Curse of The Dread Marsh Crew

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Introduction 5E in 5 Minutes

A crew of pirates have been betrayed! Sent on a mission A brief primer or reminder of some key 5E rules.
to steal Foxbeard’s treasure by their treacherous quarter-
master they find themselves suffering the Curse of the Ability and Skill Checks - Each task will have a Difficul-
Black Mark. They must face hostile locals, solve the puzzle ty Class (DC), the player rolls 1d20 then adds either their
of their curse and battle what’s left of Foxbeard, or else Ability or Skill modifier (found on the character sheet),
accept a lifetime spent as rotting cadavers. succeeding if their total equals or exceeds the DC. Ability
or Skill checks may be made at advantage if another party
A ready to roll 5E one shot produced by Loke Battle Mats member can “help” and has the required skill/ability (in
using battle maps, tokens and artwork from our upcoming combat this is the Help action).
Box of Adventure 2. Coast of Dread – A starter kit full of
battle maps, terrain tokens and tokens of Beasts, NPCs Advantage and Disadvantage
and Baddies to run fantasy RPG encounters. Advantage: roll 2d20 keeping the better result.
Disadvantage: roll 2d20 keeping the worse result.
Some Experience of 5E Preferred but hints and tips are
given to help run this adventure. Combat Rounds - Everyone involved in the combat rolls
Initiative (1d20 + DEX modifier) to determine turn order for
the combat, with highest results taking their turn first each
The Coast of Dread round.
RPG Maps & Tokens Everyone gets 1 turn during a round and can:
• Move (up to speed value, before/after action)
• Take 1 action (e.g. attack, cast, dash, disengage,
Coming to your local dodge, help, hide, ready, use object etc.)
• Take 1 bonus action (if any are available)
store later in 2022
Everyone can also perform 1 reaction between turns (e.g.
opportunity attack or readied action).

Contents Attacking - To attack with weapons or spells roll 1D20 plus

any modifier (character sheets/monster stats). If the result
is equal or greater than the Armour Class (AC) of the tar-
It Starts with A Curse 2 get it’s a hit. When attacking a roll of 1 always misses and
Windward Cemetery 3 a roll of 20 is a critical, doubling the damage dice.
Graveyard Shift 4
Meet the Locals 5 Damage - The weapon/spell will show what damage dice
Symbolic Seal 6 to roll and any modifiers, this is how many Hit Points (HP)
Foxbeards Challenge 7 are lost. If HP goes to 0 then adversaries are dead, player
Monsters 8 characters are unconscious, unstable and make death
NPCs & Beasts 9 saves.
PC 1 10
PC 2 12 Death Saves - Each turn you start with 0 HP roll 1d20, on
PC 3 14 a 10 or higher mark 1 success on the death save track on
PC 4 16 your character sheet, otherwise mark a failure (a 1 counts
as 2 failures and a 20 automatically puts you on 1 HP). If
Writing: Tam Henderson, Matt Henderson they reach three successes first then they are stable and
Art: James Grey, @Grandfailure no longer need to save, 3 failures means they die.
Maps: Matt Henderson

Notice of Open Game Content - This product makes reference to content in

the System Reference Document 5.1 under the Open Game License Version
1.0a. This product does not add any new Open Game Content. The full text
of the Open Game License Version 1.0a is included at the back of this book.
It Starts with a Curse Curse of the Black Mark
The players start the adventure afflicted by a curse and Those who take the Emerald Eye out of Foxbeard’s crypt
have until dawn to re-enter a crypt and defeat the mon- are all struck by the Curse of the Black Mark. Those
sters inside to lift the curse. afflicted by the curse have until the coming dawn to put
Foxbeard to rest, or else they truly die and become more
The sealed crypt can only be opened once the sun sets of Foxbeards Blackhand Ghouls.
and the cemetery will be visited by a watchman, his dog
and a mob of villagers before that happens. Each Char- As the GM it’s your choice as to how much of this informa-
acter Sheet in the back of this book has some information tion you tell your players and how much you want to save
in their Back Story section that describes their opinions and reveal during the game.
on recent activities. Please ask your players to read those
before starting. The three ongoing effects of the curse are The Black
Mark, Going Nowhere and So, You’re Dead...
When ready read the following out to your players.
The Black Mark - Those afflicted by the curse gain a
It was always a job too good to be true... small black mark on their right hand. This mark grows if
certain activities are performed by the carrier of the mark
As crew members of the Dread Marsh, a small yet (these are detailed in each encounter). There is a special
highly capable “privateer” ship, you were sent on a job section on each character sheet to track the Black Mark.
by Axell, the ships elderly quartermaster. You were to
acquire the Emerald Eye, a huge gemstone, from the Going Nowhere - Those afflicted are unable to leave
grave of the legendary pirate Foxbeard, located in the the graveyard surrounding Foxbeard’s tomb. Whenever
Windward Cemetery. they try to leave they find themselves turned around.

