SUPERNATURAL EVANGELISM - Guillermo Maldonado - 1

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What is the great commission?
It is the mandate or mission that Jesus left us to carry out and it consists of two things.
These are:
1 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”
And he said to them: - Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mark 16:15
2 “Go into all the world and make disciples.”
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit… Matthew 28.19
Making disciples is another command given by Jesus to his church, and the way to do it is:
“go and win souls; and after they are saved, train them in everything related to the gospel, so
that they can fulfill the purpose that God has for their lives.”Teach them to be good
witnesses of me, Jesus said, train them and equip them so that they do the same with
The main reason why this has not been fulfilled is because there are no believers who have
been “discipled” to win souls, and in this we pastors must recognize our responsibility. We
are busier fighting for the sheep that ran away from us to the other shepherd than battling
the devil for the souls he is stealing from us.
Summing up, we can say that the great commission is made up of two stages, number one,
go into all the world and evangelize and number two, disciple those who are saved.
Jesus commissions us and sends us; These are apostolic terms. Jesus sends us, but together
with the commission, he gives us the tools to fulfill the mission. The key word in all this is
“go”, and it is as we go that the signs will follow us.
What tools did Jesus give us to “go,” and what things will happen along the way?
1 Jesus gave us authority (authority is the same as power).
Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: All authority in heaven and on earth has
been given to me.
Matthew 28.18
Behold, I give you power to kill serpents and scorpions… Luke 10:19
In these two verses, we see that when Jesus is resurrected, he receives all the power, the
authority; element that immediately gives us believers.
What is authority?
It comes from the Greek word “exousia,” which means delegated legal right to do what we
are commanded. It is the power that believers have to do things in his name and say that “He
is Jesus.” He is the one who delegated his authority to us and gave us the legal right to use
his name, to speak openly about the gospel, to cast out demons and heal the sick. You and I
have the authority to do it .
2 Jesus gave us the message.
And he said to them: - Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer
and rise from the dead.
dead on the third day… Luke 24.46
But we preach Christ crucified, for the Jews a stumbling block indeed, and
for the Gentiles madness. 1 Corinthians 1.23
For I resolved not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ, and this
crucified 1 Corinthians 2.2
The message that Jesus gave us to carry out the great commission consists of two parts.
These are:
• Crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus.
Our message is that Jesus suffered on a cross to save us from our sins and was resurrected
on the third day for our justification and redemption.
Unfortunately, the message of the cross of Jesus is being preached very little from the
pulpits, and for this reason, we do not have conversions.
• “Repentance and forgiveness of sins.”
This is the second part of the message that Jesus gave us, which we must take to the whole
And that repentance and forgiveness of sins would be preached in his name in all
nations, starting from Jerusalem. Luke 24.47
It said: the time has come and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in
the gospel. Mark 1:15
Today a gospel is preached that only offers bread and fish; a comfortable gospel, for
convenience and not for repentance of sins.
What is the message, that in essence, Jesus is commanding us to speak?
We must tell the wicked that he is a sinner and needs to repent of all his sins. Also, let him
know that he has offended God, that he needs to change his way of thinking and acting. This
message of repentance must also lead every person to a change of direction and action,
because otherwise, they are on the road to perdition.
The only way for the conviction of the Holy Spirit to come upon a person is when he is
told that he is a sinner, because the Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin,
righteousness and judgment.
And when he comes, he will convince the world of sin, righteousness and judgment.
John 16.8 If we do not tell the world about his sin, the anointing to convict him of it will not
come upon him and he will not be born again. However, we find thousands of people who
come to the altar to receive Jesus, but do not remain, because they are offered solutions to
their problems, blessings, health, restoration of their marriage and prosperity. It is good to
talk about all this, but before letting them know these things, we must lead them to repent of
their sins, by telling them that Jesus suffered, died, and rose again to pay for them. In short,
the commission given by Jesus to us believers is to preach the death, the crucifixion of
Christ, his resurrection and tell people to believe in the gospel and repent of their sins.
3 Jesus gave us the anointing and the power.
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my
witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1.8
When the Lord sent us, he did not send us without weapons, he gave us the authority, the
message and the power.
The word for power in Greek is “dunamis,” which means the ability to carry out what we
are sent to do. The word “dunamis” comes from the Spanish word dynamite. Isn't it
powerful what God gives us to spread his gospel?
How is this power and anointing received?
This power and this anointing is received when we receive the filling of the Holy Spirit with
the evidence of speaking in other tongues. If you have not received this evidence, look for it
right now. Ask the Lord to be filled with his power. The sign that shows that we have been
filled with that power and anointing from above is when we begin to speak in new tongues.
What is the purpose of this power?
…and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of
the earth.
land. Acts 1.8
The key word is witnesses . The reason for receiving the baptism with the Holy Spirit is so
that we can be witnesses of Jesus, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. A witness
is someone who has testimony of an event that he or she experienced.
There are many believers who receive this power, this anointing and this filling, but they do
not use it fully, they do not testify or speak of Christ. However, the main purpose for which
we were given this power was precisely to be witnesses and winners of souls.
4 Jesus gave us signs, miracles and healings.
These signs will follow those who believe: In my name they will cast out demons, they will
new languages…Mark 16:17
The Lord gave us signs to confirm that his gospel is the truth, and that these truths follow us
in order to demonstrate their power.
What is a sign?
It is a mark of the love and power of God. It is something that provokes the astonishment of
the observer. It is a mark or indication that makes the viewer marvel at what he hears or
what he sees.
Who do these signs follow?
To those who believe. Unfortunately, many believers, pastors, and ministers who do not
believe in these signs, therefore, do not follow them, because they are unbelievers or their
traditions do not allow them to believe.
For these signs to follow you, you simply have to be a believer who believes the word and
has faith for it, because this is not for skeptics or unbelievers. What are the signs that follow
believers when preaching the gospel?
• "They will speak new languages."
• “They will cast out demons.”
• “They will take serpents in their hands.”
• “If they drink a deadly thing, it will not harm them.”
• “He will lay his hands on the sick and they will recover.”

