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ªï∑’Ë Traditional
Journal of Thai ˆ ©∫—∫∑’Ë Ò &¡°√“§¡-‡¡…“¬π ÚııÒ
Alternative Medicine Vol. 6Vol.No.
6 No.
1 1January-April
January - April 2008
Notes on the genus Kaempferia L. (Zingiberaceae)
in Thailand
Chayan Picheansoonthon*†
Supachai Koonterm*
The genus Kaempferia L. (Ziniberaceae) is one of the important medicinal plant genera in Thailand. As
a result of herbarium investigation and intensive field studies, 16 taxa are enumerated for Thailand in this
account. Distinguishable morphological characteristics of these species are given. Photographic illustrations
of some key species are included. The ethnobotany of the genus Kaempferia in Thailand is also discussed in
four main aspects: food, medicine, belief, and horticulture.
Key words: genus Kaempferia L. (Zingiberaceae), Thailand, taxonomy, ethnobotany
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in two main aspects, taxonomy and ethnobotany, re- Haniffia cyanescens (Ridl.) Holtt.18
sulting from our specimen-based investigation and
intensive field research throughout Thailand and Laos, Generic features
combined with previous reports on the genus. The Schumann (1903) considered the trilocular ovary
objective of the paper is to set up the most up-to- with axile placentation a key character of the genus
date baseline information on the genus Kaempferia Kaempferia L.19 However, this character is common
L. for future studies on all aspects, including new to other genera and seems to be variable within the
drug development. genus.14 Therefore, a combination of several diag-
nostic characteristics, both vegetative and floral mor-
Taxonomy phology, is essential for taxonomic decision at any
species level.
History The vegetative characters of taxa found in South-
The genus Kaempferia L. was established in 1753 east Asia are often associated with the fleshy rhi-
with two species: K. galanga L. and K. rotunda L.11,12 zomes, usually short, with several roots in a fascicle.
The former taxon was first described by a German The roots of some species, particularly those with
botanist, Engelbert Kaempfer (1651-1716), and was inflorescence separated from and preceding leaf-
chosen to be the lectotype for the genus by Hitchcock shoots, are fibrous with terminal globular to fusiform
and Green, and by Phillips.13,14 Since then, several storage tubers. Leaves range from one to a few; they
new taxa from Asia and Africa have been described. are filiform to very broad, rising from the rhizomes,
Baker (1890) listed four subgenera with a total of usually with keeled sheathes, short to long petioles,
22 species in his account on the genus Kaempferia L. small, inconspicuous, or without ligules. One to a few
for British India: Sincorus Horan. (12 species), large ovate to orbicular prostrate or accumbent leaves
Protanthium Horan. (2 species), onolophus Wall. (7 are characteristic of some taxa, e.g. K. galanga L., K.
species), and Stachyanthesis Benth. (1 species).15 laotica Gagnep., K. marginata Carey. Narrowly linear
However, some of these taxa have currently been to filiform leaf blades are unique to a certain group,
transferred to other related genera, i.e. Boesenbergia i.e., K. fissa Gagnep., K. fallax Gagnep., and K. filifolia
Kuntze, Camptandra Ridl., Caulokaempferia K.Larsen, K. Larsen. However, from our intensive studies on
and Stahlianthus Kuntze. Much later, Kam (1980) made the herbarium specimens available and our investi-
the exemplary and lucid analyses on the taxonomic gation of living specimens, these characters can vary
history of the genus and pointed out that the subge- greatly within a species.