The quartermaster offered plenty of advice on finding So, You’re Dead... Those afflicted immediately take
Foxbeard’s tomb and where to look for the Emerald on the appearance of a rotting version of themselves and
Eye in the crypt below. What he didn’t mention howev- apply the following:
er was the curse!
• Aaargh! Your speech can only be fully understood by
One easy exploration and discovery later, and a rather others suffering from ‘So You’re Dead...’ To everyone
premature feeling of a job well done, you exited the else it sounds like mumbled growling, this gives Disad-
tomb into the crisp evening air with the Emerald Eye in vantage to all skills requiring Speech.
hand. • Dead Ringer. You look and smell just like a zombie
and will show as undead to any detection magic. Note
However, upon exiting the crypt into the tomb above, you are not classed as undead with regards to other
a great stone slab sealed the stairs and you quickly effects.
realise the terrible truth. The find was cursed, your • Dying Fortitude. You may expend and roll a Hit Dice
flesh starts to rot away as you are all afflicted with the after suffering damage from any source to reduce that
Curse of the Black Mark! damage by what was rolled on the Hit Dice + CON
You are alone amongst the graves, a thick blanket of • It Burns! You are vulnerable to the Radiant damage
mist obscures all beyond the edge of the cemetery. type (it does double damage).
• No Rest for the Dead. You are unable to benefit from
Loud, long laughter echoes from within the now sealed a Long or Short Rest while cursed.
Windward Cemetery
Before the first encounter, and between further encounters Search the Southeast Corner - Someone has scratched
in the cemetery, characters can use their limited time to disturbing graffiti all over a large gravestone. A successful
explore and investigate their surroundings. DC 10 Investigation or Perception check will reveal a mes-
sage amongst the scrawling in Thieves’ Cant saying “The
Everyone may do one of the following at these times: spot grows bigger each time we kill”
Examine the Sealed Entrance - The seal is a huge slab
of immovable solid rock, a successful DC 10 Investigation Search the Southwest Corner - A successful DC 10
check will reveal intricate carvings all around the edges. Perception check will uncover 12cp and a rusty dagger
If a DC 15 Arcana check is passed or ‘Comprehend Lan- amongst a pile of juicy partially gnawed bones in the re-
guages’ is cast these symbols can be read as the following mains of a broken grave.
words in this order “Moon, Eye, Crew and Dead“.
Hide a Body - If they’ve killed someone and don’t want to
Search the Tomb - A successful DC 15 Perception check be found out, they can hide the body. The first body can
will reveal a worn old piece of parchment that reads be hidden in the stone coffin in the tomb but any more will
”Tricked into stealing the eye, now cursed. If you find this, require a DC 15 Athletics check to hastily bury. Only one
the seal started glowing at night but I couldn’t figure how to body can be buried per player in the time available.
open the damn thing.”
Do Something Else - The players may well think of other
Search the Northwest Corner - A DC 10 Perception things they’d like to do with the time, they have 10 minutes
check will uncover a bottle of sweet perfume left as an to use wisely...
offering that has rolled into the undergrowth.
Remember if they try to leave the cemetery they will be
Search the Northeast Corner - A grave stone here has turned around by the curse and are unable to exit the area.
the unmistakeable glimmer of gold inlaid in the letters of
an epitaph. This could be scraped out for 10gp worth of Once everyone has performed one of these options move
gold, but anyone stealing this gold will earn an extra level to the next encounter placing the character tokens as
on their Black Mark hand. appropriate for the option performed.
Graveyard Shift Convince the Pair it’s ‘All Fine’ - To convince Old Will
and Snuffles everything is fine and to leave, requires two
As the evening sun’s weak rays light the cemetery, an successes between these tasks. Getting two failures will
old Watchman steps out of the mists and through the make them hostile.
gate, accompanied by his rather fat guard dog.
• Convince Old Will that you’re not zombies with a DC 15
The Watchman appears curious as opposed to chal- Persuasion (Disadvantage due to Aaargh!).
lenging, it is unusual to find the cemetery occupied • Use ‘Charm Person’ on Old Will
but not unheard of. He seems to have poor eyesight • Use ‘speak with animals’ and convince Snuffles to help
as he calls out to his dog, Snuffles, to find out who is with a DC 10 Persuasion.
there. • Use ‘Animal Handling’ DC 15 to tame Snuffles. Using
an item (steak sandwich, juicy bone etc.) grants Ad-
Snuffles does not look to be a vicious dog. He seems vantage on checks to tame Snuffles.
curious and sniffs the air, drooling slightly. • Old Will has a pouch of dog treats, a successful DC 10
Sleight of Hand check could steal these and use them
“What do you think Snuffles?” “Who are they Snuf- for an automatic success in taming Snuffles.
fles?” “If you’re a bad ‘un, Snuffles will know, you • Try to “Blend in” as visitors/gravediggers/gardeners
know” “Snuffles has never let me down yet” for the day. (DC 15 Stealth/Deception/Performance).
Masking the zombie smell with perfume or similar will
The watchman, Old Will, and his dog Snuffles are inves- grant Advantage on these checks.
tigating the cemetery. His poor eyesight gives the charac- Of course the players are free to suggest other options.
ters a chance to convince him everything is fine, they just The DC for most will be between 10 and 15.
need to convince his dog too.
Befriend Snuffles - If two success are made in dealing
Add the Old Will and Snuffles tokens to the cemetery map with Snuffles (Tame, Talk with Animals etc.) then Snuffles
on the easternmost path edge. joins as an ally and Old Will wanders over to sit under his
favourite tree, in the north west corner, and have a rest.
One Man and his Dog - How the characters deal with Old
Will and Snuffles will affect future encounters, if they can If they Become Hostile - This can happen if the charac-
get these two on side things are easier and if they end up ters attack or if their attempts to convince them go badly.
attacking them it becomes much harder! Roll Initiative!