Jesus gives us these signs to confirm his word and his gospel, and for them to follow us,
what we have to do is believe them, practice them and act on them.
Summarizing what the Lord gave us to fulfill the great commission, was his authority, the
message, the power and the signs.
Signs and wonders have several purposes:
• They make the people speak, minister and pray with boldness and boldness.
As you stretch out your hand for healing, signs and wonders to be done through the
holy name of your Son Jesus. Acts 4.30
• They accompany or follow the one who is sent.
He brought them out, having performed wonders and signs in the land of Egypt, in the Red
Sea, and in
the desert for forty years. Acts 7:36
• They bear witness to the word of God.
However, they stayed there for a long time, speaking boldly, trusting in the Lord, who bore
witness to the word of his grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands. Acts
• They are God's advertisement to attract people.
Believers. There is a misconception in the church of Jesus Christ, where it is assumed that
the pastor is the only one who has to evangelize. There are people who say phrases such as:
“that's what you get paid for” and unfortunately, that type of mentality is destroying
evangelism in churches. Pastors are called to train, teach, and equip believers to evangelize,
but it is the believers who have the responsibility to do so.
What does the word tell us about it?
* God has given us the ministry of reconciliation.
And all this comes from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and gave us the
ministry of reconciliation…2 Corinthians 5.8
Our job is to reconcile the world, the sinner or the wicked with their Creator, through the
message of the gospel. Each believer must seek peace between the sinner and God through
repentance, he must also groan and pray for him.
• It is the responsibility of every believer to deliver all the lost.
Deliver those who are led to death, save those whose lives are in danger.
Proverbs 24.11
God sends us people so that we can talk to them about the Lord. We need to speak this
gospel to those we meet every day so that they may be delivered from death.
• Every believer has the responsibility to admonish the unconverted.
When I say to the wicked, You will surely die; and you will not warn him or speak to him, so
let the wicked be warned from his evil way so that he may live, the wicked will die for his
evil but his blood I will require at your hand. But if you warn the wicked, and he does not
turn from his wickedness and his evil way he will die for his wickedness, but you will have
freed your soul. Ezekiel 3.18-19
Let us remember what we studied at the beginning of the book, our responsibility is to tell
the wicked that he is a sinner and that his sin is going to destroy him.
• Wise believers are soul winners.
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; he who wins souls is wise. Proverbs11:30
• Unsaved people cannot hear if believers do not preach to them.
How then will they call upon him in whom they have not believed? And how will they
believe in that one of
who hasn't heard? And how can they hear without a preacher? And how will they preach if
are sent? How it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who announce peace,
of those who announce good news. Romans 10:14-15
Today, the harvest of souls is great throughout the world. There are thousands who are only
waiting for a word from a believer, but there is no one to speak the gospel to them; Someone
has to go and bring them the message.
• The believer is the salt and light of the earth.
You are the salt of the earth; But if salt loses its flavor, with what will it be salty? No
It serves no purpose except to be cast out and trampled by men. You are
the light of the world; A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. Matthew 5.13-
The reason why the Lord left us here on earth is so that we may be light and salt; so that we
bring light where there is darkness and so that we are an answer to the pain of humanity.
God did not leave us here on earth to be comfortable and warm benches, but to preach the
good news of salvation.
• The Lord needs workers to evangelize.
And he said to them: “The harvest is truly great, but the workers are few; therefore pray to
Lord of the harvest, send workers to your harvest.” Luke 10.2
God is looking for available workers who have a passion for souls and seek them with all
their hearts. The harvest is ready, it just needs someone to go and speak the word of the
gospel so that it can be reaped. God has everything in abundance, with the exception of
workers, and the reason for this is that it does not depend on him, but on the will of men.
• Each believer must take advantage of the time to be able to evangelize.
Walk wisely toward those outside, making good use of your time. Colossians 4.5. Today is
the appointed time to win souls and to gather the harvest. Let's not waste time on things that
are not of eternal value. Let's take advantage of the opportunity to evangelize at school, in
the neighborhood, at work, in the office, in the factory, on the playing field and wherever
else we are. People are waiting, and it is our job and responsibility as believers to win souls
and evangelize every creature. We already know that Jesus commissioned us to go into all
the world. He already gave us the authority, the message, the power and the signs. We also
know that it is our responsibility as believers to preach the gospel, and that it is our pastor's
responsibility to teach and train us. Now let's look at some statistics that show us the critical
state our society is in and the importance of obeying the Lord's command.
General population: 280,562,489 in the United States of America.
Approximately 46 million women abort children every year. This is an average of 126
thousand abortions daily around the world. (Allan Guttmacker institute 98) Approximately
1.3 million runaway youth around the nation live on the streets. An average of 1 to 7
children between the ages of 10 and 18 run away from home daily. (National Runaway
Approximately 17 out of 100,000 die as a result of suicide around the world. This represents
one death by suicide every 40 seconds. (World Health Organization). Approximately 22.1%
of the population, over 18 years of age, suffers from some type of mental disorder. 1 in 5
people, for a total of more than 44 million in the United States. (National Institute of Mental
Approximately 18.8 million American adults suffer from depression, that is, 9.5%
nationwide. At the local level, 9.1% of the population suffers from depression. (National
Institute of Mental Health).
Approximately 4.1% of every marriage, nationally, ends in divorce; This is an average of
1,135,000 divorces per year. (National Center for Health Statistics). Right now, one in 32
people nationwide are locked up in jails and prisons in the United States. This represents
3.1% of the adult population (Bureau of Justice Statistics).
Approximately 14 million Americans use alcohol to the point of alcoholism; this is 1 in
every 13 adults. (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism). It is estimated that
10% of the national population is homosexual in some way, with an average of 4% strictly
homosexual. (The Kindsey Study).
Approximately 4 million women die annually from attacks by their boyfriend or husband. 1
in 4 women are at risk of being assaulted daily. In the past years, 1.37 million women
reported being abused. 4 women a day turn out to be victims. (Bureau of Justice Statistics).
In 2000, the abuse of 5 million children was reported to the Child Protective Service.
Approximately 1,012,000 of the children turned out to be victims. The numbers have
increased alarmingly since that date. (The Administration for Children and Families).
Approximately 600,000 men, women and children sleep on the streets of the United States
every night. (One Heart Foundation).
Approximately 16.6 million United States citizens use drugs. This represents 7.3% of the
national population. (Narconon of Southern California).
60% of all internet chats are related to pornography. (National Center for Missing and
Exploited Children)
Approximately 2,856 cases of pornography among pedophiles and minors under 18 years of
age were reported to the authorities in a period of one year. (Newsweek 3-19).
It has been estimated that 325 thousand minors under the age of 17 are involved in
prostitution or child pornography. (National Coalition for the Protection of Children and
Families). Approximately 1 in 5 men and 1 in 8 women nationwide use computer
pornography in the workplace. (MSNBC).

We have a great challenge ahead of us with all these statistics. The church has to rekindle
the passion for souls. What is our challenge to evangelize?
Today we hardly hear of evangelistic campaigns or meetings to reach the lost. Most
Christian magazines, radio and television advertisements are designed to reach the believer
and not the unsaved. Today, there are conferences for leaders and music concerts, but very
few have an evangelistic touch. There are churches where members have to remind their
pastor to call the lost, because even that is not done in many churches. In other ministries,
the few people who convert are not followed up for their spiritual growth. We have a great
challenge ahead of us, but we also have an anointing from God that has come upon us to
win the lost. Let's make a commitment today, let's not wait for tomorrow. The Lord wants to
use us today to bring his gospel to the whole world. If we do not have the passion for souls,
we are going to ask God for it, to give us a great burden like we have never had before, the
figures are catastrophic and we need to do something, we must do our part and God will
help us.


One of the great concerns of believers today is that they do not know what they are going to
say when they have to talk to unsaved people about Jesus. I want to prepare them so that
when that moment comes, they are ready and know what to say.
Some things that are necessary for us to say and others that are not:
• Never ask: “Are you a Christian?”
• Be kind and courteous to people. ( 2 Timothy 6:24 )

• Use normal everyday conversations.

