Project Safety Ambuja Cement OH &S
Project Safety Ambuja Cement OH &S
Project Safety Ambuja Cement OH &S
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is the goal that ACL has set to itself and to achieve it.
It’s the obligation of every individual stake holder to commit & strive
towards achieving it.
ACL’s Project OHS Manual sets forth the minimum Occupational Health
& Safety guidelines to the successful bid awarded contractor & expects
that the contractor has fully understood its content & is responsible to
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abide by the standards laid down at all ACLs construction sites across
the country.
ACL constantly reviews & updates the OHS Manual in order ensure that
it complies with all the applicable statutory Laws & regulations of the
region in which it operates.
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Safe working conditions & safe work practices are strong values at Ambuja cement Limited.
This ACL document has been created as a reference to assist the Contractor in creating a work place free
of hazards & potential injury while working at ACL facility. This document is intended to help identify the
safety requirements that must be observed by the Contracting companies & their workers while working
on ACL projects. It contains both mandatory requirements & recommended practices.
It is primarily for the construction, remodelling or modification of buildings, facilities & the installation of
machinery & equipments. This includes the main Contractor, sub contractors & any company providing
workers for construction or equipment related purpose.
This document only the minimum safety requirements to be observed by the contractor. Therefore, the
information contained in this documented shall in no way be considered a complete listing of all necessary
safety requirements to be observed by the contractor.
The contractor has responsibility for the safety of their personnel & be responsible for compliance with all
ACL standards, applicable law , code & accredited consensus standards that are applicable to their
industry. All applicable laws, specific to the jurisdiction in which the work site is located, govern the
Contractors performing construction work at ACL. The Contractor must be aware of all requirements and
ensure they have been met in all aspects of the work. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility and
liability for the actions of their workers, Subcontractors workers, agents, material suppliers, visitors, etc.,
with no limitations.
The publication of this document shall in no way be interpreted as the assumption of responsibility or
liability by Ambuja Cement Limited. If a conflict exists between this document and any applicable law,
code or standard, it is the Contractor’s responsibility to bring this conflict to the attention of the ACL
Engineer in charge of the project for resolution
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Phrases Definition
Building or other Means the construction, alteration, repairs, maintenance or demolition, of or, in
construction work relation to, buildings, streets, roads, railways, tramways, airfields, irrigation,
(Reference - The drainage, embankment and navigation works, flood control works (including storm
Building and Other water drainage works), generation, transmission and distribution of power, water
works (including channels for distribution of water), oil and gas installations, electric
lines, wireless, radio, television, telephone, telegraph and overseas
Workers (Regulation
communications, dams, canals, reservoirs, watercourses, tunnels, bridges,
of Employment and viaducts, aqueducts, pipelines, towers, cooling towers, transmission towers and
Conditions of such other work as may be specified in this behalf by the appropriate Government,
Service) Act, 1996) by notification but does not include any building or other construction work to which
the provision of the Factories, Act, 1948, (63 of 1948) or the Mines, Act, 1952, (35
of 1952) apply;
Competent Person “Competent person” means a person so approved by the Central Government, who
(Reference - The belongs to a testing establishment in India, possessing adequate qualification,
Building and Other experience and skill for the purposes of testing, examination or annealing and
Construction certification of lifting appliances, lifting gears, wire ropes or pressure plant or
Workers (Regulation
of Employment and
Conditions of
Service Act, 1996)
Competent Person In relation to any provision of The BOCW Act, 1996 and Rules including DBOCW
Rules, means a person or an institution recognized as such by the Chief Inspector
for the purposes of carrying out tests, examinations and inspections required to be
done in a project.
Consultant Agency Appointed by ACL to supervise day-to-day OH&S Management of
Construction Site on behalf of ACL.
Incident/ Accident Undesired event giving rise to death, ill heath, injury, damage or other loss
Compressed Air Means air mechanically raised to a pressure higher than atmospheric pressure at
sea level;
Construction Site Means any site at which any of the processes or operations, related to building or
other construction work, are carried on;
Danger Means danger of accident or of injury or to health;
Demolition Work Means the work incidental to or connected with the total or partial dismantling or
razing of a building or a structure other than a building and includes the removing or
dismantling of machines or other equipment;
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Phrases Definition
Excavation Means the removal of earth, rock or other material in connection with construction
or demolition work;
Fatality Death resulting from an accident;
Flashpoint Means the minimum liquid temperature at which a spark or flame causes an
instantaneous flash in the vapour space above the liquid;
Frame or modular Means a scaffold manufactured in such a way that the geometry of the scaffold is
scaffold pre-determined and the relative spacing of the principal members are fixed;
Guardrail Means a horizontal rail secured to uprights and erected along the exposed sides of
scaffolds, floor openings, runways and gangways to prevent persons from falling;
Hazard Source, situation, or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health,
or a combination of these
Hazard Process of recognizing that a hazard exists and defining its characteristics.
Hazardous Chemicals falling under schedule-I, II or III under The Manufacture, Storage and
Chemicals Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989/1994/2000’
Hazardous Wastes All wastes falling under schedule-I, II and III of the Hazardous Wastes
(Management & Handling) Amendment Rules, 2003;
Ill health Identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising from &/ or made worse by
a work activity and/or work-related situation;
Lifting Appliance Means a crane, hoist, derrick, winch, gin pole, sheer legs, jack, pulley block or other
equipment used for lifting materials, objects or, building worker;
Lifting Gear Means ropes, chains, hooks, slings & other accessories of a “lifting appliance”;
Magazine Means a place in which explosives are stored or kept, whether above or below
Man-days Lost It is the total disability / forced absence period in days of all the injured persons
arising out of the reportable injury, serious injury and minor injury;
Man-Hours Worked It is the total number of employee hours worked by all employees (staff + worker)
working in the project premises, it includes managerial, supervisory, technical,
clerical and other workers including contractors labours;
Materials Hoist Means a power or manually operated and suspended platform or bucket operating
in guide rails and used for raising or lowering material exclusively and operated and
controlled from a point outside the conveyance;
Minor Injury (Non- An injury which requires medical treatment only without causing any disablement
disabling injury) whether of temporary or permanent nature;
Near Miss cases These are incidents / occurrences wherein a serious accident has not happened
but could have happened i.e. normally missed;
Occupational Disease caused by environment factors to a person arising out of or in the course of
Disease employment (the notifiable occupational diseases are listed in Schedule-III of The
Factory Act, 1948);
Outrigger Means a structure projecting beyond the façade of a building with the inner end being
anchored& includes a cantilever or other support;
Putlog Means a horizontal member on which the board, plank or decking of a working
platform are laid;
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Phrases Definition
Responsible Means a person appointed by the employer to be responsible for the performance
person or specific duty or duties and who has sufficient knowledge and experience and the
requisite authority for the proper performance of such duty or duties.
Right angle coupler Means a coupler, other than a swivel or putlog coupler, used for connecting tubes at
right angles;
Risk Combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure(s)
and the severity of injury or ill health that can be caused by the event or exposure(s)
Safe working load In relation to an article of lifting gear or lifting appliance, means the load which is the
maximum load that may be imposed on such article or appliance with safety in the
normal working conditions as assessed and certified by a competent person;
Safety Freedom from unacceptable risk of harm .
Scaffold Means any temporarily provided structure on or from which workers perform in
connection with construction work to which these rules apply, & any temporarily
provided structure which enables workers to obtain access to or which enables
materials to be taken to any place at which such work is performed,& includes any
working platform, gangway, run, ladder or step-ladder (other than a ladder or step
ladder which does not form part of such structure) together with any guardrail, toe
board or other safeguards & all fixings, but does not include lifting appliance or a
lifting machine or a structure used merely to support such an appliance or such a
machine or to support other plant or equipment;
Sound or good Means construction conforming to the relevant national standards or in case such
construction national standards do not exist, to other generally accepted international engineering
standards or code of practices;
Suspended Means a scaffold suspended by means of ropes or chains and capable of being
scaffold raised or lowered but does not include a boatswain chair or similar appliance;
Toe-board Means a member fastened above a working platform, access landing, access way,
wheel barrow run, ramp or other platform to prevent building workers and materials
falling there from;
Trestle scaffold Includes a scaffold in which the supports for the platform are any of the following
which are ACL supporting, namely;
• Split heads; Folding; Step-ladder; Tripods; or
• Movable contrivances similar to any of the foregoing;
Visitor Any person entering ACL work area for the purpose of observing, meeting, or
performing non-work (hands off) activities, including those ACL employees from
other sites;
Sub-Contractor Any person contracted by ACL to perform work on process equipment, piping and
related systems;
Truck Driver Any person delivering/receiving materials related to operations of the processes, or
delivering/receiving products or construction material;
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BOCWR Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of
Service), Rule 1998
CCE Chief Controller of Explosives
HOD Head of Department
IS Indian Standards
ISO International Organization for Standardization
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
OH&S Occupational Health & Safety
OHSMS Occupational Health & Safety Management System
OHSAS Occupational Health & Safety Assessment System
P&M Plant & Machinery
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
QMS Quality Management System
SOP Safe Operating Procedure
STEL Short Term Exposure Limit
TLV Threshold Limit Value
TWA Time Weighted Average
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A work method statement, sometimes referred to as a safe work method statement or a safe work
procedure, is a part of a workplace safety plan. It is predominately used in construction to describe a
document that gives specific instructions on how to safely perform a work related task, or operate a
piece of plant or equipment. It advise employees and contractors on how to perform work related tasks
A work method statement is prepared for each task on a particular worksite by the concerned engineer,
the group of work method statements are then packaged and included in the overall Construction
Safety Plan. This plan (or document) is typically submitted at the beginning of a project for approval
by the client or their representative. The work method statement encompasses the following:
1. Purpose
2. Scope
3. References
4. Definitions
5. Responsibilities
6. Equipment
7. Safety
8. Procedure
9. Attachments (if any).
Contractor has to carry out Hazard Identification, risk assessment and risk control exercise for various
construction activities in conjunction to the submitted Method Statement ,mentioned below and
construction equipment involved in the execution of projects so as to identify the associated hazards
and the requisite risk control measures as well as mitigate the same.
• Civil Work
o Excavation : Blasting : Piling
o Shuttering - Lifting, Fixing & De-shuttering
o Reinforcement - Shifting, Stacking, Lifting
o Cement loading & Feeding :Concrete Mixer Machine & batching Plant Operation
o Concrete Lifting at Height by Winch / Bucket
o Concreting of Column, Beams and slabs
o Slip-form Concreting : Post-tensioning Work : Steel Erection
o Masonry Work :Painting Work : Structural Floor with grating
• Mechanical Work
o Heavy Duty Jacks ( Hydraulic and Screw)
o Erection of Ball Mill Shells and Kiln Shells
o Erection at Height for Pre-heater, ESP etc.
o Hand Tools.: Welding & Gas Cutting.
• Electrical Work
o Cable Laying : Penal Testing: Transformers: Switch Yards
o Electrical Equipment/Panel Erection Motors and Alternators
Risk Assessment
Rev no:0 Prepared by: Authorised by: ACL OH&S Manual
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Risk assessment is to be made on the basis of Risk Classification Matrix as given hereunder:
Likelihood 1 2 3 4 5
5 5 10 15 20 25
4 4 8 12 16 20
3 3 6 9 12 15
2 2 4 6 8 10
1 1 2 3 4 5
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All project activities shall be undertaken in accordance with the ACL Project OH&S Manual and the
contractor’s approved OH&S Plan. The contractor shall comply with all applicable Indian Standards &
Indian statutory requirements.
These requirements are listed below but not limited to:
• The Building and other construction workers act, 1996
• The Indian Electricity Act, 2003 and Rules, 1956
• National Building Code, 2005
• The Factories Act, 1948
• The Mines Act, 1952 The Indian Boilers Act, 1923
• The Motor Vehicles Act as amended in 199 4& Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.
• Indian Road Congress Code IRC: SP: 55-2001 ‘Guidelines on Safety In Road
Construction Zones.
• The Petroleum Act, 1934 and Rules, 1976: Gas Cylinder Rules, 2003
• The Indian Explosives Act, 1884, along with the Explosives substance Act, 1908 and
The Explosives Rules, 1983
• The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 and Rules, 1991
• The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and Rules, 1950
• The Contract Labour Act, 1970 and Rules, 1971
• The Child Labour (Prohibitions & Regulations) Act, 1986 & Rules, 1950
• The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923/ Rules, 1924
• Chemical Incidents (Emergency Planning ,Preparedness/Response) Rules, 1996
• The Noise Pollution (Regulation & Control) Rules, 2000
• Notification on Control of Noise from Diesel Generator sets, 2002
• Manufacture, Storage & Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989
• Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1989
• Hazardous Waste Management Rules, 1989 (as amended in 1999)
• The Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001/ 2010
• The Dangerous Machines (Regulation) Act, 1983/ Rules, 1984 as amended in 2007.
Notwithstanding the above Act/Rules, the contractor shall not exempt from the purview of any
other Acts or Rules applicable in the Republic of India for the safety of men and materials. If
the requirements stated in this document are less stringent than or in conflict with the
country’s applicable legislation, the latter shall prevail.
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This OHS Manual is intended to guide Contractors on the safe execution of the Construction of Indus-
trial ,Commercial or Residential or a combination of both in order to:
• Control all known or potential risks that would tend to create harm and/or damage to the
property .
The objectives of this program are:
• Provide a safe and healthful working environment for all employees
• Control the occurrence of occupational injuries, illnesses or damages to property & equipment.
• Promote a safety culture in the organization and influence workers acquire safer-default
This OHS PLAN outlines the project requirements for Contractor and its lower-tier subcontractors at
the site for the execution of the work.
At a minimum, this plan adheres to the applicable requirements of factories Act, Building & Other
Construction Workers Act.
Proof of Insurance
All Contractor shall be responsible for providing certificates of insurance to prove valid coverage for
Workers Compensation Insurance, vehicle insurance & a valid contractor license. Certificate of
Insurance shall be provided prior to having their workers being admitted to orientation.
Contractors will not be allowed to work on ACL property with out the required licenses & insurance
coverage in place.
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portion of the Project Specific plan. The main Contractor shall obtain & review the policies , procedure
of the sub contractor. The Main Contractor shall submit an organisation chart of its own & its sub
contractor to ACL.
Safety Coverage
Contractor has to deploy Experienced & qualified Site Safety Representatives on a full-time basis in all
the shifts to assist project management team in the cohesive administration of project OHS Program.
The Contractor will submit a resume & all relevant documents for their candidate for this position to
ACL for review prior to any work beginning on site. ACL reserves the right to reject any candidate they
feel is not qualified or otherwise suited for the position
Project Manager/In-Charge
The Contractor Project Manager is responsible for all site safety matters and for directing administering
the HSE Plan. Specifically, the Project Manager, in close coordination with the Safety Representative
shall monitor and review the effectiveness of program implementation and he shall act as follows:
• Direct the implementation OHS Plan & assume the effectiveness in line with the requirements of
• Provide full support & trust to lower management level by enthusiastically advocating the program
and delegating responsibilities.
• Establish specific job safety rules and ensure adherence by all departments or sections taking
considerations the client special requirements.
• Continuously monitor the project's safety status and boost employee safety morale.
• Include safety in the agenda of every review meeting & give priority for safety related matters.
• Set up safety incentive programs to recognize and motivate employees.
• Initiate disciplinary actions necessary to develop a good, functioning safety program.
• Be directly involved in the planning for those operations which have a potential loss above that of
normal construction hazards.
• Ensure that accidents receive prompt investigation and reporting. Ensure that the necessary
corrective action is taken.
• Ensure on-site first aid and medical services are available for project personnel.
• Conduct pre-mobilization safety coordination meetings with sub contractors.
• Reprimand persons failing to discharge satisfactorily the safety responsibilities allocated to him.
• Set a personal example on site visits by wearing appropriate protective clothing and by following
safe procedures, practices and rules.
• Chair the safety meetings for staff to address concerns & encourage safe work methods.
• Participate in toolbox meetings, orientations and safety audits periodically.
• Ensure that each foreman/supervisor/superintendent is evaluated on his OHS performance.
The Project Safety Representative is responsible for providing specialist advice and assistance on safety
matters for the project. He is authorized to temporarily suspend any operations, which he considers
unsafe and pose danger to lives and properties.
Specifically, he shall:
• Administer the OHS Plan with the Project Manager and renders technical assistance on safety
throughout all phases of the project.
• Review periodically the plan with the Project Execution Team to re-affirm its adequacy and
applicability to the specific tasks and its conformity to the client or contractor’s requirements.
• Coordinate safety audits, accident and incident investigations and reporting, and maintain a
central file for safety statistics of the project.
• Participate and conduct safety inspections and audits at all project locations and activities and
render reports to the Project Manager for appropriate actions.
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• Initiate safety recommendations to the Project Execution Team to improve site safety, health,
• Coordinate with the contractor on site safety activities, training programs, emergency plans, drills
and procedures.
• Prepare and submit the necessary reports relative to the project safety status or any report as
required by the contractor.
• Participate in Weekly Safety and Progress Meeting and coordinate with the front-line supervisors
in conducting the Weekly Tool Box Meetings to craftsmen.
• Coordinate/assist with other subcontractors with that safety programs to meet the specific safety
• Evaluate the need for safety equipment to employees, first-aid, fire protection, hygiene and
sanitation etc. and ensure that all meet the minimum safety standards.
• Maintain safety promotional activities such as displaying of positive attitude safety posters, safety
signs, banners, and publication of safety letters or literature.
Construction Manager
The Construction Manager is responsible for the safe operation of construction activities and he will
assist the Project Manager in the implementation of the HSE Plan.
Specifically, he shall:
• Assume responsibility to chair the Safety Committee in the absence of the Project Manager.
• Be familiar with safety requirements of different project phase based on the scope of work.
• Coordinate the construction activities and monitor same to ensure that the work proceeds in
accordance with the safety and standard procedures.
• Conduct personal inspection and reporting of unusual conditions and practices.
• Review the project safety performance on a daily basis.
• Ensure that all supervisor, foreman & superintendent is evaluated on his safety performance.
• Create and build safety awareness among employees by holding group meeting with sub-ordinates
to discuss safety problems.
The term supervision duly refers to all supervisory personnel or site staff regardless of discipline. Often
they are the frontline supervisors. This may include the superintendents, engineers, supervisors,
general foremen, foremen or to a certain extent the headmen. They shall actively promote, support and
participate in the accident prevention program and shall coach people to attain safe behaviors.
They must:
• Be familiar with the OHS Plan & ensure that safety rules, regulations, standards & work procedures
described in the OHS Program are complied, enforced including welfare & housekeeping
• Ensure that employees are given adequate training and instruction prior to work assignment; and
new employees are given the OHS orientation.
• Ensure all types of accidents/incidents are investigated, and reports rendered in accordance with
the internal system and/or ACL requirements.
• Ensure that equipments are in good operating condition and only assign tools that are safe &
workable. Make inspection of tools & equipment involved in incidents to prevent continued use of
defective items.
• Perform daily inspections & monitor field activities to ensure work areas are free of hazardous
• Ensure that risk assessment is made for critical jobs; a job safety analysis is incorporated in any
work activity; and see that all employees are made aware of the hazards and control.
• Organize site activities in such a manner that work is carried out with minimum risk to employees,
equipment or environment.
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• Deliver precise and clear job instructions and correct work methods.
• Make sure that suitable personal protective equipments are available and used as required.
• Coordinate with the Project Safety Engineer by acting on their recommendations.
• Comply with work permit requirements & other documentary requirements imposed by authorities.
• Restrain workers from taking unnecessary risks. Do not insist someone to do any job he is not
familiar with.
• Conduct weekly toolbox safety meetings and or daily “team talks” as necessary.
• Ensure that injured workers are immediately assisted for treatment.
• Respond promptly to any emergency. Must be familiar with site emergency plan, discuss plan with
• Personally set an example by adhering to all safety regulations.
Craft Employees
Craft employees shall familiarize themselves with the requirements of this plan and the rules and
regulations applied at project site.
• Use the right tools and equipment for the job; wear safety equipment and protective clothing e.g.
safety belts, helmets, glass etc.
• Regularly attend safety toolbox meetings.
• Learn and follow safe work practices - comply with the project smoking policy; keep out from all
suspended loads; use proper aisles, walkways, stairways, roads etc.; should avoid throwing tools
or any material at height; and refrain from taking short cuts on the job.
• Keep tools and equipment in good condition.
• Report defective or damaged tools and equipment including safety gears.
• Report unsafe situations.
• Be familiar with the locations of fire fighting equipment and their operation procedure.
• Report all accidents and near miss incidents immediately to foreman or supervisor.
• Get prompt treatment for injuries.
• Help new employees to learn safe work practices.
• Keep work area clean.
• Refrain from carrying out any action that would endanger himself, other workers & equipment.
Qualified medical attendants, normally Male Nurse shall be provided at project site to render first aid
or emergency treatment for any injuries or occupational illnesses.
Medical Staff shall perform the following tasks:
• Set up an maintain a site first aid station for the duration of the project
• Administer first aid to the injured at site
• Conduct health education on prevailing topics to workers and staff
• Establish medical care plans for injured persons, including follow-up to medical cases
• Keep statistical records of all medical cases and submit a monthly report to HSE Manager
• Participate in any emergency
• Ensure that all patients receive the best possible medical treatment.
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All project personnel must undergo and successfully complete the OHS Induction course as a
prerequisite to gain credentials.
OHS Orientation
All project personnel shall be required to attend the OHS Orientation to be given and organized by the
OHS Office before commencing to work on site and also to visitors, and vendors. It shall be made sure
that every worker gets an appropriate induction prior to start of work and later on a regular basis.
Records of orientation sessions shall be kept in the Contractor’s Site Office bearing the names
&signatures of all attendees. Contractor shall affix a safety inducted sticker with their logo on the helmet
of all the personnel who have success fully under gone safety Induction.
Supervisor’s Orientation
All supervision shall attend and complete the course in addition to the basic OHS Orientation.
Orientation topics may include: risk assessment, job safety analysis, conducting tool box,
accident/incident investigations, accountability, compliance auditing, emergency procedure, OHS plan,
OHS inspection, equipment inspection, etc.
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Specific training on various activities being carried out at project site has to be given on a regular basis as per ACL
project team recommendation.
Visitors at site shall also be given an outline briefing of their responsibilities as contained in the formal
induction. They are given card for site rules, and they are required to wear proper personal protective
equipment and dress code & accompanied by the contractor representative.
A training register will be maintained at Site Safety Office.
Certification of Personnel
Copies of trade or skills certification will be made available at project office especially for trades like
crane operator, drivers, radiographers, scaffolding erectors, welders, first aid personnel, and others as
required .
Effective communications are vital in the understanding of OHS & for the success of the OHS Plan.
Contractor Management shall explore various modes of communication to channel OHS intentions,
such as the follows:
1. Print Communications i.e. publications in the form of safety letters, safety reminders, bulletin board
notice, safety alert, safety circulars, written safety instructions, safety handbooks, safety
scoreboard, etc. all in English print.
2. Ensure availability of English Staff at site to facilitate verbal communications or interpretations
with the workforce.
3. Meetings i.e. conduct and participation of daily team talks, weekly mass meeting or toolbox talks,
daily coordination meetings, HSE meetings, etc.
4. Maintain employee feedback system using various medium such as suggestion boxes, recording of
OHS concerns raised in meetings, recommendations, etc.
To be able to foster the OHS program, Project Manager, the Site Safety Representative and key staff will
conduct regular safety meetings and actively participate in OHS Meetings by client.
Contractor shall establish a Site OHS Committee which shall be responsible for ensuring the
implementation of the OHS Plan, reviewing and monitoring the effectiveness of the OHS measures taken,
seeking the co-operation and commitment of staff at all levels and Fire incident and precautions. Each
Subcontractor shall appoint his HSE Representatives and Workers’ Representatives to attend the
Daily Team Talks
Daily “team talks” shall be given at start of each shift. These will be conducted by the frontline
supervision and should address the application of safety rules and procedures to the hazards of current
work. Duration of the team talk should typically be 5 minutes, but particularly hazardous operations
may require extended team talks, for example, confined space entry, problems experienced with Permit
to Work system.
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Weekly Tool Box
Weekly “tool box meetings” of 10-15 minutes duration will be conducted at arranged preferably every
Saturday mornings at the start of the shift, by the Subcontractor’s HSE Supervisors. Topics would be
of the various activities associated with construction & documented.
Every effort shall be made to improve HSE awareness of all employees on the site. The main tool for this,
are HSE training and effective communications. To enhance HSE awareness, a program of incentives
and publicity campaigns shall be introduced.
Monthly a committee will identify an worker & staff for adhering & following the best safety practices &
will be suitably rewarded.
Posters, notices shall be posted in key locations around the site to maintain HSE awareness. HSE
bulletins shall be issued to inform employees about particular issues and about progress in achieving
objectives, results of inspections and investigations.
Hazardous substances/materials must not be used whenever possible. A Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) must be provided for every substance. MSDS must be available at site.
Relevant personal protective equipment must be provided. Persons handling such substances must have
received instructions regarding the hazards, the system of work to be adopted and the actions required
in the event of spillage and that assessments of the hazardous substances/materials have been
prepared, communicated and are freely available for inspection.
Shift Working
Hazards associated with shift work (night) shall be given particular attention:
• Levels of supervision
• Task observation and monitoring of the workforce
• Lighting conditions at the work place and access to the work place.
• Highly potential risk activities must be undertaken outside of daylight hours.(eg. NDT ).
• Provide medical coverage
• Provide HSE coverage
Pre-Start Briefing
Supervisors must organize daily pre-start briefings to respective employees before the start of every shift
work. The Supervisor in direct charge of a job fully briefs and discusses with the employees on possible
hazards arising from the work environment, work method, materials and personal protective equipment
to be used, or interface with other teams at the start of works, and prior to work. In addition, when a
work group arrived at a particular work area, Subcontractor shall ensure that workers have adequately
briefed of the following:
• Nature of the job;
• Possible and associated hazards with the work environment or interface with other teams;
• Safe working methods to be adopted;
• Materials and personal protective equipment to be used; and
• Requirements of the Permit to Work.
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Pre-start briefing shall be documented. In addition, managerial & supervisory staff shall participate in
a daily OHS/Project meeting and to plan and review the procedures and OHS related issues.
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Document New Document
New Signature
No. / Sheet No. / Sheet No.
No., where where changes Reasons for change(s) Project
No. Project
changes are are OH&S
made incorporated Head
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Monitoring & measurement of the OHS performance is essential to maintaining and improvement of the
OHS management system. The key elements are inspections, audits, reporting & investigations.
OHS Inspections
Work areas and permits shall be inspected daily by Safety officer supervision. Any non-compliance shall
be rectified immediately.
In addition ,OHS Staff shall conduct daily inspection and any concerns identified shall be immediately
brought to the attention of the relevant In charge for appropriate action. Relevant In charge & OHS
Officer have the authority to suspend operations, if inadequate actions have been taken.
A team comprising the Project Manager, individual Subcontractors Site Managers, OHS Officer shall
conduct site OHS inspection as appropriate. Observations and actions raised during these inspections
shall be recorded and followed through to closure.
The Contractor Project Team will ensure that worksites are periodically inspected and monitored to
comply with the minimum OHS requirements. Standard inspection forms and checklists are developed
to support this program.
Project Manager and Other Senior Members : Conduct Safety walk-through and formal audits to initiate
corrective actions of deficiencies and unsafe practices.
Front-line Managers (Supervisors, Engineers and Foremen) :Conduct daily inspection at areas of
responsibility and take immediate corrective actions of unsafe conditions and practices.
Project Safety Staff : Conduct regular inspection (daily patrol) and physical audit of work areas and
initiate deficiency reports to the Project Manager for immediate action.
Reporting System : All types of inspection shall be covered with a formal report addressed to the Project
Manager and/or to the concerned parties using the company standard form.
Performance Review
Performance reviews shall be held on a monthly basis . The objective of the review is to gather
information from monitoring & inspection activities and to assess the effectiveness of implementation
of OHS policy and procedures at site.
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This section outlines the minimum requirements of the conditions of Contractor Camps and related
site facilities provided for its personnel.
