Theo-Thy4-Obe Syllabus-Bs-Entrep

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Patronage of Mary Development School

S. Medida (Extension) Street, Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu

Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:





This course explores the dynamic interaction between Christian faith and the complexities of contemporary global society. Through theological inquiry and
ethical reflection, students will examine how the foundational principles of Christian teachings inform responses to pressing societal issues. Topics include the
Kingdom of God, social justice, human dignity, and ecological stewardship, among others.

Students will critically analyze the challenges and opportunities presented by diverse cultural, social, and political contexts, evaluating the relevance of
Christian values in addressing these issues. The course fosters dialogue and engagement with ethical dilemmas such as poverty, inequality, human rights
violations, and environmental degradation through the lens of Christian ethics.

Practical applications of Christian principles will be explored, empowering students to articulate informed and compassionate responses to moral and social
challenges. Drawing from biblical wisdom, theological insights, and contemporary scholarship, students will develop strategies for promoting justice,
reconciliation, and peace in both local and global communities.

Through rigorous academic inquiry, personal reflection, and collaborative discussion, students will deepen their understanding of what it means to live
authentically as Christians in the contemporary world. Emphasis will be placed on cultivating spiritual resilience, ethical discernment, and effective
communication skills necessary for active participation in shaping a more just and humane society.

IV. COURSE CREDIT: Units: 3 Lecture Hrs.: 54 hours (3 hours per week x 18 weeks) Laboratory Hrs.: 0



Patronage of Mary Development School
S. Medida (Extension) Street, Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:


The Patronage of Mary Development School (PMDS) Inc. considers the child as the center of the learning process. The learning environment,
the teachers, the parents, and the curriculum are essential in maximizing the child’s potential. PMDS education is based on the knowledge that each
child is a unique individual with his/her own biological and psychological make-up, interests, capabilities, and ways of viewing the modern world.


The Patronage of Mary Development School envisions A HUMANITY of and with CHILDREN who are joys to their families, heroes to their
communities, and champions of knowledge, love, and integrity.

The Patronage of Mary Development School is an institution of learning that promotes and exemplifies Filipino and Christ-centered values.

We cultivate proficient and socially conscientious individuals and lifelong learners in an environment that fosters education with superior
quality and sophistication.
Our mission is to provide sensible, appropriate, and transformational teaching-learning activities, which are responsive to the necessities of


IO Operational Indicators
Produce graduates who exemplify kindness and service to others a. Incorporate service-learning projects that
as a source of life's meaning and purpose allow students to engage in meaningful d. Provide opportunities for students to
community service. reflect on the impact of their service and
b. Establish a student-led volunteer how it connects to their overall purpose
organization that coordinates regular and sense of meaning.
volunteer activities. e. Collaborate with students
c. Recognize and celebrate students who organizations to create mentorship
demonstrate exceptional acts of kindness and programs that foster a culture of service.
service through awards and school-wide f. Invite guest speakers who have
events. dedicated their lives to serving others
Patronage of Mary Development School
S. Medida (Extension) Street, Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:

and inspire students to follow a similar

Promote and celebrate optimism, gratitude, and joy in learning and a. Implement mindfulness and positivity- d. Organize extracurricular activities and
living. focused activities in the classroom to cultivate events that promote a sense of community,
a growth mindset and a sense of well-being. camaraderie, and joy in learning.
b. Recognize and showcase student e. Provide professional development
achievements, both academic and personal, opportunities to learn strategies for
through school-wide celebrations and social fostering optimism, gratitude, and joy in
media platforms. the learning environment.
c. Encourage students to practice gratitude f. Incorporate the study of positive
and positive self-reflection through psychology and the science of
journaling, class discussions, or school-wide happiness into the course.
Hone righteous individuals who are genuine witnesses of God's a. Integrate discussions and activities that d. Incorporate reflective practices, such
love through the promotion of what is true, what is good, and what explore the concepts of truth, goodness, and as retreats or recollections, that allow
is beautiful. beauty across various subject areas. students to deepen their understanding of
b. Invite guest speakers and faith leaders to their faith and its application to their daily
share their perspectives on the connection lives.
between spirituality, morality, and the pursuit e. Recognize and celebrate students who
of excellence. demonstrate a strong moral character and
c. Establish a student-led faith-based a commitment to serving others through
organization or prayer group that provides awards or recognition
opportunities for spiritual growth and f. Collaborate with local faith-based
community engagement. organizations to provide service-learning
opportunities that align with the school's
mission and values.
Translate learning activities into an authentic expression and d. Collaborate with local artisans,
appreciation of our cultural heritage, natural resources, and a. Integrate the study of Philippine history, craftspeople, and environmental
Filipino values. art, literature, and cultural traditions across organizations to provide hands-on
various subject areas. learning opportunities that showcase the
b. Organize field trips and immersion value of traditional practices and
experiences that allow students to directly sustainable resource management.
engage with and appreciate the country's e. Encourage students to research and
natural resources and cultural heritage. showcase their own family's cultural
c. Incorporate indigenous Filipino games, traditions and their significance within the
Patronage of Mary Development School
S. Medida (Extension) Street, Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:

