Espinoza Et Al-2018-Basin Research-3
Espinoza Et Al-2018-Basin Research-3
Espinoza Et Al-2018-Basin Research-3
DOI: 10.1111/bre.12305
Departamento Ciencias de la Tierra,
Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Abstract
Chile The geodynamic setting along the SW Gondwana margin during its early breakup
Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (Triassic) remains poorly understood. Recent models calling for an uninterrupted
(SERNAGEOMIN), Providencia,
subduction since Late Palaeozoic only slightly consider the geotectonic significance
Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile
Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas,
of coeval basins. The Domeyko Basin initiated as a rift basin during the Triassic
Universidad Católica del Norte, being filled by sedimentary and volcanic deposits. Stratigraphic, sedimentological,
Antofagasta, Chile and geochronological analyses are presented in order to determine the tectonostrati-
Área de Minería y Metalurgia,
graphic evolution of this basin and to propose a tectonic model suitable for other
Universidad Tecnológica de Chile
(INACAP), Iquique, Chile SW Gondwana‐margin rift basins. The Domeyko Basin recorded two synrift stages.
Departamento de Geología, FCFMyN, The Synrift I (~240–225 Ma) initiated the Sierra Exploradora sub‐basin, whereas
Universidad Nacional de San Luis, San the Synrift II (~217–200 Ma) reactivated this sub‐basin and originated small
Luis, Argentina
depocentres grouped in the Sierra de Varas sub‐basin. During the rift evolution, the
Correspondence sedimentary systems developed were largely controlled by the interplay between
Mauricio Espinoza, Departamento
tectonics and volcanism through the accommodation/sediment supply ratio (A/S).
Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad de
Concepción, Víctor Lamas 1290, Casilla High‐volcaniclastic depocentres record a net dominance of the syn‐eruptive period
160-C, Concepción, Chile. lacking rift‐climax sequences, whereas low‐volcaniclastic depocentres of the Sierra
de Varas sub‐basin developed a complete rift cycle during the Synrift II stage. The
Funding information architecture of the Domeyko Basin suggests a transtensional kinematic where N‐S
Comisión Nacional de Investigación master faults interacted with ~NW‐SE basement structures producing highly asym-
Científica y Tecnológica, Grant/Award
metric releasing bends. We suggest that the early Domeyko Basin was a continental
Number: 21140774; Fondo de Fomento al
Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico, subduction‐related rift basin likely developed under an oblique convergence in a
Grant/Award Number: 1120715 back‐arc setting. Subduction would have acted as a primary driving mechanism for
the extension along the Gondwanan margin, unlike inland rift basins. Slab‐induced
dynamic can strongly influence the tectonostratigraphic evolution of subduction‐
related rift basins through controls in the localization and style of magmatism and
faulting, settling the interplay between tectonics, volcanism, and sedimentation
during the rifting.
© 2018 The Authors. Basin Research © 2018 International Association of Sedimentologists and European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers and John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Subduction‐related rift basins are the result of mechanical
subsidence driven by lithospheric thinning at the vicinity of a • The synrift phase of the Domeyko Basin took
subduction zone in extensional arcs (Merle, 2011; Sengör & place during two synrift stages: Synrift I (242-
Natal'in, 2001) (see Supplementary Material SM1). Current 225 Ma) and Synrift II (217-200 Ma).
examples of such arcs are less common than their compres- • Tectonic subsidence and volcanism largely con-
sional or neutral stress counterparts (Busby, 2012; Jarrard, trolled the development of sedimentary systems
1986) and they often develop in oceanic crust (e.g., Western through the evolution of the A/S ratio.
Pacific subduction zones). Few examples of extensional, sub- • Rift climax sequences related to a fault linkage
duction‐related rift basins in continental settings are known: process were developed during the Synrift II in
the Okinawa Trough (Lee, Shor, Bibee, Lu, & Hilde, 1980), the Sierra de Varas sub‐basin.
the intra‐arc rift basins of the Taupo arc (Villamor et al., • The Domeyko Basin synrift architecture suggests
2017), and the grabens of southern Japan (Kamata & a transtensional kinematic for the rifting process.
Kodama, 1994), whereas extinct examples are the Eo‐Oligo-
cene evolution of the Basin and Range (Ingersoll, 2012) and
the Late Cretaceous Western Peruvian Trough (Polliand, Schlische, & Olsen, 2002). For example, the larger volume
Schaltegger, Frank, & Fontboté, 2005). Recent studies from and supply rates of sedimentation in magma‐rich basins
the Taupo intra‐arc rift, have shed light on the uniqueness of (Muravchik, D'Elia, Bilmes, & Franzese, 2011) results in
subduction‐related rifts, such as their rapid evolution com- low accommodation space‐sediment supply ratios (A/S)
pared to intraplate continental rifts, which is due to the role of during the syn‐eruptive period, creating thick aggradational
active magmatism in weakening of the crust during the early successions that often interfere with normal siliciclastic or
rift stages (Ellis, Heise, Kissling, Villamor, & Schreurs, carbonatic deposition (Németh & Martin, 2007). Hence,
2014; Villamor et al., 2017). typical features developed in many nonvolcanic intraconti-
Even though continental subduction‐related rifts are nental rifts such as the tripartite succession representing the
scarce in modern settings, they could have been far more alluvial‐lacustrine‐fluvial deposition (Schlische, 1991;
common along the “Pangean rim of fire” developed during Withjack et al., 2002), are not always observed in volcano‐
the Late Triassic (Hadlari, Midwinter, Poulton, & Mat- sedimentary basins. Furthermore, new advances in the
thews, 2017), where unique global tectonic conditions such study of subduction‐related rift basins have highlighted the
as very low convergence rates and subduction of relatively link between key volcanic parameters (type of edifices,
old and cold oceanic plates (Matthews et al., 2016; Müller style, and scale of eruptions, etc.) and main features of the
et al., 2016) would have favoured the development of basin internal dynamics (synrift stratigraphic infill and sub-
continental rift basins (Schellart, 2005; Stephenson & sidence pattern), distinguishing two‐end members models
Schellart, 2010) associated with contemporaneous arc mag- depending on the amount of volcaniclastic input to the
matism along the northwestern (Busby‐Spera, 1988) and basin (low/high volcaniclastic depocentres; e.g., D'Elia et
southwestern (Coloma et al., 2017; González et al., in al., 2016). How can these models be applied to continental
press; Oliveros et al., 2017; Poma et al., 2014) Gondwana subduction‐related rift basins? What controls the develop-
margins. The identification and study of those basins in the ment of low/high volcaniclastic depocentres in this particu-
Triassic Gondwanean record is crucial to understand the lar tectonic scenario? A detailed characterization of the
processes that took place at the margin of the superconti- main volcanic parameters and their impact on the accom-
nent during the early stages of its breakup (~ 200 Ma; modation and material supply ratios is key to address these
Lamotte, Fourdan, Leleu, Leparmentier, & Clarens, 2015). questions.