Contractor is committed to the prevention of diseases and illness associated within the facilities and
to ensure that the health of employees and the general public is protected.
General Welfare
a. The site shall be well drained & shall not be located in an area subject to periodic flooding, in such
a manner as to permit contamination of a public or private water supply, nor located adjacent to
industrial sites, pipelines, stock yards or other such areas which could constitute a health or safety
hazard. A perimeter fence shall be installed around the areas of the camp.
b. The constructions of the floors, walls, ceilings, doors, windows and screens, lighting, ventilation ,
toilet, lavatory, and bathing facilities shall be according to BOCWA.
c. Potable water shall be of adequate supply. There shall be no cross-connection between the potable
water supply and any unsafe or questionable water supply, sewerage system or any source of
pollution that might contaminate or otherwise degrade the potable water supply.
d. Non-potable water supply shall be intended for fire fighting purposes only hence not for drinking,
ablution and bathing.
e. Sewerage shall be designed with emphasis on prevention of cross connections.
f. Garbage/waste of the camps shall be collected and stored in a manner to make it inaccessible to
insects and rodents. At the working areas like fabrication shop, solid or liquid waste or refuse shall
be stored in a receptacle without leak easily clearable and in a sanitary condition.
g. Solid waste collection, storage, disposal shall be in compliance to local authority to protect the public
health & welfare while preserving the quality of air, water & land.
h. Housekeeping in all areas including drainage shall be properly maintained, cleaning and sweeping
shall be done in such a manner as to minimize the contamination of air and dust.
i. Lunchrooms shall be of adequate spaces suitable for the maximum number of employees who may
use it at one time. Covered waste bins shall be provided for the disposal of all-waste food and
j. All camps and fabrication areas shall have adequate fire protection equipment and adequate fire exit
facilities with doors open outwards. There shall be at least two (2) separate means of egress so
arranged that the possibility of crowding at the point of exit is minimized.
k. Regular inspection of the camps and fabrication area shall be conducted to ensure compliance with
all the necessary requirements .
Site Sanitation
a. Adequate sanitation & welfare facilities shall be provided for the employees on the project. This
includes dining/rest room, washing facilities. Toilets, first aid room, provision & maintenance of fire
fighting equipment.
b. Drinking water shall be provided in various locations and the use of communal cups for dispensing
drinking water is prohibited.
c. Trash bins with lids shall be kept in various locations for the disposal of waste material. Large lugger
buckets shall be kept in various locations, for the disposal of waste from trash bins. These lugger
buckets shall be emptied regularly by contractor.
d. Adequate number of portable toilets and permanent toilets facilities shall be made available and these
shall be kept in sanitary condition always. Portable toilets shall be provided in work sites where
permanent facilities are not feasible. The number of portable toilets shall depend on the number of
employees and the total area of work sites or a ratio of 15:1.
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a. Packed lunch delivered at site shall be consumed in the designated mess hall.
b. Crew shall be provided with cold drinking water in approved containers (water jug), potable water
and cleaning detergents for washing or cleaning.
c. If eating is not allowed at site area, crew shall have their lunch in camp mess hall.
d. Separate rest shelters shall be provided to accommodate the workers during lunch break & other
natural climate changes ( Rain, high temperature during summer etc..)
Contractor shall provide a fully equipped first aid facility at worksite in accordance with Factories &
BOCWA act and in compliance to specific ACL requirements. A clinic, ambulance, and a certified male
nurse will be made available at site. The name, qualifications, and certificates of the certified nurse shall
be submitted to concerned Representative before work begins.
Contractor maintains contract with outside clinic/medical institute for treatment of serious injuries
and illnesses.
The Project Management shall ensure enforcement of ACL’s substance abuse policy.
The Project Management shall remove any employees from performing works any time when there is
suspicion of alcohol or drug use, possession, or any time an incident occurs where drug or alcohol use
could be a contributing factor which Contractor will test on site. ACL has the right to require the
Subcontractor at his own expense to remove employees from performing works any time when a cause
exists to suspect alcohol or drug use.
In such cases, the Subcontractor's employee may only be considered for return to work after the
Subcontractor certifies as a result of an alcohol and drug for-cause test, conducted immediately
following removal that the said employee was in compliance with this contract.
No employee shall be allowed to perform works that either refuses to take, or tests positive in any alcohol
or drug test. In such cases, the employee will be immediately removed from the project.
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Further, the Project Site Management Team is required to ensure compliance with the following Safe
Operating procedures (SOPs):
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To describe the procedures and practices to be followed / implemented for allowing only authorised
people to enter the site at any of ACL projects.
The scope of this procedure covers all the access control methods adopted for entry & exit of people at
all ACL Projects.
All supervisors, Engineers. Departments heads of various departments are responsible for maintaining
a list of the people working under them & passing to security department who in turn are responsible .
Overall responsibility lies with Project Head.
Human Access –
• All personnel working at the site will be initially given induction in OH&S and, wherever further
required, training explaining the nature of the work, the hazards that may be encountered during the
site work and the particular hazards attached to their own function within the operation. All employees
shall be receive a photo identity card duly signed by the authorized representative of ACL before they
are engaged for any work.
• Visitors
Visitors must be frisked at the gate by ACL’s representative or Security Staff and issued gate pass before
they are allowed to enter the premises and would be required to move through the passage duly approved
for the purpose to reach the site offices. Furthermore, visitors have undergone safety induction and, if
authorized, be accompanied at all times by permanent site staff, if the visitor has to move into hard hat
Machinery Access:
All plant and machinery to be checked and certified by ACL Staff prior to enter inside the factory
premises. Any modification, rectification recommended by ACL Staff, has to be attended outside the
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To describe the procedures and practices to be followed / implemented while maintaining good house
keeping at any of ACL projects.
The scope of this procedure covers all the house keeping methods adopted for executing various
activities at all ACL Projects.
All supervisors, Engineers. Departments heads of various departments are responsible for maintaining
proper house keeping at the project. Overall responsibility lies with Project Head.
• Maintain good housekeeping at all times and keep aisles, walkways, floors, and working areas clean
and free of obstructions, slip hazards, and trip hazards.
• Maintain good housekeeping standards which is free from loose material which can fall, more so
from elevated work platforms. Throwing of debris from height shall be strictly prohibited.
• Keep access to emergency exits, fire extinguishers, fire hose stations, and other emergency response
equipment clear at all times.
• Keep a reasonable degree of order by properly disposing of accumulated rubbish and waste material
in the specified waste bins (biodegradable, non-degradable, hazardous wastes) and label them
• Start cleanup of the area upon completion of any work or as deemed necessary by the Employer’s
• Scrap, trash, and other wastes should be placed in designated containers.
• Scraps and trash shall be cleared off daily. Work areas need to be cleaned up as the job progresses.
Cords and hoses are to be routed, preferably overhead, in a manner that will not present a tripping
hazard. All materials, tools, and equipment should be stored in a stable position (tied, stacked, or
chocked) to prevent rolling or falling. Safe access to all work areas and emergency exits shall be
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The scope of this procedure covers all the equipments and vehicles used for executing various activities
at all ACL Projects.
The concerned mechanical operator / maintenance engineer is responsible for ensuring proper
maintenance of equipments and vehicles. The commercial department in coordination with the security
is responsible for checking of the vehicles documents & ensuring that traffic rules & regulations are
adhered too. Overall responsibility lies with Project Head.
General Requirements
Contractor ensures that personnel are transported in approved passenger vehicles with seats like
buses, cars, etc. The use of seat belts especially for the drivers and front seat passengers is a
mandatory requirement within ACL premises.
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k. Drivers shall give right of way to any emergency vehicles.
l. All vehicle accident shall be reported to ACL authorities.
m. Tools and materials carried in trucks, pick-up or trailer beds must be secured.
n. Materials, which extend over the side or ends of the vehicle, shall carry a visible warning flag. Over
loading is totally prohibited.
o. It is prohibited to carry passengers at the near of pick-ups or on truck beds.
p. Employees shall not mount or dismount from moving vehicles or equipment.
q. Suitable warning signs or barricades shall be installed in road works to warn motorists on the
presence of workers. In case of extensive operations on roadways, traffic control persons or flagmen
wearing green/bright colour dress shall be posted to direct the flow of traffic.
r. Where vehicles/equipments are operating in close proximity to excavations, to other equipments
near the workers, a signal person shall be assigned.
s. All personnel shall be instructed in the observance of plant site traffic rules.
t. All vehicles shall be fitted with audible & visible reverse alarms
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To describe the procedure, practices and precautions to be followed while demolition for executing
work in any of ACL projects
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL projects which require demolition to
execute work.
The concerned mechanical operator / maintenance engineer & Civil Supervisor & Civil Engineer is
responsible for ensuring proper precautions are followed during demolition. Overall responsibility lies
with Project Head.
• Hazard Identification Risk assessment and control exercise shall be conducted before any
demolition activity is to be carried out.
• Method statement to be prepared & submitted to ACL Project Head who will approve the same.
• Work permit will be taken prior to commencement of the demolition activity.
• A definite plan of procedure for the demolition work, depending upon the manner, in which the
loads of the various structural parts are supported, shall be prepared and approved by the engineer
in-charge and this shall be followed as closely as possible, in actual execution of the demolition
work. Before commencement of each stage of demolition, the supervisor shall brief the workmen in
detail regarding the safety aspects to be kept in view.
• It shall be ensured that the demolition operations do not, at any stage, endanger the safety of the
adjoining buildings. Moreover, the nuisance effect of the demolishing work on the use of the
adjacent buildings should be kept to the minimum.
• No structure/ part of the structure or floor or temporary support/ scaffold, side wall or any device
for equipment shall be loaded in excess of the safe carrying capacity, in its then existing condition.
• No demolition work should be carried out at night especially when the building or structure to be
demolished is in an inhabited area.
• No demolition work shall be carried out during storm and heavy rain.
• A warning device to be installed in the area to warn the workers in case of any danger.
• Construction sheds and toolboxes should be so located as to protect workers from areas of the
falling debris to avoid injuries to users.
• Screens to be placed, where necessary, to prevent flying pieces & injuring workers.
When some work is to be done at the lower level, adequate protection shall be provided for all the
workmen so engaged.
• All necessary PPEs to be worn as per the requirements of the job..
• First-aid equipment shall be kept available at all demolition works of any magnitude.
• When there is a possibility of fire, appropriate first-aid fire appliances shall be kept at hand.
• Debris to be disposed from higher levels through Debris Chutes.
RECORDS ; Work Permit , Check list for Demolition ,Check list for machinery.
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To describe the procedure, practices and precautions to be followed while excavating/trenching for
executing work in any of ACL projects
The scope of this procedure includes various trenching and excavation operations at all ACL Projects.
The concerned site civil supervisor / engineer / block in charge are responsible for ensuring proper
precautions are followed during excavation & mechanical/maintenance Engineer is responsible for
the machinery safety. Overall responsibility lies with Project Head.
An unstable trench or excavation can collapse, killing or injuring workers by suffocation or crushing
when a worker is buried by falling soil. Trench stability is affected by a number of factors such as:
o soil type , weather , moisture ,vibration
o surcharge (excessive weight near the trench)
o time duration of excavation/ trenching
o existing foundations, and previous excavation.
Provide competent personnel for excavations. For any excavation greater than one meter in depth, the
sides shall be protected from cave-ins by adequate shoring, benching or sloping.
Competent person must inspect all excavations, shoring, benching and sloping before any personnel
enter excavation.
General guidelines
• Ground Conditions: In the place, where excavation is to be made, the type of soil and the ground
water table level shall be identified before commencing excavation.
• Surface Water: Surface ditches, streams etc. (if any) shall be diverted before commencing the
• Ground water: In case of presence of ground water at the level of excavation, dewatering shall be
• Underground Utilities: Complete information on the underground structures (such as water
pipelines, sewers, gas mains, electrical conduit system and other civic facilities) is essential before
doing the excavation work. Proper precautions shall be taken to prevent accident to the workmen
engaged in excavation work and calamities for the general public. Excavation Permits shall be
obtained if underground facilities exist or the excavation is done in the proximity of a structure.
• Existing Structures: No excavation or earthwork below the level of any foundation of building or
structure shall be commenced or continued unless adequate steps are taken to prevent danger to
any person employed, from collapse of the structure or excessive settlement, which is detrimental
to structure. Foundations, adjacent to & below which excavation is to be made, to be supported by
shoring, as long as the trench remains open.
• Undercutting/ Cave-in: Borrowing or mining shall not be allowed. In any trench where such
methods have been followed, the cavities left shall be eliminated by cutting back the bank slope
before removing any further material from the section of the trench or movement of any heavy
vehicle or crane operation.
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o All trenches in soil more than 1.5m deep shall be securely shored and timbered depending upon
the type of soil and water table.
o All trenches in friable or unstable rock exceeding 2m in depth shall be securely shored and
o Vertical sides of shoring shall extend at least 30 cm above the excavated pit.
o When open spaced sheathing is used, a toe board shall be provided to prevent material rolling down
the slope and falling into the trench.
o Shoring and timbering shall be carried along with the opening of a trench but when conditions
permit, protection work, such as Sheet Piling may be done before the excavation commences.
Composition of Materials
o Approved quality of Sal Wood shall be used for shoring and timbering a trench.
o Any other structural material having strength greater than that of Sal Wood may also be used for
the purpose.
o Sheathing shall be placed against the side of the trench so that the length of each piece of sheathing
is vertical. The sheathing shall be held securely in place against the wales by ensuring that
sheathing is kept firmly pressed against the wall of the trench. Where the trench is excavated in
loose sandy or soft soil or soil which has been previously excavated or soil which is under
hydrostatic pressure, each piece of sheathing shall be driven into the bottom of the trench so as to
be firmly held in place.
o Where two or more pieces of sheathing are used one above another, the sheathing shall be so
arranged so that the lower pieces of sheathing over-lap the lowest wale’s supporting the pieces of
sheathing next above it. These pieces of sheathing shall be firmly driven into the soil and securely
supported by wale’s and struts, as the trench is made deeper.
o The wale’s shall be parallel to the bottom or the proposed bottom of the trench.
o Each wale shall be supported on cleats spiked to the sheathing or by posts set on the wale’s next
below it and in the case of lowest wale on the bottom of the trench itself. Where necessary,
o wedges may be provided between a wale and the sheathing it supports so that roughly uniform
support is given to all individual pieces of sheathing.
o Struts shall be horizontal and at right angles to the wale’s or sheathing supported thereby. Struts
shall be cut to the proper length required to fit in tightly between the wale’s. Where necessary, the
struts shall be held securely in place by wedges, driven between the struts and the wale’s.
o Struts shall be placed on cleats spiked or bolted to posts supporting wale’s.
o To be ensured that no nails protrude out of wooden planks to cause any injury.
Where there is a problem of high water table head, suitable safety measures shall be taken up to
solve water related problems. Sheet piling or dewatering by shallow well pumping may be considered.
RECORDS :Work Permit , Check list for Excavation ,Check list for Machinery, Tool Box Talk Record.
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To describe the procedure, practices and precautions to be followed while doing tunnelling or shaft
excavation for executing work in any of ACL projects
The scope of this procedure lays down the safety requirements for tunnelling and underground
excavations. The works involved in tunnelling is of a specialized and hazardous in nature. Cramped
working space in the heading, wet and slippery flooring, artificial lighting – all too often inadequate,
difficult ventilation, obnoxious gases, unseen weakness in the rock, handling of explosives, leading and
hauling muck, etc. might contribute to accidents. In order to avoid hazards, it is necessary to follow all
possible safety precautions of the use of machinery, electrical installations and labour in tunnels, during
the construction period includes various trenching and excavation operations at all ACL Projects.
The concerned site civil supervisor / engineer / block in charge are responsible for ensuring proper
precautions are followed during excavation & mechanical/maintenance Engineer is responsible for
the machinery safety. Overall responsibility lies with Project Head.
• All operations inside the tunnel or shaft shall be carried out under the immediate charge of a
competent engineer in charge. The engineer in charge shall also be responsible for the safety
arrangement of the work. In larger jobs these responsibilities and function in respect of safety
arrangements may be delegated to an independent qualified and competent safety officer working
under the overall control of the engineer in charge. Periodically meetings shall be conducted to
review the effectiveness of safety measures.
• Workmen shall be thoroughly instructed in safety rules and shall be required to follow them at all
times. They shall be required to report immediately any unsafe conditions observed.
• The engineer in charge appointed to look after the tunneling work may also take the guidance about
the bad reaches expected to be met in the tunnel from the geologists so that necessary safety
measures could be adopted.
• Where the geological data collected so warrants advance probe holes by percussion or core drilling,
as required, shall be drilled ahead of the tunnel faces to locate any gas, flowing mass of rock,
aquiferous strata, geological disturbances, etc. In case presence of gases like methane is detected,
further tunneling work shall be stopped and the advice of Director General Mines Safety (DGMS)
shall be sought about the supervising personnel to be entertained and additional safety precautions
• If the geological data collected and information from other sources indicate presence or likelihood
of gases like methane, advice of DGMS shall be sought about supervising personnel to be
entertained and additional safety precautions necessary.
• The occurrence of any accident, involving personal injury or of any dangerous incident, such as
serious break-down of or damage to any apparatus / equipment shall be reported to the supervisory
staff / officers and adequate precautionary measures shall be taken by the engineer-
in-charge to prevent recurrence. An accurate record of such accidents shall be properly maintained.
Probable reasons of accidents shall be investigated and precautionary measures taken to avoid
further recurrence.
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Under Ground Excavation
Drilling Equipment:
• All drilling equipment shall be kept in good working order. Safe handling and proper lifting methods
shall be used. Only wet drilling shall be permitted
• Jumbos or other drill platforms shall be carefully designed, built and maintained to provide safe
working conditions. The jumbo should be provided with a suitable railing around the top deck.
• Drilling shall not be resumed after blasts have been fired until a through examination has been
made by blasting foremen (head blaster) to make sure that there are no misfired charges which the
drill may strike.
• Jumbos or other drill platforms shall be carefully designed, built and maintained to provide safe
working conditions. The jumbo should be provided with a suitable railing around the top deck.
• All holes shall be of slightly greater diameter than the diameter of cartridges of explosives used.
• A drill, pick or bore shall not be inserted in butts of old holes even if examination fails to disclose
explosives; separate holes shall be so drilled as to be nowhere less than 30 cm clear distance away
from the previous hole.
• Charging of drilled holes and drilling shall not be carried out simultaneously in the same area by
using non-electric detonation
• Only such explosives as produce less than 4530 ml of poisonous gas (carbon monoxide and
hydrogen sulphide ) per 3x20 cm cartridge shall be used for underground blasting work.
Head Frame -The head frame (including hoists, cables, etc) shall preferably of steel structure and
properly designed with sufficient head room and strong enough for possible overload and impact due
sudden drops.
Hoisting Equipment- It shall be thoroughly inspected at least once week and maintained in first class
condition. Suitable standby power supply arrangement or alternate means of working the hoist
mechanically (see IS: 807, Code of practice for design, manufacture erection and testing of cranes &
hoists) shall be provided. A limit switch and a non-failing automatic brake shall be provided on the ho
to control speed
There shall be a fencing round the shaft opening at least 90 cm high and it shall comprise two rail
guards and also a toe board, 15 cm high to prevent material from failing in. The gate, provided there,
shall be closed except when used for entering or leaving the shaft or emptying the buckets. The gate
should preferably be automatic.
Access Through Shafts - Persons shall not be lowered or raised bucket used for mucking
a special cage or a bucket shall be used for lowering or raising personnel during the sinking of a shaft.
For emergency use strong ladder made out of wire rope shall be provided on one side of the shaft. After
the shaft is sunk, a suitable arrangement for the workmen shall be made in the shaft for access to the
shaft and the tunnel.
Signals - Reliable means of communications, such as bells or whistles shall be maintained at all times
between the bottom of the shaft a the surface and telephone used, whenever possible.
• A study of boring data and geological formations shall be made have an indication of locations,
where water can be expected.
• Water inflow may be reduced or even entirely stopped by grouting off the wet seams. A wet area
covering more than a single seam shall scale off by installing a suitable section of concrete lining.
• In case of a steady flow of water from the roof or side of the tunnel the flow shall be deflected down
the sides to sumps by metal shields.
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• The number of pumps provided at site shall be 50 percent more than the requirements calculated
on the basis of the estimated pumping needs or at least one whichever is more.
• In case of steeply inclined tunnels steps shall be provided for quick exit in case of failure or haulage.
• Gutters and sumps shall be kept clean. Suitable arrangement shall be made to indicate the position
of sumps in case tunnel invert is flooded.
• Scaling: After blasting inside a tunnel or a shaft scaling shall not commence unless the roof and
walls of the tunnel and sides of the shaft are carefully inspected by a tunnel foreman.
• Scaling shall be performed only by the experienced crews under the direct supervision of a
competent supervisor.
• If the structure of the rock is weak, poor or structurally defective it shall be adequately supported
by providing either rock bolts or timber or steel supports with proper lagging and back filling and
or by shot creting. Also, if the tunnel excavation is in clay, slit, sand or work layers, the strata shall
be supported by well designed members either of wood or steel immediately before further
excavation is undertaken. The construction of concrete lining wherever provided for these purposes
should follow closely the excavation operations. There should not be a prolonged time interval
between the two operations as the risk of accident increases with such delays.
• For tunneling in soft strata, the provision of IS: 5778-Part III (Code of practice for construction of
tunnels) shall be followed in respect of quick supporting of such strata
• Periodical Inspections: More accidents in tunneling result from rock falls than from any other cause.
Except for premature explosions, rock falls are also perhaps the most serious of all tunnel accidents
• Careful and frequent inspection of walls and roofs as well as of tunnel supports shall be carried
out. Through scaling of loose rocks at all weak spots are the best preventives against the rock falls.
Periodic inspection of un-timbered sections of the tunnel from a travelling scaling platform shall be
carried out for locating weak spots. Supported sections shall also be inspected regularly to ensure
that the weakness of the formation has not spread beyond the supports. Loosened rock shall be
supported / removed forthwith. All supports shall be checked occasionally to make sure that there
is no member under distress. All scaling platforms shall be equipped with sat ladders
• Mucking -The loading zones shall be well lighted and workmen shall be kept away from the vicinity
of the cars being loaded to prevent injury due to rock falling off the car.
• Loading of muck into either cars or dumpers shall be done evenly; the muck shall not be piled
dangerously high above the sides
• Rolling Stock Track - As far as possible, electric power shall preferably be used. Whenever diesel
engines are used, they shall b provided with suitable filters, scrubbers, etc, to remove all carbon
monoxide and oxides of nitrogen, etc. Petrol engines shall not b used.
• Use of rolling equipment with link couplers shall not be permitted Rocker or cradle type dump cars
shall be provided with a positive type lock to prevent dumping in mucking yards.
• The trolley tracks shall be properly laid with points, crossings at junctions and adequately
• At each end of the track suitable blocks or buffers shall be provided
• Dead man switches or other installation necessary shall be provided check accidents occurring due
to runway muck cars.
• Trains shall be operated with care and at a speed under control of the operator at all times. If the
locomotive is pushing a string of cars, man shall ride in the front equipped with a whistle and a flash
light for warning men along the track and signaling the locomotive operator.
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• Every locomotive shall have a head light on each end. It shall I equipped with a whistle or horn with
a tone of sufficient volume to I heard by men along the track when the air drills are working
• The crew, working tip wagons on trolley tracks shall be given whistle, so that they call announce
the movement of tip wagon by blowing the whistles.
• A shovel shall never be left unattended with engine running brakes not set. When it is necessary to
park it on a sloping ground shall be securely blocked. The operator while leaving the machine shall
remove ignition key and keep with him or hand it over to such a responsible person so that the
machine cannot be operated unauthorized person.
• Transport of Material. Cars carrying pipe, rail and timber shall properly loaded for safe passage
through the tunnel. The load shall be kept within the side limits for the car. Loads projecting over
the sides are dangerous to men working in the tunnel. If wide loads are transported, a special care
shall be ensured in the operation of the train with ample warning to the workmen along the track
to ensure a safe journey.
• Transport of Employees- No one shall be allowed to ride on front steps of a loco or on a coupling.
None other than trainmen shall ride the dump care in going to and from work at change of shift or
at any other time. A safe and smooth walkway system shall be provided for pedestrians
Necessity - The purpose of ventilation in tunnels is to make the working space safe for workers by
keeping the air fresh and by eliminating harmful and obnoxious dust, dynamite fumes and other gases.
Mechanical ventilation shall be adopted where necessary to force the air in or exhaust the air out from
the working face to the portal through a pipe to achieve the safety as given below.
Purity Requirements: The ventilation is required to remove polluted air, gases and smoke produced by
explosives, dust formed by the disintegration of rock, exhaust gases from the diesel operated equipment
like locomotives, dumpers, trucks, shovels, etc, and also to ensure temperatures of not more than 400
C dry 29° C wet at the working place
The concentration of various gases in atmosphere inside the tunnel by volume shall be as follows:
Oxygen - not less than 19.5 percent
Carbon monoxide -not more than 0.005 percent
Carbon dioxide -not more than 0.5 percent
Nitrogen fumes - not more than 0.0005 percent.
Methane- not more than 0.5 percent at any place inside the tunnel, ex- in a cavity in the roof, etc
Hydrogen sulphide- not more than 0.001 percent
Aldehyde - as formaldehyde not more than 0.001 percent
Testing- The tests shall be carried out once every 24 hours but in any after every blast or a major rock-
fall. In case any of the gases mentioned in 7.15.4 are detected to have crossed the threshold value
indicated therein, the workmen shall be withdrawn immediately till the percentage is brought down well
below the threshold value by improving the ventilation or by other effective measures.
Records for the tests of gases as also for temperature measurements and ventilation measurements
shall be properly maintained.
Dust Control- Adequate steps shall be taken to prevent the liberation, accumulation and the propagation
of air-borne dust. Only wet drilling shall be permitted inside the tunnel and other underground works.
Besides wet drilling there shall be adequate ventilation for dust control and periodical medical check up
of the workers, working in the tunnel shall be done to check up their physical fitness. Such check shall
be at least once in three months and the results recorded in the registers provided for the purpose
The air-borne dust concentration at the working face shall be tested once a month and if the air-borne
concentration of total dust exceeds 10 mg Im3 ventilation shall be adequately improved. If required
water spraying of the air-bore dust will be resorted to.
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Note- It is assumed that the air-borne dust is mainly nuisance dust containing not more than 1 percent
face silica and also does not contain other toxic impurities.
Volume of Air Required: Ventilation and exhaust system for tunnel and shaft excavation shall be of
sufficient capacity to maintain an adequate supply of uncontaminated pure air at all points in the tunnel
or shaft. The design of ventilation system shall provide for size and design of diesel engines to be used
as well as for safe hygienic limits for exposure of employees to the multiple toxic and objectionable gases
in the tunnel or shaft.
The volume of air required shall depend on the following:
Length of heading,
Size of tunnel,
Type and amount of explosives used,
Frequency of blasting, and Temperature and humidity
On tunnel work 4.25 m3 of air/min/man is usually considered the minimum requirement. In addition
to this 2.00 m3 of air/ min shall be supplied for such brake horsepower of diesel locomotive or other
diesel engine used in the tunnel. Where the temperature is high or heavy blasting is resorted to suitably
augmented volume of air shall be provided.
The entire electrical installation shall be carried out according to the existing Indian Electricity Rules as
modified from time to time.(Also refer Electrical System SOP-9 )
Lighting: Adequate lighting shall be provided at the face and at any other point where work is in progress,
at equipment installations, such as pumps, fans and transformers. A minimum of 50 lux shall be
provided at tunnel and shaft headings during drilling, mucking and scaling. When mucking is done by
tipping wagons running on trolley tracks a minimum of 30 lux shall be provided for efficient and safe
working. The lighting in general in any area inside the tunnel or outside an approach road, etc. shall
not be less than 10 lux.
Emergency lights (battery operated) shall be installed at the working faces and at intervals along the
tunnel to help escape of workmen in case of accidents. All supervisors and gang-mates shall be provided
with cap lamps or hand torches. It shall be ensured that at least one cap lamp or hand torch is provided
for every batch of 10 people.
