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Comprehensive Human Resources System

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" Human Resources Administration consists of planning , organization ,

development and coordination , as well as control of techniques , capable of
promoting the efficient performance of personnel , while the organization
represents the means that allows people who collaborate in "to achieve
individual objectives related directly or indirectly to work ."

It means conquering and keeping people in the organization, working and

giving their best, with a positive and favorable attitude . It represents all those
things that make staff stay in the organization.

"Currently, personnel selection techniques have to be more subjective and more

refined, determining the requirements of human resources , increasing the most
effective sources that allow us to reach the ideal candidates, evaluating the
physical and mental potential of the applicants, as well as their aptitude for
work, using a series of techniques, such as interviews , psychosometric tests and
medical examinations."


The Human Resources Department is essentially services . Its functions vary

depending on the type of organization to which it belongs. In turn, it advises, it
does not direct its managers, it has the power to direct the operations of the

Among its essential functions we can highlight the following:

1. Help and provide services to the organization, its leaders, managers and
2. Describes the responsibilities that define each job position and the
qualities that the person who occupies it must have.
3. Evaluate staff performance, promoting leadership development.
4. Recruit the right personnel for each position.
5. Train and develop programs , courses and any activity that is based on
improving the knowledge of the staff.
6. Provide psychological help to your employees in order to maintain
harmony between them, and also seek solutions to the problems that
arise between them.
7. Keep track of employee benefits.
8. Distributes new or revised human resources policies and procedures to
all employees through newsletters, meetings, memos, or personal
9. Oversee the administration of testing programs.
10. develop a competency -based personal framework.
11. Guarantee diversity in the workplace, as it allows the company to succeed
in different national and global markets

According to the book Reinventing Human Resources: Changing Roles to Create

a High-Performance Organization, by the author: Margaret Butteris, the role
and function of the company 's Human Resources consists of the following:

 Identification and development of key competencies necessary to support

the business. Once identified, strategies are put in place to develop or
acquire key competencies. The business function is also responsible for
monitoring development progress.
 Executive talent development. The company's Human Resources is
responsible for the systems that identify and develop the personnel with the
greatest potential throughout the organization, preparing them, together
with the present managers, to achieve present and future business
objectives, including succession planning .
 Development of training and development initiatives to support common
culture , values and operating principles . Using training and development
sessions as communication vehicles to develop, implement and sustain this
 Development of models for the evaluation and remuneration of
employees. The company's Human Resources identifies business models for
hiring, judging and evaluating employees.
 Development and implementation of performance and compensation
management policies and programs for use across all operating companies.

1.1 Redefining and restructuring the Human Resources function

Human Resources Human Resources

Yesterday Today
Role Political, centralized Decentralized; member of
the management teams of
each division

Recruitment and selection Place ads, conduct Predict future personnel

of personnel interviews and check and capability
references requirements that support
the strategic plan .
Develop programs to be
an attractive place to

Remuneration Transactional and Designs equitable action

administratively focused. plans that link
Inconsistent practices compensation with the
within the company company's divisional

Executive and individual Informal and depends on Identification of key

development each manager organizational and
individual competencies
that support the company;
plans to hire them

Employee Erratic and Incoherent Communication and

action plans: vision,
values plans

Politics and procedures Rigid, but many rules are Guidelines linked to
broken business trends and
emerging issues.


Taking into account what objectives are the achievements that are intended to
be achieved with the execution of an action. The objectives of Human Resources
management are derived from the goals of the entire company, which, in every
organization, are the creation or distribution of some product or service .
The main objective is to improve the productive contributions of staff to the
organization, so that they are responsible from a strategic, ethical and social
point of view.

According to the book Reinventing Human Resources: Changing Roles to Create

a High-Performance Organization, by the author: Margaret Butteris, the
purpose of Human Resources is to hire and transfer personnel, maintain reports
, and manage salaries and benefits.

Other objectives are:

1. Create, maintain and develop a contingent of Human Resources with the

ability and motivation to achieve the organization's objectives.
2. Develop organizational conditions of application, execution, full
satisfaction of Human Resources and achievement of individual
3. Achieve efficiency and effectiveness with available Human Resources.
4. Contribute to the success of the company or corporation.
5. Respond ethically and socially to the challenges presented by society in
general and reduce as much as possible the tensions or negative demands
that society may exert on the organization.
6. Support the aspirations of those who make up the company.
7. Comply with legal obligations .
8. Redesign the corporate Human Resources function to turn it into a
consultancy for the company's management on hiring, training,
management, remuneration, conservation and development of the
organization's human assets .

