Ann Chebet Nutrition Business Plan
Ann Chebet Nutrition Business Plan
Ann Chebet Nutrition Business Plan
I hereby declare that this is my own original business plan work which has not been presented by
anybody else for the award of diploma in Nutrition and dietetics.
Supervisor approval
Signature………………………. Date…………………….
I would like to thank my parent, and other several friends for the support they gave me
throughout the carrying out of the project. They gave me emotional, spiritual and financial
I do hereby thank my supervisor for the guidance and patience in supervising my work.
This work is dedicated to my dear parents for encouragement, moral and financial support till
success of this proposal
This chapter shows the name of the business ANN ENTERPRISE. It will be located at Eldoret
along Eldoret - Uganda road near Paul’s bakery limited. The business will be a sole
proprietorship form of business dealing with sales and supply of Nutrition supplements such as
vitamins products, calcium products, Nutrition minerals. The reason for offering their services
being that the entrepreneur is an expert in nutrition and dietetics hence there will be provision of
quality services to the clients. In addition, the business will employ skilled and unskilled
members of the society which makes the society be proud about the business since its generating
income to them. Furthermore, the area of its operation has several organizations that require
nutrition and dietetics services.
The market for the business will be potential customers who include; hospitals, Research Centre
Nutrition service providers with critical supplements for biological usage. The business aims at
getting 25% of the market share. The firm will capitalize on competitor’s weakness. In order to
gain market faster it will plan for future excellent ways to cope with the competition like
extension of working hours from 7.00am to 9.00pm, employment of qualified staff,
establishment of customer care units online which my competitors don’t have. In order to
promote the business will use sales promotion, advertisement and personal selling to create
awareness to the public.
The manager of the business will be the owner. She will be planning and directing day today
activities and checking books of accounts during admission both responsibilities and duties of
each employee will be made known. Recruitment services also will be offered. Before the
business starts it will obtain required documents such as permits, licenses and by-laws.
The capital needed to run the business is totaling to ksh 1,000,000 on which shall be bank loan,
owner’s contribution and friends’ contribution. The business will hire business premises at
Eldoret along Eldoret– Uganda road near Paul’s bakery, also the equipment and furniture shall
be purchased to enable the operation of the business. The capital for the business shall be used to
cater for both pre-operational costs and operational costs. The labor shall be provided by both
skilled and unskilled employees. The business will ensure it has adhered to the rules and
regulations affecting the business.
The firm will require a total capital of ksh 1,000, 000. This capital will be obtained from various
sources as indicated below;
Profitability ratios for the firm include gross profit ratios, return on equity and return on
Other features in financial planning include pre-operational cost, pro-forma income statement,
pro-forma cash flow, pro-forma balance sheet and desired financing.
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................iv
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1.0BUSINESS DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................1
1.4.1 MISSION........................................................................................................................3
1.4.2 VISSION.........................................................................................................................3
1.9 INDUSTRY...........................................................................................................................4
1.11.1 ENTRY.........................................................................................................................5
2.1 CUSTOMERS.......................................................................................................................6
2.1.1 Hospitals.........................................................................................................................6
2.4.1 ADVERTISING......................................................................................................10
2.4.2 PROMOTION..........................................................................................................10
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................14
3.4.1 RECRUITMENT..............................................................................................................16
3.4.2 TRAINING..............................................................................................................16
3.4.3 PROMOTION..........................................................................................................17
3.5.1 REMUNERATION......................................................................................................18
3.5.2 INCENTIVES..........................................................................................................18
3.6.1 LICENSES....................................................................................................................18
3.6.2 PERMITS................................................................................................................19
3.6.3 BY LAWS...............................................................................................................19
3.7.2 BANKING...............................................................................................................19
3.7.5 SECURITY..............................................................................................................20
4.2.1 CAPITAL.....................................................................................................................21
4.2.2 PREMISES..............................................................................................................22
4.2.3 FACILITIES............................................................................................................23
4.2.4 LABOUR.................................................................................................................23
4.3.3 EXPENSES/OVERHEADS....................................................................................25
5. CHAPTER FIVE...................................................................................................................28
5.1PRE-OPERATIONAL COSTS............................................................................................28
5.2WORKING CAPITAL.........................................................................................................28
BREAK-EVEN ANALYSIS.....................................................................................................34
5.6PROFITABILITY RATIOS.................................................................................................36
5.7DESIRED FINANCING/FINANCIAL REQUIREMENT..................................................37
5.8PROPOSED CAPITALIZATION........................................................................................37
The name of the entrepreneur is Ann Chebet Tirokamar. The name of the proposed business will
be Ann Nutrition supplements enterprise, it will be located in Uasin Gishu County in Eldoret
town. The enterprise will ensure that all hospital around the region are supplied with all kind of
Nutrition supplements required for various activities.
