Neetu Singh Vocab Book - SSC 2023 - All - Antonyms-1

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Previous Year Questions

45 Antonyms
Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.

CHSL TIER-II, 2023 Her dog can climb under (3) sympathetic
the fence. (4) nondiplomatic
02/11/2023 || 9 AM
(1) Over (2) Sink 6 . Select the most
1. Select the most (3) Behind (4) Beneath a p p r o p r i at e
appropriate ANTONYM 2. Select the most A NT O N Y M o f t h e
of the given word. appropriate ANTONYM of w o r d ‘O pt im i s t i c ’
Sharp the underlined word in the from the given
(1) Blunt (2) Kindled given sentence. sentence.
(3) Magnetic (4) Handy Henry is so servile After the incident, Radha
Answer Key that other people take prepared herself to stay
advantage of him. positive even in gloomy
1. (1)
(1) Arrogant (2) Sheepish days.
CPO TIER-II, 2023 (3) Bickering (4) Cunning (1) stay (2) incident
08/01/2024 || 9 AM 3. Select the most (3) positive (4) gloomy
appropriate ANTONYM 7. Select the most
1. Select the antonym of the appropriate ANTONYM
given word. of the underlined word.
of the word given in
deplore He was compelled by
(1) mourn (2) praise everyone to join the group.
(3) dislike (4) hate (1) Demur (2) Obscured
The gradual____ (curtail)
2. Select the antonym of the (3) Confessed (4) Induced in the expenditures made
given word. 4. Select the most them tensed.
taciturn appropriate ANTONYM (1) indent (2) innate
(1) laconic of the underlined word. (3) increase (4) insinuate
(2) reticent Do you know the old 8. Select the most
(3) withdrawn adage ‘the show must go appropriate ANTONYM
(4) loquacious on’? of the underlined word in
3. Select the most (1) Misconstruction the given sentence.
appropriate antonym of (2) Rebuke The thief was caught
the given word. (3) Dare with a spurious Picasso
FASTIDIOUS (4) Addiction painting.
5. Select the most (1) Fake (2) Stolen
(3) critical (4) indifferent appropriate ANTONYM (3) Splendid (4) Authentic
Answer Key of the word given in 9. Select the most
1. (2) 2. (4) 3. (4) appropriate ANTONYM of
blank. the underlined word in the
CGL TIER-I, 2023 Mr. Khanna is quite _____ given sentence.
14th to 27th July 2023 (ca llous ) to wa rd s the Israel has been a staunch
1. Select the most victims of earthquake. ally of the United States.
appropriate ANTONYM of (1) rationalistic (1) Resolute (2) Careless
the underlined word. (2) unsympathetic (3) Confused (4) Unsteady
KD Publication 1 45. Antonyms (Previous Year Questions)
10. Select the most (1) nationalist 22. Select the most
appropriate ANTONYM of (2) dutiful appropriate ANTONYM
the underlined word in the (3) traitor of the underlined word.
given sentence. (4) loyal She was upset seeing the
The Emperor was 17. Select the most scattered documents.
considered as a wicked appropriate ANTONYM (1) Perished
man. of the underlined word. (2) Dissipated
(1) Virtuous (2) Savage Lucy presented a (3) Sprinkled
(3) Flerce (4) Vile lucid account of her (4) Gathered
11. Select the most achievements before the 23. Select the most
appropriate ANTONYM appropriate ANTONYM
of the given word. of the underlined word.
(1) orderly
Derision The patient found the
(2) ambiguous
(1) Disintegration
(3) intelligible doctor to be obtuse and
(2) Termination
(4) transparent distracted by constant
(3) Admiration
18. Select the most calls on his phone.
(4) Estimation
appropriate ANTONYM of (1) astute (2) obese
12. Select the most
appropriate ANTONYM the underlined words in the (3) banal (4) obsolete
of the given word. given sentence 24. Select the most
Gullible Developed countries appropriate ANTONYM
(1) Credulous (2) Plant are at a disadvantage of the underlined word.
(3) Cynical (4) Simple to have access to He was uncomfor-table
13. Select the most modern science and at the sport event.
appropriate ANTONYM technologies. (1) Easeful
of the given word. (1) powered (2) privileged
Indolent (3) useless (4) unhappy (3) Awkward
(1) Lazy (2) Unskilled 19. Select the most (4) Troublesome
(3) Active (4) Sluggish appropriate ANTONYM 25. Select the most
14. Select the most of the given word. appropriate ANTONYM of
appropriate ANTONYM of Triumph the word ‘Sophistica-ted’
the underlined word. (1) Defeat from the given sentence.
Is there any portal to (2) Capture The tribe had no access
redeem these coupons (3) Attainment to modern technology or
that I have collected from (4) Succeed resources and had to rely
the store? on primitive tools and
20. Select the most
(1) forsake (2) deplore techniques for survival.
appropriate ANTONYM
(3) forfeit (4) embezzle (1) Technology
of the underlined word.
15. Select the most (2) Primitive
appropriate ANTONYM Ranen feels that the notion
of democracy is a farce. (3) Modern
of the given word. (4) Techniques
Indolent (1) Quotient (2) Law
(3) Reality (4) Portion 26. Choose the ANTONYM of
(1) Lazy (2) Unskilled the word ‘effervescent’ in
(3) Active (4) Sluggish 21. Select the most
appropriate ANTONYM the given sentence.
16. Select the most
of the given word. Sonali is bubbly and
appropriate ANTONYM
Wax carefree in comparison
of the underlined word.
(1) Polish (2) Cane to her sister Mitali’s
He regards himself as a
patriot. (3) Wail (4) Wane subdued nature.

KD Publication 2 45. Antonyms (Previous Year Questions)

(1) Bubbly (3) Discord 37. Select the most
(2) Comparison (4) Honour appropriate ANTONYM
(3) Carefree 32. Select the most of the underlined word.
(4) Subdued appropriate ANTONYM Managers who delegate
27. Select the most of the given word. reduce their work load.
appropriate ANTONYM Divergence (1) Retain (2) Appoint
of the underlined word. (1) Convergence (3) Nominate (4) Depute
His house was (2) Existence 38. Select the most
with papers and eatables
(3) Resilience appropriate ANTONYM
strewn everywhere.
(4) Transience of the given word.