In addition to their scarcity in the global geological The Domeyko Basin of northern Chile (Figs. 1 and 2)
record, subduction‐related rift basins are difficult to identify provides an excellent opportunity to study the relationship
because of their intrinsic relationship to arc volcanism, gen- between tectonism, magmatism, and sedimentation in a
erating complex stratigraphic records where primary and subduction‐related rift developed on the Gondwana conti-
secondary volcano‐sedimentary deposits evolve in tandem nent. It began as a rift basin during the Triassic (Charrier,
(Németh & Martin, 2007; D'Elia, Martí, Muravchik, 1979; Suárez & Bell, 1992), though its position with
Bilmes, & Franzese, 2016), in strong contrast to the non- respect to the arc remains unknown (Oliveros et al., 2017;
volcanic basins for which most tectonostratigraphic models Poma et al., 2014; Suárez & Bell, 1992). During the synrift
have been proposed (e.g., Gulf of Suez and North Sea rifts; stage, continental and later marine deposition was coeval
Schlische, 1991; Gawthorpe & Leeder, 2000; Withjack, with profuse volcanism of variable composition, ranging
| 3
from basalts to rhyolites (Astudillo et al., 2017; Chong & successions and to the strong deformation resulting from
Hilldebrandt, 1985; Cornejo, Mpodozis, Rivera, & Mat- the tectonic inversion of the basin since the Late Creta-
thews, 2009; Venegas et al., 2013), with mainly calcalka- ceous (Amilibia et al., 2008; Bascuñán, Arriagada, Le
line affinities (Espinoza, Oliveros, & Celis, 2016; González Roux, & Deckart, 2015), that hampered the understanding
et al., 2015; Oliveros et al., 2017). The end of the mechan- of the synrift architecture of the Domeyko Basin. Recent
ical subsidence at the postrift stage is thought to have taken geological field surveys have generated significant
place during the earliest Jurassic (Ardill, Flint, Chong, & geochronological and stratigraphic information of the Trias-
Wilke, 1998; Suárez & Bell, 1992). Even though the conti- sic successions (Astudillo et al., 2017; Cornejo et al., 2009;
nental infill dominates the synrift succession, previous González et al., 2015; Venegas et al., 2013) without inter-
works focused on the postrift marine successions, paying preting that information in the context of the architecture,
little attention to the initial volcano‐sedimentary succes- kinematics, and driving mechanisms of the synrift stage.
sions (Ardill et al., 1998; Bell & Suárez, 1991; Chong & Thus, tectonostratigraphic models which integrate this data
Hilldebrandt, 1985; Marinovic, Smoje, Maksaev, Hervé, & at the entire basin scale are still lacking.
Mpodozis, 1995; Prinz, Wilke, & von Hillebrandt, 1994). The aims of this paper are twofold. In order to get insights
This was partly due to the lack of adequate chronostrati- about the evolution of subduction‐related basins, we attempt
graphic constraints in the fossil‐poor continental syn‐rift to unravel the tectonostratigraphic evolution of the synrift
(a) (b)
F I G U R E 1 (a) Distribution of Triassic basins of Chile and Argentina. The inset shows the reconstruction of Gondwana at 200 Ma according
to Torsvik and Cocks (2013). (b) Map of NW Chile and adjacent Argentina, showing main morphostructural units. Main tectonic features include
the Atacama Fault System (AFS), the Domeyko Fault System (DFS) and main continental NW‐SE lineaments (Abels & Bischoff, 1999;
Petrinovic, Riller, & Brod, 2005). The red rectangle indicates the study area showed in Figure 2
F I G U R E 2 Geologic map of the study area showing the distribution of prerift, synrift, and postrift units and main tectonic features. U‐Pb
ages are from: 1this work (bolded), 2Astudillo et al. (2017), 3González et al. (2015), 4Venegas et al. (2013), 5Cornejo et al. (2009), 6Matthews
et al. (2007) in Valenzuela (2014), 7Urzúa (2009) and 8Cortés (2012). Please note the location of stratigraphic sections (S1 to S12) presented in
Figure 9. Key section locations corresponds to: S1 (Cerro La Ballena), S2 (Cerro Pascua), S3 (north portion of Sierra de Varas), S4 (Quebrada
Mármol), S5 (Cerro Guanaco), S6 (Quebrada Punta del Viento), S7 (Quebrada Los Pozos), S8 (Quebrada La Carreta), S9 (Cerro Danko), S10A
(Quebrada La Perra), S10B (Quebrada del Salitre), S11 (Quebrada Doña Inés Chica) and S12 (Cerro Pedernales)
| 5
F I G U R E 3 Lithostratigraphic scheme
of the western margin of the Domeyko
Range based on the work of Tomlinson
et al. (1999); Álvarez (2003); Cornejo et al.
(2009); Naranjo and Puig (1984); González
et al. (2015) and Astudillo et al. (2017)
In the Cerro Guanaco depocentre (24°47′S and 25°10′ The Late Triassic marine transgression is represented by
S), the Cerro Guanaco Formation crops out along the the lower member of the Profeta Formation (Astudillo et
flanks of the Sierra de Varas range and is composed of al., 2017; Chong & Hilldebrandt, 1985; González et al.,
~1300 m of andesitic to dacitic lavas and pyroclastic rocks 2015; Venegas et al., 2013), which comprises gravel‐rich
(Alfaro, 2014; González et al., 2015). U‐Pb zircon siliciclastic beds, calcareous sandstones, and coral‐rich
geochronology constrains the age of this unit to ca. 213– boundstones of a Rhaetian age (Astudillo et al., 2017;
200 Ma (González et al., 2015). Isolated gravel‐rich out- Chong & Hilldebrandt, 1985; González et al., 2015; Prinz‐
crops which are similar to those from the Cerro Rincones Grimm, 1995). This unit concordantly overlies the previous
Beds have been assigned by González et al. (2015) to the synrift units, though local angular unconformities are
basal member of the Sierra de Varas Formation. These observed in Quebrada La Carreta (Fig. 4A) and Quebrada
breccias unconformably overlie Permian plutonic rocks Punta del Viento (Chong & Hilldebrandt, 1985; Fig. 5).
(288 ± 7 Ma; Marinovic et al., 1995) and are discordantly
overlain by Hettangian marine rocks from the Profeta For-
mation (Chong, 1973; Marinovic et al., 1995), though a
2.2.2 | Sierra Exploradora sub‐basin
fault contact between these units has been proposed To the south of the study area (Fig 2), the SESB is repre-
recently (González et al., 2015). sented by a voluminous succession of volcanic and
| 7
F I G U R E 4 (a) Slight angular unconformity between the reef facies of the Profeta Formation and the fluvial and volcanic successions of the
Sierra de Varas Formation (SVF) at S8. (b) Synrift listric faults affecting deltaic facies from the SVF at S7. (c) Synsedimentary extensional fault
controlling the location of a fluvial palaeochannel, growth strata and basaltic lava flow thickness from the Quebrada del Salitre Formation at S11
sedimentary rocks known as the Quebrada del Salitre For- thick succession of coarse sedimentary rocks and a suite of
mation (Cornejo et al., 2009; Naranjo & Puig, 1984; Tom- dacitic, rhyolitic, and basaltic volcanic rocks (Cornejo &
linson, Cornejo, & Mpodozis, 1999). The lower member of Mpodozis, 1996; Cornejo et al., 2009). According to Cor-
this unit unconformably overlies Permian plutonic rocks nejo et al. (2009), the upper member corresponds to transi-
(Cornejo et al., 2009; Tomlinson et al., 1999), including a tional to marine facies, which underlies Pliensbachian beds
F I G U R E 5 Angular unconformity between the delta fan facies from the Cerro Guanaco Formation and the Profeta Formation at S6. A slight
angular unconformity between the Rhaetian reef (early postrift) and the offshore facies of the Profeta Formation marks a maximum flooding
surface during the Hettangian global sea rise (Ardill et al., 1998)
from the Montandón Formation. However, based on the siliciclastic rocks, Branney and Kokelaar (2002) for pyro-
difference between the continental and marine lithofacies, clastic rocks and D'Elia, Muravchik, Franzese, and López
we agree with the proposal of Álvarez (2003) who sepa- (2012) for volcanic and volcano‐sedimentary rocks. Facies
rates the initial shallow marine successions in the Las analysis was based on measured stratigraphic sections, field
Bateas Formation (Rhaetian – Sinemurian). Hence, we con- survey of key localities and complemented with lithostrati-
sider the upper member of the Quebrada del Salitre Forma- graphic studies carried out by Suárez and Bell (1992), Cor-
tion corresponds mainly to the continental and transitional nejo et al. (2009) and Mpodozis and Cornejo (2002) in the
successions developed prior to the well‐developed marine southern part of the studied area.
deposits (Las Bateas Formation). This division has lithos-
tratigraphic and chronostratigraphic significance, helping to
make regional correlations between the sub‐basins. The
3.1 | Facies associations
lower levels of the Las Bateas Formation comprise quartz‐ The sedimentary versus volcanic infill of the synrift stage
rich sandstones, conglomerates, and coral‐rich boundstones of the Domeyko Basin present large variations across the
(Rhaetian?; Álvarez, 2003) correlating with the basal mem- depocentres with sedimentary deposits comprising ~60% of
ber of the Profeta Formation (Astudillo et al., 2017; Gonzá- the observed rocks. The sedimentary assemblages devel-
lez et al., 2015). oped during this stage include alluvial fan, sand‐rich
braided, and meandering fluvial systems, lacustrine, deltaic,
and shallow carbonate platform assemblages. Here we pre-
3 | LITHOFACIES ASSOCIATION sent a synthesis of main facies associations and the inter-
AND DEPOSITIONAL preted depositional environments where they were
ENVIRONMENTS originated (Table 2). Main localities of facies associations
are listed in Supplementary Material SM7.