nus Sincorus (Horan.) Baker includes the generic type, The inflorescence of all species found in Thai-
and, therefore, should become subgenus Kaempferia.14 land is either separated from (in all taxa preceding
She tentatively recognized three groups as sections the appearance of the leaf-shoots), or terminal on and
of Asiatic species: Sect. Kaempferia (the K. galanga contemporaneous with the leaf-shoots. The terminal
group), Sect. Protanthium (Horan.) Benth. (the K. ro- inflorescence often forms a pedunculate head, and all
tunda group), and Sect. Stachyantheis Benth., with its primary bracts are always fertile. However, the
only one taxon, K. scaposa (Dalz.) Benth.14 radical inflorescence is either sessile or very shortly
In his account, Gagnepain (1908) enumerated 13 pedunculated, with 2-4 sterile sheathing bracts. The
taxa for Indochina.16 Although most of his species non-tubular primary bract is always accompanied by
are currently accepted, three have been placed under a shortly bilobed or bilobed-to-the-base bracteole, and
a different genus, Boesenbergia Kuntze. In 1924, Rid- subtends only one flower.
ley reported five species in his treatment of the Malay A combination of the overall floral morphology is
Penninsula.17 Holttum (1950) accepted four of Ridleyûs characteristic of the Asiatic Kaempferia species. The
accounts, but transferred K. cyanescens Ridl. to labellum is separated from the lateral staminodes al-
Journal of Thai Traditional & Alternative Medicine Vol. 6 No. 1 January - April 2008 ˜ı
most to the base, and is often deeply bilobed, except and petaloid anther crests, never çZingiber-likeé, as
that of K. parviflora Wall. ex Baker. The lateral in the genus Zingiber. Also, the Kaempferia is also
staminodes are always petaloid and the anther crest distinguishable by its more or less bilobe bracteoles,
is always conspicuous and could be entire or den- while the bracteole is absent in the Cornukaempferia.
tate, straight or reflexed, and narrow or orbicular.
Moreover, the stigma is always cup-shaped with cili- The Thai Taxa
ated rims and the stylodial glands are paired and Of the 15 taxa accounted for in Thailand,20,21 six
needle-like. were also reported for China.22 K. candida Wall. was
However, morphological features can be greatly later reported to also be found in Thailand23 and a
variable, even within the same taxon. Therefore, until new taxon, K. grandifolia Saensouk & Jenjitt., was
the range of character variation of these generic fea- also added.24 All currently known Thai taxa can be
tures is fully understood, a single diagnostic charac- divided into two groups, the K. galanga-group and
ter cannot be used for taxonomic decision-making. the K. rotunda-group. The former group is character-
ized by a short multiflorous inflorescence that appears
Relationship earlier before the leaves, while the latter group in-
As pointed out by Holttum (1971), the genus cludes species in which the inflorescence has few
Kaempferia L. is morphologically closely related to flowers and is terminal on the leaf-shoots. In Thai-
the genera Boesenbergia O.Kuntze and Scaphochlamys land, three species, K. candida Wall, K. grandifolia
Baker.18 Both Kaempferia and Boesengergia possess Saensouk & Jenjitt., and K. rotunda L., represent the
one flower in the axil of each bract, with one or two former group. To set up baseline information on the
bracteoles. In contrast with the not-two-ranked bract genus for further studies, all the Thai taxa will be
arrangement and the often flat and bilobed labella of discussed here briefly.
the Kaempferia, those of the Boesenbergia are two-
ranked, and the labella often saccate with the distal 1. K. angustifolia Roscoe in Trans. Linn. Soc. 8: 351.
part often being entire or crenate, and often reddish 1807; Monandr. Pl. t. 04. 1828; Roxb., Fl. Ind. 1: 17.
toward the apex. These characters clearly are dis- 1820; Horan., Monogr.: 21. 1862; Bak. in Hook., Fl. Br.
tinct enough to differentiate the two genera.18 Ind. 6: 219. 1894; Schum. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4(46), 20
The rhizomes of the Kaempferia are either short Heft: 86. 1904; Sirirugsa in Nord. J. Bot. 9: 259. 1989 &
fleshy elements or fleshy tuber-bearing roots, while in Thai For. Bull. (Bot.) 19: 8-9. 1992.––K. roxburghiana
those of the Scaphochlamys are less fleshy, often long Schult., Mant. 1: 83. 1822.––K. undulata Teysm. et
creeping.18 The short and compact inflorescence of Binn. in Neederl. Kruidk. Arch. 3:391. 1855. (non Link
the Kaempferia comprises one flower to each bract. in Dietr. Syn.); Icon. T. 376. 1914. Plate II:5.
