LAW N° 31538
No. Organic Unit Post REMUNER.
a. Department of Medicine
b. Department of Nursing
c. Department of Emergency
d. Department of Pediatrics
e. Department of Diagnostic Imaging
f. Department of Clinical laboratoryandPathological anatomy
g. Department of Obstetrics Gynecology
h. Social service
i. Environmental Sanitation Unit
j. General Services and Maintenance Unit
k. Statistics and Informatics Unit
4. Legal base
4.1 Law No. 31538, Law that approves supplementary credits for the financing of
expenses associated with the health emergency caused by Covid-19, economic
reactivation, and other expenses of entities of the National Government,
Regional Governments and Local Governments, and dictates other measures.
4.2 Legislative Decree No. 1057, Legislative Decree that regulates the special
regime for Administrative Contracting of Services and its amendments.
4.3 Legislative Decree No. 1161, Law of Organization and Functions of the Ministry
of Health and its amendments.
Experience doing functions
Work Experience (SERUMS will not be
assistance in differentiated areas of
counted as work experience)
1. Carry out anamnesis and clinical examination, identifying risk factors, alarm
signs and classifying the case to define the corresponding management,
according to current regulations.
2. Provide comprehensive treatment that includes clinical follow-up to individuals
and families with health problems or needs, carrying out interconsultation,
referral and counter-referral for continuity of care as appropriate.
3. Perform medical procedures for diagnostic and treatment purposes, according to
the service portfolio and demand profile of the population.
4. Provide health services aimed at monitoring, recovery and rehabilitation of health
users with consequences of damage, integrating the family and the community in
the process of caring for their health.
5. Participate, as part of the multidisciplinary health team, in health promotion
activities that promote changes in individual, collective and environmental
6. Carry out prevention interventions to reduce risks and damages that affect
individual health and public health, considering the current epidemiological
scenario in the health establishment.
7. Participate in the identification of risk/protective factors and develop educational,
communication, epidemiological surveillance, environmental health and
occupational health interventions, promoting citizen participation.
8. Provide medical care through the Telehealth modality to facilitate the
population's access to health services in their geographic area, as appropriate.
9. Participate or integrate technical committees and other multidisciplinary work
teams at the local and territorial level.
10. Prepare reports, issue legal medical certificates and others that are established
in current regulations.
11. Other functions assigned by your immediate supervisor, related to the mission of
the position.
Experience doing functions
Work Experience (SERUMS will not be
assistance in differentiated areas of
counted as work experience)
Competencies •Ethical behavior
•Citizen service orientation
Training academic,
Title or Certificate of Graduated from
degree the Specialty in Radiology.
academic and/or level of studies (Place Medical surgeon title
SERUMS requirements, if applicable). •
SERUMS Termination Resolution
Current Professional Qualification
Courses and/or specialization studies
(Each course must have no less than 12
hours of training and specialization Courses related to the specialty and
studies no less than 90 hours) if
• Technical knowledge of analog and
digital imaging.
• Maintenance preventive of
Knowledge for the position and/or medical imaging equipment.
position: • Safety measures for both personal and
• Ability of reassure to
Nervous and anxious patients.
Seven Thousand Three Hundred and
00/100 soles (S/. 7,300.00); which
include the amounts and affiliations of
Monthly Consideration
the Law, as well as any deduction
applicable to the contracted under
this modality
Experience doing functions
Work Experience (SERUMS will not be
assistance in differentiated areas of
counted as work experience)
Competencies •Ethical behavior
•Citizen service orientation
Training academic,
•Title or Certificate of Graduated
degree the Specialty in Psychiatry.
academic and/or level of studies (Place •Medical surgeon title
SERUMS requirements, if applicable). •SERUMS Termination Resolution
•Current Professional Qualification
Courses and/or specialization studies
(Each course must have no less than 12
hours of training and specialization Courses related to the specialty and
studies no less than 90 hours) if
• Technical knowledge of analog and
digital imaging.
• Maintenance preventive of
Knowledge for the position and/or medical imaging equipment.
position: • Safety measures for both personal and
• Ability of reassure to
Nervous and anxious patients.
• Seven Thousand Three Hundred and
00/100 soles (S/. 7,300.00); which
include the amounts and affiliations of
Monthly Consideration
the Law, as well as any deduction
applicable to the contracted under
this modality
1. Carry out the specialized clinical evaluation centered on the person and establish a
relevant work plan according to the patient's situation and the care guidelines, in
accordance with current regulations.
