SF 10 - Safety Familiarisation
SF 10 - Safety Familiarisation
SF 10 - Safety Familiarisation
This booklet will be given to the seafarer, with relevant information filled in by the company or Master. This familiarization checklist
is made of four sections.
Section A Introduction to Company, SMS, and Ship: This section will be completed by the company or by manning office. Company
manuals shall be provided to joiner as necessary to understand the Safety Management System of the company.
Section B Onboard safety familiarization (as per STCW) - This section of the Safety and Familiarization booklet will be completed by
the Chief Officer or his designate. The designate is 3rd officer with more than 6 months’ rank experience or 2nd Officer.
The on signer will confirm his understanding by signing at the end of Section B. Trainers will countersign with date. This section shall
be completed within 24 hours of the seafarer joining the vessel and prior to assigning his job responsibilities or before the voyage
begins, whichever is earlier.
Section C On Board safety (continued) – MUST be completed within 14 days of joining (As per SOLAS)
The on signer shall complete this detailed training within 14 days of joining the vessel.
The on signer shall confirm his understanding by signing at the end of Section C.
Section D Job familiarization. This will be completed by Outgoing person or a person of higher rank. The on signer will confirm his
understanding by signing at the end of Section D. Person responsible for familiarization will countersign with date. Section D needs to
be completed before on signer takes over the responsibility.
It is the responsibility of each crew member to read and understand each section, then submit to Master/Chief Engineer for
verification and signature.
Copy of last page will be filed on bridge with third officer for ready records. This booklet shall be kept by the seafarer at the most
convenient place to refer. On Sign Off, this book shall be handed over to Master, who shall retain it for a period of 3 years.
Edition No.2 / Rev.No.15
1|Pa g e Date: 17-May-24
The possession of illegal drugs, or the use, distribution, or sale of unlawful or un-prescribed substances is
strictly prohibited onboard. Violators shall be subjected to immediate dismissal.
Any officer or rating using prescription or non-prescription drugs must declare details of the said drugs to
the master upon joining the ship.
Company adopts the maximum Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) for anyone on board company vessels
as 40 mg/100millilitres of blood (0.04%) at all times. BAC of 0.04% or above shall be considered as alcohol
impairment. (On vessels owned by Lauritzen Bulker, Max BAC is 20mg/100 milliliters (0.02%)). (For BBC-HP
("bareboat charters hire purchase") & Related Korean government Act vessels owned by Lauritzen Bulker,
Max BAC is 30mg/100 milliliters (0.03%))
Edition No.2 / Rev.No.15
2|Pa g e Date: 15-May-24
All persons onboard are required at all times to ensure that their Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) does not
exceed 0.04%. This includes:
I. When joining a vessel,
II. During Shore Leave,
III. When returning from Shore leave, and
IV. In the Shipyard.
Alcohol purchased on board must not be taken ashore.
Ship staff are not allowed to bring any alcoholic beverage onboard from ashore.
Alcohol is NOT to be consumed:
I. While on Duty, on Standby, in the course of and up to 4 hours before, performing any
scheduled duties or commencement of standby periods.
II. By Duty Engineers and ratings assigned on UMS watch.
III. By Engineer and rating who are assigned to take night rounds in the Engine room.
IV. At sea during conditions of reduced visibility, heavy traffic, heavy weather or in any other
hazardous conditions.
V. During the 12 hours before arrival in port and while the vessel is in port.
VI. In any coastal or confined waters
VII. In cabin and work areas (e.g., Deck/Wheelhouse/Cargo Control Room/Engine Room).
Additionally, Coastal State alcohol consumption regulations, if more stringent than regulations as
mentioned in this section, shall be adhered to.
Consumption of alcohol onboard is restricted to the Officer and Crew Smoke rooms and Messrooms.
The issuance of alcohol will be carried out in one of the above areas (referred to as ‘Smoke room’) and
during Smoke room opening hours set by the Master. Smoke room Opening hours shall be displayed on
notice boards.
Display the Drug and Alcohol Policy poster in the Smoke room.
Use “AD-16A Alcohol Issue Record” sheet to record issuance of alcohol to each individual.
For personnel about to commence duty or on duty unable to receive alcohol at Smoke room during
opening hours, alcohol shall be issued within the same limits as described in this policy as per Master’s
The Master can suspend the issuance of alcohol for a particular crew member or the entire complement at
his discretion. In this case, he should inform the Company of his decision.
We believe that proper and effective management of a vessel is achieved by the co-operative effort of an
integrated network comprising the vessel, the management office, the manning offices, the port agents,
classification societies, statutory bodies, and other institutions. Good communication and exchange of
information are key elements in this relationship and are the tools for ensuring that all involved parties are
working in accordance with the objectives.
The policies shall be documented and freely available to the public and other interested parties upon request.
The management, senior executives and employees of the Company recognize the fact that in order to provide high
quality ship management services, implementation and functioning of the policies and the management system are of
vital importance.
