801+ Power Words That Pack A Punch & Convert Like Crazy
801+ Power Words That Pack A Punch & Convert Like Crazy
801+ Power Words That Pack A Punch & Convert Like Crazy
Clear as mud?
We have before us an
ordeal of the most
grievous kind. We
have before us many,
many long months of
struggle and of
suffering. You ask,
what is our policy? I
can say: It is to wage
war, by sea, land and
air, with all our might
and with all the
strength that God can
give us; to wage war
against a monstrous
tyranny, never
surpassed in the dark,
lamentable catalogue
of human crime. That
is our policy. You ask,
what is our aim? I can
answer in one word: It
is victory, victory at all
costs, victory in spite
of all terror, victory,
however long and
hard the road may be;
for without victory,
there is no survival.
Inspiring, right?
Here’s why:
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The 7 Different
Types of Power
I was in agony.
Waves of pain
unimaginable shot
down my spine,
causing every muscle
in my body to contract
as if I’d been shocked
with 20,000 volts of
electricity. My back
arched up at an
unnatural angle. My
arms and legs began
to shake.
Agony Lunatic
Apocalypse Lurking
Armageddon Massacre
Assault Meltdown
Backlash Menacing
Beating Mired
Beware Mistake
Blinded Murder
Blood Nightmare
Bloodbath Painful
Bloodcurdling Pale
Bloody Panic
Blunder Peril
Bomb Piranha
Buffoon Pitfall
Bumbling Plague
Cadaver Played
Catastrophe Plummet
Caution Plunge
Collapse Poison
Corpse Poor
Crazy Prison
Cripple Pummel
Crisis Pus
Danger Reckoning
Dark Refugee
Deadly Revenge
Death Risky
Deceiving Scary
Destroy Scream
Devastating Searing
Disastrous Shame
Doom Shatter
Drowning Shellacking
Dumb Shocked
Embarrass Silly
Fail Slaughter
Feeble Slave
Fired Strangle
Fool Stupid
Fooled Suicide
Frantic Tailspin
Frightening Tank
Gambling Targeted
Gullible Teetering
Hack Terror
Hazardous Terrorist
Hoax Torture
Holocaust Toxic
Horrific Tragedy
Hurricane Trap
Injure Vaporize
Insidious Victim
Epidemic Cataclysmic
Bufoon Suffering
Reckoning Trauma
Dangerous Annihilate
Invasion Volatile
IRS Vulnerable
Jail Warning
Jeopardy Nerd
Lawsuit Wounded
Looming Cringeworthy
2. Encouragement Power
Let’s face it.
Amazing Jubilant
Ascend Legend
Astounding Magic
Audacious Marvelous
Backbone Miracle
Badass Miraculous
Beat Noble
Belief Perfect
Blissful Persuade
Bravery Phenomenal
Breathtaking Pluck
Brilliant Power-up
Celebrate Praise
Cheer Prevail
Colossal Remarkable
Command Revel
Conquer Rule
Courage Score
Daring Seize
Defeat Sensational
Defiance Spectacular
Delight Spine
Devoted Spirit
Dignity TO WRITE
We're seeing writers of any skill level.
Dominate Spunk
Your best email...
Effortless Staggering
Empower Strengthen