2. Provide comprehensive and specialized treatment that includes clinical follow-up to
individuals and families with health problems or needs, carrying out
interconsultation, referral and counter-referral for continuity of care as appropriate.
3. Supervise the appropriate application of the specialized medical treatment
established for the patient, in accordance with the standards and guides of care
and current regulations.
4. Carry out specialized procedures for diagnostic and treatment purposes according
to the service portfolio and demand profile of the population.
5. Provide specialized health services aimed at monitoring, recovery and rehabilitation
of health users with consequences of damage, integrating the family and the
community in the health care process.
6. Participate in medical rounds and coordinate multidisciplinary treatment of
hospitalized patients.
7. Carry out prevention interventions to reduce risks and damages that affect
individual health and public health, considering the current epidemiological
8. Provide specialized medical care through the Telehealth modality to facilitate the
population's access to health services in their geographic area and others, as
9. Participate or integrate technical committees and other multidisciplinary work teams
at the local and territorial level.
10. Prepare reports, issue legal medical certificates and others that are established in
current regulations.
11. Other functions assigned by your immediate supervisor, related to the mission of
the position.
Experience doing functions
Work Experience (SERUMS will not be
assistance in differentiated areas of
counted as work experience)
Competencies •Ethical behavior
•Citizen service orientation
Training academic,
•Title or Certificate of Graduated from
degree the Specialty in Occupational Health.
academic and/or level of studies (Place •Medical surgeon title
SERUMS requirements, if applicable). •SERUMS Termination Resolution
•Current Professional Qualification
Courses and/or specialization studies
(Each course must have no less than 12
hours of training and specialization Courses related to the specialty and
studies no less than 90 hours) if
Experience doing functions
Work Experience (SERUMS will not be
assistance in differentiated areas of
counted as work experience)
• Teamwork
Competencies • Ethical behavior
• Citizen service orientation
1. Provide specialized care to the patient with pathology and provide solutions to
physiological and pathological problems in their individual health in outpatient
consultation, hospitalization, emergency and on-call as appropriate, carrying
out all procedures according to the resolution capacity of the institution.
2. Develop actions for prevention, protection, care, recovery and health rehabilitation of
patients with specialized Gynecological-Obstetric pathology according to current
standards and care guides.
3. Provide specialized medical care, based on institutional or national clinical practice
guidelines, as appropriate.
4. Perform Gynecology, Obstetrics-laparoscopic surgical interventions.
5. Screen, diagnose, and prescribe medication treatments to patients as appropriate.
6. Record in legible handwriting the specialized Gynecological-Obstetric medical
evaluation, diagnosis and treatment in the Emergency medical records, outpatient
clinics, surgical center, hospitalization, FUA's and HIS, according to current
7. Use unique recipes standardized by the entity.
8. Interpret laboratory analysis, x-ray films, tomography, ultrasound and other
diagnostic aids according to the specialty of hospitalized, outpatient and emergency
9. Carry out surgical interventions and specialized care activities
10. Participate in medical rounds and coordinate the multidisciplinary treatment of
hospitalized patients.
11. Attend interconsultations requested by the specialty and participate in medical
12. During shift changes, report incidents and patient care status to the incoming
13. Provide reports on hospitalized or outpatient patients, Obstetric centers and
emergencies to family members in a timely and diligent manner.
14 .Prepare medical records, epicrisis and other medical records.
15 .Issue certificates of live birth and death.
16 .Carry out observations in institutional records (medical records, FUAs and others)
17 .Actively participate in the formulation and updating of clinical practice guidelines,
procedure manuals and care protocols.
18 .Actively participate in teaching, training and research activities.
19 .Correctly fill out the required data in the Emergency Patient Care Record Books,
surgical center, obstetric center, outpatient clinic and discharges.
20 .Carry out the prevention, control and notification of incidents and adverse events
derived from the patient care process.
21.1 Integrate the scheduling of hospital shifts according to the Roles established by the
head of the Department.
22 .Participate in preventive medicine campaign.
23 .Maintain an optimal level of medical knowledge in aspects of health promotion,
prevention and recovery, in accordance with scientific advances and continuing
medical education.
24. Report daily to the head of the Department the occurrences that have occurred in
outpatient clinics, hospitalization, emergencies and hospital shifts.