• Don't talk much. ( Proverbs 14.7 )
• Don't get unfocused on little things. ( 2 Timothy 2:16 )
• Never go to a person because of their appearance. ( 2 Samuel 16:17 )
• Assume they are ready to say the sinner's prayer. ( 2 Peter 3.9 )
• Don't be afraid of a “No.”
• Don't be afraid to pray even after a “No.”
• Don't try to force the fruit. ( Jeremiah 5.24 )
• Never ask, “How do you feel?” Generally, they will say very well.
• Don't make the mistake of not following up.
• Your attitude is very important. ( 1 Corinthians 13.1-8 )
• Don't wait for the fish to come to you. ( Mark 16:15 )
• Go prepared in prayer and fasting at all times. ( 1 Peter 3:15 )
• Don't wait for feelings.
• Go in faith expecting something. (2 Corinthians 5:7 )
Where and to whom to evangelize?
Each person has a circle of influence, such as: their home, their work, their neighbors, their
business, their office, among others; in which one can evangelize. God has placed you
where you are, strategically, so that you can be light. Start today to be a good influence on
everyone around you, giving a good testimony and testifying for God with your mouth.
How did Jesus testify?
For this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us
example for you to follow in his footsteps. 1 Peter 2.21
Jesus was the best teacher who taught us how to win souls. He is our example and we have
to follow in his footsteps.
Let's take into account some characteristics of how Jesus testified of the kingdom.
• Jesus loved sinners.
• Jesus was tender and kind.
• Jesus was guided by the Holy Spirit.
• Jesus sought the souls of men.
• Jesus spoke with authority.
• Jesus was natural and supernatural.
• Jesus used a common language.
• Jesus was ready all the time.
• Jesus never left a case hopeless.
• Jesus had compassion on people.
Let's look at some examples in scripture of how Jesus testified.
Jesus and the Samaritan woman
Jesus approaches the Samaritan woman in a natural way, and once the conversation begins,
he enters the supernatural to see her heart. Let's analyze how he did it.
• Jesus asks him a favor. Jesus is asking him for something natural by saying: “give
me a drink.”
A woman from Samaria came to draw water; and Jesus said to him, “Give me a drink.”
John 4.7
• Jesus awakens curiosity in her.
Jesus answered and said to him: “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that says to you:
Give me
to drink, you would ask him, and he would give you living water.” John 4.10
Jesus wants to lead the woman to eternal life, and he didn't let her take him out of focus.
• Jesus awakens in him the desire to have eternal life.
…but whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never thirst, it will be in him a
source of
water springing up to eternal life. John 4.14
• Jesus knows, through the word of knowledge, the family and personal condition of
women. Jesus said to her, “Go, call your husband, and come here. The woman
answered and said, “I have no husband.” Jesus said to her: “You have said well: “I
have no husband” because you have had five husbands and the one you now have is not
your husband. This you have said truly.” John 4.16-18 • Jesus knows, by word of
wisdom, that the woman is a future worshiper and an evangelist.
But now comes, and now is, when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and
truth, for the Father also seeks such worshipers to worship Him.
John 4.23
• Jesus reveals himself to him as the Messiah.
Jesus said to him: “I am the one who speaks to you.” John 4.26
In short, we have that, first, he approached the woman in a natural way, and he realized
in a supernatural way that she had a void in her heart, which she was trying to fill with
the company of husbands. Jesus also knew, in a supernatural way, that the woman was a
potential worshiper, and that she would also become an evangelist.
What I mean by this?
A gift of the Holy Spirit can be the key to touching a person's heart. Let us pray that the
Lord will reveal to us personal things about the unconverted and that he will give us the
opportunity to preach the gospel to them. There are cases in my personal life, where God
has given me a word for a person, and when I have told it to them, they have started to
cry. We must be guided by the Holy Spirit to be effective in sharing the gospel.
- Jesus and Nicodemus
Let's see how he testified to Nicodemus:
• He went straight to the “point” and never compromised principles.
Jesus answered him: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless someone is born again, he will not
can see the kingdom of God.” John 3.3
• Jesus takes the initiative and challenges their way of thinking.
Jesus answered: - Verily, verily, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit,
he cannot enter the kingdom of God. John 3.5
• Jesus awakens curiosity in him.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and what is born of the Spirit is spirit. John
• Jesus rebukes Nicodemus.
Jesus answered him: - You are the teacher of Israel, don't you know this? John
• Jesus shares his testimony.
Truly, truly, I say to you, what we know, what we speak, and what we have seen,
we testify; but you do not receive our testimony. John 3.11
Nicodemus did not become a believer immediately, but later he did. This appears in
John 9 . What we can conclude from this meeting between Jesus and Nicodemus is that
Jesus never used the same tactic. In this case Jesus knew in a supernatural way that
Nicodemus had a strong religious mentality, however Jesus challenged him with words
given by the Holy Spirit.
- Jesus and blind Bartimaeus
Heaven cries out with a loud voice for Jesus to hear. Notice that these miracles were
happening while Jesus was preaching in the cities.
Then they came to Jericho: and when he left Jericho, he and his disciples and a great
Blind Bartimaeus, son of Timaeus, was sitting by the road, begging. frames
The enemy wanted to steal the miracle from Bartimaeus, and used the people to rebuke him,
but this man continued to cry out and claimed what belonged to him as a son of the
Then Jesus, stopping, sent for him; and they called to the blind man, saying, “Have
trust; Get up, he calls you…” Mark 10:49
• Jesus stops to talk to a beggar. To a beggar, a dirty and hopeless man. This shows us
what the heart of Jesus is like. Then Jesus asks him what his problem is, because he
wants to hear it directly from the blind man.
Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do to you?” The blind man said to him: Master,
let him recover
the view. Mark 10:51
• Jesus gives him a “blank check” and the blind man asks for his sight back.
Jesus told him; “Go, your faith has saved you.” Immediately he received his sight and
followed Jesus.
by the way. Mark 10:52
• Jesus heals the blind man through the gift of healing.
Bartimaeus became a disciple of Jesus. What was the key to evangelizing Bartimaeus? The
health of your eyes. This opened the door to Bartimaeus' heart, and after meeting him, he
became his disciple.
In the life of Jesus we find, very often, that the gifts of the Holy Spirit were an important
key when He testified of the Kingdom, an example of this was the healing of Bartimaeus;
The gift of healing was the key to winning the heart of a man and leading him to be his
- Jesus and the man born blind
As Jesus passed by he saw a man blind from birth. John 9.1
Notice it says, “Jesus saw the blind man as he passed by.” While Jesus was “going”
something happened (once we verify that miracles have to happen, then we will go look for
the lost).
And his disciples asked him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that
was born blind?” John 9.2
Here the disciples want to find the root of the problem by asking Jesus why he was born
blind. Then Jesus answers the following:
Jesus answered: “It was not that this man or his parents sinned, but that the works of God
might be
manifest in him.” John 9.3
Jesus, in a supernatural way and with the word for a word of the gift of science, finds the
root of the problem.
It is necessary for me to do the works of him who sent me, while the day lasts; The night
comes, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world. John
9.4-5 Jesus talks about the priority, which is to do the will of the Father, and that he has no
time to waste and therefore, he reveals the purpose for which he came to man. The
important thing was not whether this man or his parents had sinned, the important thing was
that God wanted to manifest his power in him.
Jesus does something daring and unusual guided by the Holy Spirit, he spread mud on the
blind man's eyes and he was healed.
Having said this, he spit on the ground, made mud with the saliva, and anointed the blind
man's eyes with the mud.
…John 9.6
What is the end result?
Jesus heard that they had expelled him, and finding him, he said to him: - Do you believe
in the Son of God? He answered and said, Who is he, Lord, that I should believe in him?
Jesus said to him: “Well, you have seen, he who speaks to you, that is the one.” And he
said, “I believe, Lord” and worshiped him. John 9.35-38 Jesus, through the gift of miracles
and healings, heals the blind man and wins him for his kingdom. Once again, we see that
Jesus' key to witnessing was to change natural circumstances into supernatural events.
What are Jesus' instructions for carrying out the supernatural gospel?
1 Pray for the peace of the unconverted.
Whatever house you enter, first say: “Peace be to this house.” Luke 10.5 Praying for peace
and for the homes of the unconverted will nullify the power of the demons that have been
designed to blind the light of the gospel in them. If the unconverted have peace, they will be
able to make decisions that lead them to know Jesus as their savior.
2 Socialize with them.
Stay in that same house, eating and drinking what they give you, because the worker is
worthy of his salary. Don't go from house to house. Luke 10.7
Jesus talks about entering that house, eating, drinking, and socializing with them, but not
having intimate communion. This will open a door, so that later you can speak to him about
the Lord. The only reason or objective to socialize with them is to talk to them about Jesus.
It's one thing to socialize, and another thing to be close friends. The reason why one should
socialize with unsaved people is to serve them, and in this way win their hearts so that they
know the Lord.
3 Provide your needs.
…and heal the sick that are found in it, and say to it: “The Kingdom has come near to you.”
of God". Luke 10.9
Ask them if they are sick, wash their car, mow their lawn; do acts of service. When a person
is helped in their need, they open their heart to receive the gospel.
4 Proclaim the gospel.
Once we have prayed for peace, socialized with them (without doing what they do), and
helped them when they have had problems, then the ground is ready to proclaim and speak
to them about the gospel.
5 Jesus sends us to make a supernatural gospel.
…heal the sick. Luke 10.9
And as you go, preach, saying: “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” Heal the sick,
cleanse lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons; of thanks you received, give of
funny. Matthew 10.7-8
It is impossible to preach a gospel without healings, without miracles and without casting
out demons. Jesus sends us, and we have to do and practice that supernatural gospel. We
don't necessarily have to follow the same order all the time.
We must always be attentive so that the Holy Spirit moves as he wishes.


Believers do not realize the great power that a person's testimony has. It is a powerful
weapon against the enemy, and if we know how to use it correctly, we can win many souls
for Christ.
What is testimony?
It is to relate one's own experience of what Jesus did in our life.
One of the things that personal testimony produces in others is the stimulation of faith and
hope. The testimony gives them the conviction to say: “if God did it for them, he can do it
for me.”
What are the steps to share your testimony?
1 Briefly describe your background.
Explain who you were, what you did, how you felt and what your condition was. For
example: “I am an accountant and I used to do a lot of fraud. “I felt alone, I smoked
marijuana and abused my family.” This is a brief description of your background.
2 Describe the events that led to your salvation.
* What happened to you in your personal life that led you to seek God?
* What was your spiritual condition at that time?
* How did you realize you needed God?
You can give an example like this:
• “One of the things that led me to God was that I had tried everything and nothing
had worked for me.”
• “My marriage was destroyed and I felt the need to seek God.”
• “I felt alone, empty and in need of getting closer to him.”
3 Describe your salvation experience.
* How did you know the Lord?
* Where did you meet him?
*Who preached to him?
* What happened at the precise moment you gave your heart to the Lord?
Use an example like this: “The moment I said the prayer at the altar, I felt that something
was taken away from me, and a peace came to my heart.”
4 Talk about evidence of your change.
Be specific, talk about your walk with the Lord and what Jesus means to you.
You can use examples like these; Depending on what your true experience is:
• “I was a lying person, but now I don't tell lies anymore.”
• “Before I met the Lord I smoked, I smelled cocaine, but now I don't do it anymore.”
• “I used to abuse my family, but now I give them a lot of love.”
• “Before I had a lot of unforgiveness and bitterness, but I have already forgiven
everyone who hurt me.”
Finally, say that your walk with Jesus has been wonderful, that you still have your struggles,
but that the Lord gives you strength and fortitude to keep going. Say, also, that Jesus is first
in your life and that you love him with all your heart, and that the same thing that he did for
you, he can do for anyone who accepts him in their heart.