We performed a comprehensive facies analysis focused in
the continental volcanic and sedimentary Triassic succes-
sions of the Domeyko Basin (24°–26°S). A summary of
3.1.1 | Alluvial fan
the volcanic and sedimentary facies, their codes and inter- Facies Association A1: Debris flows (Gmm, Sm)
preted genetic processes is presented in Table 1, whereas a This facies assemblage is mainly represented by Gmm gravel
detailed description of individual facies and interpretations facies, corresponding to massive, matrix‐supported and
can be found in the Supplementary Material SM2. Facies poorly sorted breccias (Fig. 6A), developing crude horizontal
nomenclature follows Miall (2006) for sedimentary stratification (<5 m thick). Decimetre‐ to metre‐scale
| 9
intercalations of massive sandstone facies (Sm) are common. Facies Association F2: Meandering rivers (Fl, Fm,
Gmm facies represent debris flows deposits, developed in Sm, Sh)
subaerial to subaqueous conditions (Miall, 2006). Due to the This facies association corresponds to massive and lami-
lack of marine or lacustrine features (e.g., wave reworking, nated fine facies (Fm and Fl), formed by quartz‐rich silt-
subaqueous fossils, calcareous, or muddy matrix) we inter- stones to very fine sandstones, intercalated with thin sheets
pret this association as corresponding to the proximal portion of massive (Sm), and horizontally stratified sandstones (Sh)
of alluvial fans (Blair & McPherson, 1994; Nemec & Steel, (Fig. 6C). Fine facies occasionally incorporates Late Trias-
1984). Given that the generation of this type of en-masse sic fossil flora (Fig. 6B; see Supplementary Material SM6
flows is favored by steep slopes, and its preservation in the for detailed descriptions) indicating deposition in a flood-
geological record requires a high subsidence, these assem- plain with abundant vegetation (Miall, 2006). The presence
blages are inferred here to be deposited in proximity to of siderite nodules points to a deposition under reducing
uplifted structural blocks (Blair & McPherson, 1994, 2009). conditions with a mixing of seawater and freshwater
Given the inferred extensional setting, these structural blocks (Nichols, 2009), suggesting a coastal meandering fluvial
were likely formed via fault slip along high‐angle, predomi- origin for these facies. On the other hand, sandy facies rep-
nantly dip‐slip normal faults. resents sediment gravity flows (Sm) and deposition under
upper plane conditions (Sh), probably related to sporadic
Facies Association A2: Channelized flows (Gcm, St, Sm) bank collapse and/or crevasse splays over the floodplain
Channelized gravel bodies show lenticular to tabular environment (Miall, 2006; Walker & James, 1992).
geometries and are formed by clast‐supported, poorly to
moderately sorted, massive conglomerates of decimetric to
metric scale thick (Gcm facies, Fig. 7G). This facies occa-
3.1.3 | Lacustrine
sionally grade upward into medium‐ to pebbly‐sized mas- Facies Association L1: Basinal lacustrine (Fl, Sm)
sive (Sm) and trough cross‐bedded sandstones (St). This Finely laminated mudstones (Fl facies) correspond to grey-
association represents the deposition of channels and/or ish to greenish mudstones, displaying millimetric lamina-
longitudinal bars (Gcm) and sediment gravity flows (Sm) in tion (“laminites”, Fig. 6E), with common intercalations of
the active lobes of alluvial fans (Miall, 2006; Nichols, pyroclastic fall deposits (//sT facies). Occasionally, they
2009; Selley, 2000). present centimetric‐scale “cast and flame” load structures
and ripple bedding. Fine facies represents deposition by
Facies Association A3: Sheetfloods (Gcm, Sh) suspension and weak traction currents (Miall, 2006). The
This facies association is mainly represented by well‐strati- well‐preserved “laminites” indicates the absence of biotur-
fied, tabular bodies of oligomictic and clast‐supported con- bating bottom fauna and seasonal variation in phytoplank-
glomerates (Gcm), occasionally intercalated with sheets of ton production, pointing to a deposition under open water
horizontal laminated and normal graded tuffaceous sand- lake conditions in a deep basinal setting (Platt & Wright,
stones (Sh). Gcm facies were originated by pseudo‐plastic 1991), whereas Sm facies and the load‐cast features suggest
debris flows, whereas parallel‐laminated sandstones (Sh) the development of sporadic sandy turbidites (Nichols,
were deposited under upper flow regime conditions (Miall, 2009), probably in a high-gradient, bench type margin lake
1978, 2006). This association records sheetfloods originated (Platt & Wright, 1991).
by turbulent flows (Koster & Steel, 1984; Nichols, 2009).
Facies Association L2: Marginal lacustrine facies (Fo,
Bs, Gmm, Gcm)
3.1.2 | Fluvial Stromatolitic boundstone facies (Bs), is formed by dark‐
Facies Association F1: Sand-rich braided rivers (Gcm, greyish microbial limestones (algal mats and stromatolites)
St, Sp, Sh, Sm, Fm) showing parallel and convolute bedding, originated in shal-
The architecture of this facies assemblage corresponds to low lake shorelines under good illumination conditions
channel bedforms embedded in thick overbank deposits (Nichols, 2009). Oncolytic floatstone facies (Fo, Fig. 6F)
(Fig. 6). Channelized bedforms are represented by trough exhibits intercalations of coarse siliciclastic beds (Gmm,
cross‐bedded sandstones (St) formed by 3‐D dune migra- Gcm), indicating progradation of alluvial fans over swamps
tion, and massive sandstones (Sm). Fine facies (Fm) repre- in a palustrine environment (Alonso‐Zarza & Tanner, 2009;
sents deposition from standing water in the floodplain Wright & Platt, 1995). These marginal lacustrine facies were
during low‐stage abandonment of channels. Occasional Sh formed in shallow and ephemeral lakes associated with a
facies would represents sporadic spill out floods into the low-gradient ramp margin, where the sediment supply and
overbank area (Miall, 2006). accommodation space were similar (Platt & Wright, 1991).
