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The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Health Promotion (ICOSHPRO)

Comparison of Pandan Leaf Extract (Pandanus Amaryllifolius) Using

Ethanol and N-Hexane to The Content of Bioactive Compounds

Nanda Azizah Burhana1, Moch. Fatchul Akbar1, Ambar Salsabilla Putri1,

Eva Agustina1, Nova Lusiana2, Risa Purnamasari1
1Faculty of Science and Technology, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya, Indonesia
2Faculty of Psychology and Health, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya, Indonesia

Keywords : Pandan Leaf, Phytochemical Test, Phenolic Test, N-Hexane, and Ethanol

Abstract : The content of bioactive compounds in pandan leaves is used as traditional medicine. One of the
utilization efforts is done by maceration extraction. This extraction involves the presence of a solvent.
The choice of solvent is a success factor in the maceration extraction process. This study aims to
determine the effect of different types of solvents on the content of bioactive compounds and phenolic
content of pandan leaf extract. The research method was carried out through maceration extraction
using ethanol and n-hexane solvents. Determination of compound content using qualitative
phytochemical tests and quantitative tests of phenolic content using UV-Vis spectrophotometry and
identification of compounds using FTIR instruments. The results showed that pandan leaf extract
positively contained alkaloids, saponins, steroids, and phenolics. The total phenolic content was
12.207 mg/g GAE in ethanol and 10 mg/g GAE in n-hexane. Also, the FTIR test of ethanol solvent
shows the O-H bond spectrum in the 3300 region, C=C in the 1650 region, and C-O in the 1100
region. Meanwhile, in n-hexane solvent a C=O bond spectrum is formed in the 1700 region. Both
solvents form a C-H bond in the 2900 region. The spectrum formed indicates the presence of phenolic
compounds in pandan leaves.

Pandan leaves (Pandanus amaryllifolius) al., 2022). Based on research conducted by
are plants that can survive in tropical climates so Ariana (2017), states that the content of the
that their presence is almost evenly distributed bioactive compounds above is actually contained
throughout Southeast Asia, especially in pandan leaves.
Indonesia. This plant is very easy to cultivate Utilization of the content of bioactive
and develop and can even grow wild in damp compounds from pandan leaves can be done
places (Ariana, 2017). Pandan leaves have through extraction. Extraction is a mechanism
abundant benefits as traditional medicinal by separating the content of bioactive
ingredients such as reducing fever, antibacterial, compounds present in plants using the
anticancer, antioxidant, and antihyperglycemic appropriate solvent (Purwandari et al.,
(Lomthong et al., 2022). In addition, pandan 2018). One of the extraction methods used is
leaves also function as food coloring and natural maceration. The maceration method is carried
food aromas that can be used in the long out by immersing plant powders in solvents
term. This is all inseparable from the presence based on their polarity without heating
of bioactive compounds contained in pandan (Chairunnisa et al., 2019). The process of
leaves such as phenolic compounds, alkaloids, soaking this plant powder requires ideal time so
flavonoids, saponins, and tannins (Hardianti et that the bioactive compounds can be extracted
Faculty of Psychology and Health, UIN Sunan Ampel
Surabaya, 30-31 August 2023
The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Health Promotion (ICOSHPRO)