The responsibility for establishing and maintaining the policies is of the senior management of the company (in office
and ship). The responsibility for understanding and executing the defined Company procedures in meeting the
requirements of the policies resides with all employees onboard and ashore.
Edition No.2 / Rev.No.15
3|Pa g e Date: 15-May-24
The Master has the responsibility for implementing this policy onboard the ship under his command. Further,
he has complete authority over all activity and all personnel onboard and is responsible for safe navigation of
the vessel. In matters relating to safety and pollution prevention, the Master has the overriding authority and
discretion to take whatever action he considers to be in the best interest of the crew, ship, company, cargo,
and marine environment.
The Master and Chief Engineer on board the ships shall be directly responsible for undertaking all measures necessary
to prevent pollution of the environment.
The Employee will not either during his/her employment or subsequent thereto, divulge to any person any
information relating to procedures or the affairs of the company which comes to his/her knowledge or have access
to, in the course of his/her employment and should by its nature be confidential. He/she undertakes that, either
during the subsistence of his/her employment or subsequent thereto, he/she shall not, through any medium of
communication including social media, communicate with any person other than the contact person as notified to
him/her by the company with regard to any matter on board the vessel or otherwise. It is hereby clarified that the
company shall have right to forfeit and confiscate any material including but not limited to photographs, video
graphs, letters, mails, etc. which the company believes to be a breach of security to the vessel or the company.
He/she further undertake that he/she shall not take any action which is intended, or would reasonably be expected
to harm the company, its officers, directors or employees or its or their reputation or which would reasonably be
expected to lead to unwanted or unfavorable publicity to the company.
Only authorized memory disks that are approved by the office IT department must be used in vessel system.
No personal use device can be connected to ship’s business LAN/Wi-Fi unless authorized by the IT team.
Personnel shall ensure that their devices are updated, and anti-virus protected before connecting to the crew-use
Wi-Fi network. Do not connect personal equipment or devices from unknown, unauthorized sources. Do not use
personal drones, UAVs onboard without permission from office.
Edition No.2 / Rev.No.15
4|Pa g e Date: 15-May-24
Each seafarer shall be provided with a copy of this Onboard Grievance Procedure required as per Maritime
Labor Convention ‘Standard A5.1.5- Onboard Complaint Procedures’ and/or Flag State Regulations. Seafarer
shall also be provided with a copy of Form AD-11- Onboard Complaint Form.
This procedure is provided to establish formal complaint procedures, as prescribed by the Flag state, for the fair,
effective and expeditious handling of seafarer complaints alleging breaches of MLC 2006.
Company ensures that all seafarers working on board any ship have a copy of the onboard complaint
procedures, as prescribed by the flag state.
i. All complaints onboard should be addressed to the respective head of departments or to a superior
officer. Complaints should be resolved quickly and effectively, at the lowest level possible.
ii. All complaints and decision outcomes should be recorded in the prescribed form (AD-11 Onboard
Complaint Form) and an updated signed copy shall be provided to the seafarer concerned. The vessel
shall keep on board a record for complaints.
iii. The complainant may be accompanied and represented by another seafarer of choice on board the ship.
iv. Complaints regarding health and safety matters should also be reported to the safety officer.
v. All complaints must be addressed as far as possible within 48 hours of receipt but in no case later
than the time as prescribed by the respective flag.
vi. The Master should personally handle all complaints that are not satisfactorily resolved by the head of
the department/superior officer to the satisfaction of the complainant.
vii. If a complaint cannot be resolved on board, the matter should be referred to the company. The
Company will then resolve the matter in the time frame as prescribed by the respective flag, which in
any case shall not exceed a period of eight (8) days. This shall be done in consultation with the
concerned seafarer or any person they may appoint as their representative.
viii. If within the period of eight (8) days, the complaint on board has not been resolved, then the period
shall be extended for twenty-two (22) more additional days or such time as prescribed by the
respective flag state, with the sole purpose to find a favorable solution, which shall be recorded on
the registries of the ship and be available to the competent authorities.
ix. In all cases, seafarers have a right to file their complaints directly with the master, office and where
necessary, to any appropriate competent external authority (as declared by respective flag) such as,
but not limited to:
▪ Flag Administration Nautical Inspector.
▪ Flag Administration Recognized Organization Inspector.
▪ Port State control official.
▪ Local seafarer labor organization representative; or
▪ Other seafarer welfare assistance service.
x. The complainant may contact the Master, Chief Engineer, Chief Officer, or 2nd Engineer to provide
impartial advice regarding his complaint on a confidential basis.
xi. The Management strictly prohibits any sort of victimization of seafarers towards filing the complaint.
Edition No.2 / Rev.No.15
5|Pa g e Date: 15-May-24
Ship staff are EQUALLY EMPOWERED AND OBLIGED to STOP WORK when unsafe conditions or behavior may
result in unwanted events.