Within these objectives there are 4 types that are:

1. Corporate
2. Functional
3. Social and
4. Personal



"The bodies that apply to the creation and distribution of that product or
service, which is what the company does, carry out the basic activity of the
organization, these are the line bodies, what the Human Resources
Administration takes care of is a staff organ."

3.1 The role of Line Management

With the shift in HR functions, online management is expected to perform

many traditional HR activities. This is possible through the automation of HR
tools and processes .

Line managers are expected to:

 Do more interviewing and hiring themselves, instead of relying so much

on HR staff.
 Encourage change and support employees in the long-term process ,
communicate business vision and direction, explain change needs, and
continually reinforce and support new guidelines.
 Manage results-based management systems
 Recognize the need for restructuring and reengineering , and get the
process underway.
 Track business and HR indicators that measure the effectiveness of a
strategy in the company.
 Share responsibilities with company HR in executive and employee
development and succession planning, ensuring that all employees are
offered opportunities to develop their skills and competencies.

The ARH has a line responsibility for each of its bosses, however, for the rest of
the company it has a staff function. This function is given for the advisory and
consulting departments, which only give recommendations on how to improve
the functioning of a department x; production example; to their bosses or
managers, but they never give orders, they do not set the decisions that
managers must make, nor present the company's policies, they only give
recommendations; For this reason, the HR department is a staff department
within the company.

Between the managers of line departments and those of staff, there will always
be the mishap that the former understand that the latter are giving them orders
on how to run their department. This problem will only have a solution when
line managers understand that HR managers (staff) are only there to help them
and provide recommendation services, which serve to improve the production
process and solve the problems that arise.


To view the graph select the "Download" option from the top menu
In the previous graph we can locate the position of the personnel department in
a company that has fully considered the function of Human Resources

As organizations grow, the Human Resources department becomes more

specialized; even in medium- and large-sized organizations, subdepartments are
created that will function in different ways in the organization with highly
defined and specialized functions.


The HRD is made up of the following areas:

1. Recruitment of personnel
2. Selection
3. Design, description and analysis of positions
4. Human performance evaluation
5. Compensation
6. Social benefits
7. Health and safety at work
8. Staff training and development
9. Labor Relations
10. Organizational development
11. Database and Information Systems
12. HR audit



1. Recruitment of personnel

Organizations try to attract individuals and obtain information about

them to decide on the need to admit them or not.

Recruitment: It is a set of procedures that tend to attract potentially

qualified candidates capable of occupying positions within the
"It is a fundamental activity of an organization's Human Resources
management program . Once the HR needs and job requirements have
been finalized, a recruiting program can be launched to generate a pool of
potentially qualified candidates. These candidates may be obtained
through internal or external sources." This is how HR sources are called
recruitment sources since they become targets on which recruitment
techniques will affect.

Recruitment is basically a market communication process: it requires

information and persuasion. Initiation of the recruitment process
depends on the line decision. As recruitment is a staff function, its actions
depend on an online decision, generally called employee requirements or
personnel requirements.

The recruitment function is to supply the selection of candidates. It is an

activity that has the immediate objective of attracting candidates, to
select future participants in the organization.

Recruitment begins from data regarding the present and future needs of
the organization's Human Resources.

2. Selection

The selection process includes both gathering information about job candidates
and determining who should be hired.

HR recruitment and selection should be considered as two phases of the same


 The selection task is to choose among the candidates that have been
recruited, the one who has the greatest chance of fitting the vacant position.

HR selection can be defined as choosing the right man for the right position, or
among the recruited candidates, those most suitable for the existing positions in
the company, with a view to maintaining or increasing the efficiency and
performance of personnel.

The selection tries to solve two basic problems:

a. The suitability of the man for the position

b. The efficiency of the man in charge

1. Design, description and analysis of positions

The job description is a written statement that defines the duties and conditions
related to the position. Provides data on what the applicant does, how he does it,
and why he does it.