(3) Barren (4) Clean 33. Select the most Innate
28. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM (1) Learned (2) Aquatic
appropriate ANTONYM of the underlined word. (3) Natural (4) Replete
of the given word. The love between them 39. Select the most
Eloquent is blooming. appropriate ANTONYM
(1) Modest (2) Crucial (1) Flourishing of the underlined word.
(3) Impotent (4) Humble (2) Sprouting Most of the things in life
29. Identify the word in the (3) Growing are transient.
given sentence that is the (4) Fading (1) Boring
ANTONYM of the word 34. Select the most (2) Permanent
‘frugal’. appropriate ANTONYM (3) Toxic
At present, people are of the underlined word. (4) Fleeting
paying extravagant The truck was carrying a 40. Select the most
prices for houses heavy load. appropriate ANTONYM of
because they have to
(1) Big the underlined word.
have accommodation.
(2) Massive Theirs is a clandestine
(1) Prices
(2) accommodation (3) Light affair.
(3) Present (4) Large (1) Known (2) Private
(4) extravagant 35. Select the most (3) Sneaky (4) Illicit
30. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM 41. Select the most
appropriate ANTONYM of the underlined word. appropriate ANTONYM
of the underlined word. I understand your for the underlined word
Seldom had he been plight. in the following
so joyous in other’s (1) Predicament That is a picture worth
happiness. (2) Dilemma seeing but this is an
(1) Hardly (3) Quandary absurd piece of art.
(2) Rarely (4) Advantage (1) Ordinary (2) odd
(3) Frequently 36. Select the most (3) eerie (4) realistic
(4) Occasionally appropriate ANTONYM of 42. Select the most
31. Select the most the underlined word in the appropriate ANTONYM
appropriate ANTONYM given sentence. of the capitalised word in
of the underlined word. He just needs to calm down the given sentence.
He brought disgrace to his a wee bit. Taking a BRISK walk
family by being involved (1) understand can often induce a
in illegal activities. (2) agitate feeling of well-being.
(1) Suspicion (3) question (1) Slow (2) Late night
(2) Shame (4) dissipate (3) Quick (4) Dusky
KD Publication 3 45. Antonyms (Previous Year Questions)
43. Select the most appropriate 49. Select the most 54. Select the most
ANTONYM of the given appropriate ANTONYM appropriate ANTONYM
word. of the underlined word. of the underlined word.
Partial Her mother always It was evident from his
(1) Unjust (2) Prejudiced encouraged the idea of gestures that he was
(3) Doubtful (4) Unbiased early marriage. feeling guilty.
44. Select the most appropriate (1) Motivated (1) Hidden
ANTONYM of the (2) Supported (2) Profuse
underlined word. (3) Cheered (3) Correct
Trivial issues have always (4) Discouraged (4) Visible
interested our boss. 50. Select the most appropriate 55. Select the most
(1) Fierce (2) Hopeful ANTONYM of the underlined appropriate ANTONYM
word in the given sentence. of the given word.
45. Select the most appropriate Aditi is meticulous by Nervous
ANTONYM of the underlined nature. (1) Hesitant
word. (1) accurate (2) precise (2) Shaky
To abate her listlessness, (3) careless (4) concise (3) Courageous
51. Select the most (4) Casual
she went for a long walk in
appropriate ANTONYM 56. Select the most
the country.
of the underlined word. appropriate ANTONYM
(1) lessen (2) sustain
He was quite violent in his of the given word.
(3) increase (4) subside Meticulous
46. Select the most appropriate (1) Heedful (2) Careful
(1) Crazy
ANTONYM of the word (3) Careless (4) Untidy
(2) Aggressive
(3) Gentle 57. Select the most
the blank. (4) Savage appropriate ANTONYM
The teacher could judge 52. Select the most of the given word.
that his intentions were appropriate ANTONYM Hinder
____, (nefarious) so he was of the underlined word (1) Monitor
not stopped from entering (2) Aid
in the given sentence to
the hall. (3) Domesticate
(1) pious (2) traitorous (4) Force
We usually had ___visitors
58. Select the most
dropping by, but now we appropriate ANTONYM
47. Select the most have very less visitors. of the given word.
appropriate ANTONYM
of the underlined word. (2) a handful of (1) Irresolution
My teacher accepted my (3) slighter (2) Obstinacy
excuse for being late. (4) umpteen (3) Readiness
(1) Trusted (2) Rejected 53. Select the most (4) Eloquence
(3) Agreed (4) Belleved appropriate ANTONYM 59. Select the most
48. Select the most of the underlined word. appropriate ANTONYM
appropriate ANTONYM Heavy outfits make the of the underlined word.
of the underlined word in movement of trekkers Her sudden arrival has
the following sentence. sluggish. disarranged my plans.
The old port was (1) Active (1) Timing
abandoned a long ago. (2) Distorted (2) Entrance
(1) Quit (2) Shortened (3) Eye catching (3) Departure
(3) Kept (4) Rashed (4) Comfortable (4) Appearance

KD Publication 4 45. Antonyms (Previous Year Questions)

60. Select the most (1) monotonous (3) Antisocial
appropriate ANTONYM (2) hazy (4) Philanthropic
of the word ‘Unsure’ from (3) subtle 71. S e l e c t t h e m o s t
the given sentence. (4) vague appropriate ANTONM of
Himanshi isprepa-ring 65. Select the most appropriate the given word.
customised gifts and ANTNYM of the underlined Clear
handicrafts for surprising word. (1) Clean
Mehul on his retirement, but
This is such a rowdy (2) Opaque
the date is not certain yet. (3) Mess
(4) Untidy
(1) date (1) Compliant 72. Select the most appropriate
(2) certain (2) Chattering ANTNYM of the underlined
(3) customised (3) Disorderly word.
(4) handicrafts (4) Noisy M y e n e r g y w a ne d t o
61. Select the most appropriate
66. Select the most appropriate s e e m y c o l l e g e t e am
ANTNYM of the underlined ANTNYM of the underlined performing poorly in the
word. word. match.
He was acquitted of all She will probably come (1) Declined
the charges in the court tonight for a party. (2) Dimmed
today. (3) Abated
(1) Conformed (2) perhaps (4) Grew
(2) Discharged (3) apparently 73. Select the most appropriate
(3) Praised (4) possibly ANTNYM of the underlined
(4) Convicted 67. Fill in the blank with word.
62. Select the most appropriatethe mo st appropriate She is a veteran journalist
ANTONYM of the underlined known for her powerful
ANTONYM of the word
word. writing style.
given in the brackets.
