Ssaim 1
Ssaim 1
Ssaim 1
State Space and Internal Models for Linear Quadratic Regulator Design
1 457
1 author:
Ryszard Gessing
Silesian University of Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Ryszard Gessing on 01 June 2016.
Abstract— State space models are proposed for direct imple- model correctors corresponding to constant and/or sinusoidal
mentation of linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) with measured excitations. Further on, the modified LQR design is proposed
not all the state variables but only the output of the plant. making it possible to obtain a partially prescribed roots locus.
Using this and an appropriately chosen performance index the
regulator transfer function is derived which gives a partially Finally, the method is illustrated in an example.
prescribed roots locus of the closed loop (CL) system. It is The contribution of the paper is in the state space model
noted that usual LQR stabilization problem with zero set point proposal which together with applied internal model correc-
does not take into account the steady state error, when is tor and an appropriate performance index create the modified
used in the system with non-zero constant set point. Further LQR design method giving a partially prescribed roots locus
on, the case of nonzero both the set point and disturbance is
considered by using an appropriate internal model corrector. of the CL system.
Including this corrector to the augmented plant the considered
case is transformed to usual LQR stabilization problem with II. F IRST S TATE S PACE M ODEL
zero set point. Using proposed the state determination and
internal model corrector the modified LQR design technique, Consider the plant described by the strictly proper
giving a partially prescribed roots locus, is described. Finally, transfer function (TF):
an example illustrates the method.
Keywords. Linear-quadratic regulator; state space models; Y (s) b0 sl + b1 sl−1 + ... + bl
G(s) = = n (1)
internal models; system design; correctors. U (s) s + a1 sn−1 + ... + an
where l < n, Y (s) = L[y(t)], U (s) = L[u(t)], L is the
I. I NTRODUCTION symbol of the Laplace transform; y(t) and u(t) are the output
The linear quadratic regulator (LQR) is now a classical and input signals, and an 6= 0. Assume that the numerator
problem being the subject of many papers and books e.g. and denominator of (1) are relatively prime polynomials.
we remind here only two erly papers of Kalman (1960) and Determine the state variables in the form
of Letov (1960) and two contemporary books: of Anderson x1 = y (n−m−1) − γ0 u(l−m−1) − ... − γl−m−1 u
and Moore (1990) and of Dorato et al (1995). A compact x2 = y (n−m−2) − γ0 u(l−m−2) − ... − γl−m−2 u
recapitulation of the state of art concerning this problem is ...............................................................
given in the book of Dorato et al (1995). For regulator design xl−m = y (n−l) − γ0 u
the steady state solution of LQ problem corresponding to xl−m+1 = y (n−l−1)
infinite horizon is used, frequently (e.g. MATLAB lqr and ................................................................ (2)
lqry functions).
xn−m = y
It should be realized that usual LQR stabilization problem
xn−m+1 = y (−1) + δ1 u(−1)
takes only into account the transients resulting from initial
xn−m+2 = y (−2) + δ1 u(−2) + δ2 u(−1)
states with no external excitation. This means that the zero
set point is then considered. The so called LQ tracking
xn = y (−m) + δ1 u(−m) + ... + δm u(−1)
problems addmit external excitations (non-zero set point or
disturbance) but have unrealistic assumption that they are
where m is an integer y (i) , u(i) are i-th derivative for i > 0
known in the whole control horizon.
and (−i)-th multiple integrals for i < 0 e.g. for (−i) < 0
In the present paper the original state space models are
proposed and used for derivation of the transfer function (TF) Z t Z t1 Z ti−1
of the regulator with using LQR technique. It is shown that u(−i) (t) = dt1 dt2 ... u(ti )dti . (3)
0 0 0
the solution of usual LQR stabilization problem, when used
to the case of non-zero constant set point does not take into Strictly speaking the derivatives y , u(i) may appear in the
account the steady state errors. The modified LQR problem first (n−m−1) rows, while the integrals y (−j) , u(−j) - in the
is formulated in which the internal model correctors are used. last m rows of (2). The constants γi , δi will be determined
It is shown the the integrator and/or oscillator are internal further on.
After differentiating both sides of (2), using notation (2) where pi , i = 1, 2, ...m are dependent upon γi , δi and ki .
as well as resulting from (1) equation For the case 0 ≤ m < l the TF R(s) takes the form (12) in
which the term sm in the denominator disappears and m is
y (n−m) + ... + an−m y + an−m+1 y (−1) + ... replaced by l. In the latter case the TF (12) can be improper,
+an y (−m) = b0 u(l−m) + b1 u(l−m−1) + ... + bl u(−m) (4) e.g. if l = n − 1 and 0 ≤ m < l it has a derivative term
(−k1 /p1 )s. Note, that if l < n − 1 and 0 ≤ m < l then
we obtain the first state space model, n-dimensional in the the TF R(s) contains derivatives y (i) (t) of higher than first
form order. The implementation of this kind of regulator could be
ẋ = Ax + Bu, y = Cx (5) difficult. In this case, applying the state (2) with m > l and
integrals of y and u, we can obtain an implementable R(s)
where x = [x1 , x2 , ..., xn ]T , u, y are scalars,
even in the form of proper TF. For instance using the state
determined by (2) with m = n − 1 we obtain R(s) in the
−a1 −a2 ... −an−1 −an
0 ... 0 0
form of the proper TF (with (n − 1)-th order polynomials
A= 0 1 ... 0 0
(6) both in numerator and denominator).
