BNN Bootcamp 7 (Transits)

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What is Transit?

Nothing in the universe is stationary and everything keeps on moving, so do

our planets in our solar system , When we are born and take our first breath ,
at that particular movement a snapshot/picture is taken of planetary positions
and is called your Kundli, and planets in it will remain same forever.

But Natural planets keeps on moving and continuously change Rashis (Zodiac
signs), When they travel through different rashis they have an impact on our
lives and causes happening of events.
Duration of Planet in one Rashi…
Sun — 1 month ( approx )
Moon — 2.5 days.
Mars — 45 days ( approx )
Mercury — 1 month ( approx )
Jupiter — 1 year ( approx )
Venus — 1 month ( approx )
Saturn — 2.5 years ( approx )
Rahu — 1.5 years
Ketu — 1.5 years.
- These calculations are without retrogration , with retrogration a few days
and months may increase.
We will study…
Transits tell us what event can take place in life of a native in a particular year/
time period, Transits is simply current position of planets in the sky.

In BNN, we don’t predict exact date and month, nor does we intend to do , a
nearby time period can be found which does well in almost all cases.

The transits that will be used mostly are of Jupiter and Saturn.
How to see transits…
Open a kundli of today’s date on software, you will know through which rashi,
planets are transiting today. Graha transits is a good app on mobile to see transits.
Today on 17/06/2024
-Jupiter is in Taurus(2) Rashi , it came in Taurus on 1st May 2024 and will remain till
14th May 2025. Retrograde from 9th October 2024 to 4 February 2025.

-Saturn is in Aquarius(11) Rashi, it came in Aquarius on 17th January 2023 and became
retrograde on 30th June 2024 and came in direct motion on 15th November 2024, It
will remain till 30th March 2025.
Transit Of Jupiter and Saturn.
Transit of Jupiter gives free will to the native,
E.g. Transiting Jupiter over natal venus- A person may work
hard to get money, start working in bank, marriage in male
chart, or does entertainment.

-Transit of Saturn gives Fate , Destiny, Action.

E.g- Transiting Saturn over natal Venus- Saturn is bound to
give money or House, luxuries, job , prosperity.
But it cannot give if free will is wasted in entertainment.,
As you sow , so you reap.
Transit of Jupiter Over Other Planets
Su 1. Transiting planet gives result of the
planet in the same rashi as the
transiting planet is. (100%) Most to
2. Transiting planet gives result of 7th least
aspect/dristi. (80%)
3.It gives result of trinal rashis(1,5,9
etc.) (50%)
4. 3, 11 houses from transiting planets
are also activated. (25%)
Transit of Jupiter Over Other Planets

Natal Planets Transiting Planets

Planets written in your Planets currently moving in sky, like

Kundli as per your date if open today’s date kundli see
of birth For e,g. your planets are in which rashi. For e.g.
kundli may have mars in Jupiter is in Taurus(2) right now
leo rashi, sun in Saturn in Aquarius(11) rashi , these
aquarius(11) rashi , these are called transitting planets.
are called natal planets.
Transit of Jupiter Over Other Planets
Natal Sun
Shows activation of natal sun, events
can happen related to Government,
Govt. Job, MBA, Authority, Politics,
Name, Fame and promotion.
If there is an issue related to govt.;
Native may solve it with help of
somebody in authority.
Transit of Jupiter Over Other Planets
Natal Moon
Blames, Change (residence, city, job),
Litigation, Travel to some place,
Mother may turn devotional, Native
may turn devotional, moon causes
change in life, birth of female child ,
interaction with opposite sex.
Transit of Jupiter Over Other Planets
Natal Mercury
If Native is a student, he/she gets new
knowledge, and success in exams,
younger siblings gets prosperity,
cooperation from knowledgeable
persons, gains from land deals,
professionals may have successful
trainings or meetings, native may have
Transit of Jupiter Over Other Planets
Natal Venus
Affluence, Prosperity, Money, Luxury,
Vehicles(Car, two-wheeler), Comforts,
Renovation in house, celebration and
buying, rise in comforts, Marriage in
male chart, Daughter birth, House
purchase(Ghar is Venus).
Transit of Jupiter Over Other Planets
Natal Mars
Ma Haste, Stubbornness, keeps away from
imamates , develops exercising power,
blood pressure, Construction, land ,
technical skills job/work may be
successful, one of the brothers or
Husband will be benefitted and gets
recognition, name, fame, marriage in
female chart, if married promotion of
Transit of Jupiter Over Other Planets
Natal Jupiter
Ju Very good time for native to
concentrate on self development,
Name/ Fame , Fortune is activated ,
decision to make addition in
family(family planning), If childbirth
during this phase it is result of good
past karma.
Transit of Jupiter Over Other Planets
Natal Saturn
Sa Employment/Promotion for native,
because Jupiter is planet of expansion
and transits over karma karak, smooth
period in career, also could be change
in job/profession, if natal Mars is linked
to natal Saturn, then obstructions in
getting job or promotion.
Transit of Jupiter Over Other Planets
Natal Rahu
Ra The native will be under illusions, it may lead to
sickness, hospitalization, surgery, medication, native
may get disease (intensity of disease depends on
malefic impact on natal Jupiter.), problems may be
related to food poisoning, wrong medicine, unknown
medicine reaction.Good effects of Jupiter may be
obstructed, jeev is caught in maya.(Circumstances due
to lust, excessive desire which may later on cause
problems),New beginning.
Transit of Jupiter Over Other Planets
Natal Ketu
Ke Gives divine knowledge , occult powers, being a planet of