Prayer is the main key to being able to evangelize effectively. It is of no use to us to follow
all the previous steps if we have not prayed. To pray effectively for lost souls, we have to do
it as Jesus and the apostles did, “specifically.”
What things should we pray for?
1 Pray for peace.
Whatever house you enter, first say: “Peace be to this house.” Luke 10.5
Jesus taught us that the first thing we have to do when we enter the house of an unconverted
person is to pray for the peace of that home. In order for us to win our neighbors, our
family, and our co-workers to Christ, we must pray for God's peace in them, in their home,
in their family, and so on.
2 Pray for the workers.
And he said to them: “The harvest is truly great, but the workers are few; therefore pray to
Lord of the harvest, send workers to your harvest.” Luke 10.2
One of the things that the kingdom of God lacks today is workers. Available people who
have passion and compassion are needed to go find the lost. Our daily prayer should be that
God would send workers to those who are lost.
3 Pray for opportunities to preach the gospel.
Pray also at the same time for us, so that the Lord opens the door for us to
word, in order to make known the mystery of Christ, for which I am also a prisoner...
Colossians 4.3
Our daily prayer should be that God, supernaturally, opens the doors for unsaved people to
come our way, and that he grants us divine appointments to talk to them about Jesus,
whether in the office, in the church, in the business, in school, in the factory or in other
4 Pray for the salvation of sinners.
The Lord does not delay his promise, as some consider delay, but is patient
toward us, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should proceed to
repentance. 2 Peter 3.9
• Every day, we must pray that God removes the blindfold from the eyes of
unbelievers so that they can know the truth and it will set them free.
That is, among the unbelievers, whose minds the God of this world has blinded,
lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ shine upon them, which is the
image of God. 2 Corinthians 4.4
• Pray that God enlightens the understanding of the wicked. The wicked do not
understand the gospel because they are blinded by the enemy.
5 Pray boldly when speaking of the gospel.
“And now, Lord, look at their threats and grant to your servants that they speak with all
your word…” Acts 4:29 .
The word boldness in Greek is “parrhesia”, which means daring, audacity, audacity,
intrepidity, bravery. There are many believers who need “parrhesia” today.
The opposite of boldness is fear. There are people who do not dare to preach the gospel
because they are very afraid of being rejected. So, your prayer should be directed to the
Lord giving you boldness. One of the weapons that the enemy uses to bring fear or
trepidation to the believer, so that the gospel is not preached, is shame. Paul gives us a
powerful verse about this.
“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of
who believes, of the Jew first and also of the Greek…” Romans 1:16.
It is necessary to pray to receive courage to preach, in this way, the power of God will
support us.
6 Pray for the word to spread freely.
Finally, brothers, pray for us, so that the word of the Lord may spread and be
glorified, even as it was among you, 2 and that we may be delivered from men
perverse and bad; because it is not everyone's faith. 2 Thessalonians 3:1,2.
Today the enemy puts many obstacles so that the word of God is not preached. Use mass
media such as: radio, television, written press, among others. Our duty is for the word to
flow through these media and to all nations.


As we mentioned previously, one of the great problems of believers today is that they do not
know how to present the gospel of Jesus; They don't know what to say. Many are willing,
others have a great passion for the lost, but they have not yet learned how to win souls for
Let's study some steps that will help us share the gospel effectively.
1. Approach the unconverted.
This can happen in different ways:
• Giving a compliment or a compliment to the person. For example: “how beautiful
your house is”, “what a beautiful child you have”.
• Starting a friendly conversation. Hi how are you? How beautiful today is!
• Asking him the name of where he is from among others.
• Introducing yourself (say your name). Hi my name is Julio. What her name?
• Breaking the ice. Look for something around you, something to say to the person
that is pleasant to them.
2. ask conditional questions.
• Have you thought about spiritual things lately?
• If you died right now, would you be sure you would go to heaven?
• Why would God let him enter heaven?
• If I showed you how to go to heaven, would you be interested in knowing?
3. You go to heaven not by works.
• You can't earn it.
• You can't buy it.
• Heaven is free!
• Good news, right?
4. All men are sinners.
for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23.
• Have you ever lied?
• Have you ever had bad thoughts about someone?
• Have you lusted after your neighbor's woman or man?
• Have you ever stolen in your life?
• Have you had bitterness against someone?
• Have you honored your father and mother all your life?
• Have you been envious of someone?
• Have you ever coveted something from someone?
I have sinned against God and you have not
5. The punishment of the sin is the death.
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ
Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23.
• Our sin leads us to spiritual death which is hell. There are two places where man
goes when he dies, heaven or eternal hell. Hell is a place of torment where those
who do not believe in Jesus go.
• Our sin leads us to illness, depression and other ailments.
• Our sin leads us to bitterness and hatred.
• Our sin leads us to family destruction.
6. Jesus paid for our sins.
But God shows his love toward us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died
for us. Romans 5:8.
• Who is Jesus? He is the son of God who became man.
• What did Jesus do for our heavy ones? Jesus suffered, was crucified and rose again
on the third day to redeem us from our sins.
7. How do we receive forgiveness for our sins?
• Through repentance.
saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and
believe in the gospel. Mark 1:15
• By believing in the gospel and Jesus.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that
Whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16.
If you repent of all your sins, and believe in your heart that Jesus suffered, died, and rose
again for your sins, then you will be saved.
8. Make the sinner's prayer.
Right now, where you can receive the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Please join
me in this prayer. Repeat out loud.
“Lord Jesus Christ: I recognize that I am a sinner, and that my sin separates me from you. I
repent of all my sins, and willingly confess Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and believe that
He died for my sins. I believe, with all my heart, that God the Father raised him from the
dead. Jesus, I ask you to come into my life. I renounce all pacts with the enemy; If I die,
when I open my eyes, I will be in your arms. Amen!.
If this prayer expresses the sincere desire of your heart, notice what Jesus says about the
decision you just made:
that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God
rose from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes for righteousness,
but with
the mouth confesses for salvation. Romans 10:9,10
Truly, truly, I say to you: He who believes in me has eternal life. John 6:47.
9. Specific instructions.
Finally, give the new believer some instructions that will help him grow and mature
spiritually, such as:
• Attend a Christian church.
• Read the Bible daily.
•Pray to God every Day. How to pray? You go to pray to the father in the name of
Jesus, and then, ask him for everything you desire in your heart.
• In summary, we can say that to present the plan of salvation to the unconverted, we
can do it in the following way:
• Heaven is free.
• You are a sinner.
• The wages of sin is death.
• Receive forgiveness of sins through repentance and belief in Jesus.
• Make the sinner's prayer.
This presentation is very simple and simple, and above all biblical, since the Holy Spirit will
only support his Word and not the patterns established by men.



And how will they preach if they are not sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet
of those who announce peace, of those who announce good news! Romans 10:15 In this
verse, the apostle Paul emphasizes the importance of being sent. Once we are ready, we will
be sent by our spiritual cover.
• Jesus sent us two by two.
After these things, the Lord also appointed seventy others, whom he sent in two
in two before him to every city and place where he would go. Luke 10:1.
• Jesus was sent by the Father.
Then Jesus said to them again: Peace be with you. As the Father sent me, so have I
I send you. John 20:21.
The word sent is an apostolic word that means to be commissioned with a specific task.
When a person is sent for the coverage, the anointing of the one who sent him supports him.
Therefore, before going to evangelize, our spiritual cover or our pastor has to pray for us
and send us.
Why is it important to be sent?
For the same anointing that is on him who sent me will be in us.
The moment we are sent, God will pour out his anointing on our lives, to be able to
effectively carry out the work for which we have been called.