properly. According to research conducted by produces extracts that are classified as strong in
Kurniawati & Maftuch (2016), explains that the the category of antioxidant activity.
ideal time to soak plant powders through The content of pandan leaf bioactive
maceration extraction is 24 hours, 48 hours and compounds can be detected through
72 hours. However, this shows a difference in phytochemical tests and phenolic
the study of Dwipayana et al (2019) which stated tests. Phytochemical test is an effective
that the best rendement time for maceration qualitative test method carried out to determine
extraction of fragrant pandan leaves is 36 hours the presence of bioactive compounds in pandan
because it is suspected that the material has been leaves that are spread in plant tissues (Fithriani
extracted out which causes the soaking to not et al., 2015). Phenolic test was carried out to
increase again at 48 hours. determine the phenolic content contained in
Selection of the appropriate solvent in the pandan leaves. This test is classified as a
maceration method is one of the biggest factors quantitative test using two instruments, FTIR
that can determine the level of success in the and UV visible spectrophotometry. FTIR
extraction process. The choice of this solvent is spectrophotometry is a method that uses infrared
based on the principle of like dissolves like, spectroscopy. This spectroscopy is based on the
where polar compounds will dissolve in polar characteristics of the molecular structure where
solvents, such as ethanol, methanol, butanol and the ability to absorb light of a compound will
water. Non-polar compounds will also only differ depending on the physicochemical
dissolve in non-polar solvents, such as ether, properties, bonds between atoms in the
chloroform and N-Hexane (Dewatisari, compound and the characteristics of its
2020). In this study the solvents used were functional groups (Siregar et al., 2015). UV
ethanol and n-hexane. Ethanol is a solvent Visible spectrophotometry was performed to
commonly used in the maceration extraction identify the levels of phenolic content from
process because it is polar, has a low boiling maceration extraction of pandan leaves. UV
point, and is non-toxic. Ethanol solvent has a Visible spectrophotometry is an analytical
great influence based on its concentration on the procedure based on the Lambert-Beer law by
degree of polarity. This can be proven from the measuring the absorbance value (Winahyu &
research of Riwanti et al (2019) that the highest Aprillia, 2019).
levels of flavonoids occur in 70% ethanol The choice of solvent type in the
extract. This statement is because 70% ethanol extraction process greatly affects the yield of the
is more polar than 96% ethanol so that the extract as well as the bioactive components
flavonoid compounds tend to dissolve more in contained in the sample extract. The use of polar
70% ethanol. The results of the study by or non-polar solvents must be in accordance with
Suhendra et al (2019) also showed that 70% the characteristics of the sample, especially
ethanol solvent was able to produce the highest pandan leaf extract samples in order to obtain
total phenolics in the extraction of Padina minor maximum results. Therefore, this research is
seaweed and Sargassum polycytum. This important to do with the aim of knowing the
highest increase was due to ethanol having effect of different types of solvents on the
hydroxyl groups which bonded to hydrogen content of bioactive compounds and phenolic
groups causing an increase in phenolic content of pandan leaf extract.
compounds in ethanol. N-hexane is a solvent
that is stable, volatile, and has high selectivity
(Kumar et al., 2017). Based on research METHOD
conducted by Leksono et al (2018) stated that the
N-Hexane solvent is used in the extraction Time and Location of Research
process for nonpolar compounds because it This research is a descriptive study
conducted at the Laboratory of Basic Chemistry,

Faculty of Psychology and Health, UIN Sunan Ampel

Surabaya, 30-31 August 2023
The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Health Promotion (ICOSHPRO)

Basic Biology, and Instrumentation Campus II, Phytochemical Qualitative Test

Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Alkaloid Test
Surabaya. The research was conducted in June - A total of 0.5 grams of sample was put in
July 2023. a test tube and 0.5 mL of 2 M HCL was added,
after which 1-2 drops of dragendorf were added.
Tools and Materials A positive test is indicated by the formation of
The tools used in this study were beaker an orange color which indicates a positive
glass, stirrer, blender, funnel, erlenmeyer, filter alkaloid (Andasari et al., 2020).
paper, rotary evaporator, UV-Vis
spectrophotometer, FTIR, 100 mL and 10 mL Flavonoid Test
volumetric flasks, vortex, cuvettes, test tubes, A total of 200 mg of sample was put into
and analytical scales. The materials used in this a test tube. Then 5 mL of ethanol was added and
study were pandan leaves (Pandanus heated for 5 minutes. After that, a few drops of
amaryllifolius), ethanol, n-hexane, gallic acid, concentrated HCl were added. Added
folin-ciocialteu, Na2CO3, 96% ethanol, 10% magnesium as much as 0.2 grams. A positive
aluminum chloride, 1M potassium acetate, test is indicated by the formation of a dark red
distilled water, HCL, dragendorf reagent, 5% (magenta) color which indicates positive for
FeCl3, magnesium, chloroform, acetic acid, and flavonoids (Andasari et al., 2020).
concentrated H2SO4.
Saponin Test
Research Procedure A total of 0.5 grams of sample was put
Sample Preparation into a test tube. Then added hot water and
Samples of fresh pandan leaves with a wet cooled. After chilling, shake for 10 minutes. A
weight of 500 grams were washed thoroughly positive test is indicated by the formation of
with water and then cut into small pieces. The foam and adding 2 M HCl, the foam is still there,
plants were dried in the sun for ± 2 days. After indicating positive saponins (Suleman et al.,
drying, the leaves were ground into powder in 2022).
the hope that the metabolites present in the
samples were not damaged and could be Phenolic Test
extracted as much as possible. Then the sample A total of 0.5 grams of sample was put into the
that has become powder is sieved using a erlenmeyer and 10 mL of ethanol was added.
40mesh sieve to obtain a fine powder sample Take 1 mL of the solution formed and put it in a
with a dry weight of 100 grams (Ayuchecaria et test tube. After that, 2 drops of 5% FeCl3
al., 2020). solution were added. A positive test is indicated
by the formation of green or bluish green color
Maceration Extraction which indicates positive phenol (Maharani et al.,
Pandan leaf dry powder was weighed 100 2014).
grams 2 times and put each into a beaker. Then
the pandan leaf dry powder was soaked in 700 Test Steroids and Triterpenoids
ml of ethanol and n-hexane at 25oC-28oC for 24 A total of 0.5 gram of sample was put into
hours to obtain filtrate and residue. The filtrate a test tube and added 0.5 mL of chloroform and
obtained is then evaporated using a rotary 0.5 mL of acetic acid. After that, 2 mL of
evaporator at a predetermined temperature and concentrated H2SO4 was added through the test
pressure. The purpose of this step is to remove tube wall. A positive test is indicated by the
the solvent so that a thick extract of pandan formation of a purple-red color which indicates
leaves is obtained (Wijaya, 2014). a positive triterpenoid. While positive steroids
are indicated by the formation of green or blue
color (Wijaya, 2014).