The flower is accompanied by a more or less deeply
Type: Bangladesh, Roxburgh s.n. (holotype K)
bilobe bracteole or by two narrow separated bracteoles.
The labellum is deeply bilobed (except K. parviflora This medicinal taxon is a variable species with
Wall. ex. Baker), the anther crest is often large and the leaves ranging from small (about 4 × 1 cm) to
petaloid, and the filament always very short, whereas quite large (14-20 × 4-10 cm). The distinguishable
those inflorescences of the Scaphochlamys consist of characteristic of this species are the erect elliptic-
several flowers to each bract; however, the labellum oblong leaves with undulate margins, the inflores-
is never so deeply bilobed, and the filament is always cence borne in the two innermost leaf-sheaths, the
present.18 quadrangulate and white (with a purple blotch at the
The Kaempferia L. is also related to the genus center) anther crest (about 3.5 cm long) with a bifid
Cornukaempferia J.Mood & K.Larsen in general habit.25 apex, and the glabrous ovary. The labella of this spe-
However, the Kaempferia always produces large, flat, cies are lilac with purple blotch at the center, obo-
˜ˆ «“√ “√°“√·æ∑¬å·ºπ‰∑¬·≈–°“√·æ∑¬å∑“߇≈◊Õ° ªï∑’Ë ˆ ©∫—∫∑’Ë Ò ¡°√“§¡ - ‡¡…“¬π ÚııÒ
Fig. 1 K. angustifolia Roscoe, showing the plant habit, leaves and flower.
Fig. 2 K. candida Wall., showing the rhizome, roots, and an Fig. 3 K. candida Wall., showing a rhizome, roots, and an in-
inflorescence. florescence and details of the flowers.
Journal of Thai Traditional & Alternative Medicine Vol. 6 No. 1 January - April 2008 ˜˜
vate and bilobe (in the middle), while the staminodes Type: Myanmar, tenasserim, Wallich 6593 (Lectotype
are white, obovate-oblong or oblong. K)
This species can be found in (its natural habitat) This beautiful species is recognized here as con-
in Ubon Ratchathani Province of Thailand, but it is specific to K. pulchra Ridl. It is also variable in plant
wildly cultivated, especially in northeastern Thailand, habit. However, it can be readily distinguished by
for spiritual and medicinal purposes. The cultivated its erect leaf blades, with 1-10 cm long petioles and
ones seem to be much larger in habit. the triangular (2-5 mm long) ligules, long hairy
pedunculated (1-20 cm) inflorescences, and violet
2. K. candida Wall., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 47, t. 56. 1830; flowers with large orbicular to oblong crests with
Bak. in Hook., Fl. Br. Ind. 6: 222. 1894; Schum. in variable apices.
Engl., Pflanzenr. 4(46), 20 Heft: 87. 1904; Gagnep. in This taxon is also widely distributed: from India
Lecomte, Fl. Gén. I.-C. 6: 47. 1908; Jenjitt. & K.Larsen and Myanmar to Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia.
in Thai For. Bull. (Bot.) 28: 45-46, figs. 1-2. 2000; T.L.Wu It can be found from the northern part of the country
& K.Larsen in Z.L. Wu & PH. Raven, Fl. China 24: to Peninsular Thailand, often along the streams on
369. 2000. limestone boulders in mixed deciduous forests. This
species is widely cultivated in Thailand for horticul-
Type: Myanmar, Wallich 6585 (holotype K)
tural purposes. The leaves are edible and the rhi-
This edible taxon can be easily recognized by zomes are medicinal.
its radical inflorescences arising from the rhizomes
before the appearance of the leaf-shoot, white erect 4. K. fallax Gagnep. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 4. ser. 3:
lateral staminodes with yellow patches at the base, 259. 1903; Schum. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4(46), 20 Heft:
and white reflexed labellum apically two-lobed for 437. 1904; Gagnep. in Lecomte, Fl. Gén. I.-C. 6: 48.
about one-third its length, with two yellow lines at 1908; Sirirugsa in Nord. J. Bot. 9: 259. 1989 & in Thai
the center. The inflorescences appear from as early For. Bull. (Bot.) 19: 4-5. 1992.
as March until late July.