T A B L E 1 (Continued)
Code Lithology Description Geometry and thickness Interpretation
cB Basalt Coherent aphanitic and microporphiritic Tabular to lenticular, metre‐scale Subaerial mafic lava flows
lava flows. Highly vesiculated and beds making up tens to hundreds related to fissural
amygdaloidal, very altered of metres (<600 m) volcanism
brB Basalt Brecciated and highly vesiculated lava Tabular to irregular, <3 m thick Hydroclastic reaction of
flows with moderate development of mafic flows in contact
pseudo pillows, peperitic textures, and with water or wet
hyaloclastic textures sediments. Subaqueous
lava flows
cA Andesite Coherent porphyritic lavas. Locally Tabular, 0.4 – 2 m thick Subaerial intermediate
highly amygdaloidal lava flows
cD Dacite Coherent and massive lava flows, show Subaerial acidic lava
aphanitic and porphyritic texture flows
brA/brD Andesite/Dacite Autobrecciated lava flows with angular Tabular, < 2 m thick Subaerial acidic lava
clasts in a matrix‐supported fabrics and flows
crystalline groundmass
bcR/cjD Rhyolite/Dacite Coherent vitrophiric and porphyritic Irregular to dome‐shaped, circular Silicic domes and necks
lavas showing flow banded textures to highly elongated. Related to
with vertical disjunctions. Fault related extensional faults. Tens of metre
thick (<40 m)
mBr Pyroclastic breccia Massive monomictic breccia, nongraded, Tabular, 1–5 m thick Block and ash pyroclastic
seriated, poorly sorted, and ash flows related to dome
supported. Juvenile pyroclasts are collapse
dacitic porphyritic rocks
mLT Lapilli tuff Massive lapilli tuff Tabular, cm to m thick horizons Ignimbrite deposit. Rapid
or amalgamated beds making up aggradation from fluid
tens of metres (<40 m) escape‐dominated flow
boundary zone of a
pyroclastic density
mT Tuff Massive vitric and vitric‐crystal tuff Tabular or lenticular, <1 m thick Distal ignimbrite or
fallout deposits
//sT Tuff Thin stratified, laminated well‐sorted fine Tabular, 10–30 cm thick Fallout deposits
p-//sT Tuff Pumice rich, parallel‐laminated tuff Pumice rich fallout
peak (Ma)
area (Cerro La Ballena depocentre), whereas dacitic and
subordinate andesitic volcanism predominates to the south
(Vaquillas Altas depocentre and SESB).
Andesitic to dacitic coherent facies (cA and cD facies),
Maximum depositional
241.5 ± 4.0 (n = 3)
208.4 ± 3.4 (n = 3)
ing a porphyritic texture (Fig. 5) composed by medium‐
grained phenocrysts (pg + amph ± qtz) embedded in a
glassy or microcrystalline groundmass. These facies corre-
age (Ma)a
211.5 ± 1.8 (n = 28)
Concordia age (Ma)
Igneous Zircon (IZ)
208.4 ± 2.3 (n = 8)
Maximum depositional age calculated from the 2 youngest zircons overlapping at 1σ.
Sierra de Varas
Sierra de Varas
Sierra de Varas
Cerro Guanaco
Vitric tuff
Vitric tuff
F I G U R E 6 (a) Gmm facies developed in proximal alluvial fan facies (debris flows) from the basal member of Sierra de Varas Formation
(SVF) at Sierra de Varas depocentre. (b) Late Triassic fossil flora developed in floodplain assemblage from SVF at S7. (c) A synsedimentary
extensional fault affecting meandering fluvial assemblages from basal successions of the SVF at S7. (d) Matrix‐supported gravel facies developed
in a fan delta assemblage from the Cerro Guanaco Formation at S6. (e) Basinal lacustrine facies (Fl facies) from SVF at S7. (f) Oncolite‐bearing
floatstone facies deposited in marginal lacustrine conditions from the SVF at S3. (g) Boundstone facies from the Las Bateas Formation bearing
Late Triassic corals (Retiophyllia sp.) at S11
Facies Association VA2: Medium to distal pyroclastic ash‐sized matrix, making up centimetric beds (<1 m). This
deposits (mT, //sT, p-//sT) facies can corresponds to the deposition of fine‐grained dis-
Reddish‐ to greenish‐ massive tuffs (mT) are composed of tal ignimbrites or fallout deposits (Branney & Kokelaar,
well‐sorted pumice, crystals, and minor lithics in a vitreous 2002; Cas & Wright, 1988; Fisher & Schmincke, 1984).
| 15
On the other hand, well‐stratified (occasionally laminated) samples. Lithostratigraphic units sampled correspond to the
and very well‐sorted //sT facies present a similar composi- continental, sedimentary, and volcanic, Sierra de Varas,
tion that mT facies. The //sT facies could represent distal Cerro Guanaco and, Quebrada del Salitre formations.
fallout of eruption plumes, ash‐rich pyroclastic density cur- Heavy minerals were concentrated by standard crushing,
rents or surges deposits (Branney & Kokelaar, 2002; Cas Gemini table, LST heavy liquid (2.9 g/cm3), and magnetic
& Wright, 1988), however, its common association with separation techniques at Servicio Nacional de Geología and
lacustrine mudstones, its generally low thickness (0.3‐ Minería and University of Concepción. Finally, zircon
0.6 m) and the absence of lateral transport evidence grains were handpicked under a binocular microscope,
(scours, cross stratification, low‐angle truncations), points mounted in epoxy, and polished to expose grain centres for
to a fallout origin (Branney & Kokelaar, 2002; Cas & cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging. U‐Pb analysis of sam-
Wright, 1988; D'Elia et al., 2012; McPhie et al., 1993). ples CPV‐14‐157, CPV‐14‐254, CPV‐14‐261, and CPV‐14‐
Occasionally, similar pumiceous‐rich tuffs (p-//sT facies) 268 were performed at the Arizona LaserChron Center
show subangular pumice clasts indicating a similar fallout (ALC), University of Arizona, whereas samples CPV‐15‐
origin (Branney & Kokelaar, 2002). 310, CPV‐15‐316, CPV‐15‐324, CPV‐15‐342, CPV‐15‐
350, and CPV‐16‐400 were analysed at the Laboratorio de
Estudios Isotópicos (LEI), Centro de Geociencias, UNAM.
4 | RESULTS Concordia and average ages were calculated using Isoplot
v. 4.15 (Ludwig, 2008). We apply a discordance filter of
4.1 | Analytical methods <15% for igneous analyses, whereas for detrital analyses, a
U‐Pb igneous and detrital zircon analyses were performed discordance filter <25%, and a reverse discordance filter of
using laser‐ablation inductively coupled‐plasma mass‐spec- > ‐5% were used. 206Pb/238U ages are preferred for zircons
trometry (LA‐ICP‐MS and LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS) method in 10 younger than <1.0 Ga, whereas 207Pb/206Pb ages are
reported for zircons older than that age (Gehrels, 2011). A the other hand, an IZ sample from a vitric tuff intercalated in
detailed description of the analytical techniques is in Sup- fluvial deposits (CPV‐15‐400) yielded a Concordia age of
plementary Material SM5. 208.6 ± 2.3 Ma, interpreted as the crystallization age of the
pyroclastic event.
4.2 | U‐Pb geochronology
Geochronological results and sample locations are summa-
4.2.2 | Cerro Guanaco Formation
rized in Table T3 and Figures 2 and 8. Errors are reported Igneous zircon from a brecciated dacite (CPV‐14‐157)
as 2σ and maximum depositional ages (MDA) were calcu- yielded a Concordia age of 211.5 ± 1.8 interpreted as the
lated averaging the 3 or more zircons overlapping at 2σ crystallization age. This lithostratigraphic unit was formerly
error, except for sample CPV‐14‐254, where 2 zircons assigned to the Carboniferous‐Permian La Tabla Formation
overlapping at 1σ error was used (Dickinson & Gehrels, (Venegas et al., 2013). However, taking into account the
2009). Detailed isotopic and rejected data of U‐Pb analysis Norian crystallization age and the interpretation of the
are found in Supplementary Material SM3 and SM4. dated level as part of proximal acidic dome deposits, we
assign these outcrops to the Cerro Guanaco Formation
(Alfaro, 2014; González et al., 2015).