Scare Away - The characters can scare the pair out of the Snuffles will attack to protect Old Will, and Old Will loves
cemetery with a DC 10 Intimidation check, in which case his dog and will fight to help Snuffles for as long as Snuf-
both will return as part of the ‘Meet the Locals’ encounter. fles is fighting.

Stay Hidden? - Some or all characters may try to hide Black Marks - Killing Old Will or Snuffles will result in
completely via Stealth checks, though Snuffles has a good each player that caused either of them damage, adding
nose and Advantage on Perception checks for smells! one level to the Black Mark hand on their character sheet.
Meet the Locals Convince the Mob - It’s possible to try and reason with or
deceive the mob, this requires two successful checks from
A group of villagers march out of the swirling mists the characters from the following options:
and through the cemetery gates, all are wielding farm
tools and waving torches. • Convince the mob you’re not zombies using either
Persuasion, Deception or Performance (remember all
This mob consists of a dozen villagers. They are poorly speech is at disadvantage due to Aaargh!). Offering a
armed and armoured, and most appear to be frustrat- gift/bribe here could offer Advantage.
ed and cross to be here. • Use Charm person on a mob member.
• Try to “Blend in” as visitors/gravediggers/gardeners
There are also two better equipped militia who have for the day. (DC 15 Stealth/Deception/Performance).
clearly rounded up their unwilling neighbours and Masking the zombie smell with perfume or similar will
dragged them up the hill, quite probably at the re- grant Advantage on these checks.
quest of the solemn looking priestess who is staring all
around with every ounce of intensity she can muster. Of course the players are free to suggest other options.
The DC for most will be between 10 and 15.
“Is your dad working here today?” One militia man
asks the other. If the mob is convinced then they will take their leave and
head back to the village of Windward, with the priestess
The local priestess, Eltrion, has sensed unrest up at the giving some local wisdom as a departing gift.
cemetery and convinced the militia to round up a group of
villagers to investigate. Local Wisdom - Eltrion will direct the characters to the
carvings around the seal and advise that they believe
Now, 2 members of the Windward Militia are leading a these are the key to opening the seal. She could also be
mob of 12 Windward Villagers, with Priestess Eltrion convinced, with a DC 20 Persuasion check to help and
alongside. Add the tokens for all the villagers, militia and stay around as an ally.
the Priestess to the Cemetery Map anywhere within 15’ of
the eastern map edge. If the Mob Becomes Hostile - This can happen if the
characters attack, if they killed Old Will/Snuffles or if their
The Fate of Old Will and Snuffles - If Old Will is sitting by attempts to reason with the mob go badly. Roll Initiative!
his tree following the last encounter he will warmly shout
out and greet his eldest child, one of the Militia, and then The villagers will run away if possible as soon as three or
assure him there is nothing to worry about and that you more of their number are killed. The militia and priestess
are “alright in his book”. Any Checks to convince the mob will fight on longer, retreating only if the villagers are safely
or “blend in” can then be made at advantage. away and they are reduced to 50% or less HP.

If Old Will and/or Snuffles was killed and the bodies found Don’t forget that those afflicted by the Curse of the Black
then the mob are instantly hostile. Mark are vulnerable, and take double damage from Radi-
ant sources, like Eltrion’s Sacred Flame cantrip.
Hiding From the Mob - Any character trying to hide from
the Mob must make a DC 14 Stealth Check to avoid being Black Marks - Killing any mob member will result in the
spotted by the Priestess’s keen eye. player that killed them, adding one level to the Black Mark
hand on their character sheet.
If the mob is hostile and the characters are hidden, the
mob will keep searching for some time, requiring two more
DC 14 Stealth Checks to remain undiscovered before the
mob give up and leave.

