NABARD IT 2022 Memory Based Paper

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Previous Year Paper

Computer/IT Officer

NABARD Grade A Computer/IT Officer 2022 Previous Year Paper

1. Predict the correct output of below code in python

Greeting = lambda : print('Welcome to Ixambee‟)
Greeting ()
1) Welcome to Ixambee
2) “Welcome to Ixambee”
3) Error
4) None of these
5) All of these
Answer : (1)

2. Which algorithm approach focus on Local Optimum solution?

1) Greedy Algorithm
2) Dynamic Programming
3) Divide and Conquer
4) Both 1 and 2
5) None of these
Answer : (1)

3. There is a BST and below is the Pre order of the BST, What will be it‟s In order
150 70 60 80 250 200 350
1) 60 70 80 150 200 350250
2) 60 70 80 200 150 250 350
3) 60 200 70 80 150 250 350
4) 60 200 70 80 150 250 350
5) None of these
Answer : (4)

4. Which is correct version of delete query in SQL

1) DELETE FROM Students WHERE StudentRollNo= 1;
2) DELETE FROM Students;
3) DELETE FROM Students WHERE StudentName= „Seema‟;
4) All are correct
5) None of these
Answer : (4)

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5. Fill in the blanks

R _________are the same as the arrays in C language which are used to hold ____________data
values of the same type
1) vectors , multiple
2) DataFrame , multiple
3) vectors , Single
4) All of the above.
5) None of these
Answer : (1)

6. What is the output for the below code

My List = ["New York", "London", "Paris", "New Delhi"]
My File=open('output.txt','w')
for element in MyList:
print >>MyFile, element

1) New York
New Delhi

2) London
New Delhi
New York

3) New York
New Delhi

4) None of these
5) All of these
Answer : (3)

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7. Which involve two factor authentication

1) Biometric and password
2) Password and OTP
3) OTP and Hash Value
4) None of these
5) All of these
Answer : (1)

8. State true or false

MD5 Hashing Algorithm was invented by RSA Labs (Ronald Rivest) in 1991. MD5 was invented to
replace its previous version, MD4. When Data is fed to MD5 Hashing Algorithm, it generates a 128-
bit Hash Value String as a 32 digit hexadecimal number. Hash Value Collisions are reported for
MD5 Hashing Algorithm.
1) True
2) False
Answer : (1)

9. Bourne-style shells uses which below symbol

1) $
2) #
3) @
4) %
5) None of these
Answer : (1)

10.Predict the output

list1 = ['physics', 'chemistry', 1997, 2000]
list2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]
print "list1[0]: ", list1[0]
1) list1[1]: physics
2) list1[0]: physics
3) list1[2]: physics
4) None
5) All of these
Answer : (3)

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Direction :- Read the below passage and answer the questions

OLAP stands for Online Analytical Processing. OLAP systems have the capability to analyze
database information of multiple systems at the current time. The primary goal of OLAP Service is
data analysis and not data processing.
OLTP stands for Online Transaction Processing. OLTP has the work to administer day-to-day
transactions in any organization. The main goal of OLTP is data processing not data analysis.
During the Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) process, a ______(14)
also known as a landing zone, is an interim storage region used for Data Processing. The Data
Staging Area is located in between the Data Source(s) and the Data Target(s), which are typically
Data Warehouses, Data Marts, or other Data Repositories.

11. Which is not the property of Data warehouse

1) Subject Oriented
2) Integrated
3) Time Variant
4) Non Volatile
5) Non Repudiation
Ans : 5

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12. OLAP and OLTP differs in

1) Application
2) Normalization
3) Data source
4) Both 1 and 3
5) All three
Ans : 5) Difference between OLAP and OLTP

Category OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) OLTP (Online Transaction Processing)

It is well-known as an online database It is well-known as an online database

query management system. modifying system.

Consists of historical data from Consists of only operational current

Data source
various Databases. data.

It makes use of a standard database

Method used It makes use of a data warehouse.
management system (DBMS).

It is subject-oriented. Used for Data

It is application-oriented. Used for
Application Mining, Analytics, Decisions making,
business tasks.

In an OLAP database, tables are not In an OLTP database, tables

normalized. are normalized (3NF).

The data is used in planning,

The data is used to perform day-to-day
Usage of data problem-solving, and decision-
fundamental operations.

It provides a multi-dimensional view It reveals a snapshot of present

of different business tasks. business tasks.