(i) There is police station which will offer security to the business
(ii) Presence of infrastructure like road network which makes it to be accessible by the
(iii) Availability of many health center in the region
Equity bank
To Eldoret town from Nakuru
We are focused on constant technology improvements and we embrace research to ensure
efficiency, safety and timely service delivery.
We supply hospitals, research centers and chemist Nutrition service providers with critical
supplements for biological usage.
The firm will commence its activities on 31 st December 2024. This is because most of the
business firms draw their financial statement at the end of the year.
The business will take advantage of monopoly to some extend since most businesses of this type
are located far from the area. Moreover, the business will also offer the services online, and
delivery made to its clients who don’t wish to come to the offices unlike my competitors who
lack this technology.
The business belongs to a service industry in health services. When it expands it may supply
Nutrition supplements countrywide.
The size of my industry will be a big business the reasons being that: -
(i) The health centers to be served by the firm will be many and also due to the wide range
of services provided by the firm.
(ii) The business will be able to devote much investment to the provision of training courses
and other resources necessary to ensure their staff are competent, able to a higher
standard and are less likely to be compromised by actions of clients.
(iii) Also the firm wouldn’t face a lot of competition because only few firms are there
in this region of operation.
i. Offer their services at low prices than those of my competitors so as to attract clients to
the firm.
ii. The business will also use promotional methods like advertising through the media
concerning the existence of the firm and the services it offers to the market.
iii. The business will use posters to create awareness to customers about existence of the firm
its location and the services it offers.
i. The entrepreneur and his staff have qualified skills in nutrition and dietetics which will
lead to provision of quality services.
ii. The business will also increase the number of its employees each year depending on the
number of clients it serves.
iii. Also the firm will purchase more vehicles like five of them for use by the employees.
iv. The business will also open new branches Kisumu, Mombasa etc. to diversify their
The business will be targeting hospital and health centers in Eldoret town and its
surrounding. The town is highly populated with increased number of health centers that may
require Nutrition supplements supply which will be a stepping stone for Ann enterprise in the
Customers will be large and small clinics, hospitals and private health centers. From the market
survey, the proprietor has come up with the following potential customers:
2.1.1 Hospitals
As the proprietor being a resident of this area and well known most of the hospital have made
promises to offer tenders for Nutrition supplements. Hospitals like Eldoret hospital etc. have
promised to support me by offering me with tenders to supply them with the nutrition
supplements they require.
Factors that will influence the customers to purchase the services of the business include: -
i. Prices: where the business will offer its services at low prices so as to boost the sales of
the firm since it is still new.
ii. Accessibility: the firm is strategically placed along Eldoret- Uganda Road which makes it
accessible by many clients.
iii. The business will offer after sale services to its clients like transporting goods for the
clients to their premises.
iv. The quality of services provided by the firm will be high due to existence of qualified
personnel in the firm.
i. The prices for my services will be slightly lower than that of my competitors so as to
attract clients to the firm.
ii. Quality: - services offered will be of high quality hence customers will be attracted.
iii. The entrepreneur is an expertise in the field of nutrition which my competitor quantum
and Trojan firm lacks.
iv. Location of the business: - the business is strategically at Eldoret -Uganda road which
make it accessible by the clients plus the clients are assured of safety due to presence of
police station near the firm.
To attain the expected market, share the business will be able to: -
i. Expand its business to new areas like Mombasa, Thika, etc. where my competitors are
not very well known.
ii. To increase the firms image/ reputation by establishment of customer care services online
to ensure that the clients are fully satisfied with our services.
iii. Also the firm will try to use free illustration to its clients as to test the quality of our
services which is not the case with our competitors.
iv. Also the business will employ qualified staffs who are well trained in the field of
nutrition equipment.
Competition is inevitable and business must be prepared to design strategies to cope with it.
The strength and weakness of each of my competitors is as shown in the table below: -
(i) Use of media; e.g. radio since it’s only the start of the business the firm will tend to
promote its services through local media like Milele FM, Classic 105, Homeboyz
Radio, Capital FM and Radio Maisha
(ii) Use of posters; the firm will promote its business through use of posters by stating
the services they offer and the location of the firm.
(iii) Use of billboards; since it’s a rapidly growing firm it will tend to use billboards to
capture the attention of the road users about the existence of the firm.
The business will use the following promotion methods to attract more clients into the firm.
