d1b16 4baf 4976 A016 8ecea47c09ed
d1b16 4baf 4976 A016 8ecea47c09ed
d1b16 4baf 4976 A016 8ecea47c09ed
Cardiac surgery
Figure: 1:1 scale
Clever innovations
for your OR
The ARC 350 is a clever all-in-one-generator
that is winning over customers with its
clearly understandable operating concept
and innovative functionalities. Thus, all
device settings are pre-programmed for
numerous standard procedures. Inside,
processors ensure optimum integrated arc
control at all times, while self-checking
programs continuously ensure maximum
safety. Four separate outputs can be indivi-
dually configured with ease and operating
personnel can check the settings visually at
any time.
Cardiac surgery
Figure: 1:1 scale
Clever innovations
for your OR
The ARC 350 is a clever all-in-one-generator
that is winning over customers with its
clearly understandable operating concept
and innovative functionalities. Thus, all
device settings are pre-programmed for
numerous standard procedures. Inside,
processors ensure optimum integrated arc
control at all times, while self-checking
programs continuously ensure maximum
safety. Four separate outputs can be indivi-
dually configured with ease and operating
personnel can check the settings visually at
any time.
Cardiac surgery
The interactive touch assistance system
securely guides you to the right setting
Touchpad technology for enhanced assistance A wealth of electrosurgical modes and effects
in the OR There are numerous standard modes available to the
With the ARC 350, you have direct fingertip control of operator – each pre-set with the recommended
all device functions via the interactive glass touchpad. power parameters. Moreover, the ARC 350 also
Effects and individualised settings can be selected via offers indication-orientated modes that offer faster
the touchscreen area. Messages are issued in plain and simplified applications alongside the option of
text supported by graphic symbols, ensuring that the coordinating them specifically to your individual
team retains a clear overview at every stage throug- needs.
hout hectic everyday work in the OR.
Application-orientated and individual device profiles
Simply intuitive The base ARC 350 model offers a range of applica-
Power is to be reset? Simply touch the respective tion-orientated profile settings. Use one of the
figure with your fingertip. The glass touchpad of the settings as the starting point for your adaptation or
ARC 350 is divided into four quadrants that save a profile to meet your own individual needs.
correspond to the four sockets on the sides: if you You can save a total of 350 profiles.
attach an instrument to the upper right bipolar
socket (3), for example, the upper right socket Intelligent system concept for electrosurgery
indicator is brightly lit. The connection between the unit base and instru-
ment is controlled and monitored by the use of RFID
Always work with the correct socket technology. The BOWA COMFORT system ensures
The socket indicator identifies the socket on which the error-free use of instruments in conjunction with
the settings are to be altered. the ARC 350, however, the system can of course
also be operated with with conventional accessories
Not just simpler – more hygienic too and existing instruments.
The ARC 350 display is made of flat, wipe-resistant,
shatter- and scratch-proof safety glass. The benefit
of this is that the touchpad technology eliminates
joints and grooves, thereby ensuring rapid and
hygienic cleaning in the OR.
100 % simplified –
thanks to touch-assisted operation
The ARC 350 is simple and safe to operate. The the information in the menu field. The active socket
menu opens up merely by tapping the setting to is highlighted by the socket number becoming
be changed on the display. Select the figure you illuminated, providing security and operating
require with the touch of your fingertip, assisted by convenience.
Clarity: Every connected socket – in this photo the upper left and lower right – Simple to use: Tap the corresponding field to activate the input menu in the centre
is clearly assigned to one quadrant of the display of the ARC 350 to adjust effects or power values
The interactive touch assistance system
securely guides you to the right setting
Touchpad technology for enhanced assistance A wealth of electrosurgical modes and effects
in the OR There are numerous standard modes available to the
With the ARC 350, you have direct fingertip control of operator – each pre-set with the recommended
all device functions via the interactive glass touchpad. power parameters. Moreover, the ARC 350 also
Effects and individualised settings can be selected via offers indication-orientated modes that offer faster
the touchscreen area. Messages are issued in plain and simplified applications alongside the option of
text supported by graphic symbols, ensuring that the coordinating them specifically to your individual
team retains a clear overview at every stage throug- needs.
hout hectic everyday work in the OR.
