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Training Workers of A Footwear Company

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Training plan. 1. Business activity.

Calzado Parry's is a company from Santander, located in the secondary sector (manufacturing)
dedicated to the manufacture of high-end footwear, born in 2001, this company markets to the
main cities of the country and a large number of countries abroad. 2. Justification.
The owner of Parry's footwear, Jesús Alberto Beltrán, has been in charge of forming a company
where humanism is the main value, managed by his company, which, with great commitment of
its employees, has been able to take its products to foreign markets, allowing for great expansion.
3. Scope.
Parry's Footwear presents its training plan to its employees, with the aim of …see more…

- A person specialized in group activities will be contacted where employees can interact, in
addition to reflection activities, in order to solve personal problems.
- Locate an hour within the employees' work schedule, so that time is not an impediment to
delivering training.
8. Types, modalities and levels of training. Types of Training Inductive Training
This training is carried out for new employees, it is carried out as part of the personnel selection
process. It is carried out in personnel selection programs, in order to select those who
demonstrate the best aptitudes. Preventive Training
This training is generally carried out to prepare personnel when new technologies or new
procedures are adopted in production areas. Corrective Training
It is carried out with a pertinent and well-detailed study, where the points to be discussed are
carried out through training. Career Development Training
In every company, various interrelated functions are developed at the same time that produce
certain results and the quality and quantity of these are the fundamental responsibility of the
employees who are in charge of these functions.
While medium and large companies can afford to incorporate a specialized team for each area, the
head of a micro or small company is responsible for administrative and operational functions at
the same time, and has to carry them out despite of its limited resources and of not being a
specialist in all areas of the business it manages, an issue that is not easy to achieve either for
reasons of technological advance (which is increasingly complex).
But although these are somewhat independent functions, it is likely that the small business owner
will have to assume most of them. In this case, it is recommended to hire the services of specialists
who can help you effectively. The following are worth mentioning:
A legal advisor of good reputation and depending on your resources.
A counter with the same characteristics as the previous one.
A marketing expert, especially in the startup stage.
A consultant in industrial processes and administration.
In the particular case of this line of business, the functional areas and the most appropriate
organizational chart outline for a small company are indicated:
The optimal development of any company requires the determination and adequate selection of
the personnel who will participate in it.

It is essential to know the specialties and skills required in order to fully comply with all the
activities that are needed to achieve the purposes of the business. Knowing the type of company
and, above all, its objectives, it is necessary to locate, through the various recruitment sources, the
personnel who meet the requirements for each position, according to the established profile.

A small business in the field in question essentially requires the following type of personnel:
No. of people Process/functions Required training and Monthly salary
experience or salary ($)

master shoemaker Address 5 to 10 years 1,370

2 Cutters Model cut and/or style 2 to 3 years 1,200
Modeler Model design 2 years 1,100
and/or style
2 Machinists Cutting machining 2 to 4 years 1,300
2 Assemblers Shoe assembly 3 years 1,350
Desolator Shoe gluing 3 years 1,300
Entaconador Shoe heeling 2 to 3 years 1,200
Adorner Shoe painting 2 to 3 years 1,250
Counter Accounting management of the 2 years 1,400
Marketing Manager Commercialization 2 years 1,200
2 General Helpers Advertising 1 to 2 years 1,100
TOTAL 13,770

Note: The monthly salaries or wages indicated are for reference only and may vary depending on
the region, locality, experience and level of qualification of the people to be hired. The values
recorded correspond to the first half of 1998.
Labor Regulatory Framework
The purpose of the Labor regulatory framework is to regulate labor relations between employers
and workers through the employment contract, where mandatory labor procedures are
established, the Federal Labor Law establishes the minimum principles by which labor relations
will be governed.

This law presumes the existence of the contract and the employment relationship between the
person who provides a personal service and the person who receives it, so the lack of a written
contract does not deprive the worker of the rights derived from labor standards. and the services
provided, since the law charges the employer with the lack of such formality.

The employment contract constitutes an administrative necessity, both for the worker and for the
All the people who participate in the process are hired on a permanent basis with the regulatory
benefits such as IMSS, SAR, INFONAVIT, in addition to being incorporated into an Afore.
In small companies, more capacity is needed to be able to handle different materials (textiles,
leather, rubber, paper, paints, chemicals, generally people specialized in a work process are hired,
such as cutters, machine operators, assemblers, adorners, and a master shoemaker. who
dominates all the functions of the production process and directs the work.
Assistants are hired on a temporary basis.
The modeler is hired eventually.
In terms of micro-business, workers are hired within the family, or with acquaintances who wish to
learn the trade; it is not necessary to have prior training.
Staff training process
The basic purpose of a training program is for personnel to improve their job performance.
The company should not consider training as a one-time event to comply with a legal requirement.
The most appropriate training is that which is provided within a continuous process and always
seeking to improve the knowledge and skills of workers.
The training and training of workers is legislated in articles 153-A to 153-X of the Federal Labor
A training program necessarily involves four stages: needs inventory and training diagnosis,
training planning, execution and evaluation of results.
Name Personnel who should be trained
Basic knowledge of machinery. Area managers and workers
Proper use of machinery.
Court Machinists
Creation of models and/or styles. Cutter
Order control
Responsible for receiving raw materials and
Security delivering goods
All the staff
Special precautions regarding the safety and protection of human resources
For the manufacture of synthetic footwear, it is recommended that the workers who operate the
machines wear a gown so that the resulting residue does not stick to their clothing; In addition, it
is necessary not to have wet hands when turning the machines on and off, since they work with
electrical energy and you may suffer a shock.

