Topic ONE June 2020
Topic ONE June 2020
Topic ONE June 2020
Falls in older people: the impacts
May 2022, v2
May 2022, v2
• Many more people are living longer in generally good health, yet the risk of falling increases with age.
• The burden that falls and falls-related injuries impose on an older person, their family/whānau, carer,
health services and the national economy can be severe.
• By helping to prevent a significant proportion of these falls, we can reduce falls-related costs, the
number of falls-related injuries (such as fractures and head injuries), and psychological impacts.
• The nationwide reducing harm from falls programme helped reduce the number of hip fractures in
hospitals in 2013–16.
• Yet most hip fractures occur in the community – estimated at 30 hip fractures for every one hip fracture
in a hospital setting. We need to try harder to help reduce harm from falls in older people, whether they
are in ARC facilities, at home, or out and about.
• The 10 Topics in reducing harm from falls set out a systematic and evidence-based approach to both
assessing risk and implementing care plans tailored to each older person. This approach aims to prevent
harm from falls in all settings.
Key evidence sources for all 10 Topics can be found at the evidence resource page.
Topic 1 outlines how a fall can be a life-changing event for an older person, impacting on their
independence and wellbeing, with implications for their family/whānau and significant others. The burden
that falls and falls-related fractures impose on an older person, their family/whānau, carer, health services and
the national economy can be severe. It is possible to prevent a significant proportion of these falls. Topic 1
also introduces the remaining nine topics, which explain what interventions to put in place to prevent harm
from falls.
In this first topic we’ll set the scene for the 10 Topics, and explain why the national programme aimed to
prevent falls and reduce harm from falls at individual, health system and population levels by encouraging
the implementation of effective interventions. Overall, the Health Quality & Safety Commission (the
Commission) works toward the New Zealand Triple Aim for health quality improvement, aiming for improved
quality, safety and experience of care; improved health and equity for all population; and best value for
public health system resources.
First we should explain reasons for the focus on ‘older people’ in this context.
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Why we should make older people a priority Why choose to focus on
There are evidence-based and pragmatic reasons for making older people older people when people
(generally those over 65) (Statistics New Zealand 2000; Woodhouse 2013) the of all ages fall and sustain
priority in the national falls programme. falls-related injuries?
• Falls happen at all ages, but for older people, a high incidence of falls
combines with: (1) high susceptibility to injury because of age-related
physiological changes (such as slower protective reactions and loss of muscle mass); and (2) high
prevalence of clinical conditions implicated in increasing risk of falling (such as postural hypotension) or
risk of injury (such as osteoporosis) (Rubenstein 2006).
• Overall, studies of patient safety show that older people are much more at risk of adverse health events
than the young and middle-aged (Leape et al 1991; Oliver 2012; Woodhouse 2013).
• Good evidence shows we can prevent older people from falling (Sherrington et al 2019; Hopewell et al 2018).
Trends in improved health and more effective health care have seen an
… increasingly the increase in the number of older people living longer. That group ranges
story of patient safety in from people who are generally healthy and active to people who are very
hospitals is in essence the frail or debilitated (Clegg et al 2013; Robertson and Campbell 2012). Given
story of older patients. the increased number, more people will be at risk of falling and the burden
(Oliver 2012)
of falls in our community is set to rise.
Although the incidence of falling increases with age, studies have found
older people living in the community are ‘unrealistically optimistic’ about
falling. A majority (88 percent) believe falls are a potential problem for their
age group, yet only a minority (37 percent) believe this risk applies to them (Dollard et al 2013). This view is
despite many falls happening at home from standing height.
Older people living in ARC have even higher rates of falling and more serious falls-related injuries than older
people living in the community, with 10–25 percent of falls resulting in fracture or laceration (Rubenstein
2006) and as many as 5 percent resulting in intracranial bleeding (de Wit et al 2020).
For older people admitted to hospital, the vulnerability of being unwell is increased by the unfamiliar
environment and risks associated with treatment. Despite their right to safe care (Health and Disability
Commissioner 2009), too many patients fall and suffer injuries when they are in our care. Falls are consistently
one of the leading causes of serious injuries reported by hospitals to the Commission as adverse events.