4.2.1 | Sierra de Varas Formation
Detrital zircons (DZ) from a coarse‐grained sandstone inter-
calated in monomictic massive breccias (CPV‐14‐261) cor-
4.2.3 | Quebrada del Salitre Formation
responding to the Lower Member of the Sierra de Varas Igneous zircon from a banded rhyolite belonging to a silicic
Formation (González et al., 2015), yielded a unimodal age dome (CPV‐15‐310) yielded a WMA of 226.7 ± 1.4 Ma
distribution with a weighted mean age of 303.3 ± 2.1 Ma interpreted as the timing of the volcanic event, whereas a
which is interpreted as the MDA. The breccias overly in secondary group at ca. 241 Ma is inferred to represent
unconformity Permian plutonic rocks with a K‐Ar (biotite) accessory material from the volcanic conduit. A litharenite
age of 288 ± 7 Ma (Marinovic et al., 1995), suggesting a corresponding to sand‐rich fluvial deposits from the basal
significant gap between the MDA and the depositional age member of this unit (CPV‐15‐316) yielded an MDA of
for this unit. 241.5 ± 4.0 Ma with a major peak at ca 294 Ma (41%) and
DZ age distribution from a coarse sandstone intercalated a secondary peak at ~267 Ma (12%). Another DZ sample
in conglomeratic facies at the base of the Sierra de Varas from a tuffaceous sandstone corresponding to meandering
Formation (CPV‐15‐342) shows the main peak at ca. fluvial facies from the upper continental member of this
292 Ma (~80%) and a minor peak at ca. 246 Ma (~12%) unit, shows an MDA of 208.4 ± 3.4 Ma and major peaks at
with an MDA of 213.8 ± 3.1 Ma. Another DZ sample ca. 258 Ma (47%) and ca. 272 Ma (24%).
from this unit (CPV‐14‐254), a quartz‐rich sandstone
directly overlying Carboniferous‐Permian plutonic rocks
(Punta del Viento Plutonic Complex), shows a main age
peak at ~297 Ma (77%) and two smaller groups at
5.1 | Stratigraphic correlations across the
~479 Ma (9%) and ~246 Ma (3%), with scarce zircons
Domeyko Basin
older than 500 Ma and a MDA of 234.4 ± 4.8 Ma. Thus,
both samples from the basal successions indicate the main Given the abrupt facies changes across depocentres and
source from the Permian basement (292‐297 Ma), with the common incomplete exposure of many sections due to
more restricted secondary sources from Middle Triassic basin inversion process, there are scarce correlations for
(~246 Ma) and Ordovician (~478 Ma) rocks. the logged synrift deposits. The most easily correlated
Igneous zircon (IZ) from a lapilli‐tuff sampled 40 m unit is the “upper” Rhaetian marine transgression marked
above the base of the unit (CPV‐15‐350) yielded a major by the presence of coral‐rich reef boundstones (Fig. 6G)
peak at ca. 227 Ma and a secondary peak at ca. 211 Ma. We at the base of the Profeta and Las Bateas formations
interpret the youngest peak as the age of the eruptive event, (Álvarez, 2003; Ardill et al., 1998; Astudillo et al., 2017;
yielding a weighted mean age (WMA) of 210.7 ± 3.4, Chong & Hilldebrandt, 1985; Cornejo et al., 2009; Gonzá-
whereas the secondary peak at ca. 227 Ma would correspond lez et al., 2015; Venegas et al., 2013), which is observed
mostly to accessory sources. A vitric tuff (CPV‐14‐268) in most of the depocentres (Fig. 9). The beginning of the
intercalated in the upper levels of a lacustrine succession synrift can be correlated at the base of the sections S7
(Fig. 8) yielded a WMA of 203.5 ± 1.6 Ma interpreted as and S8 in the Vaquillas Altas depocentre for the Sierra de
the age of the volcanic event. An older small peak at ca. Varas Formation and between the base of S4 and S5 sec-
283 Ma is probably associated to accidental fragments. On tions in the Sierra de Varas and the Cerro Guanaco
| 17
206Pb/238U 0.052
0.12 700 n = 106 n = 34 (n = 33, MSWD = 1.3)
(n = 2, MSWD = 0.5)
234.4 ± 4.8 Ma 310 340 303.3±2.1 Ma
500 0.048 320
0.08 239
0.04 231
280 303.3 ± 2.1 Ma
270 2σ error
(n = 33 2σ, MSWD = 1.3)
1σ error
100 Maximum depositional age
Maximum depositional age
0.00 0.040
0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.65
207Pb/235U 207Pb/235U
Age Age
CPV-15-316 (d) CPV-15-324 310
Quebrada del Salitre Fm. 0.048
Quebrada del Salitre Fm.
0.3 0.044
(n = 3, MSWD = 0.19)
208.4±3.4 Ma n = 34
n = 112
0.2 254
241.5±4.0 Ma 0.040 250
1000 209
0.0 0.028
0 2 4 6 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45
207Pb/235U 207Pb/235U
Age Age
(n = 20, MSWD = 1.5)
n = 107 (n = 4, MSWD = 1.17) n = 34 225
203.5±1.6 Ma
213.8 ± 3.1 Ma 0.045
300 260
Age Age
(g) CPV-15-310 (h) CPV-15-350 340
(n = 3, MSWD = 0.2)
n = 38 n = 28
260 (n = 26, MSWD = 2.5)
260 218
210.7±3.4 Ma
240 225.2±1.5 Ma 0.040 214
232 210
220 206
220 224 2σ error
0.034 Crystallization age
216 0.032
2σ error
Crystallization age
0.030 0.028
0.20 0.24 0.28 0.32 0.36 0.40 0.44 0.22 0.26 0.30 0.34 0.38 0.42
207Pb/235U 207Pb/235U
Age Age
220 220
0.034 0.034
210 210
0.032 0.032
200 200
depocentres for the Sierra de Varas and the Cerro Gua- geochronological constraints are needed to confirm this
naco formations respectively. Secondary correlations based hypothesis.
on sedimentary facies can be suggested between the
meandering fluvial systems that follow the thick basaltic
5.3 | Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the
successions of the Quebrada del Salitre Formation (S10
synrift Domeyko Basin: an interaction between
and S11) and the Sierra de Varas Formation (S7 and S8)
sedimentary, volcanic, and tectonic processes
at the Vaquillas Altas depocentre (Fig. 9).