In this chapter, we will learn how to move in the supernatural. Additionally, we will study
some reasons why there are many believers who do not move in the supernatural. When we
talk about the supernatural, we are referring to everything that is prophetic. What is
It is expressing the mind and heart of God in a supernatural dimension. Prophetic is not
simply standing in church and saying, “Thus says the Lord,” and bringing a prophetic word
to a person. That's part of it, but it's not all. Moving in the prophetic has to do with
expressing and demonstrating what is in the mind and heart of God. Furthermore, it
encompasses exposing to the senses all that is supernatural about God and bringing it to a
physical and tangible dimension. The apostle Paul went to the Corinthians in the prophetic
move, demonstrating the supernatural mind and counsel of God.
And neither my speech nor my preaching was with persuasive words of human wisdom,
with demonstration of the Spirit and power, 5 so that your faith is not founded on
wisdom of men, but in the power of God. 1 Corinthians 2:4-5
In these verses, the apostle once again explains the reason why the word and the preaching
were not persuasive words of human wisdom, but with demonstration of the Holy Spirit and
so that your faith may not be based on the wisdom of men, but on the power of
God. 1 Corinthians 2:5
What does the prophetic or supernatural include?
• Prophesy
• Move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit
• Health
• miracles
• cast out demons
• prodigies
• Preach the gospel
• Hear the voice of God
• Signs
• wonders
• Hear, feel and see all that is of God
Unfortunately, very few believers and ministers move in the supernatural. For that reason,
we see a church founded on human wisdom. We talk to people about healing, but no one is
healed, we talk about prophecy and they order those men and women of God who stand up
to prophesy in the church to silence. They have not wanted to adopt the movement of the
supernatural in their churches, and this prevents the prophetic, the supernatural of God from
being revealed. We need the manifestations of the power of the Holy Spirit to persuade the
minds and emotions of the people, so that they are founded on the power of God. We have
exchanged the supernatural for reasoning, for intellect and for the program of man.
Why don't believers move in the supernatural?
We will study some obstacles that prevent believers from moving in the supernatural.
1. The lack of knowledge .
I do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, about spiritual gifts. 1 Corinthians 12:1. The
word ignorant means lacking functional knowledge. Maybe the knowledge they have cannot
be applied to daily life. Others desire and long to enter a supernatural dimension and do not
have any biblical knowledge of how to do so. Lack of knowledge destroys God's people.
2. disbelief
And to whom did he swear that they would not enter his rest, except those who disobeyed?
We see that they could not enter because of unbelief. Hebrews 3:18-19.
The word of God teaches that these signs will follow those who believe. What signs? Heal
the sick, cast out demons, prophesy, speak new tongues and perform miracles. Now, it is
important to emphasize when he says: “these signs follow those who believe”; That is, those
who are unbelievers are not followed by these signs. If you think that healings are not for
today and you do not believe it, then nothing will happen.
In the world, there is a great hunger to know the supernatural. For this reason, there are so
many people who go after witches, sorcerers, santeros and fortune tellers, seeking to be told
something about their personal lives. Why do unsaved people seek to know the supernatural
in the occult and not in the church? …because the church does not believe, and therefore,
cannot demonstrate the supernatural of God.
What should we do?
Believe that God desires and wants to express the supernatural through his church. He wants
to demonstrate the prophecies, the healings, the miracles and the casting out of demons. God
wants to prove it, but he can only do it through you and me.
3. Fear of making mistakes
Therefore I advise you to fan the fire of the gift of God that is in you by
laying on of my hands. 7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power,
of love and self-control. 2 Timothy 6,7
To move into the supernatural, a certain level of faith is always demanded. There are many
people who are afraid of making a mistake, of being wrong. They live worried about their
image and what people think of them. For this reason, they do not dare to move into the
One of the bonds that the enemy has brought to the believer is to make him believe that he
has to do everything right and that he cannot make mistakes. That is what prevents us from
prophesying, praying for the sick and casting out demons. We believe that we have to do
everything perfect. Well, I want to tell you that the only way to move in the supernatural is
by making mistakes. At some point, we are going to make mistakes, and we have to learn to
move by faith. Every time God tells you something and you are afraid to do it, rebuke every
spirit of fear and start moving by faith.
4. Believing yourself unworthy
Each of us believes that God can use others, except ourselves. We believe we are unworthy,
that we are worthless, that we are sinners and that the Lord cannot use us.
Remember that the reason why God uses us is not because of our ability or because of the
titles or diplomas we have; It is not because of our family background, because of our
intelligence or because of our charisma, but because it pleases him. None of these things are
valid before God, because it is by his grace and his favor upon us. He is the one who has
made us worthy.
God wants to use you, dare to believe it. In these last times, he is raising an army of men
and women who walk in the Holy Spirit, in the supernatural. This army has to believe and
must not be afraid of making mistakes. You must feel worthy because Christ has made us
worthy, and you must dare to walk in the supernatural.
5. The influence of the spirit of Greece.
Let's start by saying that this spirit is the number one enemy of the supernatural and its
influence in the church of Christ has paralyzed the prophetic and everything that is
supernatural. Let's study a little more about this spirit.
He said to me: Do you know why I have come to you? Now I have to go back to fight him
Prince of Persia; After finishing with him the prince of Greece will come. But I will declare
to you
which is written in the book of truth: No one helps me against them, but your Michael
the prince. Daniel 10:20-21
Return to the fortress, prisoners of hope; today I also announce to you that it will give you
double reward. For I have bent Judah for myself like a bow, and made Ephraim his
arrow. I will throw your children, Zion, against your children, Greece, and I will make you
a mighty sword.
Zechariah 9.12-13