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Other risk factors consistently found to increase the risk of falling include:
• the use of psychoactive medications • arthritis
• the use of multiple medications (polypharmacy) • diabetes mellitus
• depression • urinary incontinence (Delbaere et al 2010)
• dizziness • chronic pain.
• limitations to activities of daily living
An older person may have just one risk factor. Yet, as the above risk factors show, it’s quite likely that a person’s
risk profile may have several interrelated factors (such as muscle weakness and impaired mobility) that
compound their risk of falling. At the same time, an older person’s health or treatment profile may also reveal
factors such as osteoporosis or anticoagulant therapy that increase the possibility of harm should they fall.
Why two specific risk factors are important Why not reduce the
Two important risk factors for falls and falls outcomes deserve special mention: number of falls-related
frailty and cognitive impairment. hospital admissions by
helping older people ‘stay
Risk factor 1: Frailty on their feet’?
Frailty is a key risk factor for falls (Hubbard et al 2015). In the first systematic
review of studies examining frailty as a predictor of falls in the community,
results pooled from 11 studies (incorporating 68,723 individuals) showed that
frailty (assessed using a variety of methods) predicts an increased risk of falls (Kojima 2015). Frail people or those
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nearing frailty were 1.84 times more likely to fall. This underscores the need to assess for frailty and provide falls
prevention interventions tailored to each frail older person. A key goal of the 2016 Healthy Ageing Strategy is
to slow or stop older people progressing toward frailty (Associate Minister of Health 2016). A position statement
from the Australian and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine offers guidance on identifying and
managing frailty (Hubbard et al 2015), and the Commission has published a range of frailty care guides to assist
with care of the frail elderly.
May 2022, v2
The psychological impact of falling includes fear and anxiety – and even post-traumatic stress disorder – in
the older frail who fall at home (Bloch 2017). Fear of falling affects more than 50 percent of older people
in long-term care, and is associated with falls, functional impairments, depression and poor quality of life
(Lach and Parsons 2013). Fear of falling is seen in 3–85 percent of older people living in the community who
fall and up to 50 percent of older people who have never fallen (Parry et al 2016; Shoene et al 2019). Social
support does not compensate for the negative impact when the older person’s fall causes them to reduce
or stop participating socially. An older person’s fall affects not just their mobility, but body image, mental
health and capacity to participate (Ehlers et al 2018). The importance of preventing falls is clear.
Impact 3: Costs
Falls have direct costs for the initial treatment of falls-related injuries and longer-term costs such as
residential care. Further cost is incurred as older people typically take longer to recover, with inactivity and
loss of condition contributing to an increased risk of further falls (Delbaere et al 2010; Rubenstein 2006).
More than 25,000 people across Australia and New Zealand break their hip each year, with the cost to the
economy approximately $1 billion annually (ANZHFR 2019).
An evaluation of the reducing harm from falls programme conducted in 2016 reported that it helped to
prevent an estimated 67 fractured hips in hospitals over three years, saving $2.8 million in total avoidable
costs (Appleton-Dyer et al 2016). Given that about 30 times more falls occur in the community than in
hospital (Accreditation Canada et al 2014; Jones et al 2016), there is great scope for scalability of these
savings as we extend falls prevention successes outside hospitals. Economic evaluations indicate that a
range of falls prevention strategies are cost-effective in New Zealand (and sometimes cost-saving), these
include strength and balance exercise programmes (Deverall et al 2017), home safety assessment and
modification (Pega et al 2016), and expedited cataract surgery (Boyd et al 2019).
Betty is a 93-year-old woman with a history of falling. Her daughter Barbara talks about what happened when
avoidable environmental factors (a cluttered toilet space) interacted with her mother’s risk factor of impaired
mobility (for which she was using a walker) to cause a fall. Barbara talks about the impacts for her mother and
the family. You can read a summary or watch the video (2 minutes 1 second) of Barbara talking about her
mother’s fall. TRANSCRIPT VIDEO
Patient falls also affect staff and health services. Health professionals often feel a sense of dismay and failure
when a patient is harmed in a fall, not least because they are aware of the possible outcomes for the patient
and the patient’s family.
