Mathematics Fundamentals

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Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

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(61 i......................................................................................................................................25
ab ( a + b N a - b )............................................................................................................68
(VB ) 2........................................................................................................................................116
gt +...............................................................................................................................125
. a - ^a + 1...........................................................................................................139
b = a + c 2........................................................................................................................144
1 + sin a 1 — sin a.....................................................................................................155
1— sin a + 1 + sin a...............................................................................................155
y - y, = m ( x - x 1 )...........................................................................................................167
-( x - x )...............................................................................................................................170
( x — 10 )........................................................................................................................171

Unit 2
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 4
FORWARD Unit 3 Unit 5

Assessment Assessment


Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 1

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals


Subject Mathematics Fundamentals

Initials MAT-110
Faculty Business Studies; Sciences and Technologies of the
Workload 4HT 2hp
Level First semester
Requirement Admission

Validity Year 2012


> Reinforce the knowledge acquired during secondary training, with practical theoretical application
> Identify and apply rules and laws of algebraic operations in solving problems.
> Know and apply methods for solving equations. Solve problems and interpret results.
> Apply the definition and properties of logarithms in solving logarithmic equations.
> Identify characteristics and properties of Analytical Plane Geometry.
> Apply the properties of Trigonometry in solving triangles and trigonometric identities.



Perform operations with fractions. Simplify complex arithmetic expressions. Perform operations
in Scientific Notation. Convert units of measurement.
1.1 Real numbers. Properties. Operations with integers.

1.2 Prime and composite numbers

1.3 Least Common Multiple. Greatest common divisor. Least Common Denominator
1.4 Properties. Operations with fractions.
1.5 Potentiation and Radiation of fractions. Definition. Properties.
1.6 Metric system. Application exercises.
1.7 Unit Conversion. Units of Length, Surface, Volume, Weight and Time
1.8 Powers of 10. Scientific notation. Operations.

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 2

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals


Perform operations with polynomials. Simplify complex algebraic expressions. Solve equations of 1st
and 2nd degree. Solve systems of equations. Solve 1st and 2nd degree inequalities.
2.1 Algebraic expressions. Terms. Classification: Monomials, Polynomials. Numerical value
2.2 Operations: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. Properties.
2.3 Notable products and quotients.
2.4 Factorial decomposition of polynomials. Factoring algebraic expressions.
2.5 Greatest Common Divisor of Polynomials. Least Common Multiple of Polynomials.
2.6 Algebraic fractions. Operations: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Simplification.
2.7 Integer equations of the first degree with one unknown
2.8 Fractional equations of the first degree with one unknown.
2.9 Second Degree Equations with one unknown. Complete and Incomplete.
2.10 Systems of linear equations. Elimination Method: Equalization, Substitution, Reduction.
2.11 Inequalities: First degree and second degree. Absolute value. Solution Set.
2.12 Application problems.


Apply the properties of potentiation and radiation in solving exercises. Apply the definition and
properties to solve logarithms. Solve logarithmic and exponential equations.
3.1 Empowerment. Definition and Properties.
3.2 Theory of exponents. Laws of exponents.
3.3 Establishment of algebraic expressions. Definition and properties.
3.4 Radicals. Laws of radicals. Simplification and Reduction of Higher Order Roots. Operations with
3.5 Rationalization of irrational expressions.
3.6 Logarithms. Definition. Properties.
3.7 Logarithmic Equations.
3.8 Change of Base.
3.9 Exponential Equations
3.10 Application problems.

Apply trigonometric ratios in solving right triangles. Apply the laws of sines and cosines in solving
oblique triangles. Prove trigonometric identities. Solve trigonometric equations.
4.1 Trigonometric ratios in right triangles. Pythagoras theorem
4.2 Solving right triangles.
4.3 Trigonometric laws of oblique angles.

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Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

4.4 Resolution of oblique triangles.

4.5 Identities and trigonometric equations.
4.6 Application problems.


Calculate the distance between two points. Calculate the equation of a line. Apply the straight line
equation to the Supply and Demand of a product. Identify and graph the equations of conics.
5.1 Flat. Point and Line. Orthogonal Cartesian System.
5.2 General equation of a line.
5.3 Reduced equation (point-slope) of a line. Properties. Angular Coefficient, Linear Coefficient.
5.4 Systems of Lines, Angle between two lines, Parallelism and Perpendicularity. Postulates.
5.5 Drawing a straight line. Increasing Line, Decreasing Line. Point that cuts the abscissa axis.
Point that cuts the ordinate axis
5.6 Parable. Equations. Vertex. Maximum and Minimum, Points that intersect the Abscissa. Point that cuts
axis Ordinate Intervals where it increases and decreases. Plotted in an orthogonal Cartesian system.
5.7 Application problems.


Identify the direct and inverse ratios. Apply the simple rule of three when solving exercises.
Determine the percentage of an amount. Carry out the different types of proportional distribution.
6.1 Directly proportional ratios and magnitudes
6.2 Rule of three simple and composed
6.3 Proportional Distribution. Application Problems.
6.4 Percentage calculation.
6.5 Simple interest. Application exercises.


The subject will be taught theoretically and practically. The teacher will explain the theoretical concepts
and examples of each of the topics using the blackboard. Students will solve exercises through
cooperative learning under the constant guidance of the teacher.

Research papers on topics related to the subject will be assigned so that students can present them.
Practical work will be assigned for students to solve and then these works will be defended in classes in
written and oral form; which will be taken as an academic activity.


1. Resolution and defense of individual and group practical work

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Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

2. Research and presentation of topics related to the subject

3. Participation in virtual forums analyzing topics related to the subject.


Type C matter. In-person Modular System

Partial exams 10 points
Academic activities 50 points

Research work 40 points

TOTAL 100 points


- Piotr Marian Wisneewski. Introduction to university mathematics. McGraw Hill. Inter-American.2002

- Murria R. Spiegel. Advanced algebra. McGraw Hill. 1992

- Aurelio Baldor. Baldor Arithmetic.
- Aurelio Baldor. Baldor Algebra. Cultural / 1992.

- Carl Allendoerfer. “Fundamentals of University Mathematics.” McGraw Hill Publishing. 1973.

- Sebastian Lazo Q. Algebra. UMSA, EMI, UCB.
- Domingo Mendoza: Introduction to mathematics.

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 5

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals


1 .- Introduction

Mathematicians often say that the essence of Mathematics is in the beauty of numbers, figures and
relationships, and there is great truth in that. But the driving force of mathematical innovation in past centuries
has been the desire to understand how Nature works. This aspect is rarely mentioned.
Mathematics forms, together with the experimental method, the scheme on which modern Science is based
and on which Technology is based, with close interactions between them. On these bases the Industrial
Society was born a few centuries ago, and the new Information Society is currently being built along the same

The importance of the subject of mathematics fundamentals within the curriculum, in the professional profile of
business sciences and information technology lies in two basic functions:

• Generate reasoning skills in problem solving

• Provide the knowledge required as necessary requirements for other subjects related to mathematics
in the curricula of the different careers.

The level of complexity presented in this material ranges from basic, intermediate and advanced, taking into
account the objectives of the subject of achieving knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry and geometry
at their basic and deep levels of knowledge, knowledge that allows the student significant learning of the
subjects in the curriculum.

1.1 Goals

The objectives of the subject are indicated in the analytical program section.
The concepts and definitions are not new, however it is necessary to point out that:
- By reinforcing the knowledge acquired in secondary education, such as: the rules of algebraic operations,
methods of solving equations, properties of geometry and trigonometry with examples applied to the context of
their area of professionalization, the student will establish a friendly relationship with the basic and necessary

- By consolidating this knowledge and reaching a deeper understanding of the concepts, the student will
develop higher and critical thinking skills.

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 6

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

- The guiding text in its preliminary edition is suitable for distance studies, it is designed to achieve objectives
for each unit, and it also follows a correlative order according to the analytical plan of the subject. If there are
comprehension difficulties in a given unit, it is suggested to review the unit that contains prior knowledge for
said teaching unit.

2. Thematic Nuclei
2.1. Development

1.1 Real numbers. Properties. Operations with integers.

1.2 Prime and composite numbers
1.3 Least Common Multiple. Greatest common divisor. Least Common Denominator
1.4 Properties. Operations with fractions.
1.5 Potentiation and Radiation of fractions. Definition. Properties.
1.6 Metric system. Application exercises.
1.7 Unit Conversion. Units of Length, Surface, Volume, Weight and Time
1.8 Powers of 10. Scientific notation. Operations.

Sets of numbers and their properties are unifying concepts in mathematics and will be used constantly in this
and other subjects. In Unit 2 we will apply the concepts of union and intersection of sets when analyzing
inequalities. We will apply the properties of real numbers that we will analyze in this unit frequently throughout
the course, sometimes without naming them. The rules of the “order of operations” will be used to evaluate
expressions and formulas, as well as knowing the order of operations to verify the solutions of the equations.

In this unit we will analyze fractions, including their reduction, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
potentiation and multiplication. It is essential that you understand fractions, since we will be working with them
throughout the subject. In addition, we will soon analyze algebraic fractions that we will call rational
expressions to which the same rules and procedures as arithmetic fractions apply.


2.1 Algebraic expressions. Terms. Classification: Monomials, Polynomials. Numerical value

2.2 Operations: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. Properties.
2.3 Notable products and quotients.
2.4 Factorial decomposition of polynomials. Factoring algebraic expressions.
2.5 Greatest Common Divisor of Polynomials. Least Common Multiple of Polynomials.

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 7

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

2.6 Algebraic fractions. Operations: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Simplification.
2.7 Integer equations of the first degree with one unknown
2.8 Fractional equations of the first degree with one unknown.
2.9 Second Degree Equations with one unknown. Complete and Incomplete.
2.10 Systems of linear equations. Elimination Method: Equalization, Substitution, Reduction.
2.11 Inequalities: First degree and second degree. Absolute value. Solution Set.
2.12 Application problems.

In this unit we will define the concept of polynomial, and we will also explain how to add, subtract, multiply and
divide polynomials. To assimilate this material you must understand the rules of exponents presented in the
first unit.

To understand factoring, it is necessary to remember polynomials and in particular the multiplication and
division of polynomials.

In this unit we explain the analytical method and also the graphical method of solving linear equations.
Graphing is one of the most important topics in mathematics and its importance grows every year. If you are
going to take other math courses (such as Calculus I and Calculus II), you will graph many types of functions.
Graphs are also used in many undergraduate courses and industry, and are used to display information and
make projections.

The solution of linear inequalities is analyzed, which is an extension of the solution of linear equations. The
procedure we follow to solve inequalities is basically the same one used to solve linear equations, however;
The importance of interpreting the solution set on the real number line is emphasized.


3.1 Empowerment. Definition and Properties.

3.2 Theory of exponents. Laws of exponents.

3.3 Establishment of algebraic expressions. Definition and properties.
3.4 Radicals. Laws of radicals. Simplification and Reduction of Higher Order Roots. Operations with radicals.
3.5 Rationalization of denominators.
3.6 Logarithms. Definition. Properties.
3.7 Logarithmic Equations.
3.8 Change of Base.
3.9 Exponential Equations

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Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

3.10 Application problems.

Radical expressions and equations have an important role in mathematics and science in general. Many
mathematical and scientific forms involve radicals. We will see one of the most important forms in
mathematics, the quadratic formula, contains a square root.

The definitions and properties of powers and logarithmation will be analyzed, as well as the change of
expressions from radical to exponential and vice versa, their advantages in solving some equations by
applying said definitions and concepts.


4.1 Trigonometric ratios in right triangles. Pythagoras theorem

4.2 Solving right triangles.
4.3 Trigonometric laws of oblique angles.
4.4 Resolution of oblique triangles.
4.5 Identities and trigonometric equations.
4.6 Application problems.


5.1 Flat. Point and Line. Orthogonal Cartesian System.
5.2 General equation of a line.
5.3 Reduced equation (point-slope) of a line. Properties. Angular Coefficient, Linear Coefficient.
5.4 Systems of Lines, Angle between two lines, Parallelism and Perpendicularity. Postulates.
5.5 Drawing a straight line. Increasing Line, Decreasing Line. Point that cuts the abscissa axis. Point that
cuts the ordinate axis
5.6 Parable. Equations. Vertex. Maximum and Minimum, Points that intersect the Abscissa. Point that cuts
axis Ordinate Intervals where it increases and decreases. Plotted in an orthogonal Cartesian system.
5.7 Application problems.
In unit 4 the trigonometric ratios in the right triangle (sine cosine and tangent) will be defined, likewise, the
general case of the laws of sines and cosines for oblique triangles with application to problems of calculating
heights based on three data of the elements of a triangle.

In unit 5 the Cartesian coordinate system is presented and how to locate points on the plane will be explained.
The methods for graphing straight line equations are also analyzed: by locating points and by intersection with
the “x” and “y” axes. We also study the slope of a line, its meaning in different areas of knowledge.

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Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

At the end of the course, we will study the ratios and proportions, the way to pose them and solve them.
Proportions may be the equations that some students use most to solve real-life application problems.

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 10

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals


The study methodology suggestion that can lead to an interesting experience in this subject, therefore, leading
to successful achievements is the following:
1) Reading concepts, definitions and properties of the guide text.
2) Review and check the worked examples in the guide text.

Reading concepts,
definitions and ai-------” text properties

Read Carl's book

Allendoerfer for comparative study ) v
of simple exercises
No Review and check
J• the examples
4 Did you understand the

v Yeah


Attend the Saturday meeting.
The teacher will carry out the )4
clarifications and will deepen the topic
Solve task

2.2. Annotated Bibliography

The guide text of Fundamentals of Mathematics, whose author Eng. MSc Miguel E. Cuellar M., is the result of
more than eleven years of interaction and continuous experience in teaching mathematics; Furthermore, it
adapts to the heterogeneous characteristics of prior knowledge of students seeking professionalization in the
classrooms of our University.
It presents easy-to-understand examples and basic and intermediate-level applications, providing solid
foundations for achieving a deep understanding of the topics.

Aurelio Baldor's book is very useful, because this subject is largely based on the contents of this book, it

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 11

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

contains concepts, theorems; that is, abundant theoretical support, proposed exercises with results and
examples expressed sequentially.

Domingo Mendoza's book was used for the summarized theoretical concepts and the varied exercises on each
of the topics.

Carl Allendoerfer's book presents resolution of exercises in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.
Sebastián Lazo's book contains solved and proposed examples to be carried out by students.

The book by Allen R. and Angel, has a didactic approach, that is, it explains the exercises in a simple way; In
addition, it contains applications in different areas of knowledge.

2.3. Explanatory material

2.3.1. Real numbers. Properties. Operations with integers.

Symbologies for sets of Numbers:

Allen R. Angel Other authors

N = Natural Numbers; N = {1,2,3,…} N = Natural Numbers; N = {0,1,2,3,…}

I = Integers; I = {..,-2,-1,0,1,2,..} Z = Integers; Z = {..,-2,-1,0,1,2,..}
W = Positive Integers; W = {0,1,2,...} Q = Rational Z + = Positive Integers; Z + ={0,1,2,...}
Numbers; Z - = Negative Integers; Z - = {..,-2,-1,0} Q = Rational

Q ={ p
p,qeZ,q+0}q Numbers;
H = Irrational Numbers; Q ={ p,qeZ,q+0}q
H≠{ p
p,qeZ,q+0}q Q c = Irrational Numbers;

R = Real Numbers; R = Real Numbers; R = {x/x is the union of rational
R = {x/x is a point on the number line} and irrational numbers}

2.3.2. Prime and composite numbers

Prime numbers
They are those numbers that are only divisible by themselves and by the unit ; That is, these numbers only
have two divisors. Prime numbers have only 2 divisors. Also called absolute prime numbers.

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Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

Examples: The following numbers are prime:

1; 2; 3; 5; 7; 11; 13; 17; 19; 23; 29; 31; 37; 41; 43; 47; 53; 59; 61; 67; 71; 73; 79; 83; 89; 97...

divisible by It is a prime
Number by
itself number

The number 2 is divisible by itself and by unity 2 1 Yeah

The number 3 is divisible by itself and by unity 3 1 Yeah
The number 4 is divisible by itself, by one and by 2 4 1 No

Compound number

It is any non-prime number; result of multiplying two or more prime numbers; or their powers. They are also
those that have more than two divisors.

Examples : The following numbers are composites

4; 6; 8; 9; 10; 12; 14; 15; 16; 18; 20;

Divisible divisible by
Number Also divisible It is a composite
by: number
itself unit

The number 4 is divisible by 4 1 2 Yeah

The number 7 is divisible by 7 1 No
The number 10 is divisible by 10 1 2 and 5 Yeah
2.3.3. Least Common Multiple. Greatest common divisor. Least Common Denominator.

In the recommended textbook, it discusses the greatest common factor (LCF) which is commonly called the
greatest common factor (GCD).

Least Common Multiple (lcm) , of two or more numbers, is defined as the smallest number that exactly
contains said numbers.

Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) or, of two or more numbers, it is the smallest number that exactly divides
said numbers.

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Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

Least Common Denominator (LCD), of two or more fractions is the LCM of its denominators.

Applications: Why will you learn the LCM?

For addition, subtraction and simplification of fractions

Applications: What will the MCD learn for?

For factoring algebraic expressions

Resolution methods:
a) By simple inspection, when the values are small
Example: Find the lcm of: 3, 6 and 8

The smallest number that contains exactly 3, 6 and 8 is 24; therefore the lcm =24.

Example: Find the GCD of: 3, 6 and 9

The largest number that exactly divides 3, 6 and 9 is 3; therefore the GCF=3.
b) By simultaneous decomposition

Example: Find the lcm of: 75, 100 and 130

It is simultaneously decomposed into its prime factors, if one of the numbers is not divisible, write down
the number again (until you reach the number that divides exactly), for example, the number

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 14

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

75 is not divisible by 2, therefore it is rewritten until we reach the number 3, which is a divisor of 75.

75 100 130 2

75 50 65 2
75 25 65 3
25 25 65 5
5 5 13 5
1 1 13 13
Then the lcm It is the product of all the prime factors.

lcm = 2 2 x 3 x 5 2 x13= 3900

Example : Find the GCD of: 75, 100 and 130

The numbers are decomposed simultaneously, then the GCD is the product of the factors that exactly divide all
the numbers.

