003 Barbecue Restaurant

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Barbecue Restaurant

1. Strategy

a. Mission
We are a company dedicated to the sale of barbecue and its derivatives, seeking to
provide excellence in each of our dishes, as well as satisfy the consumption needs of
each client.

b. Vision
To be recognized as one of the best restaurants at a regional level, recognized as a
professional work group, with quality in each of our dishes and in the service of our

c. Values
 Responsibility: With the entire work team, as well as with our clients.
 Honesty: With my colleagues and with the restaurant.
 Ethics and integrity: In our way of being, thinking and serving others.
 Commitment: To myself, to my colleagues, to the diners and to the company.

d. Objectives and goals

1. Achieve positioning in the market, providing service and quality to our diners.
2. Social network design, creating valuable content for our followers.
3. Gain clients every month, according to a calendar of publications on social
networks, which will allow us to persuade potential clients.

e. SWOT Analysis

BBQ Restaurant Strengths Weaknesses

Uncompetitive market. New in the restaurant
It is a product that does not It does not have its market
need to be sold every day, segmented.
except on weekends.
Product in high demand on Limited initial budget.
It is a product whose main No presence on social
consumption is to take networks.
away, making the Competition in salaries.
investment at the beginning
not large.
Opportunities Strategies | FO (Max-Max) Strategies | DO (Min-Max)
Digital home service platforms.
The restaurant can register
for home delivery platforms.
Expand to serve more people. Define the target audience
You can also create content
and create advertising
about barbecue preparation
campaigns for them, thus
or customer service and in
Open other branches in different achieving better
this way you would be
strategic points of the state. communication with our
creating valuable content
and creating a sense of
New market segments that we can belonging in our customers.
Threats Strategies | FA (Max-Min) Strategies | DA (Min-Min)
Direct and indirect competition
from other restaurants.
Open the business's social
Customers loyal to the competition, Provide quality service to
networks, where the menu,
or to a broader menu. each customer, also explore
photographs and dishes are
Opening of new restaurants or new a broader menu to attract
published, explaining our
cuisine that may affect the start of more customers.
product and how it is made.
the restaurant.
Healthy trend

2. Market analysis

a. Analysis of the 4 P's

The “4 Ps” of Marketing are lessons that help us make decisions in our business by
diagnosing certain aspects that we might forget. Basically they are a recipe that must be
followed to make a delicious plan or dish.

These are the 4 P's of marketing:

1. Product or service
2. Price
3. Promotion
4. Plaza (The distribution point or channels)
The product or service
This is the starting point. What exactly are you selling? Your product or service itself. The
first thing will be to answer some basic questions: What is it about? What is it made of?
What purpose does it have?, and so on until it is perfectly defined.

In order to define this point, it is necessary to first answer the questions posed and then
be able to generate a perfectly defined idea.

 What exactly do you sell or want to sell?

Barbecue and its derivatives
 What is your business about?
Family barbecue restaurant and its derivatives
 What purpose does it have?
Make known the gastronomy derived from the barbecue and the products
that derive from it

Although this is general, it will be transformed as the company grows, so that the product
we offer would be expressed as follows:

The product and service offered by Restaurante Barbacoa is the gastronomy that
accompanies this tradition. We offer various products that will make this an unforgettable
experience, such as: lamb barbecue, barbecue tacos, consommé, simple and meat
quesadilla. This will be the main strength of the business, the core.

In addition, different types of drinks, typical of this gastronomy, will be offered as a

complement, such as: flavored water, a variety of soft drinks, hot drinks, natural juices.
And adding to these products, it will also be complemented with seasonal desserts.

Below is an initial prototype of the menu, which of course will grow as the operation and
customers require it.

Barbecue Restaurant Menu

Main dishes
- Barbecue 1 kg - BBQ Taco
- Barbecue ½ kg - Montalayo Taco
- Montalayo 1 kg - Montalayo ½ kg
- Consommé 1 lt - Consommé Dish
- Simple Quesadilla - Quesadilla with BBQ
- Quesadilla with Montalayo
- Blackberry Pie Slice - Pineapple bagel slice
- Soda - horchata water
- Jamaica's water
This menu shows how the company started, we must consider that in the future this menu
will be expanded, adding more drinks such as alcoholic beverages, coffee, more flavored
waters and other types of dishes, such as sopes or traditional ones. huaraches. The reason
why this type of dishes are not added at this time is because it is a newly created company
and generating more products or services in its initial stage would create additional costs,
reducing initial profits.

The pricing strategy can be one of the most complicated points, but at the same time one
of the most important, the following specific questions will have to be answered: How
much does it cost to put my product or service on sale? How much does it cost to produce
it? How much does it cost to hire suppliers? How much should I charge to justify my
expenses and make a profit? How much does the competition's product cost?

This “P” is going to be developed in the financial analysis part, which is why at this
moment it will not be touched upon, once the financial part has been developed it will be
complemented with that “P”.

This point refers to everything you are going to do to inform your potential customer
about your product or service and of course, persuade them to buy. How are you going to
promote yourself?

