Muskn Frontzz
Muskn Frontzz
Muskn Frontzz
[Registration No. 814-2019-226]
Dr. Mamta Arora
The work has not been submitted in part or full for the award of any other diploma/degree in any other
University in our knowledge.
Dr. Satwant Kaur Shahi
Dr. Mamta Arora
Head of Department
(Department of Biotechnology and
Bela (Ropar)
Food Processing)
This work has not been submitted in part or full for the award of any other degree in any other University.
Signature of Candidate
Date :
Place :
This is to certify that this project report entitled “NUTRACEUTICAL ANALYSIS AND VALUE ADDTION
OF SOURGUM ,KODO AND LITTLE MILLET”” submitted for the degree of Vocational in the subject of
Food Processing of A.S.B.A.S.J.S.M College, Bela (Ropar) has been evaluated by us.
Even though this thesis only has my name on the cover, a large number of others helped to complete it. I
owe a debt of thanks to everyone who helped make my thesis possible and who made my post-graduate
experience one I will always treasure.
I first offer up my thesis to God Almighty. With a lowered head, misted eyes, folded hands, and humility, I
am unable to put into words what's inside of me right now. Research is a difficult endeavour that calls both
perseverance and bravery in addition to hard work. Only with God's blessing and grace would this be made
Words alone can never express the deep, inner feelings of unfathomable indebtedness. I feel the same
confusion when I try to express how grateful and appreciative I am to my wise mentor, Mrs. Mamta Arora,
HOD and Professor of Biotechnology, for her insightful advice and unwavering support from the beginning
to the end of my job. Her knowledge, time and resources were all mine, and they guided me through the
highs and lows I experienced while conducting my research. I am thankful to God for providing me with an
ideal teacher who deserves particular recognition for being the greatest teacher anyone could ask for. I
thank her for all the insightful insights she imparted to me and for offering first-rate workspace during my
investigational work. I would like to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Mamta Arora
(HOD) (Department of Biotechnology and Food Processing), for their constant suggestions and help.
I do sincerest thanks to our principal, Dr. Satwant Kaur Shahi, Principal of ASBASJSM College Bela for
providing me the opportunity and all necessary facilities to accomplish this successfully.
I am grateful to all respected teachers of ASBASJSM College Bela. I want to quote my sincere thanks to Dr.
Mamta Arora and all other respected Teachers of ASBASJSM College Bela, for their useful knowledge
provided to me during my study.
A great thanks to Amit who help me a lot in thisis and Big thanks to Sukhjeet who support me at every
point of time .
Words will fall short to express my feelings for my Father, Mr. AMIT JAIN who is a very simple, down to
earth and faultless person. He taught me the biggest lesson of life that is hard work, honesty and self-
confidence. He has been the first person to tell me all I needed to know about the value of higher education
in becoming a better person by his simple eloquence. MY Mother Mrs PAYAL JAIN is the soul of my
energy. Her blessings have always led me to tag along the right path. I cannot repay her silent patience and
constant encouragement. She stood by me whenever I felt let down, pepped me up when my spirit
Also my gratitude towards my Brother and Sister is aslo important as they are important in my life
SARTHAK, SHREYA. Also my last thanks to my Grand mothers SUNITA JAIN who support me at my
tough times .
Millets Introduction
History of Millet
Nutritional Benefits of Millets
Type of Millets
Global Production of Millets
Millet based product and dishes
Food Products from Millets
Foods made from Flour
Non-food Products from Millets
What is millet
Effects of Processing Technologies on the Nutritional Quality of Millet
Why Millets?
Challenges of food security in the developing countries
Different name of millets
Nutritional compositon of millets
Nutraceutical properties
Dietry fiber
Benefit of millets
3 Materials and methods 22-33
Material collection
Material we use for testing
Chemical and reagent
Method we choose to do testing
Test of amino acid
Test of tannins
Test of terpinoid
Test of alkaloid
Test of cardiac glycoside
Test of Saponins
Test of Anthraquinones
4 Results and Discussion 34-47
4.1 Here we perform 2 Test in this test tube stand (test of amino acid , test of 37
alkaloid ) the result are shown in table
4.2 Result of Terpinoid 37
4.3 Here I am doing sample testing to test millet Quality 38
4.4 Result of cardic glycoside
4.5 Result of Anthraquinones 40
4.6 Millet Food prepared by myself 41
4.7 Sorghum roti prepare by me 42
4.8 Cake successfully made 43
4.9 Millet momo was successfully made 44
4.10 Chilla was successfully made 45
4.11 Cookies was successfully prepared 46
4.12 Smoothie was successfully made 47
Abbreviation Full form