In the example, 100 and 130 are divisible by 2, but not 75; therefore factor 2 is not considered to write the
GCF; Continuing with 3 it only divides 75 therefore it is not considered to write the GCF; If you observe
carefully that 5 exactly divides the three numbers (25, 25 and 65), we highlight this factor with a circle and
continue our journey of decomposition until we conclude. The GCF is the product of all the circled factors. In
our example we have factor 5.

GCD= 5

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Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

c) By individual decomposition

To find the lcm of two or more numbers, each number is decomposed into its prime factors. Then the lcm
is the product of the common and uncommon prime factors taken with their greatest exponent.

Example : Find the lcm and GCD of: 75, 100 and 130
Decomposing each number into its prime factors
75 3 100 2 130 2
25 5 50 2 65 5
5 5 25 5 13 13
1 5 5 1
75 = 3 x5 2 100= 2 2 x 5 2 65= 2x5x 13

In the example, the common factor of 75,100 and 130 is 5, but the one with the highest exponent is 5 , the
factors 2, 3 and 13 are not common, however, they are taken into account with their highest exponent.

lcm (75,100,130) = 2 2 x 3 x 5 2 x 13 = 3900 is the product of the common and non-common factors (in the case
of common factors, those with the highest exponent are noted)

In the example it is observed that the factor 5 is common for the three numbers, but the one with the lowest
exponent is 5 1 .

GCD (75,100,130)= 5 is the product of the common factors; but, with the lowest exponent

2.4. The new content to be discussed

In section 2.3, the classification of the set of real numbers, definitions necessary for the understanding of
courses after Fundamentals of Mathematics, are presented. Likewise, the practice of rapid calculation will be
encouraged through methods such as those of Yakop Perelman that help develop the speed of solving

3. Conclusions

The questions and exercises with answers are presented in the guide text in practical 1, 2,3 and 4; These
exercises must be solved during the time and terms established by the teacher of the subject. The student's
probable difficulties will be supported with online meetings through the platform and in constant interaction with

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Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

the teacher.


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Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

Unit No. 1: Arithmetic


At the end of this unit the student will develop the following skills:

1. Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions.

2. Performs the transformation of units of measurement through conversion by factors.
3. Simplify complex arithmetic fractions by applying the properties of Potentiation and Radication.
4. Recognize and express a number in scientific notation or base ten.
5. Perform operations expressed in scientific notation.

A fraction is the exact quotient of the division of two numbers; where the numerator represents the dividend
and the denominator represents the divisor, that is:

a - Numerator
Fraction =
b ) Denominator

Where: “a” and “b” belong to integers, and “b” is different from zero.
In this case:
The numerator indicates the number of fractional units chosen.
The denominator indicates the number of parts into which the unit has been divided.

Classification of Fractions
It is known that there are different ways to classify fractions, some of these ways are the following:

1° ) Classification according to the relationship between the numerator and the denominator, fractions can

Own fraction . - It is that fraction where the denominator is greater than the numerator.

That is: 2/3, 3/5, 4/7, 5/8, ……..

Improper fraction . - It is that fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator:

That is: 7/2, 5/3, 4/3, 9/4, ………

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Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

2° ) Classification according to the relationship between the denominators.

Homogeneous fraction . - They are those fractions that have the same denominator.

That is: 1/4, 3/4, 5/4, 7/4, ……………

Heterogeneous fraction . - They are those fractions that have different denominators:

That is: 2/3, 7/2, 5/8, ………………..

3° ) Classification according to the relationship between the numerator and the denominator.

Reducible fraction . - They are those fractions in which the numerator and denominator are not prime to
each other and can be simplified.

That is: 6/12, 10/16, 4/6,………

Irreducible fraction . - They are those fractions in which the numerator and denominator are cousins to
each other, and, therefore, cannot be simplified.

That is: 1/2, 1/3,………

4° ) Other classifications.

Unit fraction . - It is the common fraction of numerator 1.

Egyptian fraction . - It is a system of representation of fractions in Ancient Egypt in which each fraction is
expressed as a sum of unit fractions.

Apparent fraction or integer fraction.- It is the fraction that represents any number belonging to the set of

That is : 3/3 = 1, 12/3 = 4, 9/3 = 3,………

Decimal fraction.- It is that fraction whose denominator is a power of ten . It can also be a fraction
expressed in base 10 , as opposed to binary fractions and so on, which are expressed in other numbering

Mixed fraction.- It is the sum of an integer and a proper fraction. Mixed fractions can be expressed as
improper fractions: 3¼

An irrational fraction is, since all fractions must be able to be expressed as ordinary fractions. An irrational
number is, by definition, non- rational, that is, it cannot be expressed as a vulgar fraction.

A continued fraction is an expression like the following:

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x—b 0+-----------------------------------1--------

b, - ..................
b + ..................
Where the b i are positive integers.
Composite fraction.- It is the fraction whose numerator or denominator (or both) also contains fractions.

Partial fraction . - It is the fraction that can be used to decompose a rational function.

Fraction as a ratio.- It serves to answer the question: in what relationship are they?, since it reveals the
relationship between a pair of numbers that can come from a comparison.

Addition and subtraction of fractions

When adding and subtracting two or more fractions; The following cases may occur:

1° ) If the denominators of the fractions to be added and/or subtracted are equal , then the numerators are
added and/or subtracted directly, copying the number that is repeated into the denominator.


35 — +
1. —

85 8-53
2. — — — —-------
33 3 3

5175-1+7 11
3. — — — +--------------------------------
444 4 4

2° ) If the denominators of the fractions to be added and subtracted are different , then the lowest
common denominator (gcd) must be calculated; decomposing all denominators into their prime factors.


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5 4 1 15 + 16 - 6 25
— + — —-----------------------------------
4 3 2 12 12

2 5 4 1 12 + 15 —8— 6 13
— + — — — —------------------------------------------------------
3 6 9 3 18 18

Multiplication of fractions
To multiply two or more fractions together, first apply the law of signs, then multiply numerators together and
denominators together. Before performing the operation, numerator factors must be simplified with
denominator factors; if possible.
Law of signs : *
+ + = +
- * - = +

+ * - = -

- * + = -

Examples :

IX-r 3 ( 4 (3*4) 12
1. multiply: *
I — — =- ---------------- Yo-------- Simplifying
2 \ 5J \2* 5J 10

5x9x4x1 . IX": ( 7) (16) ( 1) 112 14

2. multiply: I — - x — x — l= \ 4 )\ 5 7x16x1 Simplifying
)\ 2J
4x5x2 40 5

i (5 )( 9)( 4)( 1)
3. multiply: I- x -xx =

I 3 J \ 4 J \ 5 J \ 15 J 180 1 Simplifying
900 = 5

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Division of fractions
To divide two fractions by each other, the law of signs is first applied, then it can be divided in two ways:

1st ) Multiply extremes with extremes for the numerator and means with means for the denominator.
2º ) The divisor fraction is inverted and then the multiplication is carried out; given that; division becomes

Law of signs : + ÷ + = +

- ÷- = +
+ ÷ - = -
- ÷+ = -

Examples :

1. Divide: - by 25

1st Form :
— __2 = - 3X5
42X4 15
5 — —- -

2nd Form :

34 3
—— • —= ——X
25 2
5 — —15 . Here the divisor (4 / 5) was

3 ( 4N
2. Split: — between1 —— 1
5 1 15)

3 ( 4) 3 ( 15
— —+ — — =--X — —
5 1 15 1 5 1 4 ) 45 9
Yo — — — —.
20 4

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Solved exercises

1+ 23
1. Simplify: --------3— = Performing operations on the numerator and denominator

7 7
18 +7

1 8
1 • 3X25 25
3 18 X 1 6

2. Simplify: Performing addition and subtraction operations on the numerator and denominator

3-1 2 22
3 3 = 2- 3, = 2 -2 18 -2 16
= 2- 1+23 9
9 9
2 -1

3Developing the numerator and denominator

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3. Simplify:

15 + 10 -9 16 16 16 16 16
15 15 15 15 15 16
2 15 -2 13
4 3+ 12 15 15

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(1 - 3 - 3 i 1
2 5 -1

4. Simplify: -2 1 3
\ 6 3 /

1-3 (61 i

\\ /
( - Yo (1 - 1 i 2
10 2 5

\ 6 and \ 6 and
(- i 2

\ 3 and

(- 2 i

5 10
\ 1 and \
2 and

_3 3X
>2 5 )5

2x1 2“
_ Simplif
9 multipl
10 x ying
1 )* what

5. Simplify:

( 10+2 i X x

115 - 2
(_ 37+ 11 i
8 +3 5^4 2
8 ( 12i ,

i 5 2 (-
37 + 22 i ( 22 x 8 2

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i( 15 i
1,— =xI

.Z- I x I - — I
4 y \ 15 yXí 5 )\ 4


16 15
15 4

See plate 1.
Click here
consists of
multiplying a
number called
the base by
itself, as many
times as its
indicates to
obtain the
power as a
result, that is:


bn = b xb xbxb x.

n - times

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The properties
are tools that
allow us to
facilitate the
resolution of the
Among some of
these properties
we have the

1° ) When two
or more equal
bases are
multiplied, a
single base is
copied and its
exponents are
added, that is:

Example :

(61 i.........................................................................
ab ( a
(VB ) 2...................................................................
gt +

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^a +

c 2..........................................................................
sin a
sin a
sin a
sin a
y - y, =
x 1 )........................................................................
-( x - x )
10 )........................................................................

2° ) When two
equal bases are
divided, a single
base is copied
and its
exponents are
subtracted, that

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xm —n
Cb )


3 )1 .( 3 )
7 3 _
3 )3 3 3 3 27
2 ) 'I2) - YO=-XX—= —
2) 2 2 2 8


3° ) When an
exponent is
raised to
exponent, the
base is copied
and then the
exponents are
multiplied, that

Example :

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111111 1
=-XXXXX-= —
2 2 2 2 2 2 64
4° ) When two or more different bases are multiplying and in turn these are raised to an exponent (n); then
the exponent is distributed for all bases, that is:

ac )

— bd )
Example :

3 1 )3 3 3 3) 111
—x—| —x—x—|x -XX—
2 2) 2 2 2) 222

5° ) When an exponent is negative, the fraction is inverted so that the exponent becomes positive, that is:

By inverting the fraction the exponent will be positive.

Example :

— 2 2 2 8
3 Reversing the base and then developing the exponent.
= — x — x — =------------.
3 3 3 27

6° ) When a fractional base is raised to an exponent, it can be distributed to the numerator and the
denominator, that is:

7° ) When a base is negative and the exponent is even then the result will be positive.

8° ) When a base is negative and the exponent is odd then the result will be negative.

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9° ) Any quantity with a base other than zero: positive or negative, numeral or literal, integer or fraction
raised to zero exponent, the result is one .

Examples :

= 1 4) 70 = 1


1. Simplify:

First the exponent is developed, then the multiplication

11 1
— + — 14 = ( — 1) X 3 - — 3
3 3 3

2 3 )5 ( 1 )5 (( 1N 2 3 1 3 )5 ( 1 )5 1+ ( 1 )5
+- I x — +- 4 4Il2I
-+- I x| - | 3 )5 xI —I
4 Il 2 I 4I 1 2I

21 6 x 35 3 x 80 3
3. Simplify: Decomposing each of the numbers as a product
15 4 x 14 9 x 30 2

(76 x 3 6 )x(73 x 5 3 ) x (10 3 x 8 3 )_ •% 10 3 x 8 3

(7 3 ) 6 x ( 7 x 5) x ( 10 x 8 )
4th • 6

(5 ) (7 ) (5 )
3 4
x 34 x
x 29 x
x 62 " s”x51y3%79x29x62x52
(5 x 3) 4
x (7 x 2) 9
x (5 x 6)2

3 2 x 10 3 x 8 3

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4. Simplify: Here, first the operation is performed inside the square bracket .

2- =2- Answer

5. Simplify :

•---- _ _
1 -3x8

2-3 — 2 - -------
8 - 4x1 -
1- 1 1
4 4

_ 2 +6
32 Answer
6. Simplify:

Answer : 20 / 37
30 + —-----------
20 - 3-1

7. Simplify :

3-1 Answer: - 1/5

Establishment is the inverse operation of empowerment. The radical consists of three elements:

radical sign

root index ► Root


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The result of a radical is the number that raised to the index “n” results in the subradical quantity

Properties of radicals
The properties of radicals are tools that will help us solve the exercises. Among some of these
properties we have the following.

1° ) There is no real root of the even index of negative radicals.

2° ) When the index of the root is odd , then the result of the radical has the same sign of the

3° ) The filing is distributive with respect to the division:

4° ) The establishment is distributive with respect to the multiplication: n

Ja X b = n[ a X n b

5° ) When there are radicals within another radical then the indices of the radicals are


6° ) The exponent of the radical comes out of the radical:

7° ) The index of the radical divides the exponent of the radical:

n/, X mfh n . mmn

8° ) Different indices in the product is homogenized: X X
A /C /D a a b

a \f m . bn,X = a . mb " /m.x

9° ) Different indices in the division are homogenized:
10° ) The coefficients of the radical are multiplied:

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See plate 2. Click here


1. Simplify

2. Simplify: 1/1, - 3,2-1+/16 + 43/8 ' + 2 = ’

(61 i..................................................................25
ab ( a + b N a - b )........................................68
(VB ) 2....................................................................116
gt +...........................................................125
. a - ^a + 1.......................................139
b = a + c 2....................................................144
1 + sin a 1 — sin a.................................155
1— sin a + 1 + sin a...........................155
y - y, = m ( x - x 1 ).......................................167
-( x - x )...........................................................170
( x — 10 )....................................................171

— 15 Answer

4. Simplify:
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0.34) 1 1.15
------- — ----------- x 0.9 = Decimal numbers are converted to fractions
2 ) 0.34

To do this, you must multiply and divide the decimal number by the same number of figures after the comma.
■ ,100 34 17
For example: 0.34 x — = — 50
100 100
() 1 ____________________________________
23 2 50x23 9 _ (Y 100 TO 1151 9
( 2 ) 20 9 x = | | - -x
^ 0.34 ) 17 x—
10 1 17 20x17 10 V\ 17 ) 34 10
50 IL 50 ) J. '

r200 -115 9
4 34 x------ Answer

5. Simplify
Before performing the operations, all decimal numbers must be converted to fractions.

f 1 - 0.34 A ( 2.1 - 1.308

3 |--------------| x |----------------------
V\ 1.1 )\ 2.2

17A 327A
( 21 (50 - 17 A (525 - 327 A (33 A (198 A
50 250 = 50x250
50 10 250

1? i 11 11
\ 5 ) / 10 ) 1 5 )

,(33x10 A ( 198x 5 / ,3 9 3/27 =

V125 Answer
\59-) ",250 x11)) V5 x 25

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Solved exercises
It is important that when simplifying the fractions; Take into account the order of operations, that is, first you
must perform the operations within the parentheses, brackets and keys, then the power, then the root, then
the multiplication and division and finally the addition and subtraction respectively.

1 ) Simplify:

5= 14 Answer
3 15

2) Simplify:

(2) 2 (2 )3 /4 _____ <------------ - 2

,3 J"3 %\ /9 ( 5 1 17 \ —5 25 - 17 I
- - - - - ------ — 1
---- -

X3 —— - - Yo
5 25 -17 | Performing operations within the radical
—X 3----- 1
2V 125J

Extracting the root and simplifying

/ 11
4 —

274 — 1=3


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2- +5+ 5
3 ) Simplify: Answer : - 1/3
-2 21 )1
3 2J

To convert a decimal number to a fraction

These are some of the cases to convert a decimal number into a fraction:

CASE I. Exact decimals.- We write in the numerator the decimal expression without the decimal point and
in the denominator the unit followed by as many zeros as there are decimal figures.

For example: 0. 125 = 125/ 1,000 ; then simplifying it results: 1/8

CASE II . Pure periodic decimals.- We write as a numerator the difference between the decimal
expression (up to the first period) and the part before the period; and as a denominator, as many "9" as
there are figures in the period.

For example: 1. 125 125 125......= (1 125-1)/999 = 1124 / 999

CASE III. Mixed periodic decimals.- We write as the numerator the difference between the decimal
expression without the decimal point and the part before the period; and as denominator, as many "9" as
there are digits in the period and as many "0" as there are non-periodic decimal digits in the number.

For example: 1,002 25 25 25..... = (1 00225-1002)/99000 = 99223 / 99000

Scientific notation
Scientific notation or numbers in powers of ten is a way of representing very large or very small numbers in
summary form, using the base ten to express exponents. When the number to be represented in the form of
scientific notation is greater than one, the exponent of ten is positive; and when the number to be
represented in scientific notation is less than one, then the exponent of ten is negative.
If the decimal point moves to the right, then the exponent of ten decreases. If the decimal point moves to the
left, then the exponent of ten increases.

Examples :

1. Speed of light: 30000000'00 m = 3×10 8 m

sec sec
2. Cell size: 0.0025 cm. = 2.5×10 -3 cm .

3. 12500 = 125×102 = 12,5×103 = 1,25×104 Moving the comma to the left

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4. 0.000115 =0.115×10 -3 = 1.15×10 -4 = 11.5 x 10 -5 Moving the comma to the right

Add and subtract
To add and subtract two or more numbers in powers of ten, they must have the same exponents, then the
coefficients can be added or subtracted directly.

Examples :

1. 7×103 + 5×103 – 4×103 = 8×103 In this case the coefficients are added and subtracted directly

2. 0.125×10 2 + 0.015×10 3 = 0.125×10 2 + 0.15×10 2 = 0.275×10 2 = 27.5x10 0 = 27.5

3. 3500 + 750 – 865000 = 35×102 + 75×101 - 865×103 = 35×102 + 7,5×102 - 8650×102 =

8607,5×102 = 860750

To multiply two or more numbers in powers of ten, first the law of signs is carried out, then the coefficients
are multiplied and for the exponents the property of multiplication of equal bases is applied, that is, the base
ten is copied and the exponents are added .

(3×102 ) * (4×103) = 12×105

(0,15×10-1)*(3,5×102)*(0,11×101) = (15×10-3)*(35×101)*(11×10-1) =

= 5775×10-3+1-1 = 5775×10-3

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To divide two numbers into powers of ten, first the law of signs is carried out, then the coefficients are
divided and for the exponents the property of division of equal bases is applied, that is, the base ten is
copied and then the exponents are subtracted .

