Occupational Therapy Books

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Organized and Compiled

Rosibeth del Carmen Muñoz Palm
Elisabeth Gómez Mengelberg
María Cristina Bolaños
Antonieta Rivas de Puche

Catalog Sheet

PALM, Rosibeth del Carmen Muñoz

Occupational Therapy Books / Rosibeth del Carmen Muñoz Palm; Elisabeth Gómes
Mengelberg; Maria Cristina Bolanhos; Antonieta Rivas de Puche.
Lima Peru. 2009. CD ROM.

1.VIII Latin American Congress of Occupational Therapy 2. I Peruvian Congress of

Occupational Therapy I. Rosibeth del Carmen Muñoz Palm II.Title .


GENOCCHIO. Other ways of loving . The Rioja. 1995.

MARTIGENA, Nidia. Human Ecology. Utopia or reality? Mar del Plata, 1995.

1 Information collected by Elisabeth Gómez Mengelberg – delegate of the Argentine Association of

Occupational Therapists-AATO, at CLATO.

MARTIGENA, Nidia. Occupational Therapy. Concepts and Applications .

Mar del Plata: Ed. Martin,1999.

MEDEIROS, Heloisa da Rocha. Occupational Therapy. An epistemological

and social approach. Translation from Portuguese: Benassi, Julia; Nabergoi,
Mariela; Yunowsky, Natalia; Bid, Ana Lia. Santa Fé: National University of the
Litoral, 2008.

MIRANDA, Claudia. Occupation in Old Age . Mar del Plata: Editora Relieves,

PAGANIZZI, Liliana et al. From fact to saying . Buenos Aires: Integrated

Psychotherapies Editores, 1991.

PAGANIZZI, Liliana et al. Activity, Particular language . Buenos Aires:

Independent Editor, 1997.

PAGANIZZI, Liliana et al. Psychosocial Occupational Therapy. Clinical and

community settings . Buenos Aires: Ed. Polemos, 2007.

Risiga and Acuña. Brain activation and memory training workshops Buenos
Aires, 2002.

RODRIGUEZ. Herminia. Writing and laterality . Argentina,1995.

SBRILLER, Liliana; WARSCHAVSKI, Graciela. Theory and Clinical

Occupational Therapy Buenos Aires: Ricardo Vergara Ediciones, 1991.

SBRILLER, Liliana. Introduction to occupational therapy. Conceptual

Frameworks . Buenos Aires: Catalog editor, 1997.

Occupational Therapy in Mental Health . Buenos Aires: C. EITHER. L. T.

EITHER. TO. 1988.

Occupational Therapy The Way of Doing . Buenos Aires: C. EITHER. L. T.

EITHER. TO. 1991.

Occupational Therapy. Updates in theory and clinical practice . Buenos

Aires: Buenos Aires: C. EITHER. L. T. EITHER. TO. 1996.

Occupational Therapy. Reflections . Compilations Series 2. Buenos Aires: C.


Occupational Therapy. Encounters and brands . Series Authors Silvia

Destuet Buenos Aires: C. EITHER. L. T. EITHER. TO. 1999

Occupational Therapy. Work and Community . Compilations Series 3.

Buenos Aires: C. EITHER. L. T. EITHER. TO. 1999.

Occupational Therapy. 1st Coastal Meeting. Santa Fé: Publications Center.

Extension Secretary. National University of the Litoral, 2001.

OUDHOOM, Silvina. The child with cancer, the family and the community .


Mar del Plata: Flexer Foundation, 2008.

VIDAL, S. Ecology of action.Buenos Aires.1993



ALMEIRA, Marcus Vinicius Machado. Body and Art in Occupational Therapy.

Rio de Janeiro: Enelivros Editora, 2004.

BARROS, DENISE DIAS. Abel's Gardens: Deconstruction of the Manicômio

de Trieste. São Paulo: Ed. USP, 1994. 155p.

BARROS, Denise Dias. Loucura Itineraries in Dogon Territories. Rio de

Janeiro: Editora Fiocruz, 2004. 260 p.

BATTISTI, Mario César Guimarães. Fables and Phobias: A journey to

sensitive perception for Occupational Therapy . Musa Editora, 2001. 206 p.

