Lesson 7

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LESSON 7: Optimization

TIME FRAME: 3 hours lecture + 1 hour exercises

LEARNING OUTCOME: At the end of the lesson, the learner shall be able to solve opti-
mization problems.


1. Mathematical modeling
2. Critical and extreme points
3. Fermat’s theorem and the extreme value theorem
4. Word Problems

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TOPIC 7.1: Optimization using Calculus



This topic presents one of the most important applications of calculus – optimization.

We first review mathematical modelling. Next, we define the notions of a critical point and
an extremum of a function f . Then, we proceed with the discussion of the two important
theorems – Fermat’s and the Extreme Value Theorem. Finally, we discuss the step-by-step
solutions of word problems involving optimization.

• Discuss with the class the importance of optimization in every decision process. Ask
them how they maximize or minimize something when they go to school, shopping,
church, etc: For example, they look at the greatest advantage and the least disadvan-
tage when they choose:
– Routes they take (minimize time travel, traffic congestion)
– What to wear (maximize appearance/personality)
– What food to eat at the canteen (minimize costs, maximize hunger satisfaction),

• You could also expound on the adage “Everything in moderation.” Ask which quanti-
ties they know become bad if they are increased or decreased too much. For example:
– Sleep/rest (fatigue/weakness vs. conditions linked to depression/anxiety, obesity
and heart problems, etc.: The rule of thumb is 8 hours.)
– Study hours (delinquent/failure in course vs. lacking time to do other aspects of
life e.g., family time/social life: The rule of thumb is 1 3 hours every night after
– Food intake (being underweight vs. overweight with optimal values specified by
RDA (recommended dietary allowance)), etc.

• Now, wrap up the discussion by reinforcing the idea that logical decisions in real life
are made by optimizing some quantities (objectives) that depend on things you can
control (variables). Of course, in real life, there are several objectives and variables
involved. In this section, we will only be concerned with problems with one objective
that depends on controlling only one variable.

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• You may also want to let them recall that they have done optimization before using
parabolas. (Refer to the figures that follow.) The idea was that in a parabola opening
upwards, minimization is possible and the minimum is attained at the vertex (analo-
gous idea for parabolas opening downwards). This method, however, is very limited
because the objective function must be a quadratic function.

max occurs here

min occurs here


REVIEW OF MATHEMATICAL MODELING (This part can be skipped and integrated

in problem solving proper)

Before we start with problem solving, we recall key concepts in mathematical modeling
(It was your first topic in General Mathematics). Functions are used to describe physical
phenomena. For example:
• The number of people y in a certain area that is infected by an epidemic after some
time t;
• The concentration c of a drug in a person’s bloodstream t hours after it was taken;
• The mice population y as the snake population x changes, etc.

We model physical phenomena to help us predict what will happen in the future. We do
this by finding or constructing a function that exhibits the behavior that has already been
observed. In the first example above, we want to find the function y(t). For example, if
y(t) = 1000 · 2 t , then we know that initially, there are y(0) = 1000 affected patients. After
one hour, there are y(1) = 1000 · 2 1 = 500 affected patients.

Observe that the independent variable here is time t and that the quantity y depends on t.
Since y is dependent on t, it now becomes possible to optimize the value of y by controlling
at which time t you will measure y.

We now look at some examples.

EXAMPLE 1: For each of the following, determine the dependent quantity Q and the
independent quantity x on which it depends. Then, find the function Q(x) that accurately
models the given scenario.

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(a) The product P of a given number x and the number which is one unit bigger.
. Answer: P (x) = x(x + 1) = x2 + x

(b) The volume V of a sphere of a given radius r . Answer: V (r) = 4/3 ⇡r3

(c) The volume V of a right circular cone with radius 3cm and a given height h
. Answer: V (h) = 3⇡h

(d) The length ` of a rectangle with width 2cm and a given area A
. Answer: `(A) = A/2

(e) The total manufacturing cost C of producing x pencils if there is an overhead cost of
P100 and producing one pencil costs P2
. Answer: C(x) = 100 + 2x

(f) The volume of the resulting open-top box when identical squares with side x are cut
off from the four corners of a 3 meter by 5 meter aluminum sheet and the sides are
then turned up . Answer: V (x) = x(3 2x)(5 2x).


Here, we define several concepts. We will see later that extreme points occur at critical

Let f be a function that is continuous on an open interval I containing x0 .

• We say that x0 is a critical point of f if f 0 (x0 ) = 0 or f 0 (x0 ) does not exist

(that is, f has a corner or a cusp at (x0 , f (x0 ))).