Her modest behaviour (1) Renowned
She was wearing a new
was appreciated by (2) Creviced
everyone in the assembly. (3) Conditioned
(1) cheap (2) costly (4) Novice
(1) distant (3) premium (4) precious 74. Choose the ANTONYM of
(2) presuming 68. Select the most appropriate
(3) conceited the word ‘fetish’ in the
ANTONYM of the given given sentence.
(4) obvious word.
63. Select the most appropriate Shilpi has a fixed
Lament indifference and obsession
ANTONYM of the underlined (1) Deplore (2) Decry
word. towards problems in life.
(3) Celebrate (4) Regret (1) Indifference
Her room looks very messy.
69. Select the most appropriate
(1) Untidy (2) Fixed
ANTONYM of the underlined (3) Problems
(2) Chaotic word. (4) Obsession
(3) Disordered One should not yell at 75. Select the most appropriate
(4) Organised children. ANTONYM of the underlined
64. Select the most appropriate(1) Notify (2) Indemnify word.
ANTONYM of the word (3) Whisper (4) Terrorise The boy looked disheveled
70. Select the most appropriate and lost.
in the plank. synonym of the given word. (1) Tidy
There are (definite) Misanthropic (2) Clumsy
weaknesses in their (1) Humanitarian (3) Infuriated
security arrangements. (2) Sociable (4) Excited
KD Publication 5 45. Antonyms (Previous Year Questions)
76. Select the most appropriate Her parents forbade her (1) smart
ANTONYM of the underlined to marry her lover. (2) melancholy
word in the given sentence. (1) prevented (2) refused (3) exhausting
I must have a chance to (3) declined (4) allowed (4) lively
rectify my error. 83. Select the most appropriate 88. Select the most appropriate
(1) worsen (2) Alter ANTNYM of the underlined ANTNYM of the underlined
(3) reason (4) modify word. word.
77. Select the option that is We lived a very frugal life She chided her son for
OPPOSITE in meaning to during our childhood. being impatient with the
(1) Reckless customers.
the given word.
(2) Weary (1) reproved
(3) Severe (2) scolded
(1) Indifferent (3) applauded
(4) Extravagant
(2) Thoughtful (4) rebuked
84. Select the most appropriate
(3) Gay 89. Choose the ANTONY of the
ANTONYM of the underlined
(4) Melancholic word ‘disenfranchise’ in
78. Select the most appropriate While most friends the given sentence.
ANTONYM of the given persuaded him to choose The parliament of Tonoco
word. the career, there were a authorised the king to
Grow few who_______ him from take over the reins of the
(1) Shrink (2) Crimp doing so. government and disable
(3) Plant (4) Alter (1) evaded the power of the council of
79. Select the most appropriate (2) bombarded ministers.
ANTONYM of the underlined (3) dissuaded (1) Authorised
(4) situated (2) Powers
Instead of becoming joyous 85. Select the most appropriate (3) Disabled
ANTNYM of the underlined (4) Reins
to hear the breaking news,
word. 90. Select the most appropriate
she became _________ .
One may accomplish many ANTNYM of the underlined
(1) melancholic word.
(2) vengeful things by a little effort.
(1) Qualify (2) Retain They praised her for her
(3) ecstatic bravery.
(4) exuberant (3) Execute (4) Miss
86. Select the most appropriate (1) Acclaimed
80. Select the most appropriate (2) Rebuked
ANTNYM of the underlined
ANTONYM of the underlined (3) Defended
word. The professor’s lectures (4) Assaulted
His knowledge is are very conventional and 91. Select the most appropriate
in nature. so tedious. ANTNYM of the underlined
(1) Deviant (2) Profound (1) Interesting word.
(2) Informative Intentional
81. Select the most appropriate (3) Idle (1) Cordial
ANTONYM of the given (4) Boring (2) Unplanned
word. (3) Amiable
87. Select the most appropriate
(4) Inanimate
Absurd ANTONYM of the underlined
92. Select the most appropriate
(1) Sensible (2) Tolerable word.
ANTNYM of the underlined
(3) Adorable (4) Lovable T he m u sic ia n gav e a
82. Select the most appropriate dismal performance of
ANTONYM of the underlined a few old melodies at last
(1) Quit (2) Surrender
word. night’s concert.
(3) Shorten (4) Continue
KD Publication 6 45. Antonyms (Previous Year Questions)
93. Select the most appropriate 98. Select the most appropriate My niece is an amateur
ANTONYM of the underlined ANTONYM of the given artist. I hope she becomes
word in the given sentence. word. famous one day.
I confronted the journalist Trivial (1) Boring
with the evidence. (2) Freelancing
(1) Resisted (2) Huge (3) Expert
(2) Avoided (4) Decent
(3) Heavy
(3) Challenged 104.Select the most appropriate
(4) Light ANTONYM of the word ‘Naïve’
(4) Encountered 99. Select the most appropriate from the given sentence.
94. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the underlined After years of working
ANTONYM of the given word. in politics, she had
word. I object the false claims become cynical and jaded,
Prohibition made against me. convinced that all politicians
(1) Restriction (1) assent were corrupt and that the
(2) Inhibition (2) ease system was rigged against
(3) Direction (3) restore the people.
(4) Permission (1) Jaded (2) Corrupt
(4) ascertain
95. Select the most appropriate (3) Cynical (4) Convinced
100.Select the most appropriate
ANTONYM of the given Answer Key
ANTONYM of the given
word. 1. (1) 2. (1) 3. (4) 4. (1)
Selective 5. (3) 6. (4) 7. (3) 8. (4)
(1) Stimulating 9. (4) 10. (1) 11. (3) 12. (3)
(1) Watch
(2) Careless 13. (3) 14. (3) 15. (3) 16. (3)
(2) See
(3) Doubtful 17. (2) 18. (2) 19. (1) 20. (3)
(3) Reveal
(4) Planned 21. (4) 22. (4) 23. (1) 24. (1)
(4) Hide
96. Select the most appropriate 25. (2) 26. (4) 27. (4) 28. (3)
ANTONYM of the underlined 101.Select the most appropriate
ANTONYM of the given 29. (4) 30. (3) 31. (4) 32. (1)
word. 33. (4) 34. (3) 35. (4) 36. (2)
The crowd gave an
Memory 37. (1) 38. (1) 39. (2) 40. (1)
exultant cheer to the
(1) Suppress 41. (4) 42. (1) 43. (4) 44. (3)
football team when they
(2) Oblivion 45. (3) 46. (1) 47. (2) 48. (3)
were exiting the airport.