Faculty of Psychology and Health, UIN Sunan Ampel

Surabaya, 30-31 August 2023
The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Health Promotion (ICOSHPRO)

and add 0.5 mL of folin-ciocalteu, leave for 4

Quantitative Test Using UV-Vis minutes while shaking. 4 mL of 7% Na2CO3
Spectrophotometric Instruments solution was added and vortexed for 1 minute.
Preparation of Gallic Acid Standard Mother Then, centrifugation was carried out and
Solution continued with the UV-Vis spectrophotometry
A 100 ppm gallic acid mother liquor is test. The absorbance is calculated by the
prepared by weighing 10 mg of gallic acid maximum wavelength. The absorbance of the
powder and then placing it in a volumetric flask. sample is entered into the gallic acid linear
Then add ethanol up to 100 mL in a volumetric regression equation as sb y to obtain the sample
flask, after which it is homogenized by shaking concentration (sb x). The total phenol content
(Ayuchecaria et al., 2020). can be calculated using the following formula
(Toripah, 2014):
Preparation of 7% Na2CO3 Solution
Na2CO3 powder was weighed as much as c . v . fp (1)
7 grams and then dissolved with distilled water TPC =
up to 100 ml (Fawwaz et al., 2017).
Maximum Wavelength Determination TPC : Total phenolic content (mg/g GAE)
The maximum wavelength of gallic acid c : Concentration (x value) (ppm)
is by measuring a 10ppm concentration of gallic v : Extract volume (mL)
acid solution in the wavelength range of 400-800 fp : Dilution factor
nm using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The g : Sample weight (gram)
maximum wavelength is the highest absorbance
of each measurement (Gustriani et al., 2016). Quantitative Test Using FTIR Instruments
Identification of active compounds in
Gallic Acid Standard Solution Curve pandan leaf extract was carried out using FTIR
The standard curve of gallic acid standard instruments. The FTIR tester and the software
solution was made with various concentrations interface computer are turned on for analysis.
of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 ppm. Each standard solution Then, 96% ethanol was placed first on the
of gallic acid with a certain concentration is sample holder as a background. The extract
taken 1 mL and put into a test tube. Then, 0.5 mL sample is placed into the sample holder, then the
of Folin-ciocalteu was added to the solution and FTIR tool is operated so that the FTIR spectrum
allowed to stand for 8 minutes while shaking. is produced from the sample. At this stage, the
After that, 4 mL of 7% Na2CO3 solution was FTIR tool will send infrared light to the sample
added to the solution and stirred for 1 minute. and record the resulting spectrum response. This
The filtrate was taken and tested with a UV-Vis process generates the FTIR spectrum of the
spectrophotometer. Measurements are made at sample being analyzed. Finally, read the results
the maximum wavelength. Next, make a of the FTIR spectra (Purwakusumah et al.,
calibration curve between the concentration of 2014).
gallic acid (x-axis) and its absorbance (y-axis).
The regression equation is used to find sample
concentration (Fawwaz et al., 2017). RESULT AND DISCUSSION
Sample Absorption Measurement Pandan leaf extract was obtained through
Measurement of sample absorption by the maceration extraction method by soaking
means of 10 mg of extract dissolved in 96% pandan leaf powder in ethanol and n-hexane
ethanol to a solution volume of 10 mL and solvents. Pandan leaves need to be converted
homogenized. Take 1 mL of the extract solution into powder form first so that the results obtained