Symbolic Seal The Moon Symbol - If the seal is subjected to moonlight
(or magic light) then a twelfth symbol that translates to
As the sun sets, the seal over the crypt entrance within Moon appears in the centre of the seal.
the tomb begins to glow with eerie green light. Eleven
complex arcane symbols form across its surface. If looking for clues, a successful DC 12 Investigation check
will reveal a small crescent shaped opening in the ceiling
These ‘Arcanic’ symbols only become visible after sunset, covered by moss. If the moss is cleared the Moon symbol
and form most of the method to unlock the seal safely. appears as moonlight pours in.
There is one more hidden symbol required that requires
moonlight to appear. Activating the Symbols - Anyone afflicted by the curse
of the Black Mark that touches a symbol will make that
The Symbols - These eleven glowing symbols combine to symbol turn red for as long as they touch it.
create a circular pattern with a distinct crescent shaped
gap in the centre. Not the Right Code - If any three or more symbols that
don’t include any from Moon, Eye, Crew or Dead, are red
If a DC 15 Arcana check is passed or ‘Comprehend Lan- at the same time, a pulse of energy blasts out, causing
guages’ is cast these symbols can be read as the following everyone within 30ft of the seal to take 2d6 force damage.
words “Fly, Sun, Eye, Souls, Life, Fox, Fire, Crew, Dead, Sea
and Dawn” The Right Code - If the Eye, Crew and Dead symbols are
all red at the same time the seal opens.
The Seal Edge Carvings - As a reminder the carvings
they may have found when investigating the Windward The Moon symbol is the safety symbol, if it’s not also red
Cemetery and that priestess Eltrion may have mentioned when the seal opens everyone within 30ft of the seal takes
are “Moon, Eye, Crew and Dead“ 2d6 force damage.

If they’ve not found these carvings yet, they may still per- The Way is Now open - Once the seal is open the stairs
form a DC 10 Investigation check to find them, then a DC are revealed leading down into the crypt (remove the seal
15 Arcana or ‘Comprehend Languages’ to understand. token). The party may now enter the crypt.

Enter the Crypt The Sound of His Own Voice - Foxbeard has plenty of
time, so will monologue at the Characters for as long as
The stairs lead down to a dimly lit narrow passage possible.
with two alcoves on either side. In a change to when
you were last down here, a sturdy wooden door is now This gives the Characters chance to spot the lurking
closed at the end of the passage. ghouls and position themselves where they wish.

The crypt is unlit and the Characters may need to arrange If by any chance he keeps them talking for 15 minutes,
light for themselves. There is a wall sconce with an unlit another Blackhand Ghoul awakens in the north east room.
lantern by the door.
Let’s Fight - When the characters take any offensive ac-
The door is locked and can be opened with a DC 12 tion or advance within 10 ft. of Foxbeard, roll initiative and
Thieves Tools check or with a DC 15 Strength Ability begin combat.
check. Once the door is opened, immediately begin the
Foxbeards Challenge encounter. Foxbeard will target the Character with the highest level of
Black Marks where possible.
Foxbeards Challenge If reduced to 25% HP, Foxbeard will use his Crew Sacrifice
ability at the next opportunity.
As the door opens you see once more into the main
chamber of this crypt, an open area with eight pillars
Collapsing the Roof - While by no means easy, it would
supporting a high vaulted ceiling and multiple arched
be possible to collapse some or all of the ceiling here by
doorways leading to smaller chambers.
knocking down the supporting pillars. Each pillar (AC 17,
HP 18) if destroyed brings down rubble in a 5 ft. radius
The large sarcophagus in the centre of the chamber,
causing 5d6 bludgeoning damage. As soon as four pil-
where you plucked the Emerald Eye from it’s holder, is
lars are destroyed the whole roof collapses, bringing the
now partially open.
ceiling in the main room down, causing 10d6 bludgeoning
It’s then that a well dressed corpse sporting a fabulous
captains hat and enormous red beard swaggers into
Lifting the Curse - If Foxbeard is reduced to 0 HP then
the magic of the curse is dispelled, this removes all effects
of the Curse of the Black Mark from the Characters and
“You’re eager ones! I thought you’d wanna stay top-
destroys any remaining Blackhand Ghouls and Tobias.
side and enjoy your last few hours of freedom before
joinin’ my crew?”
Giving Foxbeard the Emerald Eye or placing it back on the
sarcophagus does not end the curse!
His cutlass hisses as it slides from it’s sheath and he
strikes a pose, pointing it level at you.
Treasure! - Foxbeard has some valuables on his corpse
and the Emerald Eye itself is a well cut emerald worth
“So be it, you can die for good now!”
1,250gp, now curse free.
This is Foxbeards resting place and he was awakened
A DC 10 Investigation check will also reveal a chest be-
when the Emerald Eye was taken from the crypt.
neath the base of his sarcophagus that contains a haul of
1,500gp in mixed coins.
Place Foxbeards token on the edge of his sarcophagus
nearest the entrance.

Normally thieves don’t figure out how to get back inside

The End?
before dawn rises and die from the curse, raising as Black- The Crew either return to sea slightly older, wealthier,
hand Ghouls and joining Foxbeards crypt bound crew. hopefully wiser and with a new respect for other people’s
Talking of crew, 3 Blackhand Ghouls and Tobias Sand are
hiding in the crypt, they will wait until the Characters move Or they may have failed and instead joined the cursed
into the room before they act, ideally attacking in the rear. undead crew.
A successful DC 14 Perception check will notice them.