Sedimentary systems are the result of the balance between
the accommodation space (A) and sediment supply (S) to
5.2 | Timeframe of the synrift activity the basin. The accommodation space is related to the space
In the Domeyko Basin, we propose that two stages of major available below the base level in order for sediments to
mechanical subsidence and associated sedimentation were accumulate (Jervey, 1988). In nonmarine environments,
developed during the Triassic (Fig. 11). The Synrift I would base level is better defined by the “stratigraphic base level”
have taken place in the SESB, during the Ladinian – Car- (Martinsen et al., 1999), which is the equilibrium surface
nian (~240–225 Ma). The lower limit is constrained by the that “describes the direction in which a stratigraphic system
DZ MDA of 241.5 ± 4.0 Ma from sand‐rich braided fluvial is likely to move, towards sedimentation and stratigraphic
facies (CPV‐15‐316; Figs. 8 and 9) and the upper limit by preservation or sediment bypass and erosion” (Shanley &
the IZ age of rhyolitic domes which have been dated at McCabe, 1994). Thus, we use the “subaerial accommoda-
225.2 ± 1.5 Ma (CPV‐15‐310, Fig. 8 and S10 in Fig. 9). tion space” defined as “the space developed between suc-
The Synrift II (“upper” Norian – Rhaetian; 217‐200 Ma) is cessive depositional surfaces of different ages” (Muto &
well constrained by the initiation of the SVSB at ca. ~213‐ Steel, 2000), which is most commonly driven by changing
210 Ma (Figs. 9 and 10). The upper limit of the Synrift II is subsidence, uplift or eustatic sea level and is represented
constrained by the Rhaetian marine transgression and a U‐ by the thickness of preserved sediment in the stratigraphic
Pb IZ age of 200 ± 2 Ma (González et al., 2015) from the record (Muto & Steel, 2000). In nonmarine basins, eustatic
uppermost synrift beds in the Cerro Guanaco depocentre level changes are negligible (Martinsen et al., 1999). On
(section S5, Fig. 9). The activity of the SESB during the the other hand, in rift basins tectonic subsidence may affect
Synrift II can be established by the DZ MDA of meander- the accommodation space more strongly than climatic
ing fluvial facies (208.4 ± 3.4 Ma) which are overlain by effects (Derer, Schumacher, & Schäfer, 2005; Martins‐Neto
Rhaetian shallow marine facies from the Las Bateas Forma- & Catuneanu, 2010; Prosser, 1993; Schlische, 1991). How-
tion (Álvarez, 2003). The initiation age of the Synrift II at ever, the latter can account for higher frequency changes in
SESB is very problematic to resolve due to the low zircon sedimentary environments (Carroll & Bohacs, 1999), as
fertility of basaltic lavas inferred to represent the basal part observed in some rift lakes from East Africa (Lake Tan-
of the Synrift II (S10, Fig. 9). The latter raises the possibil- ganyika, Lake Malawi, and Lake Turkana; Scholz, Rosen-
ity that a relatively continuous deposition took place at the dahl, & Scott, 1990; Scholz et al., 2007; Johnson,
SESB, without the inferred hiatus between the two synrift Halfman, Rosendahl, & Lister, 1987) and United States
stages. However, considering a more regional context, the (Lake Lahonton; Benson & Thompson, 1987). During the
scattered sedimentary record from the “Synrift I stage” Triassic, major climatic fluctuations at the Domeyko Basin
occurred in isolated basins peripheral adjacent to the are poorly recorded, maintaining a main subtropical cli-
Domeyko Range which do not record deposition during the mate, though sporadic drought episodes have been pro-
Synrift II stage, such as the El Bordo (Basso & Marinovic, posed at the Coastal Cordillera (Suárez & Bell, 1994,
2003), Tuina (Henríquez, Becerra, & Arriagada, 2014) and 2010). However, the development of very different sedi-
Pular (Solari, Montecinos, Venegas, & Espinoza, 2015) for- mentary environments in both sub‐basins during a similar
mations, suggesting that the volcanism and sedimentation period (Synrift II stage), such as lacustrine and alluvial
during the Synrift I stage was discontinuous with respect to facies associations in the SVSB and meandering rivers in
the Synrift II stage. On the other hand, the well‐marked ini- the SESB, let us to infer that the base level variations were
tiation of depocentres at ~212 Ma such as the SVSB and mainly controlled by local variations in the subsidence
the Cifuncho basin at the Coastal Cordillera (Contreras et regime rather than climatic fluctuations which should have
al., 2013; spinoza, Oliveros, Vásquez, & Bechis, 2015) allowed the development of similar sedimentary environ-
seems to indicate that the Synrift II stage was a well‐distin- ments in a broader area. In the following section, the evo-
guishable event across the palaeo‐margin. Therefore, we lution of the synrift stages in the SVSB and SESB is
propose that both stages were clearly differentiated and infer analysed interpreting changes in the stratigraphic record
that the activity of the SESB during the Synrift II stage took (A/S) as due to the interplay between sedimentary, vol-
place in a similar timeframe as the SVSB, though further canic, and tectonic processes.
N D O M E Y K O B A S I N S Y N - R I F T A R C H I T E C T U R E S
23.8°S S V S B S E S B 26.5° S
Cerro La Ballena S ier ra de Varas Ce r ro Guanaco Va q u il l a s Al t a s
depocente r depocente r depocente r depocente r
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12
Bajoc GC Bajoc CG UTr PF Rhaet PF Rhaet PF Rhaet PF Rhaet? PF Rhaet? PF UTr-Het LBF UTr-Het LBF Rhaet? LBF Plien-Baj MF
500 140 490 650 1290 380 440 220 2300 290
1 * 4 LTF 1 7 PB
2 CLBF . 6 0 ±2 3.4
5± ±1
f m p f m p
2 . . 5
1 20 SVF 1
3 .0
.4± . 0±
3. SVF 8
20 0
4. 0 03 SVF 6± ±2 20 87
6 2 20 5± 2.
9 < 2
.7 . 9± LTF * 7. 26
±1 17 9
5 SVF CGF 20
5 .3 2 5
f m p
± 2. fault 0
20 ±4 1.1 LTF
5 21
1 f m p
CRB 1.
2. .4
0 f m p
simil ar 21 Synrift
u nnexp osed
0 .7 11 fault
su ccession
b ase 21 3. 0 QSF QSF
600 m . 8± 3 LTF II
0 0 fault 13 .1
LTF <2 6±
2 f m p s i m i la r
4 . s ucce s s i o n
SJR f m p
4 29 900 m
21 40
f m p
±2 0 f m p
90 * 2 un n e x p o s e d
f m p
2 1 .2 base
3± 0 9±
21 . 1
LTF 2 32 4.
9 ±2 .5
28 41
f m p
input input input input input
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 Synrift
Cerro Danko Cerro
paleo-high paleo-high
Synrift II
2.5 km ?
Synrift I
100 km
U-Pb Igneous zircon age (1this work)
mafic lava flow intermediate lava flow lacustrine delta fan sand-rich braided river 0
acidic lava flow pyroclastic rocks shallow marine meandering river alluvial
U-Pb Detrital zircon age (1this work) SCB 100 m
correlation (dashed is inferred)
f m p
F I G U R E 9 Domeyko Basin synrift architecture based in generalized sections across the Domeyko Range (extensional structures correspond to oblique NW‐SE inferred basin margin faults).
References for sections are: this work (S2, S3, S6, S7, and S8); this work and Cornejo et al., 2009 (S10); this work and Suárez & Bell, 1992 (S11); Valenzuela, 2014 (S1); Contreras, 2014 (S4): González
et al., 2015 (S5); Cornejo et al., 2009 (S9) and Tomlinson et al., 1999 (S12) (for section locations see Figure 2). Different depocentres have been classified as “lower/high‐volcaniclastic” based on the
impact of volcanism in the evolution of sedimentary systems (D'Elia et al., 2016). Lithostratigraphic unit abbreviations are as follow: SJR (Sierra Jardín Rhyolites), CLBF (Cerro La Ballena Formation),
CG (Caracoles Group), LTF (La Tabla Formation), PF (Profeta Formation), SVF (Sierra de Varas Formation), CRB (Cerro Rincones Beds), CGF (Cerro Guanaco Formation), LBF (Las Bateas
Formation), QSF (Quebrada del Salitre Formation), SCB (Sierra Castillo batholith), MF (Montandón Formation) and PB (Pedernales batholith). References for U‐Pb ages are: 1(this work, red coloured),
(Cornejo et al., 2009), 3(Venegas et al., 2013), 4(González et al., 2015), 5(Astudillo et al., 2017), 6(Matthews et al., 2007 in Valenzuela, 2014), 7(Maksaev, Munizaga, & Tassinari, 2014)
F I G U R E 1 0 Generalized stratigraphic
section S7 showing a complete rift cycle
during the Synrift II stage. Rift inception
records alluvial and fluvial with an A/
S < 1, rift climax records basinal lacustrine
facies with an A/S > 1 indicating an abrupt
increase of subsidence and the postrift
phase is marked by shallow marine facies
indicating a decrease of the subsidence and
supply to the basin. Approximate lithology
outcrop‐colour is indicated
alluvial fan facies (A/S < 1) from the Cerro Rincones Beds It should be noted that the succession recording the
(S3 in Fig. 9) and the basal member of the Sierra de Varas complete rift cycle (S7), was previously assigned to the
Formation (S4 in Fig. 9). At the Vaquillas Altas depocentre Quebrada del Salitre Formation (Naranjo & Puig, 1984;
(S7 in Fig. 9), the alluvial deposition (A/S < 1) was fol- Venegas et al., 2013). We suggest that these deposits
lowed by meandering rivers (A/S ≈ 1, Martinsen et al., would be better assigned to the Sierra de Varas Formation
1999) carrying a Late Triassic fossil flora (Fig. 6B), evi- based on: (1) the presence of lacustrine facies which are
dencing an increase in the accommodation space during the absent in the type locality of the Quebrada del Salitre For-
inception of the rift. This phase experienced negligible vol- mation, (2) its Norian‐Rhaetian age which is younger than
canism, evidenced by the mature composition of sediments a significant portion of the Quebrada del Salitre Formation,
and scarce DZ juvenile sources (Fig. 8E). and (3) its location in a structurally separated depocentre.