Application-orientated and individual device profiles
Simply intuitive The base ARC 350 model offers a range of applica-
Power is to be reset? Simply touch the respective tion-orientated profile settings. Use one of the
figure with your fingertip. The glass touchpad of the settings as the starting point for your adaptation or
ARC 350 is divided into four quadrants that save a profile to meet your own individual needs.
correspond to the four sockets on the sides: if you You can save a total of 350 profiles.
attach an instrument to the upper right bipolar
socket (3), for example, the upper right socket Intelligent system concept for electrosurgery
indicator is brightly lit. The connection between the unit base and instru-
ment is controlled and monitored by the use of RFID
Always work with the correct socket technology. The BOWA COMFORT system ensures
The socket indicator identifies the socket on which the error-free use of instruments in conjunction with
the settings are to be altered. the ARC 350, however, the system can of course
also be operated with with conventional accessories
Not just simpler – more hygienic too and existing instruments.
The ARC 350 display is made of flat, wipe-resistant,
shatter- and scratch-proof safety glass. The benefit
of this is that the touchpad technology eliminates
joints and grooves, thereby ensuring rapid and
hygienic cleaning in the OR.
100 % simplified –
thanks to touch-assisted operation
The ARC 350 is simple and safe to operate. The the information in the menu field. The active socket
menu opens up merely by tapping the setting to is highlighted by the socket number becoming
be changed on the display. Select the figure you illuminated, providing security and operating
require with the touch of your fingertip, assisted by convenience.
Clarity: Every connected socket – in this photo the upper left and lower right – Simple to use: Tap the corresponding field to activate the input menu in the centre
is clearly assigned to one quadrant of the display of the ARC 350 to adjust effects or power values
The COMFORT SYSTEM – process Work efficiently –
reliability, quality assurance and monitoring on a high-tech basis
Our COMFORT SYSTEM relies on smart RFID Lean processes – more time for what's important Passion is nothing – without the right technology Monopolar simultaneous coagulation
technology – and thus on the new standard for The COMFORT SYSTEM documents the use of the Excellent results depend on the right technology. In With the ARC 350, monopolar simultaneous
electrosurgical accessories. The COMFORT instruments in the instrument itself. The ARC 350 addition to the innovative socket design that allows coagulation permits the simultaneous COAG
SYSTEM is the first and optimum system worldwide or the COMFORT BOX reads the information and, up to two monopolar and two bipolar instruments activation of two monopolar handles for consistent
for process optimisation in the OR – across all at a glance, identifies whether the instrument may to be attached simultaneously and is compatible tissue effects. This mode is especially ideal for
e lectrosurgical applications. still be used, thereby preventing the maximum with all popular standard connections, there are coagulation and preparation, with the selected
number of uses being exceeded. n umerous hardware and software components that power setting being available for both handles.
Every ARC 350 can optionally be fitted with the can also directly affect performance in the OR. Applications include gynaecology with mastecto-
COMFORT SYSTEM, an option that forms part of Maximum safety and simultaneous reduction mies, cardiac surgery with bypasses and surgery
the GastroCut, LIGATION and Resection packages. of OR time - ARC control arc regulation for reproducible with multiple traumas.