music, and art forms into the school's broader Filipino context.
extracurricular activities and events. f. Recognize and celebrate students who
demonstrate a deep appreciation and
understanding of their cultural identity and
the importance of environmental
Demonstrate a culture of excellence through mastery and a. Implement a comprehensive
application of essential and 21st-century skills curriculum that focuses on the d. Incorporate learning technologies
development of essential skills, such as and digital tools that enhance the
critical thinking, problem-solving, development and application of 21st-
communication, and collaboration. century skills.
b. Provide opportunities for students to e. Recognize and celebrate students
apply their knowledge and skills through who demonstrate exceptional growth
project-based learning, internships, or and achievement in essential and 21st-
other real-world century skills through awards or
learning experiences. school-wide recognition.
c. Encourage students to participate in f. Provide professional development
academic competitions, Academic opportunities to continuously enhance
challenges, or other extracurricular practices and stay up-to-date with the
activities that showcase their mastery of latest advancements in 21st-century
essential and 21st-century skills. education.


Upon completing the program, the graduates have the ability to:
1. Employ both practical and technical knowledge and skills that are relevant and timely through application of concepts theories and principles in the real-world
2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of various management concepts, theories, and principles requisite of a sound decision-making, as applied in both
individual and corporate settings.
3. Articulate their ideas through written and verbal forms and augment their views by taking advantage of accessible material sources.
4. Assimilate learned theories and principles that develop competitiveness and conscientious moral values in endeavors that promote nation-building.
5. Analyze and scan the environment to determine business opportunities and develop their profitability profiles from which entrepreneurial ventures can be
Patronage of Mary Development School
S. Medida (Extension) Street, Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:

6. Apply the basic concepts that underlie each of the functional areas of business (marketing, finance, human resource management, production and operations
management, information technology, and strategic management) and employ these concepts in various business situations.


At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of key theological concepts related to the Christian vision, including the Kingdom of God, social justice, and the dignity of
the human person.

2. Critically analyze contemporary societal issues through the lens of Christian ethics and teachings, such as poverty, environmental stewardship, and human

3. Evaluate the challenges posed to living out the Christian faith in a pluralistic and globalized world.

4. Articulate a personal and informed Christian response to moral dilemmas and ethical issues facing individuals and communities today.

5. Explain the role of Christian spirituality in sustaining and guiding a life committed to living out the Christian vision in contemporary society.

6. Engage in respectful dialogue with others of different faith traditions or secular perspectives on issues relevant to the Christian vision.

7. Synthesize biblical, theological, and ethical principles to propose practical strategies for promoting justice, reconciliation, and peace in society.

8. Apply Christian ethical principles to personal and professional contexts, including decision-making processes and social advocacy.

9. Demonstrate proficiency in written and oral communication of theological ideas, ethical arguments, and personal reflections on the challenges and
opportunities of living the Christian vision in today's world.

10. Integrate personal faith experiences with theological learning to develop a holistic understanding of what it means to live as a Christian in contemporary
Patronage of Mary Development School
S. Medida (Extension) Street, Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:


Course Learning Intended Teaching and

Outcomes (CLO) Learning TOPICS Learning Assessment Resources Week
Outcomes Activities
(ILO) (Methodology)
General Orientation Be able to get A.1 School Officials Online Class Google Student’s Hand Week 1
acquainted with the a. The Executive Lecture- Classroom for; Book and School
organizational chart Committee Discussion Manual on
of the school A. The Graduate NA School Rules and
Studies Regulations
school philosophies, B. Faculty Members
mission-vision C. Institutional,
D. Program
and Outcomes

A.2. Rules and Regulations

A. Proper Decorum
B. Attendance
C. Evaluation Criteria
D. Grading System

A.3 Academic Requirements and

A. Reports and Projects
B. Academic Prompts and
C. Examination

A.4 Classroom Management

A. Class Consultations
Patronage of Mary Development School
S. Medida (Extension) Street, Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:

B. Individual Counseling
Articulate and apply Analyze and Living the Christian Vision in Lecture- True or false "The Social Weeks
Christian ethical evaluate key the Contemporary World: Discussion Teaching of the 2-3
principles to theological and Exploring Christian Ethics and Christian
contemporary ethical concepts Social Engagement Multimedia Reflection paper Churches" by
societal issues, presented in the presentation John T.
demonstrating a recommended texts, Written Pawlikowski
comprehensive such as social Reflection
understanding of the justice, Brainstorming "Just Mercy: A
Christian vision in environmental Quiz Story of Justice
the modern world. stewardship, and the and Redemption"
dignity of human life. Think-Pair-Share by Bryan
Critically examine Reflective Teaching
the relevance of "The Care of
Christian teachings Creation:
in addressing Focusing Concern
contemporary global and Action" edited
challenges, including by R.J. Berry
poverty, inequality,
and environmental YouTube Videos
Resource person
Synthesize biblical
wisdom, theological Online/Website
insights, and learning materials
scholarship to
propose practical
strategies for
promoting justice,
reconciliation, and
Patronage of Mary Development School
S. Medida (Extension) Street, Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:

peace in diverse
cultural contexts.
Examine the ethical Analyze key ethical Ethical Challenges in the Lecture- True or false "The Social Week 4
implications of principles and Contemporary World: Discussion Teaching of the
Christian teachings theological Christian Perspectives on Christian
and their application in perspectives from Multimedia Reflection paper Churches" by
Bioethics, Technology, and
addressing the recommended presentation John T.
contemporary moral readings, such as Global Justice Written Pawlikowski
dilemmas, justice, human Reflection
demonstrating a dignity, and the Brainstorming "Just Mercy: A
deepened common good. Quiz Story of Justice
understanding of and Redemption"
ethical reasoning and Evaluate the Think-Pair-Share by Bryan
social responsibility. relevance of Stevenson
Christian ethics in Reflective Teaching
responding to "The Care of
complex issues Creation:
including bioethics, Focusing Concern
technology, global and Action" edited
migration, and by R.J. Berry
economic justice.
YouTube Videos
theological insights Resource person
with ethical
reasoning to Online/Website
propose informed learning materials
and compassionate
responses to moral
challenges in
diverse cultural and
global contexts.
Patronage of Mary Development School
S. Medida (Extension) Street, Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:


Understanding of Analyze theological Christian Peacebuilding and Lecture- True or false "The Social Week 6
Christian perspectives themes related to Reconciliation: Ethics, Discussion Teaching of the
on peacebuilding and peace and Theology, and Practice Christian
reconciliation, reconciliation Multimedia Reflection paper Churches" by
integrating theological presented in the presentation John T.
insights with practical recommended Written Pawlikowski
strategies for fostering readings, including Reflection
peace in conflict- forgiveness, justice, Brainstorming "Just Mercy: A
affected communities. and healing. Quiz Story of Justice
and Redemption"
Evaluate the role of Think-Pair-Share by Bryan
Christian principles Stevenson
in promoting Reflective Teaching
peacebuilding efforts "The Care of
in contexts of Creation:
conflict, violence, Focusing Concern
and social unrest. and Action" edited
by R.J. Berry
theological YouTube Videos
reflections with
practical approaches Resource person
to facilitate
reconciliation, Online/Website
promote interfaith learning materials
dialogue, and
support sustainable
peace initiatives.
Articulate a coherent Analyze and Living the Christian Faith in a Lecture- True or false "The Social Week 7
understanding of interpret theological Pluralistic World: Ethics, Discussion Teaching of the
Patronage of Mary Development School
S. Medida (Extension) Street, Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:

Christian theological concepts from the Justice, and Cultural Christian

principles and their recommended Engagement Multimedia Reflection paper Churches" by
application to readings, such as presentation John T.
contemporary societal love, justice, and Written Pawlikowski
challenges, reconciliation, within Reflection
demonstrating an the context of Brainstorming "Just Mercy: A
ability to critically contemporary global Quiz Story of Justice
engage with complex issues. and Redemption"
ethical issues. Think-Pair-Share by Bryan
Evaluate the ethical Stevenson
implications of Reflective Teaching
Christian teachings "The Care of
on topics such as Creation:
poverty alleviation, Focusing Concern
environmental and Action" edited
stewardship, and by R.J. Berry
social justice.
YouTube Videos
theological insights Resource person
and ethical
principles to propose Online/Website
practical strategies learning materials
for promoting human
flourishing and
societal well-being in
diverse cultural and
Demonstrate an Critically analyze Living the Gospel: Christian Lecture- True or false "The Social Weeks
advanced theological insights Ethics and Social Responsibility Discussion Teaching of the 8-9
understanding of from the in the Modern Age Christian
Patronage of Mary Development School
S. Medida (Extension) Street, Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:

Christian theological recommended Multimedia Reflection paper Churches" by

perspectives and their readings concerning presentation John T.
practical application in themes such as Written Pawlikowski
addressing compassion, Reflection
contemporary societal solidarity, and Brainstorming "Just Mercy: A
issues, fostering a prophetic witness. Quiz Story of Justice
commitment to ethical and Redemption"
living and social Evaluate the Think-Pair-Share by Bryan
justice. relevance of Stevenson
Christian teachings Reflective Teaching
in responding to "The Care of
complex global Creation:
challenges, including Focusing Concern
economic inequality, and Action" edited
environmental by R.J. Berry
sustainability, and
human rights. YouTube Videos

Synthesize Resource person

theological principles
with practical Online/Website
strategies to learning materials
advocate for justice
and promote
change in local and
global communities.
Demonstrate a critical Analyze theological Christian Ecology: Ethics, Lecture- True or false "The Social Week
understanding of concepts related to Theology, and Environmental Discussion Teaching of the 11
Christian perspectives creation care and Responsibility Christian
on environmental environmental Multimedia Reflection paper Churches" by
Patronage of Mary Development School
S. Medida (Extension) Street, Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:

stewardship and stewardship as presentation John T.

sustainability, presented in the Written Pawlikowski
integrating theological recommended Reflection
insights with practical readings, including Brainstorming "Just Mercy: A
actions for ecological themes of creation, Quiz Story of Justice
responsibility. justice, and and Redemption"
sustainability. Think-Pair-Share by Bryan
Evaluate the ethical Reflective Teaching
implications of "The Care of
Christian teachings Creation:
on environmental Focusing Concern
issues such as and Action" edited
climate change, by R.J. Berry
biodiversity loss, and
resource YouTube Videos
Resource person
theological Online/Website
reflections with learning materials
practical strategies
to advocate for
justice, promote
practices, and
engage in ecological
restoration efforts.
Demonstrate a Analyze the Spiritual Formation for Social Lecture- True or false "The Social Week
nuanced understanding relationship between Justice: Integrating Faith, Discussion Teaching of the 12
of the intersection Christian spirituality Compassion, and Action Christian
Patronage of Mary Development School
S. Medida (Extension) Street, Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:

between Christian and social justice as Multimedia Reflection paper Churches" by

spirituality and social explored in the presentation John T.
justice, integrating recommended Written Pawlikowski
theological insights readings, Reflection
with personal and emphasizing themes Brainstorming "Just Mercy: A
communal practices of of love, compassion, Quiz Story of Justice
faith. and solidarity. and Redemption"
Think-Pair-Share by Bryan
Evaluate the role of Stevenson
Christian spiritual Reflective Teaching
practices in fostering "The Care of
personal Creation:
transformation and Focusing Concern
engagement with and Action" edited
societal challenges, by R.J. Berry
including poverty,
discrimination, and YouTube Videos
stewardship. Resource person

Synthesize Online/Website
theological learning materials
reflections with
practical strategies
to cultivate a
spiritually grounded
commitment to
social justice and
ethical living in
Patronage of Mary Development School
S. Medida (Extension) Street, Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:

Articulate a Analyze theological Christian Ethics and Economic Lecture- True or false "The Social Week
comprehensive themes related to Justice: Theology, Poverty Discussion Teaching of the 14
understanding of poverty, economic Alleviation, and Social Christian
Christian perspectives justice, and human Multimedia Reflection paper Churches" by
on poverty alleviation dignity as explored presentation John T.
and economic justice, in the recommended Written Pawlikowski
integrating theological readings. Reflection
insights with practical Brainstorming "Just Mercy: A
strategies for Evaluate the role of Quiz Story of Justice
promoting human Christian ethics in and Redemption"
dignity and social addressing systemic Think-Pair-Share by Bryan
equity. inequalities, poverty Stevenson
cycles, and Reflective Teaching
economic "The Care of
disparities. Creation:
Focusing Concern
Synthesize and Action" edited
theological by R.J. Berry
reflections with
practical approaches YouTube Videos
to advocate for
economic justice, Resource person
support marginalized
communities, and Online/Website
empower learning materials
Develop a nuanced Analyze theological Christian Responses to Lecture- True or false "The Social Week
understanding of concepts related to Migration and Refugees: Discussion Teaching of the 15-16
Christian perspectives migration, refugees, Theology, Ethics, and Social Christian
on migration, refugees, and hospitality as Multimedia Reflection paper Churches" by
Patronage of Mary Development School
S. Medida (Extension) Street, Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:

and hospitality, presented in the presentation John T.

