Liquid Level Glasses,: Type LLG 185 - 1550
Liquid Level Glasses,: Type LLG 185 - 1550
Liquid Level Glasses,: Type LLG 185 - 1550
AIR CONDITIONING Technical leaflet
Technical leaflet Liquid level glasses, type LLG 185 - 1550
Frostproof liquid level glasses Example 1 The oil will show in the liquid level glass at a level
Refrigerant: R717 (ammonia). equal to the level in the oil vessel. When R717 is
Temperature: Recommended for temperatures filled into the separator or intermediate cooler
below –10°C (+14°F). it will enter the oil vessel and press down the oil
The principle shown in fig. 1 can be used in
connection with low temperature liquid The R717 will also rise into the upper balance
separators or intermediate coolers when the pipe (B) to a level equal to the level in the
refrigerant is R717 (ammonia). separator or intermediate cooler. As the oil
surface in the oil vessel is pressed down, the oil
As the liquid level in the R717 separator varies the will rise into the liquid level glass.
oil level will change simultaneously.
Oil Charging It is important to use an oil which is not likely to
The system is charged with synthetic oil type mix with R717. The oil must have a high viscosity
SHC 226 with a specific weight, differing from index to ensure easy flowing at low temperatures.
that of R717, and (h) must be multiplied by Mobil SHC 226 of the synthetic polyalphaolefin
approximately 1.35 (the ratio of density oil to type has proven suitable for this purpose.
density R717) to calculate H.
Intermediate cooler
Oil vessel
Fig. 1
Frostproof liquid level Example 2 The oil will rise to a level h and H can then be
glasses Refrigerant: R717 (ammonia). calculated by multiplying h by 1.35 (the ratio of
Temperature: Recommended for temperatures density oil to density R717).
below –10°C (+14°F).
Charge the oil vessel through the oil charging
Fig. 2 shows a frostproof liquid level glass for valve to a level of approximately ¾ of full level.
an R717 liquid separator which is placed above The level will show in the lower liquid level glass.
ground level. The arrangement is called a
Hampsonmeter. Take care that the volume of the oil vessel is
sufficient to allow the oil to rise into the liquid
Due to the evaporation taking place in the level glasses. When the system is operating keep
uninsulated balance pipe (ND 80/3 in.) the the bypass valve closed.
pressure in this pipe will be equal to
P1 = P0 + H × ρ × g. Note:
It is important to use an oil not likely to mix with
P0 Separator pressure........................................ N/m2 R717, and having a high viscosity index to ensure
H R717 liquid level (see fig. 2)............................... m easy oil movements at low temperatures. Mobil
ρ R717 SHC 226 of the synthetic polyalphaolefin type has
g Acceleration due to gravity 9.81................m/s2 proven suitable for this purpose.
Oil Charging
The pressure will act on the oil surface in the oil
vessel and cause the oil to rise in the liquid level
glasses which are installed in a length of e.g. 2 in.
pipe, the top of which is connected to the top of
the separator which is at pressure P0.
pressure P0
Oil vessel
Fig. 2
Material specification
Type A B C D Weight
LLG 185 - 1550
mm 185 255 69 48 4.2 kg 1)
LLG 185
in. 7¼ 10 2¾ 2 5.8 kg 2)
mm 335 405 63 42 7.5 kg 1)
LLG 335
in. 13¼ 16 21/2 1¾ 9.2 kg 2)
mm 590 660 69 + 63 48 + 42 13.2 kg 1)
LLG 590
in. 23¼ 26 2¾ + 2½ 2 + 1¾ 15.1 kg 2)
mm 740 810 63 42 16.5 kg 1)
LLG 740
in. 29¼ 32 2½ 1¾ 18.5 kg 2)
mm 995 1065 69 + 63 48 + 42 22.5 kg 1)
LLG 995
in. 39¼ 42 2¾ + 2½ 2 + 1¾ 24.7 kg 2)
mm 1145 1215 63 42 + 42 25.7 kg 1)
LLG 1145
in. 45 47¾ 2½ 1¾ + 1¾ 28.0 kg 2)
mm 1550 1620 63 42 33.5 kg 1)
LLG 1550
in. 61 63¾ 2½ 1¾ 36.1 kg 2)
1) Type LLG Specified weights are approximate values only.
2) Type LLG S and LLG SF
* please note that LLG 740 consist of one back piece and 2 front sight glasses.
Liquid level glasses for insulating - LLG F Liquid level glasses for insulating - LLG SF
With safety system and sight adapter With safety system, stop valves (SNV-ST)
and sight adapter
Length Length
Type Code no. Type Code no.
mm in. mm in.
185 7¼ LLG 185 F 2512+078 185 7¼ LLG 185 SF 2512+066
335 13¼ LLG 335 F 2512+079 335 13¼ LLG 335 SF 2512+067
590 23¼ LLG 590 F 2512+080 590 23¼ LLG 590 SF 2512+068
740 29¼ LLG 740 F 2512+081 740 29¼ LLG 740 SF 2512+069
995 39¼ LLG 995 F 2512+082 995 39¼ LLG 995 SF 2512+070
1145 45 LLG 1145 F 2512+083 1145 45 LLG 1145 SF 2512+071
1550 61 LLG 1550 F 2512+084 1550 61 LLG 1550 SF 2512+072
Where products need to be certified according
to specific certification societies or where higher
pressures are required, the relevant information
should be included at the time of order.