Take advantage of intelligent COMFORT instruments The Plug'n Cut functionality of the COMFORT monopolar and bipolar cutting results
and secure for yourself decisive benefits for your SYSTEM enables the generator to automatically - Up to 9 effects per mode
workflow in the OR. identify the instrument, check it and select the - EASY neutral electrode monitoring with contact
correct device settings. The Plug'n Cut COMFORT monitor, baby mode with automatic power limitation
function thereby avoids incorrect settings. - Current leakage monitoring
- Short circuit detection
- ISSys permanent system self-testing
- CCS permanent initial cutting support
- Configurable socket design
SYSTEM - Information area for device messages
Intelligent COMFORT instruments are available for all
- CUT modes: e.g. standard, dry, cardiac, GastroCut
electrosurgical areas.
loop and knife, MetraLOOP, laparoscopy
- Micro-regulations and power forms for plastic and
neurosurgery down to 0.1 W
- COAG modes: moderate, forced, spray, cardiac
- Autostart function
Resectoscope Argon- Polypectomy Forceps TissueSeal® PLUS BiZZER® ErgoPEN Argon MetraLOOP® NightKNIFE® LIGATOR® ErgoLAP
Flex loop operations
Plug’n Cut COMFORT: The COMFORT SYSTEM automatically recognises the Plug'n Cut: The ARC 350 automatically detects that a standard instrument is The neutral electrode monitoring, shown here in the setting for babies Efficient: Both handles can be activated simultaneously with monopolar
COMFORT instrument, indicates how many times it may still be used and selects connected (max. 50 watts), continuously informs users of the status coagulation
the correct parameters for the procedure
The COMFORT SYSTEM – process Work efficiently –
reliability, quality assurance and monitoring on a high-tech basis
Our COMFORT SYSTEM relies on smart RFID Lean processes – more time for what's important Passion is nothing – without the right technology Monopolar simultaneous coagulation
technology – and thus on the new standard for The COMFORT SYSTEM documents the use of the Excellent results depend on the right technology. In With the ARC 350, monopolar simultaneous
electrosurgical accessories. The COMFORT instruments in the instrument itself. The ARC 350 addition to the innovative socket design that allows coagulation permits the simultaneous COAG
SYSTEM is the first and optimum system worldwide or the COMFORT BOX reads the information and, up to two monopolar and two bipolar instruments activation of two monopolar handles for consistent
for process optimisation in the OR – across all at a glance, identifies whether the instrument may to be attached simultaneously and is compatible tissue effects. This mode is especially ideal for
e lectrosurgical applications. still be used, thereby preventing the maximum with all popular standard connections, there are coagulation and preparation, with the selected
number of uses being exceeded. n umerous hardware and software components that power setting being available for both handles.
Every ARC 350 can optionally be fitted with the can also directly affect performance in the OR. Applications include gynaecology with mastecto-
COMFORT SYSTEM, an option that forms part of Maximum safety and simultaneous reduction mies, cardiac surgery with bypasses and surgery
the GastroCut, LIGATION and Resection packages. of OR time - ARC control arc regulation for reproducible with multiple traumas.
Take advantage of intelligent COMFORT instruments The Plug'n Cut functionality of the COMFORT monopolar and bipolar cutting results
and secure for yourself decisive benefits for your SYSTEM enables the generator to automatically - Up to 9 effects per mode
workflow in the OR. identify the instrument, check it and select the - EASY neutral electrode monitoring with contact
correct device settings. The Plug'n Cut COMFORT monitor, baby mode with automatic power limitation
function thereby avoids incorrect settings. - Current leakage monitoring
- Short circuit detection
- ISSys permanent system self-testing
- CCS permanent initial cutting support
- Configurable socket design
SYSTEM - Information area for device messages
Intelligent COMFORT instruments are available for all
- CUT modes: e.g. standard, dry, cardiac, GastroCut
electrosurgical areas.