integrating theological recommended Written Pawlikowski
insights with practical readings, including Reflection
actions for promoting themes of Brainstorming "Just Mercy: A
compassion, justice, compassion, justice, Quiz Story of Justice
and solidarity. and human rights. and Redemption"
Think-Pair-Share by Bryan
Evaluate the ethical Stevenson
implications of Reflective Teaching
Christian teachings "The Care of
on issues such as Creation:
displacement, Focusing Concern
migration policies, and Action" edited
and the rights of by R.J. Berry
migrants and
refugees. YouTube Videos

Synthesize Resource person

reflections with Online/Website
practical strategies learning materials
to advocate for
migrant rights,
support refugee
resettlement efforts,
and engage in
intercultural dialogue
and reconciliation.
Demonstrate a Analyze theological Christian Ethics in a Digital Lecture- True or false "The Social Week
deepened themes related to Age: Technology, Innovation, Discussion Teaching of the 17
understanding of technology and and Moral Responsibility Christian
Christian perspectives digital culture as Multimedia Reflection paper Churches" by
Patronage of Mary Development School
S. Medida (Extension) Street, Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:

on technology, ethics, explored in the presentation John T.

and digital culture, recommended Written Pawlikowski
integrating theological readings, including Reflection
insights with critical themes of creation, Brainstorming "Just Mercy: A
analysis of stewardship, and Quiz Story of Justice
contemporary human flourishing. and Redemption"
technological issues. Think-Pair-Share by Bryan
Evaluate the ethical Stevenson
implications of Reflective Teaching
Christian teachings "The Care of
on technology, Creation:
including issues Focusing Concern
such as privacy, and Action" edited
artificial intelligence, by R.J. Berry
and digital ethics.
YouTube Videos
theological Resource person
reflections with
practical strategies Online/Website
to engage learning materials
responsibly with
technology, promote
digital justice, and
foster ethical uses of
digital media and


A. Attendance not less than 80% of the required class hours
B. Class participation during discussion
Patronage of Mary Development School
S. Medida (Extension) Street, Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:

C. Course Assignments: A variety of short exercises and activities will be required in the course


Students are evaluated to determine whether learning objectives and competencies have been attained. Included in the evaluation techniques use by Dr. Carlos S.
Lanting College are the following:
1. Instructor’s judgment through oral recitation
2. Seat works, activities, dynamic exercises, quizzes
3. Research/field/library work, project output
4. Major examinations, oral
presentation, and/or other
necessary evaluation tools.

The average system of rating under graduate subjects is as follows:
1.00 ………………………….. 98- 100%
1.25 ………………………….. 95 -97%
1.50 ………………………….. 92 -94%
1.75 ………………………….. 89 -91%
2.00 ………………………….. 86 -88%
2.25 ………………………….. 83 -85%
2.50 ………………………….. 80 -82%
2.75 ………………………….. 76 -79%
3.00 ………………………….. 75 -passed
5.00 ………………………….. 74&below-Failed

Minimum Rating for passing the course in the graduate studies is 2.0
Bases for Grading:
A. Non-Laboratory Subjects
1. Class Standing- This includes recitation, participation in daily activities, and/or projects or term papers/reports and behavior.
Patronage of Mary Development School
S. Medida (Extension) Street, Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:

2. Major Examination - This includes the Preliminary, Midterm and Final Examinations [(Prelim Grade + Midterm Grade + Final Grade) / 3 = General
3. Quizzes
4. Attendance

THE AVERAGING SYSTEM of reporting shall be followed

a. Attendance 10%
b. Class Standing 20%
c. Quizzes 30%
d. Major Exam 40%

The maximum hours of accumulated absences that may be allowed are:
For 5 units Subject.........................................15 class hours
For 4 units Subject.........................................12 class hours
For 3 units Subject.........................................9 class hours
For 2 units Subject.........................................6 class hours
For 1 units Subject.........................................1 class hours
Students who have incurred absences more than the maximum allowed in a particular subject as well as those who fail to drop officially a subject before the
second periodical examinations shall get a grade of 5.0 in full subject.

XIII. REFERENCES: (Note: List down updated and appropriate/ suitable textbooks and references.)

1. "The Social Teaching of the Christian Churches" by John T. Pawlikowski

2. "Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption" by Bryan Stevenson

3. "The Care of Creation: Focusing Concern and Action" edited by R.J. Berry
Patronage of Mary Development School
S. Medida (Extension) Street, Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:

Prepared by:


Reviewed and Verified by:


Program Chair

Approved by:


School President

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