too much assistance. However, the teacher and/or lecturer must not
adopt a directive role or provide specific advice on how to re-phrase or improve responses.
Teachers and lecturers must not provide model answers.
Teachers and lecturers must be careful that the integrity of the assessment is not
The project may involve candidates undertaking a large amount of autonomous work,
without close supervision. Although candidates may complete part of the work outwith the
learning and teaching setting, the teacher or lecturer must put processes in place for
monitoring progress and ensuring that the work is the candidate’s own and that plagiarism
has not taken place. For example:
Teachers and lecturers must exercise their professional responsibility to ensure that the
report submitted is the candidate’s own work.
Version 1.0 4
This assessment is carried out over a period of time. Candidates should start at an
appropriate point in the course.
The instructions for candidates outline the requirements for the project and teachers and
lecturers must give these to candidates at the outset. Teachers and lecturers must ensure
that candidates understand the requirements of the task.
Teachers and lecturers should encourage candidates to keep a lab book to maintain a
record of their planning, research, experimental measurements, and analysis. It is
important that the teacher and/or lecturer check each candidate’s lab book regularly to
monitor progress and give advice.
Teachers and lecturers must not, at any stage, provide candidates with a template or
model answers.
Research stage
The research stage is conducted under some supervision and control. See ‘Conditions of
assessment’ section.
Candidates from the same centre should investigate different topics. They must have
different aims.
Once candidates have agreed their topic with their teacher or lecturer, they must
formulate their aim.
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Formulating the aim
To ensure the candidate’s aim is achievable, the teacher or lecturer must provide advice
on its suitability, taking into account:
After the candidate has formulated an aim, they can progress through the research stage.
Experimental research
Candidates must plan experimental work and collect data from this experimental work. It
is expected that they will spend a minimum of 15 hours on this.
Teachers and lecturers are responsible for ensuring that appropriate risk assessment has
been carried out and that candidates have guidance on the safe and correct use of
Teachers and lecturers must not provide candidates with experimental data.
Teachers and lecturers must not provide a blank or pre-populated table for experimental
Candidates must carry out the experimental work individually. Group work is not allowed.
Internet/literature research
Candidates must gather information from internet/literature sources to support their
understanding of the underlying biology.
Report stage
The report stage is conducted under some supervision and control. See ‘Conditions of
assessment’ section.
Version 1.0 6
Evidence to be gathered
The following candidate evidence is required for this assessment:
a project report
The project report is submitted to SQA, within a given timeframe, for marking.
The same project report cannot be submitted for more than one subject.
The project report should be between 3000 and 3600 words in length, excluding the title
page, contents page, tables of data, graphs, diagrams, calculations, references,
acknowledgements and any appropriate appendices.
Candidates must include their word count on the project report flyleaf.
If the word count exceeds the maximum by more than 10%, a penalty is applied.
Version 1.0 7
Marking instructions
In line with SQA’s normal practice, the following marking instructions for the Advanced
Higher Biology project are addressed to the marker. They will also be helpful for those
preparing candidates for course assessment.
Always use positive marking. This means candidates accumulate marks for the
demonstration of relevant skills, knowledge and understanding; marks are not deducted for
errors or omissions.
Version 1.0 8
Detailed marking instructions
Read the whole report before you assign any marks.
A brief abstract must be immediately before or after the contents page and must be under a separate heading.
The abstract must contain a clear statement of the main aim(s) and overall findings/conclusion(s) of the
investigation and must be separate from the introduction.
The overall findings must be consistent with the conclusion(s) given in the discussion and should relate to the
2 Introduction (5 marks)
2a 1 A clear statement of the aim(s) together with relevant hypotheses
2b 4 An account of the underlying biology, with justification of the biological importance of the project
Mark this section in a holistic way. Professional judgement must be used when awarding marks.
Version 1.0 9
Section Max Expected response and marking instructions
Biological terms/ideas are explained clearly and accurately.