BATTISTI, Mario César Guimarães; QUIRINO, Gustavo. Ethics of Care

(Annotated Code of Ethics of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy).
1st ed. São Paulo: Musa Editora, 2006. 226 p.

BITTENCORT, Rita de Cássia. Representações Corporais de Doentes

Mentais Institutionalised: Um olhar em Terapia Ocupacional . Rio de
Janeiro: Editorial Bispo do Rosário, 2001.

BENETTON, Maria José. Trilhas Associativas : expanding resources in the

psychosis clinic. 1st Ed. São Paulo: Lemos Editorial, 1991, 113 p.

BENETTON, Maria José. Trilhas Associativas : expanding resources in the

Occupational Therapy clinic. São Paulo: Diagram &Text/CETO - Center for
Occupational Therapy Studies, 1999. 141 p.

BENETTON, Maria José. Trilhas Associativas: expanding methodological

subsidies to the Occupational Therapy Clinic. 3rd ed. São Paulo: Arte Brasil,
2006. 144 p.

BRITO, Cristiane Miryam Drumond. Rascunhos da Loucura . São José dos

Campos: Editora UNIVAP, 2001. 129 p.

GOOD, Kátia Maria Penido. As Human Abilities: Forms of Understanding

and Constitutional Processes. Belo Horizonte: Ophicina de Arte & Prosa,
2003.152 p.

GOOD, Kátia Maria Penido. Building skills - Weave of actions and

relationships. 1st. ed. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica Editora, 2007. 348 p.

CANÍGLIA, Marília. Theoretical References used in Occupational Therapy .

Belo Horizonte, 1990. 112 p.

CANÍGLIA, Marília. Theoretical models used in occupational therapy

practice. Belo Horizonte: Ed. Expressa Graphic Arts, 1993. 109 p.

2 Information collected by Rosibeth del Carmen Muñoz Palm Delegate of the Brazilian Association of
Occupational Therapists –ABRATO before CLATO.

CANÍGLIA, Marília. Rumo ao Object of Occupational Therapy . Belo
Horizonte: Ed. Cuatiara. 1991. 84 p.

CANÍGLIA, MARÍLIA Occupational Therapy Objective and Methodology .

Belo Horizonte: Ed. Expressa Graphic Arts, 1994. 41 p.

CANIGLIA, MARÍLIA Occupational Therapy, practical health and post-

modernity . Belo Horizonte:Ed. Cuatiara, 2000.

CANÍGLIA, MARÍLIA. Occupational Therapy a disciplinary approach . Belo

Horizonte: Office of Art & Prosa, 2005. 180 p.

CARVALHO, Andréa Fabiola C. TINOCO; SCATOLINI, Helena Maria Nica.

Occupational Therapy in the complexity of the subject. Rio de Janeiro:
Fábrica de livros do SENAI-RJ, 2003. 86 p.

CARVALHO, Andréa Fabiola C. Tinoco. Occupational Therapy Commented

Questions and Answers. Rio de Janeiro: Livraria e Editora Rubio, 2007. 464 p.

CAVALCANTI, Alessandra; GALVÃO, Claudia. (Org.) Occupational Therapy -

Fundamentação & Prástica , Rio de Janeiro: Editora Guanabara Koogan.

COELHO, Marinete. Children's Neurological Avaliação nas Ações Primárias

de Saúde. São Paulo: Atheneu, 1999. 228p

DE CARLO, Marysia Mara Rodrigues do Prado de. This house is ours... -

institutions and imagination processes in special education. 1st. ed. São Paulo:
Plexus, 1999. 154 p.

DE CARLO, Marysia Mara Rodrigues do Prado de; BARTALOTTI, Celina

Camargo. Occupational Therapy in Brazil - Fundamentals and Perspectives .
3rd. ed, São Paulo: Plexus, 2001. 181 p.

DE CARLO, Marysia Mara Rodrigues do Prado de; LUZO, Maria Cândida de

Miranda. Occupational Therapy: Physical Rehabilitation and Hospital
Contexts. 1st ed . São Paulo: Roca, 2004. 323 p.

DE CARLO, Marysia Mara Rodrigues do Prado; QUEIROZ, Mônica Estuque

Garcia. Dor e Palliative Care: Occupational and Interdisciplinary Therapy.
São Paulo: Roca, 2008. 328 p.