Type: Laos, Harmand s.n. (holotype P)
This species is distributed from Myanmar and
China (southwest Yunnan) through Vietnam, Laos and This taxon can be distinguished by its 2-4 linear
Cambodia. 22 In Thailand it was recorded in leaves (not more than 1 cm wide), sessile inflores-
Kanchanaburi Province.23 However, the authors also cences with pure white, night-blooming flowers, obo-
found this species in Tak, Mae Hong Son, and Chiang vate lateral staminodes, deeply bilobed lips, and quad-
Mai. rate bilobed crests. It is closely related to K. fissa
Gagnep. and K. filifolia K.Larsen. in plant habit and
3. K. elegans Wall. ex Baker. in Hooker, Fl. Br. Ind. its white flowers. However, the leaves of the latter
6:222. 1890; Schum. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4(46), 20 Heft: two taxa are filiformis and the anther crests are ei-
82. 1904; Ridl., Fl. Mal. Pen. 4:245. 1924; Holtt. in Gard. ther square or rectangular with apices ranging from
Bull. Sing. 13:123. 1950; Chung, Lime. Fl. Mal. 2: 711. straight to bifurcate.
1973; Sirirugsa in Nord. J. Bot. 9: 259. 1989 & in Thai This species can be found thoughout southern
For. Bull. (Bot.) 19: 5-6. 1992; T.L.Wu & K.Larsen in Laos. It often grows in sandy soils near the banks of
Z.L.Wu & PH. Raven, Fl. China 24: 369. 2000.––K. rivers or in paddy fields in Nakhon Phanom,
crawfurdii Wall., Cat. in ed.–Monolophus elegans Wall., Ubonratchathani and Amnat Charoen provinces in
Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1:24. t. 27. 1830; Horan., Monogr. :22.1862. northeastern Thailand.
––K. pulchra Ridl. in J. Str. Br. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 32:
107. 1899. 5. K. filifolia K.Larsen in Bot. Tidsskr. 58: 201. 1962;
Sirirugsa in Nord. J. Bot. 9: 259. 1989 & in Thai For.
˜¯ «“√ “√°“√·æ∑¬å·ºπ‰∑¬·≈–°“√·æ∑¬å∑“߇≈◊Õ° ªï∑’Ë ˆ ©∫—∫∑’Ë Ò ¡°√“§¡ - ‡¡…“¬π ÚııÒ
Fig. 4 K. elegans Wall. ex Baker, showing the plant habit, flowers and leaves.
Fig. 6 K. fallax Gagnep., showing the plant habit and a flower. Fig. 7 K. fallax Gagnep., showing detail of the flower.
Fig. 8 K. filifolia K.Larsen, showing the plant habit and a flower. Fig. 9 K. filifolia K.Larsen, showing detail of the flower.
¯ «“√ “√°“√·æ∑¬å·ºπ‰∑¬·≈–°“√·æ∑¬å∑“߇≈◊Õ° ªï∑’Ë ˆ ©∫—∫∑’Ë Ò ¡°√“§¡ - ‡¡…“¬π ÚııÒ
Fig. 10 K. glandifolia Saensouk & Jenjitt., showing flowers. Fig. 11 K. glandifolia Saensouk & Jenjitt., showing detail of its
Fig. 12 K. glandifolia Saensouk & Jenjitt., showing the plant habit and leaves.