The candidate must show an understanding of the terms/ideas used at Advanced Higher level. Where the
terms/ideas used are from outwith the course content, these must be at Advanced Higher level or beyond.
An introduction weak in all four components could still attain marks. For example, if only two points are
covered and done well, then 2 marks should be awarded. If all four points are covered, but not fully or with
inaccuracies, then some marks could still be awarded. Where only a few minor errors are present, 4 marks
could still be awarded.
Do not award marks if a candidate copies lengthy sections of original text, even with acknowledgment. Copying
directly from the internet, books or journals suggests that the candidate does not understand the biology
The candidate can copy and paste complicated diagrams from an internet source. However, if they
acknowledge their source, this does not count as a cited reference.
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Section Max Expected response and marking instructions
3 Procedures (9 marks)
3a 1 Procedure(s) are appropriate to the aim(s)
The procedure(s) used should allow the aim(s) to be achieved. If they do not state an aim, award this mark if
the aim is obvious elsewhere in the report.
The candidate must clearly describe at least one procedure. If more than one procedure is carried out, then
the major one used in the investigation must be described. The procedure should be described in sufficient
detail for it to be repeated from the description.
Award 2 marks for a full and clear description of all stages in the procedure(s).
Award 1 mark if the candidate omits some minor details, but not if they omit an essential part of the
The procedures should be written in the past tense and impersonal voice. Ignore the use of first person on a
small number of occasions. If written as a set of instructions in the imperative voice, award a maximum of
1 mark for the description.
Bulleted or numbered points are only acceptable if the statements are sentences, and are still meaningful and
coherent if the bulleted or numbered points are removed.
The candidate must identify appropriate negative controls, or if controls were not used (for example if they
have compared the relative effect of two treatments), then justification must be given. Positive controls do
not need to be considered.
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Section Max Expected response and marking instructions
3d 1 Control of confounding variables is described
Where it has not been practical for the candidate to control these variables, it must be clear that they have
taken steps to monitor them and/or minimise their impact.
There must be evidence of repeat measurements within the report. Simple duplication is the minimum
Within the report, there must be a description of how independent replication was carried out. A separate
data set or sets must also be included.
The candidate must provide justification of how their pilot study informed the final procedures. They do not
need to include a full description of the pilot study.
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Section Max Expected response and marking instructions
a novel use of a simple procedure
procedures or apparatus used deliver an appropriate level of accuracy to test the aim(s)
4 Results (6 marks)
4a 1 Data is relevant to the aim(s)
4b 1 Raw data is recorded and within the limits of accuracy of measurement
The raw data must be measured within the limits of accuracy of the measuring instrument. Raw data may be
recorded in an appendix.
The formats used to present data in this section (tables/graphs/charts) must be appropriate.
Data in the appendices is not taken into account for this mark.
The candidate must calculate overall mean or average values to summarise the data from replicate
experiments. These must be presented as a graph that is supported by an appropriate table in this section.
Data from repeats can be used if replicates were not carried out.
The accuracy of the calculations and the presentation of the graph and table are not considered for this mark.
Version 1.0 13
Section Max Expected response and marking instructions
4e 2 Presentation of tables and graphs is correct and accurate
The conclusion(s) must be relevant to the aim(s) and supported by data in the report.
Where the candidate has used an indirect measurement, they must make reference to the dependent variable
and not only to the indirect measurement.
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Section Max Expected response and marking instructions
5b 1 Conclusion(s) is valid
Award 2 marks for an evaluative discussion supported by appropriate justification of any four of the following
means by which accurate measurements were achieved/sources of error in measurement and their impact
on the results
why the sample size was appropriate and how independent replication was achieved
how the controls contributed to the overall validity of the investigation
how confounding variables were controlled or monitored and their impact on the validity of results
solutions to problems and reasoning behind modifications to procedures in light of the pilot study
A detailed discussion of any two areas, or a weaker discussion of at least four areas, should be awarded
1 mark, provided they are supported by some justification.