DUNCAN, Adriana; SILVA, Aline Rodrigues; MELO, Eleonora; CORRÊA,

Martha Medeiros de F.; TESTA, Mary Fernanda. Understanding and Applying
Occupational Therapy: Stories of Experiences. Porto Alegre: Conceito, 2004.
92 p.

DRUMMOND, Adriana de França; RESENDE, Márcia Bastos. (Org). A Clinical

Intervention in Occupational Therapy. 1st ed. Belo Horizonte: UFMG Editora.

FERRIGNO, IRACEMA SERRAT VERGOTTI. Mão Therapy: Fundamentals for

clinical practice . São Paulo: Santos, 2007. 157 p.

FONSECA, Luis Fernando; LIMA, César Luiz Ferreira de Andrade. Cerebral
Palsy: Neurology, Orthopedics, Rehabilitation. 1st ed. Rio de Janeiro:
Guanabara Koogan, 2004. 520 p.

FRANCISCO, Berenice Rosa. Occupational Therapy . 2nd ed. Current review.

Campinas: Papirus, 2003. 95 p.

FREITAS, Eliane Degutis. Manual Prático de Reeducação Motora do

Membro Superior na Hemiplegia: Fundamentedo sobre Methodo
Brunnstrom . São Paulo: Memno, 2000. 68 p.

FREITAS, Paula Pardini. Mão Rehabilitation. São Paulo: Atheneu, 2005. 562

GALLETTI, Maria Cecília. Mental Health Office: therapeutic instrument or

clinical intercessor? Goiânia: Ed. da UCG, 2004.

JORGE, Rui Chamone. The specific object of occupational therapy. Belo

Horizonte: GESTO, 1990. 95 p.

JORGE, Rui Chamone. Chance for a schizophrenic . Belo Horizonte: I.

Official, 1981. 115p.

JORGE, Rui Chamone. Psychiatric Occupational Therapy:

aperfeiçoamento . Belo Horizonte: FUMAR/PUC, 1984. 119 p.

JORGE, Rui Chamone. Therapist Patient Relationship: introductory notes .

Belo Horizonte: Imprensa Universitária, 1989. 75 p.

JORGE, Rui Chamone. Occupational Psychotherapy: history of

development . Belo Horizonte: GESTO, 1995. 155 p.

JORGE, Rui Chamone. Didactic Museum of Free Images Professor Rui

Chamone Jorge: shows: "group body" . Belo Horizonte: GESTO, 1997. 153

KUDO, Aide Mitie et al . Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy and Occupational

Therapy in Pediatrics. 1st ed. São Paulo: Sarvier, 1994. 293 p.

KUDO, Aide Mitie; MARIA, P. b. The Olhar da Criança Hair Hospital. São
Paulo, Yendis Editora, 2009.

LANCMAN, Selma. Loucura and Urban Space. Franco da Rocha eo Asilo de

Juqueri. 1st. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Te Corá, 1999. 208 p.

LANCMAN, Selma. (Org) Health Work and Occupational Therapy. São Paulo:
Roca, 2004. 213 p.

LEAL, Luiz Gonzaga Pereira. Occupational Therapy: Drawer Saves and

Other Saves . 1st ed . Recife: Liceu Gráfica (independent production), 2005.
131 p.

LIBERMAN, Flávia. Dances in Occupational Therapy. 1st ed. São Paulo:

Summus Editorial, 1998. 116 p.
LIBERMAN, Flávia. Delicate Choreographies - Snapshots of Occupational
Therapy . 1st ed. São Paulo: Summus Editorial, 2008. 248p

LIMA, Elizabeth Araújo. Art, clinic and madness: territory in mutation. São Paulo:
Ed. Summus / Fapesp. 2009. 246p

MALFITANO, Ana Paula Serrata. Back of the Opening Door: Social Demands
in the Family Health Program (PSF). Holambra/São Paulo: Editora Setembro,
2007. 180 p.

MANCINI, Marisa Cotta. Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (Pedi):

Adapted Brazilian Version Manual - Pediatric Evaluation of Disability
Inventory (Pedi). 1st. ed. in Portuguese. Belo Horizonte: UFMG Editora. 2005.
261 p.