A position, Chruden and Sherman note, “can be defined as a unit of

organization that carries with it a set of duties and responsibilities that make it
separate and distinct from other positions.

 It is the process that consists of determining the elements or facts that

make up the nature of a position and that make it different from all others
existing in the organization.

The job description is the detailed list of the powers or tasks of the position
(what the occupant does), the methods used to carry out those powers or tasks
(how he does it) and the objectives of the position (what he does it for). ).

Charge analysis is the process of obtaining, analyzing and recording information

related to charges. It is a process of investigation of work activities and the
demands of workers, regardless of the type or level of employment .

1. Performance evaluation

It is an essential management technique in administrative activity.

The procedure for evaluating personnel is called performance evaluation ,

and generally, it is prepared from formal evaluation programs, based on a
reasonable amount of information regarding the employees and their
performance in the position.

Its function is to stimulate or seek the value , excellence and qualities of a

person. Measure the individual's performance in the position and their
development potential.

2. Compensation

It is given by the salary . Its function is to provide remuneration

(adequate for the service provided) in monetary value to the employee.

3. Social benefits

"They are those facilities, comforts, advantages and services that

companies offer to their employees." These benefits can be fully or
partially financed by the company.
Its function is to maintain and increase the workforce within a
satisfactory level of morale and productivity ; as well as saving your
employees efforts and worries.

4. Hygiene and Safety

They constitute two closely related activities, aimed at guaranteeing

personal and material working conditions, capable of maintaining a
certain level of employee health . According to the concept issued by the
World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental
and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease.

Its function is related to the diagnosis and prevention of occupational

diseases based on the study and control of two variables : man and his
work environment ; as well as the provision of not only medical services,
but also nursing , first aid ; full or part time ; depending on the size of the
company, ethical and cooperative relations with the family of the sick

5. Training and Development

It is the area that is responsible for training the company's job holders in
the short term, as well as providing its employees with programs that
enrich their job performance; thus obtaining greater productivity of the

Its function is that through these programs the quality of the company's
productivity processes is improved, increasing the knowledge and
expertise of an employee for the development of a certain position or job.

6. Labor Relations

It is based on the organization's policy , vis-à-vis the unions , taken as

representatives of the desires, aspirations and needs of the employees. Its
objective is to resolve the conflict between capital and labor, through
intelligent political negotiation .

7. Organizational development

"OD is based on the concepts and methods of behavioral science and

studies the organization as a total system ." Its function is to improve the
long-term effectiveness of the company through constructive
interventions in the processes and structure of organizations.

8. Database and information systems

"The concept of management information system (GIS) is related to

information technology , which includes the computer or a network of
microcomputers, as well as specific programs to process data and
information." Its function is to collect, store and disseminate
information, so that the managers involved can make decisions, and
maintain greater control and planning over their employees.

9. Audit

"The audit is defined as the analysis of a company's personnel policies and

practices, and the evaluation of its current operation, accompanied by
suggestions for improvement. Its function is to show how the program is
working, locating practices and conditions that are detrimental to the company
or that are not justifying their cost , or practices and conditions that must be


Each of the departments that make up a company has something to contribute

to said organization. Among the contributions of the Human Resources
Department we can highlight:

 Influences staff behavior to achieve operational and financial results.

 It influences the care and feeding of staff.
 It influences the employee's defense.
 It influences the management of operational processes by HR.
 In the way of executing the company's strategy.

Each of these contributions will depend on the objective of the company and
what vision or mission it has.


Human Resources Department of the EGE HAINA Company

8.1 Functions:

The main function of EGE HAINA is to support other departments, help them
recruit and maintain them in all the functions of the department.
8.2 Objectives:

o Select and recruit employees

o Maintains staff by showing them various packages to encourage
them to accept the position, when they are chosen.
o That each one comply with the labor laws of the company and the
o Make payrolls .
o Communication is one of the most important points, since they
interact with employees to keep them in a good work environment .
o A performance evaluation is also carried out, which is done
annually and is to detect the need for personnel capacity.
o He rewards his employees to motivate them to do good work, to
the satisfaction of the company and himself.
o Competency assessment

8.3 Is it Line or Staff, Why?

Regarding Staff, since they work in a group it is participatory, each person

knows and can carry out the tasks of the other departments, that is, they are
well trained and the company has a motto "if you start something, finish it."

