Eschatology - Daniel and Revelation
Eschatology - Daniel and Revelation
Eschatology - Daniel and Revelation
Lesson plan.
Day Content
When we talk about eschatology, we are talking about the purpose and timing of God in humanity,
revealed to the church, itself being part of that purpose as administrator and bearer of the
message of God's eternal purpose.
“God has written both the first and the last chapter of the history of all things” (Pearlman, 425),
we join this with the words of the Preacher, that everything has its time, and everything that is
desired under heaven has his hour (Ecclesiastes 3:1).
So we conclude that the essence of this matter has a close relationship with time and with a divine
purpose, its chronology and fulfillment is directed by the one who said " I am , the first and I am
the last", nothing leaves its time, and that everything will be fulfilled in its time and in its time.
Eschatology: This word refers to the last things (eskatón means “last”), eschatology is an
interpretation of historical times, its development until its end, in relation to our study, its
importance lies in knowing how to live in the present, because our future depends on it.
Parousia: A term that means “to be at the side”, or the idea of “presence”, this Greek word is
applied to the biblical message of the manifestation of the presence of Christ on earth, both in his
1st and 2nd Coming, as well as in our own lives today (Mt. 28:20).
Chronos: This term refers to the idea of time, marked, regulated and enumerated, hence it is
called timed time. This word is referred to when teaching about human time both in theology and
in exclusively scientific subjects. (Gen. 1:1)
Kairos: Refers to supra-temporal time, divine time, time outside the “chronos” (Jn. 5:58)
The seventy weeks of the book of Daniel (Dn. 9:25-27)
457 BC (7 weeks= 49 years) (62 weeks= 434 years) 34 AD Time of (1 week= 7 years)
Departure from the To restore Until the Messiah (26) the Gentiles The tribulation “And the prince of a
Order (vs.25) Jerusalem people...will destroy the city and the sanctuary”
1 day = 1 year
1 week = 7 years
“Write the things that you have seen, and those that are, and those that will be after these” 1:19
“The things you have seen” Immediate past tense, of the apostle (1:1-20)
The message to the seven angels (can refer to shepherds).
“which are” (2:1-3:22)
Ephesus : Desired or first love, church of the first century of the Christian era.
Smyrna: “Myrrha” the persecuted church, 92-315 AD
Pergamum : The state church, high or exalted, the church “married to the state”, 315-350
Thyatira : The Papal church, “continuous sacrifice”, the so-called Jezebel (1st King. 16),
follower of Diana (Acts. 19:23-41), 500-1500 AD
Sardis : Church of the Reformation, “remnant”, 1500-1700 AD, “that lives and is dead”
Philadelphia : Missionary Church, “brotherly love”, 1700-1900 AD , or to the present day.
Laodicea: Church of the 20th-21st century, church rejected the great harlot of chapter. 17
of the Apocalypse, she is identified by her apostasy.
“And those that shall be after these” (6 to 16:17)
Here begins the prophetic story about the last times not yet fulfilled, highlighting the
number seven, in seven forms of judgment in three different times.
Seven seals 6:2 (the book of the seven seals is God's perfect plan for the world)
Signs before the 2nd coming of Christ (Matthew 24:3-51, Mark 13:3-23, Luke. 21:7-24)
Signs in humanity
Sign of Daniel
Warning against false prophets and Christs
Signs before the end
“Teacher tell us” (Mt. 24:3-4)
1. When will these things be?
2. What signs will there be of your coming?
3. And the end of the century?
1. When will these things be? 24:4-13, corresponds to the statement “ but the end is not
yet” vs.6
Possible time ……………………………….. (1st Cor. 15:52, 1st Thess. 4:16)
2. What sign will there be of your coming? 24:14-28, corresponds to the statement “ Then
the end will come” vs. 14-15
Possible time…………………………………… (Daniel 9:26-27)
3. And the end of the century? 24:29-43, corresponds to the statement “immediately after
the tribulation of those days, the end will come” vs.29
Possible time ……………………………………………………………..
1. Eschatology realized.
It is related to the fulfillment of the first coming of Jesus, who when he came to earth
brought redemption and the beginning of judgment “because he who does not believe has
already been condemned” (Jn 3:18)
a. The fulfillment of the redemptive mission begins to take place (Mr. 1:15)
b. The supernatural demonstrated in Christ anticipates the present and future victory of
the gospel. (Jn. 14:11-12)
c. It is a guarantee of the fulfillment of the coming of the Kingdom of God and its victory
over evil (Mt 12:28).
d. Eternal life begins at the 1st coming of Jesus Christ (Jn.3:16, 6:54, 58), and will be fully
realized at his second coming.
2. Eschatology not yet realized.
It is not to deny that the kingdom of God has come, but that its full fulfillment or
consummation has yet to come (Mr. 13, Mt. 24:1-36), and is closely related to the
Parousia, that is, the full presence of the manifestation and fulfillment of the Kingdom of
God on earth.