During the Norian‐Rhaetian, the variable supply of vol-
canic products across the SVSB resulted in “high‐ or Sierra Exploradora sub‐basin
low‐volcaniclastic” depocentres based on the sedimentary The Synrift II stage in the SESB (Fig. 12 B), recorded the
systems developed (Fig. 9; D'Elia et al., 2016). At the deposition of meandering rivers and mafic lava flows (S10
Cerro La Ballena and Cerro Guanaco volcanic depocentres, and S11) with no development of rift‐climax sequences
intermediate to silicic volcanism formed composite vents (Prosser, 1993). The development of meandering rivers (A/
and proximal pyroclastic deposits (block‐and‐ash and ign- S ≈ 1, Martinsen et al., 1999) suggest that the thick basal-
imbrites). Restricted coarse‐grained sedimentary systems tic infill (>1300 m in S10, Fig. 9) match the high accom-
were developed (A/S < 1), such as alluvial fans and modation space and inhibited the development of water‐
braided rivers at Cerro La Ballena depocentre and progra- deep facies during the high‐subsidence of the basin. An
dational delta‐fans at the Cerro Guanaco depocentre (S2 outcrop scale example of this is preserved in the Quebrada
and S6, Fig. 9). del Salitre Formation (Fig. 4C), where syntectonic troughs
In Sierra de Varas and Vaquillas Altas depocentres, a were filled by basaltic lavas during meandering fluvial
low‐volcaniclastic input allowed the deposition of sedimen- deposition (S11 in Fig. 9). This indicates an important role
tary systems with medial to distal pyroclastic assemblages of the volcanism in the depositional systems developed in
(distal ignimbrites and/or fallout deposits). A complete syn- the SESB (high‐volcaniclastic input).
rift cycle is recorded at the Vaquillas Altas depocentre (S7 in
Fig. 9 and Fig. 10), from alluvial fans (A/S < 1), basinal
lacustrine (A/S > 1) and braided fluvial systems, with
5.3.3 | Postrift transition (“latest” Rhaetian)
restricted pyroclastic (mainly fallout deposits) and dacitic to During the uppermost Rhaetian (Fig. 12C), a broad and
basaltic volcanism (Fig. 10). This succession would repre- thin (<50 m) shallow marine surface formed in carbonate
sents the transition from rift inception (very low A/S), cli- shelves mantled the hanging‐ and footwalls of both sub‐
max (high A/S), and postrift sequences (moderate A/S), basins (see section 5.1), indicating a generalized and abrupt
reflecting the rapid increase and posterior cease of mechani- reduction of the mechanical subsidence and the onset of
cal subsidence (Barredo et al., 2012; Prosser, 1993; Schlis- the postrift stage. At the Vaquillas Altas depocentre, excep-
che & Anders, 1996; Withjack et al., 2002). The rift climax tional exposures of synsedimentary faults evidence the
is referred as the “time of maximum rate of displacement on postrift character of the carbonate platform assemblage
a fault” (Prosser, 1993). This period is characterized by the (Fig. 4B). Previous works roughly delineated the onset of
linkage of previous small and isolated faults into a fully the postrift at the Hettangian, when deep marine facies
linked fault array (Cowie, Gupta, & Dawers, 2000; were developed during a global sea rise (Ardill et al.,
Gawthorpe & Leeder, 2000) producing a maximum subsi- 1998). However, these facies are better assigned to a late
dence where the sedimentation is likely to be outpaced by postrift phase (Fig. 12D; Prosser, 1993).
the accommodation space, generating characteristic rela-
tively fine‐grained basinal depositional systems (lacustrine,
5.4 | Synrift architecture of the Domeyko
marine gulf) due to the starvation of the basin (McCann &
Saintot, 2003; Prosser, 1993). Thus, the development of
basinal lacustrine rift‐climax facies (Prosser, 1993) across Regarding to the main rift structures of the Domeyko
the Sierra de Varas and the Vaquillas Altas depocentres Basin, we suggest that major N‐S basin bounding faults
(e.g., at S4, S7 sections), suggests an abrupt increase of the were located at the western margin of the basin based on
accommodation space which would be related to the fault the predominance of thick, monomictic and coarse debris
linkage and consequent increase in mechanical subsidence flow deposits, covering small areas near to the western-
across the SVSB (Fig. 12B; Schlische, 1991; Gawthorpe & most N‐S faults of the Cenozoic Domeyko Fault System
Leeder, 2000; Withjack et al., 2002). (DFS; Fig. 2). This proximal alluvial fan facies requires
high‐slopes to be formed and fast subsidence to be pre- Petrinovic, Riller, & Brod, 2005), suggesting pre‐existing
served, suggesting the proximity to high‐angle faults basement fabrics exhibit a strong control on the segmenta-
(Blair & McPherson, 1994, 2009), in contrast to wider tion of the basin (Fig. 12). Additionally, Triassic NW‐SE
medial to distal assemblages (sheetfloods and channelized trending cataclasites (238 ± 10 Ma, K‐Ar whole rock age)
flows) developed at flexural margins. The proximity of crop out at the Sierra de Varas depocentre (Niemeyer, Ber-
this facies to the DFS suggests the reactivation of this ríos, & Ruiz Cruz, 2004; Padilla, 1988) while prevailing,
structure, which usually occurs at the master faults of pre- centi‐ to metre‐scale Triassic NNW‐SSE to NW‐SE synsed-
vious extensional systems (Amilibia et al., 2008; Bonini, imentary extensional faults have been identified at the
Sani, & Antonielli, 2012; Butler, 1989). At the SESB, SVSB (Espinoza et al., 2016).
elongated silicic domes were associated with ~N‐S trend- We suggest that the interaction between major N‐S
ing faults (Fig. 12A). structures and NW‐SE oblique discontinuities can be
On the other hand, abrupt lithofacies changes and strong explained by a transtensional model, partitioning the defor-
thickness asymmetry of the Domeyko Basin through the N‐ mation into extensional and sinistral strike‐slip components,
S direction, suggest basin segmentation was controlled by where the NW‐SE structures acted as releasing bends
oblique, NW‐SE striking faults (inset in Fig. 9). Moreover, (Fig. 12). Several key features developed in transtensional
several palaeo‐highs can be recognized longitudinally basins are recognized in the Domeyko Basin: (a) a strong
across the Domeyko Basin (e.g., Cerro Danko and Cerro longitudinal and lateral asymmetry (Christie‐Blick & Bid-
Pedernales palaeo‐highs) based on the unconformable con- dle, 1985), (b) narrow basins and rapid changes in lateral
tact between the prerift basement and postrift marine facies and vertical facies, thickness, and geometry of near
(Fig. 9). Major palaeo‐highs coincide with the tip of SVSB depocentres (Belt, 2012; Christie‐Blick & Biddle, 1985;
and SESB and correlates with large‐scale NW lineaments Dorsey & Umhoefer, 2012), (c) common unconformities
(Figs. 1 and 2; Salfity, 1985; Abels & Bischoff, 1999; from one basin to another marking the migration of
F I G U R E 1 1 (a) Compilation of volcanic and detrital (MDA) U‐Pb ages from Triassic units exposed at the western margin of the Domeyko
Range (69°–69.5°W). The two synrift stages are indicated. References for geochronological data are the same that in Fig. 9. (b) Minimum
cumulative thickness of outcropping successions up to Kimmeridgian (based in the work of Prinz et al. (1994) and graphically updated by the
thickness of Triassic successions presented in this work)
| 23
depocentres (Busby & Bassett, 2007; Christie‐Blick & Bid- rifting at the southwestern margin of Gondwana during its
dle, 1985), such as those recorded at S6 and S8 in Vaquil- early breakup. The oblique convergence required to sustain
las Altas and Cerro Guanaco depocentres (Fig. 9), (d) the sinistral transtension for the Domeyko Basin is in
prominent topographic margins (Nilsen & Sylvester, 1998), agreement with recent Triassic kinematic reconstructions
which is in agreement with the unimodal provenance evi- (Matthews et al., 2016; Müller et al., 2016). The slab‐pull
denced by the DZ data (Fig. 8), pointing to close and in a retreating trench, would be coexisting with others driv-
highly compartmentalized depocentres. Additionally, a ing mechanisms, such as far‐field stresses (Giambiagi et al.,
strike‐slip component has been suggested for the Jurassic 2009), which would have been more relevant for inboard
back‐arc phase of the Domeyko Basin, based on the “en- basins at this time, such as the Ischigualasto and Cuyo
echelon” distribution of depocentres (Prinz et al., 1994; basins (Fig. 1A). We suggest that the influence of the sub-
Vicente, 2005). Similar transtensional continental rift basins duction system at the Gondwanan margin would have con-
were developed during the Late Triassic‐Lower Jurassic arc trolled the basin geometry, kinematics and ultimately the
of the northwestern Gondwana (Busby, 2012; Busby & tectonostratigraphic evolution of the synrift Domeyko
Bassett, 2007). In modern times, the dextral transtensional Basin.