4. Location of the HR Department within the Company's

organizational chart

< COLOR="#CC0000">To view the graph select the "Download"

option from the top menu
8.5 Composition of the Organization Chart of the Human Resources
Department of EGE HAINA

< COLOR="#CC0000">To view the graph select the "Download"

option from the top menu
8.6 Definition and functions of the main areas that make up the

Coordinator: Responsible for all cash payments and benefits and compensation,
paying fair for fair work, making a package to motivate staff, ensuring their
basic needs.
Labor Relations: Comply with labor law , work with everything that has to do
with statistics , the licenses of each employee, the absences they have had, staff

Recruitment and Selection: The way to recruit is that they publish

advertisements on sites that have to do with job application websites , their tests
are of intelligence and the tendency of a person, they believe more in personal
interviews, exchange and see how the person performs in said interview .

Training and Payroll : Responsible for the development of personnel so that

they remain at the forefront of advances and new techniques and applications
that the area in which they work may have. They have a plan called "Succession
Plan", which is based on monitoring the development or capacity that personnel
gradually acquire, allowing them to climb to new positions.

Communication and work environment: This is responsible for channeling the

channels of communication that exist between employees and their superiors,
basically it is responsible for keeping staff up to date with relation to the
different information and events that occur in the company at a general level, it
is In charge of things such as the objectives that the company wants to achieve,
its mission, the values on which it is supported for good internal and external

8.7 Benefit that this department provides to the company

It provides an organization and structuring of personnel, establishes the

functions of each area and verify the needs in terms of personnel and verify
efficient communication between the different areas in terms of the type of


HR Administration seeks to integrate human resources with the company's

production process, making the latter more effective as a result of the selection
and hiring of the best available talents based on their excellent work. As well as
maximizing the quality of the production process, it also depends on the
training of human elements to make their knowledge more valuable.

The HRD of a company seeks to ensure that the strategies and policies used by
each department are the most appropriate, and in any case serves as advice and
consultation for each department. This is a department that unites Human
Resources in the most efficient way.

EGE HAINA does not have a large human resources department, since it
combines several areas and these in turn work together as one.

Each department has its importance in the company, and therefore we

recommend this company to organize its department based on structural and
functional growth.

Divide each of the areas that make up a department of this category, giving its
essential function to each of its members, that is, completing the areas that they
need, such as training, compensation, social benefits; and separate those that
are united as recruitment and selection.

Although its areas work together as one, each one must have its space since their
functions vary.


 Personnel management and human resources

Authors: William B. Werther Jr., Keith Davis

Edition: 5th

Translated and printed in Mexico

Year 2000

Total Pages: 577

 Human resources management

Author: Idalberto Chiavenato

Edition: 1st

Year: 1993

Editor: Mc Graw-Hill from Mexico

Total Pages: 578

Pages used: 173,174,201

 Human resources management

Author: Idalberto Chiavenato

Edition: 5th

Editor: Lily Solano A.

Total Pages: 699

 Human resources management

Authors: George Bohlander, Scot Snell, Arthur Sherman

Edition: 12th

Year: 1993

Total Pages: 707

Year: 2001

Translated and printed in Mexico

 Reinventing Human Resources: Changing roles to create a high-

performance organization.

Author: Margaret Butteriss

Edition: 2000

Editor: EDIPE

Total Pages: 360

Pages Used: 56, 58, 75, 138, 145

 The Future of Human Resources Management

Author: Dave Ulrich, Michael R. Losey, Gerry Lake

Edition: 2000

Editor EDIPE

Total Pages 390

Pages used: 30

 The management of human resources

Author: Simon Dolan, Randall S. Schuler and Ramón Valle

Edition: 1999

Editor: Mc Graw-Hill / Interamericana de España

Total Pages: 455

Pages Used: 86

 Staff Administration

Author: Gary Dessler

Edition: 6th

Editor: Prentice – Hall Hispanoamericana

Total Pages: 715

 www.monografìas.com

Link 1 – How to motivate employees

Link 2 – Personnel Hiring Process

 www.rincondelvago.com

Link – Concept of Human Resources Administration

 www.depi.itchihuhua.edu.mx

Link – Information about Human Resources Administration

Kelbin Pinales

Shaila Cabrera Luna

Yahaira Cabral

Larissa Martinez


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