Aa4 - Group 4 - Logistics

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- Greysi Milene Tello Tolentino
- Pedro Luis Rojas Ordoñez
- Frida Quispe Sencia

Didactic Unit: Operations and Logistics

Teacher: William Chuquin Espinoza

1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Historical overview of the company ………………………………………………………….……………………
3. Mission, vision, values and organization chart of the company …………………………….......…………………..

4. Presentation of processes …………………………………………….…………….……………………….…
5. Description of processes …………………………….…………….…………….……………………………
6. Presentation of flowcharts …………………………….…………….…………….………………………
7. Identify the types of processes ……………………………….…………….…………….…………..………
8. Process map ……………………………….…………….…………….………………………………….
9. Diagrams of the company's processes ………………………….…………….……….………
10. Current and optimized process diagram ………………………………………………………………
11. Sequence of activities for the execution of the operational plan …………………………………..
12. Design the outline of the operational plan ………………………………………………………………………..
13. Key performance indicators kpi and okrs ……………………………………………………………
14. Conclusions …………………………….…………….…………….…………………………………
15. Bibliographic references ……………………………….…………….…………….…………………..

1. Introduction:
The objective of this work is to present the internal organization of the renowned and successful Plaza Vea
supermarket chain together with the Intercorp Group, thus also making known its mission, vision and values.
Focusing on explaining with emphasis the operation of their processes and indicators of their areas through an
organization chart of their functional areas and processes carried out in their respective areas guided by
procedures, it will also be explained through concepts and flowcharts. We will design the processes of the
different areas of the company and their indicators in a logical manner, using relevant modeling software
called BIZAGI.

2. Historical overview of the company :

Plaza Vea was born in 1993 with the name of Santa Isabel and ten years later we became part of the Intercorp
Group, a group that gave us the financial support to continue growing and seeking to improve the lives of more
Peruvian families.
In 2007 we began our expansion throughout Peru, being the first to reach the provinces; achieving presence in
25 coast, mountain and jungle provinces; and today we have more than 100 stores for the comfort and
satisfaction of more Peruvians.
In 2009 we were the first Peruvian chain to obtain international HACCP certification for fresh foods.
In 2012 we renewed our image seeking to refresh and adapt it to an increasingly modern and growing Peru.

3. Mission, vision, values and organizational chart:

Mission: Offer customers unique and tailored shopping experiences, through the best products.
Vision: Become the first fresh and innovative purchasing option for Peruvian families.
● Integrity: We act with integrity to earn the trust of our clients and colleagues.
● Respect: We value diversity of background and experiences, treating everyone with dignity.
● Passion: We serve our clients with enthusiasm and pride, with the value to listen, learn, innovate and
● Responsibility: We are responsible for our work, commitments and actions to our clients and
4. Presentation of processes:


a) Goal setting
b) Strategy planning
c) Control of results


1. Planning production objectives and identification of inputs.
2. Transformation of inputs into final products.

1. Production analysis and control.
2. Align processes with current legislation


1. Recruitment, selection, hiring and training.
2. Career plan.

1. Job analysis and payroll planning.
2. Control of absences and tardiness.
3. Control of registrations, cancellations and payment to public organizations.
1. Set goals
2. Track performance indicators
3. Plan sales strategies
4. Provide customer service
5. Promote the company
1. Previous operations
2. Market research
3. Supplier preselection
4. Offers request
5. Negotiation and its phases
6. Supply award
1. Market and competition research.
2. Planning and development of marketing strategies
3. Sales promotion
4. Communication
5. Collaboration in the marketing process
1. Evaluation of marketing options
2. Identification of best added value
3. Virtual product development
1. Money out
2. Payroll
3. Financial controls
4. Financial reports
1. Planning and budgeting.
2. Manage expenses associated with employee activity.
3. Management of financial problems.

5. Process description:
6. Presentation of flowcharts:
7. Identify the types of processes:
8. Process map:
9. Diagrams of company processes:
a) Business Operational Process:

1 Reception and welcome to Security agent Friendly greeting to the welcome customer.
the client.

2 Review of vaccination card Security agent It is checked that the client is wearing a KN24 mask or a simple double
and mask. mask, followed by verification of 3 doses on the vaccination card or QR.

Do you have a vaccination card?

If the client has their vaccination card with 3 doses, they are invited to
come in.