It is also interesting to compare this point with the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost,
which was a reality (Acts 2), but in the same prophecy of its fulfillment described by the
prophet Joel, there is the hope of its total future fulfillment, before the 2nd coming of
Jesus “in those days I will pour out my Spirit… Before the day of the Lord comes” (Acts.
a. In those days = eschatology realized (Pentecost)
b. Before the day of the Lord comes =Eschatology not realized (Pentecost renewed)
3. The parousia
This term is designated for the process of the manifestation of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and
his supernatural presence, the broad sense of this word, is not related to the idea of the
second coming, but rather with his presence or manifestation, which will take place
throughout We commonly call it the second coming (Luke 17:30).
a. The parousia is both a present and future realization (Mt.26:64)
b. It is continuity, because it is related to the kingdom of God, and his Kingdom is eternal!
(App. 1:8)
c. It is also a real manifestation, something that will happen on earth in God's time! (Rev.
1:7, Mar. 14:62)
d. The end cited in Mark 13:7 and Matthew 24:6 speaks about Christ's warning to discern
well the times before his manifestation, and is also a beginning of the end of evil and
the total establishment of the Kingdom of God (1st of Co. 25-26)
4. Resurrections
It is important to note that the miracles of resurrection in the Scriptures are actually a
return to life , because these resurrected people died again, the only biblical resurrection
as such (until today) is the resurrection of Christ. (1st Cor. 15:3-8), the resurrection is
related to the manifestation of Christ, because the earthly and material cannot inherit the
eternal, there must be a transformation, where the corruptible will be transformed into
incorruptible, in the resurrection of the saints (1st of Tes. 4:16-17, 1 Cor. 15:36-37)
a. Nature of the resurrection; The apostle Paul explains it with the analogy of the seed
and the harvest, for a plant to be born, a seed must die, the plant is the
“resurrection”, the seed teaches the process of transformation. (1 Cor.15).
b. Incorruption; “resurrected in incorruption and power”, the resurrected body will be
free from disease and death (Rev. 21:4).
c. Glory; The divine breath given by God in the creation of man was on material (clay), so
this “clay” will be changed to a glorified body, Christ himself being its example (Lk.
24:30,31,39,43 and Jn. 20:19)
d. Resurrections.
I. That of the righteous (Matt. 24: 40-41, 1st Thess. 4:16-17)
Before the tribulation.
II. The crowd dressed in white clothes (Rev. 7:9-14)
“These are those who have come out of the great tribulation”
III. The second resurrection to judgment and death (Rev. 20:11-14)
It will take place for the Great White Throne Judgment.
5. Time and eternity
“But, beloved, do not ignore this: that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, a
thousand years like one day” 2 Peter 3:8.
When God created the heavens and the earth, Cronus began for creation, but Kairos was
already there, it can be said that God along with all creation also made time, but not to
rule over Him, but for us, of There then it is explained that He is the Alpha and the Omega,
not because He has a beginning and an end, but that He is our beginning and our end.
The Kairos does not have Cronus, it is eternal, it is non-time (It is difficult to explain the
concept of “time”, before the time of Gen. began. 1:1).
What for us seems to be a space of time, for God it is not, God is eternal, he is not
governed by time, He is supra temporal, (outside of any concept of time).
If we consider the meaning of his “name” given to Moses, we find the definition of time
and eternity, because when does the I Am begin to Be ? (Salt. 90:2).
Now in that Kairos time, God established Cronos for man, that is where our life runs, in
that space of time, dominated by the divine Kairos.
What is time?
It is what we live today (our moment), yesterday are memories, the future is not, until it
arrives, but when it arrives it stops being the future to be our present again.
That is why the name of God I AM is well explained, He is at all times, always present. (Jn.
8:58, Rev. 1:17-18)
The timed time; It is cosmic time, that of clocks and calendars, calculated mathematically
based on the rotation of the earth around the sun.
Historical time; calculated by historians, through decades, centuries and millennia,
graphed or symbolized linearly.
Existential time; It is the one that is not subject to any type of measurement, it is related
to existential experience, it is related to eternity, without distinction of present, past or
future, it has no beginning, therefore it has no end.
Judgment before God is inevitable for every man, whether for life or damnation, man will
find himself before God, whether he believes in Him or not (Heb.9:27).
a. Hades
b. Paradise Luke 16:20
a. Hell
b. Kingdom of God Ap. 20
intermediate state
a. It is what we define as a state between death and resurrection (1st Thes. 4:16-17)
b. For the righteous, that intermediate state can be paradise (Lk. 16:20 ,23:43)
c. For the wicked, we can consider Hades or Sheol (Prov. 15:24, Luke 16:23)
d. As we deduce from the previous points, nowhere in the Scriptures is there the idea of
a purgatory (unless it is an incorrect interpretation of some biblical texts), let us
remember that the Catholic doctrine of purgatory was an important part of the
discussion in the Protestant Reformation, since selling indulgences, was precisely to
alleviate the sins of the penitents in purgatory, to take them to paradise, after
payment of money.