The handling of the machines must be very careful, in terms of machining, and lowering, since
when lowering the edges of the cut, if you are not careful, you can suffer an accident with a series
of knives used in the machine.
Workers in charge of carding must wear safety glasses to protect their eyes from skin residue.
Likewise, people in charge of finishing should be careful with rotating brushes and also wear

The motor
Each car consists of an engine and most of them use an internal combustion engine that operates
on gasoline. Gasoline, along with air, is poured into a combustion chamber where it is compressed
and ignited with a spark. The resulting combustion produces a burst of energy that, when
repeated quickly, starts the car. In general, engines are referred to by the number of cylinders they
have, with each cylinder containing its own combustion chamber. Total energy depends on the
size of the engine and factors such as combustion time and the type of transmission used.
It transforms the energy of the engine and is activated by the gear lever that determines the value
of this transformation. To start driving, climb slopes or carry a load, it multiplies the force
generated by the engine in 1st or 2nd gear. Cars usually have up to 5 or 6 gears. On the road, it
reduces the force of the engine to reduce its RPM and increase the speed of the car; producing
less fuel consumption and wear when using 5th or 6th gear.

direct transmission
You have probably heard this term many times but you may not be very clear what it is about. The
direct drive is a series of components that connect the motion produced by the engine to the car's
wheels to generate forward or reverse motion. That is, it is what gives impetus to the movement
of the car. The motor is connected to the drive shaft (a rigid metal shaft) through the transmitter.
The main function is: to use the metallic changes to match the engine speed with the energy
requirements of the car, which depends on the speed of the vehicle, the slope of the road surface
and the weight.
It is, let's say the plug between the engine and the wheels through the other transmission
elements. It is executed through the pedal; When loose it is engaged and there is a connection
between the engine and the wheels, when pressed it is disengaged and the wheels are
disconnected from the engine.

The direction
Steering works by turning the front wheels, which determines the direction the car follows. The
steering wheel is its drive system. This is, perhaps, the simplest and most intuitive concept of the
car parts.
The electrical system
The electrical system uses a battery that takes its energy from the engine itself, which works as a
generator. The battery is used to start the car, providing the initial movement of the engine and
igniting components such as the fuel pump and igniter. The battery is also used to power the
lights, radio, dashboard gauges, automatic windows, and a host of safety sensors. All of these
electronic devices are connected to the battery with a series of fuses, which ensure that the
electrical system can continue function even if one part fails.

Brakes and wheels

As you already know, there are different types of wheels and tires, each type useful for driving
under specific conditions. For example, off-road car tires have the versatility to be used year-
round, even in severe conditions. The brakes of a car are one of the most important safety parts
and there are usually one or two types: disc or drum. Disc brakes use a rotating disc, which sits
between brake pads mounted on calipers to reduce the movement of the car. Drum brakes use
shoes that push outward to contact the bottom of a rotating cylinder or drum. Some cars contain
both types of brakes (one type for the front wheels and another for the rear wheels) to take
advantage of the best of each of them.

It is made up of the components that allow movement between the wheels and body, connecting
elements and those that act as a flexible or “mattress” function, elastic elements (spring). The
basic element of the suspension is the shock absorber, whose function is to cushion the impact of
jumps on the road and maintain the weight of the vehicle, absorbing the oscillations of the vehicle
and keeping it stable in the shortest possible time.

Dashboard lights
One of the most visible parts of the car is the dashboard lighting panel. Most drivers are aware of
the speedometer and gas gauge, but there are other items that are equally if not more important.
The tachometer, which indicates the speed of the engine in rotations per minute (RPM). The oil
gauge or engine temperature gauge can be useful in diagnosing common problems, such as oil
leaks or coolant leaks, respectively. Stopping the car when the oil pressure begins to drop or when
the temperature begins to rise can prevent catastrophic engine failure. Like the “check engine”
light, which tells you that something is wrong and you should get it checked.

Drum brakes
The drum brake is a braking system where metal shoes press against the inside of a metal drum.
These pads are coated with different alloys and materials that help achieve efficient braking.

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