6. The spirit of Greece.

With the death of the apostles, in the year 100, THE SPIRIT OF Greece began to infiltrate.
The Greek world in which the first apostles ministered was full of such philosophies. The
Greeks were lovers of wisdom, and therefore, they sought knowledge, to the point of
developing an idolatrous mind; In other words, they worshiped knowledge. The word
philosophy came from Greece and means the love of knowledge. The Greeks were the
guardians of Aristotle, Plato and countless philosophers. They had strong altercations or
disputes trying to defend their points of view, because they loved debate and reasoning. It
was into this kind of world that the church was born, but through grace and apostolic
anointing it was given the ability to overcome this mentality.
The spirit of Greece functions as a rigid structure, based on human reasoning and
thought, which aims for the individual to become a super man or super God.
This spirit manifests itself in the form of thought that the believer so that he does not enter
the kingdom of God or its supernatural dimensions. By the time of the apostles, the world
was controlled politically by the Romans, but influenced culturally by the Greeks, who were
one of the greatest strengths of opposition. The spirits of intellectualism and rationalism
prevented many from believing that Christ had risen from the dead.
The universities of the time were full of this spirit. However, the spirits of intellectualism
and rationalism, pride, debate and idolatrous mind are also ruling spirits even today, in
many current education systems. The first apostles had to confront these spirits, and we will
not be the exception; Christians today have the same opposition that we must confront. The
goddesses Athena, Sophia and Diana form the main structure that supports this
Athena: She is the Greek goddess who hates everything apostolic, prophetic and
supernatural. For the Greeks, it symbolizes reason and wisdom.
Sophia: She is the goddess of wisdom and love of knowledge above all things. Diana: She
is the religious goddess, also known as the queen of heaven.
Let's read what the word says:
Casting down arguments and every high thing that rises up against the knowledge of
God, and taking captive every thought to the obedience of Christ... 2 Corinthians 10.5 One
of the translations says: “We cast down sophistry and every proud head that rises up against
the knowledge of God ”. The sophists were Greek philosophers who specialized in rhetoric
and dialectical argumentation. They were teachers, philosophers, and professionals who
made complicated arguments. Sophism is a deception of the devil himself. The Jews looked
for signs while the Greeks looked for wisdom.
The Jews ask for signs and the Greeks seek wisdom. 1 Corinthians 1.22 The
Greeks flooded the entire Western world with that philosophy, including the United States
of America and Europe. The purpose of this spirit has been to rule the entire world. What
are some characteristics of Greek culture or the spirit of Greece?
• Humanism. This philosophy began with Heraclitus, by dethroning God from the
center of attention to put, in his place, man as if he were a God. An example of this
is the new age movement, which teaches that man is God and does not need a
supreme being for his existence.
• Intellectualism. This school of thought promotes the idea that it is more important to
achieve titles, human recognition and wealth, above God and anything else. Reason,
according to Greek thought, is what governs the universe. The goal is to develop man
intellectually and, in this way, lead him to be a God in himself. Intellectualism
remains the thought of Western cultures, Russia, Europe and other countries.
What does intellectualism consist of?
- It denies everything that cannot be explained, clearly dismissing and abolishing
the concept of “living by faith”, since it cannot be explained by the scientific
method. This denial is one of the reasons why the church has lost its power, because
it believes more in what can be seen with the naked eye than in what cannot be seen,
and the word of God commands us to live by faith and not. per view.
He whose soul is not upright becomes proud; but the righteous will live by his faith.
Habakkuk 2.4
(For we walk by faith, not by sight.) 2 Corinthians 5.7
- Denies the existence of demons, thus preventing liberation in believers.
Unfortunately, we find many believers in churches who are bound by the enemy,
because the pastor does not believe in deliverance or demons. One of the devil's great
lies, with which he deceives humanity, is that demons do not exist, and the church has
fallen into the trap and believed it. Let's see how Jesus dealt with demons.
Then a Canaanite woman who had left that region began to shout.
say to him: Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me. My daughter is seriously
tormented by a demon. But Jesus did not answer him a word. So,
His disciples approached and begged him, saying: Send her away, for she comes shouting
after him.
of us. He answered and said: I am not sent except to the lost sheep of the
house of Israel. Then she came and bowed down before him, saying, Lord, help me.
He answered and said, It is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs.
She said: Yes, Lord; But dogs still eat the crumbs that fall from the table.
Masters. Then Jesus answered and said: Woman, great is your faith. be done with you
how do you want. And her daughter was healed since then.
- Resist the supernatural. This is the most important point I want to explain to you.
One of the reasons why many ministers and believers do not move in the supernatural
is because of the influence of the spirit of Greece.
-Denies divine healing. The people of the Bible (Jews) were trained to see God, do
extraordinary and supernatural things. Our God, Jehovah of hosts, is a supernatural
and powerful God who performs miracles, healings, wonders, casts out demons and
prophesies; Its essence is supernatural. We, as its people, have to move in that
dimension, but the influence of the spirit of Greece has been so great that it has
created fortresses in the minds of people, preventing the churches from being safe,
healthy and free; rather, they prefer to reason everything and if they don't understand
it, they don't believe it. Let us renounce the spirit of Greece if we really want to see
the supernatural of God.
- Discard the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Very rarely, we see believers flowing in the
gifts of the Holy Spirit; They talk about them, but they themselves do not believe.
- Humanize the word of God. The spirit of Greece says that the word of God is like
the word of any man. The Hebrew mentality is that God is a supernatural God, that
God is God and not a man to be explained. That was the mentality that Jesus
brought. Jesus came and demonstrated the supernatural of God.
How are we free from the spirit of Greece?
• Giving up all strength of that spirit.
• Warring against this spirit with the power of God.
Return to the fortress, prisoners of hope; today I also announce to you that it will give you
double reward. For I have bent Judah for myself like a bow, and made Ephraim his
arrow. I will throw your children, Zion, against your children, Greece, and I will make you
like a sword of
brave. Zechariah 9.12-13
The demonstration of casting out demons and flowing in the gifts of the Holy Spirit are the
antidote to the spirit of Greece, which denies the supernatural. We know that we have a
wonderful and powerful God who continues to do wonders.
One of the tools that is being very useful to overthrow all strength of thought is the apostolic
anointing, let's see a little more about it.
The apostolic anointing. One of the manifestations of the apostolic anointing is the
demonstration of the supernatural.
What are the characteristics of the apostolic anointing?
• It is an anointing that brings liberation and inner healing.
• Signs, healings and miracles accompany her.
• It is an anointing that opens new territories.
• It is a powerful anointing to reach souls.
• It is an anointing that heals the brokenhearted.
• It is an anointing that raises up leaders.
• It is a prophetic anointing.
Wherever a genuine apostle goes, miracles, healings, wonders and wonders must occur. We
must fight the spirit of Greece by demonstrating the supernatural of God.
Therefore, brothers, when I came to you to announce to you the testimony of God, I did
not go with excellence of words or of wisdom, because I determined not to know anything
among you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified. And I was among you in weakness, and
much fear and trembling; And neither my speech nor my preaching was with persuasive
words of human wisdom, but with demonstration of the spirit and power, so that your faith
would not be founded on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God. 1 Corinthians 2.1-5
How to walk in the supernatural?
Previously, we studied some obstacles why many believers cannot walk in the supernatural;
And to complete this topic, I now present five essential keys that will allow us to move in
the supernatural here on earth.
I have learned these five keys over the years, and they are what have taught me to know the
way in which God moves supernaturally through his people.
1 Learn to give way to the flow of the Holy Spirit.
The Lord is the spirit; and where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians
3.17 Sometimes when we read this verse, we only think or understand that it refers to
having the freedom to praise, dance, shout, and do in a service whatever we feel like doing.
I believe that that is part of having freedom in the Holy Spirit, but the true meaning of the
previous verse is: that where the Holy Spirit is Lord and has the freedom to move as he
wants, there is freedom.
What do you mean by that?
The Holy Spirit has to be Lord of our personal life, and also, the Lord of everything that is
under our responsibility.
The word lord in the Greek language is “kurios”, which means one who has legal right over
someone; one who does what he wants, how he wants, when he wants, with who he wants
and where he wants; Furthermore, it is one who has absolute control over someone. In other
words, if we long to move in miracles, healings, prophecies, deliverance and wonders, we
must learn the following aspects:
• Yield all our will and our body to the Holy Spirit.
Before praying for someone, before preaching, teaching or evangelizing, we must surrender
our will to the Lord and pray for him to do his will through us; for example: when he wants
us to talk, how he wants us to teach who he wants us to minister to or pray to and where he
wants us to do it; We must follow their instructions exactly. The success of a service, a
meeting, a crusade or a conference is in yielding to the guidance and direction of the Holy
• Ask the Holy Spirit for instructions before you go.
One of the things I always ask the Lord in prayer before I go to a miracle crusade, service or
conference, is for Him to give me exact instructions for that meeting. Pray to the Lord to
fulfill exactly his purpose and his plan for that moment and for that people. Remember that
we must have only one thing in mind, and that is to please God and not men. God will be
pleased when we do what he wants.
• Deny your will and get out of the way.
Give way to the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, we doubt the instructions given by the Holy Spirit
and want to do our will, but that is the time to crucify our desires to do what God wants.
Sometimes, due to pressure from others, we change God's plans for our own plans, and if we
do that, we will be pleasing men and not God.
Am I now seeking the approval of men or that of God? Or do I try to please men? If I still
pleased men, I would not be a servant of Christ. Galatians 1.10
Testimony from Mexico
I remember one time I went to preach in Mexico. There was a very large conference, where
there were many renowned speakers. They preached for two consecutive days, and on the
third day, it was my turn. For a moment, I felt tempted to compete, and certain thoughts like
these came into my mind: “I have to bring a message with a great revelation, greater than
theirs, a message of greater impact.” When that thought came, I rebuked it and cast it out.
Suddenly, the Lord brought me great conviction of sin, letting me know that I was
competing and that I had not asked Him what He wanted to do. So I went to the hotel, I
asked God for forgiveness and, in addition, I asked him for instructions on what he wanted
me to do in the service. He spoke to me saying: “preach what you know and have lived;
“Talk to them about liberation and inner healing.” When I finished preaching, God poured
out his power in a wonderful way. People received deliverance from unforgiveness,
bitterness, and rejection, and overall, many people were healed. It was a great service,