• We say that the maximum occurs at x0 if the value f (x0 ) is the largest among
all other functional values on I, that is,

f (x0 ) f (x) for all x 2 I.

• We say that the minimum of f occurs at x0 if the value f (x0 ) is the smallest
among all the other functional values on I, that is,

f (x0 )  f (x) for all x 2 I.

• We say that an extremum of f occurs at x0 if either the maximum or the

minimum occurs at x0 .

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Teaching Tip
Sometimes, there is an abuse of terminology when we say x0 is an extremum or an
extreme point of f . The proper terms are the following:
• An extremum of f occurs at x0 .

• f has an extremum at x = x0 .

• (x0 , f (x0 )) is an extreme point of f .

• f (x0 ) is an extreme value of f .

You are encouraged to use the above terms but are gently reminded to avoid penal-
izing the students for being imprecise (e.g., saying “x0 is an extremum of f ” instead
of “f has an extremum at x0 ”).

Also, note that extremum points may not be unique, as illustrated by the sine curve:

Here, there are infinitely many points where the maximum and minimum occur.

EXAMPLE 2: Find all critical points of the given function f .

(a) f (x) = 3x2 3x + 4
(b) f (x) = x3 9x2 + 15x 20
(c) f (x) = x3 x2 x 10
(d) f (x) = x 3x1/3
(e) f (x) = x5/4 + 10x1/4

Solution. We differentiate f and find all values of x such that f 0 (x) becomes zero or

(a) Note that f is differentiable everywhere, so critical points will only occur when f 0 is
zero. Differentiating, we get f 0 (x) = 6x 3. Therefore, f 0 (x) = 0 , 6x 3 = 0 ,
x = 1/2. So x = 1/2 is a critical point.
(b) f 0 (x) = 3x2 18x + 15 = 3(x2 6x + 5) = 3(x 5)(x 1). Hence the critical points
are 1 and 5.
(c) f 0 (x) = 3x2 2x 1 = (3x + 1)(x 1). So, the critical points are 1/3 and 1.
2/3 x2/3 1
(d) f 0 (x) = 1 x = . Observe that f 0 is zero when the numerator is zero,
or when x = 1. Moreover, f 0 is undefined when the denominator is zero, i.e., when
x = 0. So, the critical points are 0 and 1.

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5 10 5(x + 2)
(e) f 0 (x) = x1/4 + x 3/4 = . Note that the domain of f is [0, 1); therefore
4 4 4x3/4
2 cannot be a critical point. The only critical point is 0.


We now discuss the theory behind optimization using calculus. The first gives a relationship
between the critical points and extremum points. The second is a guarantee that a problem
has extreme points. We will illustrate the theorems by graphs.

Theorem 7 (Fermat’s Theorem). Let f be continuous on an open interval I containing

x0 . If f has an extremum at x0 , then x0 must be a critical point of f .

To illustrate this, recall that the derivative of f at x0 is the slope of the tangent line of f
at x0 .

Teaching Tip
Draw several graphs of smooth curves and let the class deduce that the extreme
points are where there is a horizontal tangent line (the slope of the tangent line is 0).
Then, cross-reference this to the definition of a critical point when f is differentiable
(f 0 (x0 ) = 0).

Also, there are points where f may not be differentiable. So, we also have to check
those points where f 0 does not exist. This is still part of the definition of a critical

Theorem 8 (Extreme Value Theorem). Let f be a function which is continuous on a closed

and bounded interval [a, b]. Then the extreme values (maximum and minimum) of f always
exist, and they occur either at the endpoints or at the critical points of f .

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Teaching Tip
It is important to stress the assumptions of the Extreme Value Theorem. The
function f must be continuous on an interval that is closed and bounded. To
illustrate this, consider
• The parabola f (x) = x2 defined on R. It indeed has a minimum point at the
origin, but it does not have a maximum (since the values go to infinity as x
approaches ±1. The conclusion of the Extreme Value Theorem fails because
even if f is continuous, the interval on which it is defined is not bounded.

• The function f (x) = |x| if x 2 [ 1, 0)[(0, 1] and 1 if x = 0. Even if f is defined

on the closed and bounded interval [ 1, 1], the function is not continuous
there. So, the conclusion fails. As we see from the graph, f has a maximum
occurring at x = 1, 0, 1 but does not possess a minimum because the value 0
is not attained.