Edition No.2 / Rev.No.15
6|Pa g e Date: 15-May-24
SECTION A: Vessel Information
Name of the Vessel
Call Sign
Type of Vessel
Trade of Vessel
Year Built
Manning Done by
Other Info
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7|Pa g e Date: 17-May-24
Contact Number:
Contact Number:
Contact Number:
Edition No.2 / Rev.No.14
8|Pa g e Date: 06-Mar-24
What is
Working the number
language of the Bridge?
onboard: ENGLISH
What is the
Emergency number
Station of Engine Control Room?
Alarm onboard Symbols and Signs
Abandonment Signal
Action to take if a person falls overboard?
Verbal Order
Action uponofencountering
the Master an accident or other medical emergency
(Please correct the above if it is different)
Security alarm
hearing the above alarms, I will
Muster Point
How many different types onboard?
Alternate Muster Point
What type is the nearest extinguisher and the location
Your Duties in boat station
Your duties in emergency station
How many types of fixed firefighting systems are available?
Are alarm switches fitted in accommodation?
Which are all spaces covered by these systems?
Ship isSecurity
the nearest alarm bell to your cabin?
Where is the nearest fire extinguisher to your cabin?
Safety Officer Onboard
Where is the nearest Emergency Exit?
Proficiency in donning Immersion suit with lifejacket (User must don within 2 minutes without any help)
Proficiency in using EEBD / ELSA Edition No.2 / Rev.No.14
9|Pa ge Date: 06-Mar-24
a) Fire door, Watertight and weathertight door 's closing procedure (Except
those for hull opening)
c) For your information the accommodation is provided with Volts electric supply.
d) Mooring equipment including specific job description and associated safety features.
Below is for ship staff who are likely to be involved in mooring/anchoring operations during their tour of duty.
e) Instruction received for restriction on use of personal electronic devices on ship’s IT equipment (computers, Tablets, phone etc.)
f) Familiarize with vessel specific ISMS procedures (computer securities, USB controls, communication controls, Printers, scanners.
g) Instruction received for restriction on use of personal devices, drones, UAVs, mobile phones, smart watches, non-intrinsically
electronic devices & non - intrinsically torches in hazardous area of tankers.
Edition No.2 / Rev.No.14
10 | P a g e Date: 06-Mar-24
Section C - On Board Safety (continued) - To be completed within 14 days of joining
Locate and understand the operation procedure of (as relevant to the crew)
b) Emergency Generator
c) Emergency Battery
Edition No.2 / Rev.No.14
11 | P a g e Date: 06-Mar-24
Familiarize with the Ship Security duties, procedures, current security threat and patterns.
Explain the garbage management system onboard (garbage collection points, storing, processing and disposal procedures)
Explain shipboard oil pollution emergency plan (or SMPEP on Chemical Tanker)
Familiarization with various audible alarms such as (Gas alarms, CO2/ foam release system, Hospital & Provision store fridge alarm)
Shipboard Security Familiarization (This section is to be briefed to the crew member. Only YES or NO to be chosen after the
information has been brief to and understood by the crew member. No information to be disclosed in this section)
f) Gangway watch procedure (Deck Crew); Gangway Log / Visitor Log – YES/NO
l) Possible Access points into vessel and & monitoring procedure. – YES/NO
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12 | P a g e Date: 06-Mar-24
SECTION D - Job Familiarization
No. The relieving officer or his senior shall assist the joiner for completing this section before Tick
the joiner takes up responsibility.
1. Job responsibilities as per manual read and understood
11. Training and familiarization with safety feature & operations of deck cranes
13. Complete Bridge familiarization Checklist for Deck officers and Deck watchkeeping ratings
14. Deck officers to complete familiarization with the Bridge Equipment Operation Guide
(Navigation Manual Appendix 08)
15. ECDIS Familiarization checklist (OP 16)
Deck Officer and Deck Ratings (as applicable), shall familiarize with the below within 7
days of joining
17. On tankers - Understand and Familiarize with IG system, COW, Cargo heating systems,
VEC, VOC, etc.
18. Understand tank cleaning / hold cleaning procedures.
19. Understand cargo securing procedures and location of fittings
Additionally, Engineer Officer and Engine Ratings (as applicable), shall familiarize with
the below within 7 days of joining
23. Operation of Main Engine and Auxiliary Engines (Generators)
26. OWS function, its alarm management including demonstrating memory log of 15ppm
27. Oil Record Book and its filling procedures SF-10
13 | P a g e Edition No.2 / Rev.No.14
28. Bilge pumping procedures and oil transfer procedures Date: 06-Mar-24
Signature of Trainer
Signature of Joiner
14 | P a g e Edition No.2 / Rev.No.14
Date: 06-Mar-24
Has the Seafarer viewed the mandatory training PPT on PSC for YES / NO (circle as appropriate)
their respective rank.
If No – Please state, the reason
Medical History
15 | P a g e Edition No.2 / Rev.No.14
Date: 06-Mar-24
We have reviewed the effectiveness of the familiarization carried out.
Signature of Chief Engineer (Review Section C &D for Engine staff)
Signature of Master
16 | P a g e Edition No.2 / Rev.No.14
Date: 06-Mar-24