Version 1.0 15
Section Max Expected response and marking instructions
5d 3 Results analysed and interpreted, and findings discussed critically and scientifically
analysis of results
The candidate should discuss variation in results obtained from repeats and replicates, and the degree of
accuracy of results. They can use statistical analysis to support this discussion, but this is not essential.
Calculation(s) used in the analysis of the results must be correct.
interpretation of results
The candidate should discuss the meaning of trends or differences observed in relation to the aim(s) and
hypotheses. This discussion should consider the appropriateness of the procedure, the accuracy of the
measurement, and the reliability of data.
Award 2 marks for a good critical discussion of two areas, or for a good critical discussion of one area with a
weaker discussion of the other two.
Version 1.0 16
Section Max Expected response and marking instructions
6 Presentation (2 marks)
6a 1 Appropriate structure, with informative title, contents page and page numbers
an input
an outcome
a process/context/organism
For example, ‘Effect of garlic on lipase activity’ is acceptable; ‘Pollution and plants’ would not be acceptable.
A contents page with page numbers is essential. Pages throughout the project report must be numbered. Do
not penalise occasional missing page numbers, for example on hand-drawn graphs.
6b 1 References cited in the text and listed using Harvard or Vancouver referencing systems
Harvard or Vancouver systems of referencing must be used. References may include books, journals/periodicals
and websites.
The candidate must cite at least three references correctly in the main body of the report (not including
diagrams), and list the same references correctly at the end of the report.
The candidate must cite at least three different sources. Note that it must not be the same book/website
referred to on more than one occasion even if the reference is to different page numbers.
Total 30
Version 1.0 17
Instructions for candidates
This assessment applies to the project for Advanced Higher Biology.
This project is worth 30 marks. This contributes 25% to the overall marks for the course
Your teacher or lecturer will let you know if there are any specific conditions for doing this
In this project, you have to investigate a topic in biology by doing research. You will work
individually to gather data/information from your own experiments and from
internet/literature research. This may involve you carrying out a significant part of the
work without supervision.
Your experimental research will involve planning experiments and gathering data. You
should plan to spend a minimum of 15 hours doing this.
You will gather information from internet/literature sources to support your understanding
of the underlying biology.
Version 1.0 18
From the start of your project, you should maintain a record of your work in a lab book.
Your teacher or lecturer will not mark your report at any point. It is sent to SQA for
Research stage
At the start of your project, you should set up a timescale with start dates and deadlines
for each phase of your project. Practical work usually takes longer than you anticipate.
Version 1.0 19
Keeping a lab book
It is important that you ask your teacher or lecturer to check your lab book regularly,
and take their advice.
Your lab book should contain a complete record of the work undertaken each time you
work on your project.
It should include:
notes of any discussions with your teacher or lecturer and any other scientists
background research
details of procedures
tables of results
analysis of results
next steps
findings and/or conclusions
It is important that you write your entries into your lab book in such a way that you will
find it easy to follow and understand when you use it to produce your report.
Experimental research
When carrying out your experiments, you must work on your own. Your experimental
research must allow you to achieve your aim and to test your hypothesis. This should be
suitably complex or creative for work at this level.
Conclusions can only be valid if you address all of the issues relating to validity in the
procedures you use.
Version 1.0 20
Considering the following questions will help you to address issues relating to validity and
reliability when planning and carrying out your experiments:
Have you considered if controls are necessary? Have you included negative controls
when appropriate?
Have you controlled confounding variables? Where it is not practical to control
confounding variables, have you taken steps, such as randomisation of treatments, to
minimise their impact?
Are your sample sizes appropriate?
Are your replicates adequate and have you carried them out independently of each
other, so that you have obtained at least one separate data set?
Do your procedures allow you to make accurate measurements?
If necessary, have you modified procedures based on the results of a pilot study?
Internet/literature research
You must research the biology underlying your chosen topic. You can use information
from books, journals and/or websites to help you, but you should avoid using sources
with little scientific rigour.
