Neetu Singh Vocab Book - SSC 2023 - All - Antonyms-1
Neetu Singh Vocab Book - SSC 2023 - All - Antonyms-1
Neetu Singh Vocab Book - SSC 2023 - All - Antonyms-1
45 Antonyms
Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
CHSL TIER-II, 2023 Her dog can climb under (3) sympathetic
the fence. (4) nondiplomatic
02/11/2023 || 9 AM
(1) Over (2) Sink 6 . Select the most
1. Select the most (3) Behind (4) Beneath a p p r o p r i at e
appropriate ANTONYM 2. Select the most A NT O N Y M o f t h e
of the given word. appropriate ANTONYM of w o r d ‘O pt im i s t i c ’
Sharp the underlined word in the from the given
(1) Blunt (2) Kindled given sentence. sentence.
(3) Magnetic (4) Handy Henry is so servile After the incident, Radha
Answer Key that other people take prepared herself to stay
advantage of him. positive even in gloomy
1. (1)
(1) Arrogant (2) Sheepish days.
CPO TIER-II, 2023 (3) Bickering (4) Cunning (1) stay (2) incident
08/01/2024 || 9 AM 3. Select the most (3) positive (4) gloomy
appropriate ANTONYM 7. Select the most
1. Select the antonym of the appropriate ANTONYM
given word. of the underlined word.
of the word given in
deplore He was compelled by
(1) mourn (2) praise everyone to join the group.
(3) dislike (4) hate (1) Demur (2) Obscured
The gradual____ (curtail)
2. Select the antonym of the (3) Confessed (4) Induced in the expenditures made
given word. 4. Select the most them tensed.
taciturn appropriate ANTONYM (1) indent (2) innate
(1) laconic of the underlined word. (3) increase (4) insinuate
(2) reticent Do you know the old 8. Select the most
(3) withdrawn adage ‘the show must go appropriate ANTONYM
(4) loquacious on’? of the underlined word in
3. Select the most (1) Misconstruction the given sentence.
appropriate antonym of (2) Rebuke The thief was caught
the given word. (3) Dare with a spurious Picasso
FASTIDIOUS (4) Addiction painting.
5. Select the most (1) Fake (2) Stolen
(3) critical (4) indifferent appropriate ANTONYM (3) Splendid (4) Authentic
Answer Key of the word given in 9. Select the most
1. (2) 2. (4) 3. (4) appropriate ANTONYM of
blank. the underlined word in the
CGL TIER-I, 2023 Mr. Khanna is quite _____ given sentence.
14th to 27th July 2023 (ca llous ) to wa rd s the Israel has been a staunch
1. Select the most victims of earthquake. ally of the United States.
appropriate ANTONYM of (1) rationalistic (1) Resolute (2) Careless
the underlined word. (2) unsympathetic (3) Confused (4) Unsteady
KD Publication 1 45. Antonyms (Previous Year Questions)
10. Select the most (1) nationalist 22. Select the most
appropriate ANTONYM of (2) dutiful appropriate ANTONYM
the underlined word in the (3) traitor of the underlined word.
given sentence. (4) loyal She was upset seeing the
The Emperor was 17. Select the most scattered documents.
considered as a wicked appropriate ANTONYM (1) Perished
man. of the underlined word. (2) Dissipated
(1) Virtuous (2) Savage Lucy presented a (3) Sprinkled
(3) Flerce (4) Vile lucid account of her (4) Gathered
11. Select the most achievements before the 23. Select the most
appropriate ANTONYM appropriate ANTONYM
of the given word. of the underlined word.
(1) orderly
Derision The patient found the
(2) ambiguous
(1) Disintegration
(3) intelligible doctor to be obtuse and
(2) Termination
(4) transparent distracted by constant
(3) Admiration
18. Select the most calls on his phone.
(4) Estimation
appropriate ANTONYM of (1) astute (2) obese
12. Select the most
appropriate ANTONYM the underlined words in the (3) banal (4) obsolete
of the given word. given sentence 24. Select the most
Gullible Developed countries appropriate ANTONYM
(1) Credulous (2) Plant are at a disadvantage of the underlined word.
(3) Cynical (4) Simple to have access to He was uncomfor-table
13. Select the most modern science and at the sport event.
appropriate ANTONYM technologies. (1) Easeful
of the given word. (1) powered (2) privileged
Indolent (3) useless (4) unhappy (3) Awkward
(1) Lazy (2) Unskilled 19. Select the most (4) Troublesome
(3) Active (4) Sluggish appropriate ANTONYM 25. Select the most
14. Select the most of the given word. appropriate ANTONYM of
appropriate ANTONYM of Triumph the word ‘Sophistica-ted’
the underlined word. (1) Defeat from the given sentence.
Is there any portal to (2) Capture The tribe had no access
redeem these coupons (3) Attainment to modern technology or
that I have collected from (4) Succeed resources and had to rely
the store? on primitive tools and
20. Select the most
(1) forsake (2) deplore techniques for survival.
appropriate ANTONYM
(3) forfeit (4) embezzle (1) Technology
of the underlined word.
15. Select the most (2) Primitive
appropriate ANTONYM Ranen feels that the notion
of democracy is a farce. (3) Modern
of the given word. (4) Techniques
Indolent (1) Quotient (2) Law
(3) Reality (4) Portion 26. Choose the ANTONYM of
(1) Lazy (2) Unskilled the word ‘effervescent’ in
(3) Active (4) Sluggish 21. Select the most
appropriate ANTONYM the given sentence.
16. Select the most
of the given word. Sonali is bubbly and
appropriate ANTONYM
Wax carefree in comparison
of the underlined word.
(1) Polish (2) Cane to her sister Mitali’s
He regards himself as a
patriot. (3) Wail (4) Wane subdued nature.