History Chapter 1 Notes
History Chapter 1 Notes
History Chapter 1 Notes
1) What were the Political causes for the First War of Independence?
ANS i) The British tried to expand their political power in India by four ways, i,e by
outright wars, by the system of Subsidiary Alliance, by adopting the Doctrine of Lapse
and on the pretext of alleged misrule.
ii) Bahadur Shah Zafar, the Mughal ruler’s name was removed from the coins
minted by the Company. The successors of Bahadur Shah Zafar would not be
permitted to use the Red Fort as their palace.
iii) The British refused to grant Nana Saheb the pension they were paying to
Baji Rao II.
IV) Absentee Sovereignty of the British means that India was being ruled by the
British government from England and India’s wealth was being drained to England
and not utilized for their welfare.
2) What is meant by Subsidiary Alliance? Who introduced it?
Ans. Subsidiary Alliance was an agreement between the British East India Company
and the Indian Princely States by virtue of which these states lost their sovereignty.
Lord Wellesley introduced it.
3) What were the conditions of the Subsidiary Alliance?
Ans.i) Indian Princes accepted the British as the supreme power
ii ) They surrendered their foreign relations to the East India Company
iii) Indian rulers accepted a British Resident at their headquarters .
iv) They agreed to maintain British troops at their own cost and virtually lost their
4) With whom did the British negotiate the Subsidiary Alliance at the
earliest? Name the other states who accepted the Subsidiary Alliance .
Ans. The Nawab of Awadh was the first one to negotiate S.A with the British.
The Nizam of Hyderabad, the ruler of Mysore, the Raja of Tanjore, Sindia and the
Rajput States of Jodhpur accepted the S.A.
5) Explain the term ’Doctrine of Lapse’. Name the States annexed by the British
using the Doctrine of Lapse.
ANS .Lord Dalhousie , the Governor – General of India, annexed many Indian States to
the Company using the Doctrine of Lapse.
According to this Doctrine, if an Indian ruler died without a male heir, his kingdom
would ‘lapse’ to the British.
The prominent states that annexed were Jhansi, Satara, Jaitpur, Sambalpur, Udaipur
and Nagpur.
6) Which policy was used by Lord Dalhousie against Rani Laxmi Bai? Why did
Rani Laxmi Bai become a bitter enemy of the British?
Ans.The Doctrine of Lapse
When the ruler of Jhansi died in 1853, leaving no natural heir, the widowed Rani was
pensioned and their adopted son, Anand Rao was not recognized as a lawful
successor to the throne.
7) How did the Nawab of Carnatic and Tanjore lose their title?
Ans. The principle of Doctrine of Lapse was applied to take away the titles
and pensions of the rulers of the Nawabs of Carnatic & Tanjore.
8) On what basis Awadh was annexed to the Company’s dominions ? Mention
the consequences of annexation .
Ans. Lord Dalhousie annexed Awadh to the Company’s dominions on the pretext of
alleged misrule.
Consequences on the people
i) They had to pay higher land revenue and additional taxes on food, house and
ii) The dissolution of the Nawab of Awadh’s army and administration threw thousands
of nobles, officials and soldiers out of jobs.
iii) The British confiscated the estates of the taluqdars and zamindars.The
dispossessed taluqdars became the opponents of the British rule.
iv) The annexation of Awadh also affected the soldiers financial position. They had to
pay higher taxes on the land their families held in Awadh.
9) Who was Nana Sahib? What was his main grievance against the British?
Ans. Nana Sahib was the adopted son of Peshwa Baji Rao II, the last Peshwa.
His main grievances were
i) The British refused to grant Nana Saheb the pension they were paying to Baji Rao II.
ii) Nana Saheb was forced to live at Kanpur, far away from his family seat at Poona.
10) State the political activities into which Nana Sahib was involved?
Ans.i) Nana Saheb had inherited wealth from the former Peshwa, which he utilized in
sending emissaries to different parts of the country for generating awareness among
the Indians about the British policies.
ii) Nana Saheb also travelled between Delhi and Lucknow to gather support for the
11) State two announcements which adversely affected the Mughal dynasty in India.
Ans.i) In 1849, Lord Dalhousie announced that successors of Bahadur Shah Zafar
would not be permitted to use the Red Fort as their palace. They were required to
shift to a place near the Qutab Minar.
ii)In 1856, Lord Canning announced that after the death of Bahadur Shah, his
successors would not be allowed to use the imperial titles with their names and
would be known as mere princes.
12) Give the meaning of Absentee Sovereignty. Why was it resented by the Indians?
Ans.i) Absentee Sovereignty of the British means that India was being ruled by the
British government from England, at a distance of thousands of miles.
ii) The earlier rulers like the Mughals, who had conquered India, had settled in India.
The revenues they collected from the Indians were spent in India only.
iii) In case of Britain, the Indians felt that they were being ruled from England and
India’s wealth was being drained to England and not used for their welfare.
1) Mention the Socio – Religious causes that were responsible for the First War of
Ana.i) British Interference with social customs of Indians
ii) People of India were suspicious about Modern Innovations like railways and
iii) British followed the Policy of racial discrimination
iv) Corruption in Administration
v) Complex judicial system enabled the rich to oppress the poor
3) What were the apprehensions of Indians about the introduction of the railways?
Ans.i) There were rumours that telegraph poles were erected to hang those who
were against the British rule.
ii) Orthodox Indians noted that in the railway compartments the higher castes and
the lower castes were made to sit side by side to challenge their practices of caste
and religion.
5) What were the fears of Hindus and Muslims with regard to the introduction
of Western Education?
Ans.i) In 1829, the Bengal Government established an English class in the
Calcutta Madrasa, which was a Muslim institution.
ii) Later, English classes were introduced in Benaras Sanskrit College .
iii) Introduction of western education was not received well by the Pandits and
iv) They saw in it an attempt to discourage traditional Islamic and Hindu studies.
1) What were the Military causes for First War of Independence?
i) Ill treatment of Indian soldiers in the British army
ii)The British Parliament passed the General Service Enlistment Act in 1856.
iii) The number of Indian soldiers in British army were comparatively higher than the
British soldiers.
iv)The future of Indian soldiers was bleak without any chance of promotions.
v)The Indian soldiers were deprived of Bhatta for their foreign service and also lost
the free postal service.
vi)The wages of Indian soldiers was very low. The British soldiers received more than
eight times the salary of the Indian soldiers.
2) How did the British ill treat the Indian soldiers ?