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In terms of vector-matrix equations, we have

0 1 0 0 0
x1 M + m x1 1
# g 0 0 0 -
x Ml x2 Ml
D # 2T = F VD T + F Vu (3–22)
x3 0 0 0 1 x3 0
x4 m x4 1
- g 0 0 0
y1 1 0 0 0 x
B R = B R D 2T (3–23)
y2 0 0 1 0 x3
Equations (3–22) and (3–23) give a state-space representation of the inverted-pendulum system.
(Note that state-space representation of the system is not unique. There are infinitely many such
representations for this system.)


Basic laws governing electrical circuits are Kirchhoff’s current law and voltage law.
Kirchhoff’s current law (node law) states that the algebraic sum of all currents entering and
leaving a node is zero. (This law can also be stated as follows: The sum of currents enter-
ing a node is equal to the sum of currents leaving the same node.) Kirchhoff’s voltage law
(loop law) states that at any given instant the algebraic sum of the voltages around any loop
in an electrical circuit is zero. (This law can also be stated as follows: The sum of the volt-
age drops is equal to the sum of the voltage rises around a loop.) A mathematical model
of an electrical circuit can be obtained by applying one or both of Kirchhoff’s laws to it.
This section first deals with simple electrical circuits and then treats mathematical
modeling of operational amplifier systems.

LRC Circuit. Consider the electrical circuit shown in Figure 3–7. The circuit con-
sists of an inductance L (henry), a resistance R (ohm), and a capacitance C (farad).
Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to the system, we obtain the following equations:
di 1
L + Ri + i dt = ei (3–24)
dt C 3
i dt = eo (3–25)
C 3


ei C eo

Figure 3–7 i
Electrical circuit.

72 Chapter 3 / Mathematical Modeling of Mechanical Systems and Electrical Systems

Equations (3–24) and (3–25) give a mathematical model of the circuit.
A transfer-function model of the circuit can also be obtained as follows: Taking the
Laplace transforms of Equations (3–24) and (3–25), assuming zero initial conditions,
we obtain
1 1
LsI(s) + RI(s) + I(s) = Ei(s)
1 1
I(s) = Eo(s)
If ei is assumed to be the input and eo the output, then the transfer function of this system
is found to be
Eo(s) 1
= (3–26)
Ei(s) LCs + RCs + 1

A state-space model of the system shown in Figure 3–7 may be obtained as follows: First,
note that the differential equation for the system can be obtained from Equation (3–26) as
$ R # 1 1
eo + eo + eo = e
Then by defining state variables by
x1 = eo
x2 = e o
and the input and output variables by
u = ei
y = eo = x1
we obtain
# 0 1 0
x1 x1
B # R = C 1 R S B R + C 1 Su
x2 - - x2
y = [1 0] B R
These two equations give a mathematical model of the system in state space.

Transfer Functions of Cascaded Elements. Many feedback systems have com-

ponents that load each other. Consider the system shown in Figure 3–8. Assume that ei
is the input and eo is the output. The capacitances C1 and C2 are not charged initially.

R1 R2

ei C1 C2 eo

Figure 3–8 i1 i2
Electrical system.

Section 3–3 / Mathematical Modeling of Electrical Systems 73

It will be shown that the second stage of the circuit (R2 C2 portion) produces a loading
effect on the first stage (R1 C1 portion). The equations for this system are

Ai - i2 B dt + R1 i1 = ei
C1 3 1

Ai2 - i1 B dt + R2 i2 +
1 1
i dt = 0 (3–28)
C1 3 C2 3 2

i2 dt = eo (3–29)
C2 3

Taking the Laplace transforms of Equations (3–27) through (3–29), respectively, using
zero initial conditions, we obtain

CI (s) - I2(s) D + R1 I1(s) = Ei(s)

C1 s 1

CI2(s) - I1(s) D + R2 I2(s) +

1 1
I2(s) = 0 (3–31)
C1 s C2 s
I2(s) = Eo(s) (3–32)
C2 s

Eliminating I1(s) from Equations (3–30) and (3–31) and writing Ei(s) in terms of I2(s),
we find the transfer function between Eo(s) and Ei(s) to be

Eo(s) 1
Ei(s) AR1 C1 s + 1B AR2 C2 s + 1B + R1 C2 s

R1 C1 R2 C2 s + AR1 C1 + R2 C2 + R1 C2 Bs + 1

The term R1 C2 s in the denominator of the transfer function represents the interaction
of two simple RC circuits. Since AR1 C1 + R2 C2 + R1 C2 B 7 4R1 C1 R2 C2 , the two roots

of the denominator of Equation (3–33) are real.

