Lab 4 - Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
Lab 4 - Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
Lab 4 - Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
Submitted by
Name: Moosa Jilani
CMS ID: 385332
Heat Exchanger: A heat exchanger is a system used to transfer heat between a source and a
working fluid. It is used for both heating and cooling purposes.
Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger: It is a design of a heat exchanger used in high pressure
Parallel and Counterflows: Parallel flow is the one in which cold and hot liquid flow in the same
directions. Counterflow is the one in which the hot and cold liquid flow in opposite directions.
1. Firstly, the shell and tube heat exchanger was arranged in the parallel orientation using the
2. Once the heat exchanger was set in the parallel orientation, the flowrates of the cold and hot
water were noted.
3. Following this, a time of 10 minutes was given for the temperatures at the various intervals of
the heat exchanger to stabilize.
4. Once the temperature had stabilized, the inlet and outlet temperatures of the hot water were
noted. In addition, the inlet and outlet temperatures of the cold water were noted along with
temperatures at 0.125, 0.25, and 0.375 meters.
5. Once the temperatures had been found, the heat transfer from hot liquid was measured using
qH= ṁH*cP*(TH,In-TH,Out), and the heat gained by the cold liquid was obtained using
qC=ṁC*cP*(Tc,Out-TC,In). The heat lost was found by subtracting qC from qH. The logarithmic
mean temperature temperature difference for the parallel orientation was found using ΔTMean=
¿ ¿.
6. The Reynolds Number was obtained using the formula Re= , where ρ is the density of the
hot and cold water, V and D are the velocity and the diameter of the tube and μ is the dynamic
viscosity of water.
7. Once these temperatures had been obtained, the flowrates of the hot and cold water were
changed and the previous steps were repeated.
8. After the experiment had been carried out for parallel orientation, the valves were opened and
closed to create the counterflow orientation.
9. The previous steps were carried out for the counterflow orientation. The only difference
was the logarithmic mean temperature difference being, ΔTMean=¿ ¿.
10. After the experiment had been carried out for the counterflow orientation, the heater
supply and the pump are switched off before the main power is switched off.
1. Parallel Configuration
Serial no 1 2 3
Hot Flowrate 1.2Lpm 1.6Lpm 1.95Lpm
Cold Flowrate 1.3Lpm 1.3Lpm 1.3Lpm
Hot Inlet Temp (St-1) (°C) 36 36 37
Hot Outlet Temp (St-2) (°C) 30 32 33
Cold Inlet Temp (St-3) (°C) 23 24 24
Temp at x=0.125m (St-4) (°C) 27 27 28
Temp at x=0.25m (St-5) (°C) 29 29 29
Temp at x=0.375m (St-6) (°C) 29 29 30
Cold Outlet Temp (St-7) (°C) 29 29 30
qH (W) 1092 1344 1774.5
qC (W) 546.084 455.07 546.084
qLost (W) 545.916 888.93 1228.416
ΔTMean 4.6784 6.4921 6.8197
Reynolds Number 14.3065 19.075 23.248
Efficiency 0.4615 0.3333 0.3079
QH=ṁH*cP*(TH,In-TH,Out)= 0.02*4200*(36-30)= 504W
Qmax=ṁmin*C*(TH,In-TC,In)= 0.02*4200*(36-23)=1092W
( 36−23 )−(30−29)
ΔTMean=¿ ¿= 36−23 =4.6784
ln ( )
30−2 9
2. Counterflow Configuration
Serial no 1 2 3
Hot Flowrate 1.95Lpm 1.6Lpm 1.2Lpm
Cold Flowrate 1.3Lpm 1.3Lpm 1.3Lpm
Hot Inlet Temp (St-1) (°C) 33 35 36
Hot Outlet Temp (St-2) (°C) 28 29 30
Cold Inlet Temp (St-3) (°C) 21 21 22
Temp at x=0.125m (St-4) (°C) 26 28 28
Temp at x=0.25m (St-5) (°C) 25 26 26
Temp at x=0.375m (St-6) (°C) 24 25 25
Cold Outlet Temp (St-7) (°C) 26 28 29
qH (W) 1638 1568 1176
qC (W) 455.07 637.098 637.098
qLost (W) 1182.94 930.902 538.902
ΔTMean 3.9912 3.0833 3.0833
Reynolds Number 23.248 19.075 14.3065
Efficiency 0.4167 0.4286 0.4286
QH=ṁH*cP*(TH,In-TH,Out)= 0.02*4200*(36-30)= 504W
Qmax=ṁmin*C*(TH,In-TC,In)= 0.02*4200*(36-23)=1176W
ΔTMean=¿ ¿=3.0833
In this experiment, we made use of the shell and tube heat exchanger to observe the heat transfer
between the hot and cold liquid, and see the effect of Reynolds number on the heat transfer. It
was seen that the counterflow configuration of the shell and tube heat exchanger had a higher
efficiency in transferring heat from the hot liquid to the cold liquid. Furthermore, it was seen that
at higher Reynolds number the maximum heat transfer increases, suggesting a positive relation
between the heat transfer and Reynolds Number.
In this lab, we made successful use of the shell and tube heat exchanger, and used it to observe
heat transfer between the hot and cold liquids.