Instruction Kit MSC-4
Instruction Kit MSC-4
Instruction Kit MSC-4
Table of Contents
1 PART I – LAW(S) GOVERNING THE WEBFORM ......................................................................... 3
1.1 Purpose of the webform ................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Important Check Points while filling up the webform .................................................................. 3
2 PART II – ACCESSING THE WEBFORM MSC-4 ............................................................................ 4
2.1 Application process for webform MSC-4 ..................................................................................... 4
3 PART III – INSTRUCTIONS TO FILL THE WEBFORM ................................................................. 6
3.1 Specific instructions to fill the webform MSC-4 at Field Level ................................................... 6
3.2 Other instructions to fill webform MSC-4 .................................................................................... 7
4 PART IV – KEY POINTS FOR SUCCESSFUL SUBMISSION ........................................................ 8
4.1 Fee rules ........................................................................................................................................ 8
4.2 Processing Type ............................................................................................................................ 9
4.3 Useful links ................................................................................................................................... 9
4.4 Rejection codes ............................................................................................................................. 9
Instruction Kit for webform MSC-4
(Application for obtaining active status)
This Instruction Kit is designed as a step-by-step guide to assist the user in filling up the webform. This document
provides references to law(s) governing the webform, guidelines to access the application, instructions to fill the
webform at field level and important check points while filling up the webform along with other instructions to fill
the webform.
User is advised to refer to the respective instruction kit for filing of webform.
Instruction Kit for webform MSC-4
(Application for obtaining active status)
Pursuant to Section 455(5) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 8 of the Companies (Miscellaneous) rules,
A dormant company can file an application to ROC in webform MSC-4 for seeking the status of an active company
along with fees as provided in the Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Rules, 2014.
Instruction Kit for webform MSC-4
(Application for obtaining active status) Option 2
STEP 1: Access MCA homepage
STEP 2: Access webform MSC-4 through search bar on MCA homepage (website search) 6
STEP 3: Login to MCA portal with valid credentials
STEP 4: Enter CIN information2
STEP 5: Search CIN using the search option (optional)3
STEP 6: Select CIN from the dropdown option (optional)4
STEP 7: Fill up the application
STEP 8: Save the webform as a draft (optional)5
In case Option 1 is selected, the user will have an option to either login immediately after accessing the MCA homepage, or login after selecting “Application for
obtaining active status (MSC-4)” in case the user is not already logged in.
In case the user filling the webform is a company user then, CIN and company name will be auto populated based on the user id from which the user logs in.
In case the user filling the webform is a professional user, a search option will be provided on the page allowing the user to search for the CIN basis the name of the
In case the user filing the webform is any other business user, a dropdown option containing a list of all the CIN and corresponding company name for companies
where the user is associated shall be displayed.
The option to save the webform as a draft shall be enabled once the user enters CIN.
In case Option 2 is selected, the user will have an option to either login immediately after accessing the MCA homepage or login after performing the website search.
Instruction Kit for webform MSC-4
(Application for obtaining active status)
2.1.2 Resubmission Option 1
STEP 1: Access MCA homepage
STEP 2: Login to MCA portal with valid credentials
STEP 3: Access application history through user dashboard
STEP 4: Select webform MSC-4 application with status as ‘Resubmission required’
STEP 5: Fill up the application
STEP 6: Save the webform as a draft (optional)5
STEP 7: Submit the webform
STEP 8: SRN is updated
STEP 9: Affix the DSC
STEP 10: Upload the DSC affixed PDF document on MCA portal 7
STEP 11: Resubmission of webform (In case the user does not complete re-submission of the form and upload
the DSC affixed PDF document within 24 hours of the SRN update, a SMS and email reminder will be sent to
the user daily for 15 days OR till the time this is submitted, whichever is earlier)
STEP 12: Acknowledgement is generated Option 2
STEP 1: Click on the link provided in the notification email sent (received for resubmission)
STEP 2: Login to MCA portal with valid credentials
STEP 3: Fill up the application
STEP 4: Save the webform as a draft (optional)5
STEP 5: Submit the webform
STEP 6: SRN is updated
STEP 7: Affix the DSC
STEP 8: Upload the DSC affixed PDF document on MCA portal7
STEP 9: Resubmission of webform (In case the user does not complete re-submission of the form and upload
the DSC affixed PDF document within 24 hours of the SRN update, a SMS and email reminder will be sent to
the user daily for 15 days OR till the time this is submitted, whichever is earlier)
STEP 10: Acknowledgement is generated
For the SRN’s that are marked ‘Resubmission required’, the user is required to update the details in the webform and complete submission including the upload of
DSC affixed PDF within 15 days from the date the BO user has sent the SRN back for resubmission.
Instruction Kit for webform MSC-4
(Application for obtaining active status)
Instructions to fill webform MSC-4 are tabulated below at field level. Only important fields that require detailed
instructions are explained. Self-explanatory fields are not explained.
Instruction Kit for webform MSC-4
(Application for obtaining active status)
Buttons Particulars
i. Click the ‘Choose File’ button to browse and select a document that is
required to be attached as a supporting to webform MSC-4.
ii. All the attachments should be uploaded in PDF or .jpg format. The
Choose File total size of the document being submitted can be up to 10 MB.
iii. The user has an option to attach multiple files as attachments within the
Instruction Kit for webform MSC-4
(Application for obtaining active status)
Buttons Particulars
The user has an option to remove files from the attachment section using the
Remove “Remove” option provided against each attachment.
The user has an option to download the attached file(s) using the “Download”
option provided against each attachment.
i. Click on Save button for saving the application in a draft form at any given
point in time prior to submitting the webform.
ii. This is an optional field and the “Save” option will be enabled only after
entering the CIN.
iii. On saving the webform, all the information filled in the webform will be
saved and can be edited/updated till the time webform is submitted.
iv. The previously saved drafts can also be accessed (at a later point in time)
using the application history functionality.
i. This is a mandatory field.
ii. When the user clicks on the submit button the details filled in the webform
are auto saved and the system verifies all the webform, incase errors are
Submit detected the user will be taken back to webform and all the relevant error
messages shall be displayed.
iii. In case at the submission of webform no errors are detected by the system
the submission will be successful.
Fee payable is subject to changes in pursuance of the Act, or any rule or regulation made, or notification issued
4.1.1 The Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Rules, 2014
Table 1
S# Application made Other than OPC OPC & Small company (INR)
& Small
company (INR)
1 By a company having an authorized share capital of:
a) Up to INR 25,00,000 INR 2,000 INR 1,000
Instruction Kit for webform MSC-4
(Application for obtaining active status)
b) Greater than INR 25,00,000 but up to INR INR 5,000 INR 2,500
c) Greater than INR 50,00,000 but up to INR INR 10,000 INR 10,000
d) Greater than INR 5,00,00,000 but up to INR 10 INR 15,000 INR 15,000
crore or more
e) Greater than INR 10 crore INR 20,000 INR 20,000
2 By a company limited by guarantee but not having a INR 2,000 NA
share capital
3 By a company having a valid license issued under INR 2,000 NA
section 8 of the Act (Section 8 Company)