It is important that you record your sources of information. You need to cite and
reference at least three of these sources in your report using either Harvard or
Vancouver referencing systems.
Report stage
Producing the report
The report must be all your own work.
The information you recorded in your lab book should form the basis of your report. You
can access any resources you need to write your report.
Version 1.0 21
You should use a structure for your report that flows logically. Using headings will help to
make your report clear.
Title page
This page must have a title that clearly indicates the subject matter of the project. It
should indicate the dependent and independent variables. You might start out with a
working title and then consider revising the wording of the title as the project nears
completion. The title page must have your name and candidate number and the name and
number of the centre presenting you.
Contents page
This page must list the sections within the report along with their corresponding page
numbers for the purposes of cross-referencing. It is essential that all pages throughout the
report are numbered.
Although it appears early in the report, as the abstract summarises the project, it may be
one of the last things you write.
You must state the aim and overall findings and/or conclusion(s) of the project in your
abstract. It must be brief, should be immediately after the contents page, and it must be
separate from the introduction. Your overall findings must be consistent with the
conclusion(s) given in the discussion, and must relate to the aim.
Your introduction must include a clear statement of the aim (although you have already
stated this in the abstract) and relevant hypotheses. The aim needs to be clear and
explicit since this is key to the project report.
You must include an account of the biology underlying your chosen topic. It must link
clearly to the aim and be at a level appropriate to Advanced Higher Biology. The
information you present can include theory studied during the Advanced Higher Biology
course, but this is not essential. Take care to use terms accurately and to explain ideas
You must justify the biological importance of your investigation. You must explain why the
investigation is worth doing.
Unless you are directly quoting from a source, you must put things into your own words.
Copying directly from the internet or books or journals suggests that you do not understand
the biology involved.
Version 1.0 22
You must write your description of the procedures in the past tense and using the
impersonal voice.
You must present the procedures in a meaningful and coherent way, and not as a set of
instructions. Bulleted or numbered points are only acceptable if the statements are
sentences, and are still meaningful and coherent if the bulleted or numbered points are
You must describe the procedures you used clearly and in sufficient detail to allow
someone else to repeat the investigation. You must include an adequate description of
how you addressed issues relating to validity and reliability. Considering the following
questions will help you do this:
You can place non-essential information, such as recipes for standard culture media, in an
appendix. You must not include essential information, needed to repeat the procedures, in
an appendix.
The results must be relevant to the aim of your project.
You must provide all raw data (the measurements you actually recorded) as well as
processed or derived data. The raw data must be within the limits of accuracy of the
equipment you use to make your measurements.
You can present raw data in an appendix. If you include data from your pilot study this can
also be in an appendix.
You must summarise your results adequately. You must use the data from replicate
experiments to calculate overall mean or average values. You must present the overall
means or averages as a graph and support this with an appropriate table in this section.
Version 1.0 23
Your tables, graphs, and diagrams must be of a suitable quality:
If you use software packages to generate graphs, you must format the axes correctly to
suit the data, so that the results are presented in a scientific manner.
You must discuss your findings in a critical and scientific manner. Your discussion is an
evaluation of the investigation as a whole.
Evaluation of procedures
You must support the evaluation of your procedures with appropriate justification. Use the
following questions to inform your discussion:
Version 1.0 24
Evaluation of results
Your evaluation of results must include each of the following:
You must include a minimum of three references from different sources in your report.
Different pages from the same book or journal counts as only one reference. Similarly, if
you refer to the same website several times, this also counts as only one reference.
You must use either Harvard or Vancouver referencing systems. Both systems have two
basic components:
When you use another person’s work in your project report, either by referring to their
ideas, or by including a direct quotation, you must acknowledge this in the text of your
work. This acknowledgement is called a citation.
Reference list
The reference list is placed at the end of the report. It provides full information about
every citation and allows the reader to locate each source you use.
The Harvard system uses bracketed citations that direct the reader to source information
in the reference list. Each citation has the author name(s) and the year of publication.