Examples :

1. Divide: 105×10 7 by: 35×10 5

105 X
= 3X 107-5 = 3 X 300
10 7

10 2

35 X 10 5

2. Divide: 125×10 5 between: 5×102

125 X
=25 X 105-2 = 25 X 25000
10 5

10 3

5 x 10 2

Unit Conversion
To convert units in this material, the Factors method will be used. For this, the following table is presented
with some equalities:

Units Length Surface Volume Mass

Kilometer 1km = 1000 m. 1 km 2 = 10 6 m 2 1 km 3 = 10 9 m 3 1 kg = 1000 gr

2 4 2 3 6 3
hectometer 1 Hm. = 100m. 1Hm = 10 m 1Hm = 10 m 1000 kg = 1 Ton
2 2 2 3 3 3
Decimeter 1 DM. = 10m. 1Dm = 10 m 1Dm = 10 m 1 kg = 2.205 Lb
Decimeter 10 dm. = 1m. 10 2 dm = 1 m2 10 3 dm 3 = 1 m 3 0.454 kg = 1 Lb
Centimeter 100cm. = 1m. 10 4 cm 2 = 1 m 2 10 6 cm 3 = 1 m 3 454g = 1lb
Millimeter 1000mm. = 1m. 6
10 mm = 1 m2 2 9
10 mm = 1 m3 3
28.35 g = 1 ounce
1 foot =30.48 cm. 1000 cm3 = 1L 14.59 g = 1 slug
1 in. = 2.54 cm. 1 barrel = 159 L
39.37 in. = 1m.

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1 mile = 1609 m


1 Hm
1. Convert: 3.5 ma Hm.
_________» 3.5m X - -7 = 0.035

2. Convert: 1 Hm to cm. 100m 100cm = 5000 cm

0.5Hm x-------x---------
1 Hm 1m .

Convert: 10 9 m 2 a
1 km 2 3 2
3. Km 2 x---------= 10 3 km 2

4. Convert: 170 foot to DM

1m x
12 " —— \Dm _ .
170 ft x----------— 100c x-------= 5.1816
1 foot DM.


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1m 100cm
3.7dm-----x- - - - -= 37cm
10 dm 1m
1m 1000mm
3.7dm-----x-------= 370cm
c) 10 dm 1m

2. Convert: 75000 mm 2 to: m 2 , Hm 2 , cm 2

75000mm 2X 1m = = 0.075 m 2
to) 10 6 mm 2

1m2 1 Hm 2 75000
2X m
b) 75000mm 6
2 4
0.0000075 Hm 2
10 mm 10 100000000000

1m2 10 4 cm 2
75000mm 2X m

= 750 cm

c) 10 mm 1m

3. Convert: 18 Lt. A: cm 3 , m 3 , Hm 3

1000 cm 3
to) 18 Lt ------------= 18000 cm 3
1 Lt

1000 cm 3 1m3
b) 18 Lt-------—X— --------
6 3
= 0.018 m

1 Lt 10 cm

1000 cm 3 1m3 1 Hm 3
18 Lt------------ x -X
= 18 X 10 9 m 3
c) 1 Lt 10 6 cm 3 10 6 m 3

4. Convert: 1.3 in. A: mm, cm, m

to) 2.54cm 1m 1000mm

1.3 in . lg. X—- - -x -------- x----------- = 33.02mm
1 inch lg.100cm 1m

1.3 in . lg. X—- - -= 3.302 cm
1 inch lg.

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x 2.54cm 1m
c) 1.3 in . lg. x-------x---------= 0.03302 m
1 inch lg. 100cm

Simplify the following expressions :
" 1 (, 1
.2 13. • 6
1—1 3)

0.5 5 2) 2------------3—
1) —
3 12 1
*1 —1

3 1
A 1.2 — 0.4 „ 0.2 x 5.0
x and.

1 6)
1.3 — 0.8 — 1 5) 4

—2 0.4 x 2.0 1 —311

- - - ---- 5-2

2 — 5
7) ---------- -----------
3 4 8) 2—

) , 0.5 3.5 11
1 9) 2—
1 HOUR---Yo---- 1 1
33 5 6 2—
10) 11)


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2 4 ) [
(elev 2 — 3.( 3 -

en 3 5 14) i5 1
1 2 4 14 8 ) * 2
l2 5

—.O e

1 /1 1N (5 5N

1 — 2 —1—
L 2 12 4) X—1
[ —2 —



N 1 cn_V
and 1__1

16) — 3— 1
: 1 —1


3 ]

— 1

18) 9

— 1
19) 2

3) )

and U)
1 /~


—2 ■1' f 1( 1) •( 2)
•Cu1.. /—
• U1

13 )
• | — \/


5 — + • — - 11

1 1
— — +1

3 16 + 20
22) I x 82 (+y + 1 23)
____O.5________0-4_______ 1 1
25 . 50
_ 0.04 0.02J

9-1 +, 1
, /1 — —1

-1- -1 g-1
— +l3 —
2 5
24) J. 25)
/16 —1 + 5 + 3—1
(3 J'g- ' 2 2)'
17 0.34 1.15
— /1,2
26) • ■ 0.34 J x 0.9 27) ¿ 7 + — — — x, 3 — 1 + 15 — 1
Ll 2 ) 61 100 20 V4 2 110)
Y 1—1 | 1 — 3 _ 10—1
o _1 — 1 3 — 3 — ( 2)2 + 29
2 V 4S- ) 22 /,.5 4
2 3
28) -- - - - —
1 +- — 1---1 — 1
.3 2J ________3 l 5) =
( 3 — ( 3 x 111
\ — 2 — (— 5)- 22

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30)1 ■ \3 1 ■
■— ■ 21
13N 2 r 3/21N 31)
2 6/ 23 ( 53 )- 12 -8 1
L 5 I 54 -2) V 10J
/J 33) ( . 0.04 - /0.125 ) 5/0.00032
If 0.2 2
■ 1
33) 1

,------ 1

■ ,------
32) 1 . 21
J 10 \ 3/0.000027 J. 3/0.000064
•i 1
• 60
1 3
/ - -1-------------------- -----------— ________-
34) and 8

,r/1 ■ 1 - 1 -f 2

(1 -2 - 1
X 2 2
■ 2 - 1
1 _V 9 6 4 I 3 JJ
Exercise Result Exercise Result Exercise Result
1 -20
12 - 4 / 25 23 64
2 16 / 9
13 -5/2 24 38 / 35
3 16 / 13
14 9/2 25 2500 / 8649
4 12
15 - 17 26 3/2

5 -14 / 81 16 -8/5 27 1/6

6 2 / 15 17 1 28 - 17 / 12
7 3 / 28 18 4 / 81 29 2

8 4/7 19 8 / 29 30 . 321 3
69 / 10
9 3 / 88 20 1 / 36 31
10 1/6 21 -2/3 32
49 / 10
11 1/5 22 1 33

34 -3 / 4

Unit No. 2: Algebra

At the end of this unit the student will develop the following skills:

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1° ) Perform operations with polynomials.

2 °) Apply the different cases of factorization in the simplification of algebraic fractions.
4 °) Solve equations and systems of equations of the first and second degree.
5 °) Solve first and second degree inequalities.
6°) Calculate the solution set of inequalities with absolute value.

Previous knowledge
To achieve meaningful learning from this unit; The student must basically know the following topics:

1° ) Operations with arithmetic fractions.

2° ) Definition and properties of the potentiation of fractions.
3° ) Definition and properties of the presentation of fractions.
4° ) Simplification of arithmetic fractions.

A polynomial is an algebraic expression that is made up of two or more terms.
An algebraic expression is understood to be that expression where the literal part must not have fractional
exponents and these cannot be negative either.

A term is that algebraic expression that is separated by a positive or negative sign. Every term is made up of the
following elements: the sign, the coefficient, the literal part and the degree.

Similar Terms
Two or more terms are said to be similar when they have the same literal part and the same degree.

Addition and subtraction of polynomials

To add and/or subtract polynomials, you must take into account that the terms are similar, if so; The coefficients of
the terms that are similar are directly added and subtracted.

Examples :

1. Add: 3a + 2b – c; 2a + 3b + c

3a + 2b - c
Ordering the polynomials
2a. + 3b + c
5a + 5b

2. Add: - 7x - 4y + 6z ; 10x - 8y - 8z ; - 5x + 24y + 2z

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- 7x - 4y + 6z
10x - 8y - 8z Ordering the polynomials

- 5x + 24y + 2z
- 2 x + 12 y

7 63 7
3. Add: 6a 3
— a 2 b

- 5 ab ; 2
a b + — ab - — ab 3;— a + 3 ab - a b
2 2 3 3 2

2 52 3

6 to 3- - - -a b 2
- 5 ab 2

ab + — ab — 3 ab 3
Ordering the polynomials

—a3 - a 2b
+3b 3

11 33 7
a 3
— ab 2
Simplifying + 3ab 3 – 3ab 3
3 10 3


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To subtract polynomials , change the sign of all the terms of the polynomial where the word subtract is; then the
operation is performed the same as the addition of polynomials.

4 of: 4m +9m 3 2
—3 m subtract: — 2 m + 7 m
3 2

4m +9m 3 2
—3 m
2m3—7m2 +1 This is the polynomial where the sign of the terms was changed

6m +2m 3 2
—3 m+1 Once ordered, the sum is carried out normally.

5 of:
a b 2
——+ subtract: 1
—9m 3
+2a b

2.5 m 3
— 0.3 a
a b 2 10 5
5 — +
— —
This is the polynomial where the sign of the terms was changed
2a b -+9 2

m3 +2 a 23
3 —
— —
a b

5 + +
m to — 3

53 5 1 3
6. From: -x 2 — y 2
subtract: -xy — —y 2
— x

9 8 7 10 11


1 This is the polynomial where the sign of the terms was changed
x and h x 2H
82 2 11
xy 1 —x 40
7 99 and

Polynomial Multiplication

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To multiply two or more polynomials with each other, first the law of signs is applied, then the coefficients
of the terms are multiplied. For the literal part, the multiplication property of equal bases is applied.
This property says that; When two or more equal bases are multiplied, their exponents are added.

Examples :

1. Multiply: m 2 + mn + n 2 by: m —n

(61 i......................................................................................................................................25
ab ( a + b N a - b )...........................................................................................................68
(VB ) 2........................................................................................................................................116
gt +..............................................................................................................................125
. a - ^a + 1..........................................................................................................139
b = a + c 2.......................................................................................................................144
1 + sin a 1 — sin a....................................................................................................155
1— sin a + 1 + sin a..............................................................................................155
y - y, = m ( x - x 1 )..........................................................................................................167
-( x - x )..............................................................................................................................170
( x — 10 ).......................................................................................................................171
—mn— mn — n 3
m —n 3
Answer. The intermediate terms were simplified .

2. Multiply: xa + 2
—3x —x a a + 1
+xa 1
by: xa + 1
+xa+4xa— 1

xa* 2
—3x —x a a
* 1
+xa— 1

xa + 1
+xa+4xa— 1


—3x —
When multiplying
*3 2 x 2 a

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—1x + x — 3 x + x 2
- 2 2 a 2
a 1
the polynomials must go

* 1
— 4 x — 12 x 2 a
2 a 2
— 1
+4x 2
ordering the terms

x 2 to
+ 3x — 6 x — 11 x 2 a 2
— 1
+4 are similar and then add them .

3. Multiply: 4
x + 2 for: —x+x+x ——x 5 2

33 2 4 8

111 x 5
--------------- —x 4
+- x —x
3 2

248 Sorting out .

211 1
+-x ——x
5 4
+- 3
—— x
3 3 6 12
46x 12
- —x Reducing like terms.

4. Multiply : — 2
By 3
xn —x 1 n
-1 +x —2
2 22 3
5. Multiply : (2 x 3 ) By x a +5
—3x a +4
+x a +3
—5x a +2

Polynomial Division
To divide two polynomials with each other, you must first order the polynomials to be divided, that is, the
dividend and the divisor in ascending or descending order, and then proceed to perform the division.

Examples :
Find the quotient and the remainder (or remainder) of the following polynomials:

1. Split: m + m -14m + 6 between: m-3

3 2

m 3
+ m - 2
14m + 6 m-3

-m + 3 m 3 2
m + 4m-2 2

4m2 -14m

—4m 2
+ 12m
-2m + 6

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+2m —6
0 Rest
division test
To perform the polynomial division test; You must multiply the quotient by the divisor and add the remainder
to this result, then the total must be equal to the dividend.

The saying: LM = c ( x )
So: p(x)= q(x) . c(x) + R(x)

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m + 4m-2 m-3
3 Quotient

m + 4 m -2m
3 2

-3 m -12 m + 6 2

m + m -14m + 6
3 2

21 44
. 0.5x and - x and 4 6 5 5
* 7XY 11
c(x) = — y 2 + — xy
10 10

146 1 55 44
R(x)= 0
xy-xy I-5x 4

22 and 4

1 46 11
x 2
—y2+— xy
and 6
10 10
1 55
0 -x y 5 5

5 and 5

2 c(x) = 2 x
3. 6x 3
+ 9 : 3 x 2— 2 x + 2 2
x+1 19 5
R(x)= x — - 36
3x 2 2

6x —
2x +9x+ 1 x + 2


— 6x +4x 4x 3
2 2

2x +5x+1 2

—2x + 2

— x—19 5
x-- -

4. 2x 4
—9x 3
+ 3 x + 7 x : —4+ x 2

— 12 x -4 C(x) = 2 x 3 —x 2

2x 4
—9x 3
+3x +7 2x 2
—x — 2 —x+3
x — 12
—2x 4
+8x 3

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-x +7x 2

x -4x 2

+ 3 x - 12
- 3x + 12
5) 3 x - 7 x + x - 7 x +9 +( 3 x + 2 x + 4 )
4 3 2 2
To make and perform the test .

6) 8 x - 18 x - 6 x - 6 x + 22 +( 2 x - 5 )
5 3 2 2
To make and perform the test .

7) x + 6 x + 3 x + 8 x + 10 +( x + 4 )
5 3 2 2
To make and perform the test

8) 4 x - x + 12 x + 2 x + x + 5 : ( 4 x - x
5 4 3 2 3 2
To make and perform the test

+1) To make and perform the test

o(1 4 4 2 22
• (122 N
9) —a + — m - —am + —a - — m I
I To make and perform the test
‘\ 4 25 5 )\ 2 5 )

Remarkable products
Certain products that comply with fixed rules are called notable products, the result of which can be written
by simple inspection, that is, without verifying the multiplication.
Some of these notable products are as follows:

Square of the sum of two quantities

It refers to the first quantity squared, plus the double product of the first quantity and the second
quantity, plus the square of the second quantity, that is:

( a + b ) 2 = a 2 + 2 ab +

(a+b) 2
)x( a + b ) = a 2
+ 2 ab + b 2

a + ab

ab + b 2

a + 2 ab + b 2
This is achieved by multiplying and adding like terms.

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Square of the difference of two quantities

It refers to the first quantity squared, minus the double product of the first quantity and the second quantity,
plus the second quantity squared, that is:

(a-b) 2
= ( a - b ) x ( a - b ) = a 2 - 2 ab + b 2

Cube of the sum of two quantities

It refers to the first quantity cubed, plus triple the first squared times the second, plus triple the first times the
second squared, plus the second quantity cubed, that is:

(a+b) 3
= a 3 + 3 a 2 b + 3 ab 2 + b 3

Cube of the difference of two quantities

It refers to the first quantity cubed, minus triple the first squared times the second, plus triple the first times
the second squared, minus the second cubed, that is:

( a - b ) 3 = a 3 - 3 a 2 b + 3 ab 2 - b 3


Develop the following notable products:

1. ( 2 a + 3 b ) 2 = (2 a )2 + 2(2 a )(3 b ) + (3 b ) 2
= 4 a 2 + 12 ab + 9 b 2

2. (3x 2
y - xy 2
) =(3x y)
2 2 2
- 2 ( 3 x y X xy
2 2
) + ( xy ) 2 2
= 9x y -6x y +
4 2 3 3
x 2 and 4

3. ( 2m + 3n ) 3 = ( 2m ) 3 + 3 ( 2m ) 2 ( 3n ) + 3 ( 2m X 3n ) 2 + ( 3n ) 3 =
8 m + 36 m n + 54 mn + 27 n
3 2 2 3

1 2m
4. I — m — 0.5 m 2 n — 2

, (1 „) 2 12„) 3 2
I1 1

3I - m I — n

13 ) +3I — m 2 J.

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(61 i......................................................................................................................................25
ab ( a + b N a - b )...........................................................................................................68

[3 (3 2/2 x 2

To xy xy V ax y H---xy
+ 10 x and j = (/ 10 100
(VB ) 2........................................................................................................................................116
gt +..............................................................................................................................125
. a - ^a + 1..........................................................................................................139
b = a + c 2.......................................................................................................................144
1 + sin a 1 — sin a....................................................................................................155
1— sin a + 1 + sin a..............................................................................................155
y - y, = m ( x - x 1 )..........................................................................................................167
-( x - x )..............................................................................................................................170
( x — 10 ).......................................................................................................................171

Converting 0.3 to a fraction

(61 i......................................................................................................................................25
ab ( a + b N a - b )...........................................................................................................68
(VB ) 2........................................................................................................................................116
gt +..............................................................................................................................125
. a - ^a + 1..........................................................................................................139
b = a + c 2.......................................................................................................................144
1 + sin a 1 — sin a....................................................................................................155

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1— sin a + 1 + sin a..............................................................................................155

y - y, = m ( x - x 1 )..........................................................................................................167
-( x - x )..............................................................................................................................170
( x — 10 ).......................................................................................................................171

Factorization consists of giving a polynomial P(x) two or more polynomials of lower degree called factors of
P(x) can be found; such that multiplied together, the original polynomial is obtained as a result.
Some of the factorization cases shown in this material are the following:

Common factor
This case has several terms and may also have letters and/or numbers as a common factor. A letter for the
common factor must be in all terms and must have the lowest of the exponents. A number to be a common
factor of the other coefficients must be the lowest common denominator of the other numbers; and it must
also be the largest of the multiples.


Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 57

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Factor the following polynomials:

1. m + m n = m ( 1 + mn
2 “m” is common to both terms

2. 9 a x - 18 ax = 9 ax (
3 2
a 2 x “9ax” is common to both terms

3. -2+)n )( a + b )
a(m+n)+b(m+n)=(m (m+n) is common in both terms

4 4,,51,,4 - ,,3 = ,3 | 421 m 3 is the

4 . m I mmm I m ----------------------- m 1

1433123 1 । 13 321 a/2 is the

5. to - - - — to ------- -to 3
—a = a - -to--- -to- common
I 1 a 3

Differences of perfect squares

It has two terms, the terms are separated by the negative sign and both terms have exact square roots.
This case is factored using the following equality:

a — b = ( a + b N a—b )
2 2

Examples :
Factor the following polynomials:

1. 9 m 4 - n 6 = ( 9 m 2 + n 3 X3 m 2 -
In this case we first make common factor

2. 9 m - 441 m = 9 m ( m - 49 )
3 2 Then we perform the difference of perfect squares and we


In this case we first make common factor.

3. 12 x y - 75 xy = 3 xy ( 4 x - 25 ) .
3 2
Then we perform the difference of perfect squares and we

3 xy ( 2 x − 5 X 2 x I 5 )

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It has three terms, the first and last terms have exact square roots and it must be true that the second term is
twice the product of the exact roots.
To factor through this case, the square root of the first and last term is taken, then these two roots are placed
in parentheses using the sign of the second term and both roots are squared.

Examples :
Factor the following polynomials:

1.m2+6m+9 =( m + 3N m + 3
)=( m + 3 ) 2

a - 16 a y + 64 y
3 2
= (a 3
— 8 y)a 3 — 8 y )=(a 3

1 b b1b2b(b1b1
(b 1 N 2

(61 i......................................................................................................................................25
ab ( a + b N a - b )...........................................................................................................68
(VB ) 2.......................................................................................................................................116
gt +..............................................................................................................................125
. a - ^a + 1..........................................................................................................139
b = a + c 2.......................................................................................................................144
1 + sin a 1 — sin a....................................................................................................155
1— sin a + 1 + sin a..............................................................................................155
y - y, = m ( x - x 1 )..........................................................................................................167
-( x - x )..............................................................................................................................170
( x — 10 ).......................................................................................................................171

Trinomial of the form: x 2 + xb + c

It has three terms, the first term has unity as a coefficient and also has an exact square root.
To factor using this case, the first term is decomposed into two factors, then two numbers are found that,

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multiplied together, result in the third term and when added or subtracted, result in the coefficient of the
second term.

Examples :
Factor the following polynomials:

1. m 2
+ 9m +18 =(m + 6)( m + 3)

2. n - 20 n - 300 = ( n - 30)( n + 10)


3. x - x - 56
6 3
= ( x 3 - 8)( x 3 + 7)

4. m 2 + 5 m — 14 = ( m + 7 )( m —2 )

5. n4 - 8 n 2 + 15 = ( n 2 -
5) 2

Trinomial of the form: ax 2 + xb + c

It has three terms, the coefficient of the first term is different from one. To factor through this case, follow the
following steps:
Factor the following polynomials:

1. 3m
— 14 m + 8 . It is FIRST multiplied by the coefficient of the first term to all the other terms.
9 m 2 - 3(14 m ) + 24
Then the square root of the first term is taken and squared and the multiplication is reversed in the second term.

( 3m ) — 14(3 m ) + 24 . The first term is decomposed into two factors and two numbers are found that
multiplied together give the third term as a result and when added or subtracted give the coefficient of the second term

(3 m — 12)(3 m — 2) . FINALLY , it is divided by the coefficient of the first decomposed term.

( m — 4)(3 m — 2) . Answer

2. Factor: 5 and 2 + 4 and

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(5 y ) + 4(5 y ) — 5 =
Multiplying all terms by five

(5 y + 5)(5 y - 1) = ( y + 1)(5 y — 1) Answer .

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3. Factor: 20 n 2 + n - 1

( 20n ) + 1( 20n ) - 20 =

(20 n + 5)(20 n - 4) = (4 n + 1)(5 n - 1) Answer .

4. Factor: 6 x 2 + 11 x - 10
5. Factor: 8 x 2 - 22 x + 15
6. Factor: 12 x 2 - 7 x - 12
7. Factor: 20 and 2 + and - 1

Sum and differences of perfect cubes

They have two terms, these terms can be separated by the positive or negative sign and both terms have
exact cube roots.
To factor through this case, the following equalities are applied:

1. a 3 + b 3 = ( a + b N a 2 — ab + b 2 ) Sum of perfect cubes

2. a 3 - b 3 = ( a - b X a 2 + ab + b 2 ) Difference of perfect cubes

Factor the following polynomials:

1. 64 m + 729 = ( 4 m + 9 ) 16 m - 36 m
3 2
First, the cube roots of both terms are taken and

+ 81 )
then expression 1 is applied.

2. 1 + 343 n 3
= ( 1 + 7 n )1 - 7 n + 49 )

44- (3
— and 3
) . In this case, first the common factor is performed and then the case of difference of
3. xy
- xy 4
= xy (x 3

xy ( x—y ) ( x + xy + y ) Answer .
perfect cubes.
2 2

Synthetic Division or Ruffini's Rule

It has an indeterminate number of terms, the last term does not contain a variable.

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To factor through this case; First, the polynomial is ordered in ascending or descending order, then we work
with the coefficients of the polynomial using all the divisors of the last term with both signs until the
subtraction of the last term becomes zero .

Factor the following polynomials:

1 . m 3 + m 2 — m —1

1 1 -1 -1

+1 1 2 1

1 2 1 0

-1 Yo -1 -1

1 1 0

(m — 1 N m + 1 N m + 1 ). Result .




1 0 -7 6
1 1 1 -6
1 1 -6 0

+2 1 2 6
1 3 0

(a — 1X a — 2X a + 3) Result .

3. x 3 — 4 x 2 + x + 6
4. x3+2x2—x—2

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5. x + 3 x 2 - 23 x 2 - 75 x - 50
6. x 4 - 22 x 2 - 75
7. x 3 + 2 x 2 — 5 x —6

Factor the following expressions:

1. – m - n + x ( m + n ) = - 1(m+n) + x(m+n) In this case we first factor the sign of the first two terms. then we
= (m+n) (-1+x) Solved Exercises
take out common factor.
= (m+n) (x-1) Answer

1 9 1 91 3 3
2. 0.04 m 3 — 0.09 m = m 3 --- ----m = m I m 2 --------I = m I m + — II m------- -
25 100 25 ( 4 J 25 ( 2 to 2
For this case we first convert the decimals into a fraction by multiplying and dividing by 100 .

3. x 2 — 2 x ( a—b ) + ( a—b )
=[x — ( a—b ) 2 Performing the difference of perfect squares

4. 12 m 2
— 7 m — 12 = ( 12 m ) — 2 Multiplying by the coefficient of the first term

7(12 m ) — 144
(12 m — 16)(12 m + 9) = (3 m — 4)4 m + 3) Decomposing 12m 2

5.y 2
9 y + 20 = ( y — 5N y — Decomposing y 2 and multiplying - 5 by – 4.

6. x 3
—6x 2
+ 11 x

—6 1 -6 11 -6

+1 1 -5 6

1 -5 6 0

+2 | 2 -6

1 -3 0

( x —1N x —2N a —3) . Result

Algebraic Fractions

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Algebraic fractions are those expressions of the type p ^ x^- where p(x) and q(x) are polynomials. q ( x )
To simplify two or more algebraic fractions, these should be written in the form of factors (if possible) so that
in this way numerator factors can be simplified with denominator factors.


Simplify the following algebraic expressions:

x - 9 x + 20 _ ( x - 5


N X—4 _ x - 5

(61 i......................................................................................................................................25
ab ( a + b N a - b )...........................................................................................................68
(VB ) 2.......................................................................................................................................116
gt +..............................................................................................................................125
. a - ^a + 1..........................................................................................................139
b = a + c 2.......................................................................................................................144
1 + sin a 1 — sin a....................................................................................................155
1— sin a + 1 + sin a..............................................................................................155
y - y, = m ( x - x 1 )..........................................................................................................167
-( x - x )..............................................................................................................................170
( x — 10 ).......................................................................................................................171

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Addition and Subtraction of algebraic fractions

To add and subtract two or more algebraic fractions, the same procedure is followed as in arithmetic
fractions, that is, if the denominators of the fractions are equal; then the numerators are added and
subtracted directly. If the denominators are different then the lowest common denominator must be found;
Only in this case to find the lowest common denominator, all the denominators of the fractions must be
factored if possible.

Simplify the following algebraic fractions:

745 7m+4m—
1. m + — m- - - —m 5m3
------ ------—,~ 3 m + 11 1
3-----2 m - 2 m - 1 2
1 1 Factoring.
3( m + 1) 2( m - 1) ( m - 1)(
m + 1)

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2m + 2 + 3m + 3 + 6 5m + 11
6( m — 1)( m + 1) 6( m — 1)( m + 1)

2 2x + 3 6x + 12 2(x +2x+4

)+( 2 x + 3 NX x - 2 ) — 1(6 x +
(x — 2 ) ( x2 2x + 4 ) +
( x —8)=
( x — 2N x + 2 x + 4 )

Here the denominator was factored to find the gcf.

2x +4x+8+2x
2 2
— 4 x + 3 x — 6 — 6 x — 12)
)( x + 2 x + 4 )

4 x 3 x - 10__ (xX4x +5 )
4 x +5
(x — 2N x + 2 x + 4 ) ( x— 2

2)x2 + 2 x + 4 ) x +2x+4

2n — 1n —2 2n n —3
--------—-------— —---- Do. Answer
-------- n +1 n — 1 n 2 — n+1
11 1
1 Answer
2x ( x + y )
, 2 2-+--------2------------
2 22 2
x + xy x — y 2x — 2xy
2x Answer
6x +
1 2x 4x ( x 2
+ X x
3x+2x+3x—2 5x
. —+-------------------------------------— —- ----------------------- Do Answer
6x —x — 1 3 x 2 + 7 x + 2 2 x 3 — x 2 — 8 x + ( 3x 1X 2x
+ -

Multiplication and Division of algebraic fractions

To multiply and divide two or more algebraic fractions, factor the numerator, the denominator, or both if
possible. Once this is done; We proceed to simplify the numerator factors with denominator factors.

Simplify the following fractions:

x —1 x —1
1. —,-------------
5x 2

a - b .( a - b )
2 2 2

2. In this case, the numerator and denominator are factored.

(a —b) 2
a 2

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Simplifying, we have this result.

See plate 3. Click here

m m
3. Here you take the minimum in the numerator and denominator to add and subtract fractions. m
1 +—

m -
9 m 3( m - 9) _ 3( m - 3) ( 1-3)
3( m - 3)
3+m m(3+m) m ( m-+3) m

, to ) (. 2 a )_ (a + b + a) (b + 2a )
4. 1 +-----* 1 +------I = I------------- * ----------I = Adding fractions in both parentheses.
a + b) \b) \ a + b )\ b )
Converting division into multiplication and if amplification we have

1 1 1 _ 1 1 1
aa, b, c b + c + aa + c + ba + b + c
1 +-- - 1 +- - - - 1 +----- --------- ------- -------
b+c a+c a+b b+c a+c a+b

b+c a+c a+b b+c+a+c+a+

-----------1-----------1----------- - ------------------------
a + b + ca + b + ca + b + c a+b+c
Factoring the two into the numerator and simplifying we have:

(61 i c
-2) 56
ab ( a + b N a - b ) 68
+Co 90
) 2
(VB 116
gt 125
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. a - ^a + 1 139
»"x2 140
b=a+c2 144
1 + sin a 1 — sin a 155
1— sin a + 1 + sin a 155
y - y, = m ( - x 1 ) 167
-( x - x ) 170
) 171
( x — 10 ) 171

- - -+- - - -
aa - b

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a ( a + 2b ) + b ( a - b )
( a + b )( a - b ) + 3 ab
a + 2 ab + ab - b
2 2

a - ab + ab - b + 3 ab
2 2

a + 3 ab - b
2 2

a + 3 ab - b 2


to b
- Yo , - , = Here the addition and subtraction are done in the
b to , 1 1 first part.
ab b b
------1 + — 1—
ba to to
a +b2

--------- 1/
ab , /1
ab (a 2
+b 2
to to
-------------------1--------------------------- ) +----------
a + ba - b
a - b a + ba - b 2
ab ( a - b
2 2

ab to to 2
ab (a
+b )+a b(a b)-a
2 2 2
- 2

b ( a + b ) ab ( a + b N a
ab (a
+b )+a b(a b)-a
2 2 2
- 2

b ( a + b ) ab ( a + b N a
Prepared by: Eng. b + Miguel
a 3 MSc. bE. )Cuellar
ab 3-+a3b - aM. b - a^b - a 2 2 2 70
2 Multiplying and simplifying
b ab ( a + b N a
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ab a - 2 ab + b
2 2
) ab ( a + b N a - a^ ( a - b )( a - b ) ab (erFb) a -
b) b)

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ax + :(a + x )
x (, x
a + x ------------x 1 4-----------
a + 2 x )\ a + x

2 2
x 2 - xy - y 2
( a + 2 x N a + x ) - ( ax + x 2 = Subtracting fractions

/22 a + 2 ax + ax + 2 x 2
. g±2x = Simplifying
+ 2 ax + x


1 Result
+ yx - y

2 yx + y

Answer 4

Answer x-1

First degree equations

A first degree equation is an equality
between two algebraic expressions
with a variable or unknown. Therefore,
this type of equation results in a single
value, which is called the root of the
equation and for the root to be true it
must satisfy equality.

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To solve a first degree equation, the

unknown must be solved and in this
case the following aspects must be

1° ) All the terms that have the

unknown are separated into one of the
members of the equation. 2° ) Every
term that is being added passes to the
other member to be subtracted.
3° ) Every term that is being subtracted
goes to the other member to add.

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4° ) Any factor or number that is

multiplying passes to the other
member to divide.
5° ) Any factor or number that is
dividing passes to the other member to

Solve the following equations Proof

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For m = 2
1. 7m - 13 = 7 - 3m 7(2)-13 = 7 – 3(2)
7m + 3m = 13 + 7 Pulling 14 - 13 = 7 - 6

=> m = 2 Answer 1 = 1 is fulfilled.

See plate 4. Click here

3x + 33 9
gcd = 2(x-2)
2. =- - -+
x - 22 x - 2

2(3 x + 3 ) = 3 ( x - 2 )+
6x+6 = 3x - 6 +18
6x - 3x = - 6+ 18 - 6
3x = 6 => x = 6 =>

x+2 3x-4x-4 gcd = 10

3. x
------ = - +2

5 ( x + 2 ) -2 ( 3--4 ) = 5 ( x - 4 ) +2 ( 10 )
5x +10 - 6x + 8 = 5x – 20 +20
5x - 6x - 5x = -18 (-1) Multiplying the entire equation by minus one .

x= => x = 3

------------------------—------------------------- => gcd = (m+4)(m+2)(m+3)(m+1)

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( m + 2N m + 3N m + 1)
- ( m + 4N m + 3N m + 1) = ( m +
4N m + 2N m + 1
) - ( m + 4 N m + 2) m + 3 )

(m 2
+ 3 m + 2 m + 6X
) - ( m + 3 m + 4 m + 12X m +

m +5m +6m+m +3 2 2

5 m + 6 - ( m + 7 m + 12 m +
3 2

m + 7 m + 12 )

=m3+6m +8m+m 2

+6m+8-(m +6m +8m+ 3 2

3 m + 18 m + 24 )

m -+ 6 m + 11 m + 6—
3 2

m — 7 m — 12 m — m — 7 m
3 2 2

— 12
+ 7 m + 14 m + 8 2

—m —6m 3 2

— 18 m —


— 2 m — 8 m —6 =2

—2m 2
— 12 m — 16

(61 i.........................................................................................
ab ( a + b N a - b )..................................................................
(VB ) 2....................................................................................

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gt +.........................................................................................
. a - ^a + 1........139
b = a + c 2..............................................................................
1 + sin a 1 — sin a...............................................................
1— sin a + 1 + sin a
y - y, = m ( x - x 1 ).................................................................
-( x - x )..................................................................................
( x — 10 )..............................................................................

Systems of Linear Equations

A system of linear equations is one
that is made up of a certain number of
equations with the same number of
To solve these systems of two
equations with two unknowns (this is
what is presented in this material),
there are different methods. Some of
them are the following:
1°) Equalization method
This method consists of solving for the
same unknown from both equations
(when it comes to two equations with
two unknowns) and then equating
these values and solving what remains
as a first degree equation.

Example :

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Of 1 clearance 'x' From 2 solve for

13x-2y= 14 + 2 and 10 + 3
x= and x =
14 3
.< 2

Equalizing the results we have:

* 2 y = 10
* 3 and => 2 ( 14 + 2 y )= 3 I 10 + 3 y) Equalizing.

28 + 4 y = 30 + 9 y => 4 y - 9 y = 30 - Pulling

=> y=

Replacing in 1.

3 x - 2 I - ■ I = 14
=> 4
l5) 3x+-=

15x + 4 = 70 => 15x = 66 => x=
Test.- To perform the test we replace the two values in the two equations .

In equation 1 : In equation 2 :

2 = 14 3 = 10

66 4
44 + 6 = 10
— —= 14 + 55

44+6 = 50
66 + 4 = 70

50 = 50
70 = 70
2°) Substitution method

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This method consists of solving one of

the unknowns of any of the equations
(when it involves two equations with
two unknowns) and then replacing the
result of what was solved in the other
equation and thus solving what
remains as a first degree equation.

Example :


Of 1 clearance
===> x= 6 - 3y

Replacing in 2 we have:
5 (6 - 3y) - 2y = 13 30 -
15y - 2y = 13

- 15y - 2y = 13 - 30 (- Multiplying the entire equation by – 1 .


Moving on to divide 17 to the second

17y = 17 => y = 1 member

Substituting into equation 1

we have:
x + 3 (1) = 6 ---------------
•x = 6 - 3

3°) Reduction method

This method consists of cross-
multiplying the coefficients of the terms
of the same unknown. If the signs are
equal, one of the multipliers is
negative, and if the signs are different,
both are positive, then both resulting

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 79

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

equations are added and the unknown

is solved.
Example :

[ 4 x + 3 y = 13

18 x - 15 y = -
Simplifying the coefficients of “ and “.
20 x + 15 y = 65

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38x = 38

Moving on to divide 38 to

the second member


Substituting by 1 we have:

=> y = 3
- 5y = - 6 - 9 (-1)

6 (1) - 5y = - 9

Multiplying the entire equation by – 1 .