Telephone lines shall be laid on the opposite of the electric side in the tunnel. No blasting line shall
preferably be laid within 3m of the light and power line; its distance from a telephone line being
immaterial so long as insulation can be ensured.
Voltage for lighting in a tunnel should be 125V between phases as specified for underground lighting in
terms of Rule 118 (c) of Indian Electricity Rules, 1956
• Only the materials required for work in progress shall be kept inside the tunnel. All other materials
shall be as even as possible and without any obstacles to enable the workers to get out of the tunnel
quickly in case there is any collapse or any other mishap inside the tunnel.
• All storage handling and use of flammable liquids shall be under the supervision of qualified
persons. Flammable liquids shall not be stored inside the tunnel.
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• All sources of ignition shall be prohibited in areas where flammable liquids are stored, handled and
processed. Suitable warning and “NO SMOKING” signs shall be posted in all such places.
Receptacles containing flammable liquids shall be stacked in such a manner as to permit free
passage of air between them.
• Fire extinguishers/ buckets appropriate to the hazard should be conveniently located & identified.
• Telephone system – A telephone system shall be provided to ensure a positive and quick method of
communication between all control locations inside tunnel and portal of the tunnels when longer
than 500 m and for shafts when longer than 50 mtrs
• Warning signals – Irrespective of length and bends in the tunnel, arrangements shall be made for
transmitting of warning signals by any one of the following means:
By electrically operated bells, operated by battery / dry cells with the bell placed outside the tunnel
and the position of the switch shifting with the progress of the tunnelling work. The position of the
operating switch although temporary shall be so chosen as to ensure proper accessibility and easy
By the use of two field (magnet type) telephone.
Any other suitable arrangement like walkie talkie
Up to 100m length of the tunnel only one of the systems mentioned above shall be provided whereas
in tunnels of length more than 100 m at least two systems shall be installed; the wires running
along opposite sides of the tunnel, if practicable.
Red and green lights of adequate size and brightness shall be provided at suitable intervals on
straight lengths and curves, cross over points, etc. to regulate the construction traffic.
In all the cases as above the system(s) shall be subject to daily checks regarding proper
serviceability. The checks shall be carried out every day immediately prior to the commencement of
the tunnelling work under the supervision of a responsible person.
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To describe the procedure, practices and precautions to be followed while blasting for executing
work in any of ACL projects
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL projects which require blasting to
execute work.
The concerned site supervisor / engineer / block in charge are responsible for ensuring necessary
precautions are taken while executing work using blasting. Overall responsibility lies with Project
in charge.
• Obtain permission from the concerned authorities about the time & place of the blasting operation.
• Calculation of charges with particulars of explosives should be worked out as per the specifications
of Govt. specified norms.
• Suitable measures like providing steel mesh & sand bags should be placed over the charge to control
the flying pieces & fragments.
• A proper magazine building should be there for separate storage of dynamite, fuses and detonators.
• The blasting operation should be carried by an authorized supervisor only.
• If a hole has been detected misfired, no activity should be carried out around the hole, till it is
carefully recharged & fired with all precautions.
• A proper record should be maintained for the consumption of explosives, fuses and detonators.
• Electric firing shall be done by an approved method. A departure from this may be permitted only
with the specific approval of the engineer- in-charge.
• No material other than clay sticks 25 mm dia and 10 cm long shall be used for blinding and sealing
the holes after charging the same.
• Before use each and every electric detonator shall be tested for a positive test with the help of an
ohm-meter. Before shot firing, the circuit shall be tested for insulation and for continuity
• Before a shot is fired in an underground working place due warning shall be given to persons within
330 m in all directions and every entrance to the place where a shot is about to be fired shall be
guarded so as to present any person, not having received warning from placing himself in dangerous
proximity to the shot.
• Approved electrical detonators of known characteristics shall be used for blasting.
• In case electric power is used for blasting, a separate safety switch shall be used and the safety
switch shall be kept in closed locked box, the key of which shall be kept with the blaster. A fuse
shall be provided to be replaced every time a blasting is done.
• In case the exploder is used the revolving handle of the exploder shall be in the custody of the
blasting foreman to prevent anybody else firing the shot when the blasting foreman and other
persons are inside.
• Stray currents may cause fatalities while loading and utmost care shall be taken in removing all
faults from electrical circuits.
• Electric power, light and other circuits in the vicinity within 70m of the loading points shall be
switched off after charging the explosive and before the blasting operation starts. Power supply is
to be switched on only after the blasted area has been properly inspected by the blasting foreman
for misfires.
• The heading shall be properly lighted with the electric flood lights before and after blasting.
• Only one cartridge shall be inserted at a time and gently pressed with tampering rod.
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Immediately after a blast has been fired, the firing line shall be disconnected from the blasting machine
or other source of power. When at least 5 minutes have passed after the blast was fired, a careful
inspection of the face shall be made by the blaster to determine if all charges have been exploded.
Electric blasting misfires shall not be examined for at least 15 minutes after failure to explode. Other
persons shall not be allowed to return to the area of blast until an 'ALL CLEAR' signal is given by the
blasting foreman.
All wires shall be carefully traced and search made for any exploded cartridge by the man-in-charge
of the blasting operation. Sufficient time shall be given for the fumes to clear before permitting the
labour to work for mucking operations.
Loose pieces of rock and other debris shall be scaled down from the sides of the face of excavation and
the area made safe before proceeding with the work
Misfires: Misfired holes shall be dealt with by the blaster preferably by the same person who had done
the charging operations.
If broken wires, faulty connections, or short-circuits are determined as the cause of a misfire, the
proper repairs shall be made, the firing line reconnected and the charge fired. This shall be done,
however, only after a careful inspection has been made of burdens remaining in such holes and no
hole shall be fired when the burden has been dangerously weakened by other shots
The charge of explosives from a misfired hole shall not' be drilled, bored or picked out.
Explosives and detonators shall be placed in separate insulated carriers, whether carried by persons
or conveyed mechanically and an attendant shall ride with the explosives being conveyed mechanically
on slopes in shafts or in underground work areas. For carrying explosives mechanically, prior
permission of Chief Inspector of Explosives shall be obtained
Insulated containers, used for carrying explosives or detonators shall be constructed of finished wood
(not less than 5 cm thick) or plastic (not less than 6mm thick) or pressed fiber (not less than 10 mm
thick). There shall be no metal parts not even nails, screws, bolts, etc. and it shall be waterproof and
provided with lid. The container shall be provided canvas handle or a strap. For use of plastics in the
container for carrying explosives, prior permission of Chief Inspector of explosives shall be obtained
Explosives and detonators shall be transported in separate insulated containers, and in separate
compartment where rope or locomotive haulage is used. Cars shall not have metal parts exposed on
the inside. They shall have an open space of 45 cm between explosive and detonator compartments
and nothing shall ever be carried in that space. The car body and compartments shall be made of
plank not less than 5 cm thick. Doors for the explosive and detonator shall open on opposite sides of
the car and kept locked except when loading or unloading. Explosives or detonators may be
transported in ordinary cars, if they are placed in separate insulated carriers or compartments or
Cars used for transportation of explosives shall not be loaded beyond their rated capacity and
explosives shall be so secured to prevent shifting of load or dislodgment from car in transit.
All cars transporting explosives shall be marked or placarded on both sides and ends with word
'Explosives' and provided with two red flags and during night by two red lights. Cars transporting
explosives shall be equipped with at least two fire extinguishers.
Explosives and detonators shall be brought to the working places in separate, tight, well-insulated
containers, and kept in the containers until removed for placement in drill holes. If drill holes are not
ready, they shall be stored in locked box type magazines located at a safe distance of at least 170m
from the working space.
Wooden explosive cases shall be opened only with wooden mallets and wedges. Metal tools shall not
be used. Scooping out or breakage of cartridges and spilling of their contents shall be avoided.
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No person other than a shot firer shall carry any priming cartridges Into a shaft, In which the sinking
Is In progress. No such cartridge shall be so carried except in a thick felt bag or other container
sufficient to protect it from shock.
To describe the procedure, practices and precautions to be followed while piling for executing work in
any of ACL projects
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL projects which require piling to execute
The concerned site civil supervisor / engineer / block in charge are responsible for ensuring necessary
precautions are taken while executing work using piling operation & mechanical/Maintenance Engineer
is responsible for machinery safety . Overall responsibility lies with Project in charge.
Piling operations can give rise to different hazards dependent upon the type of piling being undertaken.
Certain hazards are, however, generally common on all types of piling and the following gives the risks
and associated controls relevant to site preparation, the general precautions and the various types of
piling methods in use. The some common types of piling covered in this manual are
Rotary Bored Piling :Tripod Piling :Sheet Piling
Note: In case of piling types other than the types mentioned above, are deployed, the basic safety
precautions as enumerated below shall be followed and any other additional requirements shall be
incorporated in the procedure.
In all cases, and before any piling operations commence a full safe method statement and risk
assessment must be prepared by the piling engineer-in-charge or the authorized persons carrying out
the operations. This method statement must be thoroughly vetted by Project Head/Planning Manager
before any works are started.
• Fencing shall be provided around the working area to prevent on-lookers from trespassing into the
construction sites.
• The working area shall, be investigated to ascertain the presence of any buried obstruction and
actual position of all service lines passing through the work site shall be known before the work
commences. Particular attention shall be given in case live electrical cables pass underground,
which may interfere within the depth of foundation.
• Every crane driver or hoisting appliance operator shall be competent to the satisfaction of the
engineer In-charge and no person under the age of 21 years should be in-charge of any hoisting
machine including any scaffolding winch, or give signals to operator.
• Prior to commencement on site, the piling supervisor needs to have information relating to the
condition of the land. All surveys and examinations must be carried out by competent persons &
information relating to previous land uses must be obtained and made available.
• The position and location of underground services, voids and watercourses should be
established prior to work commencing. Confirmation of such whereabouts should be by
reference to all relevant information received from statutory authorities.
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• All overhead services must be clearly marked by barriers, goal posts etc. Work must not
commence until a safe system of working has been prepared and agreed.
• The presence of watercourses and expected run off routes need to be identified. This
aspect is of particular importance where contaminated land conditions are present. The
appropriate authorization and/or notification must be obtained prior to any discharge
taking place. Adequate space must be provided for the operations and for safe storage of
materials. In particular, the movement of service cranes should be considered when
determining the layout for piling operations.
• The most common cause of piling rig collapse is poor ground conditions. Ensure a firm piling mat
has been provided and that all ground conditions have been taken into consideration at initial
assessment stage.
• Rigging and de-rigging may only be carried out under the supervision of a competent person who
has been nominated by the Project Manager or piling engineer-in-charge.
• All other persons should stand clear whilst the operation is taking place.
• Safety harnesses should be used when working at height.
• In addition, all personnel involved in piling operations must wear the appropriate protective
equipment and clothing i.e. safety helmets, and boots, eye and ear protection and gloves.
• Upon arrival at site, the machine must be inspected before use by a competent person. All
certification must be updated. Results of inspections must be recorded.
• All loads which are to be lifted must only be lifted using the correct slings and signalling techniques
which are set out.
• All open pile shafts must be either covered or have barriers placed around them to prevent persons
from gaining access. This also includes freshly poured piles.
• All piling rigs, side boom & other lifting equipment to be inspected before entering the site.
• The area where hoisting operation are being carried out shall be roped off. Personnel inside the rope
area shall be only those directly employed on the hoisting activity.
• No one is allowed to walk under suspended load or boom under load. Prior to starting the lift by two
booms, calculation to determine safe sitting for tandem working shall be made before lifting.
• All piling rigs and hoisting equipment shall be provided with a suitable fire extinguisher.
• When working near overhead power lines or bus bars, the following safe distances shall be
i. A minimum distance of 3 Meters for Voltage up to 500 V.
ii. A minimum distance of 5 Meters for Voltage exceeding 500 V.
iii. A permit is required for work within 20 Meters of overhead power lines.
• Electrical shielding of power lines is required when minimum clearance distances cannot be
• Adequate Protection for underground cables and pipeline with heavy equipment and loads adequate
mats or steel plate shall be used to prevent damage.
• All works to be supervised by a competent supervisor.
• Ensure that all ladders are long enough and extend at least 1.00 m above any working platform &
that they are in good condition for access onto rigs or other working places.
• Ready mixed concrete trucks, when fully loaded, are top heavy with heavily loaded rear wheels, a
banks man should be present when reversing the vehicle and wheel stops should also be provided
to prevent the vehicle from getting too close to the edge of excavations, piles or concrete pumps. A
distance of 3 meters is recommended. Extra care must be taken when mobile cranes/ trucks have
to go across gradients or backfilled areas.
• Reinforcement and cages should be unloaded onto supports to allow for re-slinging.
• All rotating parts of machinery should be suitably guarded or fenced.
• A full noise assessment must be carried out and must form part of the safe method statement and
risk assessment. The effects on all persons on site, and the local environment must be taken into
account when preparing the assessment.
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• Any control measures including hearing protection identified as being necessary by the assessment
should be put into operation prior to commencing operations.
• An area should be segregated for the dumping of spoil from the auger. It should be out of the way
with no general access to others on site. When the spoil is shaken off the auger, the driver is to
ensure no persons are in the vicinity.
• A banks man should remain with the rig during the piling operation.
• The pile bore should always be protected to prevent persons from falling in barriers, casings or
covers should be used.
• Ropes are subject to heavy wear must be inspected and changed as necessary.
• Hearing protection should be worn where noise assessment indicates high noise level.
• All control levers on piling rigs to be marked to indicate their purpose & mode of operation.
Tripod Piling
Sheet Piling
• In case of deep, wide-open cut excavations, any of the following situations may arise:
o Where providing safe stable slopes for excavated pit may be economically impractical due to
quantities of excavated material to be relocated.
o Where slopes required for excavation may be infeasible due to proximity of nearby structure(s).
o Where excavation of slope may be undesirable due to fluid condition of the erratic material being
• In such situations sheet piling may be resorted to for side protection. This procedure may provide
a kind of retaining wall to contain the materials adjacent to the excavation. The piles may be of
timber, concrete, steel or composite materials depending upon the depth of excavation, strength
and life of sheet piles required.
• The operator shall ensure the area is good enough for the crane before marching or parking it.
Crane shall be stationed on a firm level ground. Cranes and vehicles should not be parked near the
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edges of pit. If the soil is loose Sleepers shall be used. Limit Switches of the crane should be tested
frequently for ensuring its proper functioning.
• It shall be ensured that vibrations from vibro-hammer are dampened before transferring to hook of
the crane. This can be ensured by checking the proper functioning of rubber & metal springs in the
Sheet Piling by Vibro Hammer
• Piling area shall be barricaded to restrict unauthorized persons. During the driving operation, none
including the concerned workers to be allowed in the operations area.
• All lifting tools & tackles shall have load test certificates of a competent person.
• Only trained operator with a valid licence shall be permitted to operate the crane. Assembling,
maintenance and disassembling on the equipment is to be done as per the manufacturer's manual.
• The operator shall ensure the area is good enough for the crane before marching or parking it.
Crane shall be stationed on a firm level ground. Cranes and vehicles should not be parked near the
edges of pit. If the soil is loose Sleepers shall be used. Limit Switches of the crane should be tested
frequently for ensuring its proper functioning.
• It shall be ensured that vibrations from vibro-hammer are dampened before transferring to hook of
the crane. This can be ensured by checking the proper functioning of rubber & metal springs in the
• It shall be ensured that loose parts of both hammer and frame shall not fall down during pile driving
• Workmen, who are in the pile driving area, shall wear safety helmet to protect themselves from
broken fragments of concrete or sheet pole material, which could fall from height during pile driving
• While driving sheet piles, if any underground obstacles such as boulders are encountered, driving
of that sheet pile shall be stopped temporarily.
• Adequate pumping facilities should be provided at coffer dams. Also adequate means of escape,
such as ladders and boats shall be provided at coffer dams for protection of workers in case of
• Adequate supplies of life saving equipment shall be provided for workers employed on coffer dams.
• When sheet sections are being removed, their movement shall be controlled by cables and other
effective means.
General Precautions
• All workers must wear tight fitting clothes or uniforms, helmets, hand gloves, protective footwear
and goggles.
• Electrical connections must be handled with a great deal of care. Direct tapping of power should be
prohibited. Each unit should have its own switchboard. All cables should be properly insulated and
earthing done.
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• All motions must be stopped and locked out before fitting V-belts or flat belts on moving
RECORDS : Check list for Piling , Check list for machinery , Work permit, Tool box talk
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To describe the procedure, practices and precautions to be followed during electrical work for
executing work in any of ACL projects
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL projects which require electricity to
execute work.
The concerned site civil supervisor / engineer / block in charge in coordination with the Electrical
Engineer / block In charge who is responsible for ensuring necessary precautions are taken while
executing work using electricity, safety officer is responsible for training people in first aid & respond
in case of emergency. Overall responsibility lies with Project in charge.
The following electrical safety requirements shall apply to all fabrication sites
• Ensure qualified, licensed and/or certified workers perform all electrical work.
• Use ground fault circuit interrupters and an assured grounding program shall be instituted.
• Ensure equipment grounding conductors are installed as required.
• Ensure explosion proof hand lamps, floodlights, and extension cords (i.e., plug boards) with
explosion proof fixtures are required in confined spaces of the Site. Hand lights carried into vessels
must not exceed 24 volts.
• Each cord set, and any tools or equipment connected by cords and plug (except cord sets and
receptacles that are fixed and not exposed to damage) shall be visually inspected by the user before
each day’s use for external defects such as deformed or missing pins or insulation damage. Tools
or equipment found damaged or defective shall not be used until repaired.
• Ensure all equipment grounding conductors are tested for continuity and be electrically continuous.
Each receptacle, attachment cap, plug & receptacle of cord sets shall be tested for correct
attachment of the equipment-grounding conductor.
• Ensure all equipment is labelled with the date of the most recent test and have documented testing
procedures. All required tests shall be performed as follows
o Before the first use
o Before equipment is returned to service following any repairs
o Before equipment is used after any incident suspected to have caused damage (e.g. when a cord
set is run over)
• At intervals not to exceed 3 months. Cord sets and receptacles, which are fixed and not exposed to
damage, shall be tested at intervals not exceeding 6 months.
• Provide only approved fully insulated testing devices for testing of 220/440 V circuits.
General Requirement
• Before work commences, an assessment of location of D.G, electrical loads, cable routing and the
manner in which loads vary with time during the project shall be considered.
• Survey shall be conducted before work commences to determine the position and nature of existing
electrical installations.
• No work shall be carried out on any live cable, or so near as to cause danger.
• Electrical works to be carried out by competent Electrical personnel only who shall be certified /
electrical authorities in the relevant state/country.
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• The electrical installations shall be done in accordance to the regulation of IE rule 1956/ existing
Electrical regulations as approved by authorities prevalent in the country.
• Layout drawing for the temporary cable laying and the distribution board installations shall be
made and displayed at the office and the main DB room.
o All circuits shall be protected against overload, over current, short circuit/ earth fault
o Unauthorized tapping of power from Distribution Boards (DBs) and Sub Distribution Boards (SDBs)
shall be strictly not allowed.
o Lock arrangement to be made for all DBs & SDBs to avoid unauthorized operation.
• Switches
o Readily accessible, manually operated switch shall be provided for each incoming service or supply
o Switches shall be of the enclosed safety type, with enclosures grounded, and installed to minimize
the danger of accidental operation.
o Switches, fuses, and automatic circuit breakers shall be marked, labelled, for ready identification
of the circuits or equipment, which they supply.
o Switches, circuit breakers, fuse panels, and motor controllers located out-of- doors or in wet
locations shall be in a weatherproof enclosure or cabinet.
• Fuse
o Fuse cabinets shall have close-fitting doors, which can be locked
o Fuse wire shall not be replaced with ordinary copper or Aluminium wire.
o Fuses shall be checked for their current rating.
• Selection of Fuses
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30 AMP For socket ring mains, some cooker and shower circuits up to 7kw.
20 AMP For storage and water heater circuits
15 AMP For single appliance circuits up to 3kw (3000 w)
13 AMP For appliances between 700 and 3000w (3kw)
5 AMP For lighting circuits. The maximum permissible load of a lighting circuit is
1200w or 12* 100 watt lamps
35 AMP For appliances up to 700 watts, such as table lamps & alarm clocks
General Requirements
o Proper size cable to be selected based on the current rating to avoid over heating.
o Armoured cable only shall be used. Two-core cable shall not be used.
o Only metal clad and interlocked type 15A I 20A I 30A combined switch-plug socket units
shall be used at site. No loose wires to be inserted in sockets without plugs.
o Welding cables and power cables shall be routed separately.
o Cables shall be inspected daily on all tools, lights and equipment.
Routing of Cables
o Cable markers shall be fixed to identify the route of the cables.
o Cables passing through working area or traffic areas shall be protected from damage by
elevating or covering them by suitably sized PVC sleeves/concrete tiles.
o Cables not be held in place by staples, hung from nails, or suspended by wire. Cables shall
be marked by cable covers or a suitable marking tape and buried at a sufficient depth to avoid
their damage by any disturbance of the ground.
o Cables buried directly in the ground shall be armoured or having metal sheath or be of the PV
insulated concentric type.
Jointing of Cables
o Joints in the cables shall be avoided wherever possible. Where unavoidable, J jointing of cables
shall be carried out with the help of joining kits and no other jointing procedure, such as locally
fabricated compound boxes, is permissible.
o Regular joining kits shall be used irrespective of whether the cables are laid 1 under ground or
run above ground.
o Jointing of cables shall be done properly in such way that phase and neutral wire joints are in
different location to avoid tripping.
o Polythene papers shall not be used for insulation of joints.
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• Controlling switch shall be opened and fuses shall be removed.
• “MEN ON LINE” caution board shall be hung on the controlling switch.
• Caution board shall be hung in the DBs indicating the circuit number where the fuses shall
not be inserted.
• Line clearance permit shall be obtained from authorized person if the controlling switch is
operated by others.
• Size of “Men on Line” board for various voltages
o For 33 KV & 66 KV MOCBs, etc. 8" X 6"
o For Indoor 11/6.6/3.3 KV breaker panels 6" X 6"
o For 415 V ACBs, Switch fuses for
o 800 A - 250 A rating 6" X 4"
o For DBs , MCBs combined switch plug sockets 3" X 3"
Electrical Equipment
• Attention shall be given to all electrical operated plant and equipment for its positioning and to its
supply leads.
• Fixed plant e.g. tower cranes, large hoists, batching plants etc. shall be carefully fixed so that
they can remain in one position throughout the job and supply cables of sufficient capacity can be
routed clear of construction and be protected against traffic movement.
• Movable plant with load in excess of 230 V, e.g. compressors, the earth conductor in the heavy
trailing supply cable must remain intact if the plant is to be used safely. If it is broken, current
cannot flow to earth if a fault occurs, and it is strongly recommended that residual current circuit
breaker is provided.
• Electrical Engineer shall make sure that electrical equipment is in safe operating condition and to
have it repaired, or replaced when necessary.
• Maintenance/repair of electrical tool or machinery shall not be done unless the power is off.
• All hand tools shall have earthing, 3-point metal clad plug or double insulated case.
• Power supply to hand tools shall be taken through RCCB.
• RCCBs used at site shall not have sensitivity more than 30mA.
• When working in wet condition, make sure that cords/db are not lying in water.
• Damaged tools shall be removed from service until repaired or replaced.
• Hand lamps shall be equipped with a handle and with a substantial guard over the bulb and
attached to the lamp holder or the handle.
• Portable lamp holders shall have all current carrying parts enclosed & an insulated handle.
• The supply to portable lamp should be 24 V, if used in confined space.
• Electrical equipments/machineries shall be guarded adequately.
• Workmen shall avoid wearing rings on the hands or metal on the arms if there is danger that such
metals might make contact with energized circuit.
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• Cells shall not be overfilled.
• The charging unit to be in the off position before any connection, disconnection of leads is done.
• Manufacturer’s charging rates shall be strictly adhered to.
• If the batteries exceed the maximum permissible temperature during charging, the charging
Shall be stopped and the temperature allowed to fall before the charge is resumed.
• Batteries shall be kept clean and dry and a clear space of 40 to 50 mm shall be kept between
batteries on charge.
• Batteries will not be opened in spaces where the room temperature is above 52°c. The room or
compartment shall be well ventilated and the temperature reduced before working on the
• When working around banks of batteries & it becomes necessary to temporarily cover the
batteries, as much air space as possible to be maintained between the temporary cover &
the batteries.
• Water shall be available for washing any spilled electrolyte.
• Care shall be exercised when using tools around batteries to prevent short circuiting battery
• Live parts of batteries shall be treated as energized equipment.
• Hands should be dry when handling batteries.
• Electrolyte consists of mixture of sulphuric acid and water, which shall not be allowed to come into
contact with clothing or skin.
• Wearing of suitable goggles, gloves and aprons is recommended.
• CO2 or DCP fire extinguishers shall be provided at the battery room.
• Acid, electrolyte & distilled water to be labelled & cautioned to avoid misunderstanding.
• The main distribution board and sub distribution board for construction power shall have two
standard earth pits each
• 50 X 6 or 40 X 6 mm GI flats shall be used for earthing.
• The Fuse Distribution Board shall have each two nos. of rod earths / pipe earths.
• Earth Continuity conductor shall be run in the form of one run of 25 X 3 GI earth strip or GI strip
of half the size of power conductor even the main distribution board & Sub distribution are inter
connected by the armour cable
• Earth continuity conductor shall be run in the form of 8SWG GI wire even the main distribution
board and fuse distribution board are inter connected by the armour cable.
• The earth continuity shall be run through the third core or fourth core of the flexible armoured/
un- armoured cables from the Fuse Distribution Boards to equipment.
• The combined resistance of the Earth pit shall be less than 0.5W.
• If the combined resistance of the earth grid system is higher than 0.5W, the Electrical Division shall
be contacted.
• Typical earthing scheme for construction power facilities.
• Floodlights, halogen lamps shall be effectively earthed.
• Earthing shall be provided for non current carrying metallic parts of equipment.
• Tools protected by an approved system of double insulation, or its equivalent, need not be
grounded. Double insulated tools shall be distinctly marked
• Electrodes of rod or pipe shall be free from non-conducting coatings and, if practicable, shall be
embedded below permanent moisture levels.
• Grounding circuits shall be checked to ensure that the circuit between the ground and a
grounded power conductor has a resistance low enough to permit sufficient current flow to allow
the fuse or circuit breaker to interrupt the current – mention the norms.
• All the DBs and SDBs body earthing shall be done. Also for the metal case switches.
• Earth wire shall not be bypassed in three core cables at any condition.
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Rating of 400 V 3 phase 50 Size of Earthing Conductor
cycles equipment in KVA Bare copper Aluminium PVC Galvanized
insulated Iron
Upto 5 (4 KW) 14 SWG 6 mm2 7/22
6 to 15 (4.8 to 12 KW) 10 SWG 16 mm2 8 SWG
16 to 50 (13 to 40 KW) 10 SWG 16 mm2 1” * 1/16”
51 to 75 (41 to 60 KW) 8 SWG 25 mm2 1” * 1/16”
76 to 100 (61 to 80 KW) 6 SWG 35 mm2 1” * 1/8”
101 to 125 (81 to 100 KW) 4 SWG 50 mm2 1” * ¼ ”
126 to 150 (80 to 100 KW) 2 SWG or 1” 8 1/16” 70 mm 2 1” * ¼ ”
• CO2 type Fire Extinguisher shall be provided at D.G. room and electrical room.
• Fire buckets with sand filled also shall be provided near D.G. room.
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• Locking the doors and posting warning signs on areas or locations which present hazards to
unauthorized personnel.
• After the switching operation has been performed, the switchmen shall, whenever possible, lockout
the controller and/ or attach Hold Tags as the case may be. The purpose of Lockouts & Hold Tags
is to make sure the Controller remains open while work is being done & protect the people working
on the portion of the system being protected by the controller.
• Hold Tags shall not be removed from any device unless authorized.