Promotion begins with questions like: Who is your customer? Who considers your product
or service valuable? The answer to these questions should be your unique selling
proposition or USP (Unique Selling Proposition)

Our target customer is families, specifically parents or adults, who have the financial
position to enjoy our products. Our product will be made with the highest levels of quality
and hygiene, being a family restaurant. We will make ourselves known mainly through
social networks, with photos, videos, evidence of our processes and word of mouth
advertising, for restaurants today this is a strong starting point, making themselves known,
for this reason and being in The technological era is that it was decided to promote
through the main social networks, as well as through platforms that are dedicated to
distributing food. This, accompanied by promotions on the products, will quickly position
the restaurant within the 3 best known for barbecue consumption and derivatives.

The physical location of the restaurant has not yet been determined, however, it is
intended to be a strategic place, a place with an influx of people and vehicles. The sales
channel it will have will be direct, this goes from the producer (restaurant) to the final
consumer (customer). Coverage can be provided throughout the state of Querétaro, since,
with the presence on social networks and the use of distribution platforms we will be able
to cover everything.
We thus come to the conclusion that the analysis of the 4 Ps is allowing us to know our
business, however, it is not a whole, since this analysis, like many others, has the ability to
be updated over time, generating new contributions with each objective. that is planned.

b. Porter's Competitive Forces Analysis

Michael Porter maintains that a company's profitability potential is defined by five forces:

 The power of the customer

 The power of the supplier
 New entrants
 The threat generated by substitute products and
 The nature of the rivalry

The usefulness of this management tool is that companies can analyze and measure their
resources against these five forces. From there, they will be in optimal conditions to
establish and plan strategies that enhance their opportunities or strengths to address
threats and weaknesses.

1. Bargaining power of customers

Porter considers that the more organized consumers are, the more demands and
conditions they will impose on the relationship of prices, quality or services,
therefore, the company will have less margin and the market will then be less
attractive. In addition, the client has the power to choose any other service or
product from the competition. This situation becomes more visible if there are
several potential suppliers.

Faced with this threat, various strategies can be used, such as:
 Increase investment in marketing and advertising
 Improve sales channels
 Increase the quality of the product and/or service or reduce its price
 Provide new added value

2. Bargaining power of suppliers

When suppliers have a lot of organization within their sector, relevant resources
and conditions on prices and order sizes, that is when they make a more attractive
market. Here we measure how easy it is for our suppliers to vary prices, delivery
times, payment methods or even change the quality standard. The smaller the
supplier base, the less bargaining power we will have.

Some of the strategies to follow to avoid depending on a single supplier or find

better options are:
 Increase our supplier portfolio
 Establish long-term alliances with them
 Start manufacturing our own raw materials

3. Threat of new incoming competitors

If the barriers to entry into an industry are not very accessible, then it is not
attractive. The threat is that other companies with the same products and new
resources may arrive and take over that part of the market.

In this sense, the most important barriers to preserving our market share are:
 Economy of scale: large companies achieve much higher production levels
than smaller ones and this results in a reduction in costs
 Product differentiation
 Capital investment
 Access to distribution channels so that the customer can consume the
final product
 Legal barriers such as all types of mandatory regulations that vary in each
 Brand identification
 Product differentiation
 Accumulated experience
 Movements of already established organizations

To address this threat we can:

 Improve/increase sales channels

 Increase investment in marketing and advertising
 Increase the quality of the product or reduce its price
 Provide new services/features as added value to our customer

4. Threat of new substitute products

A market or segment will not be attractive if there are substitute products or when
they are more technologically advanced or have lower prices. These products
and/or services pose a threat because they usually set a limit on the price that can
be charged for a product. We must always be attentive to the developments in our
sector and the influence that these developments in our sector and the influence
that these developments can have on our organization.

To combat it we will propose some strategies:

 Improve sales channels
 Increase marketing investment
 Increase product quality or reduce its cost
 Diversify production towards possible substitute products

5. Rivalry between competitors

This factor is the result of the previous four and is what provides the organization
with the necessary information to establish its market positioning strategies. Each
competitor establishes the strategies with which to stand out from the others. In
such a way, a strong rivalry translates into many strategies. Rivalry increases if
there are many competitors, they are very well positioned or they have fixed
costs, among other factors. In these cases, these would be unattractive markets.

Given the rivalry between competitors, it is advisable:

 Increase marketing investment
 Increase the quality of the product or service
 Reduce our fixed costs
 Partner with other organizations
 Provide added value to our clients
 Improve user experience

3. Technical analysis
a. Machinery and equipment
The machinery and equipment that is needed to start and to continue the business are
different, with the first being essential and the second must be integrated in a second or
even third phase. To do this, we must determine a list of the basic assets for the
development of the project, as well as the basic facilities that the business must have once
it is launched, and finally we will divide the requirements for machinery and equipment
and facilities into 3 phases. future.