because God did it all. I felt satisfied because I was able to yield my will to the flow of the
Holy Spirit, and God fulfilled his plan. He believed that this is the most important key to
moving in the supernatural. It is necessary to let the Holy Spirit be the Lord of our lives and
for him to guide us in everything.
2 Walking in compassion for the people.
When Jesus came out, he saw a large crowd, had compassion on them, and healed those
who were among them.
they were sick. Matthew 14.14
The word compassion in Greek is “splanchnizomai,” which means to be moved with
compassion by Jesus toward people. There is another word that is “oiktiro” which means to
sympathize, to have compassion, a feeling of anguish due to the evil or misfortune of
Having compassion for people is an essential feeling to be able to walk in the supernatural.
As we just mentioned above, compassion means being moved to the depths of our being, to
such a degree that we feel people's pain and anguish. God gave us his power and his
anointing, not to bless ourselves, but to bless the people; but that anointing cannot be
manifested without first feeling compassion for the pain of another.
Compassion is the key to letting the heart of God manifest through us and, in this way,
being able to manifest his power. Having power without compassion is useless.
A very important recommendation that you should follow:
• Always pray for God to give you compassion for people. Before we minister to a
person, or minister anywhere, we should pray in our home that God would fill us
with his compassion toward his people, and that when we minister to the broken, the
sick, the oppressed, the unbelieving, and the lost, the Lord make us feel your same
3 Move in faith.
But without faith it is impossible to please God, because it is necessary that he who
approaches God
believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. Hebrews 11.6
Most of the time when we move into the supernatural, we are going to need a certain level
of faith to act on what God asks us to do. God deals with each of us, depending on the level
of faith we are at. Sometimes, we will be challenged by God to jump to other levels, and
when this happens, we have to be willing.
Testimony of a Miami crusade.
The last miracle crusade we had at the Radisson hotel in Miami, God asked me to do
something that was not very common to do in services. The Lord instructed me that from
the beginning of the service, I would begin to pray for the sick, but first I would pray for
creative miracles; For example: people who needed an organ, a hand, a bone, etc.
Whenever I go to preach a service, God gives me instructions. Sometimes, he lets me know
what illness I should pray for first, when and how I should do it. This time, the Lord asked
me to do something I had never done before, and that was to pray for creative miracles from
the beginning. But as I had mentioned, the number one key to walking in the supernatural is
to be guided by the Holy Spirit. So, I heeded him and jumped out in faith, and although it
required a greater level of faith on my part, I obeyed. When I decided to believe God, he
helped me and eventually the results were wonderful.
A boy who had completely lost his eye, God gave him the miracle of being able to see
again. The doctors had already told him that they had to remove his eye because otherwise
the other one would be damaged, but God healed him. Another of the miracles that God did
was to heal a woman in a wheelchair, who was able to get up from it, and to give a sister a
new bone, which she had lost due to a disease called osteoporosis. Likewise, I can tell you
countless cases of people who were healthy from: asthma, arthritis, diabetes, high blood
pressure, among other diseases.
It all started in my room where God gave me instructions. So, I gave way to the Holy Spirit,
I had compassion for people and decided to move in faith. Even though what the Lord asked
of me was unusual, as it required a higher level of faith, I decided to obey him, and God
took care of the rest. His name was glorified and I was only an available and obedient vessel
for him. To Him be all the glory.
4 Have a continuous and dynamic life of prayer and fasting.
Jesus also told them a parable about the need to always pray and not
faint… Luke 18.1
Having a life of constant prayer and fasting often is an essential requirement to move in the
supernatural. Jesus spoke to the disciples about the need to always pray. Prayer teaches us to
depend on God and have intimate communion with him, and this leads us to identify his
voice to obey him.
Prayer must not only be constant, but also dynamic; It is a dialogue with God, and we can
pray in different ways. Let us remember that prayer is not a monologue, it is a dialogue.
Spending hours with God makes the minutes more effective with man.
What I mean is, if we are for long periods of time in the presence of God, when we pray for
a sick person, it will take God a minute to heal him, because we are filled with the power
that we receive from him in prayer. Jesus prayed to the Father for five hours, and when he
returned from being in his presence full of his power, it took him only 30 seconds to heal a
leper or any other sick person.
Today, we spend several hours counseling and delivering a person, and yet, we only pray or
worship God for 20 minutes. Therefore, when we want to free a person, we cannot, because
we do not have the necessary power to be effective in liberation. Prayer and fasting are an
essential requirement to flow in the supernatural. Seek to live a life of prayer and fasting,
and be ready to be an available vessel for God.
5 The boldness or the daring.
As you stretch out your hand for healing, signs and wonders to be done through
the name of your holy Son Jesus. Acts 4.30
Let us remember that the word boldness means daring, audacity, bravery, courage, bravery,
audacity and intrepidity.
From the above, it follows that one of the most outstanding characteristics of a person who
wishes to move in the supernatural are: daring, audacity, courage, intrepidity and that he
does not care what people think, because all he wants is to please. bye bye. The opposite of
being brave and daring is being fearful or fearful. If you want to do things for God that
others have not done, you have to be bold to do what God asks you to do.
What are some fears we face when moving in the supernatural and how to overcome
• Fear of making mistakes.
The only way to learn anything in our life is by making mistakes. No matter how much
experience we manage to gain, we will always make mistakes, but we must be willing to
move forward.
• Fear of losing our reputation.
Many times, we are afraid of losing our reputation and our image by making a mistake,
because we think that others are going to criticize us, reject us, and not want to trust us.
The solution to this fear is to learn to crucify and die our image so that the image of Jesus
may be exalted in us.
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: He, being in form
of God, did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself
himself, took the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men. Philippians 2.5-7
The Lord lost his reputation for us, so why are we so concerned about losing our image? We
shouldn't care what people say and think. Greater should be the desire to see Christ exalted
in us than to see ourselves with a good reputation.
• Fear of the unknown.
Human beings normally like to walk on dry land, and every time they face something
unknown they are afraid. The Christian life is a path in which we are constantly facing
challenges, challenges and new things, that is, unknown to us; Therefore, we must learn to
walk by faith and not by sight.
What is the solution?
• Let us ask God boldly.
Boldness is a virtue that comes to the believer as a result of his intimate relationship with
When we do not lead a life of prayer with God, we give way to fear, and because of that, we
are defeated. On the other hand, boldness or daring comes to a believer when his life is
continually filled with the Holy Spirit.
• God gave us a spirit of power, love and self-control.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and dominion.
own. 2 Timothy 1.7
Every time we move with love, with boldness, and have self-control and control, the power
of God will be greater in our lives.
Summarizing these five important points, we can say that God wants us believers to move
and manifest his supernatural power in the physical world; But for that, it is necessary that
we learn to surrender our will to the Holy Spirit, that we learn to be guided by him and that
we ask him to teach us to walk in compassion with people to feel their pain and their need.
We must also learn to walk by faith and not by sight, and also develop a devotional life of
constant and dynamic prayer. If we manage to do all these things we will receive courage,
daring and daring. God is raising up a new generation of the new wine that believes in God
and dares to manifest the supernatural works of the Lord here on earth.
How to activate a believer in the prophetic or the supernatural?
What is an activation?
It is challenging believers with a truth so that they receive divine grace and do what the
word says.
It is the same principle used to receive the gifts: one believer can activate another believer.
For example, an evangelist leads a sinner in a prayer of repentance, leads him to confess his
sins, and at that moment, the gift of eternal life is activated. The gift of eternal life is a gift
from God and is activated in a person by another person who helps them.
For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this not of you, for it is the gift of
God. Ephesians 2.8
If you believe that leading a person in salvation prayer will activate the person in the natural
or any other gift, you can expect anything.
Does this actually work?
When we receive the Lord, someone guides us in the prayer of salvation. By faith we know
that that prayer activated the gift of eternal life. In the same way, the supernatural is
activated, such as gifts, miracles, prophecies, among others. When revelation comes, which
is through faith, the gift is received and the person is activated.
What can you do if someone comes to you and tells you that they want to receive the gift of
tongues? The first thing you should do is lay your hands on the person and help them
receive the gift. Revelation comes to the person and his understanding is enlightened. That
person believes, appropriates the gift of tongues through faith, and receives it. Each of us
can supernaturally activate people with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, with miracles,
prophecies, healings, wonders and others.
What are the four ingredients to activate a believer in the supernatural or the
1 Hear the word of God. The faith to activate a believer in the supernatural cannot come if
he or she does not first hear the word. Whatever area of the supernatural you wish to walk
into cannot be effective if you do not first hear the word in that specific area.
So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17
2 Confess with your mouth.
But what does it say?: The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart. This is the
of faith that we preach: If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in
your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved, because with the heart you believe to
justice, but with the mouth one confesses for salvation. Romans 10.8-10
Confession is a bridge between the spiritual world and the physical world. Through
confession the spiritual world is activated. Therefore, it is important to confess Jesus
publicly, as this unleashes the power of God to carry out what his word says. If we want to
start moving in the supernatural we must begin to confess what God says about prophecy,
miracles and healings.
3 Believe with your heart. Believing indicates acting by faith in what we have heard,
believed and confessed. Therefore, for a person to be saved, they must apply one of these
two ingredients. Believing with your heart means making a commitment to something,
embracing it and making it part of us.
4 Take a corresponding action. Let's see how the woman with the issue of blood took a
corresponding action to receive her healing.
When he heard about Jesus, he came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak...
Mark 5:27
This woman came from behind and touched Jesus' knob with the conviction that if she did
so, she would receive what she wanted. She believed, acted and received.
The aforementioned principles are what activate a person to receive the gift of eternal life.
These are the same principles used to activate a believer in any gift of the Holy Spirit or the
Walking in the supernatural can be received and activated through mortal men and
women, and this occurs by hearing the word, confessing it with our mouth, believing it
in our hearts, and taking a corresponding action.
Is there a hell?

