Proposal For Youth Activities
Proposal For Youth Activities
Proposal For Youth Activities
All of us expect great results with the young people of our congregations, I
believe that the majority are always looking to carry out activities that attract, motivate,
minister and convert many young people.
At this time I want to quote you or rather recommend some activities that you can
carry out with the young people of the congregation, if you are a Youth Leader and
every month you like to carry out activities that are a blessing for the young people,
others like to carry out evangelistic activities to win more young people for Christ, for
that reason I will try to give you certain ideas that I will divide into some categories,
such as, for example:
The objective of this type of activities is to minister to the lives of all those who
attend them, in addition to helping the spiritual growth and strengthening of each one. I
know that maybe you have great ideas to carry out excellent activities, but it is not bad
that I can suggest some, that is why I suggest the following activities that will bless the
lives of the young people of the churches: -
1. Youth Fasting : The majority of young people shy away from fasting, it seems that
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For many, the word “fasting” is < synonymous with “Vacation”. Maybe you have tried
more than once to carry out this activity with your young people and perhaps you have
not had results or support from them, but you should evaluate some things such as, for
example: Is fasting attractive to people? Isn't it monotonous? Is there always something
new that will bless lives? What objectives do I want to achieve with fasting?
My advice : If you are going to fast , it does not necessarily have to be super ultra,
hyper religious, that is, you should try to make fasting attractive to your young people,
Well, if you carry out a fast of pure prayer, prayer and more prayer (with this I am not
saying that it is wrong), then the less spiritual young people will not want to attend and
you are losing the opportunity to minister to the group that most needs to be ministered
to , that is to those that it is difficult for them to seek God. You should try to have a very
good program of your fasting structured into different activities, so that it does not feel
tedious to spend a lot of time doing the same thing. For example, you can have: i) a good
time of praise and joy, ii) then a reflection for spiritual nourishment, iii) then you can
carry out an activity or dynamic that has a ministerial objective, that is, an activity that
By Carlos Salas
leaves a teaching, then You can enter into a moment of pure worship, then give a
reflection that fully ministers to the life of each attendee, and ends with a tremendous
ministration accompanied by prayerful seeking for requests.
2. Youth Vigil : Like fasting, a vigil can help you break chains, that is, you can carry
out a good program. The vigil is more popular among young people than fasting, since
during the vigil, because it is night, young people tend not to want to stay at home. That
is where we have to take advantage of that assistance, I think that a vigil is a tremendous
opportunity to be able to Minister lives , as long as the vigil has a good structure and
planning, all activities have to be planned long in advance, they must propose objectives
to achieve with said activity. A.M
My advice : If you are going to carry it out, try to find a motto for it, to make it more
objective. Like the vigil, try to change activity every few minutes, because a vigil of pure
prayer at 2:30 in the morning would end in bed, meaning that the majority would be
overcome by fatigue, which is normal and you would end up missing the goal of the
vigil. Remember that each activity you do during the vigil (songs, reflections,
ministration, dynamics, testimonies, dramas, etc.) has to have a c
objective based on the motto of the activity.
3. Open Field Days : I wouldn't finish writing so many things that could be said about
each activity, but I am just giving you flashes of ideas, which you can merge with your
ideas and come up with activities that really bless the lives of your young people.
Outings to parks, houses, farms, farms are what the young people of the congregations
like the most. They can miss the Church for 3 months, but when they know that there
will be a visit, the seats in the congregation are filled, because so many young people
come out who want attend these activities.
My Advice : Never lose the objective of the retreats or camps, make the young people
of the congregation aware that the main objective of the retreats is not vacationing,
walking, playing, looking for a boyfriend or any related activity, but rather that of being
Ministers . The more aware of this they are, the better results you will have. Try to
ensure that in each retreat or camp they are accompanied by solid leaders of the
congregation, so that they can bear witness to everyone's behavior, so that it is different,
never fall into monotony, because the activity will lose interest, the more
By Carlos Salas
The more innovative you are, the better results you will get. For example, a retreat
has to have a MOTTO, this motto would have to be the one that covers each point to be
developed in the retreat, the way you make that motto engraved in the mind of each
attendee, the better result you will have. In this type of activities you have the freedom to
do many things including: Singing, Ministering, Teaching, Playing, Having Fun,
Meeting People, Evangelizing, Preaching, among others. Try to ensure that everything
you do always has an objective, so that you never forget it.