See plate 5. Click here


Solve the following systems of


1. 11 Taking out the gcd in both equations

xy — 6 x = xy - 4 y
21 3

— ) —11 Multiplying the parentheses

5(y 1 (x


xy —6 x — xy +4 y Simplifying
= or <
5y — —5 11 x +
1 )J = —
0 6 x + 4 y = o (—
Solving the system by the Reduction method .

)- 11 x + 5 y =
30 x — 20 y = 0
— 28 (4) 112
x= =>
- 44 x + 20 y = — 112 14
Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 81
— 14 x = — 112 (-1)
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Replacing in 1:

- 6 (8) + 4y = 0 Replacing 8.

- 48 + 4y = 0 Multiplying

Passing –4y48= to
48the second member

y = 12 48
y= 4 =>
3x= y
5( x - 1 )_( 2 y - 1 ) = 0

Answer: (2; 3)


' x( y - 2 )- y ( - 3 ) = - 14
Answer: ( - 2 ; - 6 )
^ y ( - 6 )- ( y + 9 ) = 54
x x


Answer: (6; 10)

= and - 13

ay + bx = 2 xy
5) Answer: (a; b)
2 ay — 3 abx = xy ( 2 — 3 a )

4x + 1 2y - 5

6) 9 3 Answer (2; 4)
3y + 2 x + 18
7 10

X - 2y - 7
x + 2 y—5
7) < Answer ( - 12 ; - 8 )
X _± -1 = y - 3

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Second degree equations

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 84

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

A second degree equation is one that can be represented as ax + bx + c = 0

(General or canonical
equation) where the coefficient of the first term (a) is different from zero; Therefore, the maximum exponent
of the unknown is two, which implies that these equations have two values, which are called roots of the
equation. For these values to be true they must satisfy equality to zero.
In its general form, an equation of the second degree is presented as follows:

ax + bx + c =

To solve second degree equations there are different methods such as:

1°) By the general formula

Starting from the general equation, we can obtain the general formula that is used to solve second degree

ax + bx + c = 0
General or Canonical

4 a ( ax ) + 4 a ( bx ) + 4 a ( c ) = 4 a (0)
Multiplying by 4 to both

4 a x + 4 abx + 4 ac + b = 0 +
2 2 2
Adding b 2 to both members
b 2

4 a x + 4 abx + b = b - 4
2 2 2 2 Passing 4ac to the second member
( 2 ax + b ) 2 Factoring the first member
= b - 4 ac

2 ax + b = +N b 2
— Passing the square to the second member

4 ac
- b +V b - 4 2

Moving on to divide 2a to the second

ac 2 member
General Formula.


1. Solve: x +2x-3=0

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The values of the coefficients are: a = 1; b = 2 ; c = -


We apply the formula, we have:

— 2± V 2 — 4(1 X3 )_- 2 + V 4 4 12 —2± 16

2 1
() 2 2 = 2
Now we have the values of the unknown with the
positive and negative sign.

x 1 X2 =

To perform the test, replace any of the two values in the
equation equal to zero and it must satisfy the equality to

In this case, the test will be carried out with x =1y


x2= —3
For x = - 3 Comply.

(— 3) 43 (—
For x = 1

3) —3 = 0 1 42(1)
—3 = 0
9—6—3 = 0 142 —3 = 0
3—3 = 0
9—9 = 0 0=0
0=0 Comply.
See plate 6. Click here

2. Solve: (x43) 2
—(x—2) 2
) 2

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x 46x49
—(x —4x44) 2
Developing the remarkable product

=4x 44x41 2

x 46x49
—x 2
44x —4=4
x 44x41

x 46x49
—x 44x—4 2

—4x 2
— 4 x 4 6 x 4 4 = 0 (-
2 Multiplying by -1
The equation 1) written in its general
form . 4x —6x 2


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Test :ofWe
Replacing the values “a”,perform
“b” andthe
“c” test with
in the both values
formula of the variable:
we have:
For x = 2
( 26)
- -
±, (- 6) - 4(4)( - 4) x =------------

6 + V36 + 64
x =----------------

6± 100
6+10 16

X2 6-10 = -4 ‘
= 88

For x = - 1/ 2
4(2) - 6(2) -4 = 0
4( - 1) - 6( - 1
16 - 12 -4 = 0

3 . Solve: ( n - 1) n + 4 ) = 2 ( n + 3 ) + 2 Answer: (- 4; 3)

4 . Solve: ( n —2 ) 2—1 = 2 ( n —1 ) Answer: (1; 5)

5. Solve: 4 n — 5 =--------------------- Answer: ( - ½ ; ¾ )

6. Solve: -------------+- - - -=1 Answer: ( 5 ; - 2 )

n —3n+1
3n + 9 2n - 1
7 . Solve: Answer: (10; 4)
- - - -+-----=4
2n - 1n + 3

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2°) By Factorization
To solve a quadratic equation by this method, the expression is factored by some of the factoring cases
(depending on the exercise) and then each factor is set equal to zero and solved.


1) Solve: m —m — 6 = 0
The equation equal to zero

( m — 3Nm + 2 ) = 0 Factoring

m —3 = 0 m + 2 = 0 Setting each factor equal to zero .

m=3 m, - 2 Results

2) Solve: 4 x 2 — 12 x + 9 = 0 Answer : (2/3;2/3)

3) Solve: 2 x 2 + 7 x — 4=0 Answer : (-4;½)

4 ) Solve: 8 x — 65 — — x 2 Answer : ( -13 ; 5 )

5) Solve: — + n = 3n ±
n 15
Answer : ( 3 ; 10 )
n — 24

3°) Completing Squares

To solve a quadratic equation by this method, first the third term is passed to the second member, then the
coefficient of the second term is divided by two and squared and added to both members. Then the first
member is factored as a perfect square trinomial; The mystery is finally cleared up.

Solve the equation by completing squares m 2 —m —6 = 0

m2 —m=6 Passing the six to the second member

(61 i.....................................................................................................................................25
ab ( a + b N a - b )...........................................................................................................68
(VB ) 2.......................................................................................................................................116
gt +..............................................................................................................................125
. a - ^a + 1..........................................................................................................139

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 89

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b = a + c 2.......................................................................................................................144
1 + sin a 1 — sin a....................................................................................................155
1— sin a + 1 + sin a..............................................................................................155
y - y, = m ( x - x 1 )..........................................................................................................167
-( x - x )..............................................................................................................................170
( x — 10 ).......................................................................................................................171

squaring said value and adding it to both members.

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Factoring the first member as a perfect square trinomial.


m ---= ±. Passing the square as the root

m = ±- + -

Solved exercises

Solve the following quadratic equations:

x x

Solve: ---------— 3( x — 5) gcd = 6

x 2
— 3 x = 18( x => x — 3 x = 18 x

x 2
—— — 18 x + 90 = 0 =>
3 x 5) x 2— 90 x + 90 = 0
— 21

(x — 15)( x — 6) = 0 Factoring .

x1= x2 =6 Answers

2n + 9
2. Solve: n —1n n+3
gcd = (n+1)(n-1)(n+3)

+ 1 — n

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( n - 1)( n - 1)( n + 3) + ( n + 1)( n + 1)( n + 3) = (2 n + 9)( n + 1)( n - 1)

( n 2 - n - n + 1)( n + 3) + ( n 2 + n + n + 1)( n + 3) = (2 n + 9)( n - 1) 2

+ n + 3 n + 6 n + 3 —-
2n+6n +6 2
— 9n -2n-92n+6n +6-9n +2n+9
2 2 2
- 3 n + 4 n + 15
— 0 (-1) Multiplying the entire equation by -1

3 n - 4 n - 15
a — - ( - 4) ± V( - 4) - 4(3)( - 15)2

3 =>
b — 23)

4 ± V16 + 180 n
— =>

4 ± /196
n— =>

1 4 +14 18
6 6

n2 4 -14 -10
— 6

2x -3 x -2
3. Solve: 1-------------------- —------ gcd = 10(x+5)
x+5 10

10( x + 5) - 10(2 x - 3) — ( x + 5)( x - 2) Dividing and multiplying

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10 x + 50 - 20 x + 30 = x - 2 x + 5 x - 10
Multiplying to simplify

- 10 x + 80 = x + 3 x - 10
Reducing like terms

- 10 x + 80 - x - 3 x + 10 = 0
(-1) Multiplying the entire equation by – 1

x + 13 x - 90 = 0
2 Equating to zero

( x + 18)( x - 5) = 0 Factoring

x + 18 = 0 x = - 18

X2 — 5 Answers

3 m — 1 2m 7
Solve:-------------------------------- —0 gcd = 6m (2m-1)
m 2m —16

6(2 m - 1)(3 m - 1) - 2 m (6 m ) - 7 m (2 m - 1) — 0 Dividing and multiplying

36 m - 18 m - 12 m + 6 - 12 m - 14 m + 7 m
2 2 2
—0 Multiplying

10 m — 23 m + 6
—0 Equating to zero

L_4 23)
±v ( - 23) 2
b— - 23 m—----------------------------------------------- => Applying the formula

23 + and/ 529 - 240

23 ± 17

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23 + 17 40 23 - 17 3
— —
20 20 10
m, ------

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5. Solve: gcd = 2p(p+1)

( p + 3)( 2 p ) - ( p + 1)( p + 2) = -2 p ( p + 1)

2p +6p-p -2p-p-2=-2p -2p

2 2 2

p +3p-2+2p +2p=0
2 2

3p +5p-2=0

a=3 - (5) ± 7(5)2 - 4(3X - 2)

b=5 23)
- 5 ± 725 + 24

pi= -2
+3 5
6. Solve: q - q1=0 gcd = ( 2q - 1)( 4q +7)
2q-1 4q+7

( q + 3)(4 q + 7) - (5 q - 1)(2 q - 1) = 0

4 q + 7 q + 12 q + 21 - 10 q + 5 q + 2 q - 1 = 0
2 2

- 6q2 26q + 20 = 0
(-1) Multiplying the entire equation by -1 .

6q2 26q - 20 = 0

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a=6 -(-26)
± /(-26) - 4(6)(-20)

26 2(6)

26 + J676 + 480 26 + •>/1156

q= ---- => q =--------------
12 12

-5± 34

26 - 34 _ -82
26 + 34 60 ------------ — ----- —------
12 12 3
12 12

7. Solve : ( n + 2 ) 3− ( n — 1 ) 3 = n ( 3n + 4 ) +8 Answer : ( - 1/ 3 ; - ½ )

8. Solve: n-1 n +1 2n + 9 Answer: ( 3 ; - 5 / 3 )

+---------: =

n+1 n -1 n+3
n+3—n +2
9. Solve: = -1 Answer: (1/3; - 2)
n+1 2n
8n 5n
10. Solve: 3 Answer: ( 1 ; - 10 / 7 )
— :1=
3n + 5n + 1

An inequality is an algebraic inequality that holds only for certain values of the variable or

real line
It is that which is comprised from the least infinite, to the most infinite; In the center is zero.
To the right of zero are positive values and to the left of zero are negative values.

—00 +Co

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It is a portion of space within the real line. The interval can be open or closed.



Open Interval
An open interval is one that does not take extreme values into account. These intervals can
be represented in the following ways:

a. First form
b. Second way
— C77777777°
c. Third way

Closed Interval
It is the one that does take into account extreme values. This interval can be represented in
the following ways:

1. First form

2. Second way [ to ; b ]

3. Third way a<x<b

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Solution set
It is the set of all values that satisfy the inequality.

First degree inequalities

Also known as linear inequalities , their resolution is similar to that of first degree equations.


1. Calculate the solution set of:

2x > 10

Q//// ///
0 5
x > 5 Then the solution set Cs = (5; + ∞)
is :

See plate 7. Click here

2. Calculate the solution set of:

- 3x + 1 > 13
- 3x > 13 – 1 Separating terms

- 3x > 12 (-1) Multiplying by -1

12 -4 0
x<-4 Cs = (-∞ ; - 4) Solution set.

Note.- When the inequality is multiplied by (-1) , the meaning of the inequality changes.

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 98

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3. Calculate the solution set of: x+2>3x+4 CS (

; - Yo ]
4. Calculate the solution set of:
5. 3x<2(3x+1)-4(2 CS =- 9;
5. Calculate the solution set of: x-3) +10)
x 2 x + 11
6. Calculate the solution set of: - -1------> CS = ( 0;
7. Calculate the solution set of: 5x + 8 ( 20 - x ) > 2 ( x - 5 )

/////// • owwwt
Second degree inequalities
To solve inequalities of second degree or higher degree, the expression must be factorized to make the
factors have their roots and these in turn determine the solution0intervals.1

1 . Calculate the solution set of:


—- - - >0
x 2 + x - 12 -4 2 3
x x
( - X - )>0
3 2

(x + 4X x - 3) > 0

(x-3) --- --- --- +++

x-2 --- --- +++ +++ Cs = (- 4 ; 2 ] U ( 3 ; ∞ )

x+4 --- +++ +++ +++

-4 2 3
2. Calculate the solution set of:

1x< =>
x-1<0 => x 2 -1
< 0 => ( x -
1)( x
x +
xx x

(x-1) --------- +++ +++ +++

x+1 -------- --- - --- - +++

x -------- --- - +++ +++
-1 0 1

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C S = (—o ; — Solution set.

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Proof : for x = - 2

—2< —— • —2< —0.5 Is fulfilled . Because - 2 is less than – 0.5

3 . Calculate the solution set of: —-1> — xx C S =(-o0 ;0 Answer.
)J( 1; +00)

4 . Calculate the solution set of: x + 2x > 5x +6

3 2 CS =( - 3;—i ) U( 2; Answer
2 >
5 . Calculate the solution set of:
x+2 1x 1 — CS =( - 2;1 ) 14 ,+00) Answer

+1< - +2
3 .1, N.

• •- U) 1 •c
6. Calculate the solution set of: x 2x ; +00 1 Answer

Y2 )

7. Calculate the solution set of: 3 x + 4 — 4<0
= -

x CS

8 . Calculate the solution set of :
x +1x+ CS -( 1,-2 )U 0;4 )
x +1 — x CS =( — 3-1 ]

9 . Calculate the solution set of:

>--- • : 2; +0)
; 2J
x —2
x+3 Answer

C S ( — 3; — i ) ( 1;3 )
............................................................ 2 x — 3 x
10 . Calculate the solution set of: x

x —3
<--- =


Absolute value

The absolute value of “x”, which is represented as I x I, is defined as follows:

if x > 0
if x < 0

Properties of absolute value

The properties allow us to facilitate the resolution of exercises with absolute value. Some of these properties
are presented here.

1. IxI<a^a<x<a For a > 0

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3. xI< a< = > -a<x<a

4. xI> to < = > - a > x > a

5. xI> to < = > - a > x > a

(61 i.................................25
ab ( a + b N a - b ).......68
(VB ) 2...................................116
gt +..........................125
. a - ^a + 1......139
b = a + c 2...................144
1 + sin a 1 — sin a155
1— sin a + 1 + sin a
y - y, = m ( x - x 1 )......167
-( x - x )..........................170
( x — 10 )...................171

6. aI=a

9. —a I =a The absolute value of a negative number becomes positive

10. a2=a2

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11. to
= | to

Examples :

1. Calculate the solution set:

x -2| < 5 h/////^///////////////h

-3 . 7
- 5<x-2<5 0

- 5+2<x<5+2
- 3<x<7 Cs=[ - 3 ; 7 ]

4 Calculate the solution set:

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x + 42 < 2 x — 62 Applying property 9.

x( x+ +2 4)2 < ( 2 x


( x + 4) — ( 2 x — or ) 2

[ ( x + 4 ) + ( 2 x — 6)I( x + 4 ) By difference of perfect squares .

— ( 2 x — or ) ] < 0
[ x + 4 + 2 x — 6 x + 4 — 2 x + or //////// • «WWWW
]<0 2/3 10

(3x-2)( 3 x—— 2)-+++x + +++

10 ) <+++
0 Cs = (-00
] [10 ; ~ )

(-x+10) +++ +++ — —

2/3 10

3 . Calculate the solution set of: 2 x — 7 <7 C s =(o ;3)0(4;+00) Answer.

4 . Calculate the solution set of: CS Answer

5. Calculate the solution set of: CS=( — 00;- Answer

8] •
2 U10;+00)
6. Calculate the solution set of: x + 4 < 2x — 6 Answer


7 . Calculate the solution set of:


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8 . Calculate the solution set of: 2 x - 5 CS( ;
/ -3 • ; +00
> 3 x +1 2
9. Calculate the solution set of:
Ix-2<2x+ C S ( / ; +00 Answer
3I ;-5 • 3

10 . Calculate the solution set of:

< 10 C =-25;15 ]

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 106

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a) Given the following polynomials; calculate the quotient and the remainder, then perform the
corresponding test in each case.