• Each disconnecting device shall be properly tagged with an approved Hold Tag.
• When Hold Tags cannot be attached to a device, they shall be attached at a conspicuous point, as
close to the device as possible. In case of switchgear where Power Circuit Breakers are lowered or
rolled out, the control, which would rise or roll the breaker to its operating position, shall be tagged.
• After completion of the work, the craftsman will then sign in the hold tag and return it back to the
Supervising Operator who will then directly supervise the removal of tags. The craftsman signing
the hold tag shall be the same person who requested the hold tag. Unless responsibility transfers,
both the Supervising Operator and the Craftsman shall follow the procedure for removal of lockout
clips, chain and padlock.
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RECORDS :Work Permit , Check list for Electrical System ,Periodic maintenance record.
Training in First Aid & Electricity Record
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To describe the procedure, practices and precautions to be followed while providing illumination for
executing work in any of ACL projects
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL projects which require illumination to
execute work.
The concerned site civil supervisor / engineer / block in charge in coordination with the Electrical
Engineer / block In charge who is responsible for ensuring necessary precautions are taken while
providing illumination. Overall responsibility lies with Project in charge.
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To describe the procedure, practices and precautions to be followed for safe operation & maintenance
of the plant & machinery in all ACL projects.
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL projects which require the usage of plant
& machinery.
The concerned site supervisor / site engineer / mechanical/maintenance engineers are responsible for
ensuring that the plant & machinery are in proper working condition and maintained regularly. Overall
responsibility lies with Project Head.
General requirements for plant & machinery with regard to operation maintenance include:
In siting construction machinery for operation, attention shall be given to:
• The strength of foundation or structure, on which the machinery may stand or move or be supported
• The proximity of hazard, such as near-by structures, public access areas, other moving machinery,
overhead electric conductors in case of cranes
When static load lifting machinery like cranes, winches pile drivers and excavators is required to operate
on edges of embankments or in boggy areas, the bearing capacity of the soil shall first be tested and a
minimum three layers of crisscross bearing packing shall be provided.
Fencing of Machinery
• All gears, sprockets, pulleys, revolving shafts, couplings, belt drives, chain drives and all other
rotating and moving parts of machinery shall be effectively guarded unless they are so constructed,
installed or placed as to be as safe as if they were guarded.
• guard of rotating, moving & other dangerous parts of machinery shall not be removed while the
machinery is in use or in motion & when removed, it shall be replaced as soon as practicable & in
any case before the machinery is again brought into use.
Safe Access
Safe and adequate means of access including handholds and footholds shall be provided to all parts
where a person may have to walk, climb or work.
• No part of machinery, while in motion or in operation shall be examined, lubricated, adjusted or
repaired except by authorized workmen. Any repairs to machinery while in motion or in operation
shall be carried out only when unavoidable.
• Parts of machinery shall be cleaned only when the machinery is stopped. If the cleaning is
unavoidable when the machinery is working, this shall be done by authorized workmen in conformity
with accepted standards of safety.
• Electric power shall be shut off and relevant fuses removed when repairs are carried out to any
electric machinery. Lock out / Tag out system shall be followed.
• Any machinery, equipment or part thereof, which is suspended or held apart by use of hoist, jacks
or slings shall be substantially blocked, cribbed or locked before men are permitted to work
underneath or between such machinery, equipment or part thereof.
Fire Prevention
• Where the construction machinery in use is mobile type and during the course of operation it has to
shift its location frequently, one 2kgs stored pressure type Dry Chemical Powder (DCP)/ ABC Type
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fire extinguisher shall be carried on the machine at a suitable position on the machinery to ensure
its easy availability.
• It shall also be ensured that these extinguishers are inspected and maintained properly and that
workmen associated with the machine work are well conversant with the method of operation of the
• During the operation of the construction machinery is confined to one place or is within a restricted
area of about 30m radius, a fire point shall be established at a suitable and easily accessible location
within the area. The fire point shall be provided with the following equipment, which shall always be
kept in a serviceable condition:
5 kg Dry Powder Extinguisher - Minimum 2 Nos.
Sand Buckets - Minimum 2 Nos.
• As far as possible, earthmoving, lifting and hoisting machinery shall not be left on highways at night.
If it is to be left, it shall be adequately marked with luminance red lanterns, red flags or other effective
means and parked in safe zone.
• No earthmoving and lifting and hoisting machinery shall be operated without the ballast or
counterweights in place and the Safe Working Load clearly marked on the machine.
Every vehicle or earthmoving equipment shall have the following fully functional:
• Silencers; Taillights; Power and hand brakes; Reversing alarm; and
• Search light for forward and backward movement.
Power Shovel
• Stability
o Power shovel shall be so operated as not to lose its stability.
o When power shovel is operated near edges of excavations or embankments, substantial space
shall be provided to prevent it from approaching a dangerous position and the sides of the
excavation shall be adequately shored. Heavy equipment, such as excavating machinery and road
traffic shall be kept back from the excavated sides at a distance not less than the depth of trench
or at least 8m from trench deeper than 8 m.
• Boom
o Boom will not be pulled tight against the emergency stop while supporting a load.
o The maximum boom length stipulated by the manufacturer shall not be exceeded. The wire ropes
used for the boom suspension as well as for the shovel shall be of the specified diameter and
o Due attention shall be paid to the length & condition of the pendant ropes & the end connections.
The safe operating radius for the load under consideration shall not be exceeded.
o History sheet and schedule for replacement of ropes shall be maintained.
o The grab shall be of the right size taking into account the power of the machine or motor, length
of the boom, the operating radius contemplated and total weight including the self-weight of the
grab and other lifting accessories.
o While operating power shovels, the operator shall ensure that no person is working, passing or
standing under the raised grab.
o The grab of a power shovel shall be prevented from accidental dipping, tipping or swinging in
operation. The grab of the shovel shall be pulled out of the bank as soon as it is full.
o The grab of a power shovel shall be fixed to restrict movement while it is being repaired.
Hydraulic Excavator
• Responsible parties shall be contacted to find out the presence of underground utility lines and obtain
work permit before beginning work.
• Working near overhead power lines is unavoidable, the safety precautions given under the
subheading “Work near Power Line” (refer pp. 80) shall be observed.
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• Hydraulic excavators shall not be operated on grades steeper than those specified by the
• Excavator shall be operated at a safe distance from excavations such as trenches.
• Excavators that are equipped with unit for deep digging shall either be so designed that the bucket
teeth cannot come nearer the boom than 40 cm or be provided with a reliable stop that prevents the
bucket to come nearer than the specified distance.
• The height of the benches in over burden shall not be more than the height of the boom of the
machine used for digging excavation or removal.
• The boom shall be prevented from accidental swinging during operation or transport by engaging the
Swing Lock.
• Equipment Operators
o Operators shall be experienced and have valid Licence.
o Operator shall use the seat belts.
o Operator shall not exceed load capacity of the excavator.
o Operator shall use reverse horn and swing alarm at the appropriate time.
o Operator shall lower the boom to a safe position with the bucket on the ground and turn off the
machine before stepping off for any reason.
o Operators shall keep the bucket resting on stable ground, when not in use, and bucket shall not
be left hanging.
• Other Site Workers
o workmen shall be educated to keep off the swing area. If required, the swing area shall be marked
with rope, tape, or other barriers.
o When necessary, Signalman who is conversant with the above signals shall be employed.
o Workmen shall be prohibited to ride in or work from excavator.
• Passenger Hoist
o Manufacturer's recommendations shall be followed.
o Hoist shall be erected by competent persons under the supervision of qualified engineer/ Plant &
Machinery Engineer.
o Hoist shall be anchored to the building
o Hoist shall be protected by a substantial enclosure to prevent someone from being struck by any
moving part of the hoist or falling down the hoist way.
o Gates shall be provided at all landings, including ground level. Every gate in the lift-shaft shall be
fitted with efficient inter-locking devices to ensure that gate cannot be opened except when the
cage is at the landing. Similarly cage cannot be moved away from the landing until the gate is
o The cage shall reach the nearest landing place so that the persons can get out of the cage in the
event of power failure.
o Controls to be arranged so that the hoist can be operated from one position only.
o Hoist operator shall be trained and competent.
o Safe working load of the hoist shall be clearly marked in the Cage.
o Hoist shall be inspected weekly by P&M Engineer and thoroughly examined every six months by
a competent person.
o Upper and Lower Limit switches shall always be kept operational.
o Emergency Switch, Alarm and Emergency Lamp shall be provided on the platform.
o Adequate illumination shall be provided on the platform.
o Load limiting device shall be provided in the hoist.
o Communication system, like telephone shall be provided which can be used in case of
o Emergency brake system, like centrifugal force brake, to be incorporated in the hoist. This brake
system will hold the platform from moving, if the main brake fails.
RECORDS : Check list for Machinery , Periodic maintenance record , Work permit.
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To describe the procedure ,practices and precautions to be followed for safe operation & maintenance
of cranes and hoists at all ACL projects.
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at ACL projects which require the usage of cranes
and hoists.
The concerned mechanical operator / maintenance engineer is responsible for ensuring proper
maintenance and safe operation of cranes and hoists. Overall responsibility lies with Project Head.
This section outlines the Contractor responsibility in lifting operations using cranes and lifting
accessories including the inspection and certification program of certain equipment and equipment
General Requirements
Contractor ensures that all lifting devices and accessories, including all equipment used for anchoring
or fixing such devices, are in good mechanical operating condition, free from any defects, and
constructed of approved design and materials.
Lifting devices will be properly inspected (color-coded) and maintained. All chains, hooks, slings,
shackles and other equipment on a lifting device used for raising or lowering shall be maintained in
good condition.
Inspection of Lift Equipment and Cranes
Prior to use cranes and lifting equipment, the equipment should pass the requirement for equipment
certification program.
Inspection and tests shall be conducted at least once in a month to assure safe operation. Test and
inspection records shall be kept in the files. Any machinery or equipment found to be unsafe shall not
be used until the unsafe conditions have been corrected. All repairs on machinery and equipment shall
be executed at a location designated for this purpose.
Operator Requirements
a. The operator must be in possession of a valid Crane Operators License.
b. An operator should not operate a crane for which he has not been certified.
c. The operator should be physically fit and mentally alert. If the operator feels any signs of
drowsiness or illness then he should stop the work.
d. He must know and comply with the standard lifting hand signals.
e. The operator must be safety conscious.
The Rigger is responsible for properly attaching the load to the crane and giving the correct hand signals
to the crane operator. He is the only person authorized to give signals to the crane operator. The
slinger/rigger should be capable of slinging/rigging all types of load to be lifted.
Rigger assigned to this Work shall be a duly trained or certified and authorized to do the rigging and
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Load Indicators
a. All cranes shall be fitted with an appropriate safe working load indicator and a loading chart
shall be placed inside the crane cab where the operator can easily see it.
b .The supervisor of the operations should make arrangements to mark clearly the weight of
any load to be lifted, upon the load or otherwise to indicate to the slinger and operator.
General Conditions
a. Cranes must be in good mechanical condition and assembled in accordance with the
manufacturers instructions.
b. All control levers; switches and buttons shall be clearly marked to indicate their functions.
c. The driving operating cabins shall be kept free of all rubbish &unnecessary materials. All
broken glasses shall be replaced.
Work Permit
A crane should not enter a restricted area, or operate within one and a quarter boom lengths of an
oil line, gas line, or overhead power line until a work permit for that particular crane has been issued.
(This condition may vary depending on the property owner’s requirements).
Operational Precautions
1. Operating a crane on sloping ground or close to the sides of excavations is dangerous. The crane
must be level before it is put into operation.
2. The strength of the ground where the crane is to be placed shall be examined and if the ground
is made up of loose sand or unstable because of some other reason, reinforcements such as
installation of steel plate or heavy timber mat shall be made in order to distribute the load over a
greater area.
3. Know the exact location of utility lines, pipelines and either underground obstructions, and avoid
them with room to spare. Mark the locations clearly.
4. If there is a warning signs on the switch or engine starting controls, do not start the engine until
the person who placed it there has removed the warning sign.
5. Before starting the engine, make sure that all personnel are well clear of the machine. Barricade
the area around which the crane is working.
6. Make sure that fire extinguisher on the crane is in good condition and, if used, that it is refilled
immediately they’re after.
7. Let the engine warm up for a few minutes to give the oil in the pumps a chance to circulate.
8. Do not operate the machine under load until the hydraulic oil has warmed to the minimum
operating temperatures specified in the manufacturers manual.
9. Regardless of the size or weight of the load to be lifted, use the cranes outriggers. Extend the
beams fully and get the wheels off the ground. Use adequate cribbing under outrigger floats as
mentioned earlier.
10. Position the crane as close to the load as possible & in such a way to minimize the swing.
11. Ensure that the swing lock is disengaged before starting to operate
12. Before performing any type of work be sure that the machine is secured against travel. If
necessary, block the crane to prevent movement. Remove the blocking before attempting to travel
13. Ensure that wherever possible, the machine is operated in its most stable position and in the area
of highest capacity. Most of the lifting should be done in the rear quadrant.
14. The safe working load, as specified in the manufacturer’s instructions, shall not be exceeded at
anytime. The lifting load includes the dead load of lifting hook, ropes and other rigging equipment.
The load shall be lifted smoothly. Snatching can cause boom or rope failure. Never hoist more
than one load at time.
15. When the weight of the load is close to the operating maximum or if the compaction of the ground
is suspect, the load shall be raised only a few inches and the crane checked for stability.
16. Loads shall not be dragged or pulled sideways. This places side stress on the boom and overloads
the cranes.
17. An operator must not leave his position at the controls while the load is suspended. He must have
an unobstructed view of the load hook and the points of operation at all times or rely on someone
giving signals.
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18. Watch the load at all times. Watch the signalman and/or load while it is moving. In case you must
look in another direction, stop the operation immediately.
19. The load should be raised only to a minimum distance above the ground during transit.
20. When the crane has a swinging motion, a clear space of at least 2 feet shall be maintained between
the crane body, the counterweight, or any moving part of the crane and fixed objects nearby to
prevent persons being trapped and crushed when the crane swings.
21. Swinging shall be done slowly. Swinging too fast can throw the load out of radius and cause
overloading and the risk of striking adjacent objects.
22. Do not permit anyone to ride on the loads, slings, hooks, etc. for any reason.
23. Keep everyone away from suspended loads. Allow no one to walk under a load.
24. The shortest boom possible should be used.
25. Never hoist more than one load at a time. Secure unused slings.
26. Exercise caution when working near overhead lines having long spans as they tend to swing
laterally due to the wind and accidental contact could occur.
27. Never use the machine’s stability to determine if a load falls within its capacity.
28. If the load does not ride properly, lower it and have it readjusted.
29. When lifting heavy loads, care should be taken to prevent sudden loading/ unloading of the hoist
line. Ease into the load; lift it a few inches off the ground & hold to check the brakes.
30. If the crane tips when hoisting or lowering the load, the operator should lower the load as quickly
as possible by snubbing it lightly with the brakes.
31. When operating a crane with the boom at a high angle, the operator should take care that the
suspended load does not strike the boom. The load shall be kept directly below the boom tip. The
hoist line must be plumb at all times.
32. Employees shall never steady a hook block by grasping the crane rope. If hoisting is suddenly
started, hand can be pinched between the rope and the sheave wheel. Hands or fingers must
never be placed between a loose sling and it’s load. Hands shall be kept clear of all hooks, slings,
chains or ropes and all other pinch points as the crane lifts the load.
33. Use taglines to control the all loads.
34. Personnel must stay away from slings when they are pulled from under skid-mounted loads by
the crane.
35. Slings shall not be pulled from under the load when the load is resting on the slings.
36. Neither the load nor boom should ever be lowered to a point where less than two full wraps of
rope remain on the drum. If all cable is inadvertently removed from the drum be sure it is rewound
in the correct direction.
37. Before swinging a load, is sure the swing path is clear and that the outriggers are properly set.
Control the load at all times using hand lines to guide or snub the load when required.
38. In case of hydraulic telescopic boom cranes, the boom section should be extended equally.
39. When traveling with load keep the speed low, avoid sudden starts and stops and use a tagline to
control the load.
40. When traveling with a load, boom to always be carried in line with the direction of motion.
41. If it is necessary to travel on sloping ground, the load must be much less than the capacity, the
boom should not be high and load must always be kept uphill from crane.
42. When using a crawler crane in soft ground, it may be necessary to move the load behind in order
to raise the leading ends of the crawlers. Snub the load to the machine to prevent it from swinging
away and travel with extreme caution, as it is possible to upset the crane.
43. Never traveled a rubber-tired unit with a load over the side.
44. When loading or unloading trucks, ensure that the operator leaves the cabin, and always work
over the rear of the truck. Never swing over the cabin.
45. A load should never be removed from a truck by hooking a crane to the load and having the truck
pullout from under it. The load should be lifted clear of the truck body, and the operator should
make sure that the crane can handle it safely before the truck is moved out from under the load.
46. Loads must be rigged so that they are stable, slings must be attached to the load above its center
of gravity, not below it.
47. A warning horn & an automatic back up alarm are necessary equipment for a mobile crane.
48. A crane operator after dark should have clearance lights. Floodlights should illuminate the area
beneath the boom, and lights mounted on the underside of the boom are recommended.
49. The operator should know the location and use of all emergency shutdowns.
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50. Never attempt to adjust, repair or lubricate moving machinery. Always lower off the load to the
ground, lock or support the boom, and stop the engines.
51. With the exception of those involved in the operation of the crane, no one should be permitted to
get on, leave or ride on the equipment when it is in smooth or in operation.
52. The operator must have safe access to and egress from the cabin or seat.
53. The operator must never leave the crane cab with a load suspended. Should it become necessary
to leave the crane, lower the load to the ground and stop the engine before leaving the cab.
54. On the crane, where the operating controls are separate from the drivers cab, there must be an
operator in the operator’s cab at all times when traveling.
55. Wherever possible, crane hooks should be fitted with safety latches to prevent slings, ropes, etc.
from jumping off the hook.
56. Crane boom should be lowered to the ground level, and the hooks shall be secured to the specified
position when crane is not in use. In the case of hydraulic boom cranes, the boom is to be fully
retracted into the traveling position.
57. Except for hydraulic boom cranes there must be an attendant proceeding the crane. On
approaching any overhead obstruction or road crossing, the attendant should stop the crane and
give the necessary signals or instructions to enable the crane to pass the obstruction or road
crossing in safety.
Two Blocking
a. Two blocking must be avoided to prevent damage to the crane and to avoid a safety hazard. Two
blocking occurs whenever the hook block, headache ball etc. come into contact with the boom tip
or boom nose.
b. Lowering or extending the boom must be done very carefully – whenever lowering or extending the
boom, let out cable simultaneously to prevent two blocking.
c. Keep the hook block, headache ball, etc. at least 12’ away from the boom nose/ boom tip.
Tandem lifting
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The multiple/tandem lift is planned and approved by an authorised person including:
- an assessment of the share of the load to be carried out by each crane
- determination of the types of cranes suitable for use
- the safety margins and hazard control measures to be used in the lift
- the sequence of operations
Whenever a tandem lift is being carried out in addition to following all the points mentioned above
the banks man so that any operation of the crane happens in a synchronized fashion to avoid toppling.
The operating radii of the crane for planned operations is/are verified and measured taking into
account the estimated increase in radius due to boom deflection. The boom is slewed at the planned
radii to check that there are no unanticipated complications or obstructions.
a. Prior to traveling the crane, the route must be checked and established, be aware of overhead
power lines, pipelines, under ground pipelines, and any other obstructions.
b. While traveling, the boom must be in line with the chassis of the crane and the swing brake applied.
c. In the case of hydraulic boom cranes, the boom is to be completely retracted, lowered and stowed
in its travel position.
d. A wheel mounted crane and a crawler crane on a semi trailer should be transported with the boom
pointing toward the rear and high enough to clear an automobile.
e. Secure the hook block and other loose items before moving the crane. Travel with lights on and use
proper traffic warning flags and signs. With large cranes, use front or rear flag vehicles, or two flag
vehicles. Be sure outrigger beams are retracted and outrigger pads are secured.
Heavy/Critical Lifts
Heavy/Critical Lifts include two primary groups of crane lifting operation. They are High-risk
environment crane lifts & Special critical lifts. All Critical Lifts require an approved critical lift plan.
A critical lift shall have a rigging plan consists of required radius, boom length, safe working limits
of the crane, weight of the load, ground and site conditions, placement of the crane, swing and tail
clearances, necessary boom actions, instructions to avoid side loading, rigging hardware and type
of communication.
Competent crew and rigging personnel shall be provided, for all heavy and critical lifts. Before the
actual lift commences, the following precautions shall be established:
a. A dummy run shall be made.
b. The load shall be floated approximately one (1) foot to test the mechanical condition of
crane under load and to ensure that lifting equipment are properly secured.
c. All lifts shall be carried out under the sole control of the rigging master.
d. Communications between the rigging master, rigging crew and crane operators shall be by
hand signals or radio.
e. No lifting shall proceed until all items on the checklist below have been acted on.
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i. Any sling found to be defective or damaged shall be immediately removed from service and
destroyed to prevent further use and its removal from service shall be recorded in the logbook.
a. Shackles (Clevis) are used for making connections in rigging. They would be tested by the
manufacturer and marked with safe working load.
b. The pins are separate but matched parts of the shackles, so care must be taken to use the correct
pin for each shackle. Rebar, mild steel bolts or similar items are not acceptable replacements for
shackle pins.
a. Only alloy steel chain complying with ASTM A391 shall be used.
b. Each grade of chain should be clearly tagged by the manufacturer, and riggers would be trained to
look for the safe working load marked on each sling. They shall be forbidden to use any equipment
unless the safe working load is clearly visible.
c. All attached fittings (hooks, rings, etc.) shall be followed as prescribed by the manufacturer. Hooks,
shackles & eyebolts shall be equal to or exceed the safe working load of the chain.
d. On-site welding repairs of chain slings shall not be allowed. Damaged chains must be returned to
the manufacturer for repair or destroyed. In particular bent links, cracked welds and excessive
wear shall be watched closely.
e. Logger chains or chains used to secure truckloads shall not be used for rigging.
Builders Hoist
➢ Every builder's hoist and its tower are well constructed of sound material, are strong enough and
free from patent defects and in general are constructed in accordance with generally accepted
technical standards.
➢ The tower of every builder's hoist,
To be secured to the structure or to be braced by steel wire guy ropes and to extend to such a
distance above the highest landing as to allow a clear and unobstructed space of at least 900 mm
for over-travel.
-To be enclosed on all sides at the bottom, and at all floors where persons are liable to
be struck by moving parts of the hoist except on the side or sides giving access to the
bucket/ conveyances, with walls or other effective means to a height of at least 2100
mm from the ground or floor level.
- To be provided with a door/ gate at least 1800 mm high at each landing, & such Door/
gate to
be kept closed except when the conveyance is at rest at such a landing.
o The Bucket of builder's hoist to be carried by a steel-wire rope of breaking strength at least six
times the maximum mass load it is required to carry;
o Every builder's hoist to be provided with an efficient brake capable of holding the conveyance with
its maximum load in any position when the power is not being supplied to the hoisting machinery;
o Materials shall not be carried in such a way that they slip or spill from the bucket.
o Persons shall not be allowed to ride on a builder's hoist.
o Every builder's hoist to be inspected at least once every week by a person who has experience of the
erection and maintenance of builder's hoists or similar machinery, who shall determine the
serviceability of the entire builder's hoist including guides, ropes and their connections, drums,
sheaves or pulleys and all safety devices, and who shall enter and sign the result of each such
inspection in a record book which shall be kept on the premises for that purpose.
o Limit switches and Load Limiters shall be maintained operational.
o Electrical parts to be protected from rain. Proper earthing shall be provided.
o All electrically powered hoists to be equipped with an effective magnetic release brake which
automatically applies when the controlling machine is in ‘stop’ position.
o The person who picks up the load shall use safety belt.
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o One builder hoist shall not be used for transferring materials at two different elevations
o Wire rope way on the ground shall be barricaded to prevent persons crossing over the same. If
required, crossover arrangement shall be provided. Adequate number of pulleys shall be provided
so the wire rope does not fall on the ground.
o Wire rope shall be lubricated at least once in week.
o Hoist shall be inspected on weekly basis by the P&M Engineer.
o The hoist to be inspected by competent person once in 12 months. Also, it shall be inspected by the
competent person when it undergoes major alteration or change.
o Effective arrangements to be made for clear signals for the operation of the hoist to be given from
each landing from which the builder's hoist is being used.
o Use of whistle signals on hoisting work to be avoided. Only alarm & light shall be used.
o The following set of signals of electric bells / colour lights shall be used:
- Bell & Red Light to stop
- Bell & Green Light to raise
- Bell & Yellow Light to lower
- A rapid series of bells for emergency stop.
o The signal code shall be posted next to the signal device at each work level and at operator's location.
o All words shall be in large size letters, clearly visible to all concerned.
Checklist for Cranes & hoists ,Check list for Rigging , Safety training records
Periodic maintenance records
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To describe the procedure ,practices and precautions to be followed while working at height at all ACL
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at ACL projects which involves working at height.
The concerned civil supervisor, engineer & block in charge is responsible for ensuring safety while
working at height for civil works & Mechanical supervisor, engineer & block in charge is responsible for
all mechanical work carried out at height . Overall responsibility lies with Project Head.
This section outlines the Contractor responsibility in lifting operations using cranes and lifting
accessories including the inspection and certification program of certain equipment and equipment
• Make every effort to eliminate, at the Site, exposure to all fall hazards. To meet this requirement
and provide for fall protection by either engineering control or by use of safety equipment
(management control) combined with training and supervision.
• Provide and make use of primary fall protection systems such as secured ladders, scaffolds, aerial
lifts, personnel hoist, etc.; In addition, the following means of fall protection should be used:
o All stairways shall be equipped with handrails as per Standard Design and Safety Standards
including the relevant Indian Standards.
o Elevated work areas and walkways located above other work areas or walkways shall have
around the outside perimeters handrails, mid rails and toe plates in order to prevent personnel,
tools, equipment, and other objects from accidentally falling to the lower level.
o All openings in floor areas shall be covered, guarded, or made inaccessible to personnel by the
use of barricades. If covered, the cover shall be of adequate strength, good construction and have
an attached sign or be labelled reading “WARNING – TEMPORARY COVER – DO NOT STEP
o Before starting work at any elevated place/ platform etc., submit a written Fall Protection Plan
for review and approval of higher site management team. As a minimum, the plan shall include:
- A list of all anticipated tasks to be performed at elevated locations.
- The proposed method(s) of Fall Protection for each task, using in order of preference.
- Elimination of fall hazards (through engineered means)
- Prevention of falls (by changing work procedures of the work environment), control of falls
(through the use of fall arrest equipment and 100% protection philosophy).
- A plan view of the work area shall include proposed attachment/ anchor points of good
construction & adequate strength for the fall protection system.
- All wire rope safety lines/ life line used for lanyard attachment shall be of 12 mm wire rope or
- The manufacturer and model number of each component of all arrest equipment shall be
documented with respect to:
Full-body harness system : Anchorage connector
Double Lanyard : Energy shock absorber
Self-locking snap hook :Ladder safety system
Safety net system ;Beam straps :Retractable Life Lines etc.
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It must contain Name(s) and qualifications of competent person(s) related to fall prevention and
protection. Names of personnel trained in proper use of fall arrest equipment shall only use the
• Personnel when working at elevated levels shall use personal fall arrest systems. Elevated level is
defined as 1.8 meters above a normal work surface or where a fall hazard exists.
• These fall arrest systems must be able to provide 100% fall protection at all times when at or above
elevated levels. Equipment recommended for this purpose is full body harness with lanyards and
retractable line blocks used with full body harnesses.
• All employees working or travelling more than 1.8 meters above ground level shall use secondary
fall protection. All fall protection devices shall not be used for any other purpose than employee
• All fixed ladders shall be equipped with a fall protection system for the climber. Hazard analysis
shall be conducted and documented. This hazard analysis should explain in detail the reason for
not utilizing the fall protection system and provide alternate methods or climbing procedures for
the safety of the individual.
