Flight Plan - Pia-1
Flight Plan - Pia-1
Flight Plan - Pia-1
Flight plan
1.1 . General disposition
1.1.1 Any concessionaire, permit holder or air operator that operates or intends to operate in the airspace
under the jurisdiction of the United Mexican States, must present for approval to the Aeronautical
Authority prior to the flight, a flight plan of the form and content expressed in this document.
publication and current regulations.
1.1.2 The formats and procedures contained in this document for the Submitted Flight Plan (FPL) (Also
used for Local LCL and Recorded Flight Plan FPQ flights), Repetitive Flight Plan (RPL), and flight
plan closure, are mandatory observance by concessionaires, permit holders, air operators, pilots,
Dispatch Offices, Dispatch and Flight Control Offices, aircraft operations officers, Flight Information
Service offices and Air Traffic Services (ATS) national.
1.1.3 In the event that there is a delay of more than 30 minutes with respect to the estimated time of
departure (ETD), for a controlled flight, or one hour for an uncontrolled flight, this must be amended
(updated), or submit a new flight plan canceling the previous one as appropriate.
1.1.4 Every concessionaire, permit holder or air operator is responsible for keeping the forms
for flight preparation during the time established by current regulations.
1.1.5 The pilot in command of the aircraft must open and close his flight plan in accordance with the
procedures established in this document and current regulations.
1.1.6 Air transport permit holders in the air taxi modality and air operators in their IFR and VFR operations
from/to the national or international airports of the Mexican Republic, who do not have an authorized
dispatch office, must open and close their flight plans. before the Flight Information Service Office
(OSIV) and must be accompanied by a passenger list, which will be delivered to the Aeronautical
Authority when the flight plan is approved, with the following data:
a) Aircraft registration
b) Flight date
c) Name of the passenger
d) Nationality
e) Origin
f) Destination
1.1.7 The concessionaire, permit holder and air operator must ensure that a flight plan is generated and
presented before the departure of each flight, as well as notify the ATS of the pertinent changes.
1.1.8 Before commencing a flight, the pilot in command of the aircraft will familiarize himself with all
available information appropriate for the planned flight. The prior measures for those flights that are
not limited to the vicinity of an aerodrome, and for all IFR flights, will include the detailed study of the
meteorological reports and forecasts in force, calculation of the necessary fuel, and preparation of the
plan to follow in case if the planned flight cannot be completed.
1.1.9 Concessionaires and permit holders must prepare and carry on board, in addition to the Flight Plan,
an Operational Flight Plan for each projected flight.
1.1.10 The formats and procedures contained in this document for the preparation and approval of the
operational flight plan (OPL) are mandatory for concessionaires and permit holders, pilots in
command, dispatch offices, dispatch offices and flight control. , and aircraft operations officers at the
service of concessionaires and permit holders.
1.1.11 Concessionaires, permit holders and air operators who submit a flight plan before departure will
ensure that:
a) The flight that is intended to carry out operations along a route or in an area in which
that a type of RNP, RNAV is prescribed, the aircraft has an appropriate approval issued by
the DGAC for RNP, RNAV and that all conditions applicable to such approval will be satisfied;
b) If operations are planned in reduced vertical separation minimum (RVSM) airspace,
The aircraft has the approval issued by the DGAC for RVSM required
1.2 Submitted flight plan (FPL).
1.2.1 Air transportation permit holders in the air taxi modality, as well as
Air operators must deliver a copy of the FPL to the airport administration.
1.2.2 The controlled IFR FPLs will be presented to the airport's aeronautical authority and
ATS units up to 120 hours in advance or at least 30 minutes before the ETD, unless
otherwise authorized by ATS units.
1.2.3 The uncontrolled VFR or IFR FPL will be presented to the aeronautical authority of the airport
and ATS units, up to 120 hours in advance or at least 10 minutes before the ETD and will be
coordinated by the AFTN or by the ATS oral circuits where not automated systems exist.
1.2.4 Points 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 do not exempt the pilot from obtaining meteorological information and
operational before flight.
1.2.5 The FPL flight plan coordination messages, towards the national and
International flights will be independent of the messages necessary to provide the dispatch,
dispatch and flight control service, and the flight information service office.