The present analysis shows that, if two RC circuits are connected in cascade so
that the output from the first circuit is the input to the second, the overall transfer
function is not the product of 1兾AR1 C1 s + 1B and 1兾AR2 C2 s + 1B. The reason for this
is that, when we derive the transfer function for an isolated circuit, we implicitly as-
sume that the output is unloaded. In other words, the load impedance is assumed to
be infinite, which means that no power is being withdrawn at the output. When the sec-
ond circuit is connected to the output of the first, however, a certain amount of power
is withdrawn, and thus the assumption of no loading is violated. Therefore, if the trans-
fer function of this system is obtained under the assumption of no loading, then it is
not valid. The degree of the loading effect determines the amount of modification of
the transfer function.

74 Chapter 3 / Mathematical Modeling of Mechanical Systems and Electrical Systems

Complex Impedances. In deriving transfer functions for electrical circuits, we
frequently find it convenient to write the Laplace-transformed equations directly,
without writing the differential equations. Consider the system shown in Figure 3–9(a).
In this system, Z1 and Z2 represent complex impedances. The complex impedance
Z(s) of a two-terminal circuit is the ratio of E(s), the Laplace transform of the
voltage across the terminals, to I(s), the Laplace transform of the current through
the element, under the assumption that the initial conditions are zero, so that
Z(s)=E(s)/I(s). If the two-terminal element is a resistance R, capacitance C, or
inductance L, then the complex impedance is given by R, 1/Cs, or Ls, respectively. If
complex impedances are connected in series, the total impedance is the sum of the
individual complex impedances.
Remember that the impedance approach is valid only if the initial conditions
involved are all zeros. Since the transfer function requires zero initial conditions, the
impedance approach can be applied to obtain the transfer function of the electrical
circuit. This approach greatly simplifies the derivation of transfer functions of elec-
trical circuits.
Consider the circuit shown in Figure 3–9(b). Assume that the voltages ei and eo are
the input and output of the circuit, respectively. Then the transfer function of this
circuit is

Eo(s) Z2(s)
Ei(s) Z1(s) + Z2(s)

For the system shown in Figure 3–7,

Z1 = Ls + R, Z2 =

Hence the transfer function Eo(s)/Ei(s) can be found as follows:

Eo(s) Cs 1
= =
Ei(s) 1 LCs + RCs + 1
Ls + R +

which is, of course, identical to Equation (3–26).

i i i
Z1 Z2
ei Z2 eo
e1 e2
Figure 3–9 e
Electrical circuits. (a) (b)

Section 3–3 / Mathematical Modeling of Electrical Systems 75

EXAMPLE 3–7 Consider again the system shown in Figure 3–8. Obtain the transfer function Eo(s)/Ei(s) by use
of the complex impedance approach. (Capacitors C1 and C2 are not charged initially.)
The circuit shown in Figure 3–8 can be redrawn as that shown in Figure 3–10(a), which can be
further modified to Figure 3–10(b).
In the system shown in Figure 3–10(b) the current I is divided into two currents I1 and I2 .
Noting that

Z2 I1 = AZ3 + Z4 BI2 , I1 + I2 = I

we obtain
Z3 + Z4 Z2
I1 = I, I2 = I
Z2 + Z3 + Z4 Z2 + Z3 + Z4

Noting that
Z2 AZ3 + Z4 B
Ei(s) = Z1 I + Z2 I1 = c Z1 + dI
Z2 + Z3 + Z4

Z2 Z4
Eo(s) = Z4 I2 = I
Z2 + Z3 + Z4

we obtain
Eo(s) Z2 Z4
Ei(s) Z1 AZ2 + Z3 + Z4 B + Z2 AZ3 + Z4 B

Substituting Z1=R1 , Z2=1/AC1 sB, Z3=R2 , and Z4=1/AC2 sB into this last equation, we get