• Provide training to their workers in the proper use and care of all fall protection equipment that is
used at the Site.
• Inspect fall protection equipment on a regular basis and maintain certification as per
manufacturer’s recommendations. Records of these inspections and certifications must be
maintained at the field and document control office. These records should be kept updated and on
file as confirmation of compliance.
• Metal ladders are not permitted for work where there is a possibility of coming in contact with
electrical shock hazards.
o The design of ladder shall conform to IS 3696 . Make shift ladders shall not be permitted.
o Metal ladder shall be either of steel complying with IS-1977:1975, or of aluminum alloy complying
with the suitable grade of IS 617:1975
o All ladders shall be designed to carry their intended load safely.
o Side rails (Stiles) of metal ladders shall be of sufficient cross-section to prevent excessive deflection
in use.
o Slip-resistant shoes, lashing or other means shall be used to avoid danger of slipping.
Stock Ladders
o Overall length of stock ladders shall not exceed 10m.
o The width between side rails at the base shall in no case be less than 290 mm for ladders up to 3
m in length. In the case of metal ladders, metal rungs shall be made of solid round steel rods or
steel pipe and securely fastened to the side rails by riveting, bolting or welding.
Step Ladders
o The overall height of step ladders shall not exceed 6m.
o Ladders to be provided with an automatic locking device/ spreader to hold it in an open position.
o The minimum width between side rails at top step, inside to inside, shall be not less than 300 mm
with a spread of 25 mm for each 300 mm of length of spread ladder.
Extension of Ladders
o The overall length of the extension ladder shall not exceed 18m.
o The sliding section shall not exceed two in number.
o Locks and guides shall be of such design and construction as to make the extension ladder equal
in strength to a ladder of equal length constructed of continuous side rails.
o When using an extension the overlap of any two sections should be as follows:
- Closed length of less than 5m – 1 ½ rungs
- 5m - 6m – 2 ½ rungs
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- over 6m – 3 ½ rungs
Trestle Ladders
o Trestle ladders shall not exceed 6 m in length.
o The sections shall be so hinged at the top that when the ladder is spread, they form equal angles
with the base.
o The rungs shall not be less than 30 mm in diameter shall be spaced not more than 450 mm apart
centre to centre.
o minimum distance between side-rails of trestle ladders shall be not less than 300 mm.
o A locking device or spreader shall be provided to hold the front and back sections securely in an
open position.
Inspection of Ladders
• Before use, all ladders shall be tested for load test. They shall have not only adequate strength but
rigidity as well.
• Metal ladders shall be inspected at least once in three months and all parts checked for wear,
corrosion and structural failure.
• All ladders shall be inspected, if incidentally dropped or otherwise damaged in use.
Usage of Ladders
• Ladders leading to landings, walkways or Working Platform shall extend at least one metre above
the landing & be secured at the upper end as shown in the above sketch.
• Ladder to be placed on a firm, level ground. It shall be provided with slip resistant feet or someone
shall hold the ladder so that it does not slip. As a further precaution, the ladder shall be placed at
a slope as shown in the sketch below.
• If the use of ladder is essential during strong winds, it shall be secured in position.
• No ladder shall be placed against window panes, sashes or such other unsafe or yielding objects,
nor placed in front of doors opening towards it.
• When ascending or descending, the user shall face the ladder, use both his hands and place his
feet near the ends of the rungs rather than near the middle.
• The user shall always maintain three-point-contact as shown in the above sketch.
• No ladder having a missing, defective rung or one which depends for its support solely on nails,
shall be used. Defective ladders to be properly repaired or replaced.
• Hand tool and objects shall not be carried in hands while climbing up or down. Waist-bag shall be
used for this purpose.
• Ladders made of metal/conductive materials shall not be used in the vicinity of overhead electrical
• Ladders shall not be used as guys, braces or skids or for any other purpose for which they are not
intended. They shall not be used in horizontal position as runways or crossover.
• Ladders shall not be spliced to increase the height.
• Use of items like chair, barrel or box as a makeshift ladder shall not be permitted.
Check list for working at height , Check list for Scaffold & Scaf Tag.
Work permit & tool Box Talk record.
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This minimum standard is established as a guide for the safe erection, usage, alteration and
dismantling of metal scaffolds for the purpose of construction, maintenance, repair and demolishing
works at all ACL projects.
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL projects which require scaffolding to
execute work..
The concerned site supervisor / engineer / block in charge are responsible for ensuring necessary
precautions are taken while executing work using scaffolding. Overall responsibility lies with
Project Head.
All the material used for scaffolds shall comply to IS 4014 (I & II) 1967
Guidelines for Tube and Coupler Independent Scaffolding
• Scaffold should be erected by only trained scaffolders under the supervision of a competent
supervisor .When a scaffold is erected the following points have to adhered to.
• All the scaffold material have to checked for any damages
• The place where the scaffold is to be erected has to level & compact enough to with stand the load
of the scaffold & also the live & dead load exerted on it.
• All environment conditions have to be checked like wind, rain etc..
• The proximity of electric lines
Once the above factors are considered erection can be started
i) All standards must rest on base plates. The surface shall be level, solid and free of run-off water.
On soft ground, the area of sole plates or sole boards should be not less than 1700 cm2 when used
under one standard and should not be less than 3400 cm2 when two are combined under two
standards, and minimum width of 220mm and 35mm thick (if wooden).
ii) On hard ground, sole boards shall be used in the same manner as for soft ground but be of a
minimum size of 1000 cm2.
iii) Base plates shall be placed on the centre of sole boards.
iv) Base plate for Single pole scaffolds shall be 12 mm thick and shall be of dimensions 50 x 200mm
for light duty scaffold and 100mm x 200mm for Heavy duty scaffold.
v) Base plate for double pole tied scaffolds shall 12 mm thick and shall be of dimensions 50 x 200mm
for light duty scaffold and 50mm x 250mm for Heavy duty scaffold.
Pipe Scaffolding
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i) For pipe scaffolding, sole board of wood of minimum 3” thickness or minimum 3” width channel to
be used.
ii) For heavy duty pipe scaffolding, 2” diameter pipe of 16 gauge to be used for heavy duty pipe
scaffolding and 18 gauge for light duty scaffolding, clamps (coupler) used shall be IS marked and
the load bearing capacity should be of minimum 300 kgs.
iii) During erection the first ledger to be fixed at the height of 6” from the base of the standard.
iv) A bay height of 2.0 metres to be maintained. At the edge of the scaffolding additional ledgers shall
be placed between the bay heights which can be used as a ladder.
v) Bay width to be of 1.5 metres. Bay length to be maintained refer 3.5.12.
vi) While extending the scaffolding vertically as well as horizontally an overlap of minimum 1.2 metres
should be kept and minimum 3 clamps (coupler) to be fixed in a unidirectional manner.
Working Platforms
i) Every working platform shall be fully boarded with toe boards, top and mid guard rails on all open
sides, and a gate.
ii) A maximum gap of 300mm on closed sides shall be maintained. The maximum gap between the
scaffold and the structure should be of 300mm where workers are required to sit on the edge of
the platform nearest the structure and where ropes or chains provide a secure handhold.. Where
practicable the gap should be closed by using cantilever platform brackets at platform level.
iii) The maximum overhang of wooden planks is 4 times the thickness of the board i.e a scaffold
platform plank shall not project beyond its end supports to a distance exceeding four times the
thickness of the plank unless it is effectively secured to prevent tipping. Cantilever of scaffold
planks shall be avoided. Ledgers or putlogs should be erected to support the end of such planks.
iv) A minimum distance of 1200mm shall be maintained between transoms supporting wooden
v) Planking boards shall be of 35mm x 200mm for Light duty scaffolds and 50mm x 200mm for heavy
duty scaffolds.
vi) Planks shall be secured individually at 2 positions (preferably at ends) using nylon, coconut rope
or binding wire.
vii) Gaps between planks shall be kept to a possible zero.
viii) When working on the platform, a harness is not required unless the type of work requires it.
Toe boards
Toe boards shall be a minimum of 150mm high, 50 mm thick (for heavy duty) , 35 mm thick (for light
duty) .and cover all sides of the platform. For some tasks, some sides may be exempted from this
requirement but alternate falling object protection must be addressed in the Task Analysis/ Job Safety
i) Ledger bracing must be installed to every lift and on every alternate pair of standards. When the
spacing of standards is 1.50m or less, the ledger bracing may be fixed to every third pair of
ii) Sway /Façade bracing must be installed from the first standard up to every lift and along the
scaffold at a space not greater than 10m or one bracing across the face of the scaffold.
iii) Single pole scaffolds shall be braced longitudinally and the double pole scaffolds shall be braced
both longitudinally and transversely so that the scaffolds form a rigid and stable structure.
iv) Longitudinal bracing shall be provided on the outer face of the scaffolding by the means of a
diagonal face bracing in the end bays and one or more diagonal face braces or façade braces
between the end bays pitched at an angle to form a diagonal across the bays; zig zag face bracing
in the end bays and also in intermediate bays.
v) Braces shall be attached to standards and as closely as possible near the junction with the ledgers
and shall extend from base to the top of the scaffold.
vi) The maximum distance between the braced bays in any lift of scaffold shall not exceed 10m.
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vii) The brace member shall be continuous without any break except when it is necessary to change
the direction of the brace.
A scaffold has to be braced at every 4 mts to an rigid structure.In case of double pole scaffolds, in
addition to face or zig zag bracings, transverse bracing or ‘heel’ and ‘toe’ braces shall also be provided
at each end of the scaffold and if the length of the scaffold exceeds 15 metres, it shall be provided in
addition at intervals not exceeding 15 metres apart.
i) All Scaffolders shall wear a full body double lanyard harness with scaffolding hooks at all times
during erection and dismantling. One lanyard must be anchored all time.
ii) Ring clamps shall be attached to the longest standards prior to their erection to enable lanyards
to be connected above head level (one ring clamp and standard per worker)
iii) Scaffolders shall work from fully planked out decks and top guardrails will be installed as the decks
are completed except when full decks and handrails are not possible. In these situation fall arrest
systems must be used until full decks can be completed
iv) When dismantling, the reverse order of erection shall be followed (Last installed, first removed)
v) Temporary decks (full widths) are to be installed when carrying out modifications and repairs
Any fall prevention or fall protection system must comply with the requirements of the ACL “Working
at Heights” procedure
Scaff Tag
a) As the scaffold is erected, Scaff Tags shall be displayed by the Scaffolder at the most obvious
access points to communicate the status of the scaffold.
b) Once the scaffold has been approved by the , green Scaff Tag(s) shall be displayed at the scaffold
entry point(s). Green tag signifies that the scaffolding has been erected, inspected and certified as
being safe.
c) Yellow tag will be affixed when the scaffolding is under construction or maintenance. Yellow tag
shall be displayed if the scaffolding has not been inspected for more than 7 days. Using the yellow
tag will allow scaffold erectors to isolate parts of the scaffolding that are under maintenance or
construction without interfering with activity progress in other sections.
d) The red tag shall be displayed on incomplete scaffolding or scaffolding that has been deemed
dangerous and not approved .
e) Any person other than scaffold erectors and supervisor found on the scaffold when a Red tag is
displayed or altering the Scaff Tag shall face severe disciplinary action and an Incident Record
shall be made.
i) Mobile and tower scaffolds shall be plumb, level, and square and be horizontally and vertically
braced (in both directions) by diagonal braces.
ii) Plan (horizontal) bracing shall be installed at the base, at the top, and at least every third lift of all
mobile and tower scaffolds to prevent racking (twisting).
iii) Light duty tube and coupler mobile and tower scaffolds (use only for personnel access and
inspection) that are one bay long one bay wide (only 4 post) and constructed entirely of steel tubing
shall have a maximum spacing of 2 meters (6.5 feet) in both directions. In this case, at least two
equally spaced board bearers (intermediate transoms) shall be used.
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iv) Medium duty tube and coupler mobile and tower scaffolds that are one bay long by one bay wide
(only 4 post) shall be entirely constructed of steel tubing manufactured and as per IS and shall
have a maximum post spacing of 1.5 meters (5 feet) in both directions.
v) For mobile scaffolds, an internal ladder with a cover (preferably hinged) over the access hole in the
platform is preferred over an external ladder. If an external ladder must be used, it shall be
installed vertically on the narrow side of the scaffold (to minimize the potential for overturning)
and a step-through opening in the guardrail system (protected by a self-closing drop-bar at top
rail height) shall be provided, instead of workers having to climb over the guardrails.
vi) Where levelling of a mobile or tower scaffold is necessary, screw jacks shall be used.
vii) Mobile scaffolds rated for Light duty shall have steel casters not less than 120 mm (5 inches) in
viii) Mobile scaffold rated for Medium duty shall have heavy-duty steel casters not less than 170 mm
(7 inches) in diameter.
ix) All castors shall be fitted with positive wheel lock (which cannot be accidentally released) to
prevent movement while the mobile scaffold is being used.
x) Castors shall be securely fixed to the base of scaffold posts or screw jacks by locking pins.
xi) The working area of any platform shall not extend outside the scaffold base dimensions.
Cantilevered working areas are not permitted for mobile or tower scaffolds.
xii) Platform units (planks) shall be securely fixed in position.
xiii)The uppermost work platform height shall not exceed 4 times the minimum base dimension of
any mobile or tower scaffold. Where the basic scaffold does not meet this requirement,
outriggers shall be installed on the scaffold to achieve this least base dimension, or provisions
(such as guys, ties or rakers) shall be taken to stabilize the scaffold against tipping.
vx) A complete guardrail system shall be provided at every platform.
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To describe the procedure ,practices and precautions to be followed while using jump/slip form
shuttering at all ACL projects.
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL projects which require jump/slip form to
execute work.
The concerned site civil supervisor / engineer / block in charge in coordination with the Electrical &
Mechanical engineers is responsible for ensuring necessary precautions are taken while executing
work using e. Overall responsibility lies with Project in charge.
A slip form consists of a framework of horizontal walings and vertical yokes. The slip form panels are
connected to each other on inside of the walings. Each side of slip form is connected to vertical yokes
that keep panels in position. The jacks for lifting of form are installed on horizontal crossbeam
between yokes. When slip form is lifted, all the jacks are activated simultaneously. Hydraulic driven
jack is most commonly used. The slip form panel is normally between 1.1 and 1.3 meters high and
made up of steel plates.
Principles of vertical slip forming are illustrated in Figure 1. The slip form panels normally have an
inclination in vertical plane in order to make panel self-clearing in relation to concrete wall. The
inclination depends on stiffness of the slip form panel and concrete pressure. The slip form panel has
variable stiffness depending on position and dimension of each yokes and walings. Slip form operation
is a continuous working process where the slip form is kept close to full of concrete while it is lifted
stepwise. The concrete is placed in 100 to 250 mm thick layers whenever the freeboard height is
sufficient. The slip form rate is adjusted so that initial set in concrete occur between 200 to 400 mm
above bottom of the panel. Depending on inclination of panel, concrete detach the slip form panel
above the hardening front where concrete skeleton is rigid enough to resist back sliding. The slip form
rate is planned based on complexity of concrete structure, skills of the work force and available
inventory of materials. The setting time of concrete is adjusted to fit planned slipform rate. The setting
time of concrete depends on the temperature, concrete composition, and properties of the cement.
Concrete setting time is adjusted by using admixtures like retarder or accelerator. Relation between
concrete setting time and slip form rate is calculated by using the following equation (Foss, Kjell Tares,
VS = (h1- h2) / (ts - tt)
Where VS = Slip form rate [mm / h] h1 = The distance from the top of the slip form panel to the
average curing front [mm]
h2 = The distance from top of the slip form panel to the average freeboard [mm]
ts = Setting time [h]
tt = Time from mixing of the concrete to placing [ h ]
Slip form temperature and transfer of heat from lower concrete layer are taken into consideration
when calculating setting time for concrete. The lifting of the panel is carried out at regular intervals
depending on the slip form rate. The lifting height is adjusted from 10 to 25 mm depending on desired
frequency of lifting. With a hydraulic system, lifting operation is carried out by increasing oil pressure.
When oil pressure is sufficient to overcome friction and weight of the form, slip form starts to lift. After
slip form is lifted, the form is let down until brakes of the jacks are activated, normally 2 mm
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Yoke Legs Yoke legs are used to lift the slip form structure as one integral unit, transfer lifting
reactions to jacks and acts as the main connecting member for walkway platforms, masons’ scaffold,
yoke beams, top platforms, etc.
Walkway Bracket (Inside and Outside) Inside and outside brackets are connected with the respective
yoke legs with the help of a pin for easy erection and dismantling along with a pipe strut to support
cantilever portion to facilitate placing of concrete, placing of reinforcement, vibration, fixing inserts,
block outs, pockets, etc.
Shutters and Walers The function of shutters and waler assemblies is to maintain correct profile of
structure to be slip formed and resist concreting pressure.
Lifting Jacks Lifting jacks facilitate lifting of Slip form assembly. Jacks are to be suitably located
preferably at equal intervals to enable to lift slip form as one integral unit. Capacity of jacks is decided
depending upon the reactions at point of lifting.
Jacking/Climbing Rods Jacking rods are normally located centrally in the wall to be cast or at equal
distance in yoke beams depending upon the number of jacks. The jacking rods are generally of 48mm,
32mm, or 25mm in diameter based upon the capacity of jacks. The lifting jack climbs over the jack
rod. The entire load of the Slip form assembly is transferred to jacking rods when jacks are energized.
Hydraulic Pump Hydraulic pumps are provided to circulate required quantity of hydraulic oil at
desired pressure for energizing jacks to lift the assembly and facilitate its uniform lifting.
Tapered Sleeve Tapered sleeve tubes are provided to prevent fresh concrete coming in contact with
jack rods, thus, facilitates extraction of jack rods later. Taper sleeves are attached to yoke beam and
move along with slip form and create a hole in concrete around jack rod.
Yoke Beams Yoke is main connecting member between inside and outside yoke legs. Two yoke beams
are connected at bottom portion of yoke legs and a single yoke beam is connected at top portion. Jacks
are mounted over yoke beams. Yoke beam transfers lifting forces of jacks to yoke legs.
Waler Shoe Two waler shoes are provided on each of inside and outside yoke legs. Waler shoes are
connected to yoke legs and waler pipes with the help of full threaded bolts. The functions of waler shoe
are to adjust inclination of the shutter, adjusting the inclination of yokes and transfer reactions from
waler pipes to yoke legs.
Central Ring and Tie Rod Assembly Central ring and tie rod assembly is provided to retain shape of
structure to be slip formed. Central ring and flying tie rod assembly moves along with slip form.
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Slip forming is not always the most efficient erection method for concrete. Each project is evaluated for
suitability and economics of slip forming technology.
Several design considerations are taken into account for designing a slipform system. Slip forms are
typically constructed of 20 mm waterproof shuttering plywood sheet & steel. Forms are coated in plastics
to reduce friction and extend life of form for large pours. Forms are typically 1.2–1.5 m in height, and
battered 4 mm/1200 mm vertically to reduce form friction and concrete tear out.
Jacking system supports the slip form. The jacking system resists form, platform, crew and transferred
hydrostatic concrete pressures from yokes and form whalers. These pneumatic or hydraulic jacks are
high capacity that is 3–25 Tonnes each. Jack placement depends on vertical forces and lateral pressures
of the form. Jacks are limited by the strength of jack legs, vertical steel members placed inside form
walls for vertical movement, which they ride on. Jacks are placed in such a manner that forces on the
form are resisted for a uniform vertical lift.
Yoke is, upside down “U” shaped members holding slip form walls in place. It resists hydrostatic
pressure of wet concrete and transfers this load onto jacks. Yokes are designed to allow clearance for
workers to erect steel, vibrate and place concrete efficiently.
The assembling of vertical slip form carried out by casting the starter and checking the starter for
correctness in level and diameter and chipping and making corrections, if required. Subsequently,
activities like positioning vertical and horizontal reinforcement for correct cover, fixing inside and outside
staging brackets/erecting scaffold pipes and timber runners, connecting the walkway brackets and
checking its level, tying vertical and horizontal reinforcement up to shutter top height, marking the
position of inside and outside yokes in the starter and ensuring that three sets of yoke are located in
between two tower verticals follows. It further involves assembling the inside form panel, introducing
MS washers at regular intervals and fixing top and bottom waler pipes, fixing timber supports both
horizontal and inclined to align the shutter, fixing the waler shoe and inside-outside yoke legs, adjusting
waler shoe and checking Its verticality, keeping timber supports for waler shoe, aligning form panel by
supports and fixing yoke beams one at top and another at bottom with check for verticality of yoke beam
with spirit level, fixing inside and outside walkway brackets and finishing final alignment by suitably
adjusting waler shoe bolts, ensuring that all walers are touching form panels, fixing the timber decking,
fixing top platform pipes with pipe guides, fixing jacks and making hydraulic pipe connections, testing
jacks and hydraulic pipes for leakages and replacing wherever required, fixing two sets of flying tie rod
assembly, properly supporting the central ring and uniformly tightening the turn buckles located
diametrically opposite, fixing tapered sleeves for jack rods, energizing slip form after filling form and
removing temporary supports, fixing inside and outside hanging scaffold and doing planking and tying
safety nets.
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Proper concreting of slip form is essential for successful completion of the structure. Designed mix
slightly sandy with round aggregate is used with ascertained initial setting time with or without retarders
in accordance with atmospheric conditions and designed rate of slip form movement. Additional
precautions such as proper insulation of form panels, heating system for platforms, heating of ‘mixing
water’ with boilers, heating of aggregates, slowing down the lifting rate of form, heating the shutter
during cold weather concreting are taken.
Concrete is delivered to the form either with the help of crane and bucket or pumping. Concrete is
bucketed to hoppers on the top deck and then distributed to the form walls for placement. Concrete is
pumped into a large hopper on working decks and then distributed to the form walls.
Slip form speed is determined by the amount of time the concrete in the top of the form needs before it
is able to support itself and retain its shape (Camellerie, 1978). Slip forms move typically average 45
mm per hour. With advancements in jacking system, concrete mix and experience, form depths is
increased by 15 mm or more and is lift at speed up to 60 mm per hour or more (Risser, 1995).
Slip forming has two typical finishes that is wet finishing and dry finishes. A wet finish is a rubber float
finish applied as the structure being slipped. Dry finishing is applied after the forms have been removed.
Workers are suspended from swing stages to apply the final finish. In either case, plaster or skim coat
is applied for a smooth finish. Sand blasting is not recommended for slip form concrete, usually uniform
finish is difficult to achieve. Because slip form speed is determined by setting ability of concrete low
slump, high early strength concrete is required for structurally adequate results. Curing is typically
done before slip form dismantling Once finishing of an area is complete and the original wet finish has
nearly disappeared.
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To describe the procedure ,practices and precautions to be followed while using shuttering at all ACL
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL projects which require formwork to
execute work.
The concerned site civil supervisor / engineer / block in charge is responsible for ensuring necessary
precautions are taken while executing work using from work. Overall responsibility lies with Project in
This section outlines the standard requirements in the construction of formwork supports for concrete
General Requirements
Contractor ensures that all formwork supports are constructed in accordance to the standard
requirements of concerned authority. Concrete construction and masonry works shall meet the
applicable requirements for design and construction.
Forms and Shoring
a. Form work and shoring shall be designed, erected, supported, braced and maintained so that it
will safely support all vertical and lateral loads that may be imposed upon it during concrete
b. During pouring operations, personnel shall not be allowed under or in close proximity of the
formwork. A clear area at least 1-1/2 times the highest point of the form work shall be maintained
for personnel not engaged in the cement pouring activity.
c. Drawings or plans showing the jack layout, formwork, shoring, working decks, and scaffolding,
shall be available at the job site.
d. Stripped forms and shoring shall be removed and stockpiled promptly after stripping, in all areas
in which persons are required to work or pass. Protruding nails, wire ties, and other form
accessories not necessary to subsequent work shall be pulled, cut, or other means taken to
eliminate the hazard.
e. Imposition of any construction loads on the partially completed structure shall not be permitted
unless such loading has been considered in the design approved by concerned Representative.
Vertical Shoring Requirements
a. When temporary storage of reinforcing rods, materials, or equipment on top of formwork becomes
necessary, these areas to be strengthened, shored to meet the intended loads.
b. The sills for shoring to be sound, rigid,& capable of carrying the maximum intended load.
c. All shoring equipment shall be inspected prior to erection with approval from concerned
Representative to determine that it is as specified in the shoring layout. Any equipment found not
conforming to the requirements should not be used for shoring.
d. Erected shoring equipment shall be inspected immediately prior to and immediately after the
placement of concrete. Any shoring equipment that is found to be damaged or weakened shall be
immediately reinforced or re-shored.
e. Re-shoring shall be provided when necessary to safely support slabs and beams after stripping, or
where such members are subjected to superimposed loads due to construction work done.
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To describe the procedure ,practices and precautions to be followed while doing reinforcement work at
all ACL projects.
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL projects which require reinforcement to
execute work.
The concerned site civil supervisor / engineer / block in charge is responsible for ensuring necessary
precautions are taken while executing work using reinforcement. Overall responsibility lies with Project
in charge.
General Requirements
Contractor ensures that all reinforcement are in accordance to the standard requirements of concerned
authority. Reinforcement works shall meet the applicable requirements for design and construction.
All steel that are part of the construction will be stored in proper place & stacked according
to its diameter over a wooden runner piece & the area to be barricaded, a separate enclosure for storing
of waste/ cut pieces has to maintained & disposed off at regular intervals.
Cutting machine
Only competent person to operate the machine, electrical safety have to be ensured , the machine has
to be in good operating condition with guards in place. A chart has to be displayed mentioning the
number of various diameter of the rods that has to feed in to the machine that has to cut. During
cutting the safety plate to be used.
Bending machine.
It has to ensured that the machine is in good working condition & properly earthed. proper Platform
has to be constructed for feeding the rod & periodic inspection has to be carried out for proper
functioning of the limit switch to prevent the hazard of recoil of the rod due to excessive force imparted
on it. All necessary PPEs has to be worn.
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To describe the procedure, practices and precautions to be followed / while carrying out welding,
cutting or other forms of torch operations in any of ACL projects.
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL which uses welding, cutting or other forms
of torch operations.
The concerned site supervisor / engineer / block in charge are responsible for ensuring workers are
wearing the relevant PPE and necessary precautions are taken while carrying out welding operations.
Overall responsibility lies with Project Head.
• All welding and cutting operations conducted safe area shall be conducted with a Hot Work Permit
and have a designated trained Fire Watch.
• All welders must be certified and the certifying authority must be approved by the appropriate
authority. Copies of the certification shall be retained on file for review.
• Only a designated certified welder performs welding and cutting operations.
• All welding leads have proper connectors that lock together and prevent moisture from invading the
electrical connectors. Slices are not permitted in welding lead lines. Welding leads & rods must be
inspected prior to use. Rods must be removed from the holder when left attended.
• Fire extinguisher to be kept & easily accessible from welding & gas cutting activity areas.
• All gas and oxygen bottles have regulators attached at the cylinder’s valve stem. Regulators must be
in good operating condition at all times.
• All cutting torch lines to have flashback arrestors installed of L&T/ ESSAB at regulator & torch head
• Air gas and air hoses are connected with appropriate connectors that lock together. Splicing of these
lines with pipe nipples with worm gear clamps shall not be allowed.
• All full compressed gas cylinders (e.g. acetylene and oxygen) have a non-combustible barrier at least 5
feet (1.5 m) high with a fire resistant rating of at least ½ hour between them in the storage racks or
placed a minimum of 20 feet (6.1 m) apart and empty and full cylinders stored separately. It is essential
to ensure that
o All bottles are stored in an upright position and chained or secured in place.
o Protective valve caps are installed on all cylinders whether full or empty.
o Be properly labeled with the cylinders content.
o Stored out of direct sunlight and away from potential heat or ignition sources.
o Have a leak test (with soapy water) conducted when delivered to the facility or Site to confirm no
leakage. The cylinder shall be properly tagged to confirm the test. Leaking cylinders shall not be
accepted at the Site & shall be returned to the supplier promptly.