(i) Sales promotion; this involves marketing activities that are directed at improving in a
temporary or permanent manner the value for a product giving a short-term additional
incentive to purchase a product/service. The sales promotion means include the use of
after sales service like the firm will offer free transport service to the clients’
(ii) Personal selling; the firm will be rending its employees to various institutions and
businesses to promote the firm face to face with clients so as to gain more reputation
and attract more clients to the firm.
(iii) Advertising; this will involve the use of mass media like radio, posters and signposts
to promote the business.
(iv) Online marketing will also be available in the business’ website, Facebook page etc.
(i) Demand of the services is high; due to increasing number of hospital in the region my
services will be charged at relatively high prices due to high demand for the services.
(ii) Attract more clients to the firm; in order to win more clients to the business, the firm
chose those prices which are relatively lower to my competitors so as to be able to
attract more customers to the firm.
(iii) Production cost is also relatively low compared to my competitors since my business
will be growing at greater speed due to the presence of new technology.
Direct selling will involve the owner offering services directly to the clients moreover he will
also use his employees to offer services to his clients on his behalf.
Other sales tactics methods that the business will use include;
(i) Sales promotion; this will be done by use of free scanning to enable the clients know
the type of services offered, free gifts like calendars that illustrates the functions of
the company will also be given to the clients.
(ii) The business will also do thorough advertising through the mass media, use of posters
and billboards to attract more clients to the firm.
(iii) Staff courtesy; the business will employ qualified personnel who will be customer
friendly and ready to offer services.
(iv) Also the business will provide discounts; this will be offered to services bought in
large quantities by the clients.
Channel of distribution refers to the route/path taken by a product/service as it moves from the
producer to the final consumer. In this case my business will use the following type of channel.
Producer (owner) Consumer (clients)
This is where the owner of the firm will be able to offer services directly to his clients without
involving any middlemen like his employee.
This will be done by the client coming to the office directly to be offered with the service or the
owner going to the client’s premises to offer the service.
The owner will use the employees in his firm to serve clients on his behalf.
The means of transport in my business will be the use of firm’s vehicle and also due to lack of
enough vehicles to go to the clients premises the employees will have to use public service
The transport cost per month will be an approximate of ksh. 10 000 per month depending on the
number of clients served that month.
The anticipated distribution problem in my business is just the transportation cost where the firm
has one vehicle and sometimes it is forced to operate with public service vehicle in order to curb
this the firm will try to purchase more vehicles by the end of the year after the business operates
for that year and saving the profits it has made we will be able to determine the number of
vehicles to purchase.
Organization is the process of grouping activities and resources in a logical and appropriate
fashion with aim of goal attainment. On the other hand, management is the act of getting things
done through and with people in formally organized groups.
1. Administering salaries.
2. Recruitment of staff.
3. Delegation of duties to subordinates.
4. Checking on books of account.
5. Overall management of the business.
Recruitment refers to the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and
encouraging them to apply jobs in an organization.
The procedure for recruiting employees into the business will be as follows;
(i) Advertisement of the vacancies available on radio, newspapers, business website and
use of posters showing clearly the kind of jobs and the respective qualifications.
(ii) Receiving of applications from the candidates.
(iii) Short-listing those applicants who have qualified and then invite them for interviews.
(iv) Interviewing the shortlisted applicants.
(v) Selection and placement will be done to those candidates who have qualified and will
start working on probation for six months before they are employed on permanent
Training refers to the process of increasing the knowledge and skills for doing a particular job.
Training bridges the gap between job recruitments and present of an employee.
The methods to be used by my business to train the employees include on-job training (OJT),
seminars, orientation etc.
(i) On the job training; the trainee will be placed on a regular job and taught skills
necessary to perform it. The employee will learn by observing and handling the job.
The methods to be used on-job-training will include coaching, job rotations and
committee assignments.
(ii) Seminars; employees will be attending seminars concerning the type of the job they
(iii) Orientation; this will be done during placement of workers after selection has been
1. Better quality of work; in formal training the best methods are standardized to
employees. Uniformity of work methods and procedures help to improve the quality of
2. Cost reduction; trained employee will tend to make economical use of materials and
machinery. Maintenance cost will also be reduced due to fewer machine breakdowns.
3. High morale among employees; training will help develop positive attitude among
employees this is due to rise in earnings and job security.
4. Reduced supervision; training helps to make employees self-reliant and motivated hence
require less guidance and control leading to enlargement of management span.
5. Higher productivity; training helps to improve the level of performance because they
perform better by using better methods of work.
6. Self confidence among workers; training will enable my workers to approach and
perform their job with enthusiasm.