1 1
Eo(s) C1 s C2 s
R1 a b + a R2 + b
Ei(s) 1 1 1 1
+ R2 +
C1 s C2 s C1 s C2 s

R1 C1 R2 C2 s2 + AR1 C1 + R2 C2 + R1 C2 Bs + 1

which is the same as that given by Equation (3–33).


Z1 Z3 I1

Ei(s) Z2
Figure 3–10 Ei(s) Z2 Z4 Eo(s) Z4
(a) The circuit of Eo(s)
Figure 3–8 shown in
terms of impedances;
(b) equivalent circuit
diagram. (a) (b)

76 Chapter 3 / Mathematical Modeling of Mechanical Systems and Electrical Systems

X1(s) X2(s) X3(s) X1(s) X3(s)
G1(s) G2(s) G1(s) G2(s)

(a) (b)
Figure 3–11
(a) System consisting of two nonloading cascaded elements; (b) an equivalent system.

Transfer Functions of Nonloading Cascaded Elements. The transfer function

of a system consisting of two nonloading cascaded elements can be obtained by elimi-
nating the intermediate input and output. For example, consider the system shown in
Figure 3–11(a). The transfer functions of the elements are
X2(s) X3(s)
G1(s) = and G2(s) =
X1(s) X2(s)
If the input impedance of the second element is infinite, the output of the first element is
not affected by connecting it to the second element.Then the transfer function of the whole
system becomes
X3(s) X2(s)X3(s)
G(s) = = = G1(s)G2(s)
X1(s) X1(s)X2(s)
The transfer function of the whole system is thus the product of the transfer functions
of the individual elements. This is shown in Figure 3–11(b).
As an example, consider the system shown in Figure 3–12.The insertion of an isolating
amplifier between the circuits to obtain nonloading characteristics is frequently used in
combining circuits. Since amplifiers have very high input impedances, an isolation
amplifier inserted between the two circuits justifies the nonloading assumption.
The two simple RC circuits, isolated by an amplifier as shown in Figure 3–12, have
negligible loading effects, and the transfer function of the entire circuit equals the prod-
uct of the individual transfer functions. Thus, in this case,

= a b (K) a b
Eo(s) 1 1
Ei(s) R1 C1 s + 1 R2 C2 s + 1
AR1 C1 s + 1B AR2 C2 s + 1B

Electronic Controllers. In what follows we shall discuss electronic controllers using

operational amplifiers. We begin by deriving the transfer functions of simple operational-
amplifier circuits.Then we derive the transfer functions of some of the operational-amplifier
controllers. Finally, we give operational-amplifier controllers and their transfer functions in
the form of a table.
R1 R2

ei C1 amplifier C2 eo
(gain K)

Figure 3–12
Electrical system.

Section 3–3 / Mathematical Modeling of Electrical Systems 77

e1 –

e2 +
Figure 3–13

Operational Amplifiers. Operational amplifiers, often called op amps, are

frequently used to amplify signals in sensor circuits. Op amps are also frequently used
in filters used for compensation purposes. Figure 3–13 shows an op amp. It is a common
practice to choose the ground as 0 volt and measure the input voltages e1 and e2 relative
to the ground. The input e1 to the minus terminal of the amplifier is inverted, and the
input e2 to the plus terminal is not inverted.The total input to the amplifier thus becomes
e2 -e1 . Hence, for the circuit shown in Figure 3–13, we have