(1) rejoicing (3) Retrospection 49. (4) 50. (3) 51. (3) 52. (4)
(2) disconsolate (4) Impart 53. (1) 54. (1) 55. (3) 56. (3)
(3) jubilant 102.Select the most appropriate 57. (2) 58. (1) 59. (3) 60. (2)
(4) elated ANTONYM of the underlined 61. (4) 62. (3) 63. (4) 64. (4)
97. Select the most appropriate word. 65. (1) 66. (1) 67. (1) 68. (3)
ANTONYM of the underlined I don’t like to work with 69. (3) 70. (3) 71. (2) 72. (4)
word. 73. (4) 74. (1) 75. (1) 76. (1)
T h e v i l l a ge f a i r w a s (1) Capable 77. (4) 78. (1) 79. (1) 80. (2)
cancelled due to incessant (2) Malleable 81. (1) 82. (4) 83. (4) 84. (3)
rains. (3) Open-ended 85. (4) 86. (1) 87. (4) 88. (3)
(1) Insistent (4) Rigid 89. (1) 90. (2) 91. (2) 92. (4)
(2) Daily 103.Select the most appropriate 93. (2) 94. (4) 95. (2) 96. (2)
(3) Sporadic ANTONYM of the underlined 97. (3) 98. (1) 99. (1) 100. (3)
(4) Continual word. 101. (2) 102. (4) 103. (3) 104. (3)
KD Publication 7 45. Antonyms (Previous Year Questions)
CHSL TIER-I, 2023 10. Acclimatise 20. Intensive
August 2 to 22, 2023
(1) Disarrange (1) Real (1) Earnings
(2) Prioritise (2) Dare (2) Amount
Select the most approp- (3) Placate (3) Fierce (3) Sale
riate ANTONYM of the (4) Decriminalise (4) Expense
given word. 11. Hostile 21. Extract 31. Punctual
1. Meagre (1) Hospitable (1) Insert (1) Dependable
(1) Regional (2) Bitter (2) Fry (2) Precise
(2) Racial (3) Nasty (3) Cut (3) Late
(3) Stupid (4) Aggressive (4) Pull (4) Ready
(4) Generous 12. Imminent 22. Pernicious 32. Attract
2. Fundamental
(1) Near (1) Malicious (1) Repel
(1) Impact
(2) Unstoppable (2) Wicked (2) Entice
(2) Neutral
(3) Distant (3) Injurious (3) Knock
(3) Least
(4) Link (4) Impending (4) Compassionate
3. Support 13. Copious 23. Witty 33. Falter
(1) Oppose (1) Galore (1) Serious (1) Stabilise
(2) Stay (2) Enough (2) Cynical (2) Suspect
(3) Bear (3) Unsparing (3) Callous (3) Haunt
(4) Stand (4) Meagre (4) Giddy (4) Transfer
4. Penury 14. Abrogate 24. Contemplate 34. Dominate
(1) Emergency (1) Establish (1) Ruminate (1) Protect
(2) Opulence (2) Eradicate (2) Disregard (2) Cover
(3) Regression (3) Demoralise (3) Meditate (3) Open
(4) Euphemism (4) Sabotage (4) Retract (4) Liberate
5. Stationary 15. Fierce 25. Harmony 35. Ambivalent
(1) Moving (1) Sore (1) Uniformity (1) Unpredictable
(2) Immobile (2) Gentle (2) Cognizance (2) Legitimate
(3) Permanent (3) Vast (3) Discordance (3) Unequivocal
(4) Stable (4) Noisy (4) Relegation (4) Irresistible
6. Sumptuous 16. Liable 36. Raciness
(1) Unremitting (1) Peaceful (1) Predicament (1) Filth
(2) Lucrative (2) Invulnerable (2) Mortgage (2) Perfection
(3) Inexpensive (3) Tending (3) Jeopardy (3) Lewdness
(4) Delectable (4) Responsible (4) Consolation (4) Obscenity
7. Grave 17. Despicable 27. Ludicrous 37. Elusive
(1) Native (1) Rational (1) Ridiculous (1) Explosive
(2) Frivolous (2) Deplorable (2) Insane (2) Affordable
(3) Foreign (3) Admirable (3) Wise
(4) Serious (4) Offensive (4) Pathetic (4) Rigid
8. Debilitating 18. Hamper 28. Fixation 38. Repeal
(1) Enfeebling (1) Obscure (1) Formulation (1) Approval
(2) Crippling (2) Reduce (2) Indifference (2) Expense
(3) Invigorating (3) Hinder (3) Inclination (3) Separation
(4) Undermining (4) Promote (4) Reformation (4) Adversity
9. Frugality 19. Inept 29. Hysterical 39. Guile
(1) Parsimony (1) Adorable (1) Controlled (1) Deceit
(2) Extravagance (2) Kind (2) Resolute (2) Treachery
(3) Providence (3) Skilful (3) Manful (3) Honesty
(4) Economy (4) Elegant (4) Shy (4) Terseness

KD Publication 8 45. Antonyms (Previous Year Questions)

40. Mean (1) feeble lity in sport and 56. The Tokyo
(1) Minute (2) drape fighting climate Games
(2) Noble (3) breach change. accelerated
(3) Notorious (4) hale (1) rejected energy policies
(4) Novel 48. Science has (2) headed in Japan,
41. Amateur been trying (3) established demonstrating
(1) Hobbyist innumerable (4) inducted how they could
(2) Devotee methods to prove 52. Majority of the
(3) Layman make steps
the existence people give
(4) Professional of the universe, towards a low-
importance to
42. Despicable but the biggest carbon economy
transient things.