• All compressed gas cylinders in use in the workplace are secured in place in an appropriate
cart or chained in place to prevent them from falling over.
• Protective screens shall be put in place around welding, cutting, & grinding operations to
prevent exposure to flash burns, slag, or sparks to strike other personnel.
• All cutting torch acetylene and oxygen bottles must be closed off and the hoses bled down to
zero pressure when no longer being used.
• Welders are provided with appropriate PPE for conducting welding and cutting torch
operations. These PPE shall include but not be limited to
o Combination hard hat and welding hood with at least a #10 filter lens with a safety lens on
both sides of the filter lens
o Leather welding gloves and shroud (to cover shoulders and upper chest area when performing
overhead welding and cutting torch operations).
Rev no:0 Prepared by: Authorised by: ACL OH&S Manual
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o Cutting torch goggles with at least a #3 filter lens with a safety lens on both sides of the filter lens.
• Only approved torch strikers shall be used .Matches & lighter is prohibited.
RECORDS : Work Permit , Check list for welding/gas cutting , Tool Box talk.
To describe the procedure, practices and precautions to be followed / while carrying out any sort if work
in an confined space at any of ACL projects.
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL which involves work to be carried in an
confined space.
The concerned site supervisor / engineer / block in charge are responsible for ensuring workers are
wearing the relevant PPE and necessary precautions are taken while carrying out work in an confined
space. Overall responsibility lies with Project Head
Hazards can be encountered where work is carried out in tanks, vats, vessels, pipes, or other
confined space deemed to be a confined space by S&W. For this reason the subcontractor will be
required to produce a detailed risk assessment report conducted by Competent Persons, in addition to
a method statement.
The following processes are especially dangerous when carried out in confined spaces:
• Paint spraying
• Preheating (naked flame) ,Welding , Arc air gouging
• Use of cleaning fluids (solvents) , Abrasive blasting
The dangers involved include:
• Asphyxiation , Explosion, Fire , Noise Dust & fumes, Electrocution
• Oxygen enrichment or deficiency , Heat Exhaustion
(Note: some equipment has been filled with nitrogen to prevent corrosion during shipping).
General Requirements
a. The risk assessment report and method statements for work in confined spaces should address the
following as a minimum:
Work scope and method , Nominated Supervisor
• Standby Person for Safety Watch
• Rescue procedures and equipment , Training
• Tools & Equipment used
• Lighting requirements, including standby/emergency
• Explosion proof fittings , Low voltage or pneumatic tools , Ventilation
• Access , Bonding to prevent both electrical shock and static discharge
• Work cycles, to reduce risk of heat exhaustion
• Fire safety and extinguisher requirements
b. No entry or work shall commence in any excavation, tank, vessel, pipe or chamber or other enclosed
space, until a valid permit to work has been issued by S&W. Where subcontractor operations may
result in a dangerous atmosphere arising during the work activity the HSE Manager must be made
aware of this before permit issue. No new activity shall be introduced into a confined space without
the permission and signed approval of the permit to work issuing authority.
c. While work is ongoing within a confined space, a standby person will be required to provide for a
Safety Watch.
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d. The Standby Person for Safety Watch will collect all badges upon entry and return them on exiting
the confined space. The Standby Person will be fully conversant with first aid and the emergency
procedures for the site, including contact numbers and will have radio communication with the
e. Confined space workers must adhere to all procedures without fail, particularly with regards to
atmospheric testing, hot work and electricity.
f. No worker will be authorized to conduct activities in the confined space unless they have completed
the confined space training course and approved by ACL HSE Manager
o Hoses to be kept clear of sharp edges & abrasive surfaces or where vehicles can run over them;
o Hot metal or spatter shall not be allowed to fall on hoses;
o Gas cylinders kept in upright position shall be chained to prevent them from falling down or being
knocked over. For example, cylinders can be chained in a wheeled hand trolley or against a wall or a
suitable support;
o Gas Supply shall be turned off at the cylinder when the job is finished;
o All the equipment shall be kept in good condition:
o All the connections & equipment shall be regularly checked for faults and leaks;
o Taking gas cylinders to a poorly ventilated rooms/ confined spaces shall be avoided.
o Refer IS: 3016 -1965 Code of practice for fire precautions in welding and cutting operations.
Work Permit ,Check list for Confined space , Safety Training & tool box talk record
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To describe the procedure, practices and precautions to be followed / while carrying out structural
steel erection at any of ACL projects.
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL which involves structural steel erection.
The concerned site mechanical supervisor / engineer / block in charge are responsible for ensuring
workers are wearing the relevant PPE and necessary precautions are taken while carrying out
structural steel erection work . Overall responsibility lies with Project Head
Designing and Planning
Planning for safe erection shall commence at the initial design stage with designers taking into account
the need and the practicality of safe methods of working during erection. Essential considerations to
be assessed at each design stage shall include:
• Stability at all stages of erection of the assembled structure, individually assembled portions and
single components.
• The effect of the erection sequence on stability.
• Realistic assessment of loadings at all stages of construction. The position of safe access and working
• Ease of connecting components.
• Safe handling, lifting, storing, stacking and transportation of components depending on their size,
shape and/ or weight.
• Identifiable lifting points and component weights shall be detailed at the design stage. For sub-
assemblies overall weight and lifting points shall be identified on drawings.
• The structural analysis & design shall identify those features of the structure, which have a critical
influence on its overall & continuing stability & structural integrity during construction.
• Design specifications shall incorporate particular requirements and essential information for the
scheme to be planned and erected safely: such information shall include any special or onerous
• Special requirements relating to safe erection of the structure shall be highlighted for example, the
need for temporary bracing or guying.
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Material storage
Areas to be allocated for stacking and storing materials shall be clearly marked in the site plans. These
areas shall be:
• Clear of obstructions reasonably level and of adequate size.
• On ground, which is capable of withstanding loads imposed by the material and plant to be used in
the area?
• Be free from underground utilities.
• Sited away from hazards such as overhead power lines.
• Arranged so that clear access & lines of sight are provided & maintained between stacks and
• Provided with adequate lighting.
• If on site manufacture, fabrication, modification or repair work is to be undertaken, additional areas
may be needed with facilities similar to those of storage areas. In addition, contingency plan should
be made to provide an area for a butler store in case it becomes necessary to store more material
than was originally planned.
Material stacking
Materials shall be stacked in such a manner as will permit their de-stacking safely. The aspects, which
shall be taken into account when stacking or de stacking materials include:
• Methods of stacking, which ensure that no risk of collapse or sliding is induced
• An adequate availability of timbers battens and wedges, of suitable size and strength
• Safe access for slinging purposes
To aid erection, materials will be stacked on suitable timber battens & packing pieces so that:
• They are not brought into contact with the ground, thereby preventing mud deposits, which could
present a slipping hazard
• Damage to projections, such as nibs and brackets is minimized and
• Slings can be positioned easily around materials/components.
Commencement of steel erection
• Structural steel erection shall be commenced only when the concrete in the footings, piers and walls
or the mortar in the masonry piers and walls has attained either 75 percent of the intended
minimum compressive design strength or sufficient strength to support the loads imposed during
steel erection.
• A scheme, which ensures stability of the structural framework and its components during erection
& until completion, shall be prepared before commencing structural erection works.
• The foundation of each column shall be capable of withstanding both vertical load and also the
additional horizontal thrust, which is developed as soon as temporary supports/props are removed.
• Precast frame columns are usually inserted into sockets cast into the foundation blocks and
consequently shall be held temporarily in place after alignment. Wedges and props shall be used
for this purpose until the column is made secure by grouting.
• Foundation bolts are designed for the loads experienced by completed structure and are not always
suitable for the more severe conditions encountered during early stages of construction. It is during
this phase that excess loads if applied to them, will give rise to the danger of collapse unless
adequate temporary bracing is provided in the form of props or guys.
• As an alternative to the preferred method of bolts cast into foundation blocks, the use of rag bolts
in open pockets is sometimes advocated to avoid the need for accurate setting out; this system
should be discouraged.
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• Adequate numbers of steel plate packing pieces should be provided for use in leveling prior to
grouting operations. Once the frame is erected, lined and leveled, it is essential that holding
foundation bolts are maintained tight.
Method statements
The preparation of a written method statement setting out the proposed erection scheme is an
important part of planning for a safe system of work. It shall,
• Be a single document and preferably with annotated diagrams;
• Be capable of being modified to cater for any plan change in a system of work;
• Be indexed for ease of reference;
• Follow a logical sequence, have each statement of the sequence clearly titled and be concise and
• Be clearly marked with the date of preparation and revision number;
• Reviewed and maintained updated, as necessary, so that it remains current;
• Be distributed to all those concerned with supervision of the erection.
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• A scheme, which ensures stability of the structural framework & its components during erection &
until completion, to be prepared before commencing structural erection works.
• The requirement for stability at all stages of erection should be clearly understood by all persons
dealing with the erection work.
• The basic principle shall be by erecting a bay of the structure and securing its stability.
• In the process of erection, particular care shall be taken to verify stability in the following
o At times of temporary cessation of work
o At times when fastening may be incomplete for example, in course of lining up and adjustment
of level.
o At times of high wind or when high winds are expected.
o When the stage of completion of permanent work (for example brickwork, concrete etc.) on which
the stability depends, is inadequate or when the permanent work has not developed adequate
o When the structure or parts of it may be subject to construction loads (for example due to impact,
stacking of materials and lifting and freeing of components, which may have become
inadvertently wedged in position)
• Where temporary supports are specified, they shall be of adequate design and construction as
identified on drawings or on the method statement and shall be used in the way intended.
Improvised supports shall not be employed.
• In some designs, lateral stability may be provided by the cladding panels or floor construction and
the frame structure may not be safe until they are fixed. Where panels affording stability are to be
added after erection of the framework temporary supports have to be provided.
• Where stability depends on brickwork or concrete elements, these shall be present to perform their
function as the erection of the framework proceeds. Otherwise temporary bracings will have to be
• The anchor points shall be such that they are able to resist any force likely to be imposed upon
them. The movement of an anchor shall be reported immediately and prompt remedial action taken.
• Steel cables for anchorage purposes shall not enter the ground unless suitably protected. The
fastening of guy lines to anchorages in the ground shall be carried out using chains or steel bars or
sections. Screw type anchors should be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
• The base of any mast or pole used for erection shall be provided with a good bearing to ensure
distribution of the load to the ground without settlement. Resistance to sideways movement of the
base shall be determined by design and provided during erection.
• Plumbing-up equipment shall be installed in conjunction with the steel erection process to ensure
the stability of the structure.
• Plumbing-up equipment shall be in place before the structure is loaded with construction material
such as loads of joists, bundles of decking or bundles of bridging.
• Plumbing-up equipment shall be removed only with the approval of a competent person.
Column Anchorage
The following are the general requirements for erection stability:
• All columns shall be anchored by a minimum of four anchor bolts.
• Columns shall be set on level finished floors, pre-grouted levelling plates, levelling nuts, or shim
packs, which are adequate to transfer the construction loads.
• If it is required, Guying /Bracing to be provided as per the guidelines given in the drawings.
• Anchor bolts shall not be repaired, replaced or field-modified without the approval of the project
structural engineer.
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Metal Decking
The following aspects shall be considered for hoisting, landing & placing of metal decking bundles:
• Bundle packaging and strapping shall not be used for hoisting unless specifically designed for that
• If loose items such as damage, flashing, or other materials are placed on the top of metal decking
bundles to be hoisted, such items shall be secured to the bundles.
• Metal decking bundles shall be landed on framing members so that enough support is provided to
allow the bundles to be untied without dislodging the bundles from the supports.
• At the end of the shift or when environmental or jobsite conditions require, metal decking shall be
secured against displacement.
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• All materials, equipment and tools, which are used at height and prone to fall from height, shall be
secured against accidental displacement.
• Any activity in a place, where overhead work is in progress, shall be prohibited unless overhead
protection like safety net for the employees below is provided; but in no case workmen shall be
allowed to work under suspended loads.
• All the floor openings, elevator shafts, stairwells and floor edges shall be provided with guardrail
with toe board.
• All workmen working in site shall always wear safety helmet with the chinstrap on.
Work Permit & Job Safety Analysis ,Checklist for Steel erection & machinery , Tool Box Talk.
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To describe the procedure ,practices and precautions to be followed when work involves proximity to
water bodies at all ACL projects.
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL projects which involves proximity to
water bodies to execute work.
The concerned site civil supervisor / engineer / block in charge is responsible for ensuring necessary
precautions are taken while executing work over water bodies. Overall responsibility lies with Project
in charge.
Transport by Water
It shall be ensured that:
• vessels are operated under the overall control of a responsible person; and
• these vessels are adequately equipped for safe navigation and maintained in good condition as well
• adequate protection to the workers in such vessels from inclement weather
• Such vessels are manned by adequate and experienced crew, as per relevant law for the time being
in force;
• in case the bulwarks of such vessels are lower than 60 cms. from the level of the deck of such
vessel, the open edge of such bulwarks are fitted with suitable fencing to a height of at least 1 metre
above such deck and the post and stanchions and similar parts used in such fencing are not spaced
more than two meters apart;
• number of lifebuoys on deck of such vessel is at least equal to the number of crew members of
such vessel and is not less than two;
• all lifebuoys on deck of such vessel are kept in good state of maintenance & are so placed that if
such vessel sinks then they remain afloat & one of such buoys is within the immediate reach of the
Steersman of such vessel & another is situated after part of such vessel.
Work Permit , Check list for work over water bodies , Safety Training
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To describe the procedure ,practices and precautions to be followed for safe operation &maintenance
of Batching at all ACL projects.
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at ACL projects which require the installation of
Batching Plant to manufacture of concrete
The concerned mechanical operator / maintenance engineer is responsible for ensuring proper
maintenance & safe operation of the batching plant. Overall responsibility lies with Project Head.
Transporting and erection of the plant
o It shall be ensured that cranes & loading equipment have sufficient carrying capacity.
o Loading, unloading and erecting the plant parts shall be done by experienced riggers under the direct
supervision of a Competent Person.
o Lifting, erection sequence to be done as mentioned in the operation & Instruction Manual of the
o Slinging points for lifting the plant parts shall be selected as mentioned in the operation and
instruction manual of the Manufacturer.
o Vehicle of sufficient loading capacity to be used for transporting the plant parts.
o Equipment transported on vehicle to be secured so that they do not fall down.
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o During the replacement of individual parts and large and/or heavy structural members, they shall
be carefully attached to appropriate lifting appliance, which has sufficient carrying capacity. Nobody
shall be allowed to stay or work under the suspended load.
o Slinging of loads, signalling to crane operators and the whole lifting operation shall be done under
the supervision of competent person.
o Appropriate ladder and/or working platforms shall be used for any work above 2m height. Machine
parts shall not be used as ascending or descending equipment. Safety Belt and other suitable
protection system shall be used against persons falling down while carrying out maintenance works
above 2m heights.
o All handles, steps, guardrails, platforms, stages, ladders etc. shall be free from dirt, oil and any other
slippery material.
o Before cleaning the machine with water or steam jet (high-pressure cleaners) or other cleansers, all
openings and exposed parts shall be covered or glued such that the cleansers do not penetrate into
and cause electrical and other hazards.
If the maintenance work requires dismantling of safety appliances, then reassembling and checking of
these safety appliances must follow immediately after the maintenance works. The plant shall be
operated only after ensuring proper functioning of safety devices.
Dump Hoppers
o Raw materials dumping by tippers, dumpers etc. shall be permitted when a signal (light or sound)
is given.
o All plant attendants working in the area of dumping shall be alert to the movement of vehicles and
be aware of the signals.
o No persons shall be allowed to enter dump hopper to clear blockages unless the feeder mechanism
is stopped and the dumping signal is on “STOP”. An attendant to be employed to ensure that
dumping does not take place when a person is inside the dump hopper.
• Crusher Feeder
o Feeder attendant shall be responsible for operating dumping signals.
o No person shall climb on to any scalping screen or feeder unless the machinery is on stop & the
dumping signal is on “STOP”. Person to be employed to prevent dumping & the main power supply
switch is locked in 'OFF' position to prevent starting of the machinery.
• Belt Conveyors
o Persons shall not be allowed to travel on the conveyor. Similarly walking under conveyor shall also
be prohibited & if required barriers to be erected to prevent walking under conveyor.
o If walking under conveyor is unavoidable, to protect people from falling materials safety nets shall
be provided.
o Guards shall be provided at all pulleys, idlers and driving and take off drums.
o Walkways above ground level shall be provided with guard rail and toe board.
o Pull Chord Switch to be provided along the conveyor to stop it in emergency.
o Conveyor shall be provided with overload trip and sequencing interlocks.
o Spillage shall be loaded on to a running conveyor only at the designated places.
o Spillage shall be cleaned up daily. The cause of the spillage shall be determined and remedial
measures shall be taken up.
o Before starting the conveyor, a siren should be given to alarm persons to keep clear off the conveyor.
• Screw Conveyors
o The cover plates of screw conveyor shall not be used as walkways.
o Cover plates shall not be removed or unbolted except when the conveyor is stopped or when a test
run is taking place, in which case there must be two persons present one of whom is in-charge of
the test. Work Permit system shall be followed for carrying out maintenance work.
• Skip hoists
o Skip hoists shall be fitted with the limit switches controlling the top and bottom positions. Switches
shall not be adjusted by plant operators and any malfunction shall be reported to Maintenance
Engineer immediately.
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o Before any skip hoist is set in motion the operator shall ensure that the guards at ground level are
securely fixed in position and that the guards about and around the hoist machinery are in position
and secure.
• Bucket elevators
o Open Bucket elevators shall not be used as ladders.
o Test runs shall be carried out only when two persons are present of whom one of them is in-charge
of the test.
o Plant operators shall not enter an elevator pit unless the boot is securely guarded and a safe means
of access is provided.
• Chutes
o Extreme care shall be taken to release blockages in delivery chutes by means of poking bars to avoid
trapping fingers and or losing control of the bar allowing it to go down the chute and into the
o Chutes shall not be used as walkways.
o Persons shall not be allowed to work inside unless it is certain that the material flow has ceased
and the machinery is on “STOP”.
o Change over doors on chutes to be released only when the material flow has ceased.
o Any blockage of the material on chutes shall be released only when the material flow has been
• Hopper Gates
o Poking upwards into the hopper shall not be done, as any sudden release of the blocked material
may result in persons being injured. Poking shall be carried out only from a secure platform.
• Vibrating Screens
o Operators shall not climb on to the 'live' side frames or on to the deck of any vibrating screen whilst
in motion.
o If the screen becomes over loaded and it does not clear by itself, the flow of the materials shall be
stopped the overload condition becomes clear.
o Before climbing on to screen or into a rotary trammel, the motion shall be stopped and the motor
shall be isolated.
Check list for Plant & machinery , Periodic maintenance records.
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To describe the procedure, practices and precautions to be followed / while carrying out Concreting
at any of ACL projects.
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL which involves pouring of concrete.
The concerned site civil supervisor / engineer / block in charge are responsible for ensuring workers
are wearing the relevant PPE and necessary precautions are taken while carrying out pouring of
concrete Site Mechanical supervisor/ engineer & block in charge is responsible for safe operations of
the plant & machinery . Overall responsibility lies with Project Head.
• Usual safety precautions that are taken for concreting in open shall be applicable for the concreting
of tunnels, shafts and other underground works also.
• In addition, the following precautions to be taken where the pump Concrete or pneumatic placer is
• The scaffolding supporting the pipe shall be designed to carry the pipe when filled with concrete
plus 100 percent overload plus the estimated weight of the maximum number of workmen that may
work on the pipes while the pump is operating. A factor of safety of 4 shall then be used.
• The pipe line shall be anchored at all curves and near the end. The toggle and flange connections
shall be inspected before each placement to ensure tight joints. Air-release valves shall be installed
at high points to release entrapped air. The use of these valves will assist in preventing line plugging
and in turn reduce accident possibilities.
• Pipes and hose used to convey grout shall be of proper size and strength to safely withstand the
maximum operating pressures. Pumps not be operated at pressures above their rated capacity.
• Cleaning of pipeline shall be carefully done.
• All workmen in the vicinity of sand blasting or guniting operations to wear goggles & respirators.
• Adequate lighting and ventilation shall be provided for all galleries and shafts where grouting is in
Many of the hazards of grouting, guniting and concreting operations are common to other construction
operations, and are therefore, covered by the above provisions. However, some of the principle hazards
particularly incident to grouting and guniting are as given below:
➢ All openings of grout mixers to be adequately guarded. All flywheels, & other moving parts including
compressor drive belts, likewise be fully guarded.
➢ All pipes or hoses used to convey the grout shall be of sufficient strength conforming to standard
specification to withstand the maximum pressures that may be reached during the operation.
Pumps shall not be operated at pressure in excess of their rated capacities, or the safe working
strength of the conveying system. All hose couplings shall be of standard types, and makeshift wire
connections shall not be used. Pipe or hose laid along ladder ways, catwalks or ramps to be located
at one side of the travel ways to prevent tripping hazards.
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o Proper tools for the work to be done shall always be provided and maintained in good condition.
Only wrenches with jaws in proper condition shall be used. In using a wrench it should always be
so placed that the pull tends to force the jaws further on the nut, and the user should make sure
that his footing is secure before applying force to the wrench.
o Men working in elevated position shall use suitable safety belts, boatswains’ chairs, or lines to guard
against falling.
o Wherever feasible, a telephone system should be used to provide positive and quick method of
communication between all control locations or grout operations.
o Only experienced man should be employed for guniting and concreting which is a special type of
concrete work. The nozzle man and helper shall be provided with cup type safety goggles, and shall
use them as protection against rebound material. The nozzle man should operate the nozzle so as
to keep the rebounds at a minimum, and care must be taken not be trap the rebound on cleaning
men in the blast.
▪ All scaffolds or platforms used in placing gunite shall be substantially built. No makeshift type of
construction shall be permitted.
▪ All hoses and mixers shall be inspected daily and maintained in a safe working condition.
▪ All other workmen to be excluded from the immediate working area.
Control of Health Hazards
The following are some basic recommendations for handling and using cement safely.
To protect skin from cement and cement mixtures, workers shall wear:
• Alkali-resistant gloves
• Coveralls with long sleeves and full-length trousers
• Gloves, tuck pants inside boots and duct-tape at the top to keep mortar & concrete out
• Waterproof boots high enough to prevent concrete from flowing in when workmen must stand in
fresh concrete.
• Respirators and goggles shall be used when cement dust can’t be avoided.
Work practices
• Concrete works shall be carried out in ways that minimize the amount of cement dust released.
• Where possible, wet-cut shall be employed rather than dry-cut to cut masonry products.
• Mixing of dry cement shall be done in well-ventilated areas.
• Workmen can work upwind from dust sources.
• Where possible, ready-mixed concrete shall be used instead of mixing on site.
• While kneeling on fresh concrete, dry board or waterproof kneepads shall be used to protect knees
from water that can soak through fabric.
• Jewelry like rings & watches to be removed as wet cement can collect under them.
• Clothing contaminated by wet cement shall be quickly removed.
• Skin in contact with wet cement shall be washed immediately with large amounts of cool clean
• Adequate hygiene facilities shall be provided for workmen to wash hands and face at the end of
the job and before eating and drinking.
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• Facilities for cleaning boots and changing clothes should also be available.
First- aid
• Skin contaminated with wet/ dry cement to be washed with cold water as soon as possible.
• Open sores or cuts shall be thoroughly flushed and covered with suitable dressings.
• Contaminated eyes shall be washed with cold tap water for at least 15 minutes before the affected
person is taken to hospital.
The following safety aspects shall be considered while using Transit Concrete Mixer for transporting
• Drivers of the Transit Mixer shall possess valid driving License. Unauthorized driving shall not be
• All the transit mixers shall be provided with a helper. While reversing the vehicle, apart from the
Reverse horn and Reverse Lamp helper shall be at the rear end, stand on one side of the route of
traverse at an angle from the side of the vehicle so as to be visible to the driver and guide him.
• The Transit Mixer shall not be moved when chute in open position. Provision shall be given to lock
the chute.
• Ladder of the Transit Mixer shall be strong and sturdy and the rungs shall be welded properly for
safe usage.
• Speed Limit mentioned on the roads shall be followed and on any condition the speed of Transit
Mixer shall not exceed 65kmph on public roads and more than 15kmph within the construction
site area.
• Standard Signals shall be used for concreting operation.
• Drum cleaning shall be done under the supervision of Plant & Machinery Engineer. Before sending
the workmen inside the drum for cleaning, the rotation of the drum shall be arrested in such a
way that inadvertent operation does not take place. Electro-mechanical locking is required. Work
permit system shall be followed.
• No person shall be allowed to stand between the transit mixer and concrete pump.
• While working near excavated pits and trenches the transit mixer shall be stopped well ahead of
the edge of the trench/ pit by providing stop-blocks at a distance of 3m.
Setting up concrete pump on site
Concrete pump shall be set up in a level, solid and obstruction free place. Careful attention shall be
paid to the following recommendations:
It shall be ensured that the pump is not positioned over or adjacent to:
• Previously disturbed ground that has been back-filled.
• Excavations, trenches or holes in the ground.
• Cellars, basements or pits.
• Inadequately compacted or soft ground.
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• Particular care and precautions shall be taken when a concrete pump is used in the vicinity of an
excavation. The weight of the concrete pump & the load can affect the stability of the excavation
wall and cause a slip to occur which may lead to the concrete pump overturning.
• Unauthorized persons to be kept away from the immediate area of the machine.
• The area shall be made safe from other traffic.
• Concrete delivery trucks shall have clear and safe access to approach and leave the receiving
hopper of the pump.
• If more than one truck is required to approach the receiving hopper at any one time, a spotter or
traffic controller shall be on hand to safely direct the movement of the trucks.
• No person shall stand between the reversing truck and the hopper.
• The receiving hopper shall be at a height that allows gravity flow of concrete into the hopper.
• Swinging of the overhead power lines and of the placing boom in the wind shall also be taken into
account while setting distances from power lines.
• All power lines or electrical conductors must be considered LIVE unless they are positively
identified to be isolated from all sources of power supply.
• If a concrete pump is located in an enclosed or confined area where there is a likelihood of build-
up of gases from internal combustion engines, precautions shall be taken to direct the gases to
the open air.
• It shall be ensured that an adequate level of ventilation is maintained to prevent the build-up of
exhaust gases.
• The build-up of gases can also be prevented by fitting a catalytic converter (scrubber) to the
exhaust system of each internal combustion engine.
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Where compressed air & water lines are supplied on site for use with the concrete pump they shall be
positioned to avoid damage to the lines and be kept well clear of any public place.
Residue collection
• Where semi-permanent set-up has been established on site or where a pump is set-up in a
roadway or public place a -method to collect concrete residue shall be put in place and all
necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent wash down residue from the clean-up of pumping
operations finding its way into storm water drains, this also includes concrete delivery trucks.
• The residue collection method shall comply with Environment Protection requirements.
Pump gauges
Gauges fitted to the concrete pump shall be accurate and of a size and style that are easy to read.
The instruments shall be checked on a regular basis and the results recorded in the pump’s logbook.
Pipeline Laying
• While laying concrete pipeline reduce the number of bends as far as possible.
• Horizontal pipelines shall be adequately supported.
• Each section of pipe in a vertical pipeline to be supported to avoid extra load on the pipe clamp.
• The 900 bend at the base, altering the direction of the concrete line from horizontal to vertical,
shall be equipped with a leg sitting firmly on the ground. Otherwise any movement in the vertical
line may snap off the first clamp.
• Vertical lines shall be positively secured to the building.
• Crane or formwork shall not used to secure the pipeline. This type of equipment may not be
capable of taking the impact load while pumping concrete through the line.
Pipe clamp
• When quick release pipe clamps are used, locking pin shall be engaged to avoid accidental release.
Anchor brackets
• Adequate number of anchor brackets tie-downs shall be used to secure the system.
• On a vertical (riser) line, brackets shall be securely fixed to the wall or to the edge of each floor
slab not more than three meters apart.
• Friction fasteners shall not be used as brackets to hold down bolts where a change of direction in
the line occurs.