MARTINEZ, Cláudia Maria Simões; BARBA, Patrícia Carla Della; PAIXÃO,

Paula Cristina; RODRIGUES, Daniela da Silva. Baby development: daily
activities and interaction with the educator. São Carlos: EdUFSCar, 2005. 50

MAXIMINO, Viviane Santalúcia. Activity Groups with Psychotic Patients. 1st

ed. São José dos Campos: UNIVAP, 2001.176 p.

MEDEIROS, Maria Heloísa da Rocha. Occupational Therapy: an

epistemological and social approach . 1st ed. São Carlos: EdUFSCAR, 2003.
176 p.

MELO, Octacília Josefa. Occupational Therapy: my experiences . Rio de

Janeiro: Disful, 1978. 99 p.


processing as a tool for educators: facilitating the learning process São
Paulo: Artevidade - Memnon, 2007.

MOULARD, Gilberto Verardo. Psychology and Occupational Therapy:

reflecting on a path to mental health. 1st. ed. Campo Grande: Solivros, 1998.
110 p.

MUNGUBA, Marilene Calderaro. Videogame: learning strategies, vision of

the occupational therapist for the 21st century: contribution for
occupational therapists and the country. Fortaleza: Universidade de
Fortaleza, 2002. 145 p.

PÁDUA, Elisabete Matallo Marchesini; MAGALHÃES, Lílian Vieira. (Org.).

Occupational Therapy Theory and Practice. 3rd. ed. Campinas: Papirus.
2003. 154 p.

PÁDUA, Elisabete Matallo Marchesini; MAGALHÃES, Lílian Vieira. (Org.).

Cases, Memories and Experiences in Occupational Therapy. 2nd ed.
Campinas: Papirus. 2005. 160 p.

PEDRAL, Claudia; BASTOS, Patrícia. Occupational Therapy – Methodology

and Practice. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Rubio , 2008. 322 p.

PINTO, Jussara Mesquita; SOARES, Léa Beatriz Teixeira Meir Schneider Self-
Healing Method: a pedagogical proposal to develop body awareness. São
Carlos:São Paulo: EdUFSCAR: Hucitec, 2002. 128 p.

ROCHA, Eucenir Fredini. Rehabilitation of People with Deficiencies: an

intervention in discussion. São Paulo: Roca, 2006. 304 p.

RODRIGUES, Adriano Conrrado. Rehabilitation inclusive practices and

strategies for today. São Paulo: Andreoli, 2008. 370 p.

SERVANTES, Luciano Ferraz. Occupational Therapy: research and

adjustment in oncology . Campo Grande: UCDB Editora, 2002. 100 p.

SOARES, Léa Beatriz Teixeira. Occupational Therapy: logic of capital or

work? São Paulo: Hucitec, 1991. 217 p.

TAKATORI, Marisa. The Daily Jump of Children with Physical Deficiencies:

Reflections on the Occupational Therapy Clinic . São Paulo: Atheneu, 2003.
122 p.

TEIXEIRA, Erika; SAURON, Françoise Nicole; SANTOS, Lina Silva Borges;

OLIVEIRA, Maria Cristina. Occupational Therapy in Physical Rehabilitation.
1st ed. São Paulo: Roca, 2003, 571 p.

VAZ, Lisete Ribeiro; SILVA, Omar Luis Rocha; ARAÚJO, Rogéria Pimentel.
Occupational Therapy: to imagine with others . 1st ed. Rio de Janeiro:
Medical Culture Editora. 1993.

VITTA, Fabiana Cristina Frigieri. An identity in construction: the

occupational therapist and child with retardation and neuropsychomotor
development. São Paulo: EDUSC, 1998. 94 p.

UCHÔA-FIGUEIREDO, Lúcia da Rocha; NEGRINI. Silvia Fabiana Biason de

Moura (Orgs.). Occupational Therapy: different practices in general
hospitals . Ribeirão Preto, SP: Editora Legis Summa, 2009. 305p.

Occupational Therapy Books translated into Portuguese:

ATWAL, Anita. Occupational Therapy and Terceira Idade . 1st ed. São Paulo:
Editora Santos (GEN Group). 2007. 380 p.

SHUMWAY-COOK, Anne; WOOLLACOTT, Marjorie H. Control Engine .

[translation of the 2nd ed. original by Maria de Lourdes Gianini; scientific review
Valdir J. Barbanti]. São Paulo: Editora Manole, 2003, 610 p.