-—x— x —
2) | 2x--------x H -( x + 1 )
5 x—
(1, 4,1. Az —
3) I l x 4- -x —x
2 3H 2 2
+3x — 7 -(
(61 i...................................................25
ab ( a + b N a - b ).........................68
(VB ) 2.....................................................116
gt +............................................125
. a - ^a + 1........................139
b = a + c 2.....................................144
1 + sin a 1 — sin a..................155
1— sin a + 1 + sin a............155
y - y, = m ( x - x 1 )........................167
-( x - x )............................................170
( x — 10 ).....................................171

b) Simplify the following algebraic expressions.

x 1 a+1a —1
--- --- - - - - - - - -1- - - -
x Hy x
x —4
x 3)
a — 1 a+1

x 3
1 HOUR-------
a+1 a — 1
4) 1 5) 6)
a —1a+1

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x + yx —y
— 9) 1 1 1
7) V X+/, — 2 — 2- H

x — xy y m
n xy xy
(c 3
—d3 (, 2d ^ 1 1
I 1 HI 11) n----m
lC Hd 3
\ Cdd )
3 mn n n
10) ——— 1 HOUR 1-------
„ 2 cd nm m m
1 HOUR --------------—
c cd d 22
— H

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. (a - 1 a) („ a - 6)) a + 1 13)
12) Yo-------- - 4---------1 +----
\a—2a+2) \a—2)a+2 2 \/ N ay + y (, y i a + y — —(a +

14) ——— 1 + —— y )
( and 3
—i and + 1 )( y + y + 1 2

— 1 ,
n +----2
x —1x+1 n—b
2 x 17) 1 + an — 1 + bn
16) X±1—X=1 . _X±tl, b ( n—a )( n—b ) ~
— —2b

x+1x 1l2a 2
(an + 1 )( bn + 1 )

c) Solve the following first degree equations :

x + 11 x + 5 x+5 2x + 3
6 ~ 3
)— to. 24) —
x — —3 —x
2 — 3 6 4

x—2x+1x—1 5 x+1x —1x+3 c+6 , 3

6 3 2 2 -------------- —3c

8) 4 ( 3 and + 2 ) —8—5( 9) 16
— 8
— (— 4 — 2
and (5 and +
2) — —10-------
------ 4
and — —
(2 and
2 and + 3 ) + 5

10) ( y + 7X y — 3) — y 2
+3 10) 3 ( y —2) 2
(y+5)—3(y+1) 2

y — 16 (y—1)+3

— J+1 — y — y
12) y + 3y—53

4y — 1 2
13 ) y 2 1

and + 1 and and — 1 and —

,n+2 3n —4n—4 2

14) —--------+ 2 15) — ———1

2 5 2
n +4n+2n+3n+1
2(x+11_3(x —61

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7n— 1 5 — 2n4 n — 3 1 + 4 n

------------—------1- - - - -

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d) Solve the following systems of equations by any method.

1 —|—
V_________) \___
x and 5

1 — A, II

&and •you in
• either h %
2 2
1) t 3) 4)

• •

1 3
•I- U) N IIII 1 *
2±x =



. 1
? NU 1% • /

co 1 N — II \__
=2 XEY = 2 x —1



1% ++


00 11 II
3 7 8) 7
5) < 13 7)
^ x + y = 40 1
=— —

- and 8

2x-------------= x
x and ' ax + y = 1 11) 2
-+-= 3 10 )
9) t 2 4 ^ x + ay = 1
ab 12) x3 4and 31
. x + 2 y 12 x + y~
<, . .
x —y=5
2 3b 2 — 1 8 2

x —2y—
13) 14)
4 2
< „— —x
y — 3xyy to
x and
x —7 ----= 0
15) mn
=y — ■ x and m + n
2. 2

13 —+ — =--
1nm mn -

e) Solve the following quadratic equations:

(61 i.................................................................................................................................................

4) -x 2 ——+7x=0 5) -x 6)
ab ( a + b N a - b ).............................................
— x =0 2
(VB —...................................................................................................................................................
) 2

+ 10 ) ( y — 2 ) ( y —
gt .........................................................................................................................................

. 3 ) 3 37
a - ^a + 1......................................................................................................................
2x 7
13)---------------------= -
x 2x —1 6
,( 2 (n —2) 2 n+4 n+2 1
x+1 2x 28 n+5 n+3 24

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b = a + c 2..................................................................................................................................
1 + sin a 1 — sin a................................................................................................................
1— sin a + 1 + sin a.........................................................................................................
y - y, = m ( x - x 1 )......................................................................................................................
-( x - x )..........................................................................................................................................
( x — 10 )..................................................................................................................................

x x 2x — x ( 2 x — x) 2

8)(x — 3 ) — ( 2 x + 5 ) = — 16
2 2
9)(2y —1) 2
-(2 y — 1 ) = 12
11 ) x — x = 3( x — 5) 12 ) 6 x 2
— x = 10

19 ) "=1 + "+l
17 ) 15n2 + 7n1 = 4 18 ) 6 + 3n ' — 3n2 = 6n ' n+1n — 1

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f) Calculate the solution set in each of the following cases:

1) 5( x - 3 ) - 3 x <- 2 x + 6 2 ) 2( x - 7 ) - 3( x + 2 ) > 7( x + 2)
3) 3(7 - x ) + -( x - 2)2=(0 x - 3 )
3 5 13 5z
4) -x - - <- x + - 5) 5 - - x >- 4 6 ) 5 - 3 x < 2 ( 3 x + 1 ) - 4 ( 2 x - 3 )7 ) x 3 + 2 x > 5 x2


2 3 2 1 1 2 3 2 3
8) + 1 >
2 3
9) —— > — 10) — + —— —> 11) + 1 <
x x x+2x-1 x+1x+3x+2 x 2x

12) 3 x > 6 - 3 x 13 ) x > x + 1 14 ) x + 4 < 2 x - 6 15 ) |2 x - 1 < x - 1

17) 18) 19 ) x 2 - 4 < x + 2

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Exercise a Result Exercise b Results Exercise c Results

1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
C ( x )= 12 x 3 — 24 x 2 + 43 x — 5
5 84 5
R ( x )= 163

C ( x )= 3 x 2 — 7 x + 29 6
6 R ( x )=-16 6

7 4 7
II II z- -
z- - 88 •

st 1

C ( n )= 2n + 2 8
8 8 1 10
( n
)-19 3 n 6

C ( n )= 1
n2—4n 9
9 2
9 22 20/7
R ( n )=0
C ( n ) = 1n2 — 2m 10
10 10 1 5
11 mn/m+n 11 4/3

12 1 12 -3

13 1 13 1/2

14 1 14 3

15 1/n 15 -5/2

16 16 14

17 1 17 2

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Exercise d Results Exercise and Results Exercise f Results

1 x = 3 ; y = -3 1 1
2 x = 5/2 ; y = -3/8 2 2

3 x=3;y=2 3 3

4 x = -2 ; y = 3 4 4

5 5
5 CS -(2
6 6 6 CS -- 9;
+30) 1
7 7 7 CS =(-oc ;0
)u( 0;
8 8 1 ; 26 / 3 8 C S =(-g ;0 )-
(1;+70) 1
9 y=4;x=4 9 -1 ; 5 / 2 9 C S =- 2;1
)J 4; +») 1
10 x = y = 1/ (1+a) 10 6 ; -1 10
11 x = a; y = b 11 6 ; 15 11 C S / ;0
)- 12;
12 x=2;y=-4 12 5/6;-2/3 12 CS -1 +30) +c0

13 x=2;y=4 13 2 ; 3 / 10 13

14 x = 6 ; y = 10 14 -5/3;3 14 C S ( /;23
• 10, +0) 1
15 x = m; y = n 15 1 ; -3 15
16 - 11 ; 3 16 Cs = [1:3]

17 3;-5/4 17 C S =- 1 3 ;0 )-( 0;1

( /
18 1;-1/2 18 C S ;109
)( 2;
19 3;-5/3 19 +0) 1

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Unit No. 3: Radiation, Potentiation, Logarithms

At the end of this unit the student will develop the following skills:

1. Rationalize irrational expressions

2. Solve irrational equations
3. Apply the properties of radicals to simplify irrational expressions.
4. Apply the properties of potentiation to simplify complex expressions
5. Apply the definition and properties of logarithms in solving problems.

Previous Knowledge
To achieve significant learning in this unit, the student must basically know the following topics:
1. Operations with polynomials
2. Operations with algebraic fractions
3. Definition and properties of Radiation and Potentiation.
4. Equations of first and second degree
5. Inequalities and absolute value

Radiation consists of finding an algebraic expression that raised to the index “n” gives us the subradical
quantity “a” as a result.
An expression with a radical is constituted in the following way:
root index
Radical Sign


Operations with Radicals

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Addition and Subtraction of Radicals

To add and subtract two or more radicals, the following considerations must be taken into account:
1. All radicals that are going to be added and subtracted must have the same indices.
2. All radicals that are going to be added and subtracted must have the same radicals.
If these two conditions are met, then the coefficients of the radicals can be added and subtracted directly.
When the radicals are not equal, then these radicals must be decomposed into their prime factors; with the
purpose of homogenizing them and in this way performing the corresponding addition or subtraction.

Examples :

1. Add
2. Add

(61 i.................................................................................................................................................
ab ( a + b N a - b ).......................................................................................................................
(VB ) 2...................................................................................................................................................
gt +.........................................................................................................................................
. a - ^a + 1......................................................................................................................
b = a + c 2..................................................................................................................................
1 + sin a 1 — sin a................................................................................................................
1— sin a + 1 + sin a.........................................................................................................
y - y, = m ( x - x 1 )......................................................................................................................
-( x - x )..........................................................................................................................................
( x — 10 )..................................................................................................................................

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Decomposing the radinds


5- V3 2 *3- V2 2 *5 =
1V5 - 3/3 - 2/5 =
= - 1V 5 ■ - 3/ 3 Answer

3. Simplify: , Decomposing the radicals :

12 18 48 2 72 2
6 9 24 2 36 2
2 3 12 2 18 2
1 1 6 3 9 3
2 2 3 3
1 1

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Now we write down the values expressed with the prime numbers.

and 25 *3 —1
/3 v *2 +6 V2 4 * 3 + 1 V 22*2*32 =
2346 12
J3— 1 3
/2+ 3 22 3
+12*3/2 =
234 6
= 1—1/2+3 "J 3+1/2
= 4V3
4. Simplify : +A 50 + ^2— A8 Answer : 7\2
5. Simplify : ■\ 80 —2 ■\ 252 +3 ■\ 405 —3 •\ 500 Answer : \ 5— 12•7
6. Simplify:
176 —2
45 + 1 320 + 1 Answer. 4 11 — /5
275 10 and/ 3
7 . Simplify:
1 147 —1
700 + 1 28 Answer.
Answer .
—9 7

Radical Multiplication
To multiply two or more radicals together, the following properties are applied:

That is, in this case the radicals are multiplied .


1. Multiply: v 2 - 3 By v 2 -2y3

5 — 6 + 2V6 — 2(3)

6 2 — 1/6 + 2V6 — 6 =

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2. Multiply: a +a + 1 By : a -a + 1

+ A/ a ( a + 1)
— A/ a ( a + 1)
— A/ ( a + 1) 2

a — ( a + 1)
1 = I -1

3. Multiply: 3 J7 —2 A/ 3 By: 5 A/ 3+4 7 A/ Answer. 7 21 + 54

4. Multiply: 2 +N 3 + 5 By: A/ 2 —3 Answer. 10 — 15

5. Multiply: a—2x By: 3V to +Vx Answer. 3 a — 5 ax — 2 x

Radical Division
To divide two radicals by each other, first the law of signs is carried out, then the coefficients of the radicals
are divided; and for the radicands the following property is used:

na I' b a ; b + 0


1. Split:
13 3 xy Between : x
2 3xy
4 *1 3xy
3 , 2* 3V x

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2. Divide: 3 3 / 16 to 5 Between :
4 3/2 to 2

3 3/16 to 5 3 = 33/8 a 5-2 = 33/2 3 a 3 =

4 4

x 2 a = —a
3/ 16 to 5
4 3/2 to 2 4V 2 to 2

3. Divide: 4 x 3 x 2 Between: 2 to 2 x 3 Answer. 2x

a—b a+a Answer. a a
4 . Split:
a 3
— 3 a b + 3 ab2 2
a + 3 a b + 3 ab +
3 2 2
— b 3 b 3

Rationalization consists of multiplying and dividing the expression by the conjugate of the binomial. This
means that you can rationalize the numerator, the denominator, or both at the same time.

Conjugate of a binomial
The conjugate of a binomial is the binomial; but with the different sign in the second term, that is:

Binomial a + ba – b Conjugate a – ba + b

Important clarifications

a ) The expressions a — 5/ b and a +V b are rationalization factors, one of the other, because their
product results in an expression without a radical, that is:

(/ a —/ b M/ a +/ b )= a—b

b ) The expression ( (V is a rationalization factor of 3 a —3 b

Va) B)
a) The expression ()
3 a
+ ( 3b

Examples :

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1. Rationalize the denominator:
Here you multiply and divide by 2 x

2. Rationalize the denominator:

(V 7
+ 2V5
), (V 7
+ / 5) Here it is multiplied and divided by the conjugate of the denominator
(V 7-/5
) (7 7 +/ 5)
7+ 1 35 + 2 35 + 2(5) 17 + 3 35 17 + 3 35
(/ 7) 2 -(/ 5 AND = 7 5
- = 2

3. Rationalize:
Va + b —
a + b + Va—b

— y/ a — b ), (N a + b
— A/ a—b )
Go + b+a —b
) (V a + b —Va—
7( a + b ) 2
- ( a + b )( a —b)
—(a — b )( a + b )
+(a—b) 2

(/ a +b } -(/ ab}
a+b — 2 7 ( a + b )( a —
b)+a —b 2 a —27a —b 2 2

a+b —a+b 2b

a 2

2( a — A/
— b2

—b 2

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— Nx+1
4 . Rationalize: Answer. 2 x —1—2
7 x ( x —1 )

a+4 — a+2
5 . Rationalize: Answer: — A/ a ( a +4)

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6. Rationalize:
n + 4 + 2 A/ 2 n +
./n +2 Answer:
7. Rationalize: —
7+3 11 97 11A 77
57 4 11

Irrational equations
To solve an irrational equation, one of the irrational terms must be separated into one of the members of the
equation; and then raise both members of the equation to the same value of the root index.
In this way, in one of the members of the equation the notable product must be developed, while in the other
the exponent will be simplified with the radical sign.

Examples .
1. Solve:
/x + 10 — /x + 19 = — 1
2 2 Squaring both members.
(V x + 10
) = ( x + 19 — 1) .

+ 10 = x + 19 V x + 19 (1) +
1 2
Developing the remarkable product.

x + 10 = x + 19 — 2 “J x + 19 + 1

+ 19 = x + 19 + 1 — x — io Separating the irrational term .

2V x + 19 = 10
/x + 19=t9
x /x + 19
= 25 - 1=95

Test.- To perform the test, the value of the equation is replaced in the original exercise and the equality
must be met. For our case we perform the test with the value x= 6.

V 6 + 10 — /6 + 19 = —1
16 — 25 = —1

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4—5= —1
Complies with equality

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Squaring both members

2. Solve:

x + y/ x + 8 = 2Vx
(/ x
+ y/ x + 8
) = (2/xy
Separating the root into the first member
+/ x+ 8 = 2 2 * Squaring both members again
(/x) 2
x + y/ x + 8 = 4x
V x + 8 = 4x - x
Solving the quadratic equation by factoring
(/x +
)2 = (3x) 2
x + 8 = 9x 2
9x 2 -x
-8 = 0 Equating each parenthesis to zero we have:

(9x) 2 — 1(9x) — 72 = 0
(9x - 9)(9x + 8)
9*1 X, = 1
(x — 1)(9x + 8) = 0
9x + 8 = 0
9x = - 8
X, —----------

3 . Solve:
x +N x +7 —7 Answer. x = 9

4 . Solve:
/5x-1+3 — y] 5 x + 26 Answer. x = 2

5 . Solve: Answer. x = 2
7 + 3 /5 x - 2 —9
6 . Solve: y/ 9 x + 10 - 2 /x + 3 — y/ x - 2 Answer. x = 6

7 . Solve:
/ x + 10 + 2 —0 Answer. x = -18

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8. Solve: A x 2
-2x+1=9-x Answer: x = 5
+ 4 +
9. Solve: • x
-g x
11 A x -2 A x —1
Answer: x = 9

Radical simplification
To simplify expressions with radicals, the properties of radicalization must be applied. Some of these
properties are the following:

1 . n /a m = a n The root index divides the exponent of the radind .

2. The exponent of the radind comes out of the root .

3 . n a x ni b = n I a x b The radinds are multiplied when the indices are equal

The radinds are divided when the indices are equal

5 . a x nib = nio n x b “a” enters the root with the exponent equal to the index .

6 . to
The indices are multiplied

7. njak = n%k a n
* k
The index is multiplied by the exponent of the radical .

1 . Simplify

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m—nl(\m , cm—nlan Y
9 + 6 9
n—— 2 11 n —*
6 1 n—

1 n—
n 6
5 6

2 . Simplify:

x 2/3
3 +1

=2 7s ")(051) = 23 =2
24 /3— 3
/3 = 2
3 = 2/3 = 22 = 4
7s 1 03 I

3 . Simplify:
Answer. 6

4. Simplify:
Answer. 2

2m 2m

-. . 4 m — n + 12 x 4 m — n
5. Simplify: --------------------- ------------------
m — n/ mm + n Answer. 7

6 . Simplify:
Answer: 5
m — n/ m +

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Potentiation consists of multiplying a base as many times as indicated by the exponent to obtain the power as
a result. That is to say:
n = a .......................................... to = b
“a” is the base, “n” is the exponent and “b” is the power.

Properties are tools that will help us simplify expressions by applying them. Some of these properties are the

1. p" xq" ( pxq ) n
5. p" = —p

/ 1 p ±0
2. n
-= p l 6. p0= n
q \q )
n pm -

3. (" ) m npm
=p 7
pn -
4. p m xp = p m*n n
8. pn =

1. Simplify: 2
6 b-
•b )
( b - 1) 2
( 1 - 2+-1 N*

bb ) ( b - 1) _ 12
b 2

(b2-2b 1
1*1 ■ 1
^ b ) ( b - 1)

1J b 1
2 2

(b - D'_L I - 2 = b 2
- 1) _ 2

r, 1 1 (2 11
|b 2 2
f =b '

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2. Simplify: \ n
8* 5n + 5n
2n + 1 * 5n + 1 2n
* 5n
(8 +1)
n n
V2 *2*5 *5 2n

F 5n
9) (
n n
\ 2 *5 (2*5 — 1) 2
1 1 nn
— n
= (2 )

3. Simplify:
f 2*45 n + 1

9" + 2 + 32 n +2

n+1 1
2(32 * 5) n +

(32 Y" 2, 32" *32 32 n +4 1 32 n * 32

2(3 2( n 5 n + 1 2*3 n 5 n 5
2 + 2

3 n3 +3 n3
2 4 2 2
3 n (3 + 3 )
2 4 2

2*3 n 3 5 2 2
90*5 n 1 n
3 5 n (3 + 3
2 4
(81 + 9)

( 5 51 = 5


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1 -1
( 8 to 6 + (4 to
4 . Simplify:
(to 2 )
) 2
- 1
/ -1 1 -

(2 3
) 3 *— + (2 * a )2 2

( to -2)7 -
- /
31 1 1 1

gt +

[21a2*a 2
+21a 1
] _*
1,1. 1,1
* a +—*_
- 2 to - 2
’1 1 -1 1 + 17
2a 2a 2a

Answer: xn

-n -

5 . Simplify: /x 1 n

6 . Simplify: Answer.
+ +
10n 15n 6n


7. Simplify:
X41 -
2n +
82 -
16 (
2 -


p7 2 n + 1 ___ 93n + 1
8 . Simplify:
72 (3 6

) Answer: 2

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Logarithms were born as a necessity to solve exponential equation problems; since by applying its definition
and its properties it is possible to calculate the values of the variables.
There are two types of logarithms:
1°) Decimal logarithms
Also known as “Briggs” logarithms or decimal logarithms whose base is ten ; This base is generally
understood and is represented as follows: “ Log ”.