Faculty of Psychology and Health, UIN Sunan Ampel

Surabaya, 30-31 August 2023
The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Health Promotion (ICOSHPRO)

from the extraction process are more optimal. amaryllifolius) the following results are
Soaking was carried out for 24 hours at room obtained.
temperature to prevent damage to the
compounds in the extract. During the immersion Table 1: Qualitative Phytochemical Test Results of
process, the sample solution is stirred using a stir Pandan Leaf Extract
bar so that the contact between the solvent and Phytoche
the sample is even. The success of the extraction No Sample Result
mical Test
process is determined by the type and quality of 1 Alkaloids Pandan Leaf
the solvent that matches the characteristics of the Ethanol +
compounds in the sample. The solvent used must Extract
meet several properties, including being able to Pandan Leaf
dissolve a substance properly, having a low N-Hexane +
boiling point, not being toxic, and not flammable Extract
(Tetti, 2014). In this study we used ethanol and 2 Flavonoids Pandan Leaf
n-hexane solvents. Ethanol -
The difference in polarity in the solvent Extract
can affect the total content of bioactive Pandan Leaf
N-Hexane -
compounds in the extract (Megha et al., 2014).
Polar solvents will also dissolve polar
3 Saponins Pandan Leaf
compounds, according to the principle of "like Ethanol +
dissolves like" (Kayadoe et al., 2015). Ethanol is Extract
commonly used because it is an extraction Pandan Leaf
solvent that can extract a greater number of N-Hexane -
phytochemical compounds and for almost all Extract
low molecular weight compounds (Ningsih et 4 Phenolic Pandan Leaf
al., 2020). N-hexane is also one of the solvents Ethanol +
that is often used because it has various Extract
advantages, including stability, selectiveness, Pandan Leaf
and volatility so that it is a suitable solvent for N-Hexane +
extracting non-polar compounds (Constanty &
5 Steroids Pandan Leaf
Tukiran, 2021). The filtrate that has been Ethanol +
produced is filtered, then evaporated using a Extract
rotary evaporator with the aim of evaporating the Pandan Leaf
solvent, so that the extract is not easily damaged N-Hexane +
at high temperatures (Damayanti & Fitriana, Extract
2012). 6 Triterpenoi Pandan Leaf
ds Ethanol -
Phytochemical Qualitative Test Extract
Phytochemical test is a test to identify important Pandan Leaf
compounds contained in a plant. The simple N-Hexane -
identification of chemical compounds with the Extract
aim of knowing and providing an overview of
+ : contain bioactive compounds
the presence of secondary metabolites in plant - : Doesn’t contain bioactive compounds
extracts is known as the process of
phytochemical screening. (Alviani et al., 2022). The results of the phytochemical tests of
Based on the phytochemical tests that have been the ethanol extract and n-hexane extract of
carried out on samples of ethanol extract and n- pandan leaves both positively contained alkaloid
hexane of pandan leaves (Pandanus compounds as evidenced by the presence of an
Faculty of Psychology and Health, UIN Sunan Ampel
Surabaya, 30-31 August 2023
The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Health Promotion (ICOSHPRO)