COX, Diane L. Occupational Therapy and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome . São

Paulo: Livraria Santos Editora, 2005. 183 p.

Sharan L. Questions and Answers of Psychosocial Occupational Therapy
São Paulo: Manole, 1987. 225p.

EDMANS, Judi; CHAMPION, Annette; HILL, Louise; RIDLEY, Mike; SKELLY,

Fiona; JACKSON, Therese; NEALE, Moya. Occupational Therapy and
Stroke . São Paulo: Livraria Santos Editora, 2004. 174 p.

EGGERS, Ortrud. Occupational therapy for adult hemiplegia treatment . Rio

de Janeiro: Colina Editora, l984.

FERLAND, Francine. The playful model: jumping, children with physical

disabilities and Occupational Therapy 3 ed. São Paulo: Roca, 2006. 192 p.

FERLAND, Francine. There is also a physical or intellectual deficiency: a child to

be discovered. Translation by Madalena Moraes Santa'Ana. Londrina, PR:
Editora Lazer&Sport. 2009. 215 p.

HAGEDORN, Rosemary. Fundamentals of practice in Occupational Therapy

. Translation by José Batista. São Paulo: Dynamis Editorial, 1999. 200 p.

HAGEDORN, Rosemary. Fundamentals of practice in Occupational Therapy

. Translation by Vagner Raso.3rd ed. São Paulo: Editora Roca. 2003. 310 p.

HAGEDORN, Rosemary. Tools for Practice in Occupational Therapy: A

Structured Approach to Knowledge and Centrais Processes . Translation by
Melissa Ticko Muramoto. São Paulo: Editora Roca. 2007. 477p

J. GRIVE. Neuropsychology in Occupational Therapy . São Paulo: Livraria

Santos Editora, 2006. 166 p.

LAW, Mary; BAPTISTE, Sue; CARSWELL, Anne; McCOLL, Mary Ann;

POLATAJKO, Helene; MAGALHAES, Livia de Castro; MAGALHÃES, Lílian
Vieira; CARDOSO, Ana Amélia. (organization and translation). Occupational
Performance Measure (COPM). Translated from Canadian Occupational
Performance Measure. 1st. ed. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2009. 63 p.

MACDONALD, E. M. Occupational Therapy in Rehabilitation . 4th. ed. São

Paulo: Livraria Santos Editora, 1998. 512 p.

NEISTADT, M.; CREPEAU, E. b. WILLARD & Spackman Occupational

Therapy. 9 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara – Koogan, 2002. 862 p.

PARHAM, L. Diane, Linda S. FAZIO. A Recreation in Pediatric Occupational

Therapy São Paulo: Ed. Santos Livraria. 2002.

PEDRETTI, L. W.; EARLY, M. b. Occupational Therapy: Practical Capacities

for Physical Dysfunctions. São Paulo: Editora Roca. 2005. 1092 p.

TROMBLY, A. C.; RADOMSKI, M. V. Occupational Therapy for Physical

Dysfunctions . 5th. ed. São Paulo: Santos, 2005. 1176 p.

TILDESLEY, Barbara; GRIEVE, June I. Muscles, Nerves and Movement in

Human Activity. São Paulo: Livraria Santos Editora, 2006. 270 p.

Other Occupational Therapy Books:

CARVALHO, Alysson; SALLES, Fatima; Marília GUIMARÃES, Marília;

DEBORTOLI, José Alfredo. (Org.). Jump(s). 1st ed. Belo Horizonte: UFMG
Editora. Pró-Reitoria de Extensão/UFMG, 2005. 193 p.

FERNANDES, Antonio Carlos; RAMOS, Alice Conceição Rosa; CASALIS, Maria

Eugenia Pebe. (orgs.). AACD – Medicine and Rehabilitation Principles and
Practice. Fundamentals of Rehabilitation Processes in AACD. 1st ed. São
Paulo: Medical Arts, 2007. 976 p.

FRITZ, S.; PAHOLSKY, K. M.; GROSENBACH, M. J. Movement hair

therapies. 1st ed. Brazilian. São Paulo: Manole, 2002.

GAZZOLA, Juliana Maria; BOFI, Tânia Cristina; CARVALHO, Augusto

Cesinando (orgs.) Home Orientation after cerebral vascular accident . São
Paulo: Livraria Santos Editora, 2007. 150 p.