loop and knife, MetraLOOP, laparoscopy
- Micro-regulations and power forms for plastic and
neurosurgery down to 0.1 W
- COAG modes: moderate, forced, spray, cardiac
- Autostart function
Resectoscope Argon- Polypectomy Forceps TissueSeal® PLUS BiZZER® ErgoPEN Argon MetraLOOP® NightKNIFE® LIGATOR® ErgoLAP
Flex loop operations
Plug’n Cut COMFORT: The COMFORT SYSTEM automatically recognises the Plug'n Cut: The ARC 350 automatically detects that a standard instrument is The neutral electrode monitoring, shown here in the setting for babies Efficient: Both handles can be activated simultaneously with monopolar
COMFORT instrument, indicates how many times it may still be used and selects connected (max. 50 watts), continuously informs users of the status coagulation
the correct parameters for the procedure
Costs and benefits –
close the gap
ARC 350: the vessel sealing specialist Two hundred times instead of once Surgical applications: NightKNIFE®
With the ARC 350 and BOWA LIGATION instru- BOWA LIGATION instruments can be reused up to - Colectomy - 360 and 200 mm
- Ø 10 mm
ments, such as TissueSeal PLUS for open surgery two hundred times. As shown in the graph, there - Gastrectomy
- Autoclavable
applications and NightKNIFE also for laparoscopic are massive cost benefits over single use instru- - Liver resection - Replaceable knife
applications, large-bore veins, arteries and tissue ments, even after only 50 procedures. - Thyroidectomy - Plug’n Cut COMFORT
bundles with diameters of up to 7 mm can be - Lobectomy
sealed permanently and securely by bonding elastin LIGATOR®
and collagen to each other. The LIGATION sealing Gynaecological applications: - 360 and 110 mm
Cost benefits of BOWA NightKNIFE compared to®
- Ø 5 mm
technique guarantees procedures free from residues - Hysterectomy – open and
single use instruments after 50 procedures - Autoclavable
and foreign bodies with sealing reliability of up to laparoscopic-assisted vaginal - Maryland and straight model
700 mmHg. hysterectomy - Plug’n Cut COMFORT
- TLH: Total laparoscopic
Optimum procedural results, thanks to outstanding Cost of single use instruments hysterectomy
TissueSeal® PLUS
ergonomics and tactility, are a further bonus for - LASH: Laparoscopic supracervical - 160, 190, 230 and
surgical artists. The massive potential for time- hysterectomy 280 mm
75 % cost savings with BOWA NightKNIFE ® - Autoclavable
saving in the OR, as well as savings in terms of - Mastectomy
- Plug’n Cut COMFORT
suturing materials and clips and instrument re-
usability, are all key features to convince even the Urological applications:
€ 4,500 € 10,000 € 17,500
strictest cost controller. - Prostatectomy TissueSeal®
- Cystectomy - 190, 230 and
280 mm
LIGATION is a fully automatic mode for the sealing - Nephrectomy - Base instrument is
of tissue with BOWA LIGATION instruments. autoclavable
- Variable single use tips
- Plug’n Cut COMFORT
Schuld J, Laschke MW, Rupertus K, Richter S, Menger MD, Schuld MD, Sperling MD, Kollmar MD, Menger MD, Schilling
Schilling MK: Evaluationsstudie: BOWA NightKNIFE ® vs. MD, Richter MD, Laschke MD: The Night KNIFE: Evaluation of
Ligasure Atlas™. BOWA, Gomaringen 2008 Efficiency and Quality of Bipolar Vessel Sealing
Schilling MK, Surgical Association for OR and Instrument TECHNIQUES 2011
Technology of the German Association for General and Visceral
Surgery: Evaluationsstudie: BOWA
TissueSeal ® vs. Valleylab Ligasure™. BOWA, Gomaringen 2008
Rely on an established technique for vessel and materials and clips. Autoclavable BOWA LIGATION
tissue sealing: LIGATION. Alongside the advantage instruments are the first choice for use with the
of preventing the introduction of foreign bodies into ARC 350.
