Cyprus Issue
Cyprus Issue
Cyprus Issue
Turkey as being sovereign until the Lausanne Treaty demanded either the return
of the Island to Turkey or division of the Island between Greece and Turkey
Turkish Cypriots demanded their rightful share of Cyprus and resisted to Greek
Cypriot ambitions
"it will be the purpose of Her Majesty's Government to ensure that any exercise of self-
determination should be effected in such a manner that the Turkish Cypriot community,
no less than the Greek Cypriot community, shall in the special circumstances of Cyprus
be given freedom to decide for themselves their future status."
Archbishop Makarios,
President of the Republic
of Cyprus in 1960
“The agreements do not form the goal -they are the present and not the
future. The Greek Cypriot people will continue their national cause and
shape their future in accordance with their will.” (28th July 1960)
"Until this Turkish community forming part of the Turkish race which
has been the terrible enemy of Hellenism is expelled, the duty of the
heroes of EOKA can never be considered terminated.”
(4th September 1962)
The 1960 Constitution provided that separate municipalities be
established for Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots. The Greek
Cypriots refused to obey this mandatory provision.
On 25th April 1963 the Court did rule against the Greek Cypriots,
however it was ignored.
The Turkish Cypriots were ousted by force from all organs of the
Even Greek Cypriots sought Turkey's help. Many killed on the Greek side were
killed by Greek Cypriots in fighting between supporters of Makarios and
In her memoirs, Greek Cypriot Member of Parliament Rina Katselli, says: "18th
July 1974: My God!... Everyone is frozen with fear..the old man who asked for
the body of his son was shot on the spot..The tortures and executions at the
central prison... everyone is frozen with horror. Nothing is sacred to these
people, and they call themselves Greeks!... we must not keep that name any
On 19th July 1974, before the Turkish army landed, Archbishop Makarios told
the UN Security Council:
"I do not yet know the details of the Cyprus crisis caused by the Greek military
regime. I am afraid that the number of losses is great... I considered the danger
from Turkey lesser than the danger from Greek army officers."
Turkish Intervention
After consultations with Britain which did not want to take joint
action under the Treaty of Guarantee, Turkey intervened as a
Guarantor Power on 20 July 1974 in conformity with its rights
and obligations deriving from the Treaty of Guarantee.
Father Papatsestos:
"In is a rather hard thing to say, but it is true that the Turkish
intervention saved us from a merciless internecine war. The
Sampson regime had prepared a list of all Makarios supporters,
and they would have slaughtered them all." Many of the people
saved by Turkey are members of the present Greek Cypriot
International conference held at Geneva between
Turkey, Greece and Britain.
For over four decades the Turkish Cypriots awaited a just
and viable solution which would put an end to their unjust
isolation and inhuman embargoes on their economic,
social, cultural and political life and looked forward to the
day their ex-partners would finally realize that the island of
Cyprus was the common home of the Turkish and Greek
Cypriots alike who should share and have an equal say
over its destiny.
“If the Greek Cypriots are ready to share power and prosperity with the
Turkish Cypriots in a federal structure based on political equality, this
needs to be demonstrated, not just by word, but by action” (para.86)
There is no Security Council Resolution enforcing such restrictions on the Turkish Cypriots.
In order to justify their inhuman restrictions to Turkish Cypriots, Greek Cypriots from 1983
onwards always referred to UN Security Council resolutions 541(1983) and 550(1984)
regarding to the declaration of the TRNC.
The international community, intentionally or unintentionally, went along with the distorted
Greek Cypriot interpretation of the afore-mentioned UN resolutions and avoided any contact,
be it even cultural with the Turkish Cypriots.
In fact, The UN Secretary-General Ban underlined, in his report to the Security Council on
the activities carried out by the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (S/2007/699) that;
“Recognition, or assisting secession, would be contrary to the resolutions of the Security
Council. Rather, the objective should be to engender greater economic and social parity
between the sides by further promoting the development of the Turkish Cypriot community,
so that the reunification of the island may occur in as seamless a manner as possible. The
maintenance of economic, social, cultural, sporting or similar ties or contacts does not
amount to recognition.”
Turkish Cypriots cannot have unhindered trade with other
Military exercises
Reconciliation Commission
President Talat on 16 October 2007 detailed his
Yeşilırmak (Limnitis)
The Area that
will benefit from
the opening
of the gate
Pile Road
21 March 2008 Meeting
(Working Groups)
1. Governance and 1. Crime/criminal matters
power sharing 2. Economic and commercial
2. Property matters
3. EU matters 3. Cultural heritage
4. Economic matters 4. Crisis management
5. Security and 5. Humanitarian matters
guarantees 6. Health
6. Territory 7. Environment
Confidence Building Measures
In this context;
Crossing of TRNC citizens to Erenköy(Kokkina) will take place with the
escort of UNFICYP.
Transfer of supplies of non-military nature to Erenkoy will also be done
with UNFICYP escort.
In case of fire, T/C fire engines and accompanying water tanks will be
able to call at Erenköy.
Reciprocally, G/C ambulances will cross in the opposite direction to
Ambulances will be able to go to Erenköy
Erenköy will be connected to the nearest electricity grid before the
opening of the crossing point.
(Kokkina) TRNC
Yeşilırmak (Limnitis)
The Area that
will benefit from
the opening
of the gate
23 May Meeting – Joint Statement
Armament efforts
A New Cyprus
A new state of affairs
A new partnership state / a federal government with two
constituent states
Coming into being with a transition period
Bi-zonality / permanent derogations from the EU acquis