Upana Critical Care Trial

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Intensive care units are specialized settings for treating people who have serious
imbalances in their health status, and who require care from the health personnel
who work there. Among this staff is the nursing professional, who is responsible for
the direct care of these people in relation to: Body hygiene, skin care, airway
patency, nutrition, treatment administration, among other aspects. This professional
practice requires an integrative profile from the nurse, not only from the field of
theoretical and technological knowledge, skills, but also sensitivity. flexibility and
empathy when providing care to critically ill patients.

The current changes and trends in social, cultural and economic patterns in our
country in recent decades have generated transformations in lifestyles,
environmental conditions, values and beliefs, and have negatively influenced the
level of health of the population. . Industrial development, the high unemployment
rate, stress, sedentary lifestyle, among other triggering factors, are leading to the
increase and appearance of acute diseases and chronic-degenerative pathologies,
favored by new habits. People with life-threatening injuries and illnesses need
close, constant medical care, provided by a team of health professionals specially
trained in critical care care.


 Develop Nursing functions effectively and efficiently in an Intensive Care

 Promote lines of research that are relevant in Advanced Intensive Care
Clinical Practice.


 Provide global and direct care to the patient and family.

 Evaluate the specific protocols and procedures in the situations and/or
problems that patients present in the Intensive Care Unit.
 Skillfully and safely use technology and means to support patient diagnosis.
 Coordinate activities with other components of the multidisciplinary team of
the Intensive Care Unit
 Prepare a Research Project on a specific problem for a patient in the
Intensive Care Unit.


Intensive care unit:

Patient in critical condition: A patient in critical condition is one who presents
vital alterations of one or more organs that endanger their life and who is admitted
to the ICU to be subject to monitoring, resuscitation, maintenance of vital signs and
definitive therapy.

ICU admission criteria:

 Patients who present an acute critical condition or are on the verge of

suffering from it.
 All patients must be theoretically recoverable from the problems that
motivate admission to the unit.
 Patients who are unrecoverable in the long term but who have a problem
that endangers their life immediately.
 ICU admission condition
 Insufficiency or instability of one or more major physiological systems.
 cardio respiratory arrest
 Severe respiratory insufficiency
 severe dehydration
 Renal insufficiency
 High physiological risk for older people with stability in danger.
 Potentially lethal arrhythmias.
 Acute myocardial infarction.
 Postoperative surgery with high risk
 Special and/or specialized care needs.
 Mechanical ventilatory support.
 Cardiac monitoring
 It is the measurement and recording of variables within a previously
determined range.
 It allows us to control vital functions and complement our functions:
 HR *pulse oximetry
 FR

Heart rate: It is the collection of cardiac electrical activity through the use of 3 or 5
leads on the patient's chest.


Assessment of the ECG including analysis of heart rate, rhythm and morphology of
the QRS complexes.

Monitor types:
Those that record only HR with electrocardiographic recording
Those that record FC, FR, T/A, PVC and temperature on the screen

Installation of cardiac electrodes:

RA.- right arm

LA.- left arm
RL.- right leg
LL.- left leg
V.- precordial

Non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring: Vital signs are those parameters that

indicate the patient's hemodynamic status:

Medium pressure

Pulsimetry: It is the non-invasive measurement of the oxygen transported by

hemoglobin inside the blood vessels.


Obtain continuous information on oxygen saturation to assess its status.

Electrocardiogram: It is the graphic representation of the electrical activity of the



Obtain a record for the interpretation and documentation of cardiac electrical

The P wave: consists of atrial activity and atrial contraction or systole.
QRS Complex: corresponds to ventricular depolarization.
T wave: corresponds to ventricular repolarization.
Lead placement:

 V1 4th right intercostal space, next to the sternum.

 V2 4th left intercostal space, next to the sternum.
 V3 Between V2 and V4
 V4 5th left intercostal space, mid-clavicular line.
 V5 5th left intercostal space, anterior axillary line.
 V6 5th left intercostal space, mid-axillary line.
 RA and RL in right arm and ankle
 LA and LL in left arm and ankle

Central venous pressure: CVP consists of measuring the pressure in the vena
cava or right atrium in cm of water. It gives us an idea of heart sufficiency or failure.


Detect problems of hypovolemia, overhydration, heart failure and shock.

Know if blood volume is deficient, adequate or excessive

PVC values:

0 to 5 cm H2O in right atrium

6 to 12 cm H2O in vena cava.

