Comprehensive Human Resources System
Comprehensive Human Resources System
Comprehensive Human Resources System
1. Help and provide services to the organization, its leaders, managers and
2. Describes the responsibilities that define each job position and the
qualities that the person who occupies it must have.
3. Evaluate staff performance, promoting leadership development.
4. Recruit the right personnel for each position.
5. Train and develop programs , courses and any activity that is based on
improving the knowledge of the staff.
6. Provide psychological help to your employees in order to maintain
harmony between them, and also seek solutions to the problems that
arise between them.
7. Keep track of employee benefits.
8. Distributes new or revised human resources policies and procedures to
all employees through newsletters, meetings, memos, or personal
9. Oversee the administration of testing programs.
10. develop a competency -based personal framework.
11. Guarantee diversity in the workplace, as it allows the company to succeed
in different national and global markets
Politics and procedures Rigid, but many rules are Guidelines linked to
broken business trends and
emerging issues.
Taking into account what objectives are the achievements that are intended to
be achieved with the execution of an action. The objectives of Human Resources
management are derived from the goals of the entire company, which, in every
organization, are the creation or distribution of some product or service .
The main objective is to improve the productive contributions of staff to the
organization, so that they are responsible from a strategic, ethical and social
point of view.
1. Corporate
2. Functional
3. Social and
4. Personal
"The bodies that apply to the creation and distribution of that product or
service, which is what the company does, carry out the basic activity of the
organization, these are the line bodies, what the Human Resources
Administration takes care of is a staff organ."
The ARH has a line responsibility for each of its bosses, however, for the rest of
the company it has a staff function. This function is given for the advisory and
consulting departments, which only give recommendations on how to improve
the functioning of a department x; production example; to their bosses or
managers, but they never give orders, they do not set the decisions that
managers must make, nor present the company's policies, they only give
recommendations; For this reason, the HR department is a staff department
within the company.
Between the managers of line departments and those of staff, there will always
be the mishap that the former understand that the latter are giving them orders
on how to run their department. This problem will only have a solution when
line managers understand that HR managers (staff) are only there to help them
and provide recommendation services, which serve to improve the production
process and solve the problems that arise.
1. Recruitment of personnel
2. Selection
3. Design, description and analysis of positions
4. Human performance evaluation
5. Compensation
6. Social benefits
7. Health and safety at work
8. Staff training and development
9. Labor Relations
10. Organizational development
11. Database and Information Systems
12. HR audit
1. Recruitment of personnel
Recruitment begins from data regarding the present and future needs of
the organization's Human Resources.
2. Selection
The selection process includes both gathering information about job candidates
and determining who should be hired.
The selection task is to choose among the candidates that have been
recruited, the one who has the greatest chance of fitting the vacant position.
HR selection can be defined as choosing the right man for the right position, or
among the recruited candidates, those most suitable for the existing positions in
the company, with a view to maintaining or increasing the efficiency and
performance of personnel.
The job description is the detailed list of the powers or tasks of the position
(what the occupant does), the methods used to carry out those powers or tasks
(how he does it) and the objectives of the position (what he does it for). ).
1. Performance evaluation
2. Compensation
3. Social benefits
It is the area that is responsible for training the company's job holders in
the short term, as well as providing its employees with programs that
enrich their job performance; thus obtaining greater productivity of the
Its function is that through these programs the quality of the company's
productivity processes is improved, increasing the knowledge and
expertise of an employee for the development of a certain position or job.
6. Labor Relations
7. Organizational development
9. Audit
Each of these contributions will depend on the objective of the company and
what vision or mission it has.
8.1 Functions:
The main function of EGE HAINA is to support other departments, help them
recruit and maintain them in all the functions of the department.
8.2 Objectives:
Coordinator: Responsible for all cash payments and benefits and compensation,
paying fair for fair work, making a package to motivate staff, ensuring their
basic needs.
Labor Relations: Comply with labor law , work with everything that has to do
with statistics , the licenses of each employee, the absences they have had, staff
The HRD of a company seeks to ensure that the strategies and policies used by
each department are the most appropriate, and in any case serves as advice and
consultation for each department. This is a department that unites Human
Resources in the most efficient way.
EGE HAINA does not have a large human resources department, since it
combines several areas and these in turn work together as one.
Divide each of the areas that make up a department of this category, giving its
essential function to each of its members, that is, completing the areas that they
need, such as training, compensation, social benefits; and separate those that
are united as recruitment and selection.
Although its areas work together as one, each one must have its space since their
functions vary.
Edition: 5th
Year 2000
Edition: 1st
Year: 1993
Edition: 12th
Year: 1993
Year: 2001
Edition: 2000
Editor: EDIPE
Edition: 2000
Editor EDIPE
Pages used: 30
Pages Used: 86
Staff Administration
Edition: 6th
Kelbin Pinales
Yahaira Cabral
Larissa Martinez