215050-Jihan Hana'-Uts English Medical Record II

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1. What do you know about international journal?

: International journals are journals that use international languages or English, and
international journal publications are more consumed for all countries

2. Can you explain about one of the journal did you found?
: yes, I can. I found a journal entitled The Accuracy of Medication Data in an Outpatient
Electronic Medical Record concluded that now the position of manual data forms that use
paper is replaced by EMR which is more effective, because EMR can be accessed easily
by hospitals, doctors and administrations can also re-examine the accuracy of the data
that has been entered effectively

3. Did you found a tenses in your journal?

: yes, I did

4. What tenses did you found?

: 1. Past perfect continuous tense
2. Past Future Continuous tense
3. Past future tense

5. Make 5 sentences about your tenses!

: 1. The BGC EMR had been in operation for 18 months at the. time of the study.
2. This exclusion patients criterion also excluded patients who had been seen previously,
but not since the inception of the EMR.
3. It was appropriate to exclude both types of patients because there had been no
opportunity to record their medications in the EMR.
4. This measure would be expected to be informative to a clinician who needs to know
the probability that a patient is actually taking a recorded medication.
5. This measure would inform a clinician of the number of medications likely to be
missing from a medication list.

6. What do you know about medical record?

: Medical record is a file that contains records and documents regarding patient identity,
examination, treatment, actions and other services that have been provided to patients. Or
Medical record is written or recorded information regarding identity, history taking,
physical determination, laboratory, diagnosis of all medical services and actions provided
to patients and treatment, both inpatients, outpatients and those receiving emergency
7. Why you choose to study at medical record?
: because, I am interested in medical records and I feel that most of my passion is in the
field of medical records

8. Mentions 10 terms and the meaning in medical record!

 1. Fever (Demam)
 2. Nausea (Mual)
 3. Sprain (Keseleo)
 4. Asthma (Asma)
 5. Fracture (Patah tulang)
 6. Vomit (Muntah)
 7. Germ (kuman)
 8. Stomachache (sakit perut)
 9. diarrhea (diare)
 10. Symptoms (gejala)

9. Make 10 sentences of the terms in number 8!

: 1. Fever is an abnormally high body temperature. Fever is usually accompanied by
2. Nausea is an uncomfortable sensation in the upper abdomen that makes a person feel
like throwing up.
3. sprain is an Joint injury resulting from stretching the ligament beyond its normal
4. asthma is a disorder in the form of chronic inflammation of the airways that causes
airway constriction (bronchial hyperactivity) causing repeated episodic symptoms in the
form of wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing, especially at night
or early morning.
5. fracture is a condition when a bone is broken so that its position or shape changes.
Fractures can occur when the bone receives a force or impact that is greater than the
strength of the bone.
6. Vomiting is a condition when stomach contents are forced out through the mouth.
Different from regurgitation or the release of gastric contents without contractions,
vomiting is accompanied by contractions of the stomach and abdominal muscles.
7. Germ can cause stomachache and diarrhea
8. Germ can cause stomachache and diarrhea
9. Germ can cause stomachache and diarrhea
10. The doctor knows the patient's illness by looking at the symptoms.

10. Give me a reason why I must give you A or B mark in English class!
: because I do and submit assignments on time, I am also active in English class activities

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