Aircraft Pitch Roll Dynamics
Aircraft Pitch Roll Dynamics
Aircraft Pitch Roll Dynamics
Eugene Lavretsky
1. Aircraft Dynamics
Neglecting thrust effects, while assuming constant true airspeed VT , zero yaw rate r = 0 ,
and zero sideslip angle β = 0 , the resulting aircraft open-loop pitch and roll dynamics
can be written in its approximate form (see [1], pp. 80 – 85):
The aircraft coordinate system (body axes) and the corresponding variables are shown in
Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1: Definition of Aircraft Axes and Angles
The first two equations in (1.1) represent the so-called short-period dynamics. It has 2
degrees-of-freedom: angle of attack (AOA) α and pitch rate q . The 3rd term in the AOA
dynamics is the gravity component with g = 32.174 ft sec 2 . It depends on the aircraft
pitch angle θ and the roll angle φ . Their dynamics is shown in the 3rd and the 5th
equations, respectively. The roll angle dynamics primarily depends on the aircraft roll
rate p . The dynamics of the latter is given by the 4th equation, where the 1st term is due
to the inertial coupling between the aircraft roll and pitch motion. All angles in (1.1) are
given in radians.
L = L0 (α ) + Lδ δ e (1.2)
where L0 (α ) is the baseline lift force, Lδ is the lift effectiveness due to elevator
deflection δ e , (1st control input).
M = M 0 (α ) + M q q + M δ δ e (1.3)
L p = L p (α ) p + Lδ δ a (1.4)
where L p (α ) denotes the roll damping, Lδ is the aileron effectiveness, and δ a is the
aileron deflection, (2nd control input).
Furthermore, in (1.1) m denotes the aircraft mass, and the constants c2 , c3 , c6 , c7 are
defined by the aircraft moments of inertia. They are:
⎢ c2 =
( Jxx − J y y + Jzz ) Jxz , c = Jzz
⎢ ( J x x J z z − J x2z ) 3
( J x x J z z − J x2z )
⎢ (1.5)
⎢ Jxz 1
⎢ c6 = , c7 =
⎣ Jyy Jyy
From the state space point of view, the aircraft model (1.1) represents a 5 – dimensional
nonlinear dynamical system, whose state vector
x p = (α q θ p φ)
δ = (δ e δ a )
Aircraft vertical load factor ∆nz (incremental, positive up, g-s) and the roll angle φ are
the two output signals to be controlled.
y = ( nz φ )
Neglecting thrust effects, the equation used for nz can be written as [2]:
nz =
( D sin α + L cos α ) − cosθ cos φ (1.9)
where D is the aircraft total drag force. Note that in a steady-state wings-level flight and
assuming small angles, (α ( t ) ≈ θ ( t ) ≈ φ ( t ) ≈ 0 ) , aircraft total lift force L equals to the
gross weight m g , and consequently the vertical load factor becomes approximately zero.
nz ≈ −1 = 0
Remark 1.1
The system (1.1) defines the aircraft motion starting at an equilibrium. In that sense, the
dynamics is incremental relative to a trimmed AOA value α ( 0 ) and a trimmed elevator
deflection δ e ( 0 ) . The model initial conditions needs to be chosen such that α ( 0 ) = θ ( 0 )
and starting with the trimmed elevator deflection δ e ( 0 ) . The rest of the states can be
initialized arbitrarily.
Remark 1.2
Suppose that the roll damping L p is constant. Also suppose that the roll angle φ is zero.
Then the aircraft dynamics reduces to a nonlinear model for longitudinal-only motion.
⎧ ( L0 (α ) + Lδ δ e ) + q + g cos θ − α
⎪α = − ( )
⎪ mVT VT
⎨q = c7 ( M 0 (α ) + M q q + M δ δ e ) (1.10)
⎪θ = q
Note that in (1.10), the quantity γ = θ − α is called the flight path angle. This is the angle
between the aircraft true velocity vector VT and the horizon.
Remark 1.3
Suppose that the roll damping L p does not depend strongly on α . Assume that initially,
the weight of the aircraft is balanced by its lift force, that is: L (α ( 0 ) ) = m g , and the
trimmed pitching moment is zero, that is: M 0 (α ( 0 ) ) = 0 . In addition, suppose that the
angles (α , θ , φ ) and the angular rates ( p, q ) are sufficiently small. Introduce the lift
force and the pitching moment slopes:
∂ L (α ) ∂ M (α )
Lα = , Mα = (1.11)
∂α α =α ( 0 )
∂α α =α ( 0 )
Then the nonlinear aircraft model (1.1) decouples into two well-known linear pitch and
roll dynamics.
⎧ ( Lα α + Lδ δ e ) + q
⎪α = −
⎪ mVT
( Linear Pitch Dynamics ) : ⎨q = c7 ( M α α + M q q + M δ δ e )
⎪θ = q
⎧⎪ p = c3 ( Lp p + Lδ δ a )
( Linear Roll Dynamics ) : ⎨
⎪⎩φ = p
Note that the two models are valid only near a trimmed flight condition, for small angles,
and for small angular rates. Often the two models in (1.12) are used to perform pitch and
roll control designs, independently of each other.
2. F-16 Dynamics
In this section F-16 aerodynamic data from [1] are presented. The aircraft is shown in
Figure 2.1.
The aircraft nominal weight W (lbs), moments of inertia (slug-ft2), wing span bw (ft),
wing area S w (ft2), wing cord length cw (ft), and the reference CG location (ft), are
summarized in the table below.
Control surface position and rate limits, as well as the actuator time constants are as
Table 2.2: F-16 Position / Rate Limits and Actuator Time Constants
Figures 2.2 through 2.7 show F-16 aerodynamic data, computed at a trimmed flight
Figure 2.2: Lift vs. AOA at zero elevator deflection
Find elevator and aileron deflections (1.7) such that the vertical load factor nz (1.9) and
the roll angle φ track their desired bounded commands, while the rest of the signals in
the system remain bounded.
More specifically, using the F-16 data from Section 2, the following control subtasks
need to be executed:
a) Design a baseline controller for the system described by (1.1) to track constant nz and
φ commands, using aircraft nominal parameter values. The baseline controller can be
designed using classical, linear, gain scheduled, or any other nonlinear design
approach. Simulate the closed-loop tracking performance for various commanded
sequences of steps in both the commanded load factor nzcmd and the commanded roll
angle φcmd .
b) Introduce uncertainties into the aircraft aerodynamic parameters such that the baseline
closed-loop performance degrades significantly.
d) Add 2nd order elevator / aileron actuator dynamics. Test and simulate closed-loop
system tracking performance.
[1] Stevens, B.L., Lewis F.L., Aircraft Control and Simulation, John Wiley &Sons, Inc.,
[2] Brumbaugh, R.W., Aircraft Model for the AIAA Controls Design Challenge, Journal
of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 17., No. 4, July – August, 1994.