(1) Rational pleasure of by powering the
(1) Temporary
(2) Deplorable science is its athletes’ village
(2) Monetary
(3) Admirable inability to (3) Permanent with hydrogen
(4) Offensive produce a single (4) Material from clean, green
43. Glad theory that 53. T h e m o u n t a i n sources.
(1) Jive explains the (1) inspiring
range looked non-
(2) Innocent whole universe. (2) exploring
(3) Sad (1) Inadequacy (3) collating
f r o m a f a r, b u t
(4) Haunt (2) Joy
the experienced (4) hiding
44. Serendipity (3) Fear
climbers were 57. Everyone should
(1) Tangibility (4) Blandness
undaunted by the be aware of the
(2) Misfortune 49. H i s d e l i b e r a t e
(3) Permanency activities brought challenge. possibly greater
(4) Tranquillity him fame. (1) Poised potential for
45. Awkward (1) Dishonour (2) Formidable natural disasters
(1) Graceful (2) Respect (3) Tranquil where they live and
(2) Meaningful (3) Sorrow (4) Huge what resources
(3) Innocent (4) Strength 54. My friend believes they have in case
(4) Huge 50. Our econom ies in supernatural these happen.
46. Comply and societies as elements in the (1) Maze
(1) Deny a whole need to universe.
(2) Certainty
(2) Engage become resilient (1) Magical
(3) Knot
(3) Assist to climate impacts. (2) Usual
(3) Unkind (4) Neuter
(4) Expect (1) intricate
(4) Unnatural 58. Her judicious act
Select the most (2) lint
appropriate (3) lapse 55. The doctor made him popular
ANTONYM of the (4) weak reassured overnight.
underlined word. 51. Measures adopted Raman that (1) Criminal
47. Wealthier by the International the lump (2) Unwise
countries are Olympic Commi- was benign, (3) Loyal
tt ee (IO C ) and which brought (4) Lawful
a commitment supported by the immense relief to 59. This novelist is
made in the UN have been both him and his known for his
Paris Agreement described as a family. verbosity.
to provide $100 ‘game changer’ for (1) Harsh (1) Vengeance
billion a year in future Olympic (2) Rugged (2) Succinctness
international events in terms of (3) Malignant (3) Humility
driving sustainabi- (4) Healthy (4) Candour
KD Publication 9 45. Antonyms (Previous Year Questions)
60. The injury was (2) Strenuous (2) Prudently (1) Liability
so severe that (3) Disobliging (3) Chaotically (2) Incredibility
he could not play (4) Gratifying (4) Serenely (3) Feasibility
again. 65. He was a liberal 70. One needs to be (4) Extempore
(1) implacable who believed free of prejudices 74. The newly selected
(2) tolerant that men were while dealing with secretary of the
(3) furious inherently judicial cases. party has a/an
(4) pungent superior to (1) Favours impeccable image
61. Bhagat Singh was (2) Discriminations
women in every among the public.
(3) Bigotries
w hos e mil itant aspect of life. (4) Equalities (1) Refurbished
activism and (1) conservative 71. It is a misconcep- (2) Blemished
revolutionary (2) tolerant tion that the more (3) Irresistible
fervour made (3) republican y o u le a rn , t h e (4) Arbitrary
him a symbol of (4) philanthropist more likely you 75. Your views related
resistance against 66. They realised that are to succeed. to morality are
the British Raj. the ghost was (1) Illusion outdated and
(1) Violent imperturbable. (2) Hallucination puritanical.
(2) Radical (1) exasperating (3) Fallacy (1) orthodox
(3) Moderate (2) startling (4) Certainty (2) prudish
(4) Ultra (3) excitable 72. D a r w i n d r e w (3) permissive
62. O n t h e da y o f (4) contaminating our attention (4) blasphemous
independence, a 67. S h e w a s i n a to the gradual 76. Many confessed
jubilant crowd state of ecstasy accumulation of after the physical
from all over the when she came to unfavourable torture by the
country cheered traits and its direct
know that her son cops.
and wept. relationship with
(1) Triumphant received a visa on the survival of those (1) Revealed
(2) Cryptic presumed lucky (2) Recognised
(3) Elated (1) Abash species, which then (3) Acknowledged
(4) Gloomy (2) Inspiration serve as breeding (4) Denied
63. (3) Agony grounds for more 77. Due to the weather
barren despite the (4) Joyfulness desirable traits. forecast that it
efforts of the local 68. (1) advantageous is going to rain
ad m i ni s t r a t i on in the company heavily here, all
and agricultural of an extremely (3) steady the arrangements
scientists. chivalrous man. (4) negative are in turmoil.
(1) Sterile (1) Noble 73. Conducting in- (1) Peace
(2) Unforgiving (2) Degraded depth research (2) Commotion
(3) Damp (3) Virtuous and analysis (3) Fuss
(4) Fertile (4) Courteous of a startup as (4) Uproar
64. Gandhi’s approach, part of creating
69. The preparations 78. T h e s i n g e r ’ s
while effective in an investment
for the picnic performance
mobilising large memo is an
segments of h a v e b e e n important step captivated the
Indian society, m e t i c u l o u s l y for potential audience and left
was criticised by completed by investors to them mesmerised.
some for being the programme evaluate the (1) Enthralled
passive and overly committee on viability and (2) Disillusioned
accommodating. time. potential of the
(1) Reconciling (1) Mesmerisingly startup. (4) Resisted
KD Publication 10 45. Antonyms (Previous Year Questions)
79. The jovial host (1) infamous (1) liberated understandable
welcomed his (2) treacherous (2) enslaved for her peers.
guests with a (3) livid (3) minds (1) Before
warm smile and (4) unyielding (4) modern (2) Excitement
a hearty laugh. 85. We were very much 89. Leisure (3) Peers
(1) Cheerful enthusiastic He was relaxing (4) Situation
(2) Petulant about our tour to and enjoying last 93. Select the most
(3) Buoyant Agra. week in Spain but appropriate
(4) Convivial now he is working ANTONYM of the
(1) obsessed
80. T h e i d e a o f word ‘Regularity’
investing all of (2) anxious
(1) enjoying fro m th e giv en
his life savings in (3) casual
(2) working sentence.
a risky startup (4) inclined (3) relaxing The doctor’s exami-
seemed like an act 86. Select the most (4) hard nation revealed
of lunacy to his a p p r o p r i a t e 90. Allegation
a significant
ANTONYM of the The lawyer’s cross- abnormality in the
(1) Sanity given word from examination patient’s cardiovas-
(2) Dismay the following tactics were cular system.