The COMPANIONSHIP activities (KONIONIA) aim to unite the group, the
union between young people attracts blessing, with these activities the aim is for young
people to get to know each other better and find more trust and communion among them,
among them: ©
1. Share . In sharing, what is sought is to live together in a better way among young
people, sometimes there are young people who are new and who do not have many
friends, in these activities you will surely find new friends who will support you to
forward. In a coexistence, what is done is to visit some beautiful place and carry out
group unification activities, either through group dynamics that will have the objective
that those who participate get to know each other more and work together, it also has to
There is time for fun.
2. Recreational day . Like all fellowship activities, the objective is to unite the group
of young people. In this activity you can plan different recreation strategies, different
games, rounds, sack races, among others. The idea is to form a group to compete -
healthily in different cooperative games. This kind of
activities help a lot to increase friendship among the young people of the yo
congregation. u
3. Christian Holiday Day . On this day you can carry out different activities in in
a stipulated place, the idea is to fully exploit the different qualities of the young people in
your congregation, it is like a fair day, but with Christian activities to be carried out, in
addition some Ministries of your Church can be part of it. , such as, for example: the
Theater Ministry, the Puppet Ministry, the Singing Ministry, the Children's Ministry, etc.
Each of them can take time in the development of this activity, making the activity more
enjoyable and why not say it, even leaving a message of reflection or evangelistic,
through the participation of the different Ministries.
4. Marches or Walks . It is a good way to keep Koinonia among young people,
By Carlos Salas
choose an appropriate and safe place to do it, believe me that this experience will be
unforgettable for your young people and despite their fatigue it will be a very good
5. Attend Conservative Concerts . Another activity that, in addition to increasing
the unity of young people, will bring spiritual blessing would be concerts. Sometimes
there are young people who do not have the means (car) to attend a concert, that is where
a good activity would be if they could provide a bus for all the young people, to attend
some convert or crusade, I assure you that it would be a activity
very good that it will remain in the memories of all young people for their entire lives.
These activities aim to win souls for God, meaning that young people who attend
these activities can give their lives to Jesus. Some of the activities you can do are:
1. Meetings in Houses . Something that from my point of view always works are
home meetings, that is, holding several youth meetings on a specific day, inviting young
people who have not yet given their lives to Jesus and having a pleasant meeting to
present the plan of salvation. of < God for their lives. The meeting could consist of:
Welcome, Opening Prayer, Group Dynamics, Praise, Evangelistic Message, Call,
Refreshment, Announcements and Closing Prayer. In this type of activities I have been
able to see how many young people have been converted, since the fact of holding a
meeting in a private home makes it more accessible for people who are afraid of
attending a Church. This meeting is complete because in addition to Ministering lives,
carrying out evangelism, there is also sharing (Dynamics and Refreshment). Try it and
you will undoubtedly see great results.
2. Theater night . For me, a night of theater is a good opportunity to win souls,
because in addition to being attractive to young people and being able to show the talent
that God has given them, it can also win souls. You can carry out this activity when it is
appropriate to the need. They can perform different dramas or a single one that brings
many evangelistic messages to the people (the drama is left to each person's creativity)
and at the end make a call. Personally, this activity has turned out very well for me with
good results for the Glory of God.
By Carlos Salas
3. Evangelistic Concert . You can bring together several Praise Ministries, you can
do it in your Congregation, put a motto and invite friends so that through the concert
they can be converted. You could invite other young people from nearby churches.
4. Evangelist Dinner . At an evangelical dinner it has to be very well prepared, you
have to find a way to make it attractive and youthful, there could be: Welcome, Praise,
Short message (30min), Drama, Call and Dinner. In the end, dinner is just a bait so that
friends can come, it is not bad to invest in order to win souls, so it is another activity that
is 100% recommended and that gives good results.
5. Evangelistic Invasion . Arrange with the young people of your congregation that
on a certain day, they will all get together and plan to invade a certain neighborhood or
street, to go and knock door to door to present the gospel, deliver tracts and win souls for
Christ. I assure you that in addition to winning souls, your young people will feel very
satisfied for being able to have spoken about Christ to other people.
6. Social Day. Within the group of young people in your church, place those who
know about hairdressing, recreators or other talents and carry out an activity in a house
or <
neighborhood in order to provide a little help and establish new contacts and friends for
future evangelizations.
They are not the only activities that you can do , God has given each one the c
ability and creativity to carry out many activities, the only thing we need is for us to be
willing to do them and for them not to just remain just another idea. The way the young
people of the congregation are active, their spiritual growth will also be greater and there
will be no space left for the enemy to want to distract them.
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