Machinery and equipment to start

Basic team

 Kitchen equipment . Hole, oven, stove, refrigerators, freezers, work table, sink.
 Utensils . Pans, pots, casseroles
 Earthenware and plaque . Refrigerator for drinks, strainers, measuring spoons,
can opener, tables and chairs, cutlery, plates (base, extended, deep, pastry bowl,
bowl, dessert), glasses and cups, sauce boats, salt shakers and small bowl for
lemons, napkin holders, toothpick holders.
 Uniforms . For cooks and staff
 Table linen . Napkins, aprons for waiters and cooks, caps, philippines
 Others . Cashier or counter, signs and advertising


 Commands. To take orders

 Operational formats . Request for raw materials and materials
 Bills . For suppliers and clients
 Cards . Menus for diners.
We are considering, I repeat, basic machinery and equipment to begin with, medium-term
and long-term projects must be determined in the purchasing budgets that will be made
precisely in these terms.

Future facilities should also be considered:

- Industrial freezer that will be used to store and stock lamb meat
- Have a corral for at least 20 sheep

b. Design of production processes, a production plan will be

c. Definition of production and marketing capacities
d. Shopping plan
A purchasing plan allows the company to have a defined initial budget, which allows these
expenses not to be exceeded and in turn generate future savings. This plan is defined by
the company's objectives, which must be developed year after year and will be attacked.
the most vulnerable points of the company.

One of the starting points for developing a purchasing plan is obtained by having a
production and marketing or sales plan, as well as having the company's objectives,
palpable and visible objectives or those that involve the economic part.

For a barbecue restaurant, which is newly created, it is difficult to do a 1-year planning,

which is what is suggested in all companies. For a barbecue restaurant, we are going to
define a quarterly purchasing plan, which will be modified in terms of purchasing inputs, it
may be a larger or smaller purchase depending on the marketing that is available, and this
strategy is to create a quarterly purchasing plan. , it must remain at least 1 to 2 years, this
is very susceptible to changes, taking into account the success it has or the exponential
growth it has, that is, long-term planning is more important as it develops or growing this

For this purchasing plan we will use the following premises:

- Purchasing plan for a start-up company which leads to a quarterly plan
- Marketing and sales capabilities
- Production capacities
- Initial Investment
- Asset requirements

Quarterly purchasing plan

Description Starting Points Expected Income Expected Output
Sales and
Initial Investment
Asset Requirements  Location or
 Chairs
 Tables
 Refrigeration

e. Required labor
In order to determine the required manpower (MO), we need to understand what the
functional areas of a company are and more specifically, what the functional areas are
within a company in the restaurant industry.

The functional areas within a company are the following:

- Sales
- Shopping
- Production
- Administration

It is important to clarify that these areas are general and according to the growth of the
company, they will be modified until their perfect adaptation and functionality. Now, for a
company in the restaurant industry this does not change much, but it does specify:
- Sales or Marketing. It is the area responsible for publicizing and exposing the product.
Nowadays it is common to do so through social networks and no longer through
traditional means, because in this way the client can be segmented by reaching a very
specific target user, too. This is where the promotions and offers that are important
to attract the customer will be generated, well, in a few words it is the area of
publicizing my product and service, also the sales area, it is made up of each person
who is involved in the sale. Finally, as an example is the waiter, waiter captain, even
manager, everything depends on the organizational structure.
- Shopping. This area plays an important role, since you can have many sales, but have
a terrible purchasing plan or very expensive purchases, which would obviously impact
the profit from each sale. It is an area that plays a hidden, but important role, it is the
face and relationship you show with your suppliers.
- Production. This area is the one in charge of supplying raw materials and carrying out
all production. Obviously, you must be in contact with other areas, what the tastes of
consumers will tell you.
- Administration. We are generalizing this area since the accounting and finance area
and the human resources area emerge from here. It is the area responsible for
recruitment and selection, salaries and wages, training and development, accounting,
accounts payable and accounts receivable, hygiene and safety, planning and
management, and we could also add the legal area within this, among others.
As we saw, it is impossible to do without any of these areas, just as it is impossible to give
priority to any, because like a good gear, like a clock, everything must work perfectly, in
order to have a perfect product or service, since, as in a clock, if a gear doesn't work it
won't give you the exact time. In a company, if one area fails, the entire company fails.

Now that we have seen the important areas of a restaurant company we can define the
required labor force, and this is only capable of being defined according to the operation,
therefore, an initial labor force will be proposed, in which, The areas we are talking about
can be covered in different ways, an example of this is that a single person can be in
charge of administration and purchasing, taking into account that administration covers
the finance part, so that is, managing human resources, finances and purchases, in the
future this will be appropriate, as mentioned above. Another example is that a contract is
not required with a person who handles the digital marketing part; this can be done by a
company that is hired specifically for this, or by a temporary or contract or hourly worker.

Below is a table where the necessary people are added, to start the company, these are
the essential people:

Area Amount of people recommendations

Production 1

Now, establishing a fixed staff for each business unit is not entirely correct, since it
depends a lot on the space available, as well as the potential customers, which is why an
organizational chart of the areas of the restaurant will be made, looking at this in the
future. and its impact.

f. Investments required

4. Legal Analysis
a. Laws and regulations that are important to the business
b. Rules to which the business is subject

5. Financial analysis
a. Income forecasts
b. Cost and expense forecasts
c. Investment program
d. Opportunity costs
e. Financing requirements
f. Way to generate cash
g. Expected performance

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