If the client does NOT have their card, they are told that they will not
enter until they present their card.
3 The customer goes to look Customer/ The customer begins his journey through the establishment to obtain his
for your products. Restocker products.

Do you know the product and its location?

If the customer knows the location of the desired products to buy, they
will go directly to obtain them.

If the customer does NOT know the location or description of the

desired products, a replenisher will be consulted for them.

4 Replenishers tell you the stocker The customer is informed of the location or description of the desired
location and description of products.
the product.
There is stock?

If the replenisher knows about the stock of the products desired by the
customer, the existence of stock is confirmed. If there is doubt about the
stock of the products, the warehouse is consulted through the walkie

If there is NO stock of the desired products, the customer is informed

and substitute products are offered.

5 Warehouse is reviewed Warehouse staff Warehouse personnel review and confirm the stock of products to the
and confirmed. replenisher.
6 Customer goes to Customer After obtaining all the desired products, the customer approaches the
checkout with their express checkout, preferential checkout or normal checkout according
products. to the rules.

Do you pay with cash or card?

If the customer pays with cash, the total amount is charged and the
receipt or invoice is given.

If the client pays by card, the pos.

7 The pos is approached to Cashier The POS is provided, the customer swipes their card and the charge
the client to make the has been made, they are provided with their respective receipt or
payment. invoice.

8 Thanking the customer for Cashier The cashier bags the customer's products and delivers them to them,
their purchase. then they thank them for their purchase and their preference.

9 Review of receipt or Security agent The customer goes to the exit of the establishment, in which the security
purchase invoice when agent asks him to show his receipt or invoice, checks whether the
leaving the security area. products have been paid for, and seals the receipt if everything is
correct. If there is an observation of attempted theft, the client will be
b) Staff training process:

1 Identification of Leaders It allows you to develop a specific training plan adapted to meet the functions
needs and requirements of a job.

2 Define the Training manager Leadership development includes communication skills, reading comprehension,
position and information analysis and problem solving.

3 Staff induction Human Resources The process by which the employee acquires the knowledge necessary to
function in the company.

4 Training Training manager Regular analysis of the efficiency and effectiveness of training programs.
c) Supply Process:

1 Receive purchase The purchasing You can receive approve the purchase request and fill out a form
request. department that includes the date, manager's name, and order quantity.

2 Register purchase Manager In the event that materials are missing or running out, the
request. manager is responsible for registering the purchase request.

3 Check inventory Inventory analyst Inventory is classified based on the value between its availability
availability. and quantity. Out of stock, in stock or available items are verified.

4 Notify product Analyst When a product is available again, you will receive a message to
availability. the email that will be sent according to the registration.

5 Send quote. Supplier Issued by the supplier to its clients to indicate the price at which it
offers its products and services.

6 Customer response. Customer Once the products have been verified by the supplier, a request is
sent to the client directly by email indicating the date of the
products and, above all, the prices.

7 Notify the production purchasing department Communicate to the production plant the work order status of out-
area. of-stock products, among others, in order to manage execution.

8 Schedule product Supplier A number of orders are requested, subsequently the procedure
delivery. can be executed with the company's data or use your own data.

9 Check in. Seller Acts related to the preparation, registration, sending and collection
of invoices.

10 Schedule payment. Payment Analyst Organize, manage and generate payments that must be made to
suppliers in a specific period of time.

11 Make payment. Payment Analyst Manage supplier payment processes in an efficient and timely
manner in accordance with internal and legal procedures.

12 Notify successful sale. sales department It is based on the responsibility of setting the pace of production
and also assumes tasks such as planning and execution to
achieve better functioning of the entire business.
13 Reception of new Store Receive payments and file receipts, the company's security
merchandise. procedures must be followed at all times.

14 Store merchandise and Store Maintains control of merchandise that enters and leaves, always
classify it by product keeping a record of its dispatch and entry.