the patient, this method also saves OR time, suture New: The LIGATION choice opens up new potential procedures and all settings TissueSeal PLUS 160 mm: re-usable sealing instrument with minimal thermal TissueSeal COMFORT: flexible snap-on tips for different applications. Efficient: No instrument change thanks to NightKNIFE Seal'n Cut
are entered automatically spread due to its sandwich structure
Schuld J, Laschke MW, Rupertus K, Richter S, Menger MD, Schuld MD, Sperling MD, Kollmar MD, Menger MD, Schilling
Schilling MK: Evaluationsstudie: BOWA NightKNIFE ® vs. MD, Richter MD, Laschke MD: The Night KNIFE: Evaluation of
Ligasure Atlas™. BOWA, Gomaringen 2008 Efficiency and Quality of Bipolar Vessel Sealing
Schilling MK, Surgical Association for OR and Instrument TECHNIQUES 2011
Technology of the German Association for General and Visceral
Surgery: Evaluationsstudie: BOWA
TissueSeal ® vs. Valleylab Ligasure™. BOWA, Gomaringen 2008
Rely on an established technique for vessel and materials and clips. Autoclavable BOWA LIGATION
tissue sealing: LIGATION. Alongside the advantage instruments are the first choice for use with the
of preventing the introduction of foreign bodies into ARC 350.
the patient, this method also saves OR time, suture New: The LIGATION choice opens up new potential procedures and all settings TissueSeal PLUS 160 mm: re-usable sealing instrument with minimal thermal TissueSeal COMFORT: flexible snap-on tips for different applications. Efficient: No instrument change thanks to NightKNIFE Seal'n Cut
are entered automatically spread due to its sandwich structure
Schuld J, Laschke MW, Rupertus K, Richter S, Menger MD, Schuld MD, Sperling MD, Kollmar MD, Menger MD, Schilling
Schilling MK: Evaluationsstudie: BOWA NightKNIFE ® vs. MD, Richter MD, Laschke MD: The Night KNIFE: Evaluation of
Ligasure Atlas™. BOWA, Gomaringen 2008 Efficiency and Quality of Bipolar Vessel Sealing
Schilling MK, Surgical Association for OR and Instrument TECHNIQUES 2011
Technology of the German Association for General and Visceral
Surgery: Evaluationsstudie: BOWA
TissueSeal ® vs. Valleylab Ligasure™. BOWA, Gomaringen 2008
Rely on an established technique for vessel and materials and clips. Autoclavable BOWA LIGATION
tissue sealing: LIGATION. Alongside the advantage instruments are the first choice for use with the
of preventing the introduction of foreign bodies into ARC 350.
the patient, this method also saves OR time, suture New: The LIGATION choice opens up new potential procedures and all settings TissueSeal PLUS 160 mm: re-usable sealing instrument with minimal thermal TissueSeal COMFORT: flexible snap-on tips for different applications. Efficient: No instrument change thanks to NightKNIFE Seal'n Cut
are entered automatically spread due to its sandwich structure
Endo today 2007;
Prospective, randomised evaluation of low-energy argon plasma
coagulation with endoscopic haemostasis of the gastrointestinal
tract (GIT)
M. Raithel, J. Hänsler, A. Stegmaier, F. Boxberger, J. Maiss,
W. Müler, E.G. Hahn
Med. Clinic I University of Erlangen-Nuremberg , Gastroentero-
logy, Endoscopy, Funct. of Tissue Diagnostics; Conference Paper
The argon parameters are set directly on the ARC 350 A number of probes are available for the various argon-assisted applications Activation of argon modes is also visualised on the ARC PLUS The green display signals pre-flushing of the connected instruments with argon
ARC PLUS – the ground-breaking
addition with argon support
Contact-free. Reliable. Fast. CUT Argon FLEX Applications (excerpts)
An electrical bridge is created between the instru- for argon-assisted cutting and coagulation with open for internal medical applications with flexible probes
ment and the tissue in argon-assisted electro and laparoscopic applications in surgery and Argon FLEX / Argon Flex 90
- Gastroenterology
surgery, with the aid of the ionisation of argon gas. gynaecology: Argon PULSED - Superficial and smaller
The argon beam produced with ARC PLUS can be - Abdominal surgery with fine regulation across several effect stages vascular bleeds
administered particularly well and can be used for - Laparoscopy - Tumour reductions
- Tumour bleeds