¯Ú «“√ “√°“√·æ∑¬å·ºπ‰∑¬·≈–°“√·æ∑¬å∑“߇≈◊Õ° ªï∑’Ë ˆ ©∫—∫∑’Ë Ò ¡°√“§¡ - ‡¡…“¬π ÚııÒ
Fig. 13 K. laotica Gagnep., showing the plant habit, leaves and flowers.
Fig. 14 K. laotica Gagnep., showing detail of its flower. Fig. 15 K. laotica Gagnep., showing detail of its flower.
¯Ù «“√ “√°“√·æ∑¬å·ºπ‰∑¬·≈–°“√·æ∑¬å∑“߇≈◊Õ° ªï∑’Ë ˆ ©∫—∫∑’Ë Ò ¡°√“§¡ - ‡¡…“¬π ÚııÒ
Fig. 17 K. parviflora Wall. ex Baker, showing the plant habit. Fig. 18 K. parviflora Wall. ex Baker, showing detail of its flower.
Journal of Thai Traditional & Alternative Medicine Vol. 6 No. 1 January - April 2008 ¯ı
This is the most famous Thai taxon in recent Pl. t. 97. 1828; Wight, Icon. T. 2029. 1853; Bak. in
times. Its rhizome is claimed to possess a potent male Hook., Fl. Br. Ind. 6: 222. 1890; Schum. in Engl.,
aphrodisiac effect, known locally as wan krachai dam, Pflanzenr. 4(46), 20 Heft: 87. 1904; Gagnep. in Lecomte,
or krachai dam. This taxon possesses grayish to black Fl. Gén. I.-C. 6: 47. 1908; Valet., Bull. Jard. Bot.
rhizomes and the erect ovate or elliptic leaf blades, Buitinzorg ser. 2. 27: 109. 1918; Ridl., Fl. Mal. Pen.
with 1-10 cm long petioles. The inflorescence is pe- 4:246. 1924; Holtt. in Gard. Bull. Sing. 13:120. 1950.
dunculated (5-6 cm) with a few small flowers easily Plate II: 4; Burtt & Smith in Dassanayake, Fl. Cey. 4:
recognized by the white oblong staminodes, the obo- 509. 1983; Sirirugsa in Nord. J. Bot. 9: 259. 1989 & in
vate purple lip (darker in the middle) with the Thai For. Bull. (Bot.) 19: 7-8. 1992; T.L.Wu & K.Larsen
emarginated apex, and suborbicular (1-1.5 × about 2 in Z.L.Wu & PH. Raven, Fl. China 24: 369. 2000.––K.
mm) anther crest. longa Jacq., Pl. Hort. Schönbr. tab. 317. 1798.––K.
This species is distributed over an area from vercicolor Salisb. in Trans. Hort. Soc. 1: 286. 1808.
India and Myanmar to Thailand and Laos. In Thai-
Type: Roscoe ill?
land, it can be found in deciduous forests or moist
bamboo forests in Tak and Kanchanaburi provinces. This species, including K. candida Wall. and K.
It is currently widely cultivated in Thailand for its glandifolia Saensouk & Jenjitt., belongs to a group
black rhizomes. characterized by its radical inflorescences arising from
the rhizomes before the appearance of the leaf-shoot.
13. K. roscoeana Wall., Bot. Reg. t.1212. 1829; Horan., However, it can be differentiated from the later two
Monogr.:21. 1862; Hook. f., Bot. Mag. T. 5600. 1866; taxa by its characteristic leaves and flowers. This taxon
Bak. in Hook., Fl. Br. Ind. 6: 220. 1894; Schum. in possesses 2-4, erect, ellictic or lanceolate-oblong leaves
Engl., Pflanzenr. 4(46), 20 Heft: 78. 1904; Sirirugsa in with the upper surface being glabrous and the lower
Nord. J. Bot. 9: 259. 1989 & in Thai For. Bull. (Bot.) 19: surface hairy, and hairy petioles about 1-2 cm long.