15 Replenish products in stocker They fill the shelves with merchandise in the plaza, in addition to
store. displaying products and prices, they provide customer service.
11. Sequence of activities for the execution of the operational plan:

Reduce waiting times

Maintain ourselves in
PLAZA VEA at the checkout and
Increase profitability Have a 20% market the ranking of the
STRATEGIC speed up purchasing
by 35% by 2023 share by 2023 best companies to
OBJECTIVES time, mainly on special
work for in Peru

They provide a good supply of products to their

Lack of control in shrinkage with their products

Provide good customer service Few resource opportunities for its workers

Good working environment Few work indicators

Crowding and long lines when paying for your

Good organization and work scheme


Opportunities for improvement and job growth Very young and short-lived staff in the company

Growth in share of own brands Absence of vehicle order in parking lots

Better service than what the competencies provide The economic situation of the country

Growth trend High competencies from other department stores

Organization: Distribution of the tasks or activities to be carried out by the entire work team for this operational plan,
where security agents, cashiers, stockers, hallway managers, training managers, as well as the commercial areas,
human resources and companies are involved. external (security) of the company.
Preparation: From the operational plan, in this case in order to achieve the objective of reducing waiting times at
checkouts, a work plan has been prepared through training due to the arrival of a new system (Scan&Go application)
to avoid crowds, complaints and time deaths of people on these end-of-year dates .
Approval: Approval and the initial message from the management area are expected so that human resources,
specifically the training area, begins with the staff training plan for their proper knowledge, adaptation and learning of
this new system to assist and help the client. to avoid long and late lines when paying. After 2 weeks, approval from
the Management area is expected. A start date is determined and training begins so that everyone is aware of the
new system.
Evaluation: An evaluation will be carried out at the end of the training by the human resources area in order to
confirm whether the training was efficient and whether the operational plan bore fruit or not through audits and
measurements of the indicators.
Monitoring: Of all the activities to carry out the operational plan, verify if everything is in order with the training and if
the staff is capable of carrying out the plan. If there are deviations from the plan, the corresponding corrections will
be made.
Identify the elements of the operational plan:
Coherence: The operational plan is related to the company's strategic objectives, such as reducing queues and
waiting at the checkout when paying. It is consistent because this company has many complaints and claims due to
this problem, in addition to being oversaturated on special dates such as holidays, Christmas periods, holidays, etc.
Where people come en masse to make their purchases. Through this strategy, it is planned to improve the quality of
the company's customer service.
Understanding : A meeting will be held with the various areas where the personnel involved are to give them an
introduction to the system. This operational plan will be clear, concrete and easy to learn and understand for all staff
since it is a mobile application which has specific functions to purchase the products that the client requires, it is
expected that with the training The staff handles all problems or inconveniences that customers have backwards and
forwards to provide a quick and clear solution.
Feasibility: The operational plan will be formed by the human resources areas through training, the management
area for its approval and the commercial area where the customer service, cashier, security, hall attendants will be
involved. The budget for this strategy is within what was agreed upon by management and will only wait for approval
to begin execution.
Profitability: It is estimated to generate a higher profitability than in other years because if queues are avoided,
people will prefer to come to the establishment to make their purchases, which would generate more sales, thus
reaching the 35% profitability that the company seeks to achieve. 2023. The minimum investment to develop a
software or mobile application with these functions is around S/.100.00.00 only considering the investment, since
these applications also generate maintenance costs and personnel dedicated to controlling the application.
Efficiency: To achieve the efficiency of this operational plan we will use different resources that will be helpful such
as human resources (internal and external personnel of the company), supervisors and managers, the technology
that will be used, which is the SCAN&GO system, which is a mobile application, the technical service and the
training itself, as well as the financial resources such as investments, for which 100% efficiency is expected from this
operational plan.
Communication: The human resources areas, the commercial area and the management area will be in constant
communication with each other, as well as the employees in each area, since it is a team effort in which everyone
will benefit.
Control: An evaluation will be carried out at the end of the training by the human resources area in order to confirm
if the training was efficient, in addition audits and monitoring will be carried out with the quality measures of all areas
since it is not possible to manage what is can't be controlled.
Responsibility: Finally, in this last element and one of the most important, where each of the employees already
knows the activity they have to carry out and how to carry it out to do it in the best way, since the plan does not only
depend on management or resources. humans, but of all. It is a team effort and each one is a fundamental part of
achieving the company's objectives.
Defines the objective(s) based on which the operational plan is developed:

