Drawing of Project Work

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Student: Adrián Sánchez

CI: 26506232

Since the beginning of time, when human beings were looking for a way to communicate
with other people, to represent art, or to give examples and have a quick and illustrative
way to express an idea, it began with the first drawings, as time goes by, It became a very
useful and indispensable tool for all sciences and arts in which they require expressing an
idea or simply representing a model of a specific object. With this evolution, a technique
was given to give uniformity and give aesthetic and ethical value and argue it in projects
such as in our engineering case. In this way, technical drawing is a system of graphic
representation of various types of objects, in order to provide sufficient information to
facilitate its analysis, help develop its design and enable its future construction and
maintenance. It is usually done with the help of computerized media or directly on paper or
other flat supports.

Objects, parts, machines, buildings, urban plans, etc., are usually represented in plan (top
view, roof view, floor plan, roof, etc.), elevation (front or front and side view; at least one )
and sections (or ideal cuts) clearly indicating their dimensions through dimensions; A
minimum of two projections (views of the object) are necessary to provide useful
information about the object

It is a system of graphic representation of various types of objects, with the purpose of

providing sufficient information to facilitate their analysis, help develop their design and
enable their future construction and maintenance. It is usually done with the help of
computerized media or directly on paper or other flat supports. Its purpose is to represent
objects as closely as possible to their reality, whether in shape and dimension.


The technical drawing regulations state that everything that is graphic on a sheet must
comply with standards, such as:

 Types of lines:
In this area there are a series of lines that are used in technical drawing. Example:
Thick continuous lines (mark contours or perimeter). Thin continuous lines (marks
auxiliary lines, contours and imaginary edges). Stroke lines (contours and hidden
edges). Long and short lines (axis of symmetry, external positions of the piece and
center lines).

 Types of dimensions:
In drawings, dimensions are indicated by extension or projection lines, dimension
lines, indicators, arrow points, figures, notes, symbols. With them, characteristics
such as: width, height, thickness, diameter, angles and the location of holes or slots
are defined.

 Scales. (Reduction or expansion):

The representation of an object at its natural size is not possible when the size is
very large or when they are very small. The solution to this problem is to use scales
of either reduction or involvement.


The most used reduction scales are: 1: 50; 1:100; 1:200; 1:1,000; 1:5000.
The scale for graphing type details is as follows: 1:5; 1:10; 1:20, 1:25


This is used when the detail that needs to be expressed (drawn) is very small, so a
magnification scale must be used.
The most used are: 2:1; 5:1; 10:1

Independent of the aforementioned decimal classification of the standards, another broader
classification can be made, depending on the content and its scope of application:
Depending on their content, the rules can be:

A. Fundamental Standards of General Type: To this type belong the standards

related to formats, line types, labeling, views, etc...
B. Fundamental Technical Standards: These are those that refer to the characteristics
of the mechanical elements and their representation. These include standards on
tolerances, threads, welding, etc.
C. Materials Standards: These are those that refer to the quality of the materials, with
specifications of their designation, properties, composition and testing. To this
type would belong the standards relating to the designation of materials, both
metallic, steel, bronze, etc., and non-metallic, lubricants, fuels, etc...
D. Dimension standards for parts and mechanisms: Specifying shapes, dimensions
and admissible tolerances. Shipbuilding standards, machine tools, and pipelines
would belong to this type.

Depending on their scope of application, the standards can be:

A. International: The standards issued by ISO, CEI and ITU-International

Telecommunications Union belong to this group.
B. National: These are those written and issued by the different national
standardization organizations, and in accordance with the recommendations
of the relevant international and regional standards. This is the case of the
German DIN standards, the Spanish UNE, etc...
C. Regional: Its scope is usually continental, this is the case of the standards
issued by CEN, CENELEC and ETSI.
D. Company: These are those freely written by companies and that
complement national standards.



A topographic drawing consists of the preparation of plans or maps, in which the shapes
and features of a terrain are represented. It includes planimetric maps or planes simply and
altimetric map and the topographic altimetric map itself . In topographic drawing, in
addition to the plan drawing, the profile, and the cross sections, there is a need to make graphic
calculations, then the precision and location of points and lines on the plane is a very important
 Planimetric maps: natural and artificial features of the terrain such as ravines, lakes,
boundaries, and works are represented.

 Altimetric map: in addition to these, the relief of the terrain is represented.


A. Format: the size of the paper must be 63 x 48 and the most used paper for
drawing is albanheli or sketch paper.
B. The appropriate and properly located space to indicate as a title: purpose of the
map, or project for which it is to be used, name of the region surveyed, scale,
name of the surveyor or engineer, name of the draftsman and date.
C. Graphic scale of the map and indication of the scale at which it was drawn.
D. Differentiation of north and south.
E. Indication of the conventions used. This type of representation is called a plan.
When we want to represent larger areas of land we must use projections to reduce
the deformations of the curvature of the earth and the representations are called
maps. Through (cartographic projections, cartographic methods, topographic
methods and surveying instruments).