Pipe movement
• Where excessive pipe movement occurs in temporary laid lines due to the surging action of the
pump, extra anchorage shall be provided to restrict the line movement, especially at bends, elbows
& delivery hose
• The rubber delivery hose shall be checked for damage prior to being fitted.
• If it is used where the full hose is passed above workmen or public areas the hose shall be fitted
with a suitable stop cap at the outlet end.
• Care shall be taken to avoid damage to the hose during use and it shall be ensured that the
delivery hose on a boom pump is secured in position by a safety chain, sling or other retaining
Receiving hopper
• The receiving hopper shall be positioned on the mounting so that it can receive concrete flow
readily from the discharge chute of a Transit Mixer.
• A hinged grill shall be provided to prevent access to dangerous moving parts such as feed or
agitator mechanisms & valve gear. The grill shall be constructed of parallel bars, spaced so that it
is not possible for a person's hand to become trapped. Spacing between the bars not exceed 70mm
& the distance from the grating to moving parts shall be at least 150 mm.
• While the pump is running,
o Hands, arms, legs and feet shall be away from the hopper grate.
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o Hopper grate shall not be moved
o No one shall be permitted to stand or walk on the hopper grate regardless of whether the
pump is running or not.
Line cleaning
Line cleaning to only be carried out by experienced & trained workmen. Extreme care to be taken while
using compressed air to clean the pipeline. Air pressure will cause anything inside the pipeline to act
as a high-velocity projectile. The below safety precautions shall be followed:
• There shall always be a connection to atmosphere (air relief valve) as well as the air entry point to
the pipeline. This connection is to allow the system to be de-pressurized before removing any
• Remove the rubber delivery hose at the end of the pipeline. If left on, the hose can whip around
dangerously as the line is blown out.
• A positive catchment device shall be attached to the discharge end of the pipeline to safely catch
the cleaning device but also allow the concrete to flow.
• Workmen to be kept away from the discharge end while the concrete is under pressure.
• The line shall not be taken apart to clean out a blockage or to dismantle it until it is depressurized.
• Compressed air shall not be used, under any circumstances, to clean dirt and dust from clothing
or off a person's skin.
Pump cleaning
The pump shall be shut down before starting cleaning work. While a workman is cleaning the pump
there shall be another workman in the immediate vicinity to provide assistance, if required.
RECORDS : Work permit , Check list for concreting , Check list for plant & machinery
Periodic maintenance records , Job safety Analysis
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To describe the procedure, practices and precautions to be followed / while carrying out sand blasting
work at any of ACL projects.
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL which requires sand blasting.
The concerned site civil supervisor / engineer / block in charge are responsible for ensuring workers
are wearing the relevant PPE and necessary precautions are taken while carrying out sand blasting .
Overall responsibility lies with Project Head.
The potential hazards during sandblasting operations include, but are not limited to inhalation of silica
dusts (including lead from the paint or silica from the blasting medium); high noise levels; high
operating pressure of equipment; etc.
The following are the requirements to minimize the possibility of an incident during sandblasting
• Sandblasting operations shall have a medical surveillance program in place to monitor employee's
blood level exposure to lead.
• Approved respiratory and hearing protection shall be worn.
• Appropriate eye protection shall be worn.
• The use of silica sand in the blasting medium will be discouraged unless an enclosure
covering the blasting area is erected to prevent escape of sand dust particles into the open
area and the operators and helpers carrying out/ associated blasting operations are
provided with overalls and face mask with hood preventing entry of sand dust into the
respiratory system.
• Special care shall be taken during the sand blasting operation to control the dust in a
manner that permits collection of dust in a suitable container through a suction process.
• Paint coatings being removed by sandblasting operations shall be considered as lead
containing until proven otherwise.
• Check all hoses every day for leaks and signs of wear.
• Ventilation (either mechanical/ natural) shall be adequate to keep the work atmosphere less
than 10% Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) & oxygen (O2) content greater than 19.5%.
• Bleed or depressurize all lines before disconnecting.
• Blasting nozzles shall be equipped with a cut-off device (dead man’s switch).
• Secure and hobble all high-pressure air hose connections.
• All air hose connectors (Crow's Feet) to be pinned/ wired to keep from coming apart.
• Warning signs shall be posted identifying potential hazards.
• Ensure no other activity is taking place adjacent to or on the item you are sandblasting.
• Rope off, barricade, or post signs of “No Entry” to restrict access to area.
• During operations safety watch to monitor conditions, traffic & standby at the air source.
• Become acquainted with communication systems.
• Ensure proper sized air supply with regulated pressure and functional shut off readily accessible
to Safety watch.
• In extremely hot conditions a ventilation air hose to be attached to the blaster’s hood.
• Become acquainted with safe work procedure.
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To describe the procedure, practices and precautions to be followed / while carrying out Non
destructive testing at any of ACL projects.
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL while carrying out Non Destructive Test.
The concerned Site Mechanical supervisor/ engineer & block in charge are responsible for ensuring
workers are wearing the relevant PPE and necessary precautions are taken while carrying out NDT
Overall responsibility lies with Project Head.
While NDTs like DPT, Ultrasound/ Sonography, etc. are also commonly used, they do not pose any
significant risk to human body, except electrical hazards and, in case of Die Penetration Test, certain
minor chemical/ fire hazards, Radiography carries significant and serious health hazards. Therefore,
radiography has been discussed in detail.
Safe Work Practices
• Radiography cameras shall be operated only by certified radiographers under the supervision of
competent person.
• As far as possible, field radiography shall be carried out at night time when there is little occupancy
or no occupancy around.
• Field radiography during day time may be permitted on a restricted scale when the occupancy
around is minimum, for example during lunch interval or on holidays.
• If field radiography is carried out at the same location repeatedly, it is advisable to provide either a
wire fencing around or a temporary brick enclosure.
• Specified area around the radiation source shall be cordoned off during field radiography so that
the radiation levels outside the area do not exceed the reference radiation levels for members of the
• The contractor shall consult the authorized radiographer holding valid license issued by the
competent authority of Baba Atomic Research Centre (BARC) about the safe zone limits and restrict
entry of persons.
• Distance to be cordoned off is determined by the type & strength of the radiation source, type of
exposures given, nature of occupancy & the total exposure time week.
• The radiation levels along the cordon to be monitored by a suitable & calibrated radiation survey
meter, so as to confirm that the cordon distance is indeed adequate.
• Radiation warning symbols shall be conspicuously posted along the cordon. Placards displaying the
appropriate legend in English and local language shall be posted at the cordon. The placard and
the radiation symbol shall be readable from a distance of 6 to 7 meters under normal illumination.
o When the radiography work is carried out at night time, the radiography site upto the boundary
of cordon on all sides shall be adequately illuminated throughout the duration of radiography
o Red warning lights shall be conspicuously displayed during night along the cordon and especially
at the point of entry.
• The concerned radiographer shall be available at the site in the vicinity of the cordoned area
throughout the exposure.
• Wherever practicable, field radiography work shall be limited to collimated exposures. During
panoramic exposure, the primary beam shall be directed towards areas of minimum occupancy.
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• While using x-ray machine, full length of the cable connecting the x-ray tube and control console
shall be used.
• Suitable supporting, fastening devices to be used for hoisting & positioning radiography cameras /
X-ray machines in order to avoid mishaps such as accidental fall etc.
• The radiography equipment to always be operated by positioning oneself behind the camera /X-ray
machine, making use of the shielding provided by the body of the equipment.
• All operations shall be planned in advance and executed in minimum possible time.
• The radiography work shall be carried out only under the supervision and guidance of the
Workman Safety
• The operators of the radiography equipment should ensure that all the safety instructions,
stipulated for the particular radiography equipment by Radiological Safety Officer (RSO) are
scrupulously followed.
• When the work is in progress, the radiography workmen shall wear the film badges or pocket
dosimeters allotted to them and shall undergo periodic medical checkup as per the regulation of
• Setting up procedures required for radiography shall be completed before start of radiographic
• Job specimens/test objects & film cassettes to never be held by hand during exposures.
• All radiographic exposures shall be given only by duly approved operators and they shall be in
immediate attendance when the radiographic equipment is in use.
• The source to never be handled by hand. It shall be operated with manipulators only.
• When the source is exposed, it is advisable to
o stand behind buildings, steel or other shielding materials
o stand away from the source of radiation
o limit the exposure time for a particular operator per day
• The maximum length of the cable, provided between radiographic equipment and the control
unit / panel, should be made use of and the operator should always position the control unit
/ pane and himself behind temporary barrier / huge objects.
• Radiographs shall be taken with a collimated beam exposure technique, in which the beam will be
directed towards the object only and the rest of the portion will be protected from direct radiation
by the camera. But it shall be seen that the operator stands behind the camera only and any part
of the body does not come in the direct vicinity of radiation.
• It is advisable to use panoramic exposure (source outside the camera technique) only when the
source is of lesser strength (for example say less than 8 curie). When it is necessary to use higher
strength of source for radiography of higher thickness weldment, remote operated cameras (tele flux
cameras) shall be ideal.
• operators should know their dose records & reports of periodical medical examination.
• Maximum Permissible Dose Limit shall be as follows:
Organ Dose Limit for adult radiography Dose Limit for Public
workmen (rems/Year) (rems/Year)
Bone marrow, Eye Lens 5 0.5
Skin, Bones & Thyroid 30 3
Hands, Forearms, Feet & Ankles 75 7.5
Other Organs 15 1.5
Cordoning Distance
• The distance of cordon in a radiography site may be obtained when Iridium 192 is used as source.
However, for combination source strength and work load not specified in the distance could be
calculated as explained below:
• Intensity of radiation level is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source.
Using this relation it can be calculated as under
Rev no:0 Prepared by: Authorised by: ACL OH&S Manual
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When P is substituted with safe radiation dose limit per week (0.01 Rem per week), the distance
D obtained from the above formulae will be a safe distance, at which cordoning can be done. Then,
W shall be in Hours of exposure per week while K is the radiation dose at 1 m distance form a
source of 1 Curie for a period of 1 hour. K is 0.5 R/hr (500 mR/hr) for lridium192 and 1.3 R/hr
• Cordon of distance can be reduced by introducing Occupancy Factor (T), which is based on the
nature of human occupancy in radiography field.
• P = (KW)T / D2
• D 2 = (K x A x W)T / P
• If Collimator is used, by introducing attenuation factor B, the cordon off distance can be reduced
in the directions other than Primary Beam direction. B is provided by Collimator.
D2 = (K x A x W)T / (P x B).
Cordon off distances for Open Field Radiography (Panoramic Exposure) (Iridium - 192)
(Refer to Radiographer's Handbook of Industrial Radiographic inspection & Co. based BARC (Baba
Atomic Research Centre) Regulations).
RECORDS : Work Permit ,Checklist for NDT , JSA & Tool box talk.
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To describe the procedure, practices and precautions to be followed / while carrying out Pressure testing
at any of ACL projects.
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL which requires carrying out Pressure
The concerned Site Mechanical supervisor/ engineer & block in charge are responsible for ensuring
workers are wearing the relevant PPE and necessary precautions are taken while carrying out pressure
testing . Overall responsibility lies with Project Head.
In order to prevent accident from hydrostatic test operation, good preparation prior to doing the test,
during the pressurization process and depressurizing operation should be carried out. These jobs should
be made in the form standard operating procedure.
• Specification sheet of the equipments and or pipe line, which mentions pressure and temperature
designs are available and complete.
• Hydrostatic test pressure and temperature standard are already clearly defined in the related
• Pressure test planning has to be distributed to all relevant sections in the plant site at least two days
before the execution date.
• Make good coordination among related sections that involve in the test.
• All test equipments and tools shall be inspected for wear and damage.
• Pressure measurement tools are calibrated & their status of calibration are still valid.
• Pressure gauges used in the test have enough capacity. The gauges are recommended to have 150%
of the maximum allowable working pressure.
• The pressure gauge is safety type, with blowout back.
• Pressure gauges must be installed at a proper location to be easily read & do not create additional
hazards to the hydrostatic test/expose personnel to the vessel being tested.
• All the temporary tools (such as valve, fitting, hoses, flanges, blind plate, etc) have to be rated more
than the maximum hydrostatic pressure.
• Isolate other equipments and pipe lines that do not include in the hydrostatic test.
• Vents are available and installed the high points to vent air. Check the vent line before testing and
make sure it is not blocked.
• Choose drain valve at the lowest point in so as to completely empty the vessel & pipe.
• Safety relief valve is already installed. Safety relief valve setting is 1.5 times maximum allowable
working pressure.
• Safety relief valve is calibrated.
• Isolate test area & surround it with safety line. Put appropriate safety sign at that area.
• If possible perform the test from a remote area.
• Make sure that all pipe& vessel supports are in good condition & have been inspected.
• All hoses must be tied down.
• Water temperature must be more than 16 0C (60 F).
• The hydrostatic-pressurizing pump is completed with safety relief valve.
• Wear proper personal protective equipments.
• Do not start the test if a problem is identified.
RECORDS : Work Permit , JSA , Checklist for Pressure testing & Tool box talk
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To describe the procedure, practices and precautions to be followed for safe operation & maintenance
of power tools and machinery in all ACL projects.
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL projects which require the usage of power
tools and other machinery.
The concerned site supervisor / site engineer / electrical engineers are responsible for ensuring the
power tools and machinery are in proper working condition and maintained regularly. Overall
responsibility lies with Project Head.
• It shall operate at 220/240 Volts.
• Flexible cords shall be kept as short as possible
• Frequently checked for damage and repaired.
• Damaged cables shall be replaced.
• Long trailing leads over the ground or floor shall be avoided.
• Drums and reels shall be inspected regularly for overheating, which can cause fire.
• All portable tools to be of double insulation type/ alternately provided double body earthing.
• It shall be ensured that there are no cracks or pieces missing on the machine.
• Check if the nameplate is secure with details of
Type Serial number
Voltage Volts AC/DC
Frequency (normally 50 HZ)
Current Amps
Speed RPM
• Other details depending on manufacturer’s recommendation.
• Check that the permissible number of power tools on each circuit is not exceeded.
• Power tools shall only be issued to specific employees and not for general use
• Disconnect machine before adjusting or working on it.
• Disconnect machine when not in use.
• Keep machine clean and free from dampness
• Do not start or stop machine under load
• Tools should not be used for any purpose other than their intended use
• Keep all cutting tools sharp
• Tools shall be kept in a safe condition without broken or damaged parts.
• Use the right tool for the job
• Keep away from inflammable liquid ( sparking tools).
RECORDS ; Check list for power operated hand tools, Periodic maintenance record
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To describe the procedure, practices and precautions to be followed for fire prevention & control in all
ACL projects.
The scope of this procedure includes all operations at all ACL projects where adequate measures to be
taken for fire prevention & control.
The concerned site in charges of all departments along with security & Safety In charge are
responsible for ensuring the adequate measures are taken to prevent a fire & control the fire if any.
Overall responsibility lies with Project Head.
• Portable fire extinguishers are readily available in the workplace and are appropriately rated and
sized for the potential fire hazards of the immediately work area. Portable fire extinguisher and, fire
hose stations if required, shall be located no further than 15 to 25 m from any potential fire hazard
areas and shall be properly identified so they are easily recognized by the workers.
• All reasonable precautions to prevent fires shall be taken.
• Do not alter or tamper with fire protection equipment or render it inaccessible and do not open or
close hydrants or main water valves except in the case of emergency.
• In case of fire, the personnel in the area shall immediately take all practical measures to protect the
safety of all personnel and to extinguish the fire. The first priority shall be the safety of all personnel.
• Dispose of paper, rags, trash, and other combustible materials only in safe containers. It is
recommended that bio-degradable and non-degradable waste as well as hazardous waste are stored
in separate bins and marked accordingly.
• Transport and store flammable liquids, such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel and fuel oil, in industry-
approved metal containers designed specifically for handling these liquids. Such flammable liquids
shall be stored away from possible sources of ignition.
• Immediately report any leak or indication of gas around piping or vessels and ensure all "hot work"
in the area ceases immediately on the discovery of the hazard.
• Use for cleaning purposes only cleaning non-toxic solvents that have a high flash point (above 140°F,
or 60°C).
• Provide fire protection equipment keeping in view the total fire load of the area. of operation.
• Provide appropriate training to personnel responsible for conducting fire extinguisher and fire hose
• Discharged Portable fire extinguishers for any length of time shall immediately be removed from
service & replaced by a fully charged unit of same size & type.
• Shutdown internal combustion engines before they are refuelled, except where the refuelling point is
sufficiently remote from the engine to allow safe refuelling.
• Shutdown all equipment & remove it from the fire location, if feasible, & clear access routes.
• Provide emergency fire fighting services at the field location. To meet this requirement
o Develop an analysis of potential fire scenarios of equipment, work areas, and living quarters and
ensure proper and adequate supplies of fire fighting gear and extinguishing equipment on location
at all times.
o Develop a schedule of weekly, monthly, & annual inspections of all fire fighting equipment that
meet or exceed local government regulations, and/or industry standards.
• Ensure personnel are trained in the proper use of fire fighting equipment and procedures required to
extinguish a fire in its incipient stage.
Note: - This is different than the responsibilities of Emergency Response Teams that may be required
to attack fires that are beyond the incipient stage.
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• Post in the field office the name(s) and telephone number(s) of local fire fighting services in the event
additional services are required.
• Post the name(s) and telephone number(s) of ACL and the project personnel in the local area office to
be contacted in the event of a fire emergency if working in highly inflammable areas vulnerable to
serious fire or explosion.
• Construct tarpaulin or other material used to construct a hut; tent or similar protective structure of
flame retardant materials.
Checklist for fire fighting, Record of periodic mock drills, Record of checking of fire fighting equipment.
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The scope of this document is to provide recommendations on how to plan and execute potentially
hazardous jobs in a safe manner
To achieve the maximum degree of safety when carrying out non-routine work it is therefore necessary
to use a procedure to ensure those potential hazards are identified and that vital precautions are not
overlooked. Such a procedure requires formal and disciplined action in both the planning and execution
of the work. This procedure should require a written statement to be signed by a responsible person
prior to being issued to the individual responsible for performing the work. This would mean that the
equipment is in safe for work to commence and that risks are under control. Such a process is the core
feature of a work permit-
a. The Contractor Project Manager has the responsibility of instructing his Construction
Manager/Superintendents/Supervisors/Engineers/Foremen and all other front-line supervisors on
the implementation of the Work Permit System and to verify whether all the related instructions are
complied with.
b. The Safety Engineer is normally entrusted to administer the Work Permit System Administration.
c. All Project employees are responsible to strictly adhere to the instruction given in the permit and to
work referring to the activity they are called to perform.
The Work Permit Systems are designed and intended to specify adequate safety measures in advance
against identified hazards and stipulate implementation of the said safety measures by the permittee to
ensure safe execution of work in the designated workplace within a specified period.
• Before starting any work covered under WPS (Work Permit System), the concerned supervisor
(Permit tee) fills work permit form and sends it to the authorizing staff.
• On receipt of the filled form, the issuing authority inspects the work spot, fills the form and
authorizes the permit tee to work, for which ACL recommended checklist to be followed.
• After completion of the job, the permit is brought back by the permitee to the issuing authority.
• The issuing authority inspects the work spot and once he is satisfied that the situation is safe,
close the permit.
• A copy of permit to be sent to OH&S Engineer for his information when issuing the permit.
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The scope of this procedure includes all the PPE used for operations at all ACL Projects.
To describe the procedures and practices to be followed / implemented while using Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) in any of ACL projects.
The concerned site supervisor/engineer/block in charge of all departments are responsible for ensuring
workers are wearing the PPE relevant to their areas of work. Overall responsibility lies with Project
o Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is the least effective way to protect workers because it does
not eliminate or reduce the hazard; it only places a barrier between the worker and the hazard.
o The primary methods for preventing exposure of workmen to hazardous materials are engineering
and administrative controls. Where these control methods are not appropriate or sufficient enough
to control the hazard, personal protective equipment is required.
Conformance to Standards
o All personal Protective Equipments shall have the ISI certification from Bureau of Indian standards
or certification from DGMS.
o Provide suitable personal protective equipment required for personnel, such as clothing, eye
protection, gloves, respiratory equipment, hard hats, hearing protection, toe protection, fall
protection etc.
It is required that all employees entering the hard hat zone where appropriate personal protective
equipment (PPE) and the same shall be maintained in good condition.
All personal protective equipment shall be used and maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendations. The Project Management Team shall replace all personal protective equipment when
rendered defective, or lost and reported.
o IS 2925: 1984 - Specification for Industrial Safety Helmets
o IS 8520 : 1977 Guide for selection of industrial safety equipment for eye, face and ear protection
o IS 9167 : 1979 Specification for ear protectors
o IS 4770 : 1991 Rubber Gloves - Electrical Purposes - Specification
o IS 8807 : 1978 Guide for selection of safety equipment for protection of arms & hands
o IS 6994 : Part 1 : 1973 Specification for safety gloves Part 1 Leather and cotton gloves
o IS 6519 : 1971 Code of practice for selection, care and repair of safety footwear
o IS 10667 :1983 Guide for selection of industrial safety equipment for protection of foot& leg
o IS 1989 : Part 1 :1986 Specification for Leather Safety Boots & Shoes - Part 1 : For Miners
o IS 1989 : Part 2 : 1986 Specification for Leather Safety Boots and Shoes - Part 2 : For Heavy Metal
o IS 4501 : 1981 Specification for Aprons, Rubberized, Acid and Alkali Resistant
o IS 8519 : 1977 Guide for selection of industrial safety equipment for body protection
o IS 12254 : 1993 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Industrial Boots - Specification
o IS 9623 : 1980 Recommendations for the selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective
o IS 11226 : 1993 Leather safety footwear having direct moulded rubber sole Specification
o IS 3521 : 1999 Industrial safety belts and harnesses – Specification
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• Hazards to health on a construction site can arise from the use of a number of materials,
substances and processes if they are not properly controlled. Some of the more serious risks are
caused by the inhalation of dusts, fibres, toxic fumes, by the misuse of chemicals, lasers and
radioactive isotopes. Excessive vibration & excessive noise can also cause ill health. Man-days are
lost as a result of dermatitis, bronchitis, rheumatism etc.
• Healthy working conditions shall be maintained for all workers. In particular attention to the
effects of noise, dust, air pollution and the use of chemicals shall be paid. If it is not possible to
remove the cause of harm then suitable and sufficient Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) shall
be provided to those workers who could be affected
• If the use of PPE is the only means of providing protection then it shall be ensured that all the
workers affected are properly trained in the use of the PPE and that adequate supervision is
provided to ensure its proper use.
Industrial deafness is caused by over exposure to high level of noise from plant, machinery or
construction processes. Once a part of a person’s hearing has been lost, it can never be recovered.
Deafness can also lead to further accidents on site with workers being unable to hear warning and other
For continuous exposure, i.e., for eight hours in any one-day, the sound level should not exceed 90 dB
(A). For non- continuous exposure, a calculated equivalent continuous sound level (Leq) should not
exceed 90 dB (A). Workers should not be exposed to sound levels exceeding 90 dB (A) unless they are
wearing suitable hearing protectors, which can effectively reduce the sound level at the users ear to, or
below 90 dB (A). If Peak noise levels exceed 115dB (A) then the wearing of suitable hearing protectors
shall he Mandatory. Consideration shall always be given first to reducing the noise level at source.
Examples of noise reduction methods include:
More efficient silencers on compressors and maintenance
o of the exhaust systems
o Fitting acoustic lining to machinery panels
o Use of Acoustic screens and sheds to protect others
o Sitting of noisy plant away from the workplace.
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Where it is not possible to reduce the noise level to which the worker is exposed, the workers shall be
provided with suitable and sufficient hearing protection to protect them. All the workers affected shall
be properly trained in the use of the Hearing Protection and that adequate supervision is provided to
ensure its proper use.
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This plan encompasses the entire project and addresses a broad range of potential major emergencies
either man made or natural. Such incidents may, and similar events affecting more than one site
The purpose of this plan is to establish procedures & duties, to promote planning and to establish
training for the staff of ACL at projects for fire and other emergency evacuations as required.
The project safety in charge is responsible to for the formation ,imparting training & to conduct mock
drills to the emergency response team with people drawn from various departments who in turn will be
responsible for safe evacuation during an emergency .Over all responsibility lies with the Project Head
The main objectives of the emergency response plan are:
• Preserving the life, property and environment from the consequences of emergencies arising within
the site.
• Systematic coordination of emergency control action to arrest escalation of emergency, to evacuate
personnel within or outside the site wherever necessary & to rehabilitate them.
• Restoring normalcy in site operation with minimum loss of time.
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Emergency Response Committee (ERC)
• An emergency response committee shall be formed comprising key personnel of the project
management team.
• All the members shall have standby/alternate members to replace them if necessary.
• The purpose of ERC is to manage an orderly response to an emergency situation. Typical
constitution of an emergency response committee is given below. Other members may be included
based on the site requirements
Responsibility of
A. Project Head as the Head of Emergency Response Committee (ERC)
• As the Project Head and head of emergency response committee, he is responsible for activating the
emergency plan & assume overall command in the emergency situation.
• Immediately arrange for an informal on-spot meeting of the members preferably at the emergency
control room to take stock of the situation and initiate necessary measures.
• Take on-spot decision on the procedure to be adopted based on the type and extent of the
• Authorize committee members and other personnel to carry out the specified tasks as decided in
the on-spot meeting.
• Arrange all the required facilities through accounts & administration for the necessary medical aid,
manpower, money, conveyance etc.
• Communicate the occurrence of emergency situation and steps being taken, to Project Coordinator,
and other concerned officials at Head quarters / Zonal office.
B. Nominated In-charge
Rev no:0 Prepared by: Authorised by: ACL OH&S Manual
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• In absence of Project Head, the nominated in-charge shall be the Head of Emergency Response
• Ensures resource availability required during emergency and acts on behalf of the Project Head
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• Emergency Response Committee is responsible for the termination of the emergency. Once the
emergency has been terminated, the ERC shall conduct an inspection of the facilities affected by
the incident and complete an initial investigation report.
• Reassessment of the work site must be completed prior to recommencement. Also resumption of
the work can be carried out only after the proper head count and final go-ahead given by the
Project Head/Alternate.
Head Count
• Head count is a system for accounting of personnel following an evacuation.
• Head count shall be taken by the Administration In-charge personnel after the evacuation and
assembly in assembly point.
• A method shall be established for accounting of non-employees such as suppliers, customers and
• Water bucket, Sand bucket, Portable fire extinguisher of different types (to be decided as per site
• These fire fighting devices shall be kept as close to the location as possible but not close enough
get engulfed in the fire or heat zone from where retrieving and using the devices may be difficult.
The list of emergency equipment may include (depending on the site requirement, if any):
• Self contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) :Oxygen indicator
• Oxygen Resuscitator : Hard Stretcher ; Oxygen cylinder: Explosimeter
• Portable Gas Detector ; High Power search light ; Hand tools (Axe, shovel)
• First-aid Equipment ;Full Body Harness ; Mega Phone ; Manual siren :Ring buoys
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• This Emergency Response Plan (ERP) shall be designed to help the project team to respond quickly
and effectively to all emergency scenarios that may have the probability of occurrence.
• Emergency situations to be covered in an emergency response plan shall include but not limited
o Occupational Injury & Illness ; Fire & Explosion
o Release of toxic gas ; Security breaches
o Civil Disturbances / Political Emergency Evacuation
o Earthquake ; Flood ; Storm/Cyclone
• Other emergency situations specific to the site shall be included in the emergency response plan.
Training of employees related to emergency response shall consist of and address the following
• Function and elements of emergency action plan
• Types of potential emergencies
• Notification, warning, and communications procedures
• Emergency response procedures
• Evacuation, shelter, and accountability procedures
• Location and use of common emergency equipment
• Any other special hazards on site such as flammable materials, toxic chemicals, radioactive
Mock drills
Mock drills shall be carried out at regular intervals so as to ensure continued familiarity of the
personnel with the emergency procedure and to check if the hardware infrastructure provided for
emergency management is in a good shape.