Objective: Reduce waiting times at the checkout and speed up purchasing time, mainly on special dates.
One of the most frequent problems in supermarkets is the long lines at the time of paying, it is a problem that is not
foreign to Plaza Vea because being a large company that provides quality products, people come en masse, which
is why Long lines form where you can spend between 10 to 30 minutes in line during special times such as
Christmas, it is a problem that occurs year after year, which is why with this objective we seek to optimize our
operating plan, developing an innovative strategy such as It is a mobile application where customers can pay with
their cell phone and thus avoid wasting time in lines. For this plan, it will be necessary for the commercial area,
human resources area and management, as well as all the internal and external personnel of the company to work
together since it is everyone's task to achieve the organization's objectives.
Reduce waiting times at the checkout in Plaza Vea supermarkets by up to 60% in the next 2 months specifically in
the end-of-year campaign with the purpose also of improving customer satisfaction, increasing profitability by 35%
and avoid overload and work stress for our cashiers.
Identify the areas that intervene in direct relation to the activities:


Security agent Commercial Area

stocker Commercial Area

Hall attendant Customer Service Area

Cashiers Commercial Area

Training Manager Personal Resources Area

General manager Management Area

Grocer Logistics Area

12. Design the operational plan outline:

Objective: Reduce customer waiting times at the checkout; focusing on famous dates.
Objective: Reduce customer waiting times at checkout; focusing on famous dates


It is a measurement system, normally expressed in a percentage and tells us the degree of progress or fulfillment of
a company objective in this case square see.
The usefulness of the KPI is to be able to see in a measurable and quantifiable way the degree of compliance with
the objectives in a specific aspect of the company's activity, with which we can compare it with other periods and
with other objectives in a measurable way.

Description Indicator (formula) Indicator type Numeric Goal Result

Obtain a minimum of Number of positive Compliance 70% 75% Compliment

70% customers who clients / Number of
agree with this app clients surveyed

Develop the app in

Productive time/ Management
the shortest time 60% 80% Compliment
Available time indicator

Obtain a training
Number of employees
results rate greater
with satisfactory Evaluation
than 70% of our staff 70% 92% Compliment
exam/number of indicator
to avoid having to do
employees evaluated
new training again.

Achieve compliance Stores with correct

with the correct functionality of the Compliance
100% 100% Compliment
functioning of the app app/ Total stores in indicator
in all Plaza Vea stores Peru

Reach a minimum of
85% of TV and radio Number of programs
programs where achieved/total of 85% 70% Unfulfilled
advertising is programs proposed

Achieve 90% Number of visits Compliance 90% 70% Unfulfilled

compliance in the
Program of visits to indicator
program/Visits made
our suppliers

Achieve compliance
Stores with correct
with the correct
functionality of the Compliance
functioning of the 100% 100% Compliment
checkouts/ Total indicator
checkouts in all Plaza
stores Peru
Vea stores

Obtain a customer
Customer satisfaction Evaluation
satisfaction score 85% 90% Compliment
survey indicator
greater than 85%


Main objective: Reduce waiting time to avoid delays in queues on Christmas or holiday dates.





14. Conclusions:
● The organization chart divided by areas and departments, followed by their respective processes that
we presented above demonstrate the dedicated and strict execution of the processes that the Plaza
Vea Supermarkets company has.
● Therefore, it is concluded from the importance of the identification of processes and in turn their
execution in a company, their respective procedures being necessary.
● Plaza Vea has a very good organizational position to meet its objectives with its collaborators and
clients. It has specialized areas and can keep the hypermarket at a good pace.
● We come to the conclusion that OKRs and KPIs make it possible to make more precise analyzes of
the performance of the entire company and its respective areas in a certain period. In addition,
tracking this information allows comparisons to be made to understand what has evolved and what still
needs to be improved. Plaza Vea is no stranger to problems or complaints from its clients or users,
which is why this company is well structured in each of its areas to achieve the proper functioning of
the company, as well as offer good service and customer experiences. quality to their customers.
These strategies will help improve customer satisfaction rates, help streamline staff work, and make
the purchasing and payment task of your customers easier.


- Plaza Vea Supermarket . (s. F.). plazavea. Retrieved September 18, 2022, from
- Production/Operations . (s. F.). Retrieved September 19, 2022, from
- The 10 phases of an effective selection process . (2021, March 25). Retrieved September 19, 2022,
from https://www.up-spain.com/blog/10-fases-del-process-de-seleccion
- Value Proposals https://www.plazavea.com.pe/propuesta-de-valor
- Silva, D. gives. (2021, April 8). OKR vs. KPI: the alphabet soup you need to know . Zendesk MX.
- plazaSee | The best offers HERE! (s.f.). plazaSee. https://www.plazavea.com.pe/

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