For example:
‘These sprays, dusts, and aerosols are now applied almost universally to farms, gardens,
forests, and homes — non-selective chemicals that have the power to kill every insect, the
“good” and the “bad”...’ (Carson, 1962).
If there are more than two authors the citation has the name of the first author followed
by the abbreviation ‘et al.,’ and the year of publication.
Version 1.0 25
For example:
‘This classification system divides proteases into clans based on catalytic mechanism and
families on the basis of common ancestry.’ (Rawlings et al., 2006).
The Vancouver system is a numerical system with in-text citations that use numbers, either
in brackets or as superscripts. The same number is used for a source that is cited more
than once.
For example:
‘Sequencing of mitochondrial DNA has been used to understand how a parasite spreads
between different human populations.’ 3
‘Sequencing of mitochondrial DNA has been used to understand how a parasite spreads
between different human populations.’ (3)
Reference list
The Harvard system list of references should be organised alphabetically.
For example:
Carson R. (1962), Silent Spring, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, p. 189.
Daniels, J. W., Molé, P. A., Shaffrath, J. D. and Stebbins, C. L. (1988) Effects of caffeine on
blood pressure, heart rate, and forearm blood flow during dynamic leg exercise, Journal of
Applied Physiology, 85(1), pp. 154–159.
The Vancouver system list of references must be in numerical order, according to the order
in which they appear in the text.
For example:
1 Standley, C. (2010) Using genetics to fight schistosomiasis.
Biological Sciences Review (1) pp. 7-11.
In both systems, the references in the list must contain the following pieces of
Author(s) (surname followed by initials), (year of publication), title, place of publication:
publisher, page number(s).
For example:
Carson R. (1962), Silent Spring, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, p. 189.
Version 1.0 26
Online books
The reference for an online book should be the same as a printed text: author(s) (surname
followed by initials), (year of publication), title, place of publication, publisher, page
number(s) should all be given, not the website title or URL.
Journals or periodicals
Author(s) (surname followed by initials), (year of publication), title of article, name of
journal, volume number (part number if appropriate), page number(s) if available.
For example:
Daniels, J. W., Molé, P. A., Shaffrath, J. D. and Stebbins, C. L. (1988) Effects of caffeine on
blood pressure, heart rate, and forearm blood flow during dynamic leg exercise, Journal of
Applied Physiology, 85(1), pp. 154–159.
Online journals
You must provide the details of the author(s) and journal, not the host website.
For example:
On the website ‘Springer Link’, the page with the URL:
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF02861686 leads to an abstract of the
article that should appear as follows:
You must give as many of the following items as are available:
Author or organisation, date, title, publisher, the URL, and the date you accessed the
material (because the site may be updated between the time you use it and the time a
reader refers to it).
For example:
American Liver Foundation (2016) Alcohol-related liver disease.
Available from: liverfoundation.org/for-patients/about-the-liver/diseases-of-the-
liver/alcohol-related-liver-disease [Visited: April, 2019]
When you are citing websites, it is sometimes difficult to attribute the information you use
to specific authors. In these cases, your citation should include the organisation responsible
for the output published on the web pages you consulted. This is known as a ‘corporate
author’. You can often detect information about the corporate author from the URL.
If you cannot cite a named or corporate author, use ‘Anon’ as the author name. You should
avoid sources like this, as they may not be accurate. It is important to identify sources of
information based on genuine scientific research or knowledge.
In this section, you can also acknowledge people who have advised or assisted you in
carrying out your project.
Version 1.0 27
You can use this table to check you have covered all the sections in the report.
Version 1.0 28
Section Expected response Marks
results analysed and interpreted, and findings discussed critically
and scientifically:
analysis of results 3
interpretation of results
critical and scientific discussion of significance of finding(s)
Presentation appropriate structure, with informative title, contents page and
2 marks page numbers 1
Total 30
Version 1.0 29
Administrative information
History of changes
Note: you are advised to check SQA’s website to ensure you are using the most up-to-date
version of this document.
Version 1.0 30