contact-free haemostasis. Take advantage of - Liver surgery Advantages of argon-assisted electrosurgery in - Devitalisation and coagulation, also in the right colon
enhanced clinical effectiveness for fast contact-free - Mamma surgery internal medicine - Stent ingrowth / overgrowth
coagulation with maximum perforation safety and - Visceral surgery - Safe dosage with power and pulse sequence - Radiation proctitis
- Interventional bronchology
simple administration. minimises the risk of perforation - Superficial and smaller vascular bleeds
Advantages of argon-assisted electrosurgery in - Particularly fine coagulation is possible from - Tumour reduction
Technical features surgery and gynaecology 1 W in gastroenterology - Tumour bleeding
- Recanalisation
- Contact-free coagulation without adherence or - Clear vision due to smoke-free coagulation - Granulation
- Automatic detection of argon instruments and sticking in parenchymal tissues, such as the liver - Low-odour due to reduced smoke gases - Fistula conditioning
parameter preselection by Plug'n Cut - Stent ingrowth / overgrowth
- Documentation of uses in the BOWA
- Fast coagulation of large surfaces - Carbonisation-free
- Rectoscopy
COMFORT instrument - Carbonisation-free - Flexible, long-lasting coagulation zone
- Automatic control by the ARC 350 - Flexible coagulation zone - Ultra-simple to operate with large ignition gap of
- Electronic level indicator and pre-warning Safety advantages and perforation safety with low power setting
- Flow rates of from 0.1 to 10 l / min,
- Clear vision due to smoke-free coagulation >10 mm and easy ignition Energy setting (W) for effective ignition or therapeutic effect
max 2 bar outlet pressure - Ultra-simple to operate with large ignition gap of - Minimal argon flow rates of 0.4 l / min
- Large coverage with 2 argon bottles >10 mm and easy ignition - Limited penetration depth (W)
- Foot and manual operation
- Simple, space-saving docking of the ARC
- Perforation-free
electrosurgery unit
- 2.0 to 4.5 bar input pressure Applications (excerpts)
- Flow testing and pressure monitoring
- Extensive range of accessories
- General surgery
- Liver surgery 5
- Abdominal plastic
- Transplant surgery 0
- ENT BOWA ARC 350 comparable devices
Endo today 2007;
Prospective, randomised evaluation of low-energy argon plasma
coagulation with endoscopic haemostasis of the gastrointestinal
tract (GIT)
M. Raithel, J. Hänsler, A. Stegmaier, F. Boxberger, J. Maiss,
W. Müler, E.G. Hahn
Med. Clinic I University of Erlangen-Nuremberg , Gastroentero-
logy, Endoscopy, Funct. of Tissue Diagnostics; Conference Paper
The argon parameters are set directly on the ARC 350 A number of probes are available for the various argon-assisted applications Activation of argon modes is also visualised on the ARC PLUS The green display signals pre-flushing of the connected instruments with argon
ARC PLUS – the ground-breaking
addition with argon support
Contact-free. Reliable. Fast. CUT Argon FLEX Applications (excerpts)
An electrical bridge is created between the instru- for argon-assisted cutting and coagulation with open for internal medical applications with flexible probes
ment and the tissue in argon-assisted electro and laparoscopic applications in surgery and Argon FLEX / Argon Flex 90
- Gastroenterology
surgery, with the aid of the ionisation of argon gas. gynaecology: Argon PULSED - Superficial and smaller
The argon beam produced with ARC PLUS can be - Abdominal surgery with fine regulation across several effect stages vascular bleeds
administered particularly well and can be used for - Laparoscopy - Tumour reductions
- Tumour bleeds
contact-free haemostasis. Take advantage of - Liver surgery Advantages of argon-assisted electrosurgery in - Devitalisation and coagulation, also in the right colon
enhanced clinical effectiveness for fast contact-free - Mamma surgery internal medicine - Stent ingrowth / overgrowth
coagulation with maximum perforation safety and - Visceral surgery - Safe dosage with power and pulse sequence - Radiation proctitis
- Interventional bronchology
simple administration. minimises the risk of perforation - Superficial and smaller vascular bleeds
Advantages of argon-assisted electrosurgery in - Particularly fine coagulation is possible from - Tumour reduction
Technical features surgery and gynaecology 1 W in gastroenterology - Tumour bleeding