13-14. 1992. The oblong lateral staminodes are white (or light
purple) with a purple tint, and the purple labellum is
Type: Myanmar, cultivated at K, Wallich no. ? (holo-
deeply bilobed (each lobe is elliptic), often with two
type K)
darker purple blotches at the base of each lobe. The
This species is characterized by its usually two anther crest is characteristically oblong (9-12 × 3-4
large sessile suborbicular leaves and white flowers mm) with the trilobed apex, the outer lobes are acute
with yellow spot at the base of the labella. The leaves and elongated but the middle one is shorter (the apex
are flat on the ground, both sides glabrous, and often being entire or emarginate).
the upper surface mottled dark green. The staminodes This taxon is distributed from India through Sri
are obovate and the labellum is deeply divided to Lanka, southern China, Indochina, Malay Peninsula
form the obovate lobes with crenate or emarginate and Java. In Thailand it had been recorded in all parts
apex. The anther crest is characteristically rectangu- of the country. It can be found on limestone hills,
lar (3-3.5 × 1-3 mm) with the entire or emarginate open lower montane forests, open grassy areas, and
apex. in mixed deciduous forests, from as low an altitude
This taxon is distributed in a range from India, as 50 m to above 1800 m on Doi Sam Phi Nong in
Nepal and Myanmar, to Thailand. It can be found in Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary (Chiang Mai Pro-
the bamboo and dry dipterocarp forests in Tak, Chiang vince).
Mai, Kanchanaburi, Nakhon Ratchasima and Prachuap
Khiri Khan provinces of Thailand. 15. K. siamensis Sirirugsa in Nord. J. Bot. 9: 257, 259.
1989. Fig. 1 A-G & in Thai For. Bull. (Bot.) 19: 9-10.
14. K. rotunda L., Sp. Pl.: 3. 1753; Roscoe, Monand. 1992.
¯ˆ «“√ “√°“√·æ∑¬å·ºπ‰∑¬·≈–°“√·æ∑¬å∑“߇≈◊Õ° ªï∑’Ë ˆ ©∫—∫∑’Ë Ò ¡°√“§¡ - ‡¡…“¬π ÚııÒ
Fig. 19 K. roscoeana Wall., showing the leaves and flowers. Fig. 20 K. roscoeana Wall., showing detail of the flower.
Fig. 23 K. siamensis Sirirugsa, showing the plant habit. Fig. 24 K. siamensis Sirirugsa, showing detail of the flower.
Fig. 26 Dok Din (K. candia Wall.) is sold in local markets in Thong Pha Pum District of Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand.
Journal of Thai Traditional & Alternative Medicine Vol. 6 No. 1 January - April 2008 ¯˘
food, medicine, dwelling, clothing, and art, culture a combination of a literature survey and our field re-
and beliefs.27-29 Research in the area of ethnobotany search.
can be focused on a certain ethnic group or tradi-
tional society, certain geographical regions, or cer- Food
tain plant groups.27 Methodologies employed in eth- Some taxa in the genus Kaempferia L. are ed-
nobotanical and ethnobiological research, including ible and are available in local markets from as early
research in traditional medicine, have been discussed as the end of March and throughout the rainy season
in detail elsewhere.30,31 (May-October), and some are grown in home gar-
The senior author and his students have been dens.
working on the ethnobotany of the ginger family The rhizomes and leaves of K. galanga L., known
(Zingiberaceae) in Thailand during the past decade, locally as pro hom (‡ª√“–ÀÕ¡), are used as a spice in
and the results of that research will be published in a local Thai delicacy. The rhizomes, together with
the near future. The research methods employed have chillies and other ingredients are mixed and ground
been discussed in detail in a separate publication.32 into a paste, which is used as a base for making a
Part of the result of our ethnobotanical research on curry. The leaves, washed and cut into the very thin
the ginger family in Thailand will be discussed here pieces, are used for seasoning the curry. Leaves of
briefly to complete our treatment of the genus other taxa known locally as pro pa (‡ª√“–ªÉ“), i.e., K.