Drawing of the Angles:

For small or low-precision surveys, a protractor can be used. The transparent celluloid
protractors must be chosen with a diameter of no less than 15 cm, with a beveled edge and
with divisions of half a degree, this instrument will be used to draw the compass polygons ,
the very little precision and, above all, to fine by polar coordinates the detail points.
Drawing by Coordinates
The first order networks of both polygonation and triangulation must always be drawn by
coordinates, which is the only method in which there is no accumulation of graphic error in
the successive lines, since each point can be drawn in any order and completely
independent of others.
Profile Drawing:
In altimetry work, as we know, the differences in level between each two observed points
and the respective ordinates referred to the comparison plane are obtained. With these data
we proceed to construct the leveling profile.
This is the intersection of the vertical planes that pass through the different alignments of
the same polygonal on which the leveling with the ground surface has been made.
The graphic profile is, therefore, the representation on paper according to the scale of the
leveling profile, limited below by a horizontal line, which represents the comparison plane
or "DATUM".
The intermediate points are determined by their respective ordinates referred to the plane of
comparison that, joined by a curve, draw the profile.
Level Curves:
It is the representation by means of lines of all points on the ground that are at the same
height above or below sea level. If we assume that the average tide of the sea is the starting
point to obtain the other altitudes, that is, the level point "0" (zero), we can easily imagine
that as we move away from the coast, we are rising or falling in relation to At that zero
level, we will have risen or fallen 50 cm. 1 mt, 10, 100, etc., this difference in level
between any point and the mean level of the sea tide is called the altitude of a point.
We must first differentiate two types of contour lines; Index and Intermediates:
They are those that we arbitrarily establish every certain distance, generally exact divisions
(every 5, 10, 50, 100, etc., meters) and their value is always indicated.
They are the one we draw between each two index curves, also at the same distance
between them. Example: if in a drawing we establish intervals of curves every 2 meters and
indices every 10 meters, it means that the curves multiples of ten will be index and the
other four that are drawn every two indexes are intermediate. The index curves are
represented thicker than the intermediate ones. The index curves are represented thicker
than the intermediate ones to facilitate their reading .
The best position to place the title of the drawing is the lower right corner except when for
some reason it has to be done elsewhere.
The size should be in proportion to the size of the map; You have to avoid the tendency to
make it too big.
Each sign must be well centered and its distribution must be such that it looks well
You should start with the main object of the drawing, or with the name of the area
The font must be uniform and it is only permissible to change style to highlight important
parts of the title. To highlight the difference between the number of M and V of the area,
the latter is noted in red and everything else in black.
It represents the fixed relationship between each distance on the ground, as dimensions are
generally indicated on the map, it is necessary to draw the scale on which they have been
drawn, either graphically or numerically.
A. Numerically: if, for example, one centimeter on the map represents 200 m on
the ground, it will be indicated: 1cm:200m. Generally indicated in the same
units, this is the most used form.
B. Graphically: It consists of the graphic scale of a line on the plane, subdivided
into distances that correspond to certain numbers of units on the ground, the
most common ways of indicating it are:

For clarity, only one section is subdivided into smaller fractions.

Numerical scales are subject to error, as paper lengthens or shrinks due to changes in
temperature and humidity, which is very common. Therefore, it is convenient to indicate
both scales, the numerical and the graphic, and maps are often reproduced at different sizes
by typographic systems and in this case only the graphic scale is effective and it must be
clarified that the numerical scale is the original scale. to which the plan was drawn. The
graphic scale should be drawn in a prominent place so that it can be easily seen, and the
most appropriate place is near the title.
The magnitude of the scale depends on the purpose for which the map is to be drawn and to
some extent on the quality and extent of the area shown. In general it should not be larger
than the area shown. In general, it should not be greater than necessary to locate details
with the required precision.
For cadastre maps between 1:10,000 and 1:50,000, geographical maps between 1:50,000
and 1:1,500,000


A structural drawing, a type of engineering drawing, is a plan or set of plans for how a
building or other structure will be constructed. Structural drawings are generally prepared
by registered professional structural engineers and informed by architectural drawings.
They are primarily concerned with the load-carrying members of a structure. They outline
the size and types of materials to be used, as well as general connection demands. They do
not address architectural details such as surface finishes, partition walls, or mechanical
systems. Structural drawings communicate the design of the building structure to the
building authority for review. They also become part of the contract documents that guide
contractors in the detailing, fabrication and installation of parts of the structure.

Structural drawings are used to advance the Architect's concept by specifying the shape and
position of all parts of the structure, allowing the construction of that structure on site.
Structural drawings are also used for the preparation of reinforcement drawings.


The requirements to make a structural plan. Have:

A. PLANTS: with their respective scales
 ENVIGADO PLANT: These include:
 FLOOR PLAN: The Slabs or Beams appear and the Columns are drawn.
 INDEX PLANE: Beams, Columns.
 TYPE SILVER: This will show the dimensions of the slabs, which usually have to
be 5 cm.

B. DIRECT FOUNDATIONS : Isolated, Eccentric, on “FLOATING” beams. With

Pedestal, Step and Base.
 INDIRECT FOUNDATIONS: On Piles (Point or Friction).
 PAVEMENT BASE: They are usually between 10 or 15 cm thick.

