3level Saq

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1. What did Charley discover when he was returning one night from office?

Charley believes that had discovered the 3rd level of the Grand Central station. He said that
the Central station is like a growing tree and one could easily get lost and find new ways

2. What did Charley’s friends and psychiatrist say about the third level?

The psychiatrist friend interpreted Charley’s finding the third level was the result of stress,
fear, and insecurity of the modern world. He explained to him that the stress and fear had
urged him to find an escape to a world that was peaceful and had plenty of leisure.

3. What was the reaction of Louisa to Charley’s strange experience?

Louisa was very worried and thought that Charley may be stressed and because of it he
was loosing the grip of his reality. She became angry when sam said that Charley might be
unhappy with the marriage.

1. Why wasn’t Charley surprised when he lost his way in the tunnel?

Charley knew how big the central station was and anyone can be lost. He stated that the
Central station is like a growing tree and everyday there are new tunnels and stairs.
2. Why did Charley

Decide to go to Gallesburg?

Charlie wants to go to Galesberg because he wants to go to the peaceful place as he

thinks that the modern world is full of stress, war, and fear . It was also the birthplace of
charlie which was beautiful and simpler world to him.

3. How did the clerk at the ticket counter react when Charley counted out the money?

He felt that Charley was trying to give him fake currency as the currency used in 1894 were
old style bills half as big as the notes that Charley was using ,he even threatened to turn
him to the authorities Charley did not relish the prospect of going to jail therefore he turned
and got out of the Third level.

4. Why was Charley’s plan of buying old style currency on his return to New York a
futile exercise?
He went back to convert his three hundred dollars into the “old-style currency” that could
enable him to buy two tickets to Galesburg. However, when he returned to the Grand
Central, he could not find the corridor leading to the third level.

5. What convinced Louisa and Charley that the third level existed?

Charley and louisa are sure that the the third level exists is because of the letter from sam
(charley’s friend) to author’s grandfather on july 1894 which depicts that he was in
galesburg of 1890s where he reached throug a train from the third level of grand central

6. What is a first-day cover? How does it assume importance in the story?

Stamp collectors buy new stamps on the day they are released, paste them on letters, and
mail them to their own address; when the letter arrives at their house with the postmark
and the date, they save it in their collection. This type of letter is known as a first-day cover.

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7. Why couldn’t Sam practice psychiatry in Galesburg?

Sam, being a psychiatrist, would not find any patient there because people in the olden
days lived a happy and peaceful life.

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