Walker Lane belt (United States) host the largest volcanic
vents at releasing bends (Busby, 2013), and we infer a sim-
ilar setting for the major volcanic centres developed in the 6 | CONCLUSIONS
Domeyko Basin.
During the postrift stage (mainly Jurassic to Lower In the Domeyko Basin, two synrift periods were developed
Cretaceous), the location of the thickest cumulative during the Triassic: The Synrift I (~240–225 Ma) with the
infills coincides with the deepest subsiding depocentres aperture of the Sierra Exploradora sub‐basin (SESB) and
formed during the synrift stage (Fig. 11), suggesting a the Synrift II (217‐200 Ma), which led to the opening of
strong control of the synrift architecture over the differen- the Sierra de Varas sub‐basin (SVSB) and the reactivation
tial thermal subsidence during the postrift phase of the of the SESB. These volcano‐sedimentary sub‐basins present
Domeyko Basin, similar to that proposed by Cristallini et striking differences in the sedimentary and volcanic infill
al. (2009) for the Jurassic back‐arc Neuquén Basin of of their depocentres, evidencing a strong influence of the
South America. volcanic input (low or high) and the mechanical subsidence
in the sedimentary depositional systems developed (A/S
ratio). In low‐volcaniclastic depocentres, a complete rift
5.5 | Geotectonic significance of the Domeyko
cycle is recorded (alluvial‐lacustrine‐fluvial), with rift‐cli-
Basin in the Southwestern Gondwana
max basinal lacustrine facies (A/S > 1) indicating the fault
During the Synrift II stage, the Cifuncho Basin (Fig. 1) linkage of the SVSB during the Synrift II. In high‐volcani-
was filled by volcanic and sedimentary rocks in the clastic depocentres of the SVSB and SESB, the develop-
Coastal Cordillera in a similar timespan (212‐200 Ma; ment of low to very low A/S facies (A/S ≤ 1) during high
Contreras et al., 2013; Espinoza et al., 2015). The scat- mechanical subsidence suggests that volcanic supply inhib-
tered plutonic rocks of this age (Escribano et al., 2013; ited the development of rift‐climax facies (basinal deep‐
Espinoza et al., 2014; Godoy & Lara, 1998) and the inter- water facies). The postrift transition took place at the “lat-
mediate to silicic, calcalkaline volcanism at the Coastal est” Rhaetian where the thermal subsidence allowed a wide
Cordillera would indicate a back‐arc position for the syn- transgression of shallow marine facies, bypassing the foot-
rift Domeyko Basin which hosts both calcalkaline and walls of the Domeyko Basin.
tholeiitic magmas (Espinoza et al., 2016; Oliveros et al., We suggest that the architecture of the synrift Domeyko
2017). The later points to a more distal position of the Basin was controlled by the interaction between major N‐S
Domeyko Basin with respect to the arc‐axis, where the faults and oblique ~NW‐SE discontinuities, generating asym-
influence of released fluids from the slab in the genesis metric half‐graben depocentres and structural highs in a left‐
of magmas is less pronounced (Hochstaedter, Gill, & lateral transtensional model (pull‐apart or releasing bend). The
Morris, 1990; Sayit, Bedi, Tekin, Göncüoglu, & Okuyucu, oblique discontinuities would correspond to NW‐SE continen-
2017; Stern et al., 1990). tal‐scale lineaments, suggesting that inherited basement weak-
The strong possibility that the subduction would have nesses controlled the segmentation of the Domeyko Basin.
been active in northern Chile at least during the Late Trias- The strong possibility that the Domeyko Basin would
sic (Coloma et al., 2017; González et al., in press; Oliveros have been formed as subduction‐related rift basin in a back‐
et al., 2017; Poma et al., 2014; del Rey, Deckart, Arria- arc position during the Late Triassic, highlights the slab‐pull
gada, & Martínez, 2016), suggests that the slab‐pull would as a probable driving mechanism for extension at the South-
have played an important role as a driving mechanism of western Gondwana margin during its early breakup, unlike
F I G U R E 1 2 Conceptual basin‐evolution model of the Synrift I, II and postrift phase of the Domeyko Basin. (a) Synrift I stage (~240–
225 Ma): Initiation of the SESB in a mainly extensional setting occupying the NW‐SE basement fabric. (b) Synrift II stage (~217–200 Ma):
Aperture of the SVSB and likely reactivation of the SESB in a mainly transtensional (sinistral) setting. During this stage, rift inception to rift
climax sequences were developed at the SVSB due to an ongoing fault linkage through a ~N‐S trending fault system. (c) Early Postrift (“latest”
Rhaetian): An abrupt reduction of the mechanical subsidence allowed the settlement of a shallow sea due to the initiation of the thermal
subsidence phase. (d) Late Postrift stage (Hettangian‐Lower Cretaceous?): The ongoing thermal subsidence coupled with a global rise of the sea
level controlled the deposition of deep marine facies across the mechanically inactive sub‐basins
other inland rift basins driven by far‐field stresses (Cuyo, Domeyko rift may correspond to an underestimated example
Ischigualasto and Neuquén basins). Therefore, slab‐induced of the tectonostratigraphic evolution of Gondwanean conti-
tectonics can control the first‐order features of subduction‐ nental subduction‐related basins.
related rifts, such as the rift position (e.g., intra‐arc or back‐
arc basins), the style and composition of volcanism, and the
rift kinematics (purely extensional versus transtensional
tectonics). These features would have controlled the This research was funded through the Plan Nacional de
tectonostratigraphic evolution of the synrift stage of the Geología of the Chilean Geological and Mining Survey
Domeyko Basin through the localization of volcanic centres (Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería) (DM, PV, CC,
(high‐volcaniclastic depocentres) and the deformation at RG, JC), the Fondecyt grant 1120715 (VO) and the doc-
releasing stepovers (transtensional kinematics). Given that toral fellowship 21140774 (ME). Rodolfo Ferrando, Carlos
only a moderate amount of subduction obliquity would be Venegas, Felipe Espinoza, Hans Wilke, and Rodrigo Alfaro
required to develop a strike‐slip component during rifting are thanked for the fruitful discussions on the updated geo-
(> ~30°; Philippon & Corti, 2016), the transtensional logical mapping in northern Chile. Also, we are grateful
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