orange precipitate (Assauqi et al., 2023). soluble in ethanol which is equally polar. N-
Alkaloids are one of the important secondary hexane cannot dissolve HCl because it is non-
metabolites and have potential antibacterial polar so the results show negative saponins. The
activity (Bufo & Karaman, 2019; Othman et al., content of saponins in pandan leaves makes this
2019). One of the characteristics possessed by plant have antibacterial properties. This is based
compounds belonging to the alkaloid group is on its cytotoxic properties and its ability to affect
the presence of N atoms in their structure. The the permeability of the microbial cytoplasmic
orange precipitate is a potassium alkaloid, in membrane, causing lysis of microbial cells (Aini
which the N atom will form a coordinate & Mardyaningsih, 2016).
covalent bond with potassium tetraiodobismutat The steroid and triterpenoid tests showed
from Dragendorff's reagent (Ergina et al., 2014). different results between the two solvents.
Apart from alkaloids, there is another test, Triterpenoid compounds were not identified in
namely flavonoids. The flavonoid test on pandan ethanol and n-hexane solvents. Meanwhile,
leaf extract gave negative results because no steroids were identified in the two solvents
orange precipitate was formed in the pandan leaf (Suryani et al., 2017). Steroids are complex
extract sample when mixed with Mg and HCl. molecules of the lipid group derived from
This reinforces the statement of Wahyuni et al saturated compounds that have a core with 4
(2018), that the principle of the flavonoid test rings (Mursyida et al, 2021). Steroids can
gives a positive result when an orange precipitate dissolve in n-hexane because it is an alkane
forms. Flavonoids are organic compounds with a hydrocarbon with the chemical formula C6H1
structure in the form of two aromatic rings with resulting from refining crude oil. All hexane
more than one hydroxyl group. The more isomers are often used as organic solvents which
hydroxyl groups present in flavonoids, the are inert because of their non-polarity (Utomo,
polarity of the compound increases, so it will 2016). Triterpenoids did not show positive
easily dissolve in polar solvents, including results during the test because there was no color
ethanol (Panche et al., 2016). Flavonoids have change to red or purple. This is not in accordance
antibacterial activity due to their ability to with the results of the literature from Kiyato et al
integrate with bacterial cell membranes and (2022), which states that a triterpenoid is
extracellular proteins (Aini & Mardyaningsih, positive if it turns red or purple. The results
2016). The addition of magnesium powder and obtained were negative because of the reaction
HCl has the aim of reducing benzopyran in the between the reagents namely acetic acid and
flavonoid structure to an orange flavylium salt chloroform with each solvent. In accordance
(Yuniati et al., 2020). with the principle of like dissolves like, polar
The saponin test on pandan leaf extract acetic acid cannot dissolve in non-polar n-
samples between ethanol and n-hexane solvents hexane, so the result is negative (Wiradnyani et
showed different results. The ethanol solvent al., 2014). Meanwhile, chloroform is nonpolar
showed positive results as evidenced by the and cannot react with ethanol which is polar.
presence of foam after shaking. This is in Tests on pandan leaf extract using n-
accordance with the opinion of Wahyuni (2018), hexane and ethanol solvents were found to be
that positive results from the saponin test are positive for phenolic compounds. Phenolic
shown by the presence of foam which does not compounds were indicated by the occurrence of
disappear after adding HCl and shaking for 30 a black color change in the test sample but not
seconds. Meanwhile, the n-hexane solvent too concentrated after being added with 1%
showed negative saponin results because the FeCl3. This is in accordance with the literature
foam disappeared after being shaken. The which states that phenolic compounds are tested
difference in results is due to the reaction positive if there is a bluish-black to dark black
between the polarity of the solvent and HCl. A color change when 1% FeCl3 is added (Habibi et
positive result was obtained because HCl is al., 2018) and FeCl3 can react with aromatic –OH

Faculty of Psychology and Health, UIN Sunan Ampel

Surabaya, 30-31 August 2023
The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Health Promotion (ICOSHPRO)