HALL. Carrie M.; BRODY, Lori Thein. Therapeutic Exercise in the Search for
Function . 2nd ed. Rio de Janeiro: Editor Guanabara Koogan. 2007. 816 p.

Kielhofner Gary. Conceptual foundations of Occupational Therapy . 3rd

edition. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Médica Panamericana; 2006.

KRONENBERG, Frank.; ALGADO, Salvador Simó.; POLLARD, Nick. (Org.)

Occupational Therapy Without Borders. Learning from the spirit of
survivors. Madrid: Editora Médica Panamericana, 2006.

LIMA, Cesar Luiz Ferreira de Andrade; Fonseca Luis Fernando. Cerebral

Palsy: Neurology, Orthopedics, Rehabilitation Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara
Koogan, 2004

LIMONGI, J. c. Q. Conhecendo Better a Doença de Parkinson: A

multidisciplinary approach with practical orientations for the day-to-day. São
Paulo: Plexus Editora, 2001. 164 p.

LÓPEZ, Begoña Polonio; MOLINA, Pilar Durante; TARRES, Pilar Pedro.

Occupational Therapy in geriatrics: 15 practical cases. Madrid: Editora
Panamericana, 2001. 348p.

LÓPEZ, Begoña Polonio; MOLINA, Pilar Durante; ARNAIZ, Blanca Noya.

Fundamental Concepts of Occupational Therapy. Madrid: Editora
Panamericana, 2001. 358 p.

NUNES, L. R. EITHER. P.; PELOSI, M. B.; GOMES, M. R. A portrait of

Alternative Communication in Brazil . Rio de Janeiro:Quatro Pontos, v.2007.

NUNES, L. R. EITHER. P.; PELOSI, M. B.; GOMES, M. R. A portrait of

Alternative Communication in Brazil . v.II. Rio de Janeiro:Quatro Pontos,
2007. p.320

NUNES, L. R. Q. (Org.). Favoring the development of communication in

children and young people with special educational needs . Rio de Janeiro:
Editora Dunya, 2003. p.316

Pan American Health Organization; CIF World Health Organization:

International Classification of Functionality, Disability and Health . São
Paulo: Editora Edusp, 2003. 326 p.

OTHERO, Marilia. Benso. Occupational Therapy in Oncology. In: CARVALHO,

V. TO.; FRANCO, M. H.; KÓVACS, M. J. et al (orgs.). Topics in Psycho-
Oncology. 1st ed. São Paulo: Summus, 2008, p. 456-64.

PIEMONTE, Maria Elisa Pimentel. Manual of Home Exercises for Patients

with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerose. Volume 1: Independent Patients. São
Paulo: Editora Manole. 2001. 70 p.

PIEMONTE, Maria Elisa Pimentel. Manual of Home Exercises for Patients

with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerose. Volume 2: Semidependent Patients. São
Paulo: Editora Manole. 2001. 74 p.

PIEMONTE, Maria Elisa Pimentel. Manual of Home Exercises for Patients

with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerose. Volume 3: Dependent Patients. São
Paulo: Editora Manole. 2001. 61 p.

SILVA, Ana Paula Alves; FORTE, Maria José Paro; JULIANE, Regina Célia
Turola Passos; AZEVEDO, Sara Diniz Rubinsztein. (Orgs.). Instituto da
Criança 30 Years: Ações Atuais na Atenção Interdisciplinar em Pediatria .
São Paulo, Yendis Editora. 2006, 270 p.

SILVEIRA, Nise. Images of the Unconscious , Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Alhambra,


SILVEIRA, Nise. Palmeiras House. A Emoção de Lidar. An experience in

Psychiatry . Rio de Janeiro: Alhambra, 1986.

SILVEIRA, Nise. The World of Images . São Paulo: Ática Ed., 1992.


ROJAS, Alicia Trujillo. Occupational Therapy: Knowledge and practice in

Colombia Bogotá: Universidade Nacional de Colombia, 2002. 593p.

BOLAÑOS, C (1997). Developmental Behavior Profile. Mexico: Universidad

Iberoamericana and Institute of Occupational Therapy.

