STC Article
STC Article
STC Article
5 1
Department of Physiology, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso;
6 * Correspondence:; Tel.: (+2348134276260, +2347010612448)
16 Keywords: stem cells, stem cell therapy, diabetes mellitus, embryonic stem cells
19 1. Introduction
20 The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that about 177 million people are
21 Citation: To be added by editorial affected by diabetes globally, but this figure is expected to rise to over 300 million by
22 staff during production. 2025 .1 Diabetes mellitus (DM) constitutes one of the greatest menaces to modern global
23 Academic Editor: Firstname
health with its morbidity rising rapidly. However, diabetes care in Nigeria is poorly
24 Lastname
organized especially at the primary and secondary levels of the public health sector
25 leading to reduced life expectancy and quality of life.2
Received: date
26 DM puts extra burden on affected individuals and their families especially majority
Revised: date
27 of patients unable to access quality health care. DM is a group of metabolic diseases
Accepted: date
28 characterized by inadequate or resistant insulin production. Type 1 diabetes mellitus
Published: date
29 (T1DM) or insulin-dependent DM is caused by total insulin deficiency as a result of
30 autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β-cells. Type 2 DM (T2DM) or non-insulin
70 T2DM patients.23 MSCs derive in human placenta have been shown to improve islet cells
71 functions thereby reducing blood glucose.21,24 Also, VEGF has been implicated in
72 vascular damage in diabetic neuropathy (DN). Blocking VEGF is important in managing
73 the condition. MSCs injection reduce VEGF production thereby mitigating the effects of
74 diabetic neuropathy. 25-31
75 T1DM and T2DM are at risk of developing foot ulcers which require amputations as a
76 result of diabetic neuropathy. Increasing hyperglycemia worsens DN 32,33 which is
77 connected to dysregulation of glucose levels, oxidative stress, elevated glycolysis
78 hemoglobin levels and reduced blood velocity as a result of ROS production.33,34
79 Hyperglycemia also promotes the generation of advanced glycated end products (AGEs)
80 which starts an inflammatory reaction and promotes oxidative stresss which futher
81 causes deterioration of the cells.35-40 MSC injection have been shown to improve cells
82 functions and control the levels of AGEs and glucose in the blood.
83 4. Stem cell as a beacon of hope
84 In Nigeria, diabetes is regarded as the disease of the rich. However, due to lifestyle,
85 diets and poor economic situation of the country, many people including the masses
86 suffer from this disease. Due to poor and disorganized health care sector in Nigeria,
87 many Nigerian population are undiagnosed because a lot of people resort to self
88 medication until it deteriorates into a bigger problem. The increasing burden of diabetes
89 as well as the effects on the health care costs, morbidity and mortality are felt by the
90 patients and their families.
91 Treatment of T1DM and T2DM in Nigeria is limited as both causes are treated as the
92 same thing. In a country where patients resort to tradomedical care, introduction of stem
93 cell therapy will change the course in the treatment of diabetes.
8 Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 7
95 3. Conclusions
96 STC therapy have been considered as a safe type of transplantation therapy in
97 diabetes compared to whole organ and Islet cell transplantation. Although ICT has been
98 tested by researchers as an alternate therapy, the scarcity of donors and organ rejection
99 still poses problems in clinical practice. Furthermore, the first stem cells used in the
100 treatment of diabetes were ESCs. Yet, iPSCs have emerged as an alternative due to issues
101 including tumor risk as well as ethical questions.
102 Diabetes and its accompanying complication continue to affect human lives. Stem
103 cell therapy, if introduced in Nigeria will help to improve disease outcomes and reduce
104 the burden on the patients.
105 Conflicts of Interest: Author declares no conflict of interests.
106 Funding: This research received no external funding.
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