25.Apply and intervene in compliance with the service's biosafety measures.
26.Supervise the work of health personnel within the scope of their competence and
related matters.
27 .Actively participate in staff training and training programs, depending on the
specialty, programmed by the Teaching and Research Support Unit.
28 .Guide professional health personnel in the procedures and techniques of the
29 .Participate in carrying out operational research in the service with the aim of raising
the quality of care.
30 .Perform other functions related to the scope of your competence as assigned by
your immediate boss.
Experience doing functions
Work Experience (SERUMS will not be
assistance in differentiated areas of
counted as work experience)
• Teamwork
Competencies •
Ethical behavior
Orientation of Service to
Bachelor's Degree in Medical
Training academic, degree Technology in Radiology.
academic and/or level of studies (Place SERUMS Termination Resolution
SERUMS requirements, if applicable). •
Current Professional Qualification
Courses and/or specialization studies
(Each course must have no less than 12
Courses related to the specialty and
hours of training and specialization
studies no less than 90 hours) if
• Comprehensive health care model
for the position and/or • Radiation Protection
• Biosafety Measures
• Radiological Anatomy
• Two Thousand Nine Hundred and
00/100 soles (S/. 2,900.00); which
include the amounts and affiliations of
Monthly Consideration
the Law, as well as any deduction
applicable to the contracted under
this modality
Work Experience (SERUMS will not be Experience doing functions
counted as work experience) assistance in differentiated areas of
Proactive Personality
Analytical and organizational capacity
Willingness to work as a team
Service vocation
Commitment to the performance of
their functions
Empathy for work
Ability to work under pressure
Rejection to all shape of
discrimination or social exclusion
Training academic, •
degree Bachelor's Degree in Nursing
academic and/or level of studies (Place SERUMS Termination Resolution
SERUMS requirements, if applicable). •
Current Professional Qualification
Courses and/or specialization studies
(Each course must have no less than 12
Courses related to the specialty and
hours of training and specialization
studies no less than 90 hours) if
Knowledge for the position and/or
•Two Thousand Nine Hundred and
00/100 soles (S/. 2,900.00); which
include the amounts and affiliations
Monthly Consideration
of the Law, as well as any deduction
applicable to the contracted under
this modality
Experience doing functions
Work Experience (SERUMS will not be
assistance in differentiated areas of
counted as work experience)
•Proactive Personality
•Analytical and organizational capacity
•Willingness to work as a team
•Service vocation
Competencies •Commitment to the performance of
their functions
•Empathy for work
•Ability to work under pressure
•Rejection to all shape of
discrimination or social exclusion
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing
Training academic, •
degree Title or Proof of Completion of
academic and/or level of studies (Place Specialty in Units of
SERUMS requirements, if applicable). Intensive Care
SERUMS Termination Resolution
Courses and/or specialization studies
(Each course must have no less than 12
Courses related to the specialty and
hours of training and specialization
studies no less than 90 hours) if
Knowledge for the position and/or
•Three Thousand Six Hundred and
00/100 soles (S/. 3,600.00); which
Monthly Consideration include the amounts and affiliations of
Law, as well as any deduction
applicable to the contracted under this
1. Apply the nursing care process during the care of the internal or external user in
the required service.
2. Administer treatments and perform procedures, according to care guidelines
and protocols.
3. Apply biosafety standards during user care.
4. Provide education to the patient and family about health care and continuity of
patient care.
5. Guarantee and ensure the operation and care of biomedical materials and
6. Participate in the definition and updating of standards, guides and care protocols
and procedures, in the field of the specialty and its competence.
7. Prepare and/or participate in the development of research projects according to
the lines of research or interest of the specialty, complying with ethical and
biomedical standards and directives.
8. Apply teaching-learning methodologies and techniques in your work
environment, which consolidate the learning of the target population.
9. Perform other duties as assigned by your immediate boss.
Experience doing functions
Work Experience (SERUMS will not be
assistance in differentiated areas of
counted as work experience)
•Proactive Personality
•Analytical and organizational capacity
•Willingness to work as a team
•Service vocation
Competencies •Commitment to the performance of
their functions
•Empathy for work
•Ability to work under pressure, rejection
of all forms of discrimination or
social exclusion
Work Experience (SERUMS will not be Experience doing functions
counted as work experience) assistance in differentiated areas of
Desirable with work experience in Areas
of Microbiology, I
Mycobacteria and/or Molecular Biology.
