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Preparation Checklist for MLC Audit – Graham Shipping Co.

MLC Compliance – Checklist

(The responsible person for each inspection is noted in the parenthesis)

Items Measures to be checked tick

1. Responsibilities Company’s MLC representative is DPA.

For MLC implementation onboard is Master.
Crew representative for MLC matters is the Master (see PDP – 11).
2. Certificates • DMLC Part I & II (1st Pages),
(Master) • P&I Club Financial Security Coverage & MLC Certificate must be
displayed in Mess rooms.
• The latest valid MLC Certificate should be posted in the Mess
➢ See also 7.2 below.
3. Complaint The procedure is described in VOP-G-05 (3 pages) within SMM.
Procedures Suggest this procedure to be displayed in the Mess rooms.
(Ch. Officer) - Complaint form VOP-G-05/A shall be provided to all
crewmembers along with their copy of contract (employment
agreement). Make sure that all of them hold a copy of VOG-G-05/A
4. Contract of All contracts (COEs) must be kept by the Master as original.
Employment [COE] A copy of his/her COE shall be retained by each seafarer
(Master) individually.
Each COE must be duly endorsed by both the Company and
5. Medical Certificate All medical certificates shall be in English and valid for a maximum
(3rd Mate – C/O period of two (2) years and certificates of color vision shall be valid
Master) for a maximum period of six (6) years.
Make sure that all crew onboard have valid certificates.
6. Personnel Original Seafarer’s Certificates + Flag Endorsements must be
Certification, available on board and must be kept in a folder within Master’s
endorsements cabin.
((3rd Mate – C/O - Where endorsements are not available, the Panama’s Temporal
Master) Certification (CT), valid for 3 months, must be available. Please
refer to ODP-C – 01/C.
- Chief Cook has underwent a proper training (MLC cert).
7. Familiarization 1. See below the familiarization documents should be completed:
(Ch. Officer) ➢ VOP G 03 A Familiarization for deck officers.
➢ VOP G 03 B Familiarization for Engine officers.
➢ VOP G 03 C Familiarization for ratings/ supernumeraries.
2. In reference the Familiarization with MLC convention:
➢ VOP G 03 A / item 24.
➢ VOP G 03 B / item 28.
➢ VOP G 03 C / item 19.
8. Safe manning Under no circumstances, the vessel can sail with being compliant to
(Master) her Minimum Safe Manning Certificate.
Sailing is only allowed with Flag State dispensation letter.
9. New Personnel Must be at least 18 years of Age and fully certified.
employment A good familiarization to be carried out including safety permit
(Ch. Officer) system. Hot Work, Enclosed Space, working aloft etc.

10. Health & Safety At least once a month, a H&S meeting (VOP-S-01/A) must be
(Ch. Officer) held.

11. Inspections Weekly - Of Galley, Storerooms, Fridges, Mess Rooms, Hospital,

(health & Safety): medical room, and Lounges where applicable and Fresh Water
(Ch. Officer & Chief using the form VOP-S-02/A. (rev 02 – 31/03/2023)

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Preparation Checklist for MLC Audit – Graham Shipping Co.

Items Measures to be checked tick

Cook) 1. Entry to be made in Official Logbook. including quality of Food
and Fresh Water.
2. Monthly – A thorough inspection of all accommodation and
sanitation including working places. Any deficiencies must be
noted. Notation to be made in the official logbook.

12. Water Analysis Fresh water + Potable Water.

(Ch. Officer) 1. To be checked of good quality, adequate quantity, clean,
suitable for use. Recent water analysis to exist onboard.
2. Check quantity, storage, and expiry dates of bottled water (if
3. Check sterilizing equipment (in galley or E/R, if any) to be in
good condition as per manufacturers’ instructions.
4. Fresh/ Drinking water testing intervals (for bacterial and
chemical contamination) not to exceed six (6) month time.
13. Wages The Master should have a signed receipt (monthly account),
(Master) within the MGA account, for the payment of wages of each crew
member, at least for the completed months the crew member
has spent onboard.

14. Maintenance FW 1. All the inspections, cleaning and maintenance carried out on
Supply / facilities Fresh Water Tanks, Filling Facilities including hoses must be
(Ch. Officer) recorded and maintained on board for at least 3 years.
2. Tanks must be inspected at least once every 6 months. They
must be cleaned at least once every year. Hoses used for fresh
water supply “only” must be disinfected after use.
15. Medical Care Records must be maintained for any medical facilities used,
(Ch. Officer – 2/O) indicating person receiving these medicines etc. (Ships Medical Log
Book). Records must also be maintained when personnel have to
visit a doctor ashore (form VOP-S-02/B).
16. Medical Chest All medicines to be maintained in a good condition, and expired
(Ch. Officer – 2/O) medicines must be removed and replaced as soon as possible.
(Next convenient port).
- First aid kits should exist in ER, Chemical Locker, Lifeboats and
the galley.
17. Hours of Work and 1. Table of Shipboard Working Arrangements (VOP G 01/C) shall
Rest be posted in the Bridge, ECR and in the Galley.
(Ch. Officer – Chief 2. No person is allowed to work more than 14 hours per day –
Engineer) except for an emergency. The rest period must be at least 10
hours per day, broken down into a maximum of two periods of
which one period must be at least 6 hours duration.
3. Over a period of 7 days, the average hours of rest must be at
least 77 hours duration.
4. At the end of each month – the Seafarer must receive a copy of
his/her hours of work/rest (VOP G 01/B) – for which must be
signed by person in charge and the seafarer.
5. A copy to be maintained by Ch. Officer (deck) and Ch. Engineer
(engine), as proof of compliance.
18. Duties of work At sea, during periods of darkness or reduced visibility – No Flag State will
(Master – Chief allow the bridge to be manned with only one watch keeper.
There must be a lookout appointed. (Under STCW an officer watch keeper
is not classed as a lookout). In periods of daylight – good visibility – the
Master is allowed to reduce bridge manning down to just the officer, but
the lookout for the watch shall be kept within easy contact distance in
case of immediate need.

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Preparation Checklist for MLC Audit – Graham Shipping Co.

Items Measures to be checked tick

19. Health & Safety Accident prevention must be progressed by all persons on board.
(Master – Chief Any time that a person proceeds outside without use of
Officer) appropriate PPE.
Make sure that all crew have safety shoes, boiler suits, hard hats,
gloves, safety goggles, etc. in accordance with VOP S 02E “PPE
20. Publications - Publications required under MLC should be readily available
(2/Officer) onboard. Check VOP B – 05/A (rev. 4/ 31/01/23)
- Accident prevention: especially within the Code of Safe Working
Practices – must be kept up to date. (Normally, there is an annual
update available).
MLC convention 2006 to exist in hardcopy at least in one mess
21. Recreational Facilities All recreational facilities to be in good condition/ working.
(Chief Officer) At least TV sets, DVD players and games to exist on each vessel.

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