EXAMPLE 3: Find the extrema of the given functions on the interval [ 1, 1]. (These
functions are the same as in the previous exercise.)
(a) f (x) = 3x2 3x + 4
(b) f (x) = x3 9x2 + 15x 20
(c) f (x) = x3 x2 x 10
(d) f (x) = x 3x1/3

Solution. We remember that we have solved all critical points of f in the previous exercise.
However, we will only consider those critical points on the interval [ 1, 1]. Moreover, by
the Extreme Value Theorem, we also have to consider the endpoints. So, what remains to
be done is the following:
• Get the functional values of all these critical points inside [ 1, 1];
• Get the functional values at the endpoints; and
• Compare the values. The highest one is the maximum value while the lowest one is
the minimum value.

(a) There’s only one critical point, x = 1/2, and the endpoints are x = ±1. We present
the functional values in a table.
x 1 1/2 1
f (x) 10 13/4 4

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Clearly, the maximum of f occurs at x = 1 and has value 10. The minimum of f
occurs at x = 1/2 and has value 13/4.

(b) The critical points of f are 1 and 5, but since we limited our domain to [ 1, 1], we
are only interested with x = 1. Below is the table of functional values at this critical
point, as well as those at the endpoints.

x 1 1
f (x) 45 13

Therefore, the maximum value 13 occurs at x = 1 while the minimum value 45

occurs at x = 1.

(c) Considering the critical points and the endpoints, we consider the functional values
at 1/3, 1 and 1:

x 1 1/3 1
f (x) 11 25/27 11

Thus, the maximum point is ( 1/3, 25/27) while the minimum points are (1, 11)
and ( 1, 11).

(d) f (0) = 0, f (1) = 2 and f ( 1) = 2. So, the maximum point is ( 1, 2) while the
minimum point is (1, 2).


Many real-life situations require us to find a value that best suits our needs. If we are given
several options for the value of a variable x, how do we choose the “best value?” Such a
problem is classified as an optimization problem. We now apply our previous discussion
to finding extremum values of a function to solve some optimization problems.

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Suggested Steps in Solving Optimization Problems

1. If possible, draw a diagram of the problem.

2. Assign variables to all unknown quantities involved.

3. Specify the objective function. This function must be continuous.

i. Identify the quantity, say q, to be maximized or minimized.

ii. Formulate an equation involving q and other quantities. Express q in terms
of a single variable, say x. If necessary, use the information given and rela-
tionships between quantities to eliminate some variables.
iii. The objective function is

maximize q = f (x)
or minimize q = f (x).

4. Determine the domain or constraints of q from the physical restrictions of the

problem. The domain must be a closed and bounded interval.

5. Use appropriate theorems involving extrema to solve the problem. Make sure
to give the exact answer (with appropriate units) to the question.

EXAMPLE 4: Find the number in the interval [ 2, 2] so that the difference of the number
from its square is maximized.

Solution. Let x be the desired number. We want to maximize

f (x) = x2 x

where x 2 [ 2, 2]. Note that f is continuous on [ 2, 2] and thus, we can apply the Extreme
Value Theorem.

We first find the critical numbers of f in the interval ( 2, 2). We have

f 0 (x) = 2x 1,
which means that we only have one critical number in ( 2, 2): x = .
Then we compare the function value at the critical number and the endpoints. We see that
✓ ◆
1 1
f ( 2) = 6, f (2) = 2, f = .
2 4

From this, we conclude that f attains a maximum on [ 2, 2] at the left endpoint x = 2.

Hence, the number we are looking for is 2. .

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EXAMPLE 5: The range R (distance of launch site to point of impact) of a projectile
that is launched at an angle ✓ 2 [0 , 90 ] from the horizontal, and with a fixed initial speed
of v0 is given by
R(✓) = 0 sin 2✓,
where g is the acceleration due to gravity. Show that this range is maximized when ✓ = 45 .


Range R

Solution. Let R(✓) denote the range of the projectile that is launched at an angle ✓,
measured from the horizontal. We need to maximize
R(✓) = sin 2✓
where ✓ 2 [0, ⇡/2]. Note that R is continuous on [0, ⇡/2] and therefore the Extreme Value
Theorem is applicable.

We now differentiate R to find the critical numbers on [0, ⇡/2]:

R0 (✓) = 2 cos 2✓ = 0 () 2✓ = ⇡/2.
Hence ✓ = ⇡/4 = 45 is a critical number.

Finally, we compare the functional values:

f (0) = 0, f (⇡/4) = , f (⇡/2) = 0.
Thus, we conclude that f attains its maximum at ✓ = ⇡/4, with value v02 /g. .

s s
A rectangular box is to be made from a piece of
s s
cardboard 24 cm long and 9 cm wide by cutting
9 cm
out identical squares from the four corners and
turning up the sides. Find the volume of the s s
largest rectangular box that can be formed. s s

24 cm

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Solution. Let s be the length of the side of the squares to be cut out, and imagine the
“flaps” being turned up to form the box. The length, width and height of the box would
then be 24 2s, 9 2s, and s, respectively. Therefore, the volume of the box is

V (s) = (24 2s)(9 2s)s = 2(108s 33s2 + 2s3 ).

