Gastronomy of Lambayeque
Gastronomy of Lambayeque
Gastronomy of Lambayeque
dishes are recognized nationally and internationally for their delicious aroma, good flavor and attractive color. Each of
their stews are full of originality and variety, there is a little bit of everything for all kinds of tastes. The culinary and food
heritage of Lambayeque dates back to pre-Columbian times, always standing out for its diversity and nutritional richness
in each of its bites. Every June 15, Lambayeque celebrates Lambayeque Gastronomy Day
The well-known Chiclayana-style rice with duck had its origin in the 19th
century, considered a pre-Hispanic dish from the Moche culture. Rice
with duck emerged from the mixture between Spanish and Quechua
food many centuries ago. Its preparation consists of a mixture of oil,
salt, garlic, chopped onion, pepper, herbs, yellow chili, salt and
coriander. Many people add a cup of blonde beer or chicha de jora to
give it that little flavor that characterizes it so much.
Duck ceviche
Duck ceviche is a very juicy meal with a strong flavor, ideal for all those
palates that like strong and intense flavors. Like fish ceviche, its base is
lemon. After marinating for a minimum of two hours, it will be placed
over low heat. But, unlike traditional ceviche, this one does require
cooking. To finish, it is served accompanied by rice, beans or yuccas.
Ray omelet
Ray omelette is one of the most economical and delicious dishes that
Lambayeque offers. The fish is called “raya”, it is dried and salted
before preparation, giving it that distinguished flavor when eating it.
The dish consists of preparing a large tortilla with Chinese onion,
ground chili, wheat flour, seaweed and shredded skate fish. It is
accompanied on the plate along with corn and parboiled yucca.
Beach bar