groups (Haryati et al., 2015). Compounds that The purpose of centrifugation is to separate
are polar are phenolic compounds (phenolics, substances with different molecular weights,
flavonoids, and saponins), while alkaloids and then the liquid or supernatant is transferred to a
steroids are compounds that are non-polar new test tube to be tested using a UV-Vis
(Romadanu et al., 2014). spectrophotometer. Measurements were made
using the maximum wavelength of each solvent.
Total Phenolic Content Test The results of measuring the absorbance value of
Pandan leaves that have been extracted gallic acid standard solution at various
using the maceration method are then subjected concentration variations obtained a linear
to a phenolic test using a UV-Vis regression curve between the concentration of
spectrophotometry instrument to determine the gallic acid standard solution and its absorbance
levels of phenolic compounds present in the to obtain the regression equation for ethanol
sample. Phenol compounds are secondary solvent, is
metabolites derived from pentose phosphate, 𝑦 = 0,046∗ 𝑥 + 0,097 (2)
shikimate, and phenylpropanoids found in
plants. Phenolic compounds have only one And the regression equation for the n-
hydroxyl group. Phenolic compounds have hexane solvent, is
benefits as antioxidants that can counteract free
𝑦 = 0,037∗ 𝑥 − 0,012 (3)
radicals. (Badriyah et al., 2017). UV-Vis
spectrophotometry is an instrument to test the The regression equation can be used to
levels of secondary metabolites based on light determine the concentration of the sample, the y
absorption. This instrument uses ultraviolet and value is the absorbance and the x value is the
visible light to produce curves. Phenolic gallic acid concentration (ppm) which can be
compounds in pandan leaves were tested using seen in Figures 1 and 2. The correlation
UV-Vis spectrophotometry because they are coefficient (r²) in ethanol solvent is 0.975 and in
colored and have strong absorption in the UV n-hexane solvent is 0.999. The value of the
region (Satria et al., 2022). Testing for total correlation coefficient is a number to determine
phenolic levels was carried out using the Folin- the strength and weakness of the correlation
Ciocalteu method. The principle of the Folin- index between the variables studied. The results
Ciocalteu method is that phenolic compounds for the r² values for the two solvents show a
can be oxidized by the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent value close to 1, meaning that the correlation
so that the test solution is blue which can be between the concentration variable (x) and
measured with a visible spectrophotometer at absorbance (y) is very strong so that a linear
certain wavelengths (Monica, 2017). curve is formed (Primadiamanti et al., 2020).
Testing for phenolic content was carried
out using the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, 7%
Na2CO3 solution, and gallic acid as a standard
solution (Wibisono et al., 2020). Gallic acid
standard solution is a stable and simple phenolic
compound derived from hydroxybenzoic acid
(Indra et al., 2019). Based on the results of the
UV-Vis spectrophotometer, the maximum
wavelength was 753 nm for ethanol solvent and
749 nm for n-hexane solvent.
Standard solutions of various
concentrations of 10 ppm, 20 ppm, 30 ppm, 40 Figure 1: Graph of the Measurement Result Curve of
ppm, and 50 ppm were prepared by dilution. The the Absorbance Value of a Standard Solution Gallic
dilution will go through a centrifugation process. Acid of Ethanol Extract.

Faculty of Psychology and Health, UIN Sunan Ampel

Surabaya, 30-31 August 2023
The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Health Promotion (ICOSHPRO)

to be tested using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer

with maximum wavelength and 2 repetitions are
carried out. The absorbance value of the sample
is used as a quantitative analysis based on
Lambert-Beer's Law. The absorbance value of
the pandan leaf extract sample in the eatnol
solvent was 0.664 while that of the n-hexane
solvent was 0.256, both assorbancy values
included good absorbance. A good absorbance
value is between 0.2-0.8 in the absorption area of
Figure 2: Graph of the Measurement Result Curve of ultraviolet or visible light. A high sample
the Absorbance Value of a Standard Solution Gallic
absorbance value correlates with a high
Acid of N-Hexane Extract.
concentration of phenolic contained in the
The Folin-Ciocalteu method uses sample. UV-Vis spectrophotometry will produce
colorimetric oxidation and reduction reactions a curve derived from the interaction between UV
on samples suspected of containing phenolic radiation and the molecules contained in the test
compounds. The Folin-Ciocalteu reagent is a sample. Electromagnetic radiation will be
solution of a polymeric ion complex derived absorbed when it hits certain molecules or atoms
from phosphomolybdic acid and with the presence or absence of a chromophore
heteropolyphosphotungstic acid. The Folin- group structure (Satria et al., 2022). Phenolic
Ciocalteu reagent will oxidize phenolics and compounds have a bond structure in the benzene
reduce heteropoly acids to produce a blue core so that when exposed to ultraviolet light a
molybdenum-tungsten (Mo-W) complex resonance occurs with electron transfer
(Asmara, 2017). The blue sample shows that it (Lisnawati & Nurlitasari, 2019).
contains phenolic compounds which react with The absorbance of the sample
the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent to form complex measurements was then analyzed by linear
compounds. The intensity of the blue color regression to determine the concentration of the
density in the sample depends on the amount of sample by inserting the absorbance value of the
phenolic content. The amount of phenolic sample into the regression equation so that the
content in the sample can be influenced by the value of total phenolic content was obtained. The
type of solvent used in the extraction process total phenolic content in pandan leaf extract
(Indra et al., 2019). The reaction between samples is described as mg of Gallic Acid
phenolic compounds and the Folin-Ciocalteu Equivalent (GAE) per gram of dry extract
reagent proceeds slowly under acidic conditions, (Wibisono et al., 2020). The total phenolic
so it is necessary to add an alkaline solution in content was calculated using the TPC (Total
the form of sodium carbonate or Na2CO3 so that Phenolic Content) formula.
the reaction goes faster (Karim, 2017). The
Table 2: Results of Measuring Total Phenolic Levels
reaction under alkaline conditions aims to of Padan Leaf Extract
dissociate the protons contained in phenolic Total Phenolic
compounds into phenolic ions. The Folin- Absorbance
Solvent Content (mg
Ciocalteu reagent is used because it can react Value
with phenolic compounds and produce blue Ethanol 0,664 12,207
samples whose absorbance can be measured N-Hexane 0,256 6,521
using UV-Vis spectrophotometry
(Primadiamanti et al., 2020). Based on the results of the analysis, the
The sample solution is then centrifuged total phenolic content in the ethanol solvent
and then the liquid or supernatant is transferred pandan leaf extract was 12.207 mg GAE/g,