Blackhand Ghoul Foxbeard

Undead Pirate Undead Pirate Captain
Medium undead, chaotic evil Medium undead, chaotic evil
AC 12 HP 18 (4d8) Speed 30 ft. CR 1/2 (100 XP) AC 15 HP 65 (10d8+20) Speed 30 ft. CR 2 (450 XP)
STR 13 (+1) DEX 15 (+2) CON 10 (-) INT 7 (-2) WIS 10 (-) CHA 6 (-2) STR 18 (+4) DEX 16 (+3) CON 15 (+2) INT 16 (+3) WIS 11 (-) CHA 11 (-)
Skills Stealth +4 Damage Immunities Poison
Damage Immunities Poison Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Poisoned
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Poisoned Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10 Languages Common
Languages Common
Actions Marked to Suffer. Foxbeard adds force damage to his
Bite or Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., Cutlass attacks against targets afflicted with the Curse of
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage. the Black Mark, dealing 1 extra damage per level of Black
Mark they possess.
Victims, turned in to mindless ghouls by the Curse of the Crew Sacrifice. Foxbeard may use a Bonus Action to sac-
Black Mark, forced to serve Foxbeard and guard his crypt. rifice a Blackhand Ghoul within 60 ft. The Blackhand Ghoul
is destroyed and Foxbeard restores 2d8 HP.

Expert Swordman. Foxbeard makes two Cutlass attacks.
Tobias Sand Cutlass. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) slashing damage.
Undead First Mate Reactions
Medium undead, chaotic evil Parry. Foxbeard adds 2 to his AC against one melee attack
AC 13 HP 23 (5d8) Speed 30 ft. CR 1 (200 XP) that would hit him. To do so, Foxbeard must see the attack-
STR 16 (+3) DEX 15 (+2) CON 10 (-) INT 7 (-2) WIS 10 (-) CHA 6 (-2) er and be wielding a melee weapon.
Skills Stealth +4
Damage Immunities Poison Equipment
Studded leather armour, fabulous captain hat, fancy cut-
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Poisoned
lass (50gp value), captain’s coat with gold trim and buttons
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
(100gp value), coin pouch with 76gp.
Languages Common

Actions Description
Foxbeard was once a rich and feared pirate, but as the
Swing the Yardarm. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
cruelties of the sea began to take their toll he retired and
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) bludgeoning damage.
settled in Windward, growing rather fond of the locals who
If the target is medium sized or smaller, it must succeed on
welcomed him.
a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Knowing his reputation and treasure would attract un-
wanted attention he hid his hoard well, and arranged to
Foxbeard’s treacherous first mate, the very first victim
protect it with a curse placed by an Efreeti noble.
of the curse. Tobias still carries his trusty greatclub, the
The curse now helps provide more undead crew to guard
his precious treasure.
NPCs & Beasts
Windward Militia
Local Law Enforcement
Medium humanoid, lawful neutral
AC 16 HP 11 (2d8+2) Speed 30 ft. CR 1/8 (25 XP)
Old Will STR 13 (+1) DEX 12 (+1) CON 12 (+1) INT 10 (-) WIS 10 (-) CHA 11 (-)
Cemetery Watchman Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages Common
Medium humanoid, neutral good
AC 10 HP 3 (1d8) Speed 20 ft. CR 0 (10 XP) Actions
STR 9 (-1) DEX 7 (-2) CON 10 (-) INT 12 (+1) WIS 11 (-) CHA 9 (-1) Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Senses Passive Perception 10 (5 if sight based) target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) piercing damage.
Languages Common Light Crossbow. Ranged Attack: +3 to hit, range 80/320
ft., one target, Hit: 5 (1d8+1) piercing damage.
Walking Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft., Equipment
one target. Hit: 1 (1d4-1) bludgeoning damage. Chain mail, sword, light crossbow, 20 bolts.

Walking staff, warm clothes, pouch of dog treats, well
chewed small leather ball, wineskin. Windward Villager
Local Village Folk
Medium humanoid, lawful neutral
Snuffles AC 10 HP 4 (1d8) Speed 30 ft. CR 0 (10 XP)
STR 10 (-) DEX 10 (-) CON 10 (-) INT 10 (-) WIS 10 (-) CHA 10 (-)
Faithful Hound Senses Passive Perception 10
Medium beast, unaligned Languages Common
AC 12 HP 7 (1d8+1) Speed 40 ft. CR 1/8 (25 XP)
STR 13 (+1) DEX 14 (+2) CON 12 (+1) INT 3 (-4) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 7 (-2) Actions
Skills Perception +3 Pitchfork. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Senses Passive Perception 14 target. Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing damage.