Values below normal could indicate a decrease in volume and the need for fluid
administration, while values above normal would indicate an increase in volume.

CVP measurement: It is measured at the distal end of the catheter with a scale.

Arterial blood gas

Concept: It is obtaining a blood sample through puncture

The number of beds:

The ideal room should not have less than 8 beds nor more than 12, it allows for an
adequate division of human resources and adequate economic performance.
Space requirements:
Once the number of beds in the unit has been established, its total size must be
• In addition to the number of beds, there are other determinants of space. Indeed,
in an ICU different types of spaces are required:
1) The space assigned for the beds, including the necessary place for the control
equipment and the activity to be carried out.
2. The support space for all activities within the unit, including central monitoring,
drug preparation section, clean and dirty support areas, etc.
3. Technical support spaces, including meeting areas, x-ray viewing room,
archives, equipment storage areas, director's office, on-call doctor's rooms, etc.
Location of the unit:
Two different possibilities are presented:
• The design of a new unit
• The reconditioning of a pre-existing one.
• In either situation, it must be taken into account that there are services that must
be close to the Unit, others that must be at a distance and others that are
• It must be an area protected from the usual flow of circulation of patients, visitors
and staff of other services.
It is very important that the ICU has 24-hour access to:
- Surgical wards - Emergency units - ICU - Sterilization - Hemodialysis - Laboratory
- Blood bank - Pharmacy
The space of a bed:
An important consideration when designing the unit is to establish the space per
bed, taking into account the needs for regular assistance and monitoring
equipment, and the space necessary for non-continuous use equipment, such as
hemodialysis machines, extracorporeal circulation equipment, plasmapheresis, etc.
It must allow free access to the patient on all sides of the bed. This access is
generally affected by the location of the bed and the type of monitors or sources of
electricity, oxygen, aspiration, etc.
It is convenient to have a specific storage space for each bed. Medications,
disposable materials, the patient's own utensils and other items necessary for
quick and efficient care must be located there.
Other considerations to take into account:
1) the possibility of maintaining orientation in time in critical patients, fundamentally
in the day-night sequence, for which it is very useful to have windows with views to
the outside
2) helping to maintain adequate sleep patterns in the patient
3) maintaining a correct level of sensory stimulation.
Each ICU must have sources of electrical power, water, oxygen, compressed air,
vacuum and environmental control (temperature, humidity, lighting) capable of
sustaining the needs of patients and the care team under normal and emergency
situations, and must comply with with the requirements and standards of the
respective control entities.
Equipment of an intensive care unit patient cubicle:
• intensive clinical bed with anti-decubitus mattress
• cardiac monitor with the possibility of connection to a central unit with: ECG
• invasive pressure channels
• non-invasive pressure channel
• Pulse oximeter
• Temperature control
• Corresponding alarms
• fan volume
• Oxygen intakes from the central network
• central aspiration intakes
• medical compressed air intake
• Infusion pumps
• enteral nutrition pump
• insufflation bag with PEEP valve
• Nebulizer
• procedure lamp
• wall sphygmomanometer or vital signs monitor
• stethoscope

Equipment in the intensive care unit:

• Arrest cart with: defibrillator, cardiac monitor, PEEP insufflation bag
• Portable heart monitor
• Portable defibrillator with external pacemaker
• Transfer fan
• Procedure cart
• Bronchoscope
• Transfer stretchers
• Oxigen bottles
• Portable lightning equipment
• Central monitor for 6 beds or more
• Quadruple negatoscopes
• Laryngoscopes for every 3 beds
• Radiolucent bed
• Non-invasive mechanical ventilator
• Conventional hemodialysis machine, whose management will depend on the
nursing staff of the Hemodialysis Unit.
• Fiber intracranial pressure measurement system

Organization of the intensive care unit :

The ICU should excel in providing quality care to critically ill patients.
For proper functioning, it requires a qualified team of doctors, nurses and
paramedical technicians in sufficient numbers, whose function is to provide
multidisciplinary and comprehensive care.

Nursing staff must have knowledge and experience in the management of critical
patients, and must remain constantly trained to use diagnostic and therapeutic
equipment. The training of intensive care nurses must be subject to some type of
The ICU nursing team is made up of a Nurse Coordinator and the clinical or
treating nurses.
Nurse (or) Head of Service:
You will be responsible for organizing, scheduling, directing and evaluating ICU
nursing activities, ensuring timely and effective care. Must have formal training in
the area of administration and training in the area of intensive care or critical
patient care.