1.2.6 The flight plan to be submitted during the flight must be transmitted to the ATS unit in charge
of the FIR, control area, area or route with advisory service, in which the aircraft is flying, or to
which it is heading or wishes to fly over. or to the aeronautical telecommunications station
TO GBAS landing system J1 CPDLC ATN VDL mode 2 (See Note 3) M3 ATC RTF (Iridium)
(APV with SBAS) R
c LORAN C J3 CPDLC FANS 1/A VDL Mode A P1-P9 Reserved for CPR
d DME J4 CPDLC FANS 1/A VDL Mode 2 R PBN Approved (see Note 4)
ATC RTF SATCOM (INMARSAT) VHF With 8.33 KHZ channel separation
Local flights
The ICAO 4-letter location indicator of the aerodrome/airport from which the flight originated must be noted,
example: if an aircraft departs from the Acapulco airport MMAA, it will be placed at the destination airport MMAA
Then, without leaving space, write down the
Total expected duration.
Estimated time en route write down two digits for the hour and two digits for minutes to indicate the
time en route, example: 0030, 0130
In the case of a flight plan received from an aircraft in flight (AFIL), the total planned duration is
counted from the first point of the route to which the flight plan applies to the termination point of the
Flight Plan.
Alternative destination airport(s)/aerodrome(s).
Record the four-letter ICAO location indicator(s) of no more than two destination alternative
aerodromes, as specified in Doc. 7910 Place indicators, separated by a space
Or, if a location indicator has not been assigned to the destination alternative aerodrome(s)
Write down ZZZZ and indicate in box 18 the name and location of the alternative destination
airport(s)/aerodrome(s), preceded by ALTN/.
BOX 18: Other information.
Using indicators not included in this box may result in data being rejected, processed incorrectly, or
Dashes or slashes should be used as shown below.
Enter 0 (zero) if there are no other data, or
Record any other necessary information in the order indicated below, using the appropriate indicator
selected from those defined below followed by a slash and the information to be recorded.
STS/ Reason for special handling by the ATS, p. e.g., search and rescue mission, as follows:
ALTRV: for a flight conducted in accordance with an altitude reservation;
ATFMX: for a flight approved by ATS to be exempt from ATFM measures;
FFR: Firefighting;
FLTCK: flight verification for calibration of navigation aids;
HAZMAT: for a flight carrying hazardous material;
HEAD: a flight with “Head of State” status;
HOSP: for a medical flight declared by medical authorities;
HUM: for a flight that is carried out on a humanitarian mission;
MARSA: for a flight of which a military entity is responsible for its
separation from military aircraft;
Aircraft address (expressed as an alphanumeric code of six hexadecimal
characters) when required by ATS. Example: “F00001” is the lowest aircraft
address contained in the specific block administered by ICAO.
DLE Delay or hold en route: Note the significant points on the route where the
delay is expected to occur, followed by the duration of the delay using four
figures for the time in hours and minutes (hhmm).
Example: DLE/MDG0030
OPR/ ICAO designator or aircraft operating company name, if different from the
aircraft identification in box 7.
ORGN/ The 8-letter AFTN address of the originator and other appropriate contact
details when the originator of the flight plan cannot be easily identified, as
provided by ATS.
PER/ Aircraft performance data, indicated by a single letter, as shown
specified in the Procedures for air navigation services - Aircraft operation
Record the total capacity, number of people, of all inflatable boats carried on board, and
Cross indicator C if inflatable boats are not covered, and
Note the color of the inflatable boats, if carried on board.
A/ (Color and markings of the aircraft).
Note the color of the aircraft and important markings.
N/ (Observations).
Cross indicator N if there are no observations, or indicate other survival equipment on board
and any other observations relating to such equipment.
omg 0g
Copla Comandandla
Coptic AronoLocal
Airport Administration Copla
BOX P: Destination aerodrome and total planned duration. (Box 16 of the submitted
flight plan)
Note the location indicator of the destination aerodrome.
Write down the total expected duration.
Record any information required by ATS, data normally reported in boxes 10
and 18 of the FPL flight plan and other information relevant to the flight plan
that is of interest to ATS, for example, record the letter “W” to describe the
approval operational RVSM of the aircraft or any other relevant information.
Note: The boxes listed on the repetitive flight plan format are
refer to the coincidence with the flight plan presented.