Rafaels Second Coloring Book
Rafaels Second Coloring Book
Rafaels Second Coloring Book
Right at the center of the creation of all my coloring books there has Using this Instagram account I have published several numbered and
always been nothing but the underlying joy of using geometry to give detailed exercises that have been useful to those interested in this
free rein to my creative needs within an orderly (and perhaps for art form but who are, however, limited by the complexity of traditional
some), strict context. methods which often, more than not, discourage rather than excite,
thus limiting their possible practical usefulness.
The truth is that possessing the systems necessary to project ideas
with precision, regardless of the medium used and according to each Using simple and very obvious geometric relationships, in addition to
person’s own style, is basic when it comes to being truly creative. what I call “the Calculation Box”, it is possible to develop a relatively
It is true that creativity is by definition free and unlimited, but we simple method to face and solve complex problems. The “Calculation
cannot ignore that mastering the techniques of a given art form helps, Box” is a three-dimensional coordinate system that works in
without a doubt, to reach higher levels of excellence in creation. perspective and makes it possible to accurately locate multiple points
in 3D and, with the sum of these, to build progressively more complex
In my 2D and 3D geometrical work (always done by hand), I use the
drawing methods and, specially, the traditional perspective developed
by the Italian artists of the Renaissance (Brunelleschi, Ucello, Luca My invitation is for you to color and, if possible, to unravel the
Pacioli, among others). So far there is nothing too new in what I do. geometry and methods used to create these modest examples of
Perhaps the really rare thing about my work is the insistence on ordered creativity.
continuing to use these ancient methods in times of sophisticated
digital art software.
However, to some people, sharing is a good enough reason to do
things. That is the spirit of this “geometric divertimentos”, a book
containing 25 illustrations all done using a simplified but very precise
perspective method which I have been sharing with people from all
over the globe at @rafaelaraujo1618 on Instagram.
THROUGH THE GOLDEN GEOMETRY I have been an artist and an illustrator for the last 40 years, and
YOU WILL FIND THE DIVINE PROPORTIONS my work has always been driven by the desire to represent the
marvels and phenomena of Nature by means of its geometrical
Rafael Araujo and mathematical calculations.
ME FECIT I draw all by hand, on my old school drawing board, using
MADRID 2021 squares, compasses,
rulers and a protractor. And as I have mentioned, almost all
what I do, has been done with the use of a “Calculation Box”,
which works as a three-dimensional
coordinate system.
These works has been featured on CNN, Wired, WWF, and
My Modern Met among others well known websites and
You can follow it at www.rafael-araujo.com,
IG: @rafaelaraujo2222, @rafaelaraujo1618
Made possible by over (1065) Kickstarter backers and supporters who
believed in this project. Once again, thank you very much!
Book Designer
Graphic Designer
ISBN 978-0-578-94453-1
Rafael Araujo
Xondra Gálvez
Directly related to the Fibonacci series, quotients 1/1, 2/1,
3/2, 5/3, 8/5, 13/8, 21/13 … converge progressively into
PHI: 1,618. Also known as the Golden Ratio, PHI is used
as the backbone of this hand-drawn artwork series where
I try to show some of the harmony and perfection of this
number, while understanding, of course, natural human