(3) Delusion sentence. designed to elicit
(4) Insanity (1) Examination
Suspicious incriminating (2) Abnormality
81. Although the testimony from
her to salvage her web server was the witness.
reputation after (4) Revealed
problematic, (1) Incriminating 94. Select the most
the scam. (2) Designed
Sudha was appropriate
(1) Claim (3) Tactics
(2) Recover certain that she ANTONYM of the
will submit her (4) Testimony word ‘Facilitated’
(3) Damage
(4) Rescue form on the portal 91. Select the most fro m th e giv en
by evening. appropriate
82. T h e r e w a s a n sentence.
(1) certain ANTONYM for
interminable The author’s
‘scarcity’ in the
struggle from his (2) problematic recent bout of
given sentence.
part in his fight (3) submit writer’s block
In spite of having
against cancer. (4) Portal had hindered her
ice glaciers across
(1) overwhelming 87. Decent typically prolific
the globe, people
(2) inappropriate My father taught don’t have excess output of novels.
(3) unsustainable me to be true and of fresh drinking (1) Bout
(4) intermittent ethical in business water.
83. We sell magazines, as dishonesty (1) Excess (3) Hindered
groceries and leads to downfall. (2) Water (4) Output
sundry articles. (1) dishonesty (3) Glaciers 95. Select the most
(1) Diverse (2) ethical (4) Fresh appropriate
(2) careless (3) downfall 92. Select the most ANTONYM for
(3) Scanty (4) true appropriate ‘copious’ in the
(4) Profuse A N T O N Y M f o r given sentence.
88. Empowered
84. The loyal nature ‘apprehension’ in To be a successful
People feel liberated
of the princess the given sentence. writer, you need
in modern demo-
was one of the Shradha was to have plenty of
cracies, yet it is
reasons that the never in such a words; otherwise
believed they are you will write
king trusted her situation before;
enslaved in their a meagre novel
very much. her excitement was
KD Publication 11 45. Antonyms (Previous Year Questions)
which won’t receive (1) Hyped 104. The sound of rain (simplified) than
good response from (2) Apathetic tapping against it already is.
the readers. (3) Excited the window was a (1) uniform
(1) Successful (4) Hopeful ____ (stimulating) (2) convoluted
(2) Plenty 99. I can’t believe that melody, lu lling (3) homogenous
(3) Meagre you’re __________ him to sleep. (4) unvaried
(4) Response (resolute) enough (1) Stressful 110. Select the appro-
96. Select the most to not even decide (2) Troubling priate ANTONYM
appropriate what you want for (3) Subduing of the underlined
ANTONYM for dinner. (4) Harsh
‘redeem’ in the (1) reluctant 10 5. After th e rain blank.
given sentence. (2) indecisive stopped, the air Our administration
Shantanu violated (3) disinclined smelled fresh and use____techniques
the rules of the (4) gullible clean, and the sun to get their work
100. The (friendly) dog ______ (stared) out done. They do
college when he
wagged its tail, from behind the not rely on overt
started screaming
while the ________ clouds. tactics.
and shouting in
cat hissed. (1) peeked (1) covert
the premises.
(1) loving (2) observed (2) apparent
(1) Screaming (2) welcoming
(2) Violated (3) spied (3) clear
(3) affectionate (4) surveyed (4) patent
(3) Premises (4) hostile
(4) Shouting 106.The___(chill) of the 111.We should try
101. I wanted to ask sun on his face
97. Select the most to pacify the
if you have an/a was a welcome
appropriate situation and not
____bank account. respite from the
ANTONYM for _____ it further.
Mi ne has been
‘refuse’ in the chilly morning air. (1) mitigate
dormant for a
given sentence. (1) glow (2) standardise
Shama was (2) blush (3) illustrate
(1) inert (2) side
allowed to visit the (3) warmth (4) aggravate
(3) active (4) quick
(4) brightness 112.Select the
accommodation 102.The smell of _____
107. ANTONYM of the
places for the (formerly) brewed
river is very word ‘dulcet’ to
devotees of the coffee wafted
through the air, rapid now. Let’s
go in when it’s a He has_____ words
(1) Allowed beckoning him to
little___________. for his opponents.
(2) Visit start his day.
(1) hitherto (1) fast (1) sweet
(3) Accommodation (2) penurious
(2) quickly (2) quick
(4) Shrine (3) delayed (3) enliven
98. Select the most (3) preserved
(4) subsequently (4) slow (4) harsh
appropriate 108.The gentle lapping 113.Select the
ANTONYM of the 103. Although she
w a s t ir e d , s he of waves _____(for) ANTONYM of the
word in brackets the shore was the
kept working on
her project, ____ only thing that in the blank.
Si n c e s h e h ad could be heard. Her bright blue
(indefinite) to
never travelled (1) across eyes ____everyone
abroad, she was (2) beneath in the party.
both ____________ (3) pro (1) disgust
(1) contingently
(CALM) and (2) bounded (4) against (2) vacillate
nervous for her (3) incensed 109.This route cannot (3) attract
upcoming trip. get more________ (4) amenable
(4) believed
KD Publication 12 45. Antonyms (Previous Year Questions)
114.Select the 64. (3) 65. (1) 66. (3) 3. The refreshing 11. Denounce
ANTONYM of the 67. (3) 68. (2) 69. (3) breeze blew (1) Praise
word ‘affable’ to through the open (2) Relieve
70. (4) 71. (4) 72. (1)
window, bringing (3) Criticise
We were entering 73. (2) 74. (2) 75. (3) (4) Dainty
relief from the
the _____ territory. 76. (4) 77. (1) 78. (2) summer heat. 12. Leniency
(1) aggravate 79. (2) 80. (1) 81. (3) (1) Bringing (1) Penalty
(2) sardonic 82. (4) 83. (3) 84. (2) (2) Blew (2) Favour
(3) hostile 85. (3) 86. (1) 87. (1) (3) Refreshing (3) Sternness
(4) amicable (4) Discard
88. (2) 89. (2) 90. (4) (4) Relief
115.Select the 13. Fraught
ANTONYM 91. (1) 92. (2) 93. (2) 4. Select the most
appropriate (1) Tranquil
of the word 94. (3) 95. (3) 96. (2)
ANTONYM of the (2) Calm
‘inadvertent’ to 97. (1) 98. (3) 99. (2) (3) Beset
given word.