Keen Hearing and Smell. Snuffles has advantage on Wis-
dom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Priestess Eltrion
Village Cleric
Actions Medium humanoid, lawful good
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
AC 10 HP 16 (3d8+3) Speed 30 ft. CR 1/2 (100 XP)
target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) piercing damage. If the target is a
creature, it must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving throw STR 10 (-) DEX 11 (-) CON 12 (+1) INT 12 (+1) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 11 (-)
or be knocked prone. Senses Passive Perception 14
Languages Common

Sacred Flame. Cantrip: Range 60 ft. Target must succeed
DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 radiant damage.
The target gains no benefit from cover for this saving

Holy symbol, robes.
Level 2 Fighter Chaotic Good

+3 +1 +3 +1
16 13 16

+0 +1 -1
30 ft.
10 12 8 18

Proficiency Bonus +2
Armour: light, medium, heavy,
Weapons: simple, martial 24
+5* Tools: none
+1 Saving Throws: STR, CON
+5* Skills: Animal Handling, Athletics, 2d10
0 Intimidation, Survival
+1 Languages: Common

+1 Longsword. Melee Weapon Fighting Style (Protection).

+3* Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: When a creature you can see
0 1d8+3 slashing damage. (If used attacks a target other than you
+5* two-handed in melee, does that is within 5 feet of you, you
-1 1d10+3 damage). can use your reaction to impose
0 disadvantage on the attack roll.
Unarmed Strike. Melee At-
+1 You must be wielding a shield.
tack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 4
+1* bludgeoning damage. Second Wind. Bonus action to
0 regain 1d10+3 HP, single use
+1 Hand Axe. Melee Weapon
between short/long rests.
0 Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.
+1 Hit: 1d6+3 piercing damage. (If Action Surge. Gain 1 extra
-1 thrown, normal range to 20 ft.; action on your turn, single use
-1 disadvantage long range 21 to between short/long rests.
0 60 ft.).
Axell, the Quartermaster never liked you. Probably
because the rest of the Dread Marsh crew respect
your fighting ability and willingness to act.
You’re Cursed!
While you don’t seem to
Well, now the quartermaster and your own eager- be harmed, your flesh
ness for adventure have led you right into trouble. has started to rot away,
which leaves you with the
You’d heard the tall tales from Axell’s youth about appearance of a zombie.
how he used to sail with the legendary Foxbeard,
so when the chance came to retrieve his fabled loot There is a also a mark on
you were the first to volunteer. your hand, that right now
is quite small...
Idolynn made getting into the crypt and taking the
big emerald from the sarcophagus look easy, it’s
only when you all got out the trouble started.

Now you have a dreadful curse and no way back to Chain mail (AC 16), Shield (AC +2)
your beloved ship. Surely this is all the foul plot of Longsword, 2 Hand Axes
that greedy, treacherous, scurvy Quartermaster! Backpack: Flint and Steel, Tinderbox, 2 Torches,
Mess Kit, Bedroll, Waterskin, Steak Sandwich,
You’ll find a way to lift the curse then return to the Gambling Dice, Shovel, 50 feet of Hempen Rope
Dread Marsh and show Axell the sharp end of your
blade. 8gp, 27sp
Level 2 Rogue Chaotic Neutral

+0 +3 +3 +3
11 16 16

+2 -1 +1
14 9 13 30 ft.

Proficiency Bonus +2
Armour: light
Weapons: simple, hand crossbow,
longsword, rapier, shortsword
+0 Tools: thieves’ tools
+5* Saving Throws: DEX, INT
+3 Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Percep- 2d8
+4* tion, Performance, Sleight of Hand,
-1 Stealth
+1 Languages: Common, Thieves’ Cant

+5* Rapier. Finesse Melee Weapon Sneak Attack. Once per turn,
-1 Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: deal extra +1d6 damage to one
+2 1d8+3 piercing damage. creature hit if attack with ad-
+2* vantage using finesse or ranged
Unarmed Strike. Melee Attack:
-1 weapon.
+2 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1 bludg-
0 eoning damage. Expertise. Two skills gain
+1 double proficiency (Applied and
+1 Dagger. Finesse Melee Weap-
marked **)
+2 on Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.
-1 Hit: 1d4+3 piercing damage. (If Cunning Action. Perform either
+2 thrown, normal range to 20 ft.; the Dash, Disengage or Hide
+1* disadvantage long range 21 to action as a bonus action.
+3* 60 ft.).
Thieves’ Cant. Knows the se-
+1 Shortbow. Ranged Weapon cret language and symbols used
+2 Attack: +5 to hit, Hit: 1d6+3 by thieves.
+7** piercing damage. normal range
+7** to 80 ft.; disadvantage long
-1 range 81 to 320 ft.).
This job was easy, far too easy, that’s when you
should have known it was going to go south. You’re Cursed!
All of the information from the Quartermaster was While you don’t seem to
spot on, you led the crew up to the cemetery and be harmed, your flesh
accessed the crypt without raising any alarms. Then has started to rot away,
the deft touch of your crowbar freed the Emerald which leaves you with the
Eye from it’s housing on the sarcophagus, and that appearance of a zombie.
exquisite looking gem found its way into your pock-
et. There is a also a mark on
your hand, that right now
You’d checked all around for traps so the seal is quite small...
slamming into place after you all left the crypt was a
surprise and you’d started to suspect magic as the
cause just as the curse struck.