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Purpose of this procedure is to:
This procedure applies to all Occupational Health and Safety incidents related to persons associated
with ACL and its activities (employees, contractors, third party, students, clients, volunteers, visitors
and associated organizations) within and out side the ACL project site.
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iv) The OHC representative on duty shall initiate the reporting and investigation forms in case of
injury related incidents other than first aid incidents. All serious injuries shall be informed to
Plant Head, Plant OH&S co-ordinator and HOD (HR) over phone immediately. .
v) First aid shall be reported in the form available with OHS personnel by the Shift Supervisor
and forwarded to plant OH&S co-ordinator.
vi) Near Miss shall be reported in the form available with OHS personnel by the Shift Supervisor
and forwarded to plant OH&S co-ordinator.
vii) Plant OH&S co-ordinator shall report Dangerous Occurrences as per the state Factory Rules.
viii) Incident reporting and investigation format shall be finally reviewed by Unit Head in case of
LTI, Dangerous Occurrence and Fatalities. First Aid, MTI shall be reviewed by Department
Head. Near Misses shall be reviewed by the supervisor and forwarded to plant OH&S co-
ix) Plant OH&S co-ordinator will co-ordinate with HR dept. for further course of action related to
reporting to statutory authorities as per legal requirement.
x) All incidents required to be reported to respective statutory agencies, to be filed by HOD (HR)
in co-ordination with plant OH&S co-ordinator & respective Department Heads.
Safety Alert.(Annexure-VI)
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Immediate communication.
For all Fatal incidents the plant OH&S co-ordinator must notify the Regional and Group
OH&S coordinator verbally with the pertinent information regarding the incident
i) All fatalities and LTIs that are not the result of an “act of God” or a general exception and are
suffered by ACL employees and subcontracted persons have to be reported if such
employees/persons were active off site on company business.
ii) All fatalities and LTIs that are not the result of an “act of God” or a general exception and are
inflicted on third parties by employees and subcontracted persons have to be reported if such
employees/persons were active on company business and at least partially guilty for the incident.
Guilt or partial guilt has to be established by the relevant local authorities. If such judgment
cannot be obtained in due time it has to be substituted by the result of an in-depth internal
investigation by the ACL. For consistency reasons Corporate OH&S has to be involved for
questions of guilt and partial guilt
a. All fatalities and LTIs that are not the result of an “act of God” or a general exception, suffered
by employees of a contractor have to be reported if there is direct or indirect management control
by ACL over safety issues. ACL is deemed to have at least indirect management control over
safety issues if one of the following applies:
- The contract between ACL and the contractor contains sections referring to ACL rules on
OH&S that must be observed by the contractor. When emploing contractors on a medium
or long-term basis it is a requirement of ACL’s Social Responsibility that such clauses are
introduced into contracts. The OH&S management system of ACL as well as the FPE on
Vehicle and Traffic Safety require such clauses.
- In case of vehicles: the vehicle or part of it (tractor and/or trailer) belong to ACL or carry
the logo of ACL
b. Fatalities and LTIs inflicted by employees of contractors that are not the result of an “act of
God” or general exception are reported if there is direct or indirect management control of ACL
over safety issues and at least partial guilt on the part of the employee. Guilt or partial guilt
has to be established by the relevant local authorities. If such judgement cannot be obtained
in due time it has to be substituted by the result of an in-depth internal investigation by the
ACL. For consistency reasons HOLCIM Corporate OH&S has to be involved for questions of
guilt and partial guilt .
a. All fatalities and LTIs have to be reported by the ACL Group OHS Co-ordinator to HOLCIM
Corporate OH&S together with a proposal and a justification regarding guilt or no guilt.
b. If the proposal indicates guilt or partial guilt Corporate OH&S will include the fatality or LTI
in the statistics but indicate that the final decision is still outstanding. If the proposal is no guilt,
then the fatality or LTI will not be recorded immediately but a final decision on whether to record
or not will be kept pending until the final decision of the local authorities or ACL.
c. Due to year end closing a final decision on such incidents is needed at the latest by
January 15 of the following calendar year. If no such decision has been received from the relevant
authorities by that time Corporate OH&S will make the final decision based upon the
documentation received from the ACL.
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Hazard Reporting
All Hazards shall be reported. All defects, substandard conditions will be treated as hazards
and will be reported under the same category. Hazards shall be reported as specified in the
procedure- Planned Inspection.
* Hazard: Source, situation, or act with a potential for human injury, or ill health.
** Risk: Combination of Likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure(s) and the
severity of injury or ill health that can be caused by the event or exposure(s)
RA - Confined RA- block Work.xls RA grinding.xls RA- Pneumatic RA- RA_BACK Filling &
space.xls Tools.xls Prestressing.xlsx Compaction.xls
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Sample Metod
1 Total Manpower (engaged daily average)
Total man-hours worked
2 (serial # 1 X # of working hrs. …… per day X # of working
days…….. for that month)
3 Cumulative Man hours worked since start
4 Total man-hours worked without Loss Time Accidents (LTA)
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Name of the Site: For the Month of:
A = Adequate at time of inspection B = Needs immediate attention .
A B Location/ Dept.
Safety posters or others displayed appropriately
Scheduled safety meetings held and documented
Adequate employee training – general and specific
Medical services, first aid , stretchers qualified first aider
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A B Location/ Dept.
Emergency telephone numbers displayed at important
Cleanliness of working area
Waste and trash regularly disposed
Enclosed chute provided when material dropped outside of
building from over 20 feet
Lighting adequate for all work tasks
Area is free from loose reinforcement bars & stacked
Oil and grease removed from walkways and stairs
Waste containers provided and used
Sanitary facilities adequate and clear
Potable water available for drinking
Shuttering plates and Wooden buttons properly stacked
Area clear of concrete debris
Area clear of earthen heaps
Safety nets in place while work is in progress at heights
Fire protection program developed
Fire instructions provided to personnel
Proper type and number of fire extinguishers, identified,
checked and accessible
Phone number of fire department displayed clearly
NO SMOKING signs posted and enforced where needed
Temporary heating devices safe. Adequate ventilation provided
Adequate wiring, well insulated, grounded, protected from
Assured grounding program followed (OR)
Ground fault circuit interrupters used ELCB or RCCB
Terminal boxes equipped with required covers protection from
Proper tools being used for each job
Safe carrying practices used
Company and employees’ tools regularly inspected and
Tools and cords in good condition
Proper grounding of all tools (OR)
Double insulated tools used
Proper instruction in use provided
All mechanical guards in use
Tools neatly stored when not in use
Right tool being used for the job at hand
Wiring properly installed
All operators licensed
Tools and charges protected from unauthorized use
Competent instruction and supervision provided
Tools used only on recommended materials
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A B Location/ Dept.
Flying hazards checked by backing up, removal of personnel,
or use of captive stud tool
Ladders inspected and in good condition
Ladders properly secured to prevent slipping, sliding or falling
Side rails extended 36” above the top of landing
Job-built ladders properly constructed
Stepladders fully open when in use
Metal ladders not used around electrical hazards
Ladders not painted
Ladders properly stored
Ladder safety feet in use
Inspection and maintenance records up to date
Lights, brakes, warning signals operative
Wheels chocked when necessary
Haul roads well maintained and properly laid out
Equipment is properly secured when not in use
Shut-off devices on hose air/hydraulic lines, in case of hose
Noise arrestors in use
Reverse horn & lamp in working condition
Erection properly supervised
All structural members meet safety factors
All connections secure
Scaffold tied in to the structure when required
Working areas free of debris and grease
Workers protected from falling objects
Scaffolds plumb and square, with cross-bracing
Guard rails, intermediate rails, and toe boards in place
Adequate, sound planking provided
Scaffold equipment in good working order
Ropes and cables in good condition
Roadways or walkway hazards effectively barricaded
Barricades painted with fluorescent paints.
Traffic control devices used when appropriate
Inspection and maintenance records up to date
Operators qualified for vehicles in use
Local and state vehicle laws and regulations observed
Brakes, lights, warning devices operative
Weight limits and load sizes controlled
Personnel transported in a safe manner
All glass in good condition
Back-up signals provided
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A B Location/ Dept.
Reverse horn in working condition
Fire extinguishers installed where required
“SLOW MOVING VEHICLE” signs used when required
Cables and sheaves regularly inspected
Slings and chains, hooks and eyes inspected before each use
Equipment firmly supported
Outriggers used if needed
Power lines inactivated, removed, or at a safe distance
Proper loading for capacity at lifting radius. Rated load
capacities posted?
All equipment properly lubricated and maintained
Signalpersons where needed
Signals posed, understood, and observed
Inspection and maintenance logs maintained
Hazard signs posted and visible to operator
Floor and wall openings covered with steel plates or barricaded
Excavated pits
Roadways or walkway hazards effectively barricaded
Barricades illuminated or reflectorised at night
Traffic control devices used when appropriate
Materials properly stored or stacked
Passageways clear
Stacks on firm footings, not too high
Materials protected against weather conditions
Trash chutes safeguarded and properly used
Dust protection observed
Traffic controlled in the storage area
Qualified operators supervision during all explosives
Proper transport vehicles as required by Department of
State and local laws and regulations observed
Storage magazines constructed per regulations
Cases opened ONLY with wooden tools
“NO SMOKING” signs posted and observed where appropriate
Detonators tested before each blast
All personnel familiar with signals; signals properly used at all
Inspection after each blast
Proper protection and accounting for all explosives at all times
Proper disposition of wrappings, waste, and scrap
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A B Location/ Dept.
Nearby residents advised of blasting and danger
Operators qualified
Screens and shields used when needed
Goggles, welding helmets, gloves, clothing used as required
Equipment in safe operating condition
Electrical equipment grounded
Power cables and hoses protected and in good repair
Fire extinguishers of proper type nearby
Surrounding area inspected for fire hazards
Flammable materials protected or removed
Gas cylinders secured upright
Cylinder caps in use
All containers approved and clearly identified
Proper storage practices observed
Fire hazards checked
Proper types and number of extinguishers nearby
Proper method for moving cylinders used
Adjacent structures properly shored
Excavation sloped as required
Roads and sidewalks supported and protected
Material stored away from excavations
Excavation barricades and lighting adequate
Equipment working at a safe distance from edge of excavation
Ladders provided
Equipment ramps adequate
Observer (spotter) provided during trenching operations
Fall protection provided with safety nets
Floor openings covered with steel plates
Hard hats worn as required
Tools and materials secured from falling
Fire hazards at welding operations eliminated
Floor openings covered or barricaded
Ladders, stairs, or other safe access provided
Daily inspection of hoisting apparatus
Employees prohibited from riding the ball or loads
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A B Location/ Dept.
Face shields
Written respirator program; respirators fit-tested; replacement
cartridges; cleaning and maintenance
Helmets and hoods
Hearing protection – noise monitoring; written program
Foot protection
Rubber /plastic gloves, aprons, and sleeves for chemical
Electrician’s rubber gloves and protectors
Forms properly installed and braced
Adequate shoring, plumbed and cross-braced
Shoring remain in place until strength is attained
Proper curing period and procedures followed
Heating devices checked for fire safety
Mixing & transport equipment supported; traffic planned and
Adequate runways ramps provided for concrete placement
Employees protected from cement dust
Area clear of concrete debris
Hard hats, boots, gloves, eye protection, and skin protection
worn at all times
Pipe lines of concrete pumps secured to scaffolding
Reinforced bars or removed & stripped material removed from
Team lifting used for heavy or awkward loads
Mechanical lifting devices used when appropriate
Back care training provided to all employees
Bent-knee lifting used by workers
Work hardening program used for returning time-loss
Employees do “warm up” exercises before strenuous work
Chemical inventory list developed and maintained
Containers properly labelled
Material Safety Data Sheets collected and available
Adequate employee information and training provided
Written program available
Scaffolding procedures meet at least minimum requirements
Masonry saws properly equipped and grounded, dust
protection provided
Hoisting equipment in safe operating condition and used by
qualified personnel
Rev no:0 Prepared by: Authorised by: ACL OH&S Manual
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A B Location/ Dept.
Limited access zone established
Walls over 8 feet in height adequately braced
Written confined space program
Competent instruction and supervisors provided
Hot work permits obtained, if needed, prior to entry and work
Evaluation & monitoring – sampling devices adequate,
Ventilation adequate, testing and monitoring during operation
Respirators, standby person, harness/lifeline at the site
Written demolition plan
Protection of adjacent structures
Material chutes used. Floor openings for material disposal
Sidewalk and other public protection provided
Clear opening space for trucks and other vehicles
Adequate access ladders or stairs maintained\
Piling rings properly secured with wire ropes
Unloading only by properly instructed workers
Steam lines, slings, etc., in safe operating condition
Pile driving rigs properly supported while shifting
Cofferdams maintained and inspected
Return channels for bentonite slurry is adequate in size to
avoid over flow
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I have verified that the work has been completed and the equipment / system is back to normal
I have informed that the work has to be stopped and a fresh application would be made for this
Name & Signature of permitting authority ___________________________ Date & Time : __________________.
Face Safety Hard Apron - Nose
Glasses shield Shoes Hat Leather Mask SCBA Leather Cotton
Gum Leg Apron - Mist Arm
Goggles boot guard Cap PVC Vapour guard PVC
Permit is valid only for one job. Approval required for the extension.
Extension is permitted only twice or till the request is for fresh day. Fresh permit is required for any change
in condition.
Lock Out/ Tag Out has to be completed before permitting by the authorized personnel for LOTO.
Primary Purpose
Access High Voltage Installation Perform Work High Voltage Access near Overhead Power line
Assessment and Authorization
This is to authority is issued to:_______________________________ Has been authorized to work in
the vicinity of the electrical installations listed below:
Work to be performed
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Safety Precautions
I hereby accept this authority and state that I fully understand the nature and position of the work
entailed. I understand that this authority does not permit me to work on any H.V. apparatus. I have
been advised of the nature and position of adjacent live apparatus and the limits of approach and
undertake to instruct the personnel of the working party to observe the safety precautions as detailed
I will ensure that all conditions of the permit(s) will be abided by. I will ensure all persons
engaged in the work are advised of these conditions and abide by them.
Job completed satisfactorily & assigned manpower withdrawn by the permit holder. Permit
d by
Name:_________________________ Signature:_____________ Date:________ Time:______
(Permit to be returned to respective Permit Issuer/Authorized person after completion of the job)
Receipt of permit after completion of assigned job permit issuer? Authorized person after the job
Name:________________________ Signature:____________ Date:__________ Time:______
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--------, HOSPITAL: ------.
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8 Are appropriate PPE provide to workers who are involved in
demolished area?
9 Under ground utilities have been identified if any &
10. Has an method statement been prepared & communicated
All Excavations
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19.Has a risk assessment for the task been completed and discussed with
workers involved in completing the task?
26.If shoring is in use is it installed to plan and are a copy of drawings and
calculations available on site?
33.Is there any movement of the ground that may put adjacent services, roads
or structures at risk?
34.Are loose tools, spoil heaps or materials kept more than 2.0 m away from
the edge of the excavation?
35.Are spoil heaps properly placed and are they safe in wet weather?
37.Is the area between the trench/excavation and spoil heaps or barricades
clear of tools, pipes, bricks, stores etc?
39.Is shoring being removed correctly and all persons are working protected?
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5 Whether the condition of lead/ leg wires are checked
6 Whether sockets in the blasted area are flushed with air and water plugged.
7 Are bore holes are cleared of all the debris before explosives are inserted.
8 Whether all the excessive cartridges are removed from the work spot.
9 Head count of numbers of persons involved in the operation have come out
of the spot after loading.
10 Have environment conditions are considered? (Rain/ sunny/ wind/ etc..)
11 Are Electronic items/ Radios, mobile phones & pagers prohibited in the
12 Are danger zone is suitably cordoned and flagmen posted at important
13 Whether suitable warning boards are displayed at site.
14 Whether no of entry points are identified and access control is established.
15 Whether blaster’s shelter is available in good condition.
16 Whether proper signalling system is established to prevent trespassers
entering the blasting zone, siren or hooter is available.
17 Whether all the drillers have been provided with adequate PPEs.
18 Whether a record has been maintained in a separate register indicating.
Date & Time of Blast Number of Holes
Type of Explosive Used Amount of Charge Per hole
Firing Pattern & Sequence
19 Mention the
- Qty of explosive brought from magazine …………………………………
- Qty of explosive used ………………………………………………………
- Qty of explosives returned to the magazine …………………………….
2 Whether “All Clear” siren is blown & mention time of “All Clear” siren
Time …………………………….
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Description of check point Yes No NA Remarks
Has a method statement and risk assessment been produced
and agreed by all parties.
Has all underground services, voids, & possible
contaminants identified ?
Have all necessary measures been taken to protect overhead
Does piling equipment have 3rd party certificate? & relevant
5. Is all control levers within the piling machine clearly marked?
Where bored piling is being carried out
6. ▪ Has a segregated spoil area been designated?
▪ Are barriers provided to protect pile shaft.
Where tripods are being used
▪ Is the SWL clearly marked on the winch and test
certificate available on site?
▪ Are only correct shear pins being used on the shear
▪ Are all ropes secured with bulldog grips or where
7. appropriate hard eyes or saddles.
▪ Are ropes checked daily for damage and replaced
where necessary.
▪ Are all moving parts suitable guarded?
▪ Is a clear working area being maintained?
▪ Are safe lifting methods being employed.
▪ Are barriers provided to safeguard pile shafts?
8. All workers wearing safety helmets and safety shoes
Is the ground strong enough to carry the load of piling
10. Are warning signs in Hindi & English displayed
12. Safety cordon is provided around pile rig location
13. Is the bentonite tank covered & barricaded
14. Is the pile case properly covered.
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Description of Check Point Yes No NA Remarks
1 Grounding prongs not removed from 3-way plugs.
Circuit breaker panels and emergency shut offs
unobstructed and labelled.
3 Electrical outlets not overloaded with appliances.
4 Use of ELCB s, RCCB of 30 mA only
5 Insertion of loose wire and sockets.
6 Use of proper plugs and sockets
7 Insertion of bare wires directly in to the sockets
8 Improper grounding for the appliances
9 Electrical cables are running on the grounds
10 Exposed naked joints.
11 Are Panel Boards provided with fencing & rubber mat?
Are the incoming and outgoing voltage clearly marked in
12 the Panel Boards?
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Description of Check Point Yes No NA Remarks
32 Are all the electrical tools insulated?
33 Is there proper lock out system available?
Is there proper work permit/line clearance available for
34 maintenance work?
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Sr. Description Yes No NA Remarks
70 Unauthorized modifications
72 Main hoist rope condition
73 Auxiliary hose rope condition
74 Boom hoist rope condition
75 Rope end fittings
76 Rope spooling at drums
77 Boom and jib pendants
78 Boom & jib pins
79 Boom & job sockets & wedges
80 Others …………………………………….
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No Description Yes No NA Remarks
1 Are the ropes & slings are in good condition & certified
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Sl.No Description Yes No N/A Remarks
1 Are the wooden material stored & stacked properly
2 Are all the machinery grounded
3 Are all the guards of the machinery in place
4 Is there a cover for the blade of the wood cutting
5 Is wood fed to the cutting machine using a guide
6 Is the drilling bit fastened properly
7 Is the saw dust disposed on a regular basis
8 Is power being tapped routed through an ELCB
9 Are all the machinery in good working condition
10 After de shuttering are the wooden material de-nailed
& stored properly
11 Adequate PPES as per the job requirement is
available & worn
12 Is there is a guard for the hand held wood cutting
13 Is the correct size blade used & mounted properly
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Description of Check Point Yes No NA Remarks
Welding generators/transformers conditions and its
proper earthing
2. Condition of welding cable and joints
3. Electrode holder
4. Area free from combustible material
Cordoning of area below when welding is in progress
at height
6. Provision of fire extinguishers
Smouldering fires are religiously extinguished after
day’s work.
8. Power cable fixed to the machine using lugs.
9. Is face shield with approved glass provided
10. Are the electrode bits properly stored & disposed
11. Are the cables routed properly
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Description of Check Point Yes No NA Remarks
Cylinders are stored ,used in upright position &
2. Are the gas cylinder handled properly
Is the Condition of regulator hose, torch in good
Stacking of cylinders not near live wires, battery
charging rooms/oil rooms
Is the correct type of lighters being used by the
6. Are gauges working properly?
7. Are trolleys being used for carriage of gas cylinders?
Is the hose in good working condition and proper
clamps been used to secure it with cylinders?
9. Are Flash back arrestor provided at both ends.
10. Cylinders full or empty are stored separately.
11. Is fire extinguisher provided.
Is the surface of the material clean of rust & foreign
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Sr. N/
Description of Check Point Yes No Remarks
No. A
1 Does the contractor hold a valid licence issued by the
competent authority of Baba Atomic Research Centre
2 Is the area cordoned of & warning sign posted
Are all the equipment been ensured that they are in
good working condition.
3 Is there a designated & certified location for storage of
4 Is film badge or Dosimeter used as prescribed
5 Is isotope attached to metal pencil stored properly in a
lead pot
6 Is the exposure time calculated before hand
7 Is there an Radiation monitoring equipment when
exposure is in progress.
8 Is there an emergency plan in case of leakage
9 Is there a medical stand by team during work
10 Is the isotope pencil handled by collimator/monitoring
rod of specified length.
11 Is Suitable supporting & fastening devices is used for
hoisting & positioning radiography cameras / X-ray
machines in order to avoid mishaps such as accidental
fall etc.
12 Is radiography equipment operated by positioning
oneself behind the camera / X-ray machine, making use
of the shielding provided by the body of the equipment.
13 Is the work spot shielded/enclosed to contain radiation
14 Are appropriate PPEs used.
15 Periodic medical examination of the people involved in
radiographic is carried out
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Description of Check Point Yes No NA Remarks
1 Are all portable tools of double insulation type or
alternately provided double body earthing
2 Are they in good working condition
3 Are the rotating parts guarded
4 Disconnect machine before adjusting or working on it
5 Is power drawn to the tools is through an ELCB
6 Are the cutting/ grinding wheel used is as per
manufactures specs.
7 Is the wheel secured properly & not over tightening it.
8 Is ring test carried out on the abrasive wheels
9 Are Appropriate drill bits shall be used for the type of
work. The bit shall be mounted securely to the full
depth of the chuck.
10 Are the grips or handle of the tools are insulated & in
good condition.
11 Is the material that is being worked is secured properly
12 Is the maximum operating speed of the wheels be
13 Is gap between the face of the wheel and tool support
kept to a minimum.
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Description of Check Point Yes No NA Remarks
1 Is the crane inspected & certified by a competent person
2 Are all the documents related to the crane available
3 Is a Load Indicator chart available
4 Is the operator competent enough to operate the crane
5 Are the tyres/ crawlers in good condition
6 Is there sufficient area for the boom to swing
7 Is an banks man provided to the operator to guide
8 Is the crane stationed on a level & firm ground
9 Are the out riggers properly engaged
10 Is a fire extinguisher available
11 Does the banks man & operate can communicate
through hand signals.
12 If there are electric line safety precautionary are taken
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(To be made and updated from time to time as applicable to site)
Emergency Agencies
Police Station
Fire Department
State Electricity Board
Cyclone Warning Centre
Regional Meteorological
Local Authorities
District Collector
Councillor/ Gram
Panchyat Mukhia
Statutory Authorities
Electrical Inspectorate
Factories Inspectorate
State Pollution Board
Regional Labour
Hospital 1
Hospital 2
Rev no:0 Prepared by: Authorised by: ACL OH&S Manual
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Hospital 3
Local Railway Station
Local Bus Terminus
Nearest Airport
Fire Fighting Facilities List of fire extinguishers* provided in the site shall be
Available readily available at the emergency control room, Time office
& displayed in other conspicuous locations
Location Type Capacity Numbers
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17. Name of the person responsible to follow up the above __________________________ __________
18. Other remarks if any ___________________________________________________________ __________
_________________________________________________________________________________ __________
_________________________________________________________________________________ __________
12. FIRST AID TREATMENT PROVIDED: Record observations and treatment provided as
well as any advice given to patient
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21. CRITICAL FACTORS OF THE INCIDENT: Critical factors are the factors which have to be
present for the incident to occur
22. IMMEDIATE CAUSE: What substandard acts/practices and conditions caused or could cause the
critical factor to be present? Explain (Also refer to D)
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23. BASIC / UNDERLYING CAUSES: What substandard acts/practices and conditions caused or
could cause the critical factor to be present? Explain
(Also refer to E)
24. CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTIVE: What has and/or should be done to control the
hazard/incident and by whom?
25. WITNESSES: List the names of persons who witnessed the hazard / incident
Returned to Normal Returned to Alternate Referred for
Duties Duties Doctor/hospital/medical
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No Non Conformance * Rs.
General Conditions
1 Smoking in area other than smoking area 100/-
2 Smoking in a hazardous area (Solvent storage, AFR area, Tank Farms etc… 500/-
3 Horseplay 100/-
4 Carrying out work without taking permits 500/-
5 Non adherence to the work permit and/ or Job safety Analysis requirements 1000/-
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6 Non adherence to the Standard Operating Procedures 1000/-
7 Working without proper lock out and isolation 1000/-
8 Non relieving personnel for safety related trainings as per the requirements of ACL 500/-
9 Person engaged without ensuring OH&S induction training 500/-
10 Recruiting personnel not certified medically fit by the qualified medical practitioner 500/-
11 Non compliance with the site specified access control requirements 500/-
Working at Height
12 Non usage of IS approved scaffolding material 1000/-
13 Using defective scaffolding material 1000/-
Hot Work
14 Welding equipment in improper condition. 500/-
15 Cut/cracked hoses 200/-
16 Welding machine/ tools like grinder, drills etc. used for hot work without ELCBs 500/-
17 Non installation of flash back arrestor and pressure gauge on cylinders 500/-
18 Unsecured gas cylinder 100/-
19 Non usage of flame retardant drop sheets/ welding screens 100/-
20 Providing an unguarded machine 250/-
21 Non availability of Safety Personnel at site at any point of time 2000/-
22 Not maintaining minimum stock of spare PPEs at site 1000/-
Electrical Work
23 Using damaged, exposed electrical cables/ leads. 250/-
24 Inserting wires without plugs in the socket 250/-
25 Non qualified electrician carrying out electrical activities. 1000/-
Confined Space
26 Person other than those mentioned on the permit entering into a confined space 500/-
27 No safety observer/ standby person stationed outside the confined space, when the 250/-
activity is in progress
Lifting Work
28 Using lifting machines, tools& tackles which are in improper condition, SWL not 500/-
29 Lifting machines and lifting tools not inspected by the competent person as per the 500/-
legal requirements of the Factories Act,1948 and rules made there under.
30 Unqualified and untrained persons used for operating lifting machines, equipments, 500/-
slinging, rigging and carrying out maintenance of the lifting machines and equipment
Digging and Excavation
31 During excavation, spoil accumulated within 2 meters of the excavated area 100/-
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40 Drivers transporting un authorized personnel 200/-
41 Vehicles/ Mobile equipments not meeting the legal requirements like condition, 200/-
registration, road worthy certificate, PUC etc..
42 Vehicles & equipment without reversing alarms, hand brake, rear view mirrors 100/-
Personal Protective Equipments
43 Non Compliance to usage of PPEs as per the requirement of the activity. 100 to
44 Lost time Injury 2 Lacs
45 Fatality 5 Lacs
Without limiting to the above mentioned unsafe acts and or conditions the Employer i.e Ambuja cements Ltd.,
shall have the right to Deduct charges for any other unsafe act and or condition depending upon the gravity
of the situation on case to-case basis and the Contractor shall absolutely have no objection to the same.
As for the “Fatality” mentioned above, the amount of Rs. 5 Lakhs mentioned therein is the estimated loss
suffered as the liquidated damages by the Employer and the Employer shall have a right to adjust the amount
of Rs. 5 Lakhs from any amount payable to the Contractor and the Contractor shall not have any objection to
the same.
This Tender Document has to be read in conjunction with ACL Project OH&S Manual for better
understanding of the safety standards for implementation & abide by the safety standards as laid
All the materials used & activities carried should comply with the Indian Standards strictly with out
any Deviation.
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