blocking nature, will block materialistic gains, Jupiter is a

planet of expansion, and ketu has no earthly feelings, it

obstructs a person from materialistic pursuits, it means if Ju

is transiting over natal Ketu, all materialistic results will not

be good, if question is regarding law, occult, yoga, spirituality

it may be positive. , this transits gives choking effect, pains in

joints, opposite energies, ill heath, contemplation, nervous

Transit of Saturn Over Other Planets
Su 1. Transiting Saturn gives result of the
planet in the same rashi as the
transiting planet is. (100%) Most to
2. Transiting Saturn gives result of 3rd, least
7th and 10th aspect/dristi.(80%)
3.It gives result of trinal rashis(1,5,9
4. 3, 11 houses from transiting planets
are also activated.(25%)
Transit of Saturn Over Other Planets
Natal Sun
Su Stress and opposition in professional
field, will get recognition and support
from parental side, face troubles from
higher position people(In job, govt.),
Makes Sun a commener, subject to law
of karma, ill health to native, health
issues/ professional hazards to Father
due to new people, Govt. Job
Transit of Saturn Over Other Planets
Natal Moon
Called Sade Sati , person feels restless,
may wake up at midnight (2 am ) and
feel restless, feels like truck on head,
changes in profession, transfers,
blames, displeasures, expenses, cold-
cough related problems. If moon is
weak , a wicked women may cause
issues, health issues to mother.
Transit of Saturn Over Other Planets
Natal Mercury
For students, good educational
success, delayed but with cooperation
of family/friends, native may get new
degree, knowledge, training, business
success, start of business, gain of land
for siblings, good for siblings, may get
commercial land.
Transit of Saturn Over Other Planets
Natal Venus
Marriage Aspects, Girlfriend, Assets,
birth of daughter, good financial
prospects, 1st round of Saturn(0-30
years) over Venus gives first
professional income, House, vehicle,
prosperities, affluence in life.
Transit of Saturn Over Other Planets
Natal Mars
Ma Mental Tensions, Harassment in
profession, pressure from higher ups,
disputes, quarrels at workplace(Due to
ego and dominance), Purchase of land,
opening of factory, construction related
work, Me with Natal mars may support
IT, Technical skills, Native thinks to quit
job, new job is less paid, Husband may
suffer from ill health and laziness.
Transit of Saturn Over Other Planets
Natal Jupiter
Ju Professional growth, Status,
promotion, Good opportunities, new
avenues , life settling transit, turning
point of life, gastric problems.
Transit of Saturn Over Other Planets
Natal Saturn
Sa Additional Work due to heavy
workload, efficiency level drops,
Laziness surrounds native,
performance slows down, nervous
breakdown, change in lifestyle, health
problems, gastric troubles, additional
workload, person may have to work
double or much harder.
Transit of Saturn Over Other Planets
Natal Rahu
Ra Person may involve in shadowy activities, unethical
work, work at foreign places, foreign travel, death in
house, has to do or attend mourning ceremony,
purchase of vehicles, laziness, can be good if person
starts something new(initial problems-1st year), online
business, MNC, Software engineering etc.
Transit of Saturn Over Other Planets
Natal Ketu
Ke Dejections and disputes at work, may involve
in litigation, aimlessness , may visit holy
places , financial losses, quitting the
job(Constant thought), period of depression,
stress, Karmo ki maar(results of all bad
deeds), person should not change job unless
he/she has an offer letter.
Transit of Saturn Over Other Planets

Destiny Makers- Su, Ve, Me, Ju

Destiny Breakers- Sa, Ra, Ke
Destiny Modifiers- Mo, Ma
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We can get our wish/free will fulfilled when transiting Jupiter in trine with natal Saturn
When transiting Saturn in trine with natal Jupiter, we need to accept what fate wants from us.
Saturn shows the event then it is an event as per fate. Whereas Jupiter giving the event is our doing

Rahu/Ketu are 100% karma axis, brings us unavoidable and somehow deserved events right out of the blue.
Ketu shows obstructions, while Rahu can generously supply us with problems to manage and live with as
well as positive rewards should be eligible,

Transiting Jupiter and Saturn in 6/8 axis to their natal position, will bring fall of something. Losing ones
position after scandal

Jupiter and Saturn in 2/12 position from their respective natal position then it will have lesser fall. For ex-
resign from job.

Transit of Saturn help us realize why we suffer, for ex- Saturn over one of karma houses or places of
attachment has the potential of showing us the true value of our attachments.
Question- Answers

1. Should be totally based on today’s

2.We will take questions till 8.15 then
we will end the session.
3. If your question is genuine and based
on today’s class ask it in chat we will
unmute you first.

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