- Recanalisation
- Contact-free coagulation without adherence or - Clear vision due to smoke-free coagulation - Granulation
- Automatic detection of argon instruments and sticking in parenchymal tissues, such as the liver - Low-odour due to reduced smoke gases - Fistula conditioning
parameter preselection by Plug'n Cut - Stent ingrowth / overgrowth
- Documentation of uses in the BOWA
- Fast coagulation of large surfaces - Carbonisation-free
- Rectoscopy
COMFORT instrument - Carbonisation-free - Flexible, long-lasting coagulation zone
- Automatic control by the ARC 350 - Flexible coagulation zone - Ultra-simple to operate with large ignition gap of
- Electronic level indicator and pre-warning Safety advantages and perforation safety with low power setting
- Flow rates of from 0.1 to 10 l / min,
- Clear vision due to smoke-free coagulation >10 mm and easy ignition Energy setting (W) for effective ignition or therapeutic effect
max 2 bar outlet pressure - Ultra-simple to operate with large ignition gap of - Minimal argon flow rates of 0.4 l / min
- Large coverage with 2 argon bottles >10 mm and easy ignition - Limited penetration depth (W)
- Foot and manual operation
- Simple, space-saving docking of the ARC
- Perforation-free
electrosurgery unit
- 2.0 to 4.5 bar input pressure Applications (excerpts)
- Flow testing and pressure monitoring
- Extensive range of accessories
- General surgery
- Liver surgery 5
- Abdominal plastic
- Transplant surgery 0
- ENT BOWA ARC 350 comparable devices
Endo today 2007;
Prospective, randomised evaluation of low-energy argon plasma
coagulation with endoscopic haemostasis of the gastrointestinal
tract (GIT)
M. Raithel, J. Hänsler, A. Stegmaier, F. Boxberger, J. Maiss,
W. Müler, E.G. Hahn
Med. Clinic I University of Erlangen-Nuremberg , Gastroentero-
logy, Endoscopy, Funct. of Tissue Diagnostics; Conference Paper
The argon parameters are set directly on the ARC 350 A number of probes are available for the various argon-assisted applications Activation of argon modes is also visualised on the ARC PLUS The green display signals pre-flushing of the connected instruments with argon
Special applications –
just four of many
Optional: Bipolar resection for urology Quadruple specialities – functions for cardiac Gynaecology – clean removal with MetraLOOP Optional: GastroCut for gastroenterology
Bipolar resection with the ARC 350 stands out on surgery In addition to the modes for vessel sealing and With the ARC 350's GastroCut modes, gastroentero-
account of its extremely reliable initial cutting and monopolar and bipolar resection, a special logists can achieve the best results with poly
high resection speed. Four highly specialised functions for effective work function is available in gynaecology for lapa- pectomy and papillotomy and endoscopic resections
are available for use in the field of cardiac surgery: roscopic supracervical removal of the uterus with loops or knife electrodes.
Reduced irritation of the obturator nerve and (LSH).
bipolar technology hugely increase operating Monopolar SimCOAG for simultaneous coagulation Gastroenterologists can adjust the haemostasis level
safety in this field. Using saline solution as a and preparation with two monopolar handles This mode – combined with the BOWA of cutting and coagulation power to three speeds
medium prevents the danger of TUR syndrome. MetraLOOP instrument – offers more rapid "slow", "medium" and "fast" as required to meet their
Cardiac thorax for forced coagulation when opening cutting of the loop for uterus removal. Work can needs.
In addition, monopolar transurethral resection of the thorax be accomplished safely, rapidly and precisely,
the prostate (TUR-P), surgical treatment of even with large loops. The cut is optimised, the surgeon controls the cut's
bladder tumours (TUR-BT) and vaporisation of the Cardiac mammaria for forced coagulation in the coagulation effect through the effect in nine steps.
prostate tissue (TUR-VAP) can also be carried out area of the mammaries Gynaecology program This allows the surgeon to work cautiously to avoid
with the ARC 350. MetraLOOP complications, as well as proceeding rapidly when
Dry cutting for strong haemostasis the situation allows it.