The care of patients in critical condition tests the skills, knowledge and clinical
experience of nurses, not only due to the health status of patients with multiple
interfering needs, but also due to the barriers and distortions that arise to that the
interaction and communication with patients offers the expected results in terms of
contributing to the recovery of health or a peaceful death.
As could be seen, some of the approaches of a nursing theorist were put into
practice by nurses when carrying out care with critically ill patients, even when they
had neither the intention nor the awareness to do so. This situation can be found in
many care settings; However, it is expected that better results will be achieved in
the practice of care if it is carried out under clearly defined theoretical guidelines
that direct the actions of nursing practitioners.

Alles, M (2006) Management by Competencies the Dictionary. Argentina: Granica
It is believed that he was born in 569 BC on the island of Samos , next to
Miletus , being the son of Menesarchus, perhaps a rich merchant from
He probably traveled to Egypt, Phenicia and Babylon. He returned to
Samos during the dictatorship of Polycrates (538-522). Around 529 he
traveled to southern Italy and founded the Pythagorean brotherhood in
Croton .
Educated in the teachings of early Ionian philosophers such as Thales of
Miletus , Anaximander , and Anaximenes . Around 530 BC He settled
in Crotona, a Greek colony in southern Italy, where he founded a
movement with political and philosophical purposes, known as
Pythagoreanism .
Pythagoras' philosophy is known only through the work of
his disciples. The Pythagoreans advised obedience and silence, abstinence,
simplicity in dress and self-analysis. The first prominent modern vegetarian was
Pythagoras. The Pythagorean diet came to mean avoiding the meat of slaughtered
animals. Pythagorean ethics first became a philosophical morality between 490-
430 BC with the desire to create a universal and absolute law including an order
not to kill ''living creatures'', to abstain from ''disgusting strident slaughter'',
particularly animal sacrifices, and to ''never eat meat'' - of ''The Feast of Heretics''.
They believed in immortality and the transmigration of the soul. Pythagoras
proclaimed that he had been Euphorbus, and fought during the Trojan War.
Among the mathematical investigations of the Pythagoreans are their studies of
even and odd numbers , prime numbers and squares , essential in the theory of
numbers. They cultivated the concept of number, which became for them the
crucial principle of all proportion, order and harmony in the universe. Through
these studies, they established a scientific foundation for mathematics.

In geometry they discovered the hypotenuse theorem , known as Pythagorean

theorem , which states that the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is
equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. In astronomy, the
Pythagoreans represented an advance in classical scientific thought, since they
were the first to consider the Earth as a globe that rotates with other planets
around a central fire. They explained the harmonious order of all things as bodies
moving according to a numerical scheme, in a simple and all-encompassing
sphere of reality. They thought that the celestial bodies were separated from each
other by intervals corresponding to lengths of harmonic chords and maintained that
the movement of the spheres gives rise to a musical sound, the so-called harmony
of the spheres .

The Pythagoreans gained great political influence in Magna Graecia (southern

Italy), which provoked reactions against them. The first forced Pythagoras to
abandon Croton and retire to Metaponte , where it is said that he starved himself
to death in 495 BC, although there are other versions of his death.
He was a Greek philosopher and mathematician considered the first pure
mathematician who contributed significantly to the advancement of Hellenic
mathematics, geometry and arithmetic derived particularly from numerical
relationships and applied, for example, to "the theory of weights and measures."
Pythagoreanism formulated principles that influenced both Plato and Aristotle and
more generally in the later "development of mathematics" and in rational
philosophy in the West.
No original writings of Pythagoras have been preserved.
MATHEMATICAL THEORY: the mathematical science practiced by Pythagoras
and mathematicians differs from the treatment of this science that is carried out in
modern universities or institutions. "The Pythagoreans were not interested in
formulating or solving mathematical problems" nor did "open problems" exist for
them in The traditional meaning of the term Pythagoras' interest was "the
principles" of mathematics "the concept of number" "concept of the triangle"
Pythagoras recognized properties in numbers such as "personality" "masculine and
feminine" "perfect and imperfect" "beautiful and ugly" the number ten was
especially valued.

1. Pythagoras theorem
2. perfect solids
3. interior angles of a triangle

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