• Teamwork
• Ethical behavior
• Citizen service orientation
Training academic, degree
academic and/or level of studies (Place • Biologist Degree / Bachelor of Biology
SERUMS requirements, if applicable). • SERUMS Termination Resolution
• Current Professional Qualification
Courses and/or specialization studies
(Each course must have no less than 12
Courses related to the specialty and
hours of training and specialization
studies no less than 90 hours) if
Knowledge for the position and/or
Microbiology and Parasitology
Molecular biology
Two Thousand Nine Hundred and
00/100 soles (S/. 2,900.00); which
include the amounts and affiliations of
Monthly Consideration
the Law, as well as any deduction
applicable to the contracted under
this modality
•Ethical behavior
Training academic, •Citizen service
degree Laboratory Technician
academic and/or level of studies (Place
SERUMS requirements, if applicable).
Courses and/or specialization studies
(Each course must have no less than 12
Courses related to the specialty and
hours of training and specialization
studies no less than 90 hours) if
• Use of PPE
• Biosecurity
• Sampling with vacuum extraction
Knowledge for the position and/or system
position: • Cleaning and disinfection of equipment
and materials
• Health promotion
• Procedures for laboratory sample
• One thousand eight hundred and
00/100 soles (S/. 1,800.00); which
Monthly Consideration include the amounts and affiliations of
Law, as well as any deduction
applicable to the contracted under
this modality
Experience doing functions
Work Experience (SERUMS will not be
assistance in differentiated areas of
counted as work experience)
Willingness to work as a team
Competencies •
Appropriate ethical and professional
Citizen service orientation
• Assertive communication
• Proactive Personality
• Analytical and organizational capacity
• Service vocation
• Commitment to the performance of
their functions
• Empathy for work
• Ability to work under pressure
• Rejection to all shape of
discrimination or social exclusion
1. Carry out the social study of the person, family and community and establish
the social diagnosis in order to coordinate with the multidisciplinary team to
facilitate access to the corresponding health care.
2. Provide social guidance and counseling within their professional field aimed at
empowerment in the exercise of the social rights of the person, family and
3. Participate in the coordination of health facility referrals, according to the
person's socioeconomic situation, to contribute to the recovery of their health,
according to the health care portfolio.
4. Participate in health promotion activities that promote changes in individual,
collective and environmental behavior.
5. Participate in prevention interventions to reduce risks and damages that affect
individual health and public health.
6. Carry out socioeconomic studies, through home visits to the family and
community, for social diagnosis and social interventions.
7. Carry out interventions in social groups that are at risk.
8. Participate or integrate technical committees and other multidisciplinary work
teams at the local and territorial level.
9. Other functions assigned by immediate management, related to the mission of
the position.
Experience doing functions
Work Experience (SERUMS will not be
assistance in differentiated areas of
counted as work experience)
• Teamwork
Competencies • Ethical behavior
• Citizen service orientation
Training academic, degree Technical Title from a Higher Institute of
academic and/or level of studies (Place No Less than Six Semesters; and/or
requirements of the SERUMS, of University Studies, related to the Area.
be the case).
Courses and/or specialization studies
(Each course must have no less than 12
hours of training and specialization Related courses.
studies no less than 90 hours) if
Knowledge for the position and/or • Knowledge related to the management
of epidemic outbreaks.
• Vector control.
• One thousand eight hundred and
00/100 soles (S/. 1,800.00); which
Monthly Consideration include the amounts and affiliations of
Law, as well as any deduction
applicable to the contracted under
this modality
Experience doing functions
Work Experience (SERUMS will not be
assistance in differentiated areas of
counted as work experience)
• Teamwork
Competencies • Ethical behavior
• Citizen service orientation
Training academic, degree
Completed secondary
academic and/or level of studies (Place
SERUMS requirements, if applicable).
Courses and/or specialization studies
(Each course must have no less than 12
Related courses.
hours of training and specialization
Office training.
studies no less than 90 hours) if
Basic knowledge related to computers
and IT and ICT.