It serves the purpose to extract It serves the purpose to Insert, Update,

Purpose information for analysis and decision- and Delete information from the
making. database.

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Category OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) OLTP (Online Transaction Processing)

The size of the data is relatively small

Volume of A large amount of data is stored
as the historical data is archived in MB,
data typically in TB, PB
and GB.

Relatively slow as the amount of data

Very Fast as the queries operate on 5%
Queries involved is large. Queries may take
of the data.

The OLAP database is not often

The data integrity constraint must be
Update updated. As a result, data integrity is
maintained in an OLTP database.

Backup and It only needs backup from time to The backup and recovery process is
Recovery time as compared to OLTP. maintained rigorously

It is comparatively fast in processing

Processing The processing of complex queries
because of simple and straightforward
time can take a lengthy time.

This data is generally managed by This data is managed by clerksForex

Types of users
CEO, MD, and GM. and managers.

Operations Only read and rarely write operations. Both read and write operations.

With lengthy, scheduled batch

The user initiates data updates, which
Updates operations, data is refreshed on a
are brief and quick.
regular basis.

Nature of The process is focused on the

The process is focused on the market.
audience customer.

Database Design that is focused on the

Design with a focus on the subject.
Design application.

Improves the efficiency of business

Productivity Enhances the user’s productivity.

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13. Data warehouse has historical data.

1) Always
2) Sometimes
3) Many a times
4) Depends on application
5) None of these
Ans : 1)

14. Fill the blank for space 14.

1) Staging Area
2) Loading
3) Extraction
4) Transformation
5) None
Ans : (1)

Direction:- Read the below passage and answer the questions

The Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) model is a conceptual framework that describes networking
or telecommunications systems as seven layers, each with its own function.
The layers help network pros visualize what is going on within their networks and can help network
managers narrow down problems (is it a physical issue or something with the application?), as well
as computer programmers (when developing an application, which other layers does it need to work
with?). Tech vendors selling new products will often refer to the OSI model to help customers
understand which layer their products work with or whether it works “across the stack”.
Every layer as set of responsibility and encryption and decryption of data for secure transmission;
this happens at ______________(16)

15. Which layer is not in OSI but in TCP/IP

1) Internet layer
2) Network Access layer
3) Both 1 and 2
4) Host to host
5) None of these
Ans : 3)

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16. Which is best fit for blank space 16?

1) Presentation Layer
2) Application layer
3) Session layer
4) Data Link layer
5) Network Layer
Ans : 1) Layer 6 - Presentation
The Presentation Layer represents the area that is independent of data representation at the
application layer. In general, it represents the preparation or translation of application format
to network format, or from network formatting to application format. In other words, the layer
“presents” data for the application or the network. A good example of this is encryption and
decryption of data for secure transmission; this happens at Layer 6.

17. Router is responsible for packet forwarding, including routing. Router works at which layer?
1) Presentation Layer
2) Application layer
3) Session layer
4) Data Link layer
5) Network Layer
Ans : 5) Layer 3 - Network
Here at the Network Layer is where you’ll find most of the router functionality that most
networking professionals care about and love. In its most basic sense, this layer is
responsible for packet forwarding, including routing through different routers. You might
know that your Boston computer wants to connect to a server in California, but there are
millions of different paths to take. Routers at this layer help do this efficiently.

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18. The _____________ deals with the coordination of the data transfer between end systems and
1) Transport Layer
2) Application layer
3) Session layer
4) Data Link layer
5) Network Layer
Ans : 1) Layer 4 – Transport
The Transport Layer deals with the coordination of the data transfer between end systems
and hosts. How much data to send, at what rate, where it goes, etc. The best known example
of the Transport Layer is the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), which is built on top of
the Internet Protocol (IP), commonly known as TCP/IP. TCP and UDP port numbers work at
Layer 4, while IP addresses work at Layer 3, the Network Layer.

Direction:- Read the below passage and answer the questions

Java is a most popular, object-oriented, widely used programming language and platform that is
utilized for Android development, web development, artificial intelligence, cloud applications, and
much more.
In Java programming, the ______(19)_____ statement is used for returning a value when the
execution of the block is completed. Access modifiers help to restrict the scope of a class,
constructor, variable, method, or data member.

19. Fill the blank for 19.

1) return
2) Break
3) goto
4) get
5) return type
Ans : 1)

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20. Which is not a access modifier in java?