You can read a transcript or watch the video (1 minute 22 seconds) of health professionals talking about
patient falls. TRANSCRIPT VIDEO
May 2022, v2
We recommend these leaflets to you as a reminder about the basics of living and working in a safe environment.
More importantly, you can use the two educational resources with your patients to help keep them safe in the
hospital environment and at home after discharge. The checklists in the leaflets enable you to work through
relevant risk factors and actions with your patient and their family/whānau.
Additionally, strength and balance exercise is proven to reduce falls and may be the only measure some older
people living in the community need. You can encourage older people to find a strength and balance exercise
programme near them. Finally, consumer feedback has taught us that it is important to ensure that the older
person, their carers and/or family and whānau understand the reasons why falls need to be avoided, why the
interventions are important and what the evidence base means.
This learning activity equals 60 minutes of your professional development.
You can add it to the personal professional record you keep to check off your
competence framework requirements.
To complete this learning activity, first read the whole topic and the five required
readings, then assess your learning with the 10 self-test questions.
Learning objectives
Reading and reflecting on Topic 1 and the materials in this teaching and learning package will enable you to:
• outline why we should make the topic of older people falling a priority
• describe possible impacts and outcomes when older people fall
• review a fall incident in relation to hazards in the physical environment or risk factors specific to a particular
• explore what ‘a duty of care’ means in relation to older people who fall.
May 2022, v2
These two audiovisuals are relevant to many of the 10 Topics, but are
recommended as a good overview with Topic 1 being an introduction. Viewing
them will help you relate evidence and best practice to real-life initiatives.
If you watch the video ‘Preventing falls in hospital’, you don’t need to click
through for the patient’s story or the health professional’s story, as both
items are extracted from that video.
1. Preventing falls in hospitals (2 versions):
Short summary version (7 minutes 50 seconds)
Full-length version (13 minutes 30 seconds)
2. Staying safe on your feet at home (12 minutes 26 seconds)
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TOPIC Professional development:
1 questions to test your knowledge PROFESSIONAL
ANSWER these questions to check you have retained the knowledge reviewed in this topic and readings ACTIVITY
1 Reasons why the national falls programme included a focus on falls in older people are:
the incidence of falling increases with age
an older person is highly susceptible to injury
an older person typically takes longer to recover from a falls-related injury
fear of falling can create a downward spiral for an older person
all of the above
2 The infographic ‘Harm from Falls’ notes the cost of a hip fracture that results in a three-week stay in hospital as:
$13,500.00 $26,000.00 $47,000.00
3 The percentage of admissions associated with an adverse event while in hospital in New Zealand is estimated at:
9.2 percent 12.9 percent 19.2 percent
ASSESS the processes used for assessing the impact of all on older people in your setting
4 Read the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights. Which of the 10 Rights of Consumers and Duties of Providers do you think best
expresses a patient’s right to safe care?
5 If asked to explain the term ‘duty of care’ in your own words, what would you say?
Give an example of your usual practice of putting your understanding of a ‘duty of care’ into action. Use an example from your last week at work.
6 Think about an older person or patient you know. Think about a fall that person has experienced.
Assess how this idea explains their fall:
A fall is often the result of interactions between [person/patient]-specific risk factors and the physical environment.
Outline how you think their fall is best explained. Their fall is best explained by:
factors related to the patient factors related to the environment an interaction between patient and environment factors
Why did you choose one or more of those factors?
7 Examining that specific fall with the benefit of hindsight, what environmental hazards or specific risk factors could have been considered earlier?
Outline three learnings or insights and how you will APPLY them in your practice
8 My first learning/insight is:
Validation that learner has completed this professional development activity Signature:
For answers to the above self-assessment questions click here. May 2022, v2
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