2°) Natural logarithms

Also known as Hyperbolic logarithms or Neperian logarithms whose base is “e” (e = 2.7182….) and is
represented as follows: “ ln ”.

Definition of logarithm
The logarithm to base “a” of an argument “b” is equal to the value “c” if and only if, the argument is equal to
the base raised to the value of “c”. That is to say:

log a b = c <> b = a c
a: Represents the base of the logarithm
b: Represents the argument of the logarithm
c: Represents the value of the second member

The properties of logarithms are tools that help us solve problems.
Here are some of these properties:

1. When the base of the logarithm is equal to the argument, then the value is one, that is:

log a a = 1

2. There are only logarithms whose base is positive and different from one.
3. Negative numbers and zero do not have logarithms.
4. A number raised to a logarithm whose base is equal to this number; is equal to the argument.

a log a A = A
5. The logarithm of the multiplication of two arguments is equal to the sum of the logarithms.

log a ( u •v )
= log a u + log a v

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6. The logarithm of the division of two quantities is equal to the logarithm of the dividend, minus the logarithm
of the divisor.

log = log a u - log a

7. The logarithm of a quantity raised to an exponent is equal to the exponent multiplied by the logarithm of
the quantity.

log a u n = n •log a u

8. The logarithm of the root “n” of a quantity is equal to the logarithm of the radind divided by the index of the
root. In this case “ n ” must be even and a positive integer.

log a n u
=1 • log a u


1. Solve: log 2 8 =
8=2 Expressing 8 as 2 3 .

2 =2■
3 When the bases are equal, they are simplified and the exponents go down .



log 2 8 = x
8= 2x
23 = 2

2 = 2x
Dividing the exponent of the radical by the index of the root.
— =x. .... .. .
2 Simplifying the bases .

7 Solve:

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3. Solve:
3 lo g 3 ( x —2) 2 = 25
Applying the logarithm property

g3(x 2)2
= 25
( x — 2)2 = 25
Passing two as the square root to the second member
Taking the square root of 25

XC, = 5 —2

X1 = 7

4. Solve:
log025 64 = x
6 —2 x
25 ^ Converting the decimal to a fraction and applying the
64 100 ) definition

Transforming 64 with exponents and simplifying

2 = 2—
( 2

2 =2—
6 2
Applying the property of empowerment
2 x —6

x ——3
Applying the definition

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7= Writing 49 as 7 2

=( 7 2) Raising the 7 to the
x Multiplying exponents
Simplifying the bases

6. Solve: log ( x

+ 1)
— 2

25 — ( x + 1) 2

25 — x 2 + 2
1 x2+2x+1
0 ——x 2 +252 x
0 — ( x + 6 )(
— 24

7- Solve :

5x +5x —8

log(5 x + 5 x 2
— 8) — 2
5x +5x
— 8
2 ——
+ 5 x100 108
± V (5) 2
— 4*5*( — 108)
5+ /25 + 2160
—5+ /2185
— 5± 46.74

— — Answers
+ 46.74
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—5— 46.74 51.74

----------------------- —-------------------
10 10

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8. Solve: log x 27 = log4 64 Answer : x = 3

9. Solve: log x 16 = log3 81 Answer : x = 4

10. Solve: log x 25 = log A8 Answer : x = 25

Successive application of the definition

The definition of logarithms can be applied successively as many times as necessary, until the unknown is


1 . Solve:
Here the definition is applied twice in succession.
log3(log2 x) = 1
log 2 x = 3
x = 2 3*


2 . Solve: log 5 | 3 + 2log 7 (8 - log x ) ] = 1

2 Here the definition is applied successively

3 + 2log 7 (8 - log x ) = 5 4

Passing the 3 to subtract

2log 7 (8 - log x ) = 5 - 3 4

log (8 - log 4 x ) = -
7 Passing the 2 to division

8- log x = 7 4

Applying the definition

- — log, x 7

- log x — - 1( - 1)4
2 Multiplying by -1

- log x — 1 4 2

x —42

x— 4 +J

i— x1

Answer : x = 3

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Answer : x = 2

Answer : x = - 2 and x = 2

Answer : x = 13

Answer : x = 3

4. Solve: log 4 { 2.log3 [1 + log 2 ( 1 + 3. log 2 x )}= 1

Solve: iog 3 1[ + 2 log 2 ( —
3 log x 2 )= 1

Solve: log { 2.log: [1 + log 4 ( x + 3 )}= 2

7. Solve: log 1 { log 3 [ log 2 ( 3 x— 1 )}= 0
Applying the property
Applying the definition

1 . Solve: (x — 2)

( x2 — —
log 2 [( x + 2log X23xx)== 33
2)( x ) = 2

— —2x=8
2x 8=0
(x — 4)( x + 2) = 0 Solving the equation

x -4 = 0 x+2=0
x1 = 4 1 II x2 —2

2 . Calculate the solution set of:

log 2 I x - 1 - log 2 x +1<

Applying the property of logarithms.

-∞ +∞

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3. Solve: log 3 (2 x - 1) - log 3 ( x - 4) =

(2 x - 1) 2
( x - 4)
2 x --1 -9 = x0 - 4) =
- 9(
2x - 1 - 9x + 36 = 0
- 7 x + 35 = 0
7 x -3535 = 0


4. Solve: log 8 ( x + 4) + log 8 ( x - 3) = logs

log 8 [ ( x + 4)( x - 3) ] = log 8 8 log
8 [(x 4)( x - 3) ]= 1

( x + 4)( x - 3) = 8
x 2 - 3 x + 4 x - 12 = 8
x2 + x - 12 - 8 = 0
x2 + x - 20 = 0
( x + 5)( x - 4) = 0
Setting each factor equal to zero and
x2 = 4

5 . Solve: log x + log ( x - 3 ) = 1 Answer : x = 5 and x = - 2

6 . Solve: log x - log ( x + 3 ) = - 1 Answer : x = 1/3

7 . Solve: log 2 ( 5 x + 2 ) - log 2 ( 3 x ) = 3 Answer : x = 2 / 19

8. Solve: log 8 ( x + 4 ) + log 8 ( x - 3 ) = 1 Answer : x = 4 and x = - 5

9. Solve: log 6 ( x - 3 ) + log 6 ( x - 2 ) = log 6 30 Answer : x = 8 and x = - 3

10 . Solve: log 2 ( x - 2 ) + log 2 ( x ) = 3 Answer : x = - 2 and x = 4

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Base change
To change the base to a logarithm; The logarithm of the new base of the argument is divided by the
logarithm of the new base of the base. That is to say:

log c b
log a b =
log c a


1. Solve: log x + log x 25 = 3

log 25
log 5 x + —55---= 3 We have base five .
log 5x

log 5 x + log 5 5 2

log 5x
log 5 x + log 5 5
=3 Taking the least common we have:
log 5x

log 5 x + ----= 3
log 5x

log 2
5 x + 2 = 3logs x
Solving by factoring
log 2
5 x - 3 log 5 x + 2 = 0
log 5 x - 2 = 0 log 5 x —1 = 0
(log 5 x - 2)(log 5 x - 1) = 0
log 5 x = 2 log, x = 1
x=5 8
x = 25 x, = 5
log 5 x log 5x
log 5 x + 23

log 5 5 2 5 log 5
We have base five .
log 3
5 x + log 5 x — log 5 x =
log 3
5 x=1
Passing three as a cube root .
log 5 x = •1
log, x = 1
Applying the definition .

8 Solve: l g

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3 .375
Solve: log2x - log24 = 1 Answer : (4; 1/2)
(125 - 50)
4 . Solve: log 4 x - log x 64 = 2 Answer : (64; ¼)
5. Solve: log 5 x
+ log25 1 Answer : ( 14 ; 54 )
6 . Solve: log 2 x
+ log x 2 = 4 - 2.log x 2 Answer : (2;8)

7 . Solve: log 2 x + log 4 x + logs x = Answer : (8)

Exponential equations
They are those equations that present the unknown as an exponent. This type of equations is solved by
applying the properties and definition of logarithms.
There are some exponential equations that can be solved without using the properties of logarithms; In
this case, algebraic operations must be used before applying logarithms.

Examples :

1 . Solve: This equation can be solved without applying properties.

9 Vx = 9

(/x ) = 2 2 2

2 . Solve: This example is solved only by performing algebraic

+ 3
- 2x5x + 2 375

5 x .5 - 2 x 5 x .5 2 =

5x(5 -2x5 )= 3 2



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3. Solve: 2 n+4 _ ioo Here it is necessary to apply logarithms to both members .

log2 n ' _ log100 4

( n + 4)log2 _ log10 2
n log 2 + 4log2 _ 2log10
n log 2 _ 2 - 4log2

- 4log2
n _- - - - -
log 2

- 4(0.301029)
n 0.301029
- (1.204119) n _ 0.301029 n _ 2.643864

4. Solve: 3x +
4 _ 2 x-6
x Here it is necessary to apply
log3 ( +
logarithms .
_ log 2 • 6)


+ 4)log3
( x - 6)log2 =

x log3 + 4log3 = x log2 - 6log2

x log3 - x log2 = - 6 log 2 - 4 log 3
x (log 3 - log 2) = - 6log2 - 4 log 3
_ - 6log2 - 4 log 3
(log 3 - log 2)
_ - 6(0.301029) - 4(0477121)
x = 0.301029 - 0.477121
- 1.806179 - 1.908485
x =-----------------
x =-------
x = 21.095138

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5 . Solve: 7 x * 1 + 2 X 7 x-2 = 345 Answer :

6 . Solve: 52 x -3 _ 73-2 x Answer :
x = 9/10
7 . Solve: -
7 / 7N7x-2 Answer :
I7) l3)

. . /\ x
8 . Solve: ( 0.125 N 4 ) 2
x 3 Answer x = 6

x = 6 / 11
9 . Solve: (27) 3 x - 2 - 9 5 x - 3 Answer :

10 . Solve: 5x-3x+1>2 (5 x1 - 3x2 ) Answer :


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Practical No. 3

1 . Rationalize the denominator of the following expressions:

9^/3 - 3^2 4/3 - 37 b) 2./3 c)

to 5/7 + 4/11 d) 4-3
+ 3/7
6 — /6
. a - ^a + 1 .. —a + 4 - —
e) ~r—/= aa + a
a+1 h) /-----------—T
— a + 4 + —a
2 . Solve the following equations: b) /

a) x+X^+7—7

d) 99x - 14 — 3 9x + 10 -

g) 9xx 2 - 5 - 3 x -1 —

e) 9 —-4+9x+4—
2 9x - 1

h) — - 16 - 9 x + 8 —
c) 9 x + 10 - 9 x + 19 —-

f) 9 x + 10 + 2 —0
i) 93 x - 5 + 2x x + 3 + 1

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(/3 -1) x 1
to b) c)
) n
2 4 x Ví n


4 a — b + 12 x 4 a — b a 0 3 n x b x 9a ax /b
— b^ aa + b )v . = x. b x to
ab x n/ab ) n
n+ Y 2n + 1_93n + 1 24 x 8
d) 1 an F
16 x( 2n ) d) 72 x 3
6n ) 16 3n + 4n +
1 1

27 12x - + 9
2 x 45n + 1

g) h) Y
36 x 3 -2
2n + 1
x5n +
o 9n+ 2 । 32n +

- 2 / 1 TO 24
»"x2 -3 -2
j) (8n
)3x—1-Í41n4)2x— k) ^y-m J 2
-3 -1
(, 2 ) ’ (, -2 )
5 . Solve the following logarithmic equations.

a) Log 2 [ 1 + Log 3 ( 1 + Log 4 x b) Log 2 { 2 + 3 Log [ 1 + 4 Log ( 5 x + 1 )]} = 3

3 4

)= 0

c) Log { 2 Log [ 1 + Log 2 ( 1 + 3 Log 2 x )]} = 1 d) Log a 1 + L og b 1 + Log c ( 1 + L og d

4 3

x )B = 0

e) Lo
g x 81 = Lo g 4 64 f) Log, 16 = Log .81 g) Lo
g x 125 = Lo g 208

h) Log 5 ( 2 x - 1 ) + Log 5 ( x + Log 12 ( x - 3 ) + Log 12 ( x + 1 )

j) Lo g 3
( 2 x + 1 ) - Lo
g3(x-1)=1 k) Log 7 ( 2 x + 3 ) - Log 7 ( x ) = Log 7 (
to.( b) 2 VLog^-
7 .2N
.3 )(
.5), x c) a
)l ) Log I x + 4 + — I - Log I x - 4 — I = Log2 m) a - x +--- 4(4- 2
Log r ^ a + x and to
n) Lo
g 2 x L Lo g x 4 = 1 o) Log 4 x L Lo g x 64 = 2 Q) Log
2 x + Log x 2 = 2 ( 2 - Log x 2 )

q) 255"
Prepared by:=64
Eng.r) 55*3-2x5**=375
MSc. s)M.
Miguel E. Cuellar 22*t3 _ 32**1 _ 32t 147

or ■r+i 1 3*+2 1 3*+3 _ 2*+1 1 2* 1 21+2 1 2*+7 x x

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a) 2**4 = 100 b) 3**4 = 25t6 c) 8 x 3 = 9 x 3 d) 11 x 7 = 177 x

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Exercise 1 Result Exercise 2 Results Exercise 3 Results
to to to
b b 5 b 6
6 21 - 29
c c c
d 2 +V 3 d 15 d 7

and and and

F a+4+2V2a+4 -18 F 3
g g
h h 17
a+2 —Va 2

Exercise 4 Results Exercise 5 Results Exercise 5 Results

to to m 2-a
b xn b 3 n
c c either 64 ; 1/4
d 2/9 d 1 p
and and q
F 4 F 4 r

g g yes
h 1/2 h t

Yo Yo or
J. n j v
k k to
l b

Behold mathematics, the most original creation of human ingenuity (Whitehead).

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Unit No. 4: Trigonometry

At the end of this unit the student will develop the following skills:
1) Apply trigonometric functions and the Pythagorean theorem to solve right triangles.
2) Apply the law of sines and cosines in solving oblique triangles.
3) Prove trigonometric identities
4) Solve trigonometric equations.

Previous Knowledge
To achieve meaningful learning from this unit, you must know the following topics:
1) First degree equations
2) Rationalization
3) Trigonometric identities
4) Operations with fractions

The word trigonometry is derived from the Greek words trigonon (triangle) and metry (measurement). In this
unit, trigonometric functions are presented and then their graphs are analyzed. Later, some methods will be
studied to solve right and oblique triangles by applying the laws of sines and cosines.

Trigonometric functions
If we have a right triangle then we can define the trigonometric functions in the following way:

Hypotenuse b c Opposite Leg

to Adjacent Cateto

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Sine Function
opposite c
sin a =-------------= —
hypotenuse b

Cosine Function
adjacent to
cos a =-------------= —
hypotenuse b

opposite c
tag a =------------= —
Tangent Function
adjacent to

Cotangent Function
adjacent to
ctag a =------------= —
opposite c

Secant Function
hypotenuse b
sec a =-------------=
adjacent to —

hypotenuse b
c sec a =
Cosecant Function
opposite c

Pythagoras theorem
In a right triangle the Pythagorean theorem is defined as: the hypotenuse squared is equal to the sum of the
squares of the other legs, that is:

Adjacent Leg
12 22

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Solving right triangles

To solve a right triangle the following aspects must be considered:
1 °) Trigonometric functions
2 °) The Pythagorean theorem
3 °) The sum of the internal angles of the right triangle is equal to 180º sexagesimal That is: A + B + C =

1. c =Solve:
a +b
2 2 2

c=/a +b 2 2

c=/6 +2 2 2

= / 36 + 4
c = /40
c = 6.324
2 272
ca=6 2

(3.324) 2= 6 + 2 2 2

40 = 40


A=180-18 .43-90

tagB 6

B = arctag\

B = 18.43
B = 18° 26' 5.82
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2. Solve

Data : Solution
a=15 c =a +
2 2
b 2

b=6 c=/a +b 2 2

c = "V15 + 62 2

c =/225 + 36
c = /261
c = 16.1554

tagB 15

, /6 A=180-21.8014-90

B = arctag I — A=68.1986º

B = 21.8014
B = 21° 48, 5.07 "

3. Solve the following right triangle

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4. Solve the following right triangle

5. Solve the following right triangle

Resolution of Oblique Triangles

To solve this type of triangle you must consider the law of Sines, the law of Cosines and the sum of the
internal angles of the oblique triangle add up to 180 sexagesimal degrees:

Law of Sines
In every oblique triangle, its sides are directly proportional to the sine of the opposite angle, that is:

sinA sinB sinC

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Law of Cosines
In every oblique triangle, the square of one of its sides is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two
sides, minus the double product of these times the cosine of the included angle.

to = b 2 + c 2 — 2 bc cos A
b 2 = a 2 + c 2 — 2 ac cos B
c 2=a 2
+ b2 —2 ab cos C

The sum of the three interior angles of the oblique triangle is equal to 180º, that is:

A + B + C = 180º


Data : Solution
a= ? b= A + B + C = 180º
? c= 9 A=180 – B – C
A= ? A=180 – 45 – 170
B= 45° A=65°
C= 70°

By the Law of Sines

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ac sinA sinC c . sign

(9) sin (65º)
sin (70º)
(9)(0.9063) e 8.68□

By the Law of Cosines b 2 = a + c — 2 ac cos B

—Va +c 2 2
—2 ac cos B
= 4 (8.68) + 9 2 2
— 2(8 .68)(9) cos(45º)
=/156.34 — 109.368 b = v46.972 = I 6.8536
(6.8536) 2 = (8.68) 2 +9 2 -2 (8.68) (9) cos 45º
46.9718 = 75.34 + 81 – 156.24 (0.70)
46.9718 = 46.972 Equality is fulfilled