Kaempferia L. The information reported here is from marginata Carey, K. elegans Wall. ex Baker, can also
Fig. 27 Wan Krachai Dum (K. parviflora Wall. ex Baker) sold Fig. 28 Sun-drying Krachai Dum (K. parviflora Wall. ex Baker)
in Chatuchak Market (Bangkok) after harvesting
˘ «“√ “√°“√·æ∑¬å·ºπ‰∑¬·≈–°“√·æ∑¬å∑“߇≈◊Õ° ªï∑’Ë ˆ ©∫—∫∑’Ë Ò ¡°√“§¡ - ‡¡…“¬π ÚııÒ
be utilized for the same purpose. However, rhizomes local people living along the western Thai-Myanmar
of other species are not used as substitutes for those border, in areas such a Kanchanaburi, Tak, and Mae
of K. galanga L. since they are too bitter. Hong Son provinces, as dok din literally means çflowers
Flowers of K. candida Wall. appearing before the of the soilé).
leaf-shoots are collected from the wild by locals for The young inflorescences of K. grandifolia
either household use or for sale in local markets. It is Saensouk & Jenjitt. are edible. The people living
used as a vegetable not only steamed or fried and around the type location call the plant toob-moob or
eaten with nam prik, the Thai chilli dip, but also put toob-moob bai yai. The young inflorescences are
into soup. This edible flower is known among the blanched and eaten as a vegetable.
Fig. 29 Wan Nok Kum (K. elegans Wall. ex Baker), a beautiful species grown as a garden plant or a pot plant, can be seen in most
plant shops throoughout Thailand.
˘Ú «“√ “√°“√·æ∑¬å·ºπ‰∑¬·≈–°“√·æ∑¬å∑“߇≈◊Õ° ªï∑’Ë ˆ ©∫—∫∑’Ë Ò ¡°√“§¡ - ‡¡…“¬π ÚııÒ
16. Gagnepain. Zingiberacees. In: Lecomte. Flora Generale de LûIndochine. Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of His Magesty the Kingûs
Vol. 6. 1908. pp 70-5. Accession to the Throne on çThai Medicinal Plantsé. The Charoen
17. Ridley HN. 1924. Flora of the Malay Peninsula. Vol. 4. London: L. Thani Princess Hotel, Changwat Khon Kaen. 23-25 January 1997. p.
Reeve & Co., Ltd. 1924. p. 233-85. 206-28.
18. Holttum RE. Zingiberaceae of the Malay Peninsula. The Gardensû 28. Coton CM. Ethnobotany: principles and applications. Chichester: John
Bulletin (Singapore) 1971;13:72-8. Wiley & Sons. 1996. p. 2.
19. Schumann K. 1903. Zingiberaceae. In: Engler A (ed.). Das pflanzenreich. 29. Martin GJ. Ethnobotany. London: Chapman & Hall. 1995. p. xx-xxxiv.
Heft 20. Weinheim (Germany): Verlag von H.R. Engelmann. 1903. p. 30. Virapongse A, Picheansoonthon C. Researching traditional medicine:
64-88. a review and evaluation of objectives and methodologies. J Roy Inst
20. Sirirugsa P. The genus Kaempferia (Zingiberaceae) in Thailand. Nord J Thail 2005;30:958-69.
Bot 1989;9:267-60. 31. Virapongse A, Picheansoonthon C, Luecha P. Recent advances in
21. Sirirugsa P. Taxonomy of the genus Kaempferia (Zingiberaceae) in quantitative ethnobotanical research. J Roy Inst Thail 2004;29:1032-
Thailand. Thai For Bull 1992;19:1-15. 45.
22. Wu TL, Larsen K. Zingiberaceae. In: Wu ZY, Raven PH. Flora of 32. Picheansoonthon C, Kayormdock W, Chantachon S, Chokevivat V.
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