H Esnault Lecture On Lefschetz Theory
H Esnault Lecture On Lefschetz Theory
H Esnault Lecture On Lefschetz Theory
The new mathematical part of the lecture is based on joint work with
Moritz KERZ
The new mathematical part of the lecture is based on joint work with
Moritz KERZ
I thank Xavier Gomez-Mont, Phillip Griffiths, Susan Swartz and Alberto Verjovsky
for discussions on history.
Not being a French citizen, so not being able to access academic positions,
he emigrated to the US in 1905, where he became an engineer.
Not being a French citizen, so not being able to access academic positions,
he emigrated to the US in 1905, where he became an engineer.
He lost his both hands and a forearm in an industrial accident in 1907 and
moved towards mathematics. He became a US citizen in 1912.
Karlsruhe, Sept. 23, 2019, DMV 3/
Hélène Esnault, Freie Universität Berlin Hard Lefschetz 30
Solomon Lefschetz 1884 (Moscow)-1972 (Princeton) II
Before the end of WWII, there was almost no Jewish faculty in leading US
Before the end of WWII, there was almost no Jewish faculty in leading US
Probably under the influence of the Institute for Advanced Study (which
was then physically located at the department of Mathematics of
Princeton U.), Princeton U. was an exception. Lefschetz became a
Princeton professor in 1924.
He went to Mexico for the first time in 1944, where anti US-feelings were
He went to Mexico for the first time in 1944, where anti US-feelings were
He went to Mexico for the first time in 1944, where anti US-feelings were
If you google ’vanishing cycles’ for a nice picture, you’ll get tons of cute ...stolen bicycles!
Notably, his proof of the ’hard Lefschetz theorem’, our topic today, is
Notably, his proof of the ’hard Lefschetz theorem’, our topic today, is
Notably, his proof of the ’hard Lefschetz theorem’, our topic today, is
Notably, his proof of the ’hard Lefschetz theorem’, our topic today, is
Don’t come to me with your pretty proofs. We don’t bother with that
baby stuff around here.
Don’t come to me with your pretty proofs. We don’t bother with that
baby stuff around here.
Don’t come to me with your pretty proofs. We don’t bother with that
baby stuff around here.
In the sequel we deal with smooth projective varieties
In the sequel we deal with smooth projective varieties
In the sequel we deal with smooth projective varieties
∪η i : H d−i (X , Q) → H d+i (X , Q)
is an isomorphism.
This contains the notion of orthogonality and enables one to deduce that
the intersection pairing restricted to the space of Lefschetz’ vanishing
cycles is non-degenerated, which is essentially equivalent to Hard
This contains the notion of orthogonality and enables one to deduce that
the intersection pairing restricted to the space of Lefschetz’ vanishing
cycles is non-degenerated, which is essentially equivalent to Hard
This contains the notion of orthogonality and enables one to deduce that
the intersection pairing restricted to the space of Lefschetz’ vanishing
cycles is non-degenerated, which is essentially equivalent to Hard
∪η i : H d−i (X , V) → H d+i (X , V)
is an isomorphism.
Example (Rank 1)
e.g. if r = 1, we understand well their moduli space: it contains a complex
torus as a finite index subgroup. A complex torus is like on the picture: a
circle (on the top) cross the (strictly positive, here from top to bottom to
infinity) line.
Example (Rank 1)
e.g. if r = 1, we understand well their moduli space: it contains a complex
torus as a finite index subgroup. A complex torus is like on the picture: a
circle (on the top) cross the (strictly positive, here from top to bottom to
infinity) line.
The points which correspond to torsion (i.e. with finite monodromy) rank
1 local systems are all located on one horizontal section. So they are not
dense in the real topology. It makes it difficult to deduce Simpson’s
theorem from the standard Hard Lefschetz. We remark however already here for later discussion
that they are Zariski dense.
Weil (1948) (see e.g. a Lecture I have at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, which is linked on my webpage)
defined the zeta function of a smooth projective variety X defined over a
finite field Fq , by counting the number of Fqn -rational points of X as n
goes to infinity.
Weil (1948) (see e.g. a Lecture I have at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, which is linked on my webpage)
defined the zeta function of a smooth projective variety X defined over a
finite field Fq , by counting the number of Fqn -rational points of X as n
goes to infinity.
One says that the cohomology is pure, or that the weights of the
cohomology are pure, and are different for different i.
One says that the cohomology is pure, or that the weights of the
cohomology are pure, and are different for different i.
∪η i : H d−i (X , Q` ) → H d+i (X , Q` )
is an isomorphism.
Example (Rank 1)
For example in rank r = 1. However, most `-adic local systems are not
definable over the base change of X0 to a finite extension of Fq . The aim
of the last part of the lecture is to explain that we can make more precise
this most. This leads to a proof of a new case of Hard Lefschetz for which
we do not have Deligne’s theory of weights at disposal.
∪η i : H d−i (X , V) → H d+i (X , V)
is an isomorphism.
They have the property that they are the Zariski closure of their torsion
They have the property that they are the Zariski closure of their torsion