There was a rich man who dressed in purple and fine linen and feasted every day with
splendor There was also a beggar named Lazarus, who was lying at the gate of
He was full of sores, and longed to be satisfied with the crumbs that fell from the rich man's
table; and even
The dogs came and licked his sores. It came to pass that the beggar died, and was carried
away by
the angels to Abraham's bosom; and the rich man also died, and was buried. In Hades he
his eyes, being in torment, and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. So,
shouting, he said: “Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus to wet the
tip your finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am tormented in this flame,
But Abraham said to him, “Son, remember that you received your goods in your life, and
evils; but now this one is comforted here, and you are tormented. In addition to all this, a
great chasm is placed between us and you, so that those who want to cross
They cannot come here to you, nor from there to pass here.” Then he said to him: “I pray
you, then, father,
that you send him to my father's house, because I have five brothers, so that he may testify
to them
lest they also come to this place of torment.” Abraham said: “To Moses
the prophets already have; let them hear them. He then said: “No, Father Abraham; but
If some of the dead go to them, they will repent.” But Abraham said to them, “If you do not
Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded even if someone rises from the
dead. Luke 16.19-31.
It is interesting to see that Jesus spoke more about hell than heaven and the reason why He
did so is because He does not want anyone to go to that place of torment.
What is hell?
It is a place or region of torment where the spirits of people who die without knowing the
Lord go. This place of torment, in the Old and New Testaments, is called: Sheol, Hades,
abyss and abadon.
Where is hell located?
Hell is located in the center of the earth.
As Jonah was in the belly of the great fish three days and three nights, so will the Son of the
man in the heart of the earth three days and three nights.” Matthew 12.40
The path of life is upward for the prudent, so he departs from Sheol below.
Proverbs 15:24
Wherefore it says: Going up on high, he led the captivity captive, and gave gifts to the
men. And what is that “he went up”, but that he had also descended first to the
lowest parts of the earth? The one who descended is the same one who also ascended
above all the heavens to fill everything. Ephesians 4.8-10
From the surface to the center of the earth there is a distance of 3,728 miles deep, and a
temperature of 19,857.6 degrees Fahrenheit of heat.
If the water boils at a depth of 1,325 miles, imagine what the water must be like at a depth
of 3,728 miles, taking into account that the temperature is believed to increase one degree
every hundred feet.
Where is hell located?
If we give it a spiritual application, we would say that hell is at the beginning of a life
without Christ, and at the end of a life without Christ.
What's under the ground?
The word of God teaches us that it has fire.
Bread comes from the earth, but inside it is as if turned into fire... Job 28.5 The pressure of
the layers of the earth is so intense that it destroys the diamonds. The largest hole ever
drilled is 65,600 feet deep and was completed in the year 2000. this took place in Lavaria,
Russian scientists who study and analyze the sound of tectonic plates used a highly sensitive
microphone and took it deep into the earth. When they listened to the recording, they
described sounds of people crying for water.
Does anyone ask who those people were?
They were people who died without knowing and receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior
of their lives. In some Bible verses, it also talks about people asking for water. Let's look at
an example:
Then he cried out and said, “Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus to
Let him dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in
this flame Luke 16:24
Who goes to the place called hell?
• Those people who reject Jesus as Lord and Savior.
• Those people who are sinners and do not repent of their sins.
• Those people who have never believed in Jesus, who died, suffered and rose again
for our sins.
It came to pass that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom;
The rich man also died and was buried. Luke 16.22
What are the two places a man goes when he dies?
• Heaven.
• Hell.
Every person who has received Jesus as Lord and savior of their life goes to heaven, but
when they reject him their end is in hell.
He who believes in him is not condemned; but he who does not believe has already been
condemned, because he has not
believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3.18
The Bible teaches us that there is no middle ground. As soon as a person dies, they go to
heaven or hell and then comes God's judgment; In other words, reincarnation does not exist.
And as it is appointed for men to die once, and then
of this the judgment...Hebrews 9:27
What part of your being goes to heaven or hell?
Man is a spirit, who has a soul and who lives in a physical body. When a man dies his spirit
and soul are never separated, and if he has known the Lord, he is taken by the angels of God
to heaven. Now if you have never recognized Jesus as your Lord, your spirit and soul are
taken by demons to hell, which is the place of torment, and the physical body, as is known,
goes to the grave.
It came to pass that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom;
The rich man also died and was buried. Luke 16.22
Illustration that man has a spirit.
An experiment was done with seventy people, all of them were weighed on scale beds;
Thirty of those people died, and when they were weighed again they weighed 36 grams less.
This experiment gives us another indication that when man dies, his spirit leaves the earth.
They did the same experiment with dogs, and found that when they died, they did not lose
weight. This is simple to explain: animals do not have a spirit nor a soul. We human beings
are special because we were created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, we are a
spirit that has a soul and lives in a body.
Certainly there is spirit in man, and the breath of the Almighty makes him understand.
Job 32.8
What are the punishments received by those people who go to hell?
• People receive punishment through the five senses. That is, they will be tormented
through sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste.
In Hades he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and saw Abraham and Lazarus afar off.
within it. Then he cried out and said, “Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send
Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am
tormented in this flame. Luke 16. 23-24
As you see this narrative, the rich man first looked from afar (sight), cried out and asked
for water (taste) because he felt (touch) the continuous torment of the flame that burned
him, and he smelled how it reached his body. If we can give an interpretation to this
narrative we would say that when a person is in hell, he remembers, sees, hears, feels
and is totally aware of what is happening to him.
• People who go to hell are tormented by worms and fire.
Where their worm does not die and the fire never goes out. Mark 9:44
• People who go to hell are punished with dense darkness.
Surely the light of the wicked is extinguished and the flame of his fire will not shine. job
…to the land of darkness and disorder, gloomy as the shadow of death, where
light is like dense darkness. Job 10.22
One of the greatest punishments for a person is to be in dense darkness or darkness, and
as if that were not enough, to have their entire being tormented with fire and worms. The
punishment is great; The fire of hell is dark and does not shine.
• All individuals who go to hell are burned with fire.
If your hand causes you to fall, cut it off, because it is better for you to enter life crippled,
that having two hands go to hell, to the fire that cannot be quenched… Mark
• They are punished with constant movement.
The smoke of his torment rises forever and ever. They have no rest day or night
by night those who worship the beast and his image, nor anyone who receives the mark of
name. Revelation 14.11
People who are lost in hell have no rest day or night, forever and ever.
• The punishment that the person who goes to hell receives is according to what he has
done on this earth.
Give to her just as she has given to you and pay her double according to her works. In the
chalice in
Since she prepared a drink, prepare double for her. How much she has glorified herself
and has
lived in delights, give him so much torment and crying, because he says in his heart: “I
I am sitting like a queen, I am not a widow and I will not see tears.” Revelation 18. 6-7
• There is crying and gnashing of teeth.
And cast the useless servant into the outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of
Matthew 25.30
• Other punishments are being a prisoner, without freedom of movement, tied in
eternal stillness.
God did not forgive the angels who sinned, but cast them into hell and handed them
over to prisons of darkness where they are reserved for judgment. 2 Peter 2.4
Testimony of Howard Pittman
I knew Brother Howard Pittman personally. This man had an experience after death and
it was the following:
He was in heaven and Jesus showed him the moment when 2,000 people died on earth,
came out and left their bodies, and how their spirit departed from the earth. To Brother
Pittman's surprise, he saw the Lord Jesus crying, so he asked him why he was crying.
The Lord answered that he was crying because there were more people who were lost in
hell than those who were saved and went to heaven. Of those 2,000 people who died,
only 50 people made it to heaven. Unfortunately, 1,950 people went to hell forever and
But narrow is the gate and narrow is the path that leads to life, and few are the
that they find it. Matthew 7.14
No wonder Jesus said when he was on this earth that the road to perdition is wide, but
the road to heaven is narrow. Today, people do not want to hear from God and do not
know that if they do not repent, something terrible awaits them.
There are many Christians who have not been born again.
Today, we find many believers who are convinced, but not converted to Jesus. They
continue living in their sin: for example: they steal, lie, commit adultery, live in continuous
jealousy, envy, lack of forgiveness, are bitter and do not obey the word of God. It is
necessary to convert to Jesus and be born again, because it is not enough to just be
convinced that Jesus is the Son of God.
Do not marvel that I said, “You must be born again.” John 3.7 Dear reader, there
is an invitation I want to make to you so that you do not go to that place of torment called
hell. At the end of this book, you can repeat a prayer with me that will lead you to eternal
life. There is still time to avoid that tragedy. Someone once asked me: “How does a loving
God send people to hell?” My response was the following: “God does not send people to
hell, people send themselves. God gave man free will to choose between heaven and hell.
God created heaven for man to live in, and created hell for the devil and his demons, but
unfortunately, man today prefers to choose evil over good.
Treasure every moment of your life in Christ
A human being enjoys the most beautiful moments of his life when he knows Christ as his
Lord and Savior because life has another meaning; We can enjoy our family, our children,
money and the rest of the things.
Life on this earth is short, compared to being lost instead of torment forever and ever.
Today, here on earth, we have the opportunity to be saved and to give our hearts to the Lord.
Why waste more time if we can start right now?
A survey was done about how a person distributed time during their life, and these were the
• A person lives an average of 70 years.
• Of those 70 years, it is believed that that person lives 25 years.
• And that 35 years of his life is dedicated to work.
• So the only thing he has left to enjoy is 10 years.
If we compare those years here on earth with the years, centuries and millennia that we will
spend with God in heaven, or without God in hell, they are a minuscule part.
Why don't we enjoy those years we have left on earth with Christ, and the rest of eternity
with God? How can we do it? Repent of our sins and recognize Jesus as the Lord and Savior
of our lives. At the end of this book, you can repeat with me a prayer that will lead you to
receive eternal life.
Prayer to receive the gift of eternal life.
Would you like to go to heaven? Would you like to recognize Jesus as the son of God, who
died and suffered for you?
If your answer is yes, right now, where you are, you can receive the gift of eternal life
through Jesus Christ. Please join me in this prayer, and repeat it out loud.
“Lord Jesus Christ: I recognize that I am a sinner, and that my sin separates me from you. I
repent of all my sins, and willingly confess Jesus as my Lord and
Savior, believe that he died for my sins. I believe, with all my heart, that God the Father
raised him from the dead. Jesus, I ask you to enter my heart and change my life. I renounce
all pacts with the enemy; If I die, when I open my eyes, I know that I will be in your arms.
If this prayer expresses the sincere desire of your heart, notice what Jesus says about the
decision you just made:
If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised
him from
among the dead, you will be saved, because with the heart one believes in righteousness,
but with the
mouth confesses for salvation. Romans 10.9-10
Truly, truly, I say to you: He who believes in me has eternal life. John 6.47

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