We wish to maximize V (s) but note that s should be nonnegative and should not be more
than half the width of the cardboard. That is, s 2 [0, 4.5]. (The case s = 0 or s = 4.5
does not produce any box because one of the dimensions would become zero; but to make
the interval closed and bounded, we can think of those cases as degenerate boxes with zero
volume). Since V is just a polynomial, it is continuous on the closed and bounded interval
[0, 4.5]. Thus, the Extreme Value Theorem applies. Now

V 0 (s) = 216 132s + 12s2 = 4(54 33s + 3s2 ) = 4(3s 6)(s 9)

and hence the only critical number of V in (0, 4.5) is 2 (s = 9 is outside the interval).

We now compare the functional values at the endpoints and at the critical points:

s 0 2 4.5
V (s) 0 200 0

Therefore, from the table, we see that V attains its maximum at s = 2, and the maximum
volume is equal to V (2) = 200 cm3 . .

EXAMPLE 7: Determine the dimensions of the right circular cylinder of greatest volume
that can be inscribed in a right circular cone of radius 6 cm and height 9 cm.
6 in

9 in

Solution. Let h and r respectively denote the height and radius of the cylinder. The volume
of the cylinder is ⇡r2 h.

Looking at the central cross-section of the cylinder and the cone, we can see similar triangles,
and so
6 9
= . (2.4)
6 r h

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We can now write our objective function as

3 3 ⇣ r⌘
V (r) = 9⇡r2 ⇡r = 3⇡r2 3 ,
2 2
and it is to be maximized. Clearly, r 2 [0, 6]. Since V is continuous on [0, 6], the Extreme
Value Theorem is applicable.

9 2 ⇣ r⌘
V 0 (r) = 18⇡r ⇡r = 9⇡r 2
2 2
and hence, our only critical number is 4 on (0, 6). We now compare the functional values
at the endpoints and at the critical points:

r 0 4 6
V (r) 0 48⇡ 0

We see that the volume is maximized when r = 4, with value V (4) = 48⇡. To find the
dimensions, we solve for h from (2.4).

If r = 4,
6 9
= =) h = 3.
6 2 h
Therefore, the largest circular cylinder that can be inscribed in the given cone has dimen-
sions r = 4 cm and height h = 3 cm. .

Teaching Tip
The next example is optional because in finding the derivative of the function, you
usually use a technique – Chain Rule – that is yet to be discussed. One way to
remedy this is to use the definition to find the derivative. This will need a few more
steps which your time frame may not allow.

EXAMPLE 8: Angelo, who is in a rowboat 2 kilometers from a straight shoreline wishes

to go back to his house, which is on the shoreline and 6 kilometers from the point on the
shoreline nearest Angelo. If he can row at 6 kph and run at 10 kph, how should he proceed
in order to get to his house in the least amount of time?

Starting Point

2 km
Angelo’s house c P
6 km

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Solution. Let c be the distance between the house and the point P on the shore from which
Angelo will start to run. Using the Pythagorean Theorem, we see that the distance he will
travel by boat is 4 + (6 c)2 .
distance 4 + (6 c)2 c
Note that speed= time . Thus, he will sail for hours and run for
6 10
hours. We wish to minimize
4 + (6 c)2 c
T (c) = + .
6 10
We can assume that c 2 [0, 6]. We now differentiate T . Observe that our previously
discussed rules of differentiation are not applicable to this function because we have not
yet discussed how to differentiate compositions of functions. We use the definition of the
derivative instead.

T (x) T (c)
T 0 (c) = lim
x!c x c ! !
p p
4 + (6 x)2 x 4 + (6 c)2 c
+ +
6 10 6 10
= lim
x!c x c !
p p
1 x c 1 4 + (6 x)2 4 + (6 c)2
= lim + lim .
10 x!c x c 6 x!c x c

We now rationalize the expression in the first limit by multiplying the numerator and
p p
denominator by 4 + (6 x)2 + 4 + (6 c)2 . This yields:

1 1 (4 + (6 x)2 ) (4 + (6 c)2 )
T 0 (c) = + lim p p
10 6 x!c (x c)( 4 + (6 x)2 + 4 + (6 c)2
1 1 12(x c) + (x c)(x + c)
= + lim p p
10 6 x!c (x c)( 4 + (6 x)2 + 4 + (6 c)2 )
1 1 12 + x + c
= + lim p p
10 6 x!c 4 + (6 x)2 + 4 + (6 c)2
1 1 12 + 2c
= + · p .
10 6 2 4 + (6 c)2

Solving for the critical numbers of f on (0, 6), we solve

0 1 1 12 + 2c 3 4 + (6 c)2 30 + 5c
T (c) = + · p = p = 0,
10 6 2 4 + (6 c)2 30 4 + (6 c)2

and we get c = .

