PC-1832 Quick Programming

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Quick Programming Sheet

PC1616/PC1832/PC1864 v4.2

1. * 8 + INSTALLER CODE (“ 5555 ”) “Enter programming mode”.

2. Section 000 (Keyboard Registration [ 000 ]) → 0

Partition address space address

1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8

Ex. To program the LED Keypad in Partition 1, Space 1

Enter: 000 → 0 → 11 and we exit with “ # # “.

LCD keyboards must be registered in Space 8 , to later be recognized by the

DLS Software.

Ex. To program the LCD keypad in Partition 1 , Space 8

Enter: 000 → 0 → 18 and we exit with “ # # “.

Ex. To program the LCD keypad in Partition 2 , Space 8

Enter: 000 → 0 → 28 and we exit with “ # # “.

3. Section 201 Activate Partition

[ 201 ] → 1 2 3 _ _ _ _ 8 and we leave with “ # “.

Partition 1 is already activated by default (“ System Partition ”).

4. Section 202 Assignment of Zones to Partitions

To assign a Zone to a specific Partition, we turn on 1 … 8 , in [ 202 ]

[ 202 ] → 1 2 3 4 _ _ _ _ and we leave with “ # “.

Zones 1 2 3 4 will be assigned to Partition 1.
Partition 1 Partition 2
[202] ________ [210] ________
1 8 1 8
[203] ________ [211] ________
9 16 9 16

[ 210 ] → _ _ _ _ 5 6 7 8 and we leave with “ # “.

Zones 5 6 7 8 will be assigned to Partition 2

Ex. To assign Zones 11 and 15 to Partition 1

[ 203 ] → _ _ 3 _ _ _ 7 _ and we leave with “ # “.

Ex. To assign Zones 10 and 14 to Partition 2

[ 210 ] → _ 2 _ _ _ 6 _ _ and we leave with “ # “.

5. Section 005 System Timing

We have three times to program for each Partition.

[ 005 ] → 01 → _ _ _ Entry Time 1 ( Entry Zone 1 ) Ex. 030

_ _ _ Entry Time 2 ( Entry Zone 2 ) Ex. 020
_ _ _ Exit Delay Time Ex. 020
The system times for Partition 1 will be programmed.

Ex. [ 005 ] → 02 → 020 030 030 and we leave with “ # “.

It will be programmed for Partition 2 , Entry Time 1 : 20 sec.,
Entry Time 2 : 30sec. an Exit Delay time of 30 sec.

Entering subsection 09 , we program the bell cut-off time

[ 005 ] → 09 → _ _ _ Bell Cutoff Time Ex. 004.

6. System date and time: command “*6”.

We enter * 6 option 3 and enter the time and date with the next.
format: “hh mm MM/DD/YY”
* 6 → 3 → 1200 01/01/10 and we exit with “ # “.
12 PM will be entered as the System Time and Date.
from January 1, 2010.

7. Program user codes: command “*5”

We enter * 5 , then the master code (1234); the user number to be programmed
(Ex. 01 ), * , and the code to be programmed, as shown below:
* 5 → “Master Code” (1 2 3 4) → 01 * _ _ _ _ and we exit with “#”

Ex. To program User 1 with code 6 6 6 6

* 5 → 1 2 3 4 → 01 * → 6666 and we exit with “ # “.

On LCD keyboards if the User is programmed,

“P” will appear in the lower right corner.

8. Assign user to a partition: command “*5”

We enter * 5 , then the Master Code ( 1234 ), the number “8” , the user number
(Ex. 01 ), “ * “ , and the Partition Number,
as it's shown in the following:
* 5 → 1 2 3 4 → 8 → 01 → * → 1
We will have assigned User 1 , Partition 1 .

Ex. To assign User 2, Partition 2.

* 5 → 1 2 3 4 → 8 → 02 → * → 2 and we exit with “ # “.

9. Section 001 Zone Definitions

We type 001 and then the attribute of each Zone,

01 (Delay Zone 1), 03 (Instant Zone), etc.

[001] → 01, 02 , 03 ,03, 05

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Zone1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5

Ex. [ 001 ] → 01, 02, 03, 03, 05 and we leave with “ # “.

We gave attribute 01 to Zone 1 , 02 to Zone 2 , 03 to Zone 3 ,
03 to Zone 4 and 05 to Zone 5 .

10. Section 350 Communication Format

[ 350 ] → 06 Residential communication format

Ex. [ 350 ] → 06 and we exit with “ # “.

11. Section 160 Number of Dialing Attempts

[ 160 ] → 001 to 255

Ex. [ 160 ] → 005 and we exit with “ # “.

12. Section 301 1st Telephone Number [301] → _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and we leave with
302 2nd telephone number [302] → _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and we exit with “ #

303 3rd telephone number [303] → _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and we leave with

13. Section 320 Broadcast Codes

[ 320 ] → 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and we leave with “ # “.
The Alarm Report Code will be transmitted per Zone.

14. Section 006 Installer Code ( 5 5 5 5 by default)

[ 006 ] → 3 3 3 3 and we leave with “ # “.

The Installer Code will be changed to 3333.

15. Section 007 Master Code ( 1 2 3 4 by default)

[ 007 ] → 1 1 1 1 and we leave with “ # “.

The Master Code will be changed to 1111.

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