1) Public
2) Private
3) Protected
4) Default
5) None of these
Ans : 5) There are four types of access modifiers available in Java:
1. Default – No keyword required
2. Private
3. Protected
4. Public

21. Which is correct way to write methods in java?

1) public void sayHello()
2) public void sayHello
3) public void 4sayHello()
4) public void sayHello{}
5) None of these
Ans : 1)

Direction:- Read the below passage and answer the questions

Shell can be accessed by users using a command line interface. A special program called Terminal
in Linux/macOS, or Command Prompt in Windows OS is provided to type in the human-readable
commands. A program which is responsible for providing an interface to a user so that he/she can
access the shell. It basically allows users to enter commands and see the output of those
commands in a text-based interface. As a shell can also take commands as input from file, we can
write these commands in a file and can execute them in shell to avoid this repetitive work. These
files are called Shell Scripts or Shell Programs.
Shell script comprises the following elements –
 Shell Keywords – if, else, break etc.
 Shell commands – cd, ls, echo, pwd, touch etc.
 Functions
 Control flow – if..then..else, case and shell loops etc.

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22. Which is used for C shell?

1) $
2) #
3) @
4) %
5) None of these
Answer : (4)

23. A single-line comment starts with

1) $
2) #
3) @
4) %
5) None of these
Ans : 2) A single-line comment starts with hashtag symbol with no white spaces (#) and lasts
till the end of the line. If the comment exceeds one line then put a hashtag on the next line
and continue the comment.

24. To exit from a loop in shell we can use?

1) return
2) break
3) goto
4) get
5) return type
Ans : 2)

25. POSIX is an acronym for ?

1) Portable Operating System Interface
2) POSIX Operating System Interface
3) Portable Operating Shell Interface
4) Portable Operating System Interaction
5) None of these

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Ans : 1) POSIX is an acronym for “Portable Operating System Interface”. POSIX shell is
based on the standard defined in Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) – IEEE
P1003.2. It is a set of standards codified by the IEEE and issued by ANSI and ISO. POSIX
makes task of cross-platform software development easy. There are various POSIX versions,
but the most important are POSIX.1 and POSIX.2, which define system calls and command-
line interface.

Direction:- Read the below passage and answer the questions

Network Security refers to the measures taken by any enterprise or organization to secure its
computer network and data using both hardware and software systems.
The basic principle of network security is protecting huge stored data and networks in layers that
ensure the bedding of rules and regulations that have to be acknowledged before performing any
activity on the data.
These levels are:
1. Physical Network Security
2. Technical Network Security
3. Administrative Network Security
A _______(26)_______is a network security device, either hardware or software-based, which
monitors all incoming and outgoing traffic and based on a defined set of security rules it accepts,
rejects or drops that specific traffic.

26. Fill in the correct option for 26 blank space.

1) firewall
2) software based application
3) physical bridge
4) bridge
5) honeypot
Ans : 1)

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27. In public key cryptography ___

key is used for encryption and ____ key is used for decryption.
1) private, private
2) private, public
3) public, private
4) public , public
5) Any of the above
Ans : 3)

28. Which refers to the creation of Internet Protocol (IP) packets with a false source IP address to
impersonate another computer system.
1) IP spoofing, or IP address spoofing
2) Network hack attack
3) URL spoofing
4) DOS
5) None of these
Ans : 1)

29. Cyber attack in which a malicious actor aims to render a computer or other device unavailable
to its intended users by interrupting the device's normal functioning.
1) IP spoofing, or IP address spoofing
2) Network hack attack
3) URL spoofing
4) DOS
5) None of these
Ans : 4)

30. State true or false

A ping of death attack involves sending a malformed packet to a targeted machine, resulting in
deleterious behavior such as system crashes.
1) True
2) False
Ans : 1)

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Below questions are descriptive questions and you need to write the answer in 600 words.
Every question of 15 marks. [Attempt any 2]

1. What is SDLC model ? Explain about it‟s phases.

2. Write a note on Normalization process in DBMS.
3. Write note Denial on Service Attack in cyber security.

Below questions are descriptive questions and you need to write the answer in 400 words.
Every question of 10 marks. [Attempt any 2]

1. What is Dynamic Memory Allocation in C, explain with functions used in C.

2. Explain Deadlock and conditions responsible for deadlock in operating system.
3. What are the features of Big Data?

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