Now, not only do you appear to be rotting away and Leather Armour (AC 11)
reek of the grave, but you’ve got a horrible suspicion Rapier, 2 Daggers, Shortbow, 20 Arrows
that the only way to lift this curse will involve giving Thieves Tools (lockpicks, file, pliers, etc.)
back the gem you’ve just acquired! Backpack: Bell, 5 Candles, Crowbar, Hammer, 8
Pitons, Hooded Lantern, 1 Flask of Oil, Waterskin,
That seal may be magical, not mechanical, but you’d Ships Biscuits.
bet your life, or what’s left of it, that it’s trapped.
The Emerald Eye, 25gp, 32sp
Level 2 Warlock Chaotic Neutral

+0 -1 +2 -1
11 9 14

+2 +2 +3
30 ft.
14 15 16 10

Proficiency Bonus +2
Armour: light
Weapons: simple
Tools: none
+0 Saving Throws: WIS, CHA
-1 Skills: Arcana, History, Investigation,
+2 Persuasion 2d8
+2 Languages: Common

-1 Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Otherworldly Patron. Fiend

+2 Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit:
Dark One’s Blessing. When
+4* 1d6+0 bludgeoning damage.
you drop an enemy to 0HP
0 (If used two-handed in melee
regain 2HP
+3 damage is 1d8).
+4* Pact Magic. Spells cast as 1st
Unarmed Strike. Melee Attack:
+2 Level, 2 spell slots, regain after
+2 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1 bludg-
+3 short/long rest. Spells Known:
eoning damage.
+4* Charm Person Comprehend
+2 Eldritch Blast Cantrip. Ranged
Languages, Hellish Rebuke
+2 Spell Attack: +5 to hit, target
one creature within 120 ft. range. Beast Speech. You can cast
Hit: 1d10+3 force damage. ‘speak with animals’ at will,
without expending a spell slot.
+2 Agonizing Blast. Increased
-1 Eldritch Blast damage.
-1 Cantrips Known. Eldritch Blast,
+2 True Strike
You’ve made a pact and draw your powers from
Kykled, a fiend of the depths, so you know a thing or
two about dealing with dark powers. Which is why
You’re Cursed!
falling victim to some cursed pirate loot is particular- While you don’t seem to
ly embarrassing! be harmed, your flesh
has started to rot away,
You only joined this mission for a change of pace which leaves you with the
to the drudgery on-board the Dread Marsh, and appearance of a zombie.
were paying scant attention right up until that seal
slammed shut and you saw the flesh falling from There is a also a mark on
your bodies. Then you paid attention. your hand, that right now
is quite small...
You’ve heard of various piratical Black Mark curses
before and they usually end with the afflicted dying
and joining the not-quite-dead crew of the curse
Leather Armour (AC 11)
As far as you can tell, you’re all still alive, despite Quarterstaff
appearances to the contrary, which means there’s Backpack: Crowbar, Flint and Steel, Tinderbox, 2
still time to lift this curse. Torches, Wineskin, Hooded Robes (folded away),
Silver Mirror, 2 Candles, Trail Rations (2 days).
One thing you are certain of though, is that you don’t
want the black mark on your hand to get any larger... 9gp, 12sp

Spell Attack Modifier +5 | Spell Save DC 13

Cantrips Pact Magic

These may be cast an unlimited number of times. These require a spell slot to cast, you have 2 spell
Eldritch Blast. (1 Action, instant, range 120 ft) A beam of
crackling energy streaks toward a creature within range. Charm Person. (1 Action, duration 1 hour, range
Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, 30 ft) YTarget must make a Wisdom saving throw,
the target takes 1d10 force damage. and does so with advantage if you or your compan-
ions are fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is
True Strike. (1 action, duration 1 round, range 30 ft) On
charmed by you until the spell ends or until you or
your next turn, you gain advantage on your first attack
your companions do anything harmful to it.
roll against the target, provided that this spell hasn’t
ended. Comprehend Languages. (1 action, duration 1 hour,
range self) For the duration, you understand any
Eldritch Invocation Ability spoken language that you hear. You also understand
This may be cast an unlimited number of times. any written language that you can see and touch.
Speak with Animals. (1 Action, duration 10 minutes, Hellish Rebuke. (1 Reaction, instant, range 60 ft).
range self) You gain the ability to comprehend and You point your finger, and the creature that damaged
verbally communicate with beasts for the duration. The you is momentarily surrounded by hellish flames.
knowledge and awareness of many beasts is limited The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw.
by their intelligence, but at minimum, beasts can give It takes 2d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as
you information about nearby locations and monsters, much damage on a successful one.
including whatever they can perceive or have perceived
within the past day. You might be able to persuade a
beast to perform a small favour for you, at the GM’s
Level 2 Wizard Neutral