2. Solve:

= 8.5

c= 5.4

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Data Solution
A = 5.4 a = b + c - 2 bc cos A
2 2 2

b = 7.6 a - b - c = - 2 bc cos A (- 1)
2 2 2

c = 8.5
-a -b + 2 2 2

A= ?
b +c -a
2 2 2

B= ? = cos A
2 b.c.
C= ?
7.6 + 8.5 - 5.4 2 2 2

cos A =
cos A = = 0.780572
A = 38.6869
A = 38° 41 13.28 " '
b sinA
sinB =---------
sinB 7.6 sen (38.6869)
= B = arc cos ( 0.8797 )

—B = 28.3938

3. Solve the following oblique triangle


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3. Solve the following oblique triangle

Trigonometric Identities
sin x + cos x = 1
2 2

-- - -= sec x cos x
senx 1
------= tan x - - -= c sec x sinx
cos x
cos x sec x = 1 + tan x
2 2

------= c tan x
sin(x +y ) = sinx.cosy+cosx.seny sin(xy) = sinx.cosy - cosx.cosy
cos(x + y) = cosx.cosy-sinx.seny cos(xy) = cosx.cosy+sinx.siny

tan x + tan y tan( x + tan x — tan and tan( x —

y ) =----------------- y ) =--------------—
1— so x . t an and 1 + tan x . so and
c tan x . c t an y c tan x . c tan y + 1 c tan( x
c tan( x + y ) =--------------------
y ) =------------------ c tan x — c tan y
sin2x = 2sinx.cosx c tan x + c tan y cos2x=cos 2 x-sin 2 x=2cos 2 x-1=1-2sin 2 x

2twx 2 c so x 2 c tan x —11 1 2

tail 2 x — = — = — c tan 2 x =-------------= — c tan x so x

1— so x c tan x — 1 c tan x — tan
2 2
2 c tan x 2 2
sin3x = 3sinx-4sin 3 x cos3 x = 4cos x —3cos x 3

x + yx—y x + yx—y
sinx + siny = 2 sin------* * cos-----— sinx siny = 2 cos--------- sen--- -—
22 22
x + yx—y x + yx—y
cos x + cos y = 2 cos-------cos------- cos x cos y 2 sen sen
22 22
sin ( x + y ) sin ( x—y )
tan x + tan y = cos x . cos and tan x tan y = cos x . cos and

sin ( x y ) c tan x + c tan y = sin ( x — y ) c tan xc tan

--------------------------------- senx . seny y—
senx . seny

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senx . seny 2I cos( x cos x .cos y 2 [ cos( x

■ and ) ■
and )

cos( x
senx . cos and 2 [ sin ( cos(
x x cos x . seny 2I sin ( x
* and ) and )
* sin ( x ■ sin ( x
2 1 + cos 2 x
2 — cos 2 x
sin x = 2 cos x = 2

x 1—cos x sin = cos x 1 + cos x

x 1—cos x senx 1 — cos x x 1 + cos x senx 1 + cos
so— = +.------------=-----------=----------- x
21 + cos x 1 + cos x senx 21— cos x 1 — cos x senx
x x
2 so
sinx =- - - - -2_
1 — so 2

x cos x =------2
1 + tan 2 x
2 1 + tan 2

x RI + 2 kn ; k €Z 3 x € RI + 2 k 7 ; k €Z 3

cos x
1. Prove the following identity: --------= sinx
Developing the first member we have:
cos x
----= sinx
cos x

sinx x cos x
--------= sinx Multiplying extremes with extremes and means with means and simplifying.
cos x sinx = sinx
As we wanted to demonstrate

c sec x
2. Prove the following identity: = sec x

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sinx = sec
cos x x

--------= sec x
sinx x cos x
Applying identity and simplifying .

- - -= sec x
cos x

sec x = sec

c sec x
3. Prove the following identity: -------= cos x
tgx + ctgx

senx = cos x
sinx cos x
- - -+-- - -
cos x sinx

senx = cos x

cos xx +x cos
sin sinxx

senx = cos x
cos x x sinx

cos x x sinx
--------= cos x

cos x = cos

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1 — sin a cos a
4. Prove the following identity:
cos a 1 + sin a
(1 — sin a ) (1 + sin a ) cos a
( stuff ) (1 + sin a )1 + sin a

1 — sin a2
cos a (1 + sin a )1 +ff
sin a

cos stuff 2
cos a (1 + sin a )1 + sin a

stuff stuff
1 + sin a 1 + sin a

1 — seny
5 . Prove the following identity: 2 = 1 + sin y (sec y — tgy ) 2
1— seny
-------------=----= = 1 + sin y (1 — seny )
Applying the identity and subtracting fractions inside the
| — 1 siny5eny | siny )
)(1 — parentheses.

^ cos and cos and)

— sin and
------ = 1+ sin y
— Applying the property of potentiation (a / b) n = a n / b n .

(1 - ) seny

cos y 2

= 1 + sin y Decomposing equal bases

cos 2

cos and 2

-------= 1 + sin y

(1 seny ) Applying the identity: Cos 2 x = 1 – Sin 2 x
1 + sin y
2 2

-------= 1 + sin y
— and
(1 seny ) (1

± siny )(1 siny)-
+ seny
— and
(1 seny )
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1 + sin y = 1 + sin y
_ (, cos 2 and)
6. Prove the following identity:

tg and i 1 + 2 I = cos ec y X sec
Developing the first member .
sin y + cos y I
------ —2------- ■ I = cos ec y
sin 2 and )

1(1 I
----1--- -I = cos ec y X sec y cos y \ sin y )

cos ec y X sec y = cos ec y X sec y

7 . Prove the following identity:
------+-------= 2sec 2
1 + sin a 1 —
sin a

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1— sin a + 1 + sin a
2 Complete the demo
--------------= 2sec a
(1 + sin a )(1 — sin a )

Suggested exercises

1. Given the following right triangle, calculate the missing sides or angles with the data provided.
Remember that the sides of the triangle are represented by the first lowercase letters of the
alphabet and the angles; by capital letters.

1) A= 17º 50‟ Answer .

a = 1.056
c= 3.45 B = 72º 10‟ 22”
b = 3.284

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2) A= 33º 40‟

Answer .
a = 22.4

B = 56º20‟4” c = 40.43 b= 33.63

3) B = 23º

Answer .
b= 54

B = 56º20‟4” c = 40.43 b= 33.63

2. Given the following oblique triangle, calculate the missing sides or angles with the data
1) A = 41º Answer .
B = 77º c = 100 C= 62º a = 74.30 b = 110.35

2) A = 65º

Answer .
b=6 a = 7.03
B = 50 or 59‟
c=7 C= 64 or 0‟

3) B =120º Answer

b = 10 A=25 or 39‟

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a=5 C = 34º 20‟ 46” c = 6.51

Unit No. 5: Plane Analytical Geometry

At the end of this unit the student will develop the following skills:
1° ) Calculate the distance between two points
2 °) Calculate the division points of a line
3 °) Calculate the slope of a line
4 °) Calculate the angle of inclination of a line
5° ) Calculate the equations of a line
6 °) Interpret, when a straight line represents the supply and demand curve of a product.

Previous Knowledge
To achieve meaningful learning from this unit, you must know the following topics:
1) Numerical value
2) Function graphs
3) First degree equations
4) System of linear equations

Distance between two points

If you have the following points: P ( x ; y ) ; P ( x ; y ) , then the distance between both points is
given as follows:

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By the Pythagorean theorem we have that:

d− y2−y )2+(x
1 2

x )2

−V(y 2

y )2+(x
1 2

x1) Equation of the Distance between
two points.


1. If you have the points: P 1 (2, 1) ; Q2 (6, 4). Graph the line and calculate the distance.

d −
v(y 2

y )
+( x2 x1 )

d -
/ (4 - 1) 2 + (6 - 2) 2
d— / 9 + 16

d —5

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2. Calculate the distance between the following points: P 1 ( - 3 ; 1) ; P 2 ( 1 ; - 2)

-V(y2-y1) +(x2-x1)
2 2
- / ( - 2 - 1) + (1 - ( - 3)) d — /3 + 4
2 2 2 2

d— / 9 + 16

Note.- The distance between points has units of length .

Division Point of a Line

The division point of a line can be calculated in two ways:

1° ) If we have the following two points p ( x ; y ) ; p ( x ; y ) , then the point that divides the line
into two equal parts is found in the following way:

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The point that divides into equal parts (midpoint) is given by the following coordinates p ( x ; y )

x= —
- 1


2° ) If the relationship r = a is known and also the points: p v ( x, ; y, ) , p, ( x 2 ; y 2 ) . So point b

111 222

that divides the line into two parts is given by the following coordinates: p(x;y)

and 1 + and 2



1 ) Given the following points: P 1 ( - 6 ; 7 ) and P 2 ( 6 ; -2 ). Calculate the distance between them, the

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b) p (x;y
) x + xx
= —---------- -6+6 = 0 = 0
2 22
y2+y1y 7+(-
2) - 5 - 2.5
p (0; 0.25) 22

2) Find the coordinates of the point that divides the segment that joins the points:

A (2; 1) and B (6; 5)

According to the
relationship r = 1

x + xr 2+ 2 4 12
x= — 1+1 1+ .3 4 4
3 33
y1+y2r 1+
— ------- — AA
1+r 1+3 3 3 3 24
3 4 4 4 12
resp : P (3;2)
They are the coordinates that divide the line into two parts .

It is the degree of inclination of a line with respect to the positive "x" axis. Therefore we can define it

as: the slope “m” of a straight line “L” is the tangent of the angle of inclination alpha “ a ”.
For this case it can be observed that: 1 °) If the slope is positive then the line will be inclined to the

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2 °) If the slope is negative then the line will be inclined to the left 3 °) If the slope is zero; So the line
is horizontal.

m = tg a = y 2
" and 1

1. Given the following points
P 1 (3; 1) and P 2 (5; 7)

a) Distance
b) The middle point
c) Slope
d) Graph

a) d
— —
=V(y2 y1) +(x2
x1) 2

= / (7 — 1) + (5 — 3)
2 2

= V (6) + (2)
2 2

= / 36 + 4
d = 6.324
b) p (x; y)

x2 + x1 3 +5 = 8 = 4

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(61 i........................................................................................................................................
ab ( a + b N a - b )..............................................................................................................
(VB ) 2..........................................................................................................................................
gt +.................................................................................................................................
. a - ^a + 1.............................................................................................................
b = a + c 2..........................................................................................................................
1 + sin a 1 — sin a.......................................................................................................
1— sin a + 1 + sin a.................................................................................................
y - y, = m ( x - x 1 ).............................................................................................................
-( x - x ).................................................................................................................................
( x — 10 )..........................................................................................................................
p (4;4)

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c) m = •2 - y 1 x—x

2. Given the following points:

A (1 ; 5)
B ( 3 ; 1) Calculate:
a) Distance
b) Middle point
c) Earring
d) Graph

— —
a) d=/(y2 y1)2+(x2 x1)2

= / (5 — 1) + (1 — 3)
2 2


= V (4) 2 + ( 2) 2

d — /16 +4

d = 4.472
b) p (x;y)

(61 i
ab ( a + b N a - b )
(VB ) 2
gt +
. a - ^a + 1
1 + sin a 1 — sin a
1— sin a + 1 + sin a
y - y, = m ( x - x 1 )
-( x - x )

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( x — 10 )

p (2;3)

The straight
The line is defined as the locus of points such that if any two points are taken, the ratio between the
difference of the ordinates and the difference of the abscissa is constant.
Therefore: y 2 —-1 = constant. Analytically, a line is a linear or first degree equation x—x
with two variables.

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 176

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

Two different non-vertical lines are parallel if and only if their slopes are equal, that is,

m x = m,
Two different non-vertical lines are perpendicular if and only if the product of their slopes is

say, m 1 m 2 —1$ m—--------
Line equations
According to the data presented by each case; The line presents the following equations:

1. If the slope “m” and the ordinate at the origin “b” are known; then the equation of the line is
given by the following expression:

y= mx + b

y = 2x + 1

to. Given the following equation, calculate the slope, the ordinate and graph it


Assigning values to “x” we have:

2(1)-1=1 ( 1 ; 1)
2(0)-1=-1 ( 0 ; 1)

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 177

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

2. If the slope “m” and the point p 1 ( x 1 ; y 1 ) are known, then the equation of the line will be
given as follows:

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 178

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

y - y, = m ( x - x ) 1

1 ) Calculate the equation of the line that passes through the point P 1 (2; 1) if its slope is

m =2

1 )
Replacing point and slope.
- -
y 1 = 2( x 2)
y = 2 x -4+ 1 Equation of the line.


Graphing we have:

x y = 2x - 3

1 2(1) – 3 = -1 (1 ; -1)
0 2(0) -3 = -3 (0 ;-3)

2 ) Calculate the equation of the line that passes through the point (1,2) and has an angle of inclination of
45º sexagesimals.

Data Solution

P1 (1 ; 2) y – y 1 = m (x – x 1 ) Equation of the line

a =45º It's known that : m = tg a

m = tg (45º) Calculating the slope we have :

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 179

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

Replacing : y– 2

= 1 (x – 1) y – 2

Equation of the line .

3 ) If the points
p 1 ( x 1 ; y 1 ) and p 2 ( x 2 ; y 2 ) are known, then the equation of the line will be given as follows:

and 2 —
- -
and (
Examples and 1
1. Calculate the equation of the line and the angle of inclination; if it passes through the points.

a ) and
— y, = y 2 — y 1
P1 ( 3 ; 4) ( — x
x1 )
P2 ( 5 ; 8)

4 =
553 ( x

4 = 2( X 3)
— —
y 4 = 2( x 3)
y —4=2x
—6 By definition of slope .

y=2x —6+ Replacing the slope value .

y = 2 x — 2 Equation of the line .

b) a =?

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 180

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

m = tg a
2 = tg a
a =arctg (2)

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 181

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

a =63º 26‟ 5.82” Taking the inverse of the tangent gives us the desired angle .
2. When the price is $50 there are 50 cell phones available, when the price is $75 there are 100 cell
phones available. Calculate the product supply equation.

P1 (50; 50) We take these data as points to replace in the equation .

P2 (100; 75)


and 2
-yi= -
and 1
-( x - x
— 75 - 50
y 50 ( x - 50
100 - 50
= )
and -
50 ( x - 50)

50 = 1 (x - 50)

y - 50 = —x-

y = Lx + 25 Equation of the line .


b) How much will 75 cell phones cost?

y = 2(75) + 25
To calculate this price we substitute into the equation of the line.
y = $62.5

3. When the price is $80, 10 watches are sold and when the price is $60, 20 watches are sold.
Calculate the product demand equation.

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 182

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

Data Solution
P1 (10, 80)
an a x —
- d 2 n( x
P2 (20, 60)
and 1 d1 1
— 60 - 80 )
and (x—
80 = 20 — 10 )
_ —
10 20
— —
80 =-10( x

y — 80 = — 2( x
— 10) Equation of the line.

y — 80 = — 2 x +
y = — 2 x + 20 + 80
y = — 2 x + 100

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 183

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

Practice No. 4

5) A (-3 ; -1) and B (2 ,3) Answer .

1. Given the following points, calculate: the distance, the midpoints, the slope. The equation of the line, the
d = 8.54
angle of inclination and graphing.
p(x ; y) = (2.5 ; 1)
m =- 8/3
1) A (2 ; 1) and B (5 ; 4) Answer .
y = -8/3x+23/3
d = 4.2
Angle = -69 or 26‟
p(x ; y) = (3.5 ; 2.5)
6) A (-2 ; -3) and B (4 ; 2) Answer .
d = 7.8
a = 45º
p(x ; y) = (1 ; -0.5)
m = 5/6
2) A (-1 ; 4) and B (5 ; 2) yAnswer
= 5/6x .- 4/3
Angle = 39 or 47‟
d = 6.32
p(x ; y) = ( 2 ; 3)
m = -1/3
y = -1/3x+11/3
Angle = -18 or 25‟

3) A ( -3 ; 1) B(4 ; 7) Answer .

2. Identify which of the following lines are supply and demand dlines
= 6.7
and then calculate the equilibrium
p(x ; y) = (1/2 ; 4)
point between both equations.
m = 6/7
y = -6/7x+25/7
' y = 10 - 2 x + 6 y = 27 x+
to b) < Angle = - 40 orc)41‟ 3y=6
) x
<4) A (1 ; 5) 7x-3y=9 <
Iy=x+1 B(4 ; 5) Answer . 5 x - 2 y = 13
d = 8.54
3. Given the points.
p(x ; y) = (2.5 ; 1)
m =- 8/3
a) Distance
y = -8/3x+23/3
b) Split Point
Angle = -69 or 26‟
c) Earring
d) Equation of the line
e) Inclination angle
f) Graph

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 184

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 185

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

1. 6.
(3;0 ) p 1 (- 3,-1)
p2 ( 0 ;2) p2
2. 7.
(11N p 1 1
,,, 1 p 1 ( 2;0 )
\23) (
/ 3 1N p 2 1 0; - 1
—•— I2)

(3;2 ) (11) p1
[ 2;3)
p2 ( 0 ;4)
(- 1$)

,( 1N
p1 p 1 = ( 2; - 2
1 4; 3 ) )
1 p 2 =(- 3; - 4)
; -^
\ 7)

5. 10.

(1) p 1 I
p 1 ( 2;0) ;4 I
( \2 )
p 2 3; 4 2) p 2 ( 2;1)


2. Simplify: Here we first convert the negative exponent -2 to positive.
1. Convert: 3.7dm to: m, cm. and mm.
to ) 3.7 dm x ------= 0.37m
10 dm
3 2n 4 3n
5 . Solve: log 1 7 —x

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 186

Information Sciences and Technologies Math Fundamentals

3 . Solve: log 2 {2 + 3log 3 [ 1 + 4 log 4 ( 5 x + 1

)= 3
+ 2log 25 x - 3log 125 x - 1 = 0
3 . Simplify the following expressions by applying properties.
4 . Simplify the following expressions by applying properties:

( 4\
4 8
34 3

Prepared by: Eng. MSc. Miguel E. Cuellar M. 187

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