Self Assessment Answers P2 Asal Biology CB
Self Assessment Answers P2 Asal Biology CB
Self Assessment Answers P2 Asal Biology CB
Coursebook answers
Chapter P2
Self-assessment questions
1 Read the position of the meniscus at time 0, 5 The intermediate values in the calculation
and then again after a measured length of have been given to 3 decimal places. The final
time – say, five minutes. The rate of movement value of s is rounded to 2 decimal places.
of the meniscus will be proportional to the
rate of respiration of the yeast. x (x – x̄) (x – x̄)2
2.8 – 0.216 0.047
2 All except c, the length of the capillary tubing. 3.1 0.084 0.007
It is probably also unimportant to control the
2.9 – 0.116 0.013
light intensity, f.
3.2 0.184 0.034
3 a Use a top pan balance to measure 1 g of 2.9 – 0.116 0.013
glucose. Place in a volumetric flask with 2.7 – 0.316 0.100
some distilled water and dissolve fully. 3.0 – 0.016 0.000
Make up to 100 cm3 with distilled water.
2.8 – 0.216 0.047
b Use a top pan balance to measure 2.5 g of 2.9 – 0.116 0.013
glucose. Place in a volumetric flask with 3.0 – 0.016 0.000
some distilled water and dissolve fully. 3.2 0.184 0.034
Make up to 250 cm3 with distilled water. 3.1 0.084 0.007
c Calculate the relative molecular 3.0 – 0.016 0.000
mass of glucose. This is (6 × 12) + 3.2 0.184 0.034
(12 × 1) + (6 × 16) = 72 + 12 + 96 = 180. 3.0 – 0.016 0.000
3.1 0.084 0.007
Use a top pan balance to measure 180 g
3.3 0.284 0.081
of glucose. Add this to a small amount of
distilled water in a volumetric flask. Add 3.2 0.184 0.034
distilled water to make the solution up to 2.9 – 0.116 0.013
a total volume of 1 dm3. ∑x = 57.3 ∑(x - x̄ )2 = 0.484
n = 19 n − 1 = 18
d Measure 0.5 dm3 of the 1 mol dm–3 x̄ = 3.016 ∑(x − –x)2
solution into a volumetric flask. Add = 0.269
water to make up to 1 dm3.
s = 0.269
e A suitable range could be 0 (distilled = 0.16
water) to a 1% solution. The intervals
could be 0.2%, so that the individual 6 s = 0.16
solutions would be: 0, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, n = 19
0.8% and 1%. s
SE =
4 They are all the same. 0.16 0.16
= = 4.36 = 0.04
97 1.425 2.031
98 2.425 5.881
99 3.425 11.731
100 4.425 19.581 40
101 5.425 29.431
101 5.425 29.431
103 7.425 55.131
105 9.425 88.831
106 10.425 108.681
107 11.425 130.531
109 13.425 180.231 0
111 15.425 237.931 Lemon fruits set 1 Lemon fruits set 2
113 17.425 303.631
b The error bars for the two sets of fruits
119 23.425 548.731
do not overlap, so it is possible that the
120 24.425 596.581
difference between them is significant.
125 29.425 865.831 You cannot be sure about this and would
128 32.425 1051.381 need to do a further statistical test, such
132 36.425 1326.781 as a t-test, to be able to answer this
135 39.425 1554.331 question.
∑x = 3823 ∑(x - x̄ )2 = 13 643.790
n = 40 n – 1 = 39
x̄ = 95.575 ∑(x − –x)2
= 349.841
s= 349.841 = 18.7
10 a D, E
b A
c C, D
d C, D, E
e C, D
Many learners (and teachers) will have experiences
that will cause them to support the idea that it
is more difficult to achieve the ‘right’ results in
biology experiments than in physics or chemistry.
Learners should be encouraged to use their own
experiences of practical work in biology, and
also in physics and chemistry if they have this
experience, to support their viewpoint.
There could be quite wide-ranging discussion of
whether this is correct, and if so why. Learners
could be encouraged to think about:
• what is meant by the ‘right’ results – are any
results ever ‘wrong’, or do we just interpret
them inappropriately?
• the inherent variability of biological material
• the complexity of many experiments in
biology, where many different variables need
to be standardised, and it is often difficult or
impossible to do this successfully
• the complexity of the relationship between
independent variables in biology, where there
is rarely a simple mathematical relationship
such as you would expect to find in physics
• the difficulty of measuring the dependent
variable in many biology experiments, where
you cannot use a simple instrument to do so
but have to devise techniques that may not be
entirely valid, accurate or precise.
The discussion could then lead on to why we need
to use statistical tests in biology, whereas these are
not used in chemistry or physics (at least at this