-1 +2 +2 +2
9 14 15

+3 +1 +0
30 ft.
16 13 11 12

Proficiency Bonus +2
Armour: none
Weapons: dagger, dart, light cross-
bow, quarterstaff, sling
+0 Tools: none
-1 Saving Throws: INT, WIS
+2 Skills: Arcana, Investigation, Medi- 2d6
+2 cine, Perception,
+4* Languages: Common

+2 Dagger. Finesse Melee Weap- Ritual Casting. Cast ritual

+1 on Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. spells from spellbook.
+5* Hit: 1d4+2 piercing damage. (If
Arcane Recovery. Regain 1
-1 thrown, normal range to 20 ft.;
spell slot on a short rest.
0 disadvantage long range 21 to
+3 60 ft.). Evocation Savant. Cost and
+1 time to learn Evocation halved.
Unarmed Strike. Melee Attack:
0 +1 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1 bludg- Sculpt Spells. 2 targets may
+5* eoning damage. be selected to pass saves from
+3* your evocation spells.
+3 Ray of Frost Cantrip. Ranged
Spell Attack: +5 to hit, target Cantrips Known. Light, Presti-
one creature within 60 ft. range. digitation, Ray of Frost
0 Hit: 1d8 cold damage and tar- Spellbook. (1st Level, 3 Slots)
+3 get’s speed reduced by 10 feet
for one round. Charm Person, Detect Magic,
+2 Grease, Mage Armor, Magic
+2 Missile, Shield
The reality of privateer life has not really lived up to
your expectations. Yes there’s plenty of travel, but
there are few fellow intellectuals to converse with.
You’re Cursed!
That’s why you volunteered for the mission to visit While you don’t seem to
Foxbeard’s tomb for a bit of excitement. be harmed, your flesh
has started to rot away,
The tomb itself has some fascinating carvings that which leaves you with the
look arcane in nature, that you’ve roughly translated appearance of a zombie.
as ‘Beware the Black Hand of the Dread Efreet’.
There is a also a mark on
It was as you were translating and pondering the your hand, that right now
carvings that your fellow crew mates returned from is quite small...
the crypt and the stair entrance sealed shut.

Your flesh suddenly falling away has helped you dis-

cern the texts meaning, it’s a warning about a curse!
No Armour
Late as that warning is, it’s enough to remind you Dagger, Spell Book, Arcane Focus
that you believe this flavour of curse can only be lift- Backpack: Book of Lore (Legends of the Wraith
ed by returning a cursed item to it’s resting place or Isles), Ink Bottle, Ink Pen, 9 Sheets of Parchment,
destroying the curse giver and that violating the, as Bag of Fine Sand, Knife, Waterskin, 2 Apples.
yet, unknown rules of the curse will make the Black
Mark grow in size and severity. Cheap Green Gem (20gp value), 5gp, 16sp

Spell Attack Modifier +5 | Spell Save DC 13

Cantrips Detect Magic. (1 action, duration 10 minutes, range
These may be cast an unlimited number of times. self) For the duration, you sense the presence of
magic within 30 feet of you.
Light. (1 Action, duration 1 hour, range touch) You touch
one object that is no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. Grease. (1 action, duration 1 minute, range 60 ft).
Until the spell ends, the object sheds bright light in a 20- Slick grease covers the ground in a 10-foot square
foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. centred on a point within range and turns it into
difficult terrain for the duration. When the grease
Prestidigitation. (1 action, duration 1 hour, range 10 ft)
appears, each creature standing in its area must
You create one of the following magical effects within
succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. A
range; harmless sensory effect, light/snuff out a candle/
creature that enters the area or ends its turn there
torch, clean/soil an object, chill/warm/flavour nonliving
must also succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or
material, make a colour/symbol appear or create a non-
fall prone.
magical trinket or an illusory image that can fit in your
hand and that lasts until the end of your next turn. Mage Armor. (1 Action, duration 8 hours, range
touch add a protective magical force to a target
Ray of Frost. (1 action, instant, range 60 ft) A ranged
without armour. The target’s base AC becomes 13
spell attack. On a hit, it causes 1d8 cold damage, and
+ its DEX modifier. The spell ends if the target dons
reduces speed by 10 feet until the start of your next turn.
armour or if you dismiss the spell as an action.
Spell Book Magic Missile. (1 Action, instant, range 120 ft) You
These require a spell slot to cast, you have 3 spell slots. create three glowing darts, each auto hits one or
more targets that you can see within range. Each
Charm Person. (1 Action, duration 1 hour, range 30 ft)
deals 1d4+1 force damage.
Target must make a Wisdom saving throw, and does so
with advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. Shield. (1 Reaction, duration 1 round, range self) Un-
If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you until the til the start of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus to
spell ends or until you or your companions do anything AC, including against the triggering attack, and you
harmful to it. take no damage from magic missile.
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a 6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT
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