Real Script Op
Real Script Op
Real Script Op
Greeting to the Good morning to our beloved lecturer and friends. We would like to thank our
audience lecturer for giving us the opportunity to be here today. Before We begin, allow
me to introduce ourselves. I am Nor Ain binti Mohamad Sanif and on my
left/right is Azrah binti Abdul Kajum.
Get the audience’s My dear fellow friends. Do you/ Are you sometimes feel so exhausted and
attention (techniques mentally tired when it comes to study? Or you just feel overwhelmed with your
include : asking responsible as a student? From my experience, I do felt like I lose my motivation
rhetorical questions, sometimes, but as a student we should do our best in our studies for brighter
using ‘you’) future. My friend and I will discuss things that are related to this.
State the topic and Well, today We are going to talk about/on 6 tips to be a successful students
the Thesis Statement
Allow me to define our roles ; I will talk about how to manage our thoughts and
emotions, avoid things that can distract you and you must get enough sleep.
While my partner will explain about manage your study space,take notes and
find a study group.
Speaker 1 Dear friends, my first point is we must know how to manage our thoughts and
Signal the first main
Supporting details New learning system such as online classes have been introduced from year
2020. It can give pressure to the student and the lecturer as well to adapt with
the new situation. The pressure that maybe the student feel is cannot focus
while in class, do not understand the learning and take it easy such as do not do
their assignment because they have no interact with their lecturer face to face.
It can lead to get bad result and can affect the student’s emotions and mental
health. For example, students will lose motivation and feel discouraged.
Supporting details So, with my explanation above, it is important to manage our thoughts and
emotions. We can manage our thoughts and emotions effectively by
questioning ourselves such as differentiated things that should be our priority or
not, view things positively, make a wise decision and try to improve ourselves.
Internal summary I have just discussed on manage our thoughts and emotions as a student.
Speaker 1 Dear friends, I shall now move on to my second point that is by avoid things that
can be a distraction to you.
Second main point
Supporting details This is because when things get you distracted, you will tend to not do other
things that are important. In my opinion, the common things that can distract
student is online gaming and social media. The student often spend their time
on it and cannot manage their time wisely. The student will also not focus while
studying or when do assignment.
Supporting details On top of that, the way for you to stay focus on doing your work is by turn off
notifications on your phone, delete the apps that can distract you or restrict
your internet access.
Internal summary I have just discussed about avoid things that can be a distraction to you.
Speaker 1 Dear friends, I shall now move on to my third point that is you must get enough
time of sleep.
Third main point
Supporting details The research shows that a student should get at least 8 hours of sleep every
night. This is because sleep boost memory and enhances learning and sleep is a
vital part of becoming an effective learner. It can help you improve
concentration because you may not feel sleepy due to getting a quality sleeps.
Supporting details Besides, getting enough sleep can decrease the chances of getting sick and can
improved mood. It is good for your mental well-being. Next, some of the ways
that can help you to get better sleep is by avoid drinking caffeine and set a
regular sleep schedule and try to stick on it.
Internal summary I have just discussed that student must be get enough time of sleep.
Speaker 2 Dear friends, I shall now move on to our fourth main point that is manage your
study space.
Fourth main point
Supporting details Find a place that will maximize your productivity. Look for places away from the
television and other distractions. Whether it is your local library or just the desk
in your bedroom, set aside a study space that you will want to spend it.
Supporting details Since we may not have face-to-face contact with our lecturer and other friends,
you’ll have to keep yourself on track. These organizational tips for online
learning will help make sure we stay on top of everything and successfully
balance our work, family and online classes.
Speaker 2 Dear friends, I shall now move on to our fifth main point that is take notes.
Supporting details Taking notes will not only keep you more engaged during class, but will also
help you narrow down what you need to study when exam time rolls around.
It's much easier to reread your notes than to reread your entire textbook!
Supporting details It’s important to take notes in class because it helps you to pay attention
and to learn the concepts better.I prefer taking notes in a linear,
sequential manner. But there are several other note-taking systems that
you can learn about here.
Speaker 2 Dear friends, I shall now move on to our sixth main point that is find a study
Sixth main point
Supporting details Sitting down with a group of people who are learning the same things as you is a
great way to go over confusing class material or prepare for a big test.
Supporting details You can quiz each other,reteach material,and make sure that everyone is on the
same page.After all,teaching someone is the best way to learn.
Speaker 2 My dear friends, today me and my partner has discussed about 6 tips to be a
successful students.
Review the main
points She had discussed 3 key points that is manage your thoughts and emotions,that
is by avoid things that can be a distraction to you,must get enough sleep and I
had discussed 3 key points that is manage your study space,take notes and find
a study group.
End on a high note My dear friends, let me end our speech by quoting Thomas A Edison, who said,
(using a quotation “Our greatest weakness lies in the most certain way to succeed is always to try
and thanking the just one more time.”. With that, we end our presentation. Thank you.
Thank you so much for your questions (if there are any)
Closing Once again thank you for being such a wonderful audience. It has been a great
honour and pleasure for us to be here today. Thank you.