100 (4) 101 (3) 102 (4) (4) Devoid
Everyone likes to Catastrophic
103 (2) 104 (3) 105 (1) (1) Calamity 14. Glad
speak in a clear
and ___ manner. 106 (3) 107 (4) 108 (4) (2) Fortuitous (1) Keen
(1) unintentional 109 (2) 110 (1) 111 (4) (3) Fiasco (2) Loyal
(2) peevish 112 (4) 113 (3) 114 (3) (4) Sabotage (3) Sad
(3) deliberate 115 (3) 5. Damp (4) Pleased
(4) impious (1) Misty
CPO TIER-I, 2023 (2) Arid (1) Topple
Answer Key (2) Lawful
October 3 to 6, 2023 (3) Tropical
1. (4) 2. (3) 3. (1) (3) Random
1. Select the most (4) Soaked
4. (2) 5. (1) 6. (3) appropriate (4) Stroll
6. Effective
7. (2) 8. (3) 9. (2) ANTONYM of the (1) Deniable
word ‘moving’ in (1) Cruel
10. (1) 11. (1) 12. (3) (2) Harmonious
the given sentence (2) Lethargic
(3) Fruitless
13. (4) 14. (1) 15. (2) and choose the (3) Soft
(4) Courteous (4) Friendly
16. (2) 17. (3) 18. (4) correct option. 7. Apathy
The old grandfather 17. Contempt
19. (3) 20. (4) 21. (1) (1) Interruption (1) Mockery
clock chimed loudly,
22. (4) 23. (1) 24. (2) (2) Ignorance (2) Deny
marking the passage
of time with its (3) Interest (3) Regard
25. (3) 26. (4) 27. (3) (4) Sincerity
steady tick - tock. (4) Immoral
28. (2) 29. (1) 30. (4) (1) Steady 8. Rejoinder 18. Defunct
31. (3) 32. (1) 33. (1) (2) Marking (1) Expedite (1) Stoicism
(3) Chimed (2) Reply (2) Extant
34. (4) 35. (3) 36. (2)
(4) Passage (3) Ordinary (3) Convoluted
37. (3) 38. (1) 39. (3) 2. The sweet melodi- (4) Request (4) Redundant
40. (2) 41. (4) 42. (3) ous symphony of 9. Asset 19. Vague
43. (3) 44. (2) 45. (1) (1) Mole (1) Elegant
room, transporting (2) Liability (2) Regal
46. (1) 47. (3) 48. (4) the listeners to a (3) Wealth
49. (1) 50. (4) 51. (1) world of beauty (4) Refuge (4) Dwarf
52. (3) 53. (2) 54. (2)
and emotion. 10. Placid 20. Brave
(1) Filled (1) Turbulent (1) Elegant
55. (3) 56. (4) 57. (2) (2) Melodious (2) Pensive (2) Cordial
58. (2) 59. (2) 60. (2) (3) Transporting (3) Pristine (3) Cowardly
61. (3) 62. (4) 63. (4) (4) Emotion (4) Destined (4) Courageous
KD Publication 13 45. Antonyms (Previous Year Questions)
21. Credit 31. Pervasive 41. Resolute developed for all
(1) Litigate (1) Clear (1) Serious caused a lot of
(2) Install (2) Emotional (2) Wavering damage.
(3) Debit (3) Limited (3) Steadfast (1) avarice
(4) Impute (4) Offensive (4) Brave (2) grace
22. Demolish 32. Priority 42. Together (3) oppression
(1) Inferior (1) Factor (1) Apart (4) sympathy
(2) Annihilate (2) Last (2) United 49. The negligent
(3) Unmethodical (3) Part (3) Freight attitude of
(4) Fabricate (4) Task (4) Engulf the cops was
23. Transparent 33. Ethical criticised.
(1) Crossover (1) Discord
(1) Impressive (1) attentive
(2) Linger (2) Joyous
(2) Peaceful (2) reluctant
(3) Opaque (3) Mourning
(4) Oppress (4) Immoral (3) Quiet (3) amplify
24. Abhor 64. Calm (4) Modest (4) bored
(1) Occupy (1) Turbulent 44. Superb 50. He is so stingy
(2) Despise (2) Shocked (1) Infallible that I have never
(3) Danger (3) Variable (2) Incorrigible seen him spending
(4) Love (4) Confused (3) Inferior money on basic
25. Apex 35. Sluggish (4) Splendid necessities.
(1) Pinnacle (1) Abnormal 45. Diversity (1) Wicked
(2) Bottom (2) Utterly (1) Block (2) Extravagant
(3) Farthest (3) Swift (2) Dilemma (3) Obnoxious
(4) Watchful (4) Slow (3) Uniformity (4) Indecent
26. Inquisitive 36. Profane (4) Heritage
(1) Careful (1) Perverse 51. After losing his
46. Migrate
(2) Dull (2) Immaterial job and his home,
(1) Stay
(3) Uninterested (3) Divine (2) Run he found himself
(4) Indolent (4) Barnyard (3) Die dest itute and
27. Bombastic 37. Hideous (4) Assume living on the
(1) Essential (1) Attractive 47. I d e n t i f y t h e streets.
(2) Sarcastic (2) Restorative ANTONYM of the (1) glorious
(3) Plain (3) Lament following word in (2) disturbed
(4) Rhythmic (4) Healthful
the given sentence.
28. Malice 38. Accurate
Languid (4) ridiculous
(1) Torsion (1) Correct
The animated infan- 52. They drank some
(2) Haughtiness (2) Inexact
(3) Kindness (3) Precise try was marching spurious drink
(4) Tremor (4) Reliable forward for another
and fainted.
29. Perfect 39. Decline rehearsal.
(1) infantry (1) curious
(1) Troublesome (1) Escape
(2) Limited (2) Ascend (2) rehearsal
(3) Unsatisfactory (3) Demonstrate (3) forward (3) nefarious
(4) Laughable (4) Traverse (4) animated (4) genuine
30. Authentic 40. Redemption 48. Select the most 53. The court
(1) Genuine (1) Salvation appropriate absolved the
(2) Fake (2) Blasphemy ANTONYM for the defendant of all
(3) Basic (3) Corrugation underlined word. charges due to
(4) Different (4) Conjunction The m a lic e he lack of evidence.