Knowledge for the position and/or Procedures• and instruments of the
Public Administration.
position: •
treatment of people affected by
One thousand eight hundred and
00/100 soles (S/. 1,800.00); which
Monthly Consideration include the amounts and affiliations of
Law, as well as any deduction
applicable to the contracted under
this modality
According to what was requested, the participant must take into account the following
A. Regarding work experience , the participant must prove with certificates, work
records, contracts, addendums that indicate having provided services under the
modality of the regime of Legislative Decree No. 1057 within the framework of
exceptionally authorized hiring during the health emergency due to Covid-19, in the
executing units of the Ministry of Health, health executing units of the regional
governments, the National Institute of Health and the National Institute of
Neoplastic Diseases.
For those positions where technical or university training is required, the time of
general experience will be counted from the graduation of the corresponding
academic training, otherwise, the general experience will be counted from the date
indicated in the academic degree and/or technical title or declared professional.
For cases where complete technical and/or professional training is not required
(only secondary or technical and/or university studies in progress), any work
experience will be considered.
In the case of the Rural and Marginal Urban Health Service (SERUMS), as well as
the Medical Resident, in accordance with the regulations that regulate them (Laws
Nos. 23330 and 30453), their duration will not be considered as work experience.
Reception of applications:
Presentation of Annex No. 04 –
Curriculum Vitae Form with
supporting documents and Annex No.
05 Affidavit, through the parties table
(virtual or in-person if applicable) of
the executing unit, detailing what
✔ In a sealed envelope.
✔ DNI number.
From October 31 to
2 ✔ Number of the Call that participates. Competitor
November 3
✔ Position and area in which you
Annex No. 04 – Curriculum Vitae Form with the supporting documents and Annex
No. 05 Affidavit duly paged from front to back, with the numbering indicated in the
upper right part of each page and signed in all its contents.
The participants are responsible for the data recorded in Annex No. 04 – Curriculum
Vitae Form with the documents, which has the character of a sworn declaration; If
the information registered is false, the executing unit will proceed to carry out the
corresponding administrative procedure.
The data they contain will have the character of Sworn Declarations, which are
subject to subsequent inspection in accordance with the provisions contained in
paragraphs 34.1, 34.3 of article 34 Single Ordered Text of the General
Administrative Procedure Law No. 27444.
Participants may only apply for an ongoing call, in accordance with the conditions
provided in the Technical Document: Guidelines for the Reassignment Procedure
under the Administrative Contract for Health Personnel Services within the
framework of article 27 of Law No. 31538 – Second Call.
a) It includes the review of the documents that support compliance with the position
profile and the minimum requirements to contract with the State.
c) In the case of studies carried out abroad that grant an academic degree or
professional title, they must have legalization or apostillation from the Peruvian
consular authorities and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as be registered
with SUNEDU or SERVIR, as appropriate.
d) At this stage, the verification of impediment to contract with the State is also
carried out, at least in the National Registry of Sanctions Against Civil Servants -
RNSSC, Registry of Delinquent Food Debtors - REDAM, Registry of Civil
Reparations Debtors REDJUM, Due Diligence Platform of Public Sector.
When the position profile requires it, tuition and respective ability will be
Participants who do not meet the requirements indicated above will be declared
NOT APPROPRIATE, recording them in Annex 7 – Preliminary Results
Publication Format, and will not be subject to the assignment of points, which are
published on the web portal of the executing unit.
a.3) The score assigned to APTOS participants who comply with what is
indicated in literal a.2) above, is counted according to the work experience
evaluation factors, obligatorily considering the number of months and days hired
during the health emergency. according to the following table:
Period of work experience
Percentage Top Score
Between the months of March 2020 to December 50% 20
Between the months of January 2021 to July 2021 35% 14
Between the months of August 2021 to January 2022 10% 4
Between the months of February 2022 to July 2022 5% 2
Total 100% 40
Table 2: Work experience score
For this calculation, it is mandatory to carry out according to Annex
9 – Table of Factors for the Calculation of Work Experience, which
is part of this guideline.
The results will be published on the Institutional Web Portal of the executing
The process may be declared void in any of the following cases, without it being the
responsibility of the executing unit:
The participant who does not agree with the final results may file the corresponding
appeals, which will be handled by the competent authorities.
The participant must sign the administrative service contract, as well as the Single
Personal Data Form format, sworn statements and other documents that are
required by the contracting executing unit, in the Human Resources Office or the
one that takes its place, in the work schedule established within the period
indicated in the bases of the reassignment procedure, which will contain the
1. Affidavits (DJ) and Single Data Sheet (FUD), files that you will find at the following
2. Once the supporting documentation has been corroborated, the contract will be