C. DETAILS : Beams, Slabs, Columns, Foundations and others.

 SLABS AND BEAMS: They are drawn with the longitudinal view or elevation. In
scale 1:50 or for larger constructions 1:100. With its corresponding breakdown.
 RIBBED SLABS: They are drawn with the view of a Rib and a typical section.
 COLUMNS: They are presented in two types of drawings:
 CROSS SECTIONS: For each type of column.
 TABLE OF COLUMNS: Description of each column, of frames, difference of each
 FOUNDATIONS: In scale 1:20 or 1:25
 PLANT: Type plan with the dimensioning in a separate one.
 CUT: With the column, pedestal, step if there is one.
 TABLE OF FOUNDATIONS. With the type, its dimension and its location


It covers a range of graphic representations with which plans are made for the construction of
buildings, houses, country houses, highways, churches, factories and bridges, among others.
The project is drawn with precise instruments, with their respective details, adjustments and
corrections, where the floor plans, facades, sections, perspectives, foundations, columns, details
and others appear.


The standards for architectural drawing have been established to be used in the creation of plans for
projects from a graphic point of view. They have been modified over time since they need to be
adjusted to the improvement of national and international experience. . The architectural drawing
represents the character, dimensions, color, final appearance. Architectural works require planning
and control, where various techniques are used for their representation. Depending on the function
of the drawing, it can be divided into preliminary drawings, preliminary plans, execution plans and
representation plans. To begin the study of the project, a program is prepared according to the
needs of the investors, then work is carried out with the sketch drawings which are drawn with soft
leads and plush lungs. To create compliance with the standards for architectural drawing,
conditions must occur that influence the application of the project. With the advance of
globalization, companies are required to define and complement their strategies and processes so
that productivity in the service increases. It can be said that an architectural plan must have the
following guidelines:

NOMINAL VALUE : In construction, the NOMINAL denomination is frequently used for certain
elements, for example in wall thicknesses, door widths, tube diameters and similar, in which certain
values are understood under the nominal denomination, which when measured would really
correspond to different values.

WALL THICKNESS : Thickness of the brick or block with which the wall is built, not including
the coating, frieze, porcelain, waterproofing, etc.

LENGTH OR WIDTH OF THE ROOM : “GROSS” measurement between walls, without the
coating mentioned above. The net measurement is smaller. If space is required to place equipment
or similar, this must be specified using the word “FREE”.

WIDTH OF DOORS AND DOOR FRAMES: The nominal measurement of the door leaf is
reduced by a few millimeters, so that it can be opened and closed. Usable free space is less than
nominal. Due to the width of the door being reduced.

Among other considerations are

 FLOOR PLANS, in scale 1:50, 1:100
 CUTTING PLANES (minimum 2, longitudinal and transversal)


It is characterized by having an objectivity to be able to carry out large-scale products, which is

why it must contain a large amount of symbols, notes, specifications and regulations that make
it possible for what was designed to be carried out optimally, thus representing the final result.
and their different points of view. Geometric and instrumental drawing techniques must be used
in them.

All architectural plans must include those basic elements in a construction, such as walls,
foundations, slabs, pillars, among others; They must also represent the finished work or
structure and its different construction floors with their indications and components present.
The location of the space included in a place on which it will be built must be expressed and, if
they are facility plans, they must contain the distribution of the services that comprise it, such
as electricity and water supply. Finally, in the case of sketches or sketches, they must be
characterized by expressing the place or architectural space of a certain area.

Architectural plans are those plans that define the measurements of the elements of the built
work. They are those plans where you can see in detail the finish of the construction that is
going to be carried out. Observing the furniture such as bed, kitchen, etc. This type of plan is
based more on the beauty of the work.



It is the representation of the different circuits that make up and define the characteristics of
an electrical installation and where the particularities of the existing materials and devices
are detailed. The electrical installation can be represented on one or several different plans.

To represent these plans, different types of normalized and standardized electrical diagrams
can be used, understanding as an electrical diagram the set of connections and coherent
electrical relationships through symbols of the components of an electrical system.


- Line diagram.

- Multifilar Scheme.


There is a set of standards that govern electrical technical drawing and make it
international. Without these it would be practically impossible to decipher the ideas of the
creators of architectural or electrical plans. It must be understood that like the plans, all the
points must be interconnected with each other as a kind of power network throughout the
place. These standards are based on the main elements surrounding technical drawing, such
as those mentioned below.

Since electrical technical drawing is a type of discipline, it is necessary to have a clean
workspace. Additionally, when working with pencils or other types of instruments, it is easy to
get your workspace dirty.


There are a series of standards created by Europeans, called DIN, which range from A0 to A5
where 0 represents the largest paper size.


Lines that become thicker or darker are used to represent visible edges and outlines of objects.


Like any other type of technical drawing, the electrical drawing has a series of specific symbols
that are used only when making this type of plans. These symbols represent the following.

 Load center
 Load Center Power Output
 Switch off
 Connection of telephones, televisions and ceiling fans.
 Lamp control
 Stair damper.
 Lightpoint
 Power outlet
 Water heater
 Electric kitchen
 Generator
 Double connection switch
 Alternator

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