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Comparing function values at the endpoints and the critical number,
p ✓ ◆
40 9 13 14
T (0) = , T = , T (6) = ,
6 2 15 15
we see that the minimum of T is attained at c = 29 . Thus, Angelo must row up to the point
P on the shore 29 kilometers from his house and 32 kilometers from the point on the shore
nearest him. Then he must run straight to his house. .

1. Find the extrema of the following function on the given interval, if there are any, and
determine the values of x at which the extrema occur.
a. f (x) = on [ 1, 4] [ 1, 10]
x2 + 2
p g. f (x) = 2 cos x on [ 32⇡ , ⇡3 ]
b. f (x) = x 4 x2 on [ 1, 2] p
h. f (x) = 4 x2 on [ 2, 2]
f (x) = 2 sec x tan x on 0, ⇡4
⇥ ⇤
1 i. f (x) = on [2, 5]
d. f (x) = on [ 2, 3] (x 1)2
x sin x
e. f (x) = 4x3 3x2 6x + 3 on ?j. f (x) = p on [0, 2⇡]
cos x 2
[0, 10] ?k. f (x) = x2 + cos(x2 ) on
p p
f. f (x) = 4x3 3x2 6x + 3 on [ ⇡, ⇡]

2. Answer the following optimization problems systematically:

a. A closed box with a square base is to have a volume of 2000 cm3 . The material for
the top and bottom of the box costs P30 per square centimeter and the material
for the sides cost P15 per square centimeter. Find the dimensions of the box so
that the total cost of material is the least possible and all its dimensions do not
exceed 20 cm.
b. An open box is to be made from a 16 cm by 30 cm piece of cardboard by cutting
out squares of equal size from the four corners and bending up the sides. How
long should the sides of the squares be to obtain a box with the largest volume?
c. An offshore oil well located at a point W that is 5 km from the closest point A on
a straight shoreline. Oil is to be piped from W to a shore point B that is 8 km
from A by piping it on a straight line underwater from W to some shore point P
between A and B and then on to B via pipe along the shoreline. If the cost of
laying pipe is P10,000,000/km underwater and P5,000,000/km over land, where
should the point P be located to minimize the cost of laying the pipe?
d. Find the radius and height of the right circular cylinder of largest volume that
can be inscribed in a right circular cone with radius 4 cm and height 3 cm.
e. Find the dimensions of the largest rectangle that can be inscribed in the right
triangle with sides 3, 4 and 5 if (a) two sides of the rectangle are on the legs of
the triangle, and if (b) a side of the rectangle is on the hypotenuse of the triangle.

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f. Find the area of the largest rectangle having two vertices on the x-axis and two
vertices above the x-axis and on the parabola with equation y = 9 x2 .
g. Find an equation of the tangent line to the curve y = x3 3x2 + 5x, 0  x  3
that has the least slope.
h. A closed cylindrical can is to hold 1 cubic meter of liquid. Assuming there is
no waste or overlap, how should we choose the height and radius to minimize
the amount of material needed to manufacture the can? (Assume that both
dimensions do not exceed 1 meter.)
(cos x 2) cos x sin x( sin x) p
1.j. f (x) = p = 0 , cos2 x + sin2 x 2 cos x = 0. Since
(cos x 2)2 p
cos2 x + sin2 x = 1, we see that f 0 (x) = 0 whenever cos x = 2/2, meaning, when
x = ⇡/4 or x = 7⇡/4. Along with the endpoints, we check their functional values:
x f (x) = sin x/(cos x 2)
⇡/4 2/2
7⇡/4 1/3
0 0
2⇡ 0
Therefore, f attains its maximum 2/2 at x = ⇡/4 and its minimum 1/3 at x =
1.k. f 0 (x) = 2x 2x sin(x2 ) = 0 , 2x(1 sin(x2 )) = 0 , x = 0 or x2 = ⇡/2. Hence, the
critical points of f are x = 0 and x = ± ⇡/2. Along with the endpoints, we now
check the functional values.
x f (x) = x2 + cos(x2 )
0 1
± ⇡/2 ⇡/2
± ⇡ ⇡ 1
Hence, the maximum (⇡ 1) occurs at x = ± ⇡ and the minimum 1 occurs at x = 0.

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