This refers to the upward mobility of employees in their work positions. Criteria for promotion
of employees in my business will be done on the basis of;
1. Individual performance of duties; this will be determined by the quality of services he/she
offers to the clients.
2. Academic qualifications of the employee.
3. Experience he/she has in the field of engineering.
4. Behavior of the employee in that business i.e. is he/she in disciplined or not.
This refers to motivations given to employees which may be financial or non-financial benefits.
Apart from paying the employees their respective salaries, the enterprise will offer the following
as incentives to motivate employees to work hard;
A permit to conduct the business will be given by the county government of Eldoret. This will
permit operations to be conducted from the county of ELDORET, at cost of 5000 per year.
3.6.3 BY LAWS
The business is expected to adhere to specific by laws established by the county. The by-laws
(i) Sales tax; the manager will ascertain whether the fee charged to clients will be
subject to tax in order to deduct such accordingly
(ii) Income and self-employment tax; employers should deduct taxes to authorities of
their employees.
(iii) Professional liability; this will protect the business from consequences of bod
decision and action of employees in giving services to clients.
Banking will be done at the nearest bank-since there are several banks around, the business will
open an account with equity bank.
A post office box number will also be acquired at ELDORET post office. This is where
incoming mail will be collected while outgoing mails will be posted via the same by the
Security will be obtained from nearest police station from which is Eldoret central police station,
so that it can extend their business services.
Operational plan is used to highlight the various techniques and procedures which are to be
followed in the preparation and provision of an entrepreneur services to the customer.
Supplements store Accountants and
secretary offices
Store office
This refers to the money required to start and run a business and it normally divided into three
The business will require a total capital investment of ksh 1000 000 to run its activities.
The business premises shall be rented near Paul’s bakery at Eldoret. The rental charge will be
ksh 10 000 per month. The business will be operated within seven rooms. The 1 st room will be
the reception point, 2nd room will be working area, third room will be accountants versus
secretary office, the fourth room will be manager’s office, the fifth room will be a store and the
rest will be the waiting bay
Accountants and
Working Area bay
secretary offices
Store manager
(i) Reception section; this will deal with customer care services and receiving of telephone
calls on behalf of the firm from the clients.
(ii) Working area; this is where all services will be offered and goods sold to customers.
(iii) Store section; this will be used to store firms’ files, facilities and equipment
(iv)Accounts and secretarial offices; this will deal with book keeping of the firm and
management of financial assets.
(v) Managerial office; this will deal with the entire operational activities of the firm.
(vi)Waiting bay; this will be the reception area where clients will sit as they await to be
The business will not allow future expansion in this rental instead it will buy land and build its
own offices at the end of second year of the commencement of the business.
This refers to the tools and equipment that will be used in running the business operations. The
below table shows the type of tool required by the firm their capacities, units, cost per item and
their total cost.
4.2.4 LABOUR
There are people required to do work so as to achieve the set goals and objectives.
The labor cost will be skilled labor; skilled labor refers to trained personnel who have acquired
knowledge and skills through training for a particular position in an organization.
These will include the manager, accountant, secretary, driver, receptionist and cleaner.
The insurance services will be provided by jubilee insurance company and the banking services
will be provided by Equity bank.
It involves the use of materials, labor and also the cost of production will be incurred
The materials in the table above will ensure smooth running of business activities in addition the
materials will be supplied throughout the financial year by my supplier who is Jamal bookshop,
ensuring they are available to the firm when it needs them.
The business expenses will include electricity bills, water bill, rent payment and taxes and many
Table 1
(i) The client will be received at the reception desk to address his/her need to the
(ii) Then the receptionist will forward the information to the secretary who will record
the name of the client and service needed.
(iii) Then the people assigned to that service will perform the services that the client
(iv) And then the service will be forwarded either directly or indirectly to the client.
(i) Customer care services; this service will be provided by the receptionist in his
reception desk. He will communicate to the client either through telephone or face to
face with the client and also he will send the customer care services online to clients
who may be at far places and require our services. Our website will also contain a
chatting button where clients will be allowed to post their comments and needs and
get immediate assistance.
(ii) Offering relatively lower prices compared to those of my competitors.
(iii) Digital mobility opportunities; these will reduce capital costs increasing service and
employee productivity by leveraging mobile devices and digital platforms.
(iv) The business will also use promotional methods like advertising through the
media concerning the existence of the firm and the services it offers to the
(v) Employing qualified and skilled staff who are well familiarizing with modern
nutrition machines.
The external and internal factors likely to affect my business process are as shown below.
The plans to minimize the external production process factors will include the following;
(i) Paying the suppliers in good time and in advance so as to avoid delay in supply of
materials needed to run the production process.