eo = KAe2 - e1 B = -KAe1 - e2 B

where the inputs e1 and e2 may be dc or ac signals and K is the differential gain (volt-
age gain). The magnitude of K is approximately 105 ~ 106 for dc signals and ac signals
with frequencies less than approximately 10 Hz. (The differential gain K decreases with
the signal frequency and becomes about unity for frequencies of 1 MHz ~ 50 MHz.)
Note that the op amp amplifies the difference in voltages e1 and e2 . Such an amplifier is
commonly called a differential amplifier. Since the gain of the op amp is very high, it is
necessary to have a negative feedback from the output to the input to make the ampli-
fier stable. (The feedback is made from the output to the inverted input so that the feed-
back is a negative feedback.)
In the ideal op amp, no current flows into the input terminals, and the output volt-
age is not affected by the load connected to the output terminal. In other words, the
input impedance is infinity and the output impedance is zero. In an actual op amp, a
very small (almost negligible) current flows into an input terminal and the output can-
not be loaded too much. In our analysis here, we make the assumption that the op amps
are ideal.

Inverting Amplifier. Consider the operational-amplifier circuit shown in Figure 3–14.

Let us obtain the output voltage eo .

i2 R2

i1 R1


Figure 3–14
Inverting amplifier.

78 Chapter 3 / Mathematical Modeling of Mechanical Systems and Electrical Systems

The equation for this circuit can be obtained as follows: Define
ei - e¿ e¿ - eo
i1 = , i2 =
R1 R2
Since only a negligible current flows into the amplifier, the current i1 must be equal to
current i2 . Thus
ei - e¿ e¿ - eo
R1 R2
Since K(0 - e¿) = e0 and K Ⰷ 1, e¿ must be almost zero, or e¿ ⯐ 0. Hence we have
ei -eo
R1 R2
eo = - ei
Thus the circuit shown is an inverting amplifier. If R1=R2 , then the op-amp circuit
shown acts as a sign inverter.

Noninverting Amplifier. Figure 3–15(a) shows a noninverting amplifier. A circuit

equivalent to this one is shown in Figure 3–15(b). For the circuit of Figure 3–15(b), we

eo = K a ei - eo b
R1 + R2
where K is the differential gain of the amplifier. From this last equation, we get

ei = a be
R1 1
R1 + R2 K o

Since K Ⰷ 1, if R1兾AR1 + R2 B Ⰷ 1兾K, then

eo = a 1 + b ei
This equation gives the output voltage eo . Since eo and ei have the same signs, the op-amp
circuit shown in Figure 3–15(a) is noninverting.


R1 –
– R2
Figure 3–15 +
(a) Noninverting eo R1
(b) equivalent
circuit. (a) (b)

Section 3–3 / Mathematical Modeling of Electrical Systems 79

EXAMPLE 3–8 Figure 3–16 shows an electrical circuit involving an operational amplifier. Obtain the output eo .
Let us define

ei - e¿ dAe¿ - eo B e¿ - eo
i1 = , i2 = C , i3 =
R1 dt R2

Noting that the current flowing into the amplifier is negligible, we have

i1 = i2 + i3


ei - e¿ dAe¿ - eo B e¿ - eo
= C +
R1 dt R2

Since e¿ ⯐ 0, we have

ei deo eo
= -C -
R1 dt R2

Taking the Laplace transform of this last equation, assuming the zero initial condition, we have

Ei(s) R2 Cs + 1
= - Eo(s)
R1 R2

which can be written as

Eo(s) R2 1
= -
Ei(s) R1 R2 Cs + 1

The op-amp circuit shown in Figure 3–16 is a first-order lag circuit. (Several other circuits involving
op amps are shown in Table 3–1 together with their transfer functions. Table 3–1 is given on
page 85.)

i2 C


i1 R1

ei eo
Figure 3–16
First-order lag circuit
using operational

80 Chapter 3 / Mathematical Modeling of Mechanical Systems and Electrical Systems

I (s)
Z 2(s)

I (s)
Z 1(s) –
Ei (s)
Figure 3–17
amplifier circuit.