Faculty of Psychology and Health, UIN Sunan Ampel

Surabaya, 30-31 August 2023
The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Health Promotion (ICOSHPRO)

meaning that in every gram of pandan extract the

ethanol solvent was equivalent to 12.207 mg of
gallic acid. While the total phenolic content of n-
hexane solvent pandan leaf extract was 6.521 mg
g/GAE, meaning that in every gram of n-hexane
solvent pandan extract is equivalent to 6.521 mg
of gallic acid. These results indicate that the
content of phenolic compounds in pandan leaf
ethanol extract is greater than pandan leaf extract
n-hexane. Research by Mangkolsilp et al.,
(2004) regarding five Thai medicinal plants Figure 3: FTIR Spectrum Results of Pandan Leaf
stated that the higher the total phenolic content Extract with Ethanol & N-Hexane Solvents.
in the sample, the higher the free radical
scavenging activity. The FTIR results of pandan leaf n-hexane
extract identified O-H compound groups found
Identification of Compound Structures at the peak at wave 3300, the C-H compound
Through FTIR Instruments group was found at wavenumber 2900 cm-1, the
The working principle of FTIR is to C=C compound group was found at the peak
measure changes that occur in the total reflection wavenumber 1650 cm-1, and the C-O compounds
of infrared light when there is contact between were found at the peak at wavenumber 1100 cm-
the sample and infrared light (Septiani & . This is in accordance with research conducted
Roswien, 2018). Quantitative analysis with by Wibisono et al (2020), which stated that at
FTIR spectroscopy is generally used to identify wave numbers 3000-3500 cm-1 there are O-H
functional groups present in a compound being groups, at wavelengths 2800-3000 cm-1 there are
analyzed (Sari et al., 2018). FTIR has several C-H groups, at wave numbers 1600-1700 cm-1
advantages and disadvantages. The frequency there is a C=C compound group, and at wave
measurement is faster than using other methods numbers 1100-1200 cm-1 there is a C-O
through the scanning process and has high compound group. According to Asmara (2017),
sensitivity and accuracy compared to the manual the bond between the C-C groups is a bond
dispersion method, due to the large amount of belonging to the vinyl group, the double bonded
radiation emitted without having to enter the gap C atom most likely belongs to the aromatic
first. Despite these advantages, FTIR has several group. The unsaturated characteristic of C=C
drawbacks. During the process of generating aromatic is 1.5 times that of aliphatic C=C due
data, the two IR ports must be facing each other. to the influence of the conjugation of three
This causes the process to be long because it double bonds in six cyclic carbon atoms. This
takes time to send data. In addition, IR radiation results in the strength of the double bond being
is very dangerous for the eyes because it can weaker than the double in aliphatic so that the
cause irritation and even blindness (Lubis, strain frequency is also lower. The presence of
2015). The FTIR test results of the ethanol and phenolic compounds is further emphasized by
n-hexane extracts can be seen in the following the spectra in the fingerprint region, where there
graph: are groups of C-O compounds. The typical
characteristic of the presence of C–O bonds in
phenolic compounds is indicated by a peak with
a strong intensity at wavenumber 1100 cm-1
which indicates bond strain between C–O.
In the results of the FTIR spectrum with
ethanol solvent, it can be seen that pandan leaves
contain alkanes and aldehydes. The alkane

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Surabaya, 30-31 August 2023
The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Health Promotion (ICOSHPRO)

functional group identified at ± 2900 wavelength gave a significantly greater effect on

and at ± 1700 wave vibration is the aldehyde ethanol extract than n-hexane extract.
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Surabaya, 30-31 August 2023

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