(ii) Offering customer care services online and even visiting the clients’ premises to offer
services there which is not the case with my competitors.
(iii) Complying with government rules and regulation e.g. paying taxes accordingly and
also ensuring that my business has a trade certificate.
(i) Trade license; the license shall be obtained from city council of Nairobi at ksh 5 000.
(ii) Permits; this will involve the certificate of computer operation and any certificate
required to run engineering firm. This will be obtained at ENGINEERING authority
Kenya at ksh 3000.
(iii) Taxes payable; the tax to be paid by the firm will be based on the amount of profit
the business will get on every financial trading period. It will be approximately 10%
of the profits made.
(iv) The other government regulations will include getting a trademark for the firm,
maintaining green environment, and the social corporate responsibility.
In order for the firm to run smoothly the business will require some equipment
Equipment cost
Supply vehicle (pickup) 200000
Gas cylinders 100000
Gas regulator 5000
Fire extinguisher 3000
Telephone 4000
This chapter gives information on the means and ways of obtaining and use of business capital.
The main features include: pre-operational costs, working capital, cash flow projection, pro-
forma income statement, pro-forma balance sheet, breakeven points, profitability rations, desired
financing and proposed capitalization.
This refers to the costs incurred before the opening of the business. These costs include;
This refers to the amount of capital required to meet the daily operations of the business.
It is the difference between the current assets and the current liabilities i.e.
Current liabilities
Creditors 40 000 70 000
Total working 240 000 550 000 590 000
ITEM January February March April May June July August September October November December Totals
Capital introduced 500 000 500 000
Bal buff 590 000 614 000 622 500 549 000 507 700 871 000 1,141 200 1,219 200 2,640 600 2,687 800 2,443 800 2,989 300
Cash sales 250 000 350 000 400 000 450 000 250 000 400 000 700 000 650 000 500 500 350 000 100 000 900 000 5,300 500
Credit sales 50 000 40 000 70 000 90 000 65 000 30 000 100 000 10 000 63 000 10 000 18 000 60 000 6,66 000
Purchases 60 000 50 000 47 000 25 000 50 000 100 000 10 000 20 000 1,300 000 10 000 15 000 60 000 460 000
Total cash inflows 860 000 1,030 000 1,131 000 1,187 500 914 000 1,037 700 1,681 700 1,881 200 3,052 700 3,100 600 2,820 800 3,463 800 9,915 800
Payments/cash outflows
Salaries/wages 100 000 100 000 100 000 100 000 100 000 100 000 100 000 100 000 100 000 100 000 100 000 100 000 1,200 000
Electricity 1 500 1 500 5 000 3 000 1 300 1 500 5 000 1 500 1 300 1 300 1 500 6 000 30 400
Rent 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 1,20 00
Water 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 6 000
Advertisement 10 000 8 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 15 000 10 000 11 000 10 000 12 000 10 000 126 000
Repair& maintenance 3 000 6 000 1 000 6 000 3 000 2 000 6 000 5 000 3 000 6 000 5 000 6 000 52 000
Loan repayment 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 120 000
Insurance 5 000 5 000 5 000 5 000 5 000 5 000 5 000 5 000 5 000 5 000 5 000 5 000 60 000
Creditor 100 000 250 000 350 000 470 000 250 000 100 000 370 000 500 000 280 000 250 000 210 000 300 000 3,430 000
Miscellaneous expenses 20 000 10 000 5 000 11 000 3 000 5 000 10 000 9 000 10 000 10 000 12 000 15 000 120 000
Tax payable 10 000 15 000 12 000 13 000 13 500 12 000 9 000 11 000 11 300 10 000 11 000 12 000 127 920
Total cash 270 000 416 000 508 500 638 500 406 300 166 000 540 500 662 000 442 100 412 800 377 000 474 500 5,392 320
590 000 614 000 622 500 549 000 507 700 871 000 1,141 200 1,219 200 2,640 600 2,687 800 244 380 2,989 300 4,523 480
Net cash flows
This shows how much money a company has earned during an accounting period and is usually
prepared annually.
It usually lists everything a business owns and everything it owes at a moment in time and it is
fundamental that all sources and uses of money must be equal.
i) Gross profit
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 2
Year 3
Fixed costs
Water 6 000
Insurance 60 000
1,506 000
Variable costs
Electricity 30 400
(456 320)
1,049 680
(i) Gross profit ratio
This ratio shows how firm makes profit in relation to element representing what it took that
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
(iii) Return on investment
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
This shows the value of the resources employed as the total assets employed in the business. This
gives a view of efficiency with which the assets are employed in business.
Computers 45 000
Personal savings/owners’ equity 500 000