Impedance Approach to Obtaining Transfer Functions. Consider the op-amp

circuit shown in Figure 3–17. Similar to the case of electrical circuits we discussed ear-
lier, the impedance approach can be applied to op-amp circuits to obtain their transfer
functions. For the circuit shown in Figure 3–17, we have

Ei(s) - E¿(s) E¿(s) - Eo(s)

Z1 Z2

Since E¿(s) ⯐ 0, we have

Eo(s) Z2(s)
= - (3–34)
Ei(s) Z1(s)

EXAMPLE 3–9 Referring to the op-amp circuit shown in Figure 3–16, obtain the transfer function Eo(s)/Ei(s) by
use of the impedance approach.
The complex impedances Z1(s) and Z2(s) for this circuit are

1 R2
Z1(s) = R1 and Z2(s) = =
1 R2 Cs + 1
Cs +

The transfer function Eo(s)/Ei(s) is, therefore, obtained as

Eo(s) Z2(s) R2 1
= - = -
Ei(s) Z1(s) R1 R2 Cs + 1

which is, of course, the same as that obtained in Example 3-8.

Section 3–3 / Mathematical Modeling of Electrical Systems 81

Lead or Lag Networks Using Operational Amplifiers. Figure 3–18(a) shows an
electronic circuit using an operational amplifier. The transfer function for this circuit
can be obtained as follows: Define the input impedance and feedback impedance as Z1
and Z2 , respectively. Then
R1 R2
Z1 = , Z2 =
R1 C1 s + 1 R2 C2 s + 1
Hence, referring to Equation (3–34), we have
s +
E(s) Z2 R2 R1 C1s + 1 C1 R1 C1
= - = - = - (3–35)
Ei(s) Z1 R1 R2 C2s + 1 C2 1
s +
R2 C2
Notice that the transfer function in Equation (3–35) contains a minus sign.Thus, this circuit
is sign inverting. If such a sign inversion is not convenient in the actual application, a sign
inverter may be connected to either the input or the output of the circuit of Figure 3–18(a).
An example is shown in Figure 3–18(b). The sign inverter has the transfer function of
Eo(s) R4
= -
E(s) R3
The sign inverter has the gain of -R4兾R3 . Hence the network shown in Figure 3–18(b)
has the following transfer function:
s +
Eo(s) R2 R4 R1 C1s + 1 R4 C1 R1 C1
= =
Ei(s) R1 R3 R2 C2s + 1 R3 C2 1
s +
R2 C2
s +
Ts + 1 T
= Kc a = Kc (3–36)
aTs + 1 1
s +

C2 C1
Z1 Z2 R4
C1 – R3
R2 R1 –
i1 E9(s) i2 +
– Ei (s)
R1 E(s) Eo(s)
Ei(s) E(s)

Lead or lag network Sign inverter

(a) (b)
Figure 3–18
(a) Operational-amplifier circuit; (b) operational-amplifier circuit used as a lead or lag compensator.

82 Chapter 3 / Mathematical Modeling of Mechanical Systems and Electrical Systems

R4 C1
T = R1 C1 , aT = R2 C2 , Kc =
R3 C2

Notice that
R4 C1 R2 C2 R2 R4 R2 C2
Kc a = = , a =
R3 C2 R1 C1 R1 R3 R1 C1

This network has a dc gain of Kc a = R2 R4兾AR1 R3 B.

Note that this network, whose transfer function is given by Equation (3–36), is a lead
network if R1 C1 7 R2 C2 , or a<1. It is a lag network if R1 C1 6 R2 C2 .

PID Controller Using Operational Amplifiers. Figure 3–19 shows an electronic

proportional-plus-integral-plus-derivative controller (a PID controller) using opera-
tional amplifiers. The transfer function E(s)兾Ei(s) is given by

E(s) Z2
= -
Ei(s) Z1
R1 R2 C2s + 1
Z1 = , Z2 =
R1 C1s + 1 C2s
R2 C2 s + 1 R1 C1 s + 1
= -a ba b
Ei(s) C2 s R1

Noting that
Eo(s) R4
= -
E(s) R3

Z1 C2

– R3
R1 –
Ei (s) E(s)
Figure 3–19
Electronic PID

Section 3–3 / Mathematical Modeling of Electrical Systems 83

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