Resection Cut & COAG
Special modes for the use of bipolar resectoscopes
GastroCut power type
in gynaecology and urology
200 Vp
Cut Pause Coagulation phase
Innovation: Bipolar resection in urology with ultra-high resection speed Supporting the division of work in cardiac surgery: simultaneous activation can be Special effect for gynaecology: extremely fast and safe removal of the uterus using Highly flexible: GastroCut permits 6 cutting types with loops or knife electrodes for
selected the MetraLOOP function up to 9 effects
Special applications –
just four of many
Optional: Bipolar resection for urology Quadruple specialities – functions for cardiac Gynaecology – clean removal with MetraLOOP Optional: GastroCut for gastroenterology
Bipolar resection with the ARC 350 stands out on surgery In addition to the modes for vessel sealing and With the ARC 350's GastroCut modes, gastroentero-
account of its extremely reliable initial cutting and monopolar and bipolar resection, a special logists can achieve the best results with poly
high resection speed. Four highly specialised functions for effective work function is available in gynaecology for lapa- pectomy and papillotomy and endoscopic resections
are available for use in the field of cardiac surgery: roscopic supracervical removal of the uterus with loops or knife electrodes.
Reduced irritation of the obturator nerve and (LSH).
bipolar technology hugely increase operating Monopolar SimCOAG for simultaneous coagulation Gastroenterologists can adjust the haemostasis level
safety in this field. Using saline solution as a and preparation with two monopolar handles This mode – combined with the BOWA of cutting and coagulation power to three speeds
medium prevents the danger of TUR syndrome. MetraLOOP instrument – offers more rapid "slow", "medium" and "fast" as required to meet their
Cardiac thorax for forced coagulation when opening cutting of the loop for uterus removal. Work can needs.
In addition, monopolar transurethral resection of the thorax be accomplished safely, rapidly and precisely,
the prostate (TUR-P), surgical treatment of even with large loops. The cut is optimised, the surgeon controls the cut's
bladder tumours (TUR-BT) and vaporisation of the Cardiac mammaria for forced coagulation in the coagulation effect through the effect in nine steps.
prostate tissue (TUR-VAP) can also be carried out area of the mammaries Gynaecology program This allows the surgeon to work cautiously to avoid
with the ARC 350. MetraLOOP complications, as well as proceeding rapidly when
Dry cutting for strong haemostasis the situation allows it.
Resection Cut & COAG
Special modes for the use of bipolar resectoscopes
GastroCut power type
in gynaecology and urology
200 Vp
Cut Pause Coagulation phase
Innovation: Bipolar resection in urology with ultra-high resection speed Supporting the division of work in cardiac surgery: simultaneous activation can be Special effect for gynaecology: extremely fast and safe removal of the uterus using Highly flexible: GastroCut permits 6 cutting types with loops or knife electrodes for
selected the MetraLOOP function up to 9 effects
greater mobility
One unit – many options
The ARC 350, ARC PLUS and the ARC CART form
a high-performance unit that can be quickly
manoeuvred to wherever it is needed in the OR.
Optimum: Vision and operation Flexible: freely assignable foot pedals Space-saving: streamlined design
Made in Germany –
technical information
BOWA ARC 350 is designed for use in almost all such as reading off unit information or running
areas of electrosurgery. ARC generators can be software updates that are supplied on a USB stick.
placed on ceiling supply units or on the ARC CART Should you wish to connect third-party accessories,
for unrestricted mobility. The device has two this is also possible using a range of different
monopolar and two bipolar outputs. Hospital sockets.
technicians can perform simple maintenance work,
Clear design: compact design, ideal to meet the exacting hygiene conditions in Communicative interfaces: with USB and network socket – designed for
your OR today and tomorrow
Copyright of BOWA-electronic, Gomaringen
We reserve the right to make technical and structural amendments