... ... ... ... ... The closed loop (CL) system composed of the plant (5)
0 0 ... 1 0 and feedback (11) is optimal in steady state and has n-
th order characteristic equation. However, then all the state
and B and C are column and row vectors, respectively, with
variables must be measured which usually is not possible.
components Bi and Ci , i = 1, 2, ..., n determined by
Note, that the CL system composed of the plant (1) and
Bi = γl−m+1−i , for 1 ≤ i ≤ l − m + 1 regulator R(s) obtained from substitution (2) into (11) is
Bi = 0, for l − m + 2 ≤ i ≤ n − m (7)
usually of higher order than n (if on the right-hand side of
Bi = δi−n+m , for n − m + 1 ≤ i ≤ n (2) the terms u(i) (t) appear). Therefore the latter, second
Cn−m = 1 and Ci = 0 for i 6= n − m system has usually worse performances than the first one.
The constants γi and δi are chosen so that the derivatives The first CL system is optimal in steady state (tf → ∞).
and integrals of u(t) are eliminated in (5). After derivations Then, there arises the question: if and in which sense the
we obtain second system is optimal? The response to this question will
be given in the two next sections.
γi = bi − a1 γi−1 − a2 γi−2 − ... − ai γ0 ,
i = 1, 2, ..., l − m, γ0 = b0 (8)
Consider the plant described by the TF (1). The
1 assumption an 6= 0 is now not needed. Determine the second
δi = − (bl−i+1 + an−i+1 δ1 + an−i+2 δ2 + ... state variables in the form
bl x1 = y (n−m−1) x2 = y (n−m−2) ... xn−m = y
+an−1 δi−1 ), i = 2, 3, ..., m, δ1 = − (9) xn−m+1 = y (−1) xn−m+2 = y (−2) ... xn = y (−m)
xn+1 = u(−1) xn+2 = u(−2) ... xn+m = u(−m)
From solving LQR problem described by (5)-(9) and
the performance index where, now m ≥ l and the notation used is the same as
Z tf previously.
I= (xT Qx + ru2 )dt (10) After differentiating both sides of (13), using notation
0 (13) and the equation (4), now we obtain the second
(where Q is a symmetric semipositive weighting matrix of state space model (5), (n + m)-dimensional with x =
the state, r is a small positive number and tf → ∞) the [x1 , x2 , ..., xn+m ]T , for which the formulas determining the
following feedback relation is obtained matrix A and vectors B, C are dependent upon relation
between m and l. For instance, for the case m = l it is
u = −kx = −k1 x1 − k2 x2 − ... − kn xn (11)
−a1 −a2 ... −an b1 ... bl−1 bl
Here k is n-dimensional vector with constant components 1 0 ... 0 0 ... 0 0
ki , i = 1, 2, ..., n which may be calculated using lqr
A= 0 1 ... 0 0 ... 0 0
MATLAB function.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
The regulator-observer equation and corresponding TF can 0 0 ... 0 0 ... 1 0
be derived by substituting (2) to (11) and rearranging the
terms containing u(i) (t). For instance, for the case m ≥ l (14)
the regulator-observer TF takes the form Generally, in the case m ≥ l the elements Ai,j of the (n +
m) × (n + m) matrix A are determined as follows:
U (s) k1 sn−1 + k2 sn−2 + ... + kn A1,j = −aj , for 1 ≤ j ≤ n;
R(s) = − =− m (12)
Y (s) s + p1 sm−1 + ... + pm A1,j = 0, for n + 1 ≤ j ≤ n + m − l − 1,
n + 1 ≤ n + m − l − 1; state LQR solution of the problem (5)-(9), (10). But, both
Ai,j = bj−n−m+l , for n + m − l ≤ j ≤ n + m, state space models, the first (5)-(9) and the second (5),
m > l; (14)-(16) describe the same plant (1). Let us distinguish,
Ai,j = 0, for 2 ≤ i ≤ n, j 6= i − 1; for a while, some notations used in both the problems,
Ai,i−1 = 1, for 2 ≤ i ≤ n; (15) namely, let x̌, Q̌, m̌ and x̂, Q̂, m̂ denote x, Q, m in the first
An+1,j = 0, for 1 ≤ j ≤ n + m; and second state space models and corresponding LQR
Ai,j = 0, for n + 2 ≤ i ≤ n + m, j 6= i − 1; problems (5)-(9), (10) and (5), (14)-(16), (10), respectively.
Ai,i−1 = 1, for n + 2 ≤ i ≤ n + m. For m̌ = m̂ = m ≥ l the regulators (12) and (18) have
The column and row vectors B and C with components Bi the same structure i.e. the numerator and denominator
and Ci , i = 1, 2, ..., n + m, respectively, are determined by polynomials of (12) and (18) have the same orders. If
additionally x̌T Q̌x̌ = x̂T Q̂x̂ then for both the problems the
B1 = b0 , f or m = l; B1 = 0, f or m > l plant, the performance index and the structure of resulting
Bi = 0, f or i ≥ 2, i 6= n + 1; Bn+1 = 1; regulators are the same.