KD Publication 14 45. Antonyms (Previous Year Questions)
(1) accused 1. Halt 10. Border 19. Carry
(2) condemned (1) Hides (1) Partition (1) Leave
(3) attacked (2) Centre (2) Take
(4) criticised (3) Trigger (3) Boundary (3) Transfer
54. All members of (4) Captive (4) Surface (4) Haul
the association 2. Combative 11. Plight 20. Advent
adhere to a strict (1) Secular (1) Trouble (1) Departure
code of practice. (2) Agreeable (2) Arrival
(1) observe (3) Legacy (3) Travel (3) Attraction
(2) cling (4) Contentious (4) Land (4) Experience
3. Vengeance 12. Zenith 21. Decadent
(4) comply (1) Forgiveness (1) Summit
55. She has a penchant (2) Custom (2) Heaviness (2) Virtuous
for art and craft. (3) Requital (3) Astonishment
(1) anxiety (4) Compensation (4) Bottom (4) Fluorescent
(2) hatred 4. Undaunted 13. Jubilant 23. Timorous
(3) fear (1) Feisty (1) Despondent (1) Muggy
(4) joy (2) Indomitable (2) Thrilled (2) Badgered
(3) Cowardly (3) Imbecilic
Answer Key
(4) Impetuous (4) Static (4) Brazen
1. (1) 2. (2) 3. (4)
5. Unparalleled 14. Duty 24. Frequent
4. (2) 5. (2) 6. (3) (1) Option (1) Constant
(1) Barrier
7. (3) 8. (4) 9. (2) (2) Exemption (2) Rare
(2) Devastation
10. (1) 11. (1) 12. (3) (3) Loophole (3) Persistent
(3) Frequent
13. (4) 14. (3) 15. (3) (4) Selection (4) Recurring
(4) Strategies
16. (1) 17. (3) 18. (2) 6. Virtue 15. Grandeur 25. Frenzy
19. (3) 20. (3) 21. (3) (1) Acquire (1) Greatness (1) Copious
22. (4) 23. (3) 24. (4) (2) Stout (2) Harmony
25. (2) 26. (3) 27. (3) (3) Precise (3) Assignment (3) Obscurity
28. (3) 29. (3) 30. (2) (4) Vice (4) Permission (4) Haste
31. (3) 32. (2) 33. (4) 7. Brave 16. Mercurial 26. Nominal
64. (1) 35. (3) 36. (3) (1) Moving (1) Salacious (1) Identical
37. (1) 38. (2) 39. (2) (2) Fearless (2) Tranquil (2) Liberal
40. (2) 41. (2) 42. (1) (3) Coward (3) Flippant (3) Adroit
43. (4) 44. (3) 45. (3) (4) Adulterous (4) Bereaved (4) Excessive
46. (1) 47. (4) 48. (4) 8. Contentment 17. Abundance 27. Modest
(1) Sadness (1) Non-serious (1) Arrogant
49. (1) 50. (2) 51. (3)
(2) Pleasure (2) Miser (2) Generous
52. (4) 53. (1) 54. (3)
(3) Greatness (3) Meagreness (3) Unpretentious
55. (2)
(4) Meanness (4) Unpleasantness (4) Humble
STENO., 2023 9. Unsusceptible 18. Mitigate 28. Generous
12th, 13th Oct. 2023 (1) Reform (1) Altruist
(1) Vulnerable
Select the most (2) Development (2) Mend (2) Charitable
appropriate ANTONYM (3) Approximately (3) Aggravate (3) Kind
of the given word. (4) Intervention (4) Sharpen (4) Greedy

KD Publication 15 45. Antonyms (Previous Year Questions)

29. Comprehensive (1) execution (2) opting 43. The spirit of the room
(1) Exhaustive (3) conceal (4) culprit was very gloomy in his
(2) Through 38. Humility absence.
The little girl was humble (1) Grim (2) Cloudy
(4) Complete enough to negate the (3) Cheerful (4) Lonely
30. Ruthless ideology of her classmate 44. When William gets angry,
(1) Hostile (2) Lenient whose arrogance was he starts to act like an
indomitable. imbecile.
31. Opaque (1) arrogance (1) Pleasing (2) Cheerful
(2) indomitable (3) Intelligent (4) Fierce
(1) Conventional
(3) negate 45. The performance he gave
(2) Volatile
(4) humble was truly marvellous.
(3) Intelligible
39. Furious (1) Terrible
(4) Transient
The frantic leader was
32. General (2) Mesmerising
outraged at the failure
of his subordinate (3) Interesting
(2) Mixture who unexpectedly was (4) Long
(3) Composite unperturbed. Select the most appropriate
(4) Common (1) outraged ANTONYM of the bracketed
33. Absolve (2) frantic word in the following
(1) Gratify (2) Resolve (3) failure
(3) Pardon (4) Condemn (4) unperturbed 46. My favourite ________
34. Reluctantly 40. Lethargy (deface) of his home is
(1) Unwillingly The usually circumspect the large, farmhouse-style
personnel’s vigour for his kitchen.
(2) Smartly
duty was visible in his (1) build (2) dimension
(3) Fairly dealing with customers.
(4) Zealously (3) regard (4) fact
(1) vigour 47. The meadow was a _____
35. Compatible (2) visible
(1) Immaculate (wild) site, far removed
(3) usually
from the main roads and
(2) Helpful (4) circumspect
presentday habitation.
(3) Energetic Select the most appropriate
ANTONYM of the underlined (1) tranquil (2) strong
(4) Inconsistent
word in the given sentence. (3) enraged (4) frantic
36. Collapse
(1) Collaborate 41. It is a misconception Answer Key
(2) Slip that the more you learn; 1. (3) 2. (2) 3. (1) 4. (3)
the more likely you are 5. (3) 6. (4) 7. (3) 8. (1)
(3) Flounder
to succeed. 9. (1) 10. (2) 11. (2) 12. (4)
(4) Flourish
(1) Hallucination 13. (1) 14. (2) 15. (2) 16. (2)
Identify the ANTONYM of
(2) Fallacy
the following word in the 17. (3) 18. (3) 19. (1) 20. (1)
(3) Illusion
given sentence. 21. (2) 23. (4) 24. (2) 25. (2)
(4) Certainty
37. Divulge 42. One shou ld celebrate 26. (4) 27. (1) 28. (4) 29. (3)
The culprit surprised every triumph in life. 30. (2) 31. (3) 32. (1) 33. (4)
everyone by opting to (1) Milestone 34. (4) 35. (4) 36. (4) 37. (3)
conceal the secret (2) Victory 38. (1) 39. (4) 40. (1) 41. (4)
execution of his plans (3) Instrument 42. (4) 43. (3) 44. (3) 45. (1)
even after getting beaten (4) Defeat 46. (1) 47. (1)
by the police.
KD Publication 16 45. Antonyms (Previous Year Questions)

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