The Impact of Horror Movies

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The impact of horror movies

Movies are the perfect way to relax, but beyond being a form of entertainment, movies affect us physically and intellectually without us being able to detect it ;
They are capable of transmitting ideas through emotion and neutralizing the instinct to repress feelings and trigger emotional release, that is, they can open
doors that remain closed.

Physical effects of horror movies

Funny movies help you forget about problems and improve your sense of well-being. They even help strengthen the immune system and reduce stress
hormones, which constrict blood vessels.
On the other hand, people who are fascinated by horror movies are usually those who love to skydive and go on extreme adventures, because avoiding death
makes them feel more alive; That is why horror films offer them the opportunity to experience events that would not happen in their lives.
These films affect the body physiologically, increasing the heart rate , and in people with coronary heart disease, they can increase chest pain and blood
pressure; It can also cause an increase in adrenaline and cortisol levels , and worse, trigger memories of traumatic events that have been experienced.

Psychological effects of horror movies

Watching horror movies produces fear, anxiety, insomnia, phobias and mental trauma, but the positive effect of frequent viewing of this type of movie also helps
desensitize people who suffer from anxiety and fear.

It is an immediate psychological effect of watching horror movies, which can persist for a few days, even months, after watching the movie; The thoughts and
situations of the characters can range from several nights to long periods of time, and they can develop insomnia and nightmares. that can affect mental and
physical health.


The person may feel fear of the dark, feelings of crying, screaming, shaking, nausea, even fear of losing control and fear of dying.

It is a visible effect of horror movies on children and adults, and it can persist especially in the adulthood of the little ones.

Observing certain situations in horror movies can develop a phobia towards animals such as mammals, insects, reptiles, natural disasters, blood, heights and
closed spaces and can cause the mind to be disturbed by loud noises or unpleasant faces.

mental trauma
Some of the images are disturbing, resulting in post-traumatic stress disorders, especially in people who undergo the sufferings of real-life events.
If a person develops this disorder after watching a movie, they may not be able to draw a line between reality and fiction, people who desire and like horror
movies must be mentally stable, otherwise, they could lead to depression .
Positive treatment: Desensitization

Watching a horror movie has some advantages because it tends to desensitize a person to violence, which creates an impact on the person's behavior and helps
them become less startled when faced with difficult situations in real life; These films become an effective tool for the treatment of fears and phobias.

Fear is an extremely annoying negative feeling that appears when we perceive a threat . It is considered a basic survival mechanism that occurs in response
to some specific stimulus, pain or danger. It is a feeling based on events that will happen in the future or a reaction to something that is happening in the
present. The usual behavior of fear is to flee from what is feared .

The most common fears are those related to death, harmful animals, heights, loneliness, closed spaces and social relationships. Studies prove that these
specific fears develop with learning. Many people feel fears that are conditioned by other primary fears , with which they have some point of contact, such
as color or sound in a given situation.

Fears can also appear as a consequence of catastrophes or high-stress situations. A child who falls into a well may develop a fear of heights, water, the dark, or
closed places. But fear infections also occur. A person may react fearfully after seeing this response in his or her peers.

Culture influences fears . Not all peoples feel fear in the same contexts, and the way of expressing that they are afraid also varies based on the visual norms
and communication codes of the different intercultural groups.

Although fear is learned, the ability to feel it is intrinsically natural. It is believed that early humans, who lived in very hostile conditions, survived and
reproduced more depending on how quickly they responded with fear to a threatening situation. This has led scientists to explain fear as a genetic effect
resulting from evolution.

The photo
Jaime and Paula got married. Already during the honeymoon it was evident that Paula was dying. The doctor predicted just a few months to live. Jaime, to
preserve that beautiful face, asked him to allow himself to be photographed. Paula, who was planting a sunflower seed in a pot, obliged him: sitting with the
pot on her lap, she smiled and…


Shortly after, death. Then Jaime had the photo enlarged - Paula's face was beautiful like a flower -, he put glass and a frame on it and placed it on the

One morning, when he woke up, he saw that a small spot had appeared on the photograph. Maybe humidity? He didn't pay any more attention. Three days
later: what was that? Not a spot that overlapped the photo but a sprout that emerged from the pot inside the photo. The feeling of strangeness turned into fear
when in the following days he realized that photography lived as if, instead of reproducing nature, it reproduced itself in nature. Every morning, when he woke
up, he observed a change. It was that the photographed plant was growing. It grew and grew until finally a large sunflower covered Paula's face.

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