BOLAÑOS, C., BOLAÑOS, L., Rios J. (1998) User's Manual: Occupational

History Interview. Published by the University of Illinois at Chicago and the
Institute of Occupational Therapy. Original title: Kielhofner, G., Mallinson, T,
Crawford, C., Nowak, M., Rigby, M., Henry, Alk et al. (1997). User's guide to the
Occupational Performance History Interview-II. Chicago: University of Illinois,
Department of Occupational Therapy, Model of Human Occupation

BOLAÑOS, C., BOLAÑOS, L., Sanchez Galicia, C. (2007) User Manual Review:
3 Information collected by Rosibeth del Carmen Muñoz Palm Delegate of the Brazilian Association of
Occupational Therapists – ABRATO before CLATO
4 Information compiled by María Cristina Bolaños, President of the College of Occupational Therapists of

Occupational History Interview. Version 2.1. Published by the University of
Illinois at Chicago and the Institute of Occupational Therapy. Original title:
Kielhofner, G., Mallinson, T, Crawford, C., Nowak, M., Rigby, M., Henry, A.
Wallens, D. (2004). User's guide to the Occupational Performance History
Interview-II. Version 2.1. Chicago: University of Illinois, Department of
Occupational Therapy, Model of Human Occupation Clearinghouse

BOLAÑOS, C (2001). Learning to Stimulate the Child. Mexico: Limusa Editorial

and Institute of Occupational Therapy.

BOLAÑOS, C (2003). Validation studies of the Developmental Behavior Profile

(PCD) as an instrument to evaluate the level of development of children aged 0-
4 years. Mexico: Medical Bulletin of the Children's Hospital of Mexico. Vol. 60.
January and February

BOLAÑOS, C (2005). Revised Developmental Behavior Profile. Mexico: Institute

of Occupational Therapy.

BOLAÑOS, C. (2005) Towards a New Generation of Occupational Therapists.

Integral rehabilitation. Year 1, No. 5

BOLAÑOS, C et al. (2006) Correlation Validity of the Developmental Behavior

Profile with the Bayley II Infant Development Scale. Pediatric Act of Mexico. Vol
27 No. 4, July-August p. 190 to 199.

BOLAÑOS, C., SANCHEZ Galicia, C. (In press) Activities for Health Care with
the Elderly. Mexico: Edtorial Limusa and Institute of Occupational Therapy

DEPT. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY (s/f). Guide to Home Improvements.

Mexico: Teleton, Lova Printers, Comercializadora Gabor and Experts in Printed
Image and Multimedia, SA de C. V

DEL RIO, N., BALLESTEROS, B. (1992). Growing up together. Early

Intervention Program for Children with Neurological Damage" Mexico: UAM-
UNICEF. Series of 3 Manuals (1, 2, 3),

DEL RIO, N., BALLESTEROS, B. (1999). Growing up together. Early

Intervention Program to Prevent Developmental Alterations" México, D. F.,
UAM-UNICEF.1era. Reprint

GRANADOS, D, BALLESTEROS, B. (In press) "Case Study of an Adolescent

with Williams Syndrome in Scientific Magazine: Thought and Language. Mexico.

ILOTT, I, TAYLOR, C., BOLAÑOS, C. (2006) Evidence-Based Occupational

Therapy: It's time to Take a Global Approach. British Journal of Occupational
Therapy.Approach. Vol. 69(1)

ILOTT, I, TAYLOR, C., BOLAÑOS, C., AIZPUR, M. Evidence-Based

Occupational Therapy: It's time to take a global approach. Published on the
World Federation of Occupational Therapists website www.wfot.org.au June

SÁNCHEZ PÉREZ, C., BALLESTEROS Solis, et. al.(2000) Neurodevelopment

Monitoring Laboratory. Guide for Organization and Monitoring). Mexico

TOLEDO, L. (2007) Huellitas. Pre-requisites for Graphomotor Skills. 1st.

Reinpression. Mexico: Editorial Trillas.



ZITA, Carmen Forn. Occupational Therapy and Psychiatric Rehabilitation.

Editions of the Academic Vice-Rectorate of the Central University of Venezuela.
Caracas, Venezuela: Central University of Venezuela, 2007, 495 p.

5 Information collected by Antonieta Rivas de Puche, delegate of the Venezuelan Federation of

Occupational Therapists before CLATO.

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