A series of amine- and thione-substituted triazoles have been synthesized and their structures determined by single-crystal
X-ray diffraction methods. The compounds differ in the identity of the amine- and alkyl-substituents on the triazole ring.
Crystal data for 4-furfuralideneamino-3-methyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-1,2,4-triazole-5-thione, C 8H 8N 4OS: triclinic, space group P1,
Z = 2, a = 10:490(2) Å, b = 10:700(2) Å, c = 4:2185(8) Å, a = 92:68(2)⬚, b = 90:17(2)⬚, g = 92:61(1)⬚, V = 472:5(1) Å ,
R(F) = 0:040 for 151 variables and 1056 observations (I ⬎ 3j(I)); 4-furfuralideneamino-3-ethyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-1,2,4-
triazole-5-thione, C 9H 10N 4OS: triclinic, space group P1, Z = 2, a = 8:366(3) Å, b = 9:296(2) Å, c = 7:953(2) Å,
a = 113:72(2)⬚, b = 108:54(3)⬚, g = 84:94(3)⬚, V = 536:3(3) Å , R(F) = 0:037 for 136 variables and 1126 observations
(I ⬎ 3j(I)); 4-furfuralideneamino-3-propyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-1,2,4-triazole-5-thione, C 10H 12N 4OS: triclinic, space group P1,
Z = 2, a = 9:149(3) Å, b = 9:177(2) Å, c = 8:045(4) Å, a = 110:11(2)⬚, b = 114:52(3)⬚, g = 86:44(2)⬚, V = 574:5(4) Å ,
R(F) = 0:040 for 145 variables and 1414 observations (I ⬎ 3j(I)); 4-(2-acetylpyridyleneamino)-3-ethyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-
1,2,4-triazole-5-thione, C 11H 13N 5S: triclinic, space group P1, Z = 2, a = 7:736(3) Å, b = 11:752(4) Å, c = 7:219(2) Å,
a = 93:68(3)⬚, b = 106:26(3) Å, g = 91:04(3)⬚, V = 628:3(4) Å , R(F) = 0:043 for 154 variables and 1224 observations
(I ⬎ 3j(I)). The molecules show substantial variations in conformation as well as in crystal packing. The differences in
molecular structure are discussed in terms of the potential of the molecules to act as bidentate ligands towards metal ions.
䉷 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
0022-2860/98/$ - see front matter 䉷 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII S 00 22 - 28 6 0( 9 8) 0 04 7 0- 0
62 A.K. Sen et al./Journal of Molecular Structure 470 (1998) 61–69
8.0 g of 4-amino-3-methyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-1,2,4-
triazole-5-thione in ethanol. After 2 h of refluxing, a
brown solid began to separate from the solution. The
reaction mixture was cooled and the product isolated
by filtration. The product was recrystallized from
ethanol and light brown crystals of 1 were obtained
with a yield of 75% (m.p., 225⬚C). Analysis (National
Chemical Consulting, Tenafly, NJ): found, C (46.78);
H (3.24); N (28.20); calculated, C (46.14); H (3.87); N
2.1. Synthesis of 3-CH 3-4-(C 4H 3O)CHN-5-S-C 2N 3H 2.3. Synthesis of 3-C 3H 7-4-(C 4H 3O)CHN-5-S-C 2N 3H
(1) (3)
Table 1
Crystallographic data for new amine- and thione-substituted triazoles
Empirical formula C 8H 8N 4OS C 9H 10N 4OS C 10H 12N 4OS C 11H 13N 5S
Formula weight 208.24 222.26 236.29 247.32
Crystal system Triclinic Triclinic Triclinic Triclinic
a (Å) 10.490(2) 8.366(3) 9.149(3) 7.736(3)
b (Å) 10.700(2) 9.296(2) 9.177(2) 11.752(4)
c (Å) 4.2185(8) 7.953(2) 8.045(4) 7.219(2)
a (⬚) 92.68(2) 113.72(2) 110.11(2) 93.69(3)
b (⬚) 90.17(2) 108.54(3) 114.52(3) 106.27(3)
g (⬚) 92.61(1) 84.94(3) 86.44(2) 91.05(3)
V (Å 3) 472.5(1) 536.3(3) 574.5(4) 628.3(4)
Space group P1 (no. 2) P1 (no. 2) P1 (no. 2) P1 (no. 2)
Z value 2 2 2 2
D calc (g cm −3) 1.464 1.376 1.366 1.307
F(000) 216 232 248 260
m (cm −1) 2.99 2.68 2.54 2.32
Transmission factors None 0.93–1.00 None None
2v range for data (⬚) 3–50 3–50 3–50 3–50
Data collected + h, ⫾ k, ⫾ l + h, ⫾ k, ⫾ l + h, ⫾ k, ⫾ l + h, ⫾ k, ⫾ l
Total data 1738 2012 2151 2386
Number of unique data 1640 1874 2012 2206
R int 0.034 0.014 0.012 0.030
Number of data I ⬎ 3j(I) 1056 1126 1414 1224
Number of variables 151 136 145 154
R F; R w F (I ⬎ 3j I) 0.040; 0.039 0.037; 0.036 0.040; 0.039 0.043; 0.040
Goodness of fit 2.05 2.00 2.43 2.10
Peaks in final DF (e − Å −3) 0.27, − 0.19 0.17, − 0.16 0.20, − 0.25 0.18, − 0.25